Jewish Standard, March 23, 2018

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MARCH 23, 2018

VOL. LXXXVII NO. 27 $1.00 86 2017


Getting ready
for summer
Foundation for Jewish Camp
launches new safety program
page 26


Teaneck, NJ 07666
1086 Teaneck Road
Jewish Standard
Page 3
Bet you never saw
such a groovy Elijah’s cup
● To mark Passover, Jerusalem’s renowned “The very name of the academy illustrates
Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design has the desire of our founder, Boris Schatz, to
released images of one-of-a-kind functional continue the strong Jewish tradition of artis-
Judaica created by students, alumni, and fac- tic practice; Bezalel being the Biblical charac-
ulty over the years. ter entrusted with designing the Tabernacle,
The images are an exploration of the inter- and thereby the first artist and designer
section of belief and art. known to the world,” she added.
“Bezalel Academy has always blended old The objects shown here were part of a
traditions with cutting-edge creation and 1998 Judaica exhibition, encompassing a Bezalel student Avi Biran
design, and I believe is the only place on the century of Jewish craftsmanship at Bezalel. made these gadgets in 1988
globe teaching Judaica design at an aca- The objects traveled the world, but they are to help people find and
demic level,” said Liv Sperber, Bezalel’s vice not for sale. They’re only for inspiration. burn crumbs of leaven.
president for international affairs. ISRAEL21C.ORG

Seder plate by
Uri Reshef, 1997.

Amit Shor
designed this
Elijah’s cup of iron
and brass in 1997.

Ritual handwashing bowl by

Yehudit Yeger, 1995.
On the cover: Campers sing around
the campfire at JCC Ranch Camp in

NOSHES ...............................................................4
BRIEFLY LOCAL ............................................. 22
COVER STORY ................................................ 26
JEWISH WORLD ............................................30
PASSOVER .......................................................44
OPINION ...........................................................48
Hadassah THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE ................... 52
Shirzad made CROSSWORD PUZZLE ................................ 52
this glass ARTS & CULTURE .......................................... 53
goblet of CALENDAR ......................................................54
Elijah in 1998. OBITUARIES .................................................... 56
CLASSIFIEDS .................................................. 58
REAL ESTATE..................................................60

PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is pub-

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PHOTOS BY YAKI ASSAYAG The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolic-
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Candlelighting: Friday, March 23, 6:53 p.m. Shabbat ends: Saturday, March 24, 7:53 p.m. to JEWISH STANDARD’s unrestricted right to edit and to comment
editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
written permission from the publisher. © 2018


“And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds
controlling the climate to create natural
disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man.
Be careful.”
— Trayon White Sr., a DC councilman, expounding on his theory of climate change. He
later apologized. “I did not intend to be anti-Semitic,” he said.


A Jewish connection
to a French town
I’ve previously during the 16th, 17th, and
reported that 18th centuries, and many
TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET, fled to England and
24, who was nominated America. But Chambon
for the leading actor is in an isolated area, and
Oscar for playing a this isolation allowed
young Jewish man in the town to become
“Call Me By Your Name,” Timothée Chalamet Henry Winkler
and remain overwhelm-
is the son of an American ingly Protestant. In 1940,
Jewish mother and a the Germans occupied
French Protestant father. France. Led by two Prot-
In an interview exchange, estant ministers, André Zach Braff in a scene from “Alex, Inc.”
he seemed to call himself Trocmé and deputy pas-
Jewish, and his mother tor Edouard Theis, the
has posted photos of the villagers of Chambon
family celebrating
Chanukah and Pesach.
did everything imagin-
able to help Jews: hid Zach’s back on series TV
Normally I don’t report them in local homes and
much on the non-Jewish public buildings, got ● ZACH BRAFF, 42, the former star of “Scrubs,”
side of a celeb’s family. them ration cards, and returns to series TV with his new ABC show, “Alex, Inc.”
But there’s a good — helped some to escape He plays Alex Schuman, a radio journalist, husband,
maybe a great —Jewish to neutral Switzerland. Sarah Goldberg Glenn Fleshler and father of two, who decides to quit his job and start
story on that side of Estimates vary on how his own company (Starts Wednesday, March 28, at
Chalamet’s family. His many Jews they saved — a minister was inspired upcoming film “Beauti-
father, Marc, and his late 8:30 p.m.). Braff, the director and writer of the hit film
usually it’s between 800 by the heroism of the ful Boy.” It’s based on
paternal grandfather, pastors of his home- a memoir by Jewish “Garden State,”, is from South Orange. – N.B.
and 3,000. Whatever
Roger, came from a small the number, the villag- town. I am working on a journalist DAVID SHEFF,
French village called Le ers were heroic and they way to get in touch with 62, about his son’s addic-
Chambon-Sur-Lignon, provided a great ex- his grandson and learn tion problems. Chalamet
also called Chambon. ample of goodness. They more. So far, only one plays the son. Chalamet’s involved in the L.A. dling, and he discovered
Timothée spent his did it at considerable risk French publication has co-star in “Call Me By community theater in Shandling’s journals
summers there when he to themselves. One of noted the actor’s ties to Your Name,” Armie Ham- scene. Co-stars include that Shandling made a
was growing up. Trocmé’s cousins, Daniel, this town. There was little mer, will play the late HENRY WINKLER, 72,
In 1990, Chambon was MARTIN GINSBURG in a conscious decision to
was sent to a concentra- in the way of details—just Canadian actress SARAH
one of two municipali- tion camp and murdered. that Chambon is proud biopic (“On the Basis of GOLDBERG, 32, and mentor him and others.
ties collectively honored A friend discovered of the young actor. As I Sex”) about Martin and GLENN FLESHLER, 49. Apatow told Variety, “He
as the Righteous Among that Roger Chalamet, learn more, I will report his wife, Supreme Court (It starts March 25). wanted to help people
the Nations by Yad Vash- who died in 1985, was a it, because, as I told my Justice RUTH BADER Also on HBO is the
em in Israel for saving and he thought that
Protestant minister. He friend, “What are the GINSBURG, now 85. two-part documen-
Jews during the Holo- Both films will open later was the win in life, to
was born in either 1926 odds that an Oscar-nom- tary, “The Zen of Garry
caust. (The other is in the inated American actor — this year. Shandling,” which will help people.” There are
or 1928; he clearly was
Netherlands.) These two with a Jewish mother — premiere on March 26 tons of clips and home
old enough to have wit-
towns remain the only to Upcoming on TV and 27. It’s a biographi-
nessed the occupation would have such strong movies. The more than
be so honored. As you The HBO series
and the heroism of his ties to a French town of cal tribute to the late 40 interviewees include
may know, French Prot- “Barry” stars Bill
fellow villagers, and per- less than 3,000 people comedian GARRY
estants, usually called Hader as a low-rent hit SACHA BARON COHEN,
haps he participated in with such a wonderful SHANDLING. The direc-
Huguenots, were perse- man who moves to Los JON FAVREAU, JERRY
this heroism himself. We Jewish story?” tor is JUDD APATOW,
cuted viciously by the Angeles and finds a new SEINFELD, and SARAH
reasonably can speculate Other notes: Chal- outlook on life by getting 50. Early in his career,
Catholic kings of France
that his decision to be amet will appear in the Apatow wrote for Shan- SILVERMAN. –N.B.

California-based Nate Bloom can be reached at

Want to read more noshes? Visit




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Better together
Englewood hospital, Tenafly JCC join forces to provide health and wellness care

itting on campuses a mere two
miles from one another, the
Englewood Hospital and Medi-
cal Center and the Kaplen JCC on
the Palisades in Tenafly serve many of the
same populations and even share many of
the same donors and lay leaders.
Because the two longstanding Bergen
County institutions also share a mission of
enhancing the wellbeing of their constitu-
ent communities, they recently unveiled
an ambitious new partnership for the
mutual benefit of JCC member families
and EHMC staff and patients.
Soft-launched last November, with addi-
tional elements of the partnership sched-
uled to start in the coming month, the new
relationship offers a range of joint health-
and-wellness activities at both locations.
Specially certified JCC staffers, working
in coordination with EHMC physicians,
will provide hospital-sponsored per-
sonal training, group classes, and fitness
programming for the 3,000-plus EHMC
employees, in addition to collaborative
nutritional coaching, stress management,
and healthy living guidance.
EHMC employees and their families
will receive discounted membership
to the JCC, whose 65,000 feet of dedi- A meditation program at the hospital’s Graf Center for Integrative Medicine. EHMC

cated wellness space include a spa, gym,

swimming pools, tennis and racquetball Tenafly JCC has planned collaborative pro-
courts, cycling room, Pilates room, and grams with the Englewood medical center,
youth fitness center, as well as a host including physician lectures, to support
of fitness classes in such disciplines as one another’s objectives.
yoga, swimming, Pilates, barre, cycling, “In the last 18 months, we began to crys-
Zumba, and triathlon training, as well tallize ideas to activate this collaboration
as free drop-in group exercise classes, in a more robust way that would leverage
among other offerings. community and business opportunities —
For JCC members, EHMC’s Graf Center adding value for employees and patients of
for Integrative Medicine will offer acu- the hospital and members of the JCC while
puncture, therapeutic massage, nutri- giving the JCC a pipeline of new clients and
tional counseling, yoga, aroma therapy, Warren Geller Dr. Michael Harris Jordan Shenker helping us achieve our wellness mission,”
meditation, and physician consultations. Mr. Shenker said.
Community health screenings, educa- research that so-called ‘pre-hab’ leads to “Cancer is another case where nutri- Another beneficial aspect of the part-
tional events, and a monthly newsletter better outcomes, so we are excited about tion counseling — which we offer to nership, he added, is that JCC members
are planned for JCC members and the our physicians and other professionals every newly diagnosed patient — and fit- will be able to take advantage of the
EHMC community. working with JCC personal trainers to ness training improve patients’ ability to expertise of community center fitness
Perhaps the most novel part of the develop fitness and strength programs for tolerate therapy and lead to improved staffers who have earned additional certi-
partnership addresses the common com- patients before as well as after certain pro- outcome.” fications to work with the joint program.
munity through the joint development of cedures,” EHMC’s chief medical officer, Dr. In 2016, the latest year for which figures “We hope it will lead to clients doing
condition-specific fitness and nutrition Michael Harris, said. are available, the 352-bed medical center ongoing programs such as personal train-
programs for people with pre-diabetes, “Bariatric surgery is a great example served a total of 281,600 inpatients and ing,” he said.
cardiovascular disease, or cancer, as because there is a six-month waiting outpatients. The Kaplen JCC counts more Warren Geller, the medical center’s
well as people preparing for such proce- period and ideally we can use that time than 3,500 membership units, which is president and CEO, said, “As a medical
dures at EHMC as bariatric (weight-loss) to focus on nutrition and exercise that about 13,000 individual members. center devoted to caring for the whole
or joint-replacement surgery. As opposed in some cases will preclude the need for The JCC’s CEO, Jordan Shenker, said patient, not just their disease or condition,
to rehabilitation following illness or surgery,” he continued. “And for those about a dozen JCCs in the United States we hope these activities and services give
injury, these programs will begin at ear- patients who do have the surgery, it will have a variety of partnership programs our patients and families lifelong tools and
lier stages for enhanced effect. better condition them for the surgery with hospitals that serve their catchment resources to support them on the journey
“It’s become clearer over time and in the and recovery. area. In that spirit, for the last decade the to wellness.”


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Team Teaneck
Adler supporters raise funds, showcase new Jewish items
LOIS GOLDRICH job at the center as education and train-

ing director.
t’s truly remarkable how much loy- “I loved Adler, even when I was a vol-
alty, affection, and enthusiasm the unteer,” Ms. Straus said. She is a mem-
Adler Aphasia Center sparks in its ber of Teaneck’s Netivot Shalom, as is
volunteers. Elana Samad, who has hosted two of
As one expression of that commitment, Team Teaneck’s house parties. “Often on
several Teaneck residents — dubbed Shabbes morning, I see friends [at shul]
“Team Teaneck” by Chrysa Golashesky, wearing a piece of our jewelry. And I have
director of Adler’s Something Special Pro- given our yad to several bat mitzvah girls
gram — have showcased the center’s jew- at the synagogue.” She expressed her grati-
elry and gift items at several house parties tude to the Samad family for opening their
in the community. home and being “wonderful supporters.”
“The whole team works and/or volun- As Ms. Straus recalls it, the idea for a sale
teers at the center,” Ms. Golashesky said. arose in a conversation with Ms. Heimlich
“Their passion and dedication to advo- and Ms. Rosenfeld. Their plan was to invite
cate for aphasia is reflected in their desire only their friends, through email and Face-
to share our crafters’ talents with friends book, rather than open the house party to
who don’t have an opportunity to visit the the public. The first party was at Ms. Heim-
center.” lich’s home, some six years ago. Not only
To date, the team has raised more than was it well attended, but “a woman” — she
$8400. Sales of Something Special items was a staff member at Yavneh Academy,
primarily support the center’s scholarship Ms. Heimlich recalled — “came and was so
fund, so that everyone with aphasia can impressed by the members, the cause, and
participate in Adler’s programs and ser- the merchandise that she decided to pur-
vices, regardless of their ability to pay the chase hostess gifts for the people hosting
tuition fee. Adler Aphasia Center members Stacy Kaplan and Javed Ispahany show an item out of town guests for her son’s upcoming
Over the last year, as part of its jewelry of jewelry that Ms. Kaplan designed. From left, Adler staff members Robin Strau bar mitzvah. By giving these gifts, she most
line, Adler has added specifically Jewish and Tamara Heimlich – founding members of Team Teaneck – and Adler mem- likely introduced many people to Adler
items — which are selling quite well, and, bers Ken Albrecht and Denise Powlis-Lighty look on. who are not familiar with it.”
the team members say, are particularly “Team Teaneck is just a volunteer thing,”
appropriate for members of their respec- stars, the jewelry features hamsas and saw an article in the Jewish Standard and Ms. Straus said. “We enjoy it so much. We
tive synagogue communities. Adler volun- trees of life. Yads — Torah pointers — have physically cut it out,” she continued. “I have friends who come — and those who
teer Linda Kostrinsky began making items been available for several years. said, when I go back to work, I’m going to come love interacting with the members.
of Judaica about nine months ago, and still Adler’s Jewish line will be on prominent go there as a volunteer.” Four years later, They remember them from year to year.
is making pieces to add to the collection. display at the upcoming Zahal Shalom she was tapped to be a research associate; “People should attend our sales because
Then, six months ago, volunteer and cou- Spring Boutique, to be held at Teaneck’s she took over as life coach in May. our items are the most meaningful and
ture jewelry instructor Stacy Kaplan took Congregation Beth Sholom on March 22. Still, Ms. Heimlich, like other members beautiful gifts to give,” she continued.
over the collection, adding more sophisti- Created in 1993 by a group of supporters of the team, is motivated to do even more. “You get a beautiful piece of merchandise,
cated pieces. in Bergen County, Zahal Shalom brings 10 “You do anything you can to support it,” beautifully packaged. And with the bio” —
“Linda made some simple bracelets and disabled Israeli war veterans to the com- she said. “The members are special peo- each package include a biography of the
necklaces with stars, and they seemed munity, where they are hosted by local ple and working with them is a gift. Selling Adler member who made the item — “it’s
pretty popular,” Ms. Kaplan, who first families, for two weeks. Adler partici- jewelry and supporting them is something so meaningful.
came to Adler as a member, said. “Adler pated in an event for the organization once I will always do.” “What a wonderful way to spread the
was a life-saver for me,” she added. “Not before, and was invited again this year. The membership of Team Teaneck has word about aphasia. People thank us for
only did it help my aphasia but it gave me Why do the members of Team Teaneck been flexible — former Adler volunteer being able to buy the merchandise.”
a venue to show my creativity.” That cre- carry their support for Adler outside Lisa Rosenfeld was a founding member Something Special will hold an open
ativity is manifest in the imaginative Jew- the walls of the center and into their but no longer is involved — and several house at the Adler Aphasia Center from
ish pieces she creates, including earrings, community? new members, including Renee Denis and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, April 4,
necklaces, and bracelets. “We even found “Adler is a calling,” team member Jeanne Freiman, have come on board. But to showcase gift and jewelry items made
beads with a Star of David on them to put Tamara Heimlich said; she began volun- Robin Straus, one of the group’s creators, by its members. The Center is at 60 West
on our utensils,” she said. In addition to teering with Adler about 8 years ago. “I is as active as ever, despite her full-time Hunter Ave. in Maywood.

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Cancer science today: Knowing your family’s cancer risk

MIRYAM Z. WAHRMAN, PHD mutations. Icelandic populations and Mexi-

can Hispanic populations have elevated
n March 15, as I entered the risks as well.” About one in 50 Ashkenazi
John Theurer Cancer Center Jews carry mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2
at the Hackensack University that are associated with an elevated risk
Medical Center, I was greeted of cancer. About 1 in 200 Icelandic people
by sounds of a live pianist playing sooth- have a unique BRCA2 mutation.
ing music in the artfully decorated, soar- Ms. Gagis, who moderated the discus-
ing atrium. I walked down a bright corridor sion, asked if there is a misperception that
off the lobby, passing medical offices and only women can pass hereditary cancer
patient services, as I headed to the confer- genes to their children. Dr. Jewell answered
ence center to attend the “Cancer Science that both men and women can transmit the
Today” community talk offered by the genes to their offspring. She said that some-
Memorial Sloan Kettering — Hackensack times patients will say with relief, “I’m safe,
Meridian Health partnership. I have three sons, I’m OK,” thinking erro-
More than 100 people — most of them neously that the problem genes end with
women — filled the conference center for them. “They’re not OK,” Dr. Jewell said.
the program, called “Knowing your family’s “They can pass down the genes to sons and
cancer risk,” the first in a series of compli- daughters. BRCA and Lynch syndrome are
mentary talks on cancer treatment. not just a lady problem.” The cancer genes
The partnership between New Jersey’s From left, Dr. Elizabeth Jewell, Joanna Gagis, and Dr. Deena Graham talked can increase risk of breast, ovarian, pros-
Hackensack University Medical Center and about how people can learn about their chances of developing cancer at the tate, pancreatic, and colon cancer, and both
New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Can- Hackensack Medical Center. men and women have to be aware of that.
cer Center is designed to “combine the “There are males with BRCA, and there is
expertise of two world-class organizations breast cancer in males,” Dr. Jewell said.
to work toward more cures for cancer and The Federal Drug Agency recently
increase patient access to the highest-qual-
ity cancer care available,” according to the
One of the most rapidly moving approved the sale of genetic tests direct to
consumers without a physician or genetic
partners’ press release. One eventual goal fields in 21st-century medicine counselor being involved, she continued.
that its founders hope will result from link-
ing the two centers is the opening of joint
involves the discovery of cancer The FDA lists about 100 different approved
genetic tests on its website, tests that doz-
treatment facilities. genes and the new technologies ens of different companies offer to con-
The cancer genetics panel included mod-
erator Joanna Gagis, the host of NJTV’s “Life
that permit genetic screening for sumers. Those tests screen for genes asso-
ciated with breast and ovarian cancer,
& Living with Joanna Gagis,” and experts cancer linked genetic mutations. melanoma, lung cancer, prostate cancer,
from the two institutional partners: Dr. acute myeloid leukemia, and others. The
Elizabeth Jewell, director of surgery at MSK lead to cancer. “By not smoking, by eat- establishment was convinced that environ- variety and complexity of what is avail-
Monmouth and MSK Basking Ridge, and Dr. ing well, exercising, and wearing sun- mental factors caused cancer, Dr. Lynch able would make it very difficult for even a
Deena Mary Atieh Graham, breast and gyne- screen, you reduce the risk of the genes stubbornly continued his research on the genetics expert to decipher.
cologic medical oncologist at Hackensack’s mutating,” she said. familial and genetic basis of cancer, dem- Dr. Jewell offered an example of a direct-
John Theurer Cancer Center. Dr. Graham gave examples of cancer onstrating that some cancers run in fami- to-consumer genetic testing company,
One of the most rapidly moving fields in genes, noting that the genes associated lies and are transmitted from generation to 23andMe, which got its start designing tests
21st-century medicine involves the discov- with breast and ovarian cancer, BRCA1 and generation. His work encouraged others to to reveal genealogical roots and heritage.
ery of cancer genes and the new technolo- BRCA2, typically are inherited as germ-line study specific genes, and this led to the iden- (The company’s name is based on the 23
gies that permit genetic screening for cancer mutations that impede the ability of cells to tification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 and many unique pairs of chromosomes in all our cells
linked genetic mutations. Since the human repair themselves. “The risk of breast can- other cancer-associated genes. that serve as the repository of our genes.)
genome project was completed formally in cer [due to BRCA genes] can be upward of It is important to note that inherited “You can get all the clues about your gene,”
2003, the analysis of human genes has led 70 percent, and up to 40 percent for ovar- mutations do not necessarily develop she said. “For about $200 all the mysteries
to the identification of a multitude of human ian cancer,” Dr. Graham said. into cancer, Dr. Graham said. “Even if you of your life are answered, what percent of
genes linked to such diseases as cancer. She explained that another type of inherit, it’s not a guarantee to get cancer,” you came from here and there.”
Cancer genes can be passed from parents inherited cancer, Lynch syndrome, also she said. “There are things you can do to The first commercial tests for cancer
to offspring, or they can arise from spo- involves faulty genes that affect DNA lower risk. It doesn’t have to be a fearful genes were developed by Myriad Genetics,
radic, unpredictable mutations that occur repair. That kind of genetic glitch disrupts thing; it is better to have the knowledge.” which patented the process of screening for
throughout life. “We’re constantly evolv- cells’ ability to perform mismatch repair. “Family history is critical and provides cancer genes. The patent was challenged
ing,” Dr. Jewell said. “We heal, we recover, When the letters of the DNA code are mis- clues for yourself or your healthcare pro- based on the fact that DNA is a natural mate-
we change, and sometimes we don’t heal matched, healthy cells can cut and repair vider,” Dr. Jewell said. Some flags for heredi- rial, not an invention or innovation. “The
correctly. We are exposed to smoke or errors before they affect cell function. But tary cancer include: “If you develop cancer court system decided that genes are not pat-
chemicals or UV radiation. Or we are born cells with certain mutations cannot per- prior to age 45, or have several different entable,” Dr. Jewell said. This court decision
with genes that are already mutated, as form those operations leading to abnormal cancers, such as breast and colon, or have opened the floodgates to other companies
opposed to sporadic mutations. You don’t cell growth, and in the case of Lynch syn- several family members on one side [of the to develop their versions of genetic tests.
pick your mom, you don’t pick your dad. drome, a high risk for colon cancer as well family] with cancer, or a clustering of dis- Ms. Gagis asked the two doctors how DTC
That’s what you’re left with — your inherited as cancers of the ovary, uterus, stomach, ease types, [such as] three cousins on one testing differs from clinical testing. How
mutations.” She reported that “most can- brain, skin, and other organs. side with colon cancer or melanomas,” does genetic testing work at Hackensack
cers are sporadic. Only five to ten percent of Lynch syndrome, also known as heredi- those are indications that inherited cancer Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering?
cancers are related to inherited mutations.” tary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer — or genes may be involved. Dr. Graham said that clinical testing is
Dr. Jewell explained that although you more approachably HNPCC —was named Heritage can also be a factor, she con- broader and includes other genes, as well
cannot control what you have inherited, for Henry T. Lynch, who many consider tinued. “There are distinct populations at as genetic counseling. She recommends
to some extent you can reduce your to be the father of cancer genetics. In the higher risk for carrying these mutations. that genetic testing be done under the
exposure to environmental triggers that 1960s and ‘70s, when most of the medical Ashkenazi Jews are at a higher risk for BRCA SEE CANCER RISK PAGE 12


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Cancer risk educated. It becomes a bigger problem intention of the second protocol is to delay her family’s cancer risk. “I’m thinking about
FROM PAGE 10 as we find more genes. We are concerned menopause and permit fertility, while still where I’m coming from,” she said. “Three
auspices of a genetic counselor. “Genetic and excited about the future, and how it reducing risk. This ongoing study still is out of three of my primary relatives had
testing is not black and white,” she said. will inform the public.” enrolling volunteer subjects. The outcome cancer.” Ms. Eisen’s father died of bladder
“It’s not cut and dry. When you meet with Ms. Gagis asked the panelists “If you have of the study may change the approach to cancer when he was 73; her brother, who
a genetic counselor you will know what an inherited mutation, what preventative prophylactic surgery and give women had esophageal cancer, died at 58, and
the test will tell you and what the test will measures are there?” more choices in treatment. her mother was treated for breast cancer
not tell you. Perhaps DTC testing is use- Dr. Jewell responded by summariz- Another promising therapy Dr. Graham at Hackensack Hospital. Although she was
ful for people who don’t otherwise have ing the vast scope of medical practice in reported is the PARP inhibitor olaparib negative for BRCA mutations, Ms. Eisen was
access to testing. But in this area there are cancer treatment in just a few sentences: (Lynparz), which the FDA approved in Jan- part of a national study on the BRCA genes.
resources.” Most importantly, she added, Tamoxifen can reduce risk for women uary 2018 for patients with certain types of Ms. Eisen, who retired after a more than
“a genetic counselor can tell you what to with BRCA mutations; so can surveillance BRCA-associated breast cancers. Research 35-year career as a dietician at Hackensack
do with these results.” through frequent mammograms and on this drug, conducted in the “OlympiAD Hospital, said that “you don’t have to cross
Dr. Jewell concurred, noting that 23andMe MRIs. In addition, “risk-reducing surger- trial” on 302 patients from 19 countries, the [Hudson] river” for high-quality cancer
tests for only a few versions of the mutated ies for the more serious cancers,” she said, showed a 42 percent reduced risk of cancer treatment. She remarked on the growth of
genes. “It requires expertise to decide what can prevent cancers. “There are no good progression or death. Dr. Graham explained treatment options in the past few years,
to test you for.” If the test comes out nega- screening tests for ovarian cancer. CA125 that “targeted drug options … are mostly noting that “the hospital has mushroomed
tive for mutations, the patient “may feel [blood test] and ultrasound do not detect oral medications that target the error in since I retired.”
false reassurance that they have not inher- ovarian cancer at an early stage. But you BRCA and cells. They prevent cancer from Information on the John Theurer Cancer
ited the gene to be concerned about.” can remove the fallopian tubes and ova- happening in the first place.” center is at
In other words, the testing that private ries.” There is also a new approach that is Immunotherapy is another approach vices/cancer-care. MSK-HMH Partnership
DTC companies do may be inadequate and being tested called the WISP trial — WISP that “revs up the immune system to fight activities and services are at msk-hmhpart-
result in incomplete information to the det- stands for Women Choosing Surgical Pre- the cancer,” Dr. Graham said. “Cancers
riment of the patient. vention. Women at high risk due to BRCA sometimes do not look foreign, and the
“In the 1990s there were just two tests,” mutations are assigned into two groups. immune system doesn’t recognize it as Dr. Miryam Z. Wahrman of Teaneck is a
Dr. Jewell said. “Now it’s an alphabet The women in the first groups undergo foreign.” Immunotherapy already has professor of biology at William Paterson
soup.” She was referring to the fact that hysterectomy and oophorectomy at the changed the outcome for many cancer sur- University in Wayne. Her book, “The Hand
genetic tests are labeled with an odd array same time — that removes the uterus, uter- vivors, extending their lives and improving Book: Surviving in a Germ-Filled World”
of code letters and acronyms. “There are ine tubes, and ovaries. The second group the quality of those lives. provides insight and advice for healthcare
so many genes. It is the medical commu- has their Fallopian tubes removed first; Marsha Eisen of Hackensack attended workers and the general public on how to
nity’s responsibility to keep the public years later, their ovaries are removed. The the program to learn what she can do about reduce the risk of infectious disease.

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‘Continuity is not a numbers game’

Local rabbi, future rabbi react to Conservative movement head’s controversial comments
Joanne Palmer

he Conservative movement —
not the political one, which is
spelled with a lower-case c and
is in fact conservative, as its
name implies, but the Jewish one, which
spells its name with an upper-case C and
defines itself as more-or-less liberal — has
found itself to be somewhat beleaguered
during the last few years.
Unlike the movements to its right —
modern Orthodoxy — and to its left —
Reform — the Conservative movement is
balkanized. Unlike the others, its leading
institutions include two rabbinical semi-
naries — the Jewish Theological Seminary
in Manhattan and the Ziegler School in Cal-
ifornia — an independent congregational
group, the United Synagogue of Conserva-
tive Judaism, independent groups for men
(the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs) and
women (Women’s League for Conservative
Judaism), and the Rabbinical Assembly
and Cantors Assembly. These groups tend
to jockey for position, using energy that in
the Reform and Orthodox world might be Eric Leiderman, left, and Matthew Nelson of Rockland County, who went to Reuben Gittelman in New City, learn together
aimed externally rather than internally. in the beit midrash of the Conservative Yeshiva in Jerusalem. O
According to the Pew Report, the large
study that was published in 2013 and has His involvement with the movement goes
been used as the Rosetta Stone for Jewish way back too; he was a USYer and then a
demographers ever since, 18 percent of member of Koach when he was in college;
American Jews are Conservative; only 10 before and then during rabbinical school R
percent are Orthodox, but that commu- he worked for Koach as well as for Metny, R
nity skews younger and so shows more United Synagogue’s Metropolitan New S
obvious potential for growth. The Conser- York region. B
vative community, according to demogra- He remembers that funding Koach
phers, is shrinking. always was a challenge. “I remember at
Last week, the CEO and executive vice one point, in the early 90s, when I was S
president of United Synagogue, Rabbi Ste- in college” — he went to Wesleyan — “we S
ven Wernick, gave an interview to Lev Grin- had about a dozen Koach kids at a United S
gauz, a student journalist; it was published Synagogue convention. That was a novel
in New Voices. Rabbi Wernick talked about idea then, having students. We were ask-
how the movement had to “reposition the ing for an extra twenty-five cents per year C
movement as a platform,” and he said that per affiliated member, as a special alloca- G
it’s frequently seen as “Parve. Not milchig” tion for Koach.” It passed overwhelmingly. V
and equally “not fleichig. You can eat it, but “But since then United Synagogue’s over-
who wants to, right?” Rabbi Wernick talked all funding has decreased, and the number
about going beyond denominationalism as of affiliated congregations has decreased, Rabbi David Fine holds his book, “Passionate Centrism,” as he discussed it in C
it is now; “I’m actually beginning to think and the overall membership rates in every December 2016. M
about it in a meta-denominational way,” he synagogue has decreased,” Rabbi Fine said. M
is reported as having said. “And I know that every affiliated congre- Fine said. ‘This is something that we and not only in the Jewish world, but in U.S. P
He also talked about how United Syna- gation is having more and more discus- the Reform movement are facing, and the politics as well. “We have increased polar-
gogue was forced to shut down Koach, sions about the question of affiliation with mainline Protestant churches are as well.” ization; people on the fringes dig in their
its program for college students, when it United Synagogue, so that it is not a given One of the points that Rabbi Wernick heels. But we have to build relationships V
faced financial difficulties about five years that United Synagogue is able to collect dues made in the New Voices interview is a across the aisles, and make reasonable M
ago. “What’s the right balance between even from the affiliated ones. point that Rabbi Fine thinks is important. compromises and move forward.”
strengthening and transforming legacy “It is harder and harder to stay in busi- It’s about the value of being in the center. In fact, Rabbi Fine says, this is a point
institutions, and scale, meaning college, ness with the decreased number of dollars. We “are living now in a polarized reality,” about which he has cared for some time;
young adults, and so forth and so on,” he “And that is driven by a lot of different Rabbi Wernick said in the interview. “And in 2016 he published “Passionate Cen-
said in the interview. factors,” he continued. “We still haven’t it’s hard for centrists to be centrists in that trism.” It’s about Conservative Judaism,
Rabbi Dr. David J. Fine, who heads Tem- recovered from the change in giving pat- reality, because all the activity is taking and the title expresses his feelings accu-
ple Israel and Jewish Community Center terns from 2008. And there is a genera- place on the ends. But it’s not sustainable rately. “We have to find a way to be pas-
of Israel, is a lifelong Conservative Jew, tional difference. long term, so eventually people will realize sionate about it,” he said. “We don’t have
the son of a Conservative rabbi; he is also “The younger generation doesn’t take it that the poles are taking you to disaster.” to have a majority. Continuity is not a
a historian with a doctorate from CCNY. as a given that they have to affiliate,” Rabbi That’s true, Rabbi Fine said, and it’s true See Numbers page 15

14 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018


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Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 15

Numbers inevitable, given the Scylla and Charybdis studying Torah lishmah — not for a degree is quoted as asking rhetorically. (It is not
from page 14 it was navigating. The board did the best it or a certification, but for its own sake, for clear what the table is, but it seems to
numbers game. We Jews have been around could with what it had. the joy of learning — at the Conservative be a theoretical negotiating table, where
for a very long time — longer than anyone “We on the ground control the real assets Yeshiva there. He isn’t exactly sure what important but vague issues are being dis-
else — and it is not about numbers. of the Jewish community, and we have to do he’ll do next, but he does know that even- cussed.) “I think that our partners at Hillel
“You do need a critical mass, and you a better job of pooling them,” he said. “We tually he will become a Conservative rabbi. and JTS and Masorti Olami and the Conser-
need a community and a philosophy that have to put communal values over parochial The movement is his home. vative Yeshiva would disagree with that,”
makes sense and excites people. And there values. And it might be a generation before “Not because of the movement or its Mr. Leiderman said. “We have all these
will always be a need for Conservative Juda- we can make that change. institutions, but because of Conservative partners from across the movement.”
ism, which represents the center of the Jew- Millennials don’t tend to join institu- Judaism as an ideology,” he said. “To this Beyond the specifics of funding Conser-
ish community, with its commitment to tra- tions, he said, but on the other hand they form of authentic Judaism that holds onto vative college students, there is the larger
ditional practice and moderate change.” tend not to be sentimental about them. tradition and embraces both being fully issue of the movement itself.
Rabbi Fine thinks that the nature of the “The new generation isn’t like the regnant Jewish and fully in the world. “I find it frustrating when someone says
millennial generation poses problems for one,” he said. “They might be better able “I definitely separate the movement it is hard to define Conservative Judaism,
synagogues, but he also thinks that it also to understand that yes, there is loyalty, but as a series of institutions and organiza- when all they can say is that it is not this or
presents great opportunities. The most we have to be able to sustain all the Jew- tions from Conservative Judaism, which not that,” Mr. Leiderman said. “Conserva-
obvious problem/opportunity comes ish people, not just the Jewish people in a is a series of ideologies and beliefs,” he tive Judaism has its own set of beliefs. It is
from the generation’s disinclination to specific zip code. continued. “Conservative Jews can exist the belief that Judaism can exist in a fully
affiliate, and how that will help affect the “We have to remember not to fetishize without the movement, without the for- egalitarian space, and that Jewish tradition
inevitable financial restructuring that lies objects, and buildings are objects.” malized structure.” can exist without having to be compro-
ahead. “A lot of changes have to be done Eric Leiderman, who grew up in Engle- So Masorti on Campus “is an example mised and still live in the modern world.
on the local level, and our institutions are wood — he went to Moriah and then to of how without formal structure or big “It’s about having a Jewish community
a reflection of that,” he said. “We have too the Abraham Joshua Heschel School, and money we were able to come together where we can engage in intellectual con-
many shuls. We have 10 buildings where whose family moved from Ahavath Torah and have a Shabbaton at the University versations about biblical criticism and the
we should have two, and it’s the weight of to Kol HaNeshamah, both in Englewood — of Pennsylvania and have 15 campuses structure of the Talmud and rabbinic lit-
maintaining all those buildings that caused is a co-founder of Masorti on Campus, the represented there,” he said. It was an erature without having our connection to
the defunding of Koach. grassroots organization that has taken over entirely grassroots effort. Judaism feel threatened. We can be intel-
“The United Synagogue board had an some of Koach’s work. He was infuriated by Rabbi Wernick’s lectually honest.
impossible job,” he said; the choice to Like Rabbi Fine, Mr. Leiderman, 26, feels dismissal of Masorti on Campus as hav- “I feel that Conservative Judaism is the
defund Koach rather than take resources deeply connected to Conservative Juda- ing a “really minimal” reach. “Is Masorti most intellectually honest way to express
from local synagogues perhaps was ism. He is spending the year in Jerusalem, on Campus at the table?” Rabbi Wernick our Judaism.”



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Love song in four voices

Author of Song of Songs commentary to speak in Teaneck

When is a love song not a love song?

When it’s an allegory for God’s love for the Jew-
ish people, of course.
That, in any rate, is the argument Rabbi Akiva
famously used to get the Song of Songs included
among the sacred books of the Bible, despite the
fact that the Song begins “Let him kiss me with the
kisses of his mouth,” and continues in that vein for
eight chapters, with frequent detours into meta-
phorical descriptions of body parts.
Shir Hashirim, as it is called in Hebrew, tradi-
tionally is read on the Shabbat of Pesach. With
that day coming up, Congregation Beth Sholom in
Teaneck is featuring a lunch-and-learn this Shabbat
afternoon with Professor Michael Fishbane, proba-
bly American Jewry’s foremost scholar on the Song
of Songs and its millennia of interpretation.
Dr. Fishbane staked his claim to that position
by writing a 300 page commentary on the Song of
Songs, which the Jewish Publication Society pub-
lished three years ago. He is the Nathan Cummings
Distinguished Professor of Jewish Studies at the Uni-
versity of Chicago, but he has lived in Teaneck since
August. He is edging toward retirement, teaching Dr. Michael Fishbane and his Song of Songs commentary.
two courses in the fall semester. “We came here
to be closer to family at this time in our lives,” he said. do when you are following the synagogue reading in the
His son Eitan, a professor of Jewish thought at the Jewish Hebrew or in translation, you soon confront the problem
Theological Seminary, lives in Teaneck; another son, Eli- that the book has no clear plot.
sha, lives in Highland Park. That, Dr. Fishbane explains, is because “the text itself is
Dr. Fishbane’s engagement with the Song of Songs a series of ancient love lyrics and love dialogues that have
began when he started teaching at Chicago in 1990, after been placed together. If one looks carefully at the original
a quarter of a century as a student and teacher at Brandeis text and sees it in the light of the love lyrics from which
University. He started the work leading to the published it’s drawn, you can see that multiple songs have been inte-
commentary more than 15 years ago. grated. There are recurrences, doublets, similar kinds of
In the interpretation of the Song of Songs, he said, repeated episodes. Even at the end, the text has no clo-
“you have the entire range of the Jewish tradition filtered sure. It ends with the female beloved asking the male to
through the dynamics of love and longing and desire, at flee as they try to negotiate times and places to meet:
the human level, the national level, the covenantal level. I ‘Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like to a gazelle or
became captive to its embrace.” to a young hart upon the mountains of spices.’”
Despite what Rabbi Akiva would have us believe, the But later a narrative was imposed on the text by inter-
Song of Songs is not just an allegory for God’s love of preters on the level of drash. After all, if it’s telling the
Israel. It remains at its heart a human love song. (Dr. Fish- story of a real event — the love of God for Israel — shouldn’t
bane traces its origins to a thousand years of ancient Egyp- it be following the event’s history?
tian and Mesopotamian lyrics.) In fact, Jewish tradition as “The first real attempt to try to give this a kind of nar-
it developed in the Middle Ages speaks of four levels of rative coherence appears in the targum, an early rabbinic
interpretation. (Contemporary Christian Bible interpret- Aramaic paraphrase and translation,” Dr. Fishbane said.
ers similarly counted four levels of interpretation, though “They took hundreds and hundreds of instances of inter-
the levels were defined differently.) pretation that are found in the midrash and tried to form
There is the pshat, the plain meaning, by which the a coherent narrative. They created a vision of sacred his-
Song of Songs consists of the dialogue of two besotted lov- tory, beginning with the patriarchs going down to Egypt,
ers, one male, one female, full of ardor but lacking a clear coming to Sinai, going into exile, and anticipating the
plot line. There is the drash, the homiletic interpretation redemption.”
that understands it to be talking about the history of God’s Later, Rashi built on the targum’s scheme.
love for the Jewish people, as preferred by Rabbi Akiva. Other approaches, particularly certain philosophi-
There is also the remez, which understands the book as cal ones, meshed better with looping nature of the text,
containing important philosophical or moral teachings. “where love is sought and found and frustrated, renegoti- Illumination for the opening verse of Song of Songs,
And there is the sod, the secret, mystical level, particu- ated and lost in an ongoing cycle of seeking and finding,” the Rothschild Mahzor, manuscript on parchment.
larly beloved by the kabbalists. Dr. Fishbane said. “It has a coherence from that point of Florence, Italy, 1492.
These four different levels form the basis of Dr. Fish- view in terms of the dynamics of love.”
bane’s commentary. He discusses each verse using each Dr. Fishbane said that there are a number of reasons of the nation.”
of the four approaches. His goal is for readers “to really why the book came to be associated with Passover. “The Then there is the book’s ninth verse: “I have compared
see the dynamic relationships between these four levels Song of Songs is in large part talking about the rebirth of thee, O my love, to a steed in Pharaoh’s chariots.” For those
of interpretation,” he said. nature,” he said. “When love is reborn, nature is reborn. reading the book as an allegory for Jewish history, that line
Reading the book at the simple level of pshat, as you Pesach is the time of the rebirth of nature and the rebirth was identified with the coming out from Egypt.


Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
“That was also linked with the coming of the
beloved, which would redeem the people,” Dr. Fish-
Interior Designer
bane said. As Shir Hashirim became fixed in the Pass- (former interior designer of model
over liturgy, more hints and suggestions were added.
rooms for NY’s #1 Dept. Store)
Dr. Fishbane connects to all four levels of reading
the texts. “You can’t read them all simultaneously, but
you can experience the multiple levels. The power of
the four levels is they were not simply hermetically For a totally new look using
sealed off; they seamlessly lead one into the other,”
he said. your furniture or starting anew.
And all are worth experiencing.
“The first pshat level of the love lyrics is about the
concreteness of physical and emotional love between
Staging also available
human beings, its joys and frustrations,” he said.
That’s certainly a human experience.
As for reading it as a historical allegory — “the fact is
we’re not only individual people to fall in love. We’re
members of the Jewish community. I overlay my per-
sonal and natural self with my identification with the
Jewish people and the history of the covenant.
“The third level, the philosophical level, deals with It’s not manna from heaven, but this
purifying one’s emotions. What we would today call
self-development or enlightenment, when one tries to Passover, provide something just as crucial
purify one’s mind or consciousness.
And “the mystical level is understood as a kind of to the survival of the Israeli people.
cosmic love song for God’s love for the world,” he said.
“I do have access to all these levels. I try to keep it all
in play.
“Most Jews are not aware of this range, of multiple
options for interpretation. They think a text has to
mean X or Y, that one level is authoritative. I wanted
to open that up.”
Ten years ago, Dr. Fishbane placed the four levels
of interpretation at the center of a book of theology,
“Sacred Attunements.”
“I wanted to use each of these four levels as a way
of cultivating certain attitudes toward the world
and God and the Jewish tradition. Jewish thought is
always interpretive, reinterpreting older texts. Since
these four levels reflect the major mental and spiri-
tual ways the Hebrew Bible was interpreted, I tried to
find out how these levels orient one to the world, to
tradition, to God.”
Dr. Fishbane now is finishing up a new book of the-
ology, following up on “Sacred Attunements,” which
he expects to publish in the next year or so. And he is
working on a project, funded by the Templeton Foun-
dation, to collect chasidic spiritual practices.
“In some cases lists of practices were appended to
the beginning or end of a traditional chasidic work,”
he said. “In other cases they have to be ferreted out
from the massive chasidic literature of sermons and
homilies and records of narratives by students and dis-
ciples in Europe.
“There is no collection that allows us to see both the
physical practices and the mental practices — the type
of thing the chasidic masters want people to focus In a country where terrorism is an all-too-frequent occurrence, your gift to Magen David Adom ensures
and clarify their minds on. What we in contemporary Israel’s national paramedic organization has the medical supplies it needs to save lives. So this Passover,
terms talk about as mindfulness practices. How do while you recount the story of the Jews’ redemption from slavery, your gift will help modern-day Israelis
you maintain a certain state of mind, a certain way survive the threats they face today.
of focusing attention, a certain way of dealing with
negative emotions and moving with cycles of feelings?
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These are things that we may know from contempo-
additional ambulances on the streets of Israel in commemoration of Israel’s 70th anniversary.
rary psychological literature or world religious prac-
tice, but they greatly preoccupied Jewish thinkers for
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my life and writing them down so other people can
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Fishbane said.



Plug in, tune out, keep Shabbos

GE, OU, and Clifton company give refrigerators their day of rest

Zman Technologies of Clifton wants to

give your refrigerator a temporary brain
The goal: To make the appliance stu-
pider, and thereby Shabbat-compliant.
The just-unveiled GE Shabbos Keeper,
developed by Zman in partnership with
the Orthodox Union and GE Appliances,
plugs into the RJ-45 jack at the top of your
36-inch French-door refrigerator. The jack
was designed so technicians could plug
into it and debug the computer running
the machine, but the Shabbos Keeper
uses it to patch in and override. Prepro-
grammed with a Jewish calendar, the
Shabbos Keeper knows when it is Shabbat
or yom tov; on those days, it wrests con-
trol of the refrigerator from the computers
that normally control the touch panels and
monitor the heat and run the motors and
turn on and off the lights. It puts the refrig-
erator into a low tech mode that ignores
the buttons, operates on a fixed schedule Rabbi Ortner works with engineers from GE.
regardless of how much an opened door
has heated it up, and — in a bonus touch “I’ve spoken to so many people who use
— keeps the internal lights on (at a low set- the Shabbos mode and say they’ve forgot-
ting) whether the door is open or closed. ten to set it,” Mr. Antebi said. “They’re on
That may sound like a lot of work to the way to shul on Friday night and they
avoid doing a little work on Shabbat. But remember: ‘Whoops! I forgot to turn on the
the OU maintains this device is necessary Shabbos mode? What do I need to do now?’
because unscrewing your refrigerator’s The Shabbos “This, once it’s set up, it will take care of
light bulb is no longer sufficient to avoid Keeper box it for you,” he said.
desecrating the Sabbath. Which brings us to Zman Technology,
Rabbi Tzvi Ortner is the OU’s director of and how it came to work with the OU and
halacha and technology — a new position GE. The company’s first product, back
that puts him in charge of the cooperation around 2014, was a timer for electric
between the OU’s rabbis and GE’s engi- lights. It aimed to improve on such sub-
neers. He concedes that simply unscrew- urban Shabbat staples as the Honeywell
ing the light bulb worked fine for what he RPLS730B1000/U 7-Day Programmable
calls the first generation of refrigerators. Light Switch Timer, which replaces a
Those refrigerators were electrically sim- of refrigerators raised red flags for a “That makes the situation today very light switch and is only $22.66 at Home
ple. They had a compressor that cools the new generation of Orthodox rabbis. Self- complicated,” Rabbi Ortner said. Depot. People who have installed such
refrigerator, they had a light bulb on the defrosting refrigerators, Rabbi Ortner All this led to the creation of a “Sab- devices in their dining rooms know the
inside that got switched on when the door said, don’t just cool. They regularly heat bath mode” for refrigerators. Star-K, a pleasures of having lights turn off auto-
was opened, and that was basically that. up to remove the frost. And heating, he kosher supervision agency based in Bal- matically on Friday night and back on
Back in the 1950s, there was a debate said, is considered a more serious viola- timore, certifies the Sabbath mode for again on Shabbat morning or afternoon.
among Orthodox rabbis about whether tion of the Sabbath than just running the seven brands of refrigerators. But the Star- The device’s drawbacks, however, led
you could open the refrigerator door when motor. (For those interested in the hala- K Sabbath mode primarily dealt with the Mr. Antebi and his partners to believe
the compressor was not running. Would chic details: Running the compressor was defrost cycle. As for the underlying com- that there was room for improvement.
opening the door heat up the interior considered an issur d’rabanan; heating a puter control, it relied “on a leniency that For one thing, the timer features a big
enough to cause the motor to start? metal coil is considered an issur d’oraita.) a computer may be utilized as long as the switch to turn on and off the light when
“Rabbi Moshe Feinstein and Rabbi How much you had to worry about this digital display is not seen,” Rabbi Yair Hoff- you don’t want to use its programmed
Aharon Kotler said you should only open heat going on every time you opened the man wrote in the Five Town Jewish Times. mode. Unfortunately, if a guest acciden-
the door when the compressor was on,” refrigerator door depended on which That lenience, he wrote, has been ques- tally leans against it on a Friday night, it’s
Eli Antebi, Zman’s operations manager, model refrigerator you used and which tioned by many Orthodox halachic author- lights out. And then there is the obscure
said. (That was the moderate position. rabbi you asked. ities, some of whom said that having your method of programming the device with
The liberal position maintained that the Then came the current, third genera- actions affect a computer on Shabbat is as only a handful of buttons. Is there a holi-
open door’s impact on the motor was too tion of refrigerators, which have as many severe a violation as cooking on Shabbat. day coming up so you want to program
indirect to worry about. And the arch-tra- as eight computers on board, to monitor The Shabbos Keeper avoids all these the lights for Saturday night too? Do you
ditionalist sage known as the Chazon Ish internal temperature and humidity, to run problems by overriding, and disconnect- want to extend the hours for a late seder?
ruled that you shouldn’t open a refrigera- the ice maker and the water dispenser, ing, the refrigerator’s brains. And because Prepare to squint and Google the instruc-
tor on Shabbat altogether.) perhaps to control a touch screen — and to it uses a pre-programmed 30-year Jewish tion manual before undertaking the
If that was an Orthodox status quo pay particular attention to whenever you calendar, it doesn’t have to be set before unpleasant programming task.
since the 1950s, the second generation open the refrigerator door. every Shabbat, like the Sabbath mode does. The Zman Technology light switch



solved both these problems. First, it is pro- After a year of development the testing
grammed with Shabbat and holiday dates began. That took almost a year. “There
for decades to come. Tell it the date and was endless testing to make sure of the
your location when you install it, and it quality of the product — the quality of the
automatically lights up your dining room fridge and the quality of the food inside of
on Friday night and keeps them bright the fridge,” Rabbi Ortner said.
extra late on the night of the seders. Sec- Although Zman manufactured the other
ond, when it knows it to be Shabbat or devices, GE is making the Shabbos Keeper.
yom tov, it disconnects the switch. Lean “That will give the user confidence that it
all you like; the lights stay on. works, that it doesn’t take away the war-
This invention attracted the attention of ranty, that it’s foolproof,” Mr. Antebi said.
the OU. The Shabbos Keeper is compatible with
“We met Rabbi Belsky,” Mr. Antebi said. 110 models of GE refrigerators. It retails for
That’s Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, who was a $150. “The markup is not great,” he added.
long-time senior kashrut advisor to the OU “We think it’s going to make big changes in
until his death in 2016. “He started advo- the way people use appliances
cating and pushing us to get into other The external refrigerator timer costs
Shabbos modes for appliances.” He had about $120. And the original Zman light
considered refrigerators to be problematic switch is $59. “There’s a big future for
for a long time. the industry,” Mr. Antebi said. That is, the
That led to the development of Zman’s industry of adapting computerized appli-
second product: A timer that a refrigerator Rabbi Ortner with GE CEO Kevin Nolan ances for Sabbath observers.
plugs into; on Shabbat or holidays, it turns There are other models of refrigerators
the machine off for six minutes four times to GE to see if it could find a receptive part- very helpful and excited about trying to that could benefit from similar add-ons.
an hour. When the machine was turned ner to take a deep dive into a refrigerator’s work out a solution for the Jewish commu- And then there are ovens and dishwashers.
off, an LED light would turn on, signaling innards. nity,” he added. “People don’t use dishwashers on Shab-
that it was safe to open the refrigerator “They were ready to give it a try,” Rabbi There were trips back and forth between bos, but people like to load dishwashers on
without fear of violating Shabbat. Ortner said. the OU’s New York office and GE’s Kentucky Shabbos,” Mr. Antebi said. “But new dish-
With one solution to the Shabbat refrig- Kevin Nolan, who was GE’s vice presi- operations. There were weekly conference washers have digital indicators, lights that
erator in hand, the OU began to raise dent of technology before being promoted calls with the GE engineers, scheduled, go on and off when you open the door.”
awareness of the issue. And it reached out to CEO last year, “was very willing and appropriately enough, on Fridays. Stay tuned.




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Briefly Local

Jewish Historical Society

of North Jersey gala
The Jewish Historical Society of North Jersey honors Ina
Cohen-Harris at its gala dinner on Wednesday, May 16, at 6
p.m., at Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes.
Ms. Cohen, an educator and dedicated community volun-
teer, will be honored for her commitment to the JHSNJ and for
being instrumental in its success.
All journal ad material must be received by April 9. For
information, call (201) 300-6590.
Ina Cohen-Harris

Yonatan Schwartz COURTESY YU

Teaneck’s Yonatan Schwartz

receives Genetics Society award
Yeshiva College senior Yonatan males could maintain their fertility.
Schwartz of Teaneck is the first YU My work is now examining if sperm
student to be awarded the Victoria storage over the long term harms
Finnerty undergraduate travel award sperm, or if older males can restart
by the Genetics Society of America. making sperm if they do not have
The award memorializes Finnerty, stored sperm. Our work will help us
a longtime member of the Genetics understand better why male fertil-
Society of America, and her com- ity declines with age and will inform
mitment to teaching and mentoring human fertility counseling and
undergraduates engaged in drosoph- treatment.”
ila research — that is, in genetics stud- He will be headed to the Philadel-
ies using fruit fly models. The award phia research conference to present
covers its winner’s travel costs to his work in April. “This is a fabulous
help them get to the society’s annual opportunity for Yoni to experience a
drosophila research conference. national scientific conference and for
Mr. Schwartz’s research is on the Drosophila community to hear
drosophila melanogaster — aka the about Yoni’s work,” Dr. Josefa Stein-
common fruit fly. “My project inves- hauer, an associate professor of biol-
PHOTO PROVIDED tigated how aging impacts male fer- ogy, said. “Yoni has worked in my lab
Kosher Troops sends tility,” Mr. Schwartz said. “Previous
studies in the lab found that fertility
since spring 2017, and he is writing
an honors thesis based on his work
Passover packages to the troops declines steadily and progressively this year.” Schwartz will graduate
Simone Wilker, left, and Sara Fuerst, the president of Kosher Troops, pack boxes as males age, but if males were per- from Yeshiva College this spring and
of kosher for Passover items that will be delivered to American servicemen and mitted to store sperm, even older is planning to go to medical school.
women at home and abroad. To help with packing or donations, go to www. Kosher Troops is a 501c(3) non profit organization.
Norpac hosts Senator Menendez
Last week, Joyce and Daniel
Food donations needed in Wayne Straus and Zahava and Moshael
Straus hosted a Norpac pro-
WIN, the Wayne Interfaith Network, a coali- Go to for a list Israel event for Senator Robert
tion of volunteers from houses of worship of what the pantry needs the most right Menendez (D-NJ) in Englewood.
and service organizations in the greater now. Limit donations to regular sizes, not Mr. Menendez is the former
Wayne area, provides ongoing provisions super sizes, and check that all expiration chair of the Senate Foreign
of non-perishable foods and other basic dates are current. Plastic or aluminum Relations Committee and now
necessities for needy Wayne residents. containers are preferable to glass. Items is its ranking member. The
Donors can bring bags of non-perish- must be non-perishable, with no dents or committee is responsible for
able food and other basic necessities, cracks in cans or bottles, and no torn or most major legislation related
including paper goods, toiletry items, open boxes or containers. to America’s relationship with
and cleaning products, to one of the Anyone who needs supplies from the Israel. Mr. Menendez was one Daniel Straus, left, Senator Robert Menendez,
drop off areas in town: the Wayne Y (use WIN food pantry should call the Wayne of four members of the Senate and Moshael Straus. COURTESY NORPAC

the Jewish Family Services entrance); the Township’s director of senior and social in his party to vote against the
Wayne Public Library or the Preakness services at (973) 694-1800, ext. 3281. Iran deal in 2015. He also is a cosponsor discussed his recent meeting with Ben-
branch; or the Wayne Municipal Build- Groups and organizations planning to of the Taylor Force Act, which would cut jamin Netanyahu and his appearance at
ing. All drop-offs should be made during collect food and other basic necessities off American funding to the Palestinian AIPAC’s policy conference.
building hours. should first call (973) 595-1900. Donation Authority for funds they give to the fami- Mr. Menendez is serving his second
People who are moving or doing spring can be made by check or money order lies of dead terrorists. term in the U.S. Senate and will run for
cleaning should consider donating their mailed to the Wayne Interfaith Network, In Englewood, Mr. Menendez re-election this year.
non-expired food to the food pantry. POB 3341, Wayne, NJ 07474-3341.


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Briefly Local

Congressman Ron Estes

coming to Closter
Norpac sponsors a pro-Israel event in Closter for Congress-
man Ron Estes (R-KS) and hosted by the Kazmir family, on

Sunday, March 25, at 6 p.m. Event chairs are Drs. Munr and
Sundes Kazmir.
For additional information or to RSVP, email or call (201) 788-5133.

Rep. Ron Estes

Harriet Bograd, left,

president of Kulanu,
Jonatas Chimen, and
Rabbi Steven Sirbu.

Teaneck artist-in-residence weekend

Temple Emeth in Teaneck recently held Standard cover story.) Mr. Chimen is a
an artist-in-residence weekend featur- featured speaker for Kulanu (“all of us”
ing Jonatas Chimen Dias DaSilva-Bena- in Hebrew), group that supports iso-
yon, a Brazilian-American symbolist lated, emerging, and returning Jewish
artist, author, and academic. (The week- communities around the world.
end was the subject of a recent Jewish

Join Us in Wishing Israel

a Happy 70th!


Remembering Leonard Bernstein

Rita Lerner of Englewood Cliffs, second Durmashkin, stands to the left of her in
from left, and her family were at the the background photo, wearing a blazer.
opening of “Leonard Bernstein: The The night before the Philadelphia
Power of Music” at the National Museum opening, there was a cocktail reception
of American Jewish History in Philadel- for the exhibit in Manhattan’s Steinway
phia on March 14. Ms. Lerner’s sister, Hall. Ms. Lerner spoke about Leonard
Vivian Reisman, is to her left, and her Bernstein and her mother and the ex-
A Special daughter, Samantha Silverman, and
her son, Jason Lerner, are on the right
concentration camp orchestra.
The Leonard Bernstein exhibition in
Commemorative Highlighting travel and tourism,
real estate, and new ways to
side of the photo. The family also got to
meet Leonard Bernstein’s son Alexan-
Philadelphia has testimony from Ms.
Lerner’s mom, who was talking about
keep supporting Israel’s charitable
Issue and educational institutions and
technological advances.
der Bernstein.
Ms. Lerner’s family is standing in front
the time when Leonard Bernstein came
to conduct the orchestra and she sang
of a photograph showing an orchestra the song “Ghetto.” The exhibit also has
APRIL 13 made up of concentration camp sur- artifacts borrowed from the Museum
To advertise your ongoing vivors. Leonard Bernstein is on the far of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial
commitment to Israel,
right, in the white shirt and tie. Next to the Holocaust, including a program
please call 201-837-8818 x 121
DEADLINE APRIL 5 to him is Ms. Lerner’s aunt, Fania Dur- and poster.
PR accepted from advertisers mashkin Beker; her uncle, Max Beker, is Ms. Lerner’s cousin Sonia, Fania and
two down. Ms. Lerner’s mother, Henia Max’s daughter, also was at the opening.


18_NY_NJ_JewishStandard_passover 02/27/18 4:48:06 PM

Wishing you and your family a


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Cover Story

Making the
summer even better
Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Shmira Initiative
highlights Leaders’ Conference
Joanne Palmer Their parents can choose from a range of Camp’s executive director, Jeremy Finger- has to ensure a safe environment.”

Jewish camps — Orthodox, Conservative, man of Englewood, said. “At this confer- So what does that mean?
ummer camp is an entirely Reform, Zionist, progressive, Yiddish- ence we unveiled a new initiative to pre- “We believe that our mission at the
immersive experience. ist, artsy, sporty — and their children will vent harassment and abuse and bullying Foundation is to help the field adapt to
That is a jargon-y way of saying come home with an understanding of that and inappropriate language and behavior rapid, unprecedented change,” Mr. Fin-
that when you are a child or a teen- part of the Jewish world bonded at the in camp communities.” german said. “We are helping to create
ager or a young staff member, and you’re molecular level. The Foundation plans to spend camp communities that reflect the best of
in camp, camp is your entire world. It sur- The Foundation for Jewish Camp (not $100,000 on what it calls the Shmira Ini- Jewish values.
rounds you; you breathe it and you move Camping, or Camps, just plain stark tiative, to “change camp culture on all lev- “Right now, in North America, we have
through it and it coats your skin and it’s all Camp) understands that and supports els, implementing a shift in staff program- been experiencing a breakthrough of con-
you see and hear and touch and feel and that range of Jewish camps. This week, the ming, training, policy and enforcement sciousness of sex and gender and power
know. While you’re at camp, nothing else foundation held its seventh biennial con- around issues of gender, sex and power,” and violence, and for sure there has
matters except vaguely; if camp works for ference, the Leaders Assembly; this year, according to its press release. been a new spotlight shining on power
you as it does for so many campers, the rest it met in Baltimore. Shmira means guard duty; in Jewish and exploitation,” he said. “These issues
of the year is a countdown toward camp. The camp leaders, educators, and foun- summer camps, it’s the counselors’ job, affect all our communities, and we have
Jewish summer camping is one of the dation heads who met there explored the making sure that their charges are safe at to address them. Working in partnership
most effective ways of teaching and social- interplay of camp and the outside world, night. The Foundation will take that term with parents and authorities and all our
izing and orienting young Jews. During which waits right outside every camp’s from the literal to the metaphoric level Jewish institutions, we believe that we
the time they’re at camp, Jewish camp- borders. This year, “we had just shy of as it “embodies the social and individual really have a chance to define what pre-
ers at Jewish camps live entirely Jewishly. 800 people,” the Foundation for Jewish responsibility every community member vention and response plans are, and to

26 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018

Cover Story

Scenes from camp; at left,

welcoming Shabbat at URJ
Camp Harlam in Pennsylvania;
at right, the Special Olympics at
the JCC Camp Chi in Chicago.

lead the discussion of cultural changes in Jeanette Weinberg Foundation; and Deb-
our community.” orah Meyer, CEO of Moving Traditions.
To begin, he continued, “We will raise (Irrelevant but totally fun fact — Ms. Platt is
the awareness of camps as they go through the mother of actor Ben Platt of Dear Evan
their staff programming to create camps Hansen, who has credited Camp Ramah in
that are caring and safe. This is
something we have been talking
about for a while.”
It is important to remem-
ber that the problems that the We have gone to
Shmira Initiative will address
are not unique to camps, he
camps to train the
added. They’re culturally perva- staff, who are mainly
sive, and to some extent they’re
generational — millennials feel
teenagers or young
pressured in ways that their adults, on issues of
elders did not, and the genera-
tion below them, the iGen, as
body image, bullying,
Mr. Fingerman called them, who sexuality, and the
are today’s campers and young
staffers, feel that even more
pressure to hook up.
profoundly. It’s complicated.
And although the problems Deborah Meyer Campers at Ramah in the Poconos celebrate Israel Day.
the initiative is set to tackle are
society-wide, “we had a panel, moder- Ojai, California, as one of the places where address this issue in an important way.” up,” Ms. Meyer said. It’s complicated.
ated by our board chair, of foundation he began to refine his craft. Don’t miss “Moving Traditions has been focused For one thing, campers and counsel-
heads, powerhouses in the Jewish world,” the YouTube video of him on Late Night on moral development issues for a long ors live in the outside world, they bring
come to talk and to offer help. Those lead- with Seth Meyers, singing “Luck Be a Lady time,” Ms. Meyer said. “How do we help the attitudes they learn in that world, or
ers included the Foundation’s own new Tonight” from Guys and Dolls in Hebrew; understand who we are? We have been online, with them to camp, Ms. Meyer said.
board chair, Julie Beren Platt, Lisa Eisen, he learned it, he said, by playing Sky Mas- working with experts on healthy sexuality For another, what she called “the pressure
vice president of the Charles and Lynn terson at a Ramah production.) programs for years.” to hook up” often can be reframed as the
Schusterman Family Foundation; Barry “I am so proud they came to our con- Now, “we have gone to camps to train communal desire to have young Jews date
Finestone, president and CEO of the Jim ference,” Mr. Fingerman said. “I am so the staff, who are mainly teenagers or each other, which is in itself a good thing.
Joseph Foundation; Rachel Garbow Mon- proud that they can see that we in the field young adults, on issues of body image, bul- “But on the other hand it can be inappro-
roe, president and CEO of the Harry and of Jewish camp really want to step up and lying, sexuality, and the pressure to hook priate and problematic,” she said, insofar

Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 27

y Cover Story

A panel discussion features, from left, Julie Beren Platt; Lisa Eisen, Barry Finestone,
Deborah Meyer Rachel Garbow Monroe, and Deborah Meyer. Jeremy Fingerman

as it pushes often age-inappropriate sexu- “Any kid who has a smart device today is do for boys and men. They don’t know that opportunity to teach the right values. “Sex-
ality on kids who are not yet ready for it. seeing pornography, either looking for it it’s intimacy, that they do for and with each uality is about intimacy,” she said. “You
“We have come to understand that more or stumbling across it,” Ms. Meyer said. other, and they do it for love. don’t get a kiss, or steal a kiss. You kiss with
in the last few years.” “And they are freaked out by it. We have “That is where Jewish values come in,” somebody.” It’s about choice and caring.
Any kid — any person — who has access had boys say, ‘Do I have to choke a girl?’ she said. “We don’t want to say that the When Moving Traditions works with staff-
to a computer — in other words, just about What they see is so aberrant. body is bad.” And camp is embodied.” ers, either as they get to camp to prepare for
everyone — sees deeply disturbing things “And girls don’t know that sex is some- It’s physical; it’s not a disembodied intel- the summer or once camp has started, there
that they cannot fit into their understand- thing that they can enjoy. They learn online lectual experience. “You are living there, is a two-step process. “The first part is when
ing of the world, and it can be warping. that sex is something that girls and women all summer long, inside your body. It’s an the staffers find out about the camp’s stated


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7 28 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018

Cover Story Cover Story

We are looking at how to create a

community that is based on ethical,
respectful, positive behavior. NEW YORK
Deborah meyer

policies and the second part is when they “Judaism is about discerning differ-
talk about how things really happen,” Ms. ences and setting boundaries. It is about
Meyer said. “They find out that they have what is Shabbat and what is chol.” SUNDAY APRIL 29 2018, 8:45 am - 6:00 pm
great policies and values but they are not There is a balance that it is necessary
always fulfilled.” Sometimes the language to remember, Ms. Meyer added. It is easy, SPEAKERS INCLUDE
of teasing can be hurtful; “the words can when you talk about the Shmira Initiative
be homophobic or gender stereotypes, and the problems it has been established
and full of body image objectification. to counter, to forget the joys and over-
And it is not conscious.” whelming value of Jewish summer camp.
What does she mean? For example, That would be a huge mistake.
campers often are encouraged to pair “We have aspects of our tradition that
off for Shabbat walks; when a boy gets are so beautiful, and we can access the Rabbi Efrem Rabbi Moshe Rabbi Dr. Shnayer
back to his bunk, his friends “might put best of comprehensive secular sexual-
Goldberg Hauer Leiman
a chair in the middle of the room, and he ity education and social and emotional
is asked to sit there and tell them exactly learning, and we can connect those
what happened on the walk.” Hand- things,” Ms. Meyer said. “That is what
holding, kissing, the sort of intimacy Moving Traditions does. Our approach
that is appropriate for teenagers but not to Jewish teaching and Jewish wisdom
meant to be shared with anyone else. is to show Jewish counselors and Jew-
“It is not a conscious thing,” Ms. Meyer ish educators how to bring this teach- Mrs. Lori Palatnik Mrs. Esther Wein Rabbi Moshe
said. “It is not as if they are pushing boys ing, this understanding of what it means Weinberger
to push girls to have sex. But it comes out to be a Jewish person into the teenage
of their tradition, out of the camp culture years, and then young adulthood.” ADDITIONAL SPEAKERS INCLUDE
that has developed over many decades. In trying to help young Jewish camp-
“It is inappropriate,” she said. “This ers and counselors deal with the issues Rabbi Yosef Adler Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger
counselor may be a 19-year-old and this of sexuality that the Me Too movement Rabbi Dr. Ari Bergmann Mrs. Sivan Rahav Meir
is what happened to him when he was has unearthed, we must not overlook the Rabbi Eliezer Breitowitz Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Rimon
in this camp. He might not remember value of camp. “The good news is that we Rabbi Moshe Elefant Rabbi Hershel Schachter
that not all boys want to do this. It is not are paying attention to these things,” Ms. Rabbi Menachem Genack Mrs. Atara Segal
coming from a place of venality, or of Meyer said. “We are working with camps
Mr. Charlie Harary Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
consciously trying to pursue an agenda. across the country that really want to
Mrs. Michal Horowitz Rabbi Dr. Avraham Steinberg
He would have thought that it was funny do it right, to integrate a healthy way of
and sweet.” But it’s not. looking at it. That’s because camp culture
Senator Joseph Lieberman Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
These exercises help the staff assess can be so positive. We are working with Rabbi Eli Mansour Rabbi Gideon Weitzman
the differences between the camp’s camps across the country to truly foster Rabbi Judah Mischel Rabbi Mordechai Willig
beliefs, policies, and goals, and the real- a very positive and healthy camp culture. Rabbi Elazar Muskin Rabbi Yitzchak Yisraeli
ity of camp life. The fact that it falls short “The good news is that we are pay-
isn’t shocking — it’s a human institution ing attention to these things. How won-
— but pointing it out helps staffers keep derful for Jewish families who send Indoors at Citi Field Free parking
their real goals and values in mind. their kids to camp, who are looking to Queens, NY
“We work with counselors to help address issues from our secular world
them see the issues for themselves, and that impact our children, whether they
then we help them figure out how to go to public school or day school. Camp
American Sign Language interpreters available
approach the kids,” Ms. Meyer said. is where kids really learn to be mem-
“In the earlier grades, we find that bers of a community, which is such a
crushes are kind of pushes. This is an good thing for the Jewish community. Lunch available for purchase
unconscious agenda, not a planned cur- “We are looking at how to create a
riculum, but somehow the culture fos- community that is based on ethical,
ters the ‘Who do you have a crush on? respectful, positive behavior. Become a Torah sponsor
$25 By March 26 Early Bird Extended
Who do you want to be a couple with?’ “When you think about it, the role of for $613. To sponsor, go to
when you are 8 or 9. But you’re not nec- Judaism is redemption,” Ms. Meyer said. $36 From March 27 - April 15
essarily interested then, so why push it? “It is about bringing God into the world. $50 Walk-ins, from April 16 - April 29 or email
Even when the kids get older, how do When we pray, when we do acts of lov-
we foster a healthy sexuality? ingkindness, we are tapping into the
“When I say sexuality, I am not just divine.
Bring Israel Home • Impact Accelerator • Israel Free Spirit
talking about intercourse,” she added. “I “At Jewish summer camp, we want
Jewish Action • NCSY • OU Advocacy • OU Israel • OU
am talking about feelings. Feeling inter- to make more of that happen. We want
JLIC • OU Kosher • OU Press • OU Torah • OU West Coast
ested. Feeling excited. For most people, to make it more and more clear that we Teach Advocacy Network • Synagogue & Community
this starts happening around puberty, are created b’zelem Elohim — in God’s Services • The Women’s Initiative • Yachad
and we want to be able to acknowledge image. So how fabulous — how excellent!
it and celebrate it, and also set bound- — that the Jewish community is investing
aries around what is ethical and what is in creating a camp culture that allows us
normal and what is not. to greet each other b’zelem Elohim.”

Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 29

Jewish World

Malcolm Hoenlein says his role with Israeli gas giant

is ‘completely transparent’
BEN SALES operations. The article also said that con-

stituent groups of the Presidents Confer-
alcolm Hoenlein, the profes- ence did not know about Hoenlein sitting
sional head of one of Ameri- on the Delek board.
can Jewry’s most influential Since that story’s publication, two large
organizations and a board constituent groups, the Union for Reform
member of a large Israeli energy company, Judaism and the American Jewish Com-
told JTA that he sees no conflict between mittee, said they are seeking more trans-
those roles. parency about his activities outside of the
Hoenlein is executive vice chairman Presidents Conference.
of the Conference of Presidents of Major But Hoenlein insists that he and the
American Jewish Organizations, an Presidents Conference leadership have
umbrella group that speaks for more than been transparent.
50 Jewish groups on foreign policy, includ- “It was announced in a big newspaper
ing issues related to Israel. Since June, he story,” he said in a phone interview with
also has been on the board of directors of JTA on Friday, referring to his appoint-
Delek Drilling, a private company that is a ment as a Delek director. “It was no secret.
major stakeholder in Israel’s large offshore This was nothing other than completely
natural gas fields. transparent.” Malcolm Hoenlein, right, is with Ronald Lauder at the Apollo Theater in Manhat-
His role in the company has come under The Forward article suggested a pos- tan on March 16, 2011.  SHAHAR AZRAN/WIREIMAGE/GETTY IMAGES

scrutiny after the Forward reported last sible conflict of interest between Hoen-
week that the Presidents Conference has lein’s role at the energy company and his president, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. Sisi’s gov- deal to buy energy from Delek and Noble
been active on issues relevant to Delek positive assessments of Egypt’s autocratic ernment recently signed a $15 billion Energy, which control the natural gas field.

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Jewish World

The story also noted Hoenlein’s advo- in negotiating the deal among Delek, before accepting the post — as he had done it could have on the important work of the
cacy of stronger ties between Israel and Noble and Egypt. He also holds no Delek when he accepted board positions at other Conference of Presidents.”
Cyprus and Greece, which he calls a “Med- stock, he told JTA, though its board mem- companies. The Presidents Conference announced
iterranean alternative” to the Jewish state’s bers do receive compensation. “You don’t think it’s a tribute?” Hoenlein last month, weeks before the Forward
hostile neighbors. A pipeline from the nat- “There were no contradictions,” he said. asked of being offered the board position. story, that Hoenlein would begin the pro-
ural gas fields to Turkey, the article said, “Quite the opposite. This enhances our “That it’s a recognition on the part of the cess of stepping aside as CEO of the orga-
would run through Cypriot waters. role and our understanding of the region.” business world that we have executives nization as the group seeks “an executive
Hoenlein told JTA that the meetings he The Forward spoke with a few Presi- they respect and think are worthy? I com- to assume responsibility for the Confer-
and his group have long held with Middle dents Conference members who said they pletely disclosed this.” ence’s ongoing operations and activities,”
Eastern leaders have no relation to his did not know Hoenlein sat on the Delek Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the but that he would stay on in a capacity still
position at Delek. His support for Sisi and board. Hoenlein did not send a notice to Union for Reform Judaism, said there did to be determined. He has held the post for
Cyprus predate his appointment as a Delek members when he accepted the position. not appear to be anything untoward in 32 years, in that time becoming one of the
director. He said he uses those meetings to But he said his appointment was pub- the arrangement, though transparency at most important interlocutors between the
improve relations between the Arab world lic knowledge, as it had been reported the Presidents Conference was an issue. Jewish establishment and both Washing-
and Israel, and that other Presidents Con- in several Israeli and American business “We continue to be concerned about the ton and Jerusalem.
ference members are also present at them. newspapers. lack of transparency at the Conference of Asked what prompted his decision
The work with Greece and Cyprus, he said, A Google search found mentions of his Presidents,” Jacobs said in a statement in Hoenlein, 74, told JTA on Friday that
also involves Greek-American leaders and appointment on an undated stock market response to JTA. “However we have no rea- he wanted to make the move before the
B’nai B’rith, the Jewish group. information page maintained by Reuters, son to believe there is any wrongdoing.” group chooses a new chair, a process that
Hoenlein is seen as an ally of Israeli as well as a Feb. 5 Bloomberg article on The American Jewish Committee will begin soon, because he did not want
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel-Turkey relations. The most promi- praised Hoenlein, but said it is seeking the decision to be seen as a rebuke of the
as a backchannel to regional heads of state. nent of the mentions was a June 29 arti- more information about the effect of his new chair.
“We’ve been doing it for more than 20 cle in the Israeli publication the Marker, role at Delek. “We have always had great “It’s not because I’m tired,” he said. “I
years,” he said regarding Presidents Con- which appears in Hebrew, declaring that respect and appreciation for Malcolm’s have more energy than almost anyone. I
ference meetings with Arab leaders. “I’ve Delek was acquiring a new director “who indefatigable role in the life of the Jewish did it because I just wanted to do the right
only been on the [Delek] board since is well connected to the high places — in people,” the AJC said in a statement shared thing ... I wanted to do it before we started
June.... We don’t have negotiations. We Israel and the United States — and no less with the Forward. “That said, we were pre- electing a chair. I like all the candidates,
talk about the issues. People are always so in Arab countries.” viously unaware of his membership on the and it has nothing to do with that. I didn’t
present at these meetings who can tell you Hoenlein also said he cleared the board of Delek Drilling. We are now seek- want it to appear as if I am casting asper-
what we did say.” appointment with the Presidents Con- ing to understand the significance of that sions on the next chairperson.”
Hoenlein added that he played no part ference chairman, Stephen Greenberg, connection and what impact, if any at all,  JTA WIRE SERVICE


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Other CareOne at Teaneck services include:
Other CareOne at Teaneck services include:

Enjoy your Pesach away from

• Room and board • Planning and resources for
• Room and board • Planning
community and resources for
• Housekeeping community support Larry Kudlow is on CNBC’s set at the New York Stock Exchange earlier
• Housekeeping
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care or companion
care or companion this month.  BRYAN R. SMITH/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
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nutrition management
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about the bar mitzvah boy

cared for at Careone atCatholic
turned pro-Israel Teaneck.
544 Teaneck
544 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
RON KAMPEAS went first to Elisabeth Morrow and then

to Dwight-Englewood. Both are private
ast week, President Donald schools. “I was bar-mitzvahed when I
• Two traditional Passover Seders
Trump named Larry Kudlow,
the CNBC personality, as his
next chief economic adviser.
was 13, but I don’t think I had been in
a temple, not to worship anyway, in at
least 25 years,” he said.

per dayYIZKOR (one early and one late)

Here are five things to know 3. He talks Jewish when it comes
about Kudlow. to Israel.
1. He was born Jewish but converted to Kudlow, 70, remains committed to
Remembrance Roman Catholicism. Israel, and uses Jewishisms to describe

officiated by our rabbi Service

for the 6,000,000
Not just Catholicism, but its deeply
conservative stream: The priest who
converted Kudlow belongs to the Opus
his devotion. In 2006, writing for the
conservative National Review, where
he was economics editor (he liked the
JEWISH MARTYRS Dei, the secretive traditionalist wing of magazine’s Catholic ambiance, he once

• Traditional WednesdayPassover meals

April 11, 2018
the church, and Kudlow attended Opus
Dei retreats as part of his conversion.
In a 2000 interview with Crisis, a
said), Kudlow praised Israel as a model
in combating terrorism.
“God bless Eretz Israel,” he quoted
conservative Catholic publication, Kud- Jewish conservative Ben Stein as saying.

• One complimentary beauty Exhibit by artist

Shmuel Leitner at 6:00pm
Program 6:30pm
low said the traditions are part of what
attracted him to the church. “All the
Catholic priests who worked with me
And he concluded: “Sensible freedom-
loving people everywhere will realize
that Israel’s furious response in the face

are all very traditional people. I welcome of senseless terrorist attacks will have
that,” he said. made the world a better place.
Kudlow enjoyed the ritual. “One of “In fact, we are all Israelis now.”
YIZKOR – Remembrance Service Temple Beth Sholom the things that attracted me to it is that I 4. He and the Trumps go way back.
40-25 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn
for the 6,000,000 JEWISH MARTYRS really like the traditions, the formality of Kudlow was an early believer in the

• 11,On-site
Wednesday, April 2018 / 26 Nisan 5778 synagogue with daily Keynote Speaker
it. It seems to me that in the early days,
the Church had a lot of rituals, and I like
Trump candidacy, something Trump’s
Jewish daughter, Ivanka, noted on Twit-

Temple Beth SholomHADASSAH

that. That appealed to me enormously,” ter the day after her father announced

services LIEBERMAN led by our rabbi

40-25 Fair Lawn Avenue, Fair Lawn, New Jersey
Program at 6:30 pm - Exhibit by artist Shmuel Leitner at 6:00 pm
he said.
Kudlow said a personal addiction cri-
sis in the early to mid-1990s led him to
Ku d l o w ’s a p p o i n t m e n t o n t h e
same platform.
“Your advice was instrumental on the
Keynote Speaker: Hadassah “From Child of Survivors, to Immigrant,
Lieberman the church. “In my 12-step meetings, campaign & later during tax reform,” she
“From Child of Survivors, to Immigrant, to National Campaigns”
to Partner, I sometimes hear some of the younger wrote. “Now, we welcome you to the

to Partner, *Reservations required. Limited availability.

Sponsored by
to National Campaigns”
kids who went to Catholic school rebel
against Catholicism,” he said. “I say to
White House! You will undoubtedly help
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information call Dr. NORTHERN Greene at 201-873-3263 them, ‘You don’t know how wonderful jobs & opportunity for all Americans!”
Sponsored by the HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL COMMITTEE those rules are.’” (POTUS is shorthand for president of the
For information call 201-638-9622.
For carpooling within Fair LawnFEDERATION OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY
of JEWISH 2. Not a lot stuck from his Jewish United States.)

Please call admissions to reserve

call 201-220-4876. upbringing in Englewood, where he Kudlow, however, does not agree with


your spot: 201-287-8507 or 8505

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Oddly, the most pronounced disagreement between
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EWISH STANDARD “Mr. President, tariffs are really tax hikes,” Kudlow Crocheted, Suede, Lace
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EWISH LINK 5. His predictions are, um, iffy.
ull pg is 10" xLiberal
14" columnists have delighted in Kudlow’s
r Full is 7.437" x 9.079" if only because it gives them the excuse
to play a favorite Washington parlor game: Count how
many times Kudlow has been wrong.
“Larry Kudlow may have been more wrong about
the economy than anyone alive,” the Washington
788 inches Post’s
wide by 8.75wroteinches high.
Dana Milbank Thursday, running through N E W S P R I N G A R R I VA L S
Kudlow’s assurances, in the mid-to-late 2000s, that
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nitely not on the way. suits and accessories at discount prices.
“Trump’s New Economic Adviser Lawrence Kudlow
Has Been Wrong About Everything for Decades,” said
Jonathan Chait at New York magazine.
His reverence for Israel colored one prediction that
he got wrong. In a pair of National Review columns,
he was feeling bullish after Israel handed “a signifi-
cant defeat” over the “thuggish and cowardly Hezbol-
lah murderers” in Lebanon as well as “their totalitar-
ian backers in Syria and Iran,” thus striking a blow for
“economic freedom both inside and outside the U.S.”
That thinking led him to conclude that there “will be
no recession.”
“Recession?” he wrote. “American businesses have
never been healthier or more profitable. Lower tax rates

have spurred a tremendous boom in private investment,
while new job hires continue to lift family incomes.”
Kudlow wrote that in July 2006. The housing bub-

ble burst in December 2007, triggering the period eco-
nomic historians now call “The Great Recession.”

His reverence
for Israel colored
one prediction that he
got wrong. In a pair of
National Review
columns, he was
feeling bullish after
Israel handed
“a significant defeat”
over the “thuggish
and cowardly
Hezbollah murderers”

in Lebanon as well as BORO PARK:

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Jewish World

Exiled opposition leader from Maduro’s Venezuela

draws strength from Jewish roots
Ron Kampeas nation’s capital. “They have been my inspiration,” he said
of his father and grandfather. “They had to flee a country
WASHINGTON — David Smolansky has become the exiled twice and bounce back.”
face of the resistance to the regime of Venezuelan Presi- Both of Smolansky’s grandparents left what is now
dent Nicolas Maduro. Ukraine because of anti-Semitism and the privations of
It doesn’t take long to realize why the major media con- living in the Soviet Union. They met in Cuba and married,
stantly seeks him out for commentary on the repressive starting a clothing business. They could not withstand the
socialist regime and its collapsing economy. Smolansky, pressures on business brought by the Castro regime, and
32, has packed a lot into his young life. in 1970 left for a brief stay in Mexico before moving on
A journalist and former student activist, he is the young- to Venezuela. “They didn’t have any freedom,” he said.
est mayor in his country’s history. When he realized last “My family’s house [in Cuba] is now a ‘Center for Social-
year that he was targeted for arrest for his politics, he ist Policy.’”
adopted a false identity, shaved his beard, put on a flat His grandparents died in 1989, when he was 3. His mem-
hat, and cleared 35 checkpoints before making it into the ory of his grandfather, Naum, is the pleasure he took in
jungles of Brazil. taking his grandson to a nearby bakery; breadlines in the
And this keeps cropping up in his interviews: Political Soviet Union led him to cherish the freedom to get bread David Smolansky, a leader in exile of Venezuela’s
exile runs in his family. whenever he liked. opposition, is in Washington, D.C., on March 12, 2018.
“My grandparents left the Soviet Union in 1927, my Now his father, José Smolansky, lives in Venezuela  Ron Kampeas

father left Cuba in 1970, so I am the third generation of under the watchful eye of the regime. “He is a victim of
Smolanskys who’ve had to leave a country because of a his son being forced to leave,” Smolansky said. leaders were mayors. Its leader, Leopoldo López, now is
totalitarian regime,” he told the BBC in December. “I’m Smolansky’s party, Popular Will, grew out of grass- under house arrest.
the third generation that has had to emigrate,” he told roots efforts in the mid-2000s to resist sweeping changes Smolansky was a founding member of the party in
Reuters last month. to constitutional law proposed by Maduro’s late men- 2009, and four years later, at 28, he easily won his bid to
JTA met with Smolansky this week at a think tank off of tor, the authoritarian leftist Hugo Chavez, that seemed become mayor of El Hatillo, a municipality in the capital
K Street, the corridor for think tanks and lobbyists in the to be aimed at stifling opposition. Many of Popular Will’s city of Caracas.

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34 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018

Jewish World


He said his Jewish roots always have

been fodder for his attackers. “I have
warns, places Hezbollah “three hours by
plane from the United States.”
Glatt Kosher Caterers
been accused of being the boss of Zion- His mission is to advocate for his
ism in Venezuela, I was accused of being party, which takes a harder line than oth-
trained by the Mossad,” he said of the ers in the coalition of groups confront- COMPLETE PASSOVER MENU!
Israeli intelligence agency. “The walls of ing Maduro. Smolansky said he buried OPEN FOR CHOL HAMOED
my house were covered in graffiti, ‘Zion- five residents of El Hatillo — they were
ist shit.’ It’s awful to see people on social among the 130 protesters killed last year • Grab and Go Kosher for Passover
media refer to me as a ‘shitty Jew.’” during protests against the government. Gluten Free Sandwiches Including Roast Beef,Corned Beef,
Smolansky does not identify as fully He wants to expand the Lima group, the Pastrami, Turkey Breast, Tuna and Egg Salad
Jewish — he says he had a Jewish and grouping of 17 countries in the Americas
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Urosa de Smolansky, is a Roman Catho- ela’s crisis. • Fresh Brewed Coffee Every Day
lic). But he said it played a role in shap- His outspokenness edges him close
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ing him; he misses being with his father to some controversial postures: He will
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Including Caesar, Lemon Dill and Raspberry
“I go with my father to synagogue” to remove Maduro from power, instead PICKUP HOURS FOR PASSOVER SPECIAL HOURS FOR PASSOVER
on the Jewish Day of Atonement and saying the army should fulfill its consti- Wednesday 3/28/18 7:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Monday 4/2/2018 7:30 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
twice, Smolansky said, he fasted with tutional role — a loophole wide enough Thursday 3/29/2018 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Tues.-Wed 4/3-4/2018 7:30 a.m. -7:00 p.m.
his father. “It’s a very special day, you to drive a tank through on its way to the Friday 3/30/2018 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Thursday 4/5/2018 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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are with yourself and you think on the boycotting presidential elections set for
last year,” he said. April 22, saying the system is rigged.) Owner Operated · Visit
He frets at the diminishing numbers Smolansky, meantime, is seeking 446 Cedar Lane · Teaneck, NJ · 201-692-0192 · Fax 201-692-3656
of the Jewish community in his coun- allies. Jewish Floridians he knows invited
try, saying that it now numbers no more him to attend this month’s conference of
than 10,000, down from what Smolan- the American Israel Public Affairs Com-
sky and some other observers say was mittee, which he found “interesting.”
30,000 before Chavez came to power in He wants Israel to speak out: Since its
1998. relations with Venezuela are precarious
Smolansky, who is not married, is a and Israel has vacated its embassy in
visiting scholar at Georgetown University the Latin American country, Smolansky
here. He is researching security for citi- asks: What has it got to lose?
zens, with an emphasis on the status of “It will be important to have a state-
Caracas as one of the most violent cities ment,” he said.
in the world and the dangers that Ven- Above all, unlike his parents and
ezuela’s government poses to the region, grandparents, Smolansky insists his exile
in part because of its ties to Hezbollah, is not permanent.
the Lebanese terrorist militia allied with “I don’t want to be disconnected from
Iran. Venezuela’s proximity, Smolansky Venezuelans,” he said. JTA Wire Service


Israel Foreign Ministry warns:

Check bags for loose bullets before flying abroad
Israel’s Foreign Ministry is warning discovered with bullets in Egypt, India,
Israeli travelers to be sure to leave all and Thailand, the offenders were made
their bullets at home. The warning fol- to sit in jail.
lows the detention of an Israeli in Azer- Last year, 19 Israelis were detained
baijan who was found to have bullets in abroad for inadvertently transporting
her luggage. loose bullets, typically in bags they used
Dalia Hadad, from Beersheva, told Kan in the army.
Bet radio that five M-16 bullets found in Another Israeli, Elli Avraham, also
her luggage when she arrived at Baku air- was released from Azerbaijan in recent
port belonged to her daughter, who had days, after being detained for more than
used the luggage when she was in basic two months for traveling with five bul-
training in the Israel Defense Forces. lets from his personal weapon in one of
Hadad told interviewers that while his bags.
she was detained and ordered to remain In a statement, the foreign ministry
in the country, she was treated well by noted “the importance of every trav-
Azerbaijani authorities and not jailed for eler checking their bags carefully before
the entire three weeks of the authorities’ going abroad,” and warned Israelis that
investigation. being found with bullets could lead to
In cases in which Israelis were detainment in foreign countries.

Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 35

Jewish World

A happy and kosher Pesach to all!

The Polychrome
Historical Haggadah
Jacob Freedman (Author)
Tzvee Zahavy (Foreword)
With a commentary, interpretive
translation, introduction, and notes.
The Foreword by Tzvee Zahavy
describes the Seder as a scribal opera,
and the Haggadah as its libretto.

This classic edition of the Passover Haggadah was designed by Rabbi

Jacob Freedman to expose to the readers the composite literary
layers of the book and its system of scriptural quotations. It has
Freedman’s vibrant English translation. The Hebrew test is encoded in
distinct colors to reveal the historical periods of origin of the sources
for every verse, phrase, and even for single words. This Haggadah also Mississippi’s Gov. Phil Bryant stands at a press conference with Israeli officials
has several full-page color reproductions of illustrations from famous at the Homeland Defense and Security Summit in Biloxi on March 13, 2018.
medieval Haggadahs, a bibliography and an index to all the sources  BEN SALES

cited in the marginal notes.

Purchase this wonderful Haggadah today at Amazon Israel stars at a national
security conference
in Mississippi
an evening with

Annual Patron of the BILOXI, MISS. — A homeland security neighborhood they live in.”
Arts Program Premier conference took place in a southern The admiration went beyond the
Speaker Event Mississippi town with an Air Force base governor.
Join us for an evening of laughter and a shipbuilding yard. Paul Zukunft, the Coast Guard com-

and conversation with Alan Alda, Among those at the meeting were the mandant, said of Israel that “there’s
seven-time Emmy & Golden Globe commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard; a no better example of a country that
award-winning actor, director, author,
and science advocate, on the art of general from India, the world’s second- finds itself in the bulls-eye.” A panel-
improv, the role of empathy, and the largest country; and representatives ist said “Israel is literally our anchor in
importance of communicating. from Taiwan and South Korea, a U.S. the Middle East.” Israelis spoke on two
Sunday, April 15, 7 pm VIP $360 Exclusive for Patron of the ally in a key trouble spot. panels, and at a news conference the
Arts Subscribers. Reserved VIP But Israel was the star. governor invited a few Israeli officials
seating, meet and greet with photo The International Homeland Defense to stand alongside him and some U.S.
opportunity, dessert reception
and Security Summit, organized by the military officers.
Preferred Admission $100 state government, was held last week in The Israeli delegation featured com-
Priority seating this Gulf Coast city, far from any Jewish panies specializing in security technol-
population center, in a state the local ogy. They were there to expand into the
General Admission $50
Israeli consul visits only twice a year. U.S. market and introduce themselves
All attendees will receive Alan’s But representatives of 16 Israeli com- to local officials and private companies.
latest book, If I Understood You, panies showed up, along with a del- One tool, Smart Shooter, promises
Would I Have This Look On My Face?
egation from its Defense Ministry and to make guns more accurate. Another,
Visit arms industry. And speakers, especially Magal Security Systems, is a border
Mississippi’s Gov. Phil Bryant, couldn’t security sensor system that’s used on
INFO: Nina Bachrach, stop talking about it. Israel’s northern and southern fron-
Bryant, a Republican, credited a tiers. A third, Beeper, is a surveil-
This event is supported in part by The Henry and
Marilyn Taub Foundation national security conference he spoke lance system — already deployed by
at in Israel in 2016 as the inspiration the Israeli military and police depart-
for this one. One of the first pictures he ments in Baltimore and Houston — that
showed during his speech was of him can pinpoint where a gun is fired and
grinning with Prime Minister Benjamin instantly take video of who fired the
Netanyahu. weapon.
Photo Credit: Alan Alda

“If there’s anyone that knows about While there are no hostile borders
homeland security, it’s the Israelis,” he in Mississippi, Magal already has done
said at the start of his address open- work there and elsewhere in the United
ing the conference, whose organiz- States securing the perimeters of pris-
ers paid for JTA’s flight to Biloxi along ons, power plants and Secret Service
KAPLEN JCC on the Palisades TAUB CAMPUS | 411 E CLINTON AVE, TENAFLY, NJ 07670 | 201.569.7900 | with hotel costs. “They have a tough sites. It’s played a role in securing 80


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“Israel has shown the Surrounding Towns
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structures that we
see being used here.”

percent of Israel’s borders, as well as some borders

in Europe, the manufacturer claims.
“I don’t think they suffer from any illegal movement
on the border, “said Saar Koursh, CEO of Magal. “But
for us, securing Mississippi’s critical sites is definitely
an opportunity, and besides that, collaborating with
the industries doing projects out of Mississippi as
well.” Israel Aerospace Industries has two facilities in
The threats discussed in Mississippi were a far cry
from those in Israel, where militant groups aim mis-
siles across a border, terrorists try to infiltrate from the
barely self-governing territory next door and at least
one regional rival threatens annihilation.
Instead, discussion focused on the Gulf Coast’s
maritime economy. Panelists talked about boats
ferrying drugs, migrants and weapons across the
water. They discussed natural disasters like Hur-
ricane Katrina — its effects are still visible here —
and how climate change could exacerbate future
storms. They talked about the area’s military
presence and how manufacturing equipment like
drones can boost the state.
But the governor said there’s still plenty of oppor-
tunity for Israelis to do business in the state. Bry-
ant pointed to the border tech they have developed,
from sensors to surveillance, as a way to secure the
coast without a physical barrier. He has made sup-
porting Israel a priority of his administration, visit-
ing three times since he took office in 2012.
“What we can learn from the real world experi-
ence, unfortunately of having someone on your bor- N ORWOOD
der in a threatening manner, can be very beneficial
here in the United States of America,” the governor
said at a news conference. “Israel has shown the OPENING THIS SPRING
world that you can secure a border with the use of Secure your preferred floor plan now.
technology as well as the new advanced structures
that we see being used here.” Call 201.273.7374 to schedule a visit.
Israel and Mississippi also share cultural similarities,
said Lior Haiat, Israel’s consul general for the region, Assisted Living & Memory Care
who is based in Florida. Its population of fewer than
3 million makes it intimate like Israel. And the high
percentage of soldiers and veterans makes military
service a familiar and appreciated part of life, as it is
in Israel, where there’s a mandatory draft.
“It’s very similar because Mississippi is a very small
place where work is very centralized,” Haiat said. “The
governor knows all of the key players personally, and
he personally opens the door for Israeli companies.”
In his closing speech at the conference, Bryant said:
“Should there come a day when there will be a threat,
and it will, we will have friends around the world. We
are preparing ourselves in the event that that terror
attack does occur.” JTA WIRE SERVICE


Jewish World

Prenatal vitamins markedly lower autism Technion analysts: Cats could

risk, according to Israeli researchers help in development
A four-year study of tens of thousands of Israeli children the supplements during pregnancy, that number jumped to of anti-HIV drugs for humans
has concluded that mothers who take folic acid and multi- 73 percent. The results were published in the Journal of the Researchers at the Technion–Israel Institute of Tech-
vitamins before and during pregnancy are at a significantly American Medical Association Psychiatry. nology in Haifa have uncovered the mechanism that
lower risk of giving birth to children with autism than Vitamin deficiencies in mothers long have been associ- enables Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, or FIV, pro-
women who do not. ated with neural defects, and pregnant women are advised teins to become drug-resistant—a phenomenon not yet
Professor Stephen Levine of the University of Haifa’s com- to take folic acid and multivitamins. But research has not observed in the AIDS-causing HIV-1 virus, which affects
munity mental-health department led a study from 2003 to been conclusive as to whether the supplements can affect millions of people worldwide.
2007 investigating the prescription data for the mothers of autism risk. While FIV does not infect humans, it is widely
45,300 Israeli children. By 2015, 572 of these children were In an interview with Reuters Health, Levine emphasized researched to benefit cats. More important are its par-
diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. that “factors before pregnancy may be a target for further allels with the AIDS virus.
Mothers who took folic acid, multivitamins, or both scrutiny to reduce the likelihood of autism.” The virus is transmitted between male street cats,
before pregnancy were 61 percent less likely to give birth to Autism now affects one out of every 160 children in the primarily via saliva. Like in humans, the virus involves
an autistic child, according to the study. When women took world, according to the World Health Organization. JNS.ORG immune impairment and the inability to fight off
infections, diseases and cancer. Because highly simi-
lar viruses cause FIV and HIV, researchers hope that
the findings could lead to the development of anti-HIV
drugs that could preempt future strains of drug-resis-
tant AIDS viruses.
This phenomenon of FIV-protein drug resistance,
which inhibits the same protein in HIV-1, puzzled sci-
entists until now.
According to an American Technion Society press
release, Assistant Professor Akram Alian and Dr.
Meytal Galilee from the Technion biology faculty have
shown the 3D structure of this protein in the FIV and
used it to uncover the mechanistic basis of viral resis-
tance to anti-reverse transcriptase drugs.
Their findings, published recently in PLOS Patho-

Is your gens, show that the FIV protein forms a closed pocket
that blocks the drugs from effective binding.

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Jewish World

The first Torah reading in orbit

and 5 other fun facts about Jews in space
JOSEFIN DOLSTEN a modern-day horoscope, the book a Brooklyn native who was born in 1944, Jewish origins.

offered predictions based on the read- brought a scaled-down Torah with him and Actor Leonard Nimoy used an unlikely
he Torah tells how God cre- er’s zodiac sign. Similar books existed did the first Torah reading outside of Earth. source of inspiration for his character
ated the earth and the heav- in both Yiddish and Hebrew during the He also had a set of Jewish ritual items spe- Spock’s iconic Vulcan salute, which consists
ens, although the stories that period, but rabbinic authorities were cially made for his trip, including a mezuzah of a raised hand with the middle and ring
follow tell us more about the not thrilled, since astrology is banned with a Velcro strip that he would attach to fingers parted into a V. The gesture looks
former than the latter. A new exhibit by Jewish law (although zodiac symbols his bunk and a prayer shawl with weights to just like the one kohanim do in synagogue
doesn’t quite answer theological ques- have shown up as synagogue decora- keep it from floating away in zero-gravity. He when they make the priestly blessing. In
tions about space, but it does show the tions for at least 1,500 years). Despite also brought a menorah to celebrate Chanu- his autobiography, Nimoy explained that
ways in which Jews have looked at, writ- that, Jews at the time continued to read kah, although he was never able to actually he had copied the Jewish gesture, which he
ten about and traveled into the final horoscopes as well as seek other ways of light it aboard the spacecraft. had seen in a synagogue as a child (it also
frontier. predicting the future, such as by going to 4. The Vulcan salute on “Star Trek” has SEE JEWS IN SPACE PAGE 43
“Jews in Space: Members of the Tribe psychics and reading tea leaves.
in Orbit,” named after a Mel Brooks gag, 2. The first Jewish American to go into
is an exhibit organized and on view at space was a woman.
the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Judith Resnik became the first Jew-
and the Center for Jewish History in ish American and second Jew (Soviet
Manhattan. It features both Yiddish and astronaut Boris Volynov was the first)
Hebrew books on astronomy and astrol- to go into space when she flew on the
ogy, science fiction works created by maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle Dis-
Jews, and sections on the history of Jew- covery in 1984. Born in 1949 to Jewish
ish astronauts. immigrants from Ukraine who settled in
JTA was given a tour by Eddy Portnoy, Ohio, Resnik worked as an engineer at
YIVO’s senior researcher and director the Xerox Corp. before being recruited
of exhibitions, who curated the collec- to NASA in a program to diversify its
tion with Melanie Meyers, and learned workforce. Resnik was only the fourth
about some of the unusual and unex- woman to do so. She died in 1986 along
pected relationship between Jews and with the rest of the crew of the space
the cosmos. shuttle Challenger when the spacecraft
1. This book of horoscopes was writ- broke apart shortly after takeoff.
ten in Yiddish. 3. In 1985, a Jewish-American astro-
Published in 1907 in Odessa, Ukraine, naut read from the Torah in space.
“The Revealer of That Which Is Hidden: Jeffrey Hoffman, the first Jewish-
A New Practical Book of Fate” gave Yid- American man to go into space, con-
dish readers a way to learn about their sulted a rabbi on how to observe Juda-
futures by way of astrology. Much like ism on his first trip, in 1985. Hoffman,

Mission specialist Judith Resnik sends a message to her father from the
shuttle Discovery on its maiden voyage, August 30, 1984.

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Jewish World

honor her by naming the character after the topic of her work, the
archive and research center on Eastern European Jewish life founded
in Vilna in 1925.
6. A Jewish immigrant to the U.S. helped popularize science fiction.
Hugo Gernsback, a Jewish immigrant from Luxembourg, is some-
times called “the father of science fiction” for publishing a magazine
that helped popularize the genre. Launched in 1926, “Amazing Stories”
featured tales of aliens, robots, and other beings, including some writ-
ten by Gernsback himself. His magazine brought science fiction — a
term he coined — to the mainstream, and inspired many writers, such
as Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, the Jewish-American duo that created
Superman. Gernsback left “Amazing Stories” in 1929, although it held
on in one form or another until 2005. Among the Jewish writers who
had their first stories published in the magazine were Isaac Asimov Astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman signals directions
and Howard Fast. JTA WIRE SERVICE to a European Space Agency astronaut in

Hugo Gernsback founded the science fic-

tion magazine “Amazing Stories” in 1926.



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Preparing for Passover Kosher for Passover

Over the last few weeks, as we continue to help our readers prepare for Passover,
at Teaneck Stop & Shop
the Jewish Standard has published information about community seders, recipes, Rabbi Chaim Poupko, members
and lots of ideas for the holiday, which begins this year at sundown on Friday, of the Teaneck Jewish commu-
March 30, and ends on Saturday, April 7. Check local synagogues and community nity, and representatives of the
organizations for seders near you. If you missed any information, feel free to call kosher food industry gathered at
Beth Chananie at the Jewish Standard at (201) 837-8818, ext. 110. the Teaneck Stop & Shop to dis-
cuss the growth in the number
of kosher for Passover products.
Manischewitz launches first The number of kosher for Pass-
over products has more than dou-
pre-sliced frozen gefilte fish bled since 2012 in the $1.3 billion
The Manischewitz Company, the largest marketer of kosher for Passover food industry.
kosher foods in North America, is offering pre-sliced According to Martin Siegel, a
frozen gefilte fish. The new product is available at select vice president of supermarket Mollie Fish, a 60-year Teaneck resident,
kosher grocery stores and at select ShopRite and Stop & sales for Kayco, the largest kosher is joined by Teaneck Stop & Shop’s store
Shop locations. The new product will cut down the 1 1/2 food distributor in the nation, manager, Joe Gondek, left, and Rabbi Chaim
hour cooking time to just 15 minutes. “the kosher food industry is meld- Poupko, the president of the Rabbinical
The gluten-free fish is kosher for Passover and year- ing tradition with modern tastes, Council of Bergen County, as she does her
round, and comes in a 20-ounce resealable bag. It is sensing a change in the market. Passover shopping. She says she was amazed
certified kosher by both the Orthodox Union and Rabbi The industry is rolling out eclectic by the thousands of Passover items in Stop &
Shmuel Teitelbaum of the Tartikov Bet Din, giving it broad offerings transforming Passover.” Shop’s Passover aisle. PHOTO PROVIDED

appeal among all segments of the kosher market. Among the most unusual prod-
ucts that Passover shoppers will find this lasagna noodles.
year: seaweed snacks, frozen riced cau- The bottom line, Rabbi Poupko added,
liflower, coconut chews, jarred aspara- is that “the 2018 Passover aisle is not your
Passover minyans in Paterson gus, gluten-free cinnamon matzah, and grandmother’s Passover aisle.”

The Paterson Shul at the Federation Apartments is seeking help in making Passover
minyans. The shul at 510 E. 27th Street (corner of 12th Ave.), is holding services for
Passover on two Saturdays, March 31 and April 7, at 9 a.m. Both days, a chometz-free
Flourless chocolate dessert
kiddush will follow services. For more information, go to for Pesach and all year round
Waltraud Unger of Glen Rock, a member rich, chocolatey dessert that didn’t add a
Kosher for Passover Shabbat dinner of Temple Israel & JCC in Ridgewood, is a
board-certified health and lifestyle coach.
ton of sugar or carbs to our plate, since my
husband and I are avoiding dairy and glu-
Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley in Woodcliff Lake offers “Chefs’ Night Out” She shares this recipe with our readers. ten.” The result is below.
on Friday, April 6. It’s a kosher for Passover Shabbat dinner at 6:30 p.m. The dinner She said, “Recently I was looking for a
offers a break from eating more seder leftovers. All are welcome For reservations,
call (201) 391-0801.
Chocolate Tart with
Hazelnut Crust
By Waltraud R. Unger
serves 16

1 1/2 cups whole hazelnuts
1/2 cup coconut flour
(Lieber’s makes a KP one)
3 tablespoons maple syrup, divided with a rubber spatula if necessary as
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted the dough will be soft. Press the dough
7 ounces dark chocolate chips evenly into the bottom of the tart pan
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract and halfway up the sides. Place the
1/4 teaspoon sea salt pan on a baking sheet and bake until
1 (13 1/2) ounce can Lieber’s coconut golden, about 10 minutes. Set aside
milk (don’t use reduced fat) to cool slightly. Reduce oven to 325
2 large eggs, lightly beaten degrees. Add chocolate to a heat proof
From last year’s Big Bread Burn  MICHAEL LAVES
1 teaspoon coconut oil to grease bowl with vanilla, salt, and remaining
tart pan
Big Bread Burn in Teaneck unsweetened cacao powder to garnish
2 tablespoons maple syrup. In a small
sauce pan over medium heat bring the
coconut milk to a simmer, but do not
The annual Big Bread Burn, named this Teaneck, in partnership with Heichal Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a boil, stirring frequently. Pour the hot co-
year for the Jewish Center of Teaneck’s HaTorah, along with many synagogues 10 inch tart pan with removable bottom conut milk over the chocolate and stir
congregant Elizabeth Sher, who had and other local Jewish organizations, with coconut oil. In a food processor, to melt. Transfer the chocolate mixture
been active in all the previous big bread will give out red fire chief hats and Stre- pulse the hazelnuts until finely ground, to the cleaned food processor bowl and
about 20 pulses. Add coconut flour and add eggs. Pulse until the mixture is well
burns, and died in December, is set for its kosher for Passover lollipops to all
1 tablespoon maple syrup and pulse 4 combined, about 5 to 7 pulses. Pour the
Friday, March 30, from 9 a.m. to noon. attendees. to 5 times to combine. With the motor mixture into the crust. Carefully return
As in the past, the Teaneck Fire Chometz must be in paper bags. running, stream in the melted coconut the tart to the oven until the filling is set
Department will have fire trucks in the They’ll be thrown into the dumpster. oil and keep motor running until the and no longer jiggles, about 20 min-
JCT parking lot for a photo op for all To be a volunteer, greeting the attend- dough comes together, approximately utes. As oven temperatures vary keep
the kids who come to burn their small ees and distributing the free items, email 20 seconds. Remove blade and trans- an eye on it to avoid burning the filling.
bags of chometz. The Jewish Center of Sigi Laster at fer dough to the prepared pan, scrap- Let cool completely and dust with the
ing the bowl of the food processor cacao powder using a fine mesh sieve.


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Culinary expert pens Passover cookbook

BETH JANOFF CHANANIE special dining tables with built-in drawers
so they could hide the seder objects if the
Jennifer Felicia Abadi, a culinary expert police came. In other communities, they
who teaches at the Institute of Culinary put playing cards on the table to make it
Education and the JCC of Manhattan, look like a family was just playing a game.
recently gave a presentation to the sister- In Russsia, the haggadah was forbidden, so
hood of the Glen Rock Jewish Center on her they read from the Bible, which was per-
new book “Too Good to Passover — Seph- missible. Every community felt the need to
ardic and Judeo-Arabic Seder Menus and observe Passover in some way.
Memories From Africa, Asia, and Europe.” For the Glen Rock presentation, Ms.
According to the president of Glen Abadi prepared and offered tastings of
Rock’s sisterhood, Randi Asher, Ms. Abadi three kinds of charoset — Moroccan, Syr-
said that as she gathered information for ian, and Portuguese. Last week, we fea-
her book, she spoke to 100 people in more tured a Hawaiian charoset.
than 23 Jewish communities around the Now, we give you a recipe for mayina —
world. They were all of Sephardic and an E�yptian-style layered matzah pie with Jennifer Abadi
Judeo-Arabic descent. The most striking ground beef, allspice, and cinnamon.
theme she found was the lengths those Ms. Abadi’s almost-700-page book — suggestions- and just Jennifer’s wonder- available on and in several
Sephardic Jews took to continue to observe reads like a novel, with the bonus of the ful stories to read. Manhattan and Brooklyn locations includ-
the mitzvot of Passover, matzah, and seder. amazing Sephardic recipes from Africa, Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o ing the Jewish Museum shop on Fifth Ave-
In some communities, people owned Asia, and Europe. There are menus The cookbook is nue and 92nd Street.

Mayina layer of matzah the same way, then

spread out a third of the filling on top.
cover, and heat on high for 1 minute (or
the minimum amount of time to get
serves 6 Repeat this process two more times warm) in the microwave oven.
©Jennifer Abadi from “Too Good To (doing a single layer of matzah this
time), ending with a top double layer •Note: Matzah will absorb liquid like
Passover: Sephardic & Judeo-Arabic a sponge. If you prefer more tomato
Menus and Memories from Africa, Asia of softened matzah. (Note: You should
have three layers of meat filling and sauce, I suggest that you heat up a little
and Europe” of your favorite prepared tomato sauce
four layers of matzah.) Brush the top-
FOR MEAT FILLING: most layer of matzah with the egg and and spoon it over each square when
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt mixture. Place onto the top rack in serving. You can also prepare a very ba-
2 cups finely chopped yellow onions the oven and bake (uncovered) until sic batch of the sauce without the meat
(about 3 medium onions) the edges are golden brown and the by cooking the chopped onions in the
1 pound ground beef center is firm when pierced with a knife, oil, then adding the crushed tomatoes,
1/2 pound ground lamb 45 to 50 minutes. Cool for 15 minutes to chopped parsley and dill, black pepper,
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt allow the pie to set before cutting into and salt to taste. Having the extra sauce
Freshly ground black pepper squares and serving on a platter. Store is especially helpful when reheating any
The mayina in this photo does not leftover matzah pie the next day as you
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice in the refrigerator in an air-tight con-
have tomato sauce on top. will find that the tomato sauce in the fill-
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon tainer for up to 3 days. To reheat, sprin-
1 teaspoon sugar temperature. Mix in the beaten eggs kle with a tiny amount of cold water ing will be absorbed by the matzah, leav-
3/4 cup coarsely chopped flat leaf and set aside. (Note: If preparing ahead, or extra tomato sauce (to rehydrate), ing more of a meat flavor and texture.
(Italian) parsley cover meat filling and refrigerate until
one 28-ounce can crushed tomatoes ready to use. The filling may be pre-
(about 3 cups) pared up to one day in advance.)
5 large eggs, lightly beaten
For matzah layers: PREPARE THE MATZAHS:
10 squares of regular (not egg)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat
a 9-inch square baking pan gener-
Make Passover easy with
1 large egg, lightly beaten with 1/8 ously with oil and line the bottom with ‘Passover Prep HQ’ by
teaspoon kosher salt, for brushing parchment paper. Completely wet 2
top matzah clean kitchen towels with cold water, To make Passover easier this year, go
•Extra prepared (or plain store- wring them dry, then lay them side to, where more than 40
bought) tomato sauce for serving by side on the counter or a tabletop. kosher recipe writers and food blog-
and reheating, if desired (Note: You can also use a double layer gers joined together for a project to
of very absorbent paper towels.) Stack
cover every aspect of making Pesach.
PREPARE THE FILLING: all of the matzah squares in a baking
1. Heat 3 tablespoons olive oil in a Each one shares their particular exper-
pan and fill with cold water to cover.
large skillet over medium heat for one (If the topmost matzah square floats tise including organizing Passover pots
minute. Add the chopped onions and to the surface, place something small and pans storage, affordable but still
cook until soft and somewhat transpar- like a cup on top to completely weigh elegant Passover recipes, and shop- planning. The HQ offers a large collec-
ent, 5 to 7 minutes. Add the ground down and submerge them). Let soak 4 ping tips. tion of Passover planning advice, in a
beef, ground lamb, salt, black pep- minutes, but no more (you want them Danielle Renov, who blogs as @ step by step schedule. Free download-
per, allspice, cinnamon, and sugar and to become slightly pliable, not mushy). peaslovencarrots, and is the host of ables offer you menus, cleaning charts,
cook until brown, about 8 to 10 minutes Line the soaked matzahs (side by side)
the show “Dinner with and checklists. There are also exclusive
(stir occasionally and mash with a fork on top of the dampened towels to keep
to cook pieces). Lower to a medium them from falling apart as you work. Danielle,” organized “Passover Plan- recipes including “Red Wine Braised
heat and add the chopped parsley and ning HQ.” It is designed to give you Chicken and Potatoes” by Sina Mizrahi
mix well. Cook 2 to 3 minutes. Pour in ASSEMBLE THE PIE AND BAKE: the best possible Passover prep expe- and “Lemon Curd Blueberry Tart” by
crushed tomatoes and mix well. Bring Place a softened matzah square into rience by guiding you from cleaning — Sam Adler. Go to
to a slow boil over high heat and cook 2 the baking pan. Use a second piece to to shopping — to organizing — to menu passover-prep-hq.
minutes, then lower the heat to medium break into large pieces and fill in the
and cook an additional 7 to 10 minutes. spaces of the pan so that the entire
Remove from heat and cool to room bottom layer is covered. Do one more



Local couple writes Slow cooked short ribs

second cookbook Serves 4-6

BETH JANOFF CHANANIE 3 tablespoons consommé

vegetable oil 1/2 teaspoon ground
2 pounds boneless beef pepper
Yael Gevertzman, the marketing and media short ribs 1/2 teaspoon salt
coordinator at Congregation Gesher Shalom/ 2 cans (15 ounce) 1/2 teaspoon garlic
JCC Fort Lee, and her husband, Jason, have tomato sauce powder
published their second cookbook, “3 step prep 4 teaspoons apple cider 1/2 teaspoon onion
— kosher recipes for the everyday cook.” vinegar powder
According to the Gevertzmans, the “3-step 2 cups water 1/2 teaspoon thyme
4 teaspoons beef 1/2 cup red wine
prep” includes 100 recipes, each with only
three steps. It allows cooks to prepare dishes Add oil and short ribs to a large skillet over medium heat and brown all sides for about 5
from an accessible list of pantry ingredients minutes. Add short ribs and remaining ingredients to a slow cooker. Cook on low heat for 8
using easy, delicious gourmet recipes. Most hours and serve. This dish is best served over rice (if you eat kitniyot) or mashed potatoes.
recipes include bright color photos with help-
ful hints and healthy eating suggestions. The Year round almond butter cookies
book has recipes for cooks who are short on time, families with picky eaters,
and people who are interested in new and easy dishes. 10 ounce container almond 1/4 cup ground almonds
butter• 3/4 cup chocolate chips
I shared the recipe below with other people at the office, and everyone
1 egg 1/4 cup sliced or slivered
agreed that it seemed like a good one to include here. When we critique cook- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract almonds
books here at the Jewish Standard, we keep families in mind, so we look for 1 cup brown sugar
shorter, easier recipes. We also appreciate photographs of the dishes so you Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix almond butter, egg,
have an idea of what the recipe is supposed to look like. We also look for reci- vanilla, sugar, and ground almonds in a bowl. Fold in the
pes with ingredients you recognize and do not have to buy just to use once. chocolate chips and almonds. Roll the dough into 1 1/2 inch
In picking the three-step recipes that would work well for Passover, I went balls and place on a greased cookie sheet. Bake for 10 — 12
right to the author herself. She says that she has found the short ribs and cook- minutes or until the bottom of the cookie is golden brown. Make sure to let the cookies rest
for at least 30 minutes prior to moving or they will become crumbly.
ies are all-year-round fan favorites.
•If the almond butter does not have a layer of oil on top, then add 3 tablespoons of
For more information, go to
vegetable oil to this recipe.

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The Exodus:
Rabbi Ozer Glickman Debunking the debunkers
e were devastated to learn
about the sudden death n the morning of Sunday, April This, I wrote, was especially true regard-
of Rabbi Ozer Glickman of 8, 2001, a man stood before a ing the Exodus. Said the Haaretz article,
Teaneck on Monday night. reported audience of 2,200 “There is, in fact, no evidence to substanti-
By “we” I mean I, but I also mean the people and declared that the ate [the narratives in the Book of] Exodus.”
local Jewish community, the Yeshiva Exodus most likely never happened. In fact, there is “evidence to substanti-
University community of which he was Citing “virtually every modern archae- ate” the basic outlines of the Exodus nar-
a vital part, and much of the rest of the ologist,” the man declared “that the way ratives. The problem, as I noted in the
wider Jewish community, because every- the Bible describes the Exodus is not the November column, is that the Torah is
one knew him. I suspect that it’s also true way that it happened, if it happened at all.” not a history book in the ordinary sense.
of the business community where he He added that archaeologists have “found It was, is, and always will be a book of
worked, because he was that kind of man. no trace of the tribes of Israel — not one “sacred history,” reporting on events as
It seems odd to use the past tense shard of pottery” — in Egypt or the Sinai seen through a God-centered lens.
about Tony Glickman, because he was to support the narrative. For example, a computer modeling
a person of such force, charisma, and The claim was neither new nor original, study by researchers at the National Cen-
life that the thought that his heart — and yet the man’s words that day ter for Atmospheric Research
of all organs, this extraordinarily big- Rabbi Ozer Glickman made headlines around the and the University of Colo-
hearted man’s heart — had betrayed him world. That was because the rado at Boulder “shows
seems impossible. is tiring just to think about being able to do man who spoke those words how the movement of wind
Rabbi Glickman, who was only 67 when all those things, much less actually doing was David Wolpe, a nation- as described in the Book of
he died, was one of those people who them. But he did them.) ally prominent Conservative Exodus could have parted
did so much, thought so much, taught so He also was a husband and a father; he rabbi, and he spoke them as the waters” of the Red Sea. A
much, knew so many people and cared loved his wife, Ilana, their six children, part of his sermon on that historian viewing this at the
so much about all of them, that is hard to and their growing brood of grandchildren day — the first morning of time would merely report
imagine the world without him. He will with a surpassing love; he talked about Pesach, Passover, the festi- that an extraordinarily heavy
leave a huge, Ozer Glickman-sized hole them with pride. val of freedom celebrating Shammai east wind from Gaza parted
in the world. But on the other hand, his He befriended people, offering a com- that very Exodus. Engelmayer a section of the Red Sea. As
presence was so palpable that it is likely plex mixture of compassion, interest, Wolpe’s point was that it happens, a large group of
that it will linger. warmth, kindness, and intellectual chal- the authenticity of the nar- escaped slaves were at the
Rabbi Glickman lived in many worlds, lenge; people who were lucky enough to rative was irrelevant. What mattered were site and used the phenomenon to complete
occupying each of them like a native. be offered that gift will be able to hold the messages of that story — messages of their escape.
Although he did not grow up Ortho- onto it. And he reached outside his own freedom for all, equality for all, justice for The sacred historian did report on the
dox but chose Orthodoxy for himself, world to make those connections; the Jew- all, and fealty to the God whose messages event, but in his version, God sent the east
he was so at home there that one of his ish world is small, and he could unearth those are. wind to part the sea just when the Israelites
most overwhelming pleasures was to existing relationships and forge new ones. Wolpe was not wrong in saying the Exo- needed Him to do so. That is the difference
teach Jewish thought to rabbinical stu- He was diplomatic but honest in his dus saga did not occur the way the Torah between history and sacred history.
dents. He was a tremendously success- assessment of the world around him, reports it, but he was wrong in adding “if One of the objections raised by archae-
ful businessman, and both spoke and and had begun to speak out increasingly it happened at all,” and in declaring that ologists is that the Exodus narratives were
taught business. He was widely read, and about what he saw around him. While there is no archaeological evidence to sup- written so many centuries after the events
could quote poetry almost as a Victorian, not allowing himself to be as enmeshed port it. they claim to recount that they are totally
taught to memorize as we no longer are in the daily outrages emanating from This is a song that never stops playing. useless in providing supportive evidence.
taught to do, could. He was a gifted natu- Washington as many others of us, still he In my column last November 17, for exam- Biblical scholars say such thinking is
ral musician, who supported himself at saw them, and was gearing up to be more ple, I quoted from an article that had just simply wrong.
one point, early in his adult life, through and more public in his responses to them. appeared in the Israeli daily newspaper In his 2017 book “The Exodus,” Dr.
music. He also was the son of a French- When we lost him, we lost a voice that we Haaretz. It said that despite “cutting-edge Richard Elliott Friedman cites evidence
woman, who taught him French and read could have used. dating and molecular technologies, archae- amassed by Rutgers’ Dr. Gary Rendsburg.
him Saint-Exupéry’s “Little Prince,” in We were not able to write an obituary of ologists increasingly agree…that generally, He “collected a series of known items of
French, when he was a child. Rabbi Glickman this week, because we’re the Bible does not reflect historical truths.” Egyptian lore that appear in the story of
(How are all those things possible? How a weekly. But we could not let his death go
could any one person do all those things — unmentioned for a week. The hole he left Shammai Engelmayer is rabbi of Temple Israel Community Center | Congregation Heichal
and many many more? We have no idea. It is far too big for that. —JP Yisrael in Cliffside Park and Temple Beth El of North Bergen.

Jewish Editor
Joanne Palmer
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1086 Teaneck Road Abigail K. Leichman Bob O'Brien
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Israeli Representative Rebecca Kaplan Boroson



the exodus,” Friedman wrote, and “noted that

the story in Exodus 1-15 ‘repeatedly shows famil- In defense of the humanities

iarity with Egyptian traditions….In sum, the nar-
rative that encompasses Exodus 1-15 evokes the want to take notice of two trends of the past decade, purpose of studying liberal arts is less about the production
Egyptian setting at every turn.’” one an educational one and the other one societal. of poetry than the development of people who can make
This led Rendsburg to challenge two prominent The educational trend is STEM — Science, Technol- meaning of texts, including the text of life, for themselves
archaeologists at a conference in San Diego some ogy, Engineering, and Math — programs, which pre- and others.”
years ago. As Friedman reports it, “He noted that pare our kids to be competitive in such fields as computer So true. And that brings me to the other trend: the
the Bible [Amos 9:7] says, ‘Didn’t I bring up Israel programming, robotics and artificial intelligence, data anal- one where we’re talking at each other, not to each other,
from the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from ysis, and more, giving them an advantage in a world that’s whether that’s in real life, regurgitating old arguments at
Caphtor?’ The archaeologists agreed that the increasingly technological. family get-togethers, or sharing one-sided views on Twitter
Bible was right about this…. So, Rendsburg asked, The other trend is one we all know too well, and that’s the and Facebook, where we can unfollow or block anyone who
if the Israelites could remember the history of the increased polarization of subgroups and cultures, to the point doesn’t agree with us.
Philistines 400 years back, why should we think where we are today — where people have lost the ability to Here’s a place where the humanities has a crucial role to
that they could not remember their own history speak to those with whom they disagree and instead retreat play. Steeping ourselves in someone else’s narrative exer-
that far back?!” to safe echo chambers, where they can bash an opposing side cises our empathy muscle, giving us the ability to imagine
Neither archaeologist was able to answer Rends- in freedom. I hope we’re all tiring of this behavior, especially the world from a fresh, wholly unconsidered perspective,
burg adequately. seeing as it’s getting us nowhere. and landing us in a place where we perhaps can articulate
A similar notion came from an Egyptian-born, It may seem odd to yoke these two trends together, but how even an adversary might feel. Ken admired readers for
University of Toronto-trained archaeologist who I’d like to suggest there’s a commonality: these trends, for their ability to concentrate, and I want to build on that:
also happens to be a biblical scholar — Prof. James me, expose the need for the humanities in STEM education reading is a kind of listening. To have the patience to work
K. Hoffmeier. “It would be inexplicable,” he wrote and in our lives. out what another mind thinks and means and says isn’t just
some years ago, “for the prophet (and his audi- Let’s start with technology. As anyone who has read any an act of reading, but an act of listening. When we then take
ence) to know the origins of the Philistines and science fiction story will tell you, machines that skill of reading into the world, what we’re
Arameans, but be wrong about Israel’s origin.” taking over the world never ends well. And really doing is listening well, being curious and
Friedman also cites some startling discoveries that’s why the liberal arts college was invented: adventurous about others, and not closed and
made by other biblical scholars. For example, Dr. because people understood the value of know- judgmental.
Michael Homan of Xavier University demonstrated ing things like history, literature, philosophy, We’re forcing ourselves to meet and consider
how the structure of the wilderness tabernacle, the languages, and the classics. These subjects not the Other in all of their humanity.
Mishkan, is a perfect match for the structure of the only give people a deep sense of who they are Marketing and PR firms have spent the past
war camp of Rameses II. Both were enclosed rect- and where they’re from — and it’s always good decade insisting that everyone tell their story.
angular structures, with their entrances on the east to be grounded in your own origin story — but Everything from soda to boxes has a narrative
side. Both had a tent located toward the west end. they’re also a way to learn how to take in oth- — literally. (Walmart had three directors tell a
Within Rameses’ tent was a second, more private, ers’ perspectives. Tikvah 60-second tale about the store’s boxes during
area that served as his throne room, where he held Whether it’s studying history using primary Weiner the Oscars last week.) And that makes sense.
conversations with his officers and other officials. sources that conflict with each other; reading lit- Humans are storytelling creatures, and we
Within the Mishkan’s tent was a second, more pri- erature by storytellers from different cultures, thrive on a good yarn. But we also need to stop
vate, area — the Holy of Holies, where, said God to places, and times; contemplating moral dilemmas that don’t and listen, hard as that may be to do. We might take inspira-
Moses, “I will meet with you, and I will impart to have black and white solutions; or learning a language that tion from the Jewish tradition: on the upcoming Passover
you…all that I will command you concerning the requires understanding of the culture that produced it, we holiday, when we tell one of the most key stories, if not
Israelite people.” (See Exodus 25:22.) are forced out of our own heads and into the minds of others the most, about our national history, we take a moment
University of Washington’s Dr. Scott Noegel, when we steep ourselves in humanist studies. to mourn the Egyptians. At the apogee of our own excite-
meanwhile, “showed parallels between the…Ark Humanism seems like a good complement to technology. ment about being free, we spill wine to mark the loss that
of the Covenant and Egyptian barks,” Friedman Or should I say antidote? It’s logical in our age that the pendu- our enemies suffered. Though immersed in recounting our
wrote. These barks “were sacred ritual objects” lum has swung away from the humanities and in the direction own tale, we nevertheless make room for another’s, even
and so “were rarely set in water.” Some were of STEM, but perhaps the wiser move is to recognize that we our foe’s.
“gold-plated, many were decorated with winged need both: a knowledge of how to use tech and apply it in big And though we’re a people of the book, and we tell the
cherubs or birds, they were carried on poles by and ambitious ways, and the heart and soul not to forget that Torah’s stories each week on Shabbat, it’s the Shema,
priests, and they served as a throne and footstool,” we’re people, not outgrowths of our phones. whose main verb is an exhortation to listen, that we say
which was the role played by the Ark in the Holy Ken Gordon, a friend, fellow English major, and content, each morning and night.
of Holies according to Exodus 25:22, 1 Chronicles conversation, and community strategist at Continuum, a I was working on this article when I found out that my men-
28:2, and several psalms. “Noegel concluded that design thinking firm, laments the decline in English majors at tor, colleague, friend, rebbe — Rabbi Ozer Glickman — had
‘the bark served as a model, which the Israelites universities. He cites a blog post by Scott Jaschik from Inside suddenly passed away. Rabbi Glickman had been the one to
adapted for their own needs.’” Higher Ed, posted in March 2016, which notes that there was encourage me to write about why the humanities are needed
As for the claim that nothing archaeological an 8.7 percent decline in humanities degrees from 2012 to so badly today. He was a man who loved literature, languages,
ever has been found in Egypt or Sinai to cor- 2014. Ken responded to this news by writing about the need and poetry, at the same time as he was an extraordinary
roborate the Exodus narrative, that claim should for close readers in the world and showcasing the benefits of Torah scholar and on the senior advisory board of a global
have flown out the window in the mid-1980s. I having someone on staff who can scan a sonnet like nobody’s management consulting firm. An expert on risk analysis, he
commend readers to explore the work of Dr. business. Among the advantages: people who, because was as comfortable giving a lecture on artificial intelligence
Emmanuel Anati, an Italian archaeologist who they’re well-read, can envision a new future with their highly and big data as he was in the beit midrash and quoting French
has spent several decades excavating a single site developed imaginations, who can speak and write about a literature and English poets. His wide range of interests and
in the Sinai — Har Karkom, which he identifies as company in a unique and articulate voice, and who can con- areas of expertise meant that he understood nuance and
“the Mountain of God.” His very convincing 1986 centrate. (I know, it’s fun to mock philosophy majors and complexity, and was taking time with his students, acolytes,
book of that name is updated with each new find wonder what they’re going to do with their degrees, but let’s and community to make sure they did, too. I dedicate this
(and they are plentiful). Anati’s incredible work is sit for a moment and contemplate how hard it is to read and column to him.
detailed at actually make sense of Kant or Derrida.) Thank you, Rabbi Glickman, for sharing your Torah,
Chag sameach v’kasher. As Ken notes: “English gets a bad rap, and it’s unfair. We insights, and stories, for making us think, and for getting us
need to reappraise the major’s ethos, based on an under- to look at each more kindly. We are listening.
The opinions expressed in this section are those of the
standing of what this degree teaches. English’s problem—part
authors, not necessarily those of the newspaper’s editors, of the problem for the liberal arts in general—is its indiffer- Tikvah Wiener is head of school of the Idea School, a co-ed
publishers, or other staffers. We welcome letters to the ence, or perceived indifference, to life off campus. ‘Poetry Orthodox high school opening in Bergen County September
editor. Send them to makes nothing happen,’ wrote [poet] W. H. Auden, but the 2018. Learn more at



How to end the occupation — a response

abbi Aryeh Meir’s view of “The could, in fact, question whether the occu- oversimplified. Take check- as opposed to the obligatory
occupation and Israel’s human pation is really an occupation at all. How, points. Yes, it is true, much is 31mcm/y). And it’s also true
rights record” (in his March 2 exactly, did this occupation begin, and how done in the name of security. that the Israelis and the Pal-
op ed) is problematic—indeed, have things changed over the past 50 years Inconvenient? To say the least. estinians (together with the
counterproductive. that would justify ending it? The occupation Humiliating? Often. But is there Jordanians) just signed a deal
Before analysis, though, I want to make began as a result of an act of military aggres- a real security-driven need for it? to provide another 32 mil-
it perfectly clear that I find Rabbi Meir’s sion by Jordan, Syria, and Egypt on territory To ask the question is to answer lion cubic meters of water to
concern for Palestinians and for Israelis, that clearly did not belong to them—an act it. Consider the fact that in the the Palestinian Authority.
and more broadly, for Jewish values, noble that confers no rights whatsoever on the year before the separation bar- And it’s also true that by
and entirely admirable. Nothing I write aggressor. The occupation continues today rier (typically unfairly character- Rabbi Robert contrast with this wise and
here should be construed to be an attack because no peace treaty has been signed by ized as “the wall”) went up, there L. Wolkoff hopeful act of coopera-
on Rabbi Meir’s loyalty to the Jewish people the Palestinians, to whom Jordan and Egypt were 457 Israelis murdered by tion, the Palestinians have
or to the State of Israel. It is a testament to ceded territorial control. Which means that terrorists. In 2009, the year after refused Israeli help in pre-
humanity to demonstrate his concern, and the current situation is not only about secu- the fence was completed, there were nine. venting cement residue from Palestinian
as much as I may disagree with Rabbi Meir’s rity, but also about legality. Is there a better way to protect Israeli lives? factories from polluting water in the West
political and moral analysis, I applaud his This has two implications. The first is that Maybe. But two things are clear. The Israelis Bank because such efforts would also help
humanity (and strive to share it). by international law, Israel may not apply won’t end the occupation without finding Jewish settlements.
But disagree I do. Rabbi Meir bemoans the Israeli law to the non-citizen residents of the that way. And it won’t happen without active You pays your money, and you takes your
lack of Palestinian freedom on “their land.” territory. Such application would, in fact, be participation on the part of the Palestinians. choice.
Their land? When, exactly, did it become illegal. Second, Israel, by law, may remain Water is another example. Rabbi Meir Does occupation mean that we have “bru-
“their land?” A Palestinian individual’s title to in those territories until hell freezes over if writes that Palestinian access to “their own” tishly taken over their [Palestinian] land?”
a particular plot of land may well be entirely the technically belligerent enemy refuses water is severely limited. This is true. What’s No. Does it mean that the conditions in which
legal. But Rabbi Meir implies that the land in to make peace. Which, after 50 years, after also true is that because of Israel, the Palestin- the Palestinians live parallels qualitatively or
question belongs to the Palestinian people. Madrid, Oslo, a couple of Camp Davids, etc. ians have more water, better water, and more quantitatively our Jewish experience of “the
As opposed to the Jewish people. (not to mention several intifadas and mini- readily accessible water than they ever had or pain of losing freedom, property, and human
An argument could be made for that wars) they have not. would otherwise have had. It’s also true that dignity?” No. And, perhaps most important,
position. But an argument—to my mind, a Rabbi Meir mentions a number of exam- Israel supplies 80 percent more water to the does it mean that we can just wave our magic
far stronger argument—could be made for ples of the occupation’s negative impact on Palestinians than it is obligated to do by the wands and “end the occupation?” No. That’s
a Jewish national claim to that territory. We Palestinian lives. Fair enough, but unfairly Oslo accords (53.3 million cubic meters/year, not how things work in the real world.

The magic of the seder —

connecting us to our past and our future.

ost of us never met our great The word “haggadah” literally means “to hapasim, as “K’mo Karpas” — our slavery and our free-
grandparents. But it’s safe tell.” Simply put, the haggadah is the retell- like fine linen. He posits that it’s dom? According to Rav Dov
to say that we know exactly ing of our personal and collective story, in not by coincidence that we eat Soloveitchik, by remember-
what they were doing on the the form of a parent-child dialogue, remind- what we call karpas (parsley or ing that we were slaves we
night of the seders; eating marror (bitter ing us of who we are, where we came from, celery) early on in the seder. ensure that Jews will never
herbs) and matzah, and reading from the and what we stand for. Rather, by connecting karpas to ignore the pain of others or
haggadah. The magic of the seder connects The haggadah is a carefully choreo- the story of Yosef and his broth- neglect the needs of those
all of us to our past and our future through graphed compilation of stories, instruc- ers, we are given an invaluable less fortunate. Thus, the
the infinite time-tunnel of the haggadah. tions, and songs. It is designed so our chil- message. This teaches us that seder offers us a remarkable
With Passover approaching, I haul down dren will ask questions and our history of before we can begin to remem- Dr. Tani teaching tool, encourag-
my boxes of haggadot from the attic. The freedom and redemption will unfold, in all ber that we were slaves in Egypt, Foger ing our children to become
boxes are heavier each year. So many dis- its many layers and nuances, recounting first we must recall what led to compassionate people.
tinguished rabbis have written their own our past as slaves and remembering how our enslavement. It all started It’s our blueprint to be a
commentaries, and I continue to add new we became a free people and a nation. Not when Yosef’s brothers sold him into slavery light unto the nations.
ones to my collection, hoping every year only are we prompted to ask some question, — when brother turned against brother. As we each prepare to sit down at our
to enhance the magic of our seder. As the but also a wealth of other questions arises, The purpose of retelling the story of our seder table, Jews the world over will be
preparations begin, I am reminded of a Con- and themes emerge. All of this transmits val- exodus from Egypt in each generation is doing the very same thing. Passover is said
fucian proverb: “If you plan for a year, plant ues we hold dear and wish to convey to the to emphasize the strength of klal Yisrael, to be the most celebrated Jewish holiday,
rice. If you plan for 10 years, plant trees. If next generation. and to teach us the meaning of kol Yisrael even among those who claim to be unob-
your plan for a lifetime, educate a child.” All children learn to ask the formulaic arevim ze la ze — that all of Israel is respon- servant; more than 70 percent of Jewish
As families gather around the table, the question about why we dip parsley in salt sible for one another. We learn that when Americans take part in a seder. Perhaps it
Passover seder richly incorporates the wis- water at the start of the seder. It’s a leading there is disharmony we are weakened, but is because of the importance of the seder’s
dom of this proverb. The haggadah turns all question, meant to recall the tears shed by when we look out for each other we become message. The re-telling of our story from
Jewish parents into educators and all Jewish the Jewish slaves. Yet Rashi has a different strong and indomitable. In highlighting this grandparent to grandchild, from parent to
children into students of history — so that answer entirely for that question, under- truth, the haggadah helps turn our history child, unites us with Jews around the globe
one day they too will become the educators scoring how questions and answers lead into memory, and memory into a sense of and across the generations.
of their children. Through the reciting of us deeper into the soul of the narrative. mutual responsibility, thus empowering our Yet while we all tell the same exact story
the haggadah on the seder nights, we pass According to the 19th century scholar of children to develop a stronger sense of iden- of the Exodus, in the same exact words
down our history, our narrative, and our Baghdad, the Ben-Ish-Chai, Rashi describes tity and belonging. from the haggadah, no two seders are ever
legacy to the next generation. Yosef ’s coat of many colors, kutonet But why is it so important to remember exactly the same. That too is the richness



When Rabbi Meir writes that Palestin- Etc. etc. etc. In most cases, these occupa-
ians cannot “participate in the political tions are profoundly questionable, if not
process that determines the future of this clearly illegal. They certainly stand in glar-
geographic area,” he is precisely wrong. ing contrast to Israel’s occupation of Judea
The Palestinians have participated, and and Samaria, for which it has both a serious
they have chosen leaders who are either title claim and a moral justification. This
explicitly genocidal or supporters of grue- underscores the fact that the very expres-
some violence. In fact, by all indications, sion “the occupation” is profoundly prob-
the majority of Palestinians would prefer lematic. The? As if it is the one and only?
leaders who are even more supportive of As if it is somehow more significant than all
violence. Palestinian think-tank director the others? In fact, if “the” occupation is in
Khalil Shikaki writes that young Palestinians any way unique, it is unique because of its
between 18 and 22 “support violence, they morality, not its immorality.
oppose the two-state solution, and they If you don’t think so, ask the Tibetans.
don’t believe in the Palestinian leadership.” Rabbi Meir and B’Tselem have it precisely
But not just the young: “In all groups, across backwards—ending the occupation is not
all categories, a majority supports violence.” the way forward to a future in which human
It goes without saying (or should, at least) rights, democracy, liberty, and equality are
that there is much that is negative about ensured to all people. Creating a future in
the current situation. Michael Sfard is cor- which human rights, democracy, liberty, White supremacists spar with counterprotesters as they attempt to guard
rect in pointing out that Israel, unlike many and equality are ensured to all people is the the entrance to Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Va., on August 12, 2017.
other occupying powers, is a democracy — only way to end the occupation.  CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES

the only democracy that is involved in an And we can’t do that by ourselves. To

ongoing occupation. Of course we should
be expected to care about the situation that
imagine that we can—to remove all sense
of agency from the Palestinians and lay all ‘Nobody is talking
thus arises far more than we care about
immoral dictatorial regimes.
responsibility on our Jewish shoulders—
doesn’t enhance the chances for peace. It about anti-Semitism.’
We do.
When, after all, have you seen an article
destroys them.
You’re kidding, right?

in a Chinese newspaper lamenting the moral Robert L. Wolkoff has lectured and written
burden of the Chinese occupation of Tibet? internationally on Israel and Judaism. He late podcaster is everywhere these days.
How about Russia in Georgia? Morocco in is the rabbi of Congregation B’nai Tikvah in Mike Pesca has a In part it is a symptom of
Western Sahara? Indonesia in East Timor? North Brunswick and is a JNF Rabbi for Israel. theory that when- news overload — impor-
eve r P re s i d e n t tant things that demand
Donald Trump says “every- attention disappear at the
body” it means “almost speed of a tweet about
nobody,” and when he says some other thing that
of the seder! While the seder speaks of giving our children a sense of identity and “nobody” or “anybody” it also demands immedi-
order, the retelling of the Passover story is belonging, along with the self-confidence to means “almost everybody.” ate attention. Everybody
achieved through individuality. We each pass it along to the next generation. Try it. When Trump said, Andrew knows that Trump is adept
bring our own interpretations, commentar- As a free people, we are obligated to “Nobody knew health care Silow-Carroll at changing the subject,
ies, and unique style and so create a seder tell and retell our history. Alongside the could be so complicated” and almost nobody knows
that is like no other. Just as no two people telling of the Exodus from Egypt, the — well, nearly everybody how to resist the bait. And
are exactly alike, but instead each brings seder night encourages our great grand- disagreed. And when he says, “Every- while the web has democratized news
his or her own uniqueness to the world, so parents and grandparents to share their body knows there was no collusion,” he and made it theoretically easier to get a
too on seder nights we each pass along our own stories about their own departures means, “I insist there was no collusion, story out to the public, it also means that
traditions, in our own unique and distinctly from Germany or Poland, Morocco or but am worried that nobody else, includ- many more stories and ideas are jockey-
creative way. Yemen, the USSR or Ethiopia. This night ing Robert Mueller, agrees with me.” ing for attention.
Some of us continue in the path of our is a celebration of storytelling and a les- That kind of verbal irony has become Bill Moyers does an annual survey
parents and grandparents, while others son in educating our children in our rich a way of arguing on social media. A Face- of “Overlooked, Under-Reported and
observe rituals in new ways. Yet all still history, so that when the time comes, book friend complained recently that Ignored Stories.” Last year’s list included
belonging to the same chain, connected to they will educate their children, and so two weeks after Louis Farrakhan gave the growing movement for Medicare
the same ancient tribe, with the same spiri- on and so forth… yet another anti-Semitic speech, “no for All, U.S. airstrikes against ISIS in
tual roots in the Torah. All still read from the As free people, we also need to make one really cares.” In fact, the Farrakhan Iraq, and the impact of Trump’s poli-
same haggadah. room for conversations that don’t just val- speech was widely reported in the main- cies — not his tweets, not his scandals,
Our sages teach us that our seder table is idate our own set of beliefs, but that even stream media, from the Washington Post but his policies — on American society.
like an altar; it is an instrument to help us may force us out of our comfort zone to to CNN to Fox News to Rolling Stone, Last week, on the public radio show “On
achieve new and greater spiritual heights. being open to truths that we otherwise especially after a leader of the Women’s The Media,” social media monitor Thalia
They carefully wrote the haggadah detailing might not have encountered. This Pesach, March attended the Nation of Islam lead- Beaty spoke about how hard it is to get
15 steps to freedom, which correspond to let’s acknowledge our freedom not only by er’s speech and refused to acknowledge attention for the Syrian government’s
the 15 steps leading up to the Temple. Just as questioning, but also by listening with open- his hate or apologize. By waiting too long vicious siege of the Damascus suburb of
the Temple helped the Jewish people appre- ness to everyone’s answers. Let us model to release a tepid statement on the inci- eastern Ghouta.
ciate God’s presence in the world, so too the tolerance to our children and to the guests dent, march leaders kept the story going “It just doesn’t seem that media out-
seder is a reminder of God’s constant pres- at our seder table. May the lessons of seder another week. So did the right, which lets know how to tell this story of human
ence in our lives, guiding us and providing empower us to continue to be a caring and used Farrakhan’s re-emergence into the suffering without a geopolitical angle,”
us with order in a world that frequently is compassionate people! public spotlight as an opportunity to she said.
chaotic and in turmoil. I wish everyone a uniquely wonderful, bash the left. But usually when people say that
Passover is celebrated widely because it fun, and inspiring seder, and a chag kasher You could say that people care about “nobody is talking” about something,
resonates with Jews from all denominations. v’sameach! Farrakhan now more than they have in they mean “not enough people are talk-
It is about telling our story through rituals, 20 years. ing about a story the way I want them to
songs, and prayer. It’s about the relationship Dr. Tani Foger, Ed.D, of Englewood is an I don’t mean to pick on my friend; talk about it.” That could mean that the
between parents and children. It’s about educational consultant and psychologist. the “everybody” and “nobody” trope SEE ANTI-SEMITISM PAGE 56


The Frazzled Housewife

The birthday present —

or how I tried
to kill Husband #1

uying the perfect Life was good. Though, as
present for some- the story goes, we didn’t
one you care start dating until 11 years
about is never later, I reflect back on
easy. Unless you really know some of the early gifts he
what that person likes. For gave me. He bought me
example, if anyone related a bracelet from a jewelry
to me is reading this, I find store in a mall. This is a
that jewelry always fits. Dia- big no-no. Gentleman,
monds especially. In earring Banji you NEVER buy jewelry
form, ring form, bracelet Ganchrow in a mall. You buy it from
form or necklace form. Pock- a sketchy chasid on 47th
etbooks also always fit, but street. Just kidding. You
diamonds are forever. Now that son #1 buy it from someone you know. Some-
is an oreo (wears only black and white) one you trust. Or think you trust. You
the perfect gift for him will encompass never buy it in a mall. (Did I make that
anything you can buy at a Judaica store. I clear?) This year is another birthday. Not
am assuming the same will now apply to one that ends in a zero or a five, just a
son #2, but as for son #3, I still know that birthday that, thank God, husband #1 is
there is a wider range of gift ideas. Until, alive to celebrate. He often complains
of course, he comes home from Israel that his back hurts, no, that has nothing
and then the scope will, again, narrow. to do with me, but thanks for thinking
The gift history between me and the that, and I decided he needed yoga.
old ball and chain has not been fantas- Now, for those of you who know
tic. One year, I got him mezuzahs. Two my dear spouse, he and yoga do not
sterling silver mezuzahs. You would go together. He and a couch, he and a
Across Down
think a guy who goes to minyan three or recliner, he and a bed — those things go
1. Distrusting sort 1. Partner of van.
four times a day would appreciate a gift together. But I thought I came up with
6. Luxury Swiss watch 2. What annoying fans may do
10. Charoset ingredient 3. Wall St. fixture like that. Nope. He was not happy. And the greatest idea ever, so I called my
14. Chant in the Ramones’ “Blitzkrieg 4. “___ Huckabees” in the end, neither was I, because you friend who teaches yoga and begged
Bop” 5. Get in touch have to polish silver mezuzahs. Or, you her to give us a private lesson, with son
15. The first “A” of A.A. Milne 6. Reckless can be like me and not polish them… #3 tagging along. “Please make it very,
16. Aseret ___ Teshuvah (repentance 7. Burn balm
which doesn’t look great. very, very beginner. Very beginner.” Had
time) 8. Actress Zuniga of “Spaceballs”
17. Elizabeth or Ashley 9. Where one might hear elevator music In truth, what gifts do you get for your I known what husband #1 would look
18. Jr. preceder off an elevator spouse? I have given him three sons, like doing the “happy baby,” which my
19. What many do at a Seder 10. Noah of “The Librarian” thank God, isn’t that enough? I do all of former yoga teacher called the “happy
20. Prepare for Passover 11. The Beatles’ “___ Mine” his laundry and prepare all of his meals. hubby,” for reasons that only yogis
23. Portman’s “V for Vendetta” co-star 12. PBS funder
It’s like every day is his birthday in this know, I probably would have worn a
24. Marlins’ locale, briefly 13. Karem or Gedi
25. CBS show produced by Jerry 21. Western resort lake house. For his 40th birthday, we weren’t depends because it was that funny… but
Bruckheimer 22. She said “Don’t be humble... you’re speaking, I can’t remember why, but we survived.
28. Prepare for Passover not that great.” I bought him a papercut of the Friday Candles lit in the middle of the hockey
34. Sinai or Habayit preceder 25. Many an overseas contact, for Jews night “blessing of the sons.” I hung it in room aka the basement, and playing the
35. Lahren of Fox News 26. Impervious to bugs
his sightline, because he occasionally role of son #3 was a friend of husband
36. Ring advantage 27. 1987 Beatty- Hoffman bomb
37. Above 28. Relatives of flats forgot to say it, and this way, he would #1 who he has known since kindergar-
39. Amazon voice-activated assistants 29. Weak, as a brew remember because it was hanging right ten. That friend showed up wearing his
42. Lie adjacent 30. Pressed there. Clever, right? I think he liked it, wife’s yoga pants, which added a whole
43. Buy more Time? 31. SHO subsidiary but I wasn’t entirely sure because we other element of humor to the class. But
45. “It’s the end of the world ___...” 32. Drum kit part
were in a small fight. Quite honestly, I in the end, husband #1 really enjoyed the
47. Parseghian of Notre Dame 33. Yam, in Hebrew
48. Prepare for Passover 38. Invigorate, with “up” can’t really remember his other gifts. different stretches and really enjoyed
52. “Danny and the Dinosaur” author Hoff 40. ___ Kosh B’Gosh And that brings us to this year. the yoga block that the teacher put
53. Trigonometry abbr. 41. Alfred Nobel, for one Husband #1 and I met, initially, when under his lower back…so much so, that
54. 610, to Caesar 44. 1993 standoff site we were 13 years old, at an NCSY regional he asked me to buy him one. And I did.
55. Alternative to 20, 28 and 48-Across 46. Forgoes
convention. He had hair. I had a waist. The best thing about it? I don’t have to
61. When many a seder ends 49. Cheered (for)
64. What many do during the course of 50. Word preceding dog or Pie polish it!
a seder 51. Like some birds Will husband #1 take another yoga
65. Pianist’s practice piece 55. Stein and Stiller class? Only time and our health insur-
66. Abba of Israel
67. Parsha Kedoshim follower
56. A gait
57. What “poh” means The gift history ance coverage will tell, but at least he
liked his gift. And no one broke anything.
68. Those who have more than four cups
at a seder, maybe
58. Ahi, e.g.
59. Another name for Esau between me And I don’t have to worry about
69. Charoset ingredient
70. Make like a bubbie to a grandchild
60. Take away
61. Football’s Dawson
and the old ball another present for a whole year!

71. Bamboozles 62. Disney simian

63. Ink
and chain has Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck is hoping

The solution to last week’s puzzle is not been that by the time you read this, all of her
monkeys will be home. And not ganging
on page 59.
fantastic. up on her to stop wearing pants….


Ben Caplan as Ben and
Mary Fay Coady as
Chaya in “Old Stock.”

Arts & Culture

‘Old Stock’
Klezmer musical gets close to tragedy, stays funny

CURT SCHLEIER us of appropriate Jewish tradition and making you wish (as I did) that despite But, spoiler alert, the prayer for the
mitzvot and also acting as narrator and obstacles they can make a life together. dead is a false flag, a misstep that made me

ld Stock: A Refugee jokester, keeping the play moving. They do, but it isn’t easy, because the past feel manipulated, a misguided attempt to
Love Story” opens It begins at Halifax’s Pier 2, then the haunts even Chaim. Is it possible to find love set me up for a happier ending to follow.
on a stage that is bare Canadian equivalent of Ellis Island. It is or God after staring death in the face? Another problem is an overuse of the “f”
but for a shipping con- 1908, and Romanians Chaya (Mary Fay There are reminders everywhere, even word, one I don’t need to hear over and
tainer, the kind that Coady) and Chaim (Chris Weatherstone), in Canada: movie theaters reserved for over again. I know it’s prudish of me, but
carries goods from borders to borders. just off the boat, meet while waiting on a gentiles and newspaper headlines that I feel an obligation to warn fellow prudes.
Unexpectedly, a trap door on its roof medical line, he because of a rash and she read: “Old Stock Canadians Soon To Be Still, I walked out buoyed by the jaunty
opens and Ben (Ben Caplan) pops up and because of a cough. Overrun by Semitic Hordes.” songs by Ben Caplan; a creative set design,
breaks out in song. It soon becomes clear that in addition For Chaya especially there is the ghost by Louise Adamson and Christian Barry
Thus begins this exhilarating, klezmer- to the physical luggage they carried with of Yochay, which continues to haunt her, with Andrew Cull, that makes excellent
infused musical that is both joyful and them, each also brought substantial emo- stepping between her and happiness. On use of the small space, and spot-on light-
sad, a reminder of old wounds and today’s tional baggage. His family was slaughtered their wedding night, young, naive Chaim ing design, again by Adamson and Barry.
headlines. It is innovative, perfectly cast, in a pogrom while the husband she still wants reassurance of love from his bride, Barry, who co-created the show and is
and made even more meaningful because loves and reveres died of typhus as the but instead Chaya tells him she can’t share the playwright’s husband, also directed;
it is at least partially based on playwright family fled Romania for Russia. his happiness: “All this joy you feel,” she he moves the well-cast players around
Hannah Moscovitch’s great-grandparents’ Chaim is a youthful, naive 19-year-old explains. “I’ve felt it once before.” with efficiency.
experiences. who immediately falls for his new friend; It’s a challenging start to wedded bliss, The real Chaim and Chaya lived long
When the shipping container opens Chaya is a 24-year-old widow. But more further dampened when their first child and I hope happy lives, with four children,
completely, revealing the cast and musi- than age separates them. Chaim looks develops a typhus-type rash. eight grandchildren, and 16 great grand-
cians, Ben reappears in all his glory to con- forward, optimistically expecting a bright At this point, even ringmaster Ben sees children. Last year, their 14th great great
tinue his raspy-voiced singing: future; Chaya is locked in the past, still in the musical going south. He turns to the grandchild was born.
“Who can deny your moral right to pros- love with her dead husband, Yochay. audience and asks: “The laughs are turn- At the play’s end, Ben turns to the smil-
perity and order? Both Coady and Weatherstone are ing into ‘why [the heck] did I come to see ing actors and concludes with a fitting
“You fell out of your mother on the cor- extremely talented. In addition to their this depressing show?’ I hope you are not “mazel tov.”
rect side of the border.” acting chores, they also sing and are part getting too depressed.” “Old Stock: A Refugee Love Story”
He is a sight: a wild-eyed cross between of the onstage band. She plays the vio- When he next goes on to sing El Malei is at the 59E59 Theaters until April 22.
a chasidic rabbi in full flowing beard and a lin, he the woodwinds. But more impor- Rachamim, it’s hard not to feel dispirited, Tickets, from $25 to $70, are available at
ringmaster in top hat and red-hued tails. tant, they bring an undeniable chemistry especially if you’ve vested so much in this or from Ticket Central
He serves as both, periodically reminding to their roles that likely will draw you in, couple’s happiness. (I did.) (212) 279-4200.


Calendar Steven Scott, and Mike at 11, Cantor Alan and
Shabbat in Closter: Spoirs, 8 p.m. Doors open Mega food drive in Erica Sokoloff will lead a
Temple Beth El offers at 7. BYOB; brotherhood Paramus: The Jewish short ceremony to burn
Shabbat services with sponsors dessert and Federation of Northern chametz. 87 Overlook
harpist Barbara Allen snacks. 385 Howland New Jersey’s community- Drive. (201) 391-0801.
and flutist Wendy Stern, Ave. (201) 489-2463, wide Mega Food Drive is
accompanied by pianist at its offices. Volunteers
James Rensink, the
community/brotherhood. are needed to pack and Saturday 
shul’s music director, sort food donations MARCH 31
7:30 p.m. The service to benefit area food
includes meditative and Sunday  pantries, 1-3 p.m. 50
Shabbat in Jersey
poetic readings led by MARCH 25 Eisenhower Drive. www.
City: Congregation
Rabbis David Widzer or
B’nai Jacob marks
and Beth Kramer- (201) 820-3947.
Passover during services,
Mazer and student
10:30 a.m. 176 West Side
cantor Julie Staple. 221
Schraalenburgh Road,
Monday  Ave. (201) 435-5725.
Closter. (201) 768-5112 or MARCH 26 Monday 
Lunch and learn: Rabbi APRIL 2
Saturday  Aaron Katz leads a
program over lunch
MARCH 24 Lunch and learn: Rabbi
on current topics at
Aaron Katz leads a
Rabbi Dr. Michael Congregation B’nai
Passover program over
Jacob in Jersey City,
Rosensweig lunch on current topics
noon. $10. 176 West Side
at Congregation B’nai
Pre-Pesach shiur in Ave. (201) 435-5725 or
Jacob in Jersey City,
Teaneck: Rabbi Dr.
noon. $10. 176 West Side
Michael Rosensweig Ave. (201) 435-5725 or
discusses “The Status Wednesday
and Significance of
Chagigat Yud Daled,”
at an adult education Tuesday 
MAR. Jewish jazz pianist committee event at Volunteer training in APRIL 3
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Englewood: Englewood
David Schlossberg Congregation Rinat

25 Schacter Yisrael, 8:45 a.m. He Hospital and Medical

Courageous women:
performs in concert is rosh yeshiva and Center holds an
Dumont historian Dick
on Sunday, March 25, rosh kollel of the Beren information session for
Burnon discusses
volunteers for its end-
at 3 p.m., at Temple Israel & JCC in Kollel Elyon at Yeshiva
of-life doula program at
“Women of Courage,”
University. 389 West at meeting of REAP
Ridgewood. The program includes Englewood Ave. (201) the hospital, 5-6:30 p.m.
(Retired Executives
jazz arrangements of “Fiddler on 837-2795. Participants should
be compassionate,
and Professionals) at
the Roof.” Dessert buffet. Doors Chocolate seder in dedicated community
the Kaplen JCC on the
Palisades in Tenafly,
open at 2:45. 475 Grove St. Montebello: The members who will
10:45 a.m. Part one, Edith
Email Montebello Jewish provide comfort and
Cavell and Sally Ride.
Center hosts a chocolate meaning to patients
or call (201) 444-9320. Rabbi Herschel
seder for families with during their final days of
411 East Clinton Ave.
Schacter, z”l (201) 569-7900 or www.
3- to 13-year-olds, 10 a.m. life. Volunteers receive
34 Montebello Road. comprehensive training,
songwriter Jacob Shabbat lecture in support, and continued
Teaneck: Congregation (845) 357-2430 or www.
Friday  Kraus. 950 Preakness education. Also April 15,
Ave. (973) 595-6565 or
Rinat Yisrael presents
Yeshiva University “Shalom Sesame” in
10 a.m. Supported by
the Kaplen Foundation.
professor and Jersey City: Shalom (201) 894-3896 or
Shabbat in Wyckoff: congregant, Rabbi Baby of the Jewish Sunday 
Temple Beth Rishon’s Dr. Jacob J. Schacter,
discussing “The Deeds
Federation of Northern calendar. MARCH 25
adult choir, Kol Rishon, New Jersey celebrates
and its teen choir, Zemer of the Fathers as a
Rishon, join with Cantor Personal and National
Israel’s 70th birthday
with a celebration Friday  Brunch and
entertainment in
Ilan Mamber, Rabbi Roadmap for their including Elmo and MARCH 30
Children,” in memory of Clifton: North Jersey
Stephen Wylen, pianist Cookie Monster, as well Jewish Singles 45-60s, a
Itay Goren, percussionist his father, Rabbi Herschel as music, games, and Study session/ group sponsored by the
Jimmy Cohen, soloist Schacter, 5:20 p.m. 389 crafts, at Hamilton House,
Jacob Kraus breakfast/chametz Clifton Jewish Center,
Jo-Ann Skiena-Garey, West Englewood Ave. 10 a.m. 255 Brunswick St.; burning in Woodcliff hosts brunch, with
and clarinetist Jacob (201) 837-2795. building entrance on 10th
Shabbat in Wayne: Lake: “The Last Bagel,” schmoozing, and a dance
Niederman for its Street where free parking Temple Emanuel of with music by DJ Ryan
The Caring Community Comedy in River Edge:
pre-Passover service, is available. www.JFNNJ. the Pascack Valley’s Evans, noon. 18 Delaware
of Temple Beth Tikvah Temple Avodat Shalom
7:30 p.m. Desserts org/ShalomSesame or siyum study session St. (973) 772-3131 or
shares Shabbat dinner, hosts its comedy night
follow. 585 Russell Ave. (201) 820-3900. and breakfast, on the
6 p.m. Services follow with stand-up comedians
(201) 891-4466 or www. Fast of the Firstborn,
featuring Jewish singer/ Buddy Fitzpatrick, Nisan 14, is at 7 a.m.


in NYC
The Kaufman Music Center
A Musical” at Merkin Concert
Hall on Sunday, March 25, at
11 a.m. The funny family musi-
cal is based on the children’s
books “Shlemiel Crooks” and
“Chicken Bone Man” by Fair
Lawn author Anna Olswanger.
Narrated by Jerry, the family
dog, and featuring a couple of
dimwitted crooks named Burt
and Ernie, the show is about
the importance of family loy- Book by Music and Lyrics by Directed by
alty and the need to follow your CHARLIE SCHULMAN MICHAEL ROBERTS BRAD ROUSE
The theater is at 129 W. 67th
St. in Manhattan. For informa-
tion, call (212) 501-3330 or go to
Characters from “Shlemeil Crooks.”

Geri Sandler, Eli Rosen, and Ronit Asheri in “The Labor of Life.” PHOTO PROVIDED

New Yiddish Rep offers

two plays in two languages
New Yiddish Rep presents “Hanoch March 14 at Theater at 224 Waverly,
Levin Squared,” a repertory engage- 224 Waverly Place, just west of Sev-
ment of two short plays by Israeli play- enth Avenue, between 11th Avenue and
wright Hanoch Levin, performed in Perry Street. For more information, go
both Hebrew and Yiddish with Eng- to
lish supertitles. Performances began

Tommy James and the Shondells

coming to Englewood
Tommy James and the Shondells will perform at the
Bergen Performing Arts Center on Saturday, May 12,
at 8 p.m. The group created some of the most iconic | 212-239-6200
songs of the 1960s and 1970s, like “Mony Mony,”
“Crimson and Clover,” and “Hanky Panky.”

Actors Temple Theatre 339 W. 47th Street, NYC

Tickets are available at or
through the bergenPAC box office at (201) 227-1030
Opinion Obituaries

Seymour Bernstein Lillian Litt

Seymour F. Bernstein, 98, of Pompton Lillian Anna Litt, 104, née Neuman,
Plains, died March 13. died March 19.
A CPA, he was a pilot in World War II She was born in Jersey City.
and Korea. Predeceased by her husband,
Predeceased by a brother, Fred, he is Simon, son, Stephen, and sisters
survived by his wife, Shirley; children, Florence Block, Ruth Slutsky, and
Leonard (Ellan), Sol (Risa), Jay Annette Liberman; she is survived by
(Beatrice), and Maxine Hart (David); daughters, Renee Feldman (Stuart),
and grandchildren, Mathew, Benji, and Leslie Litt; daughter-in-law, Sandra
Raizel, Ari, Suzanne, Eliana, Coby, Litt; grandchildren, Stefan Litt (Tana),
Lisa, Marc, Eli, and Evan. Jodi Chodos (Powell), Jacquelyn
Contributions can be sent to Mended Feldman Biggs, and Jonathan Feldman;
Hearts, American Cancer Society, or and five great-grandchildren.
Grace Hospice. Arrangements were Arrangements were by Gutterman
by Gutterman and Musicant Jewish and Musicant Jewish Funeral Directors,
Funeral Directors, Hackensack. Hackensack.
Evan Bernstein, left, and Oren Segal discuss the arrest of a St. Louis man
charged in connection with bomb threats against JCCs. They’re at the Anti- Stuart Frankel Phyllis Nadler
Defamation League national headquarters in Manhattan on March 3, 2017. Stuart Frankel, 87, died March 14. Phyllis Patty Nadler of Wayne, formerly of
 DREW ANGERER/GETTY IMAGES He graduated CCNY and earned a Paterson, died March 15.
master’s from NYU. Predeceased by her parents, Sophie
Anti-Semitism a fundraising trade group that generally He volunteered for the Alzheimer’s and Nat Adler, she is survived by a
FROM PAGE 51 avoids made-for-Twitter issues like the Association and Suicide Prevention sister Abbe Weber (Sam). Donations
New York Times or CNN hasn’t put the ADL-Mandel ruckus. Hotline. He studied the weekly Torah can be made to Ramapo-Bergen
story on the front page or at the top of But coming after a period that portion for the last 20 years. Animal Refuge, Oakland, www.rbari.
the hour. Or that legislators have sent the included Charlottesville, the JCC bomb- Predeceased by siblings, Larry, org. Arrangements were by Louis
issue to the back burner. Or that activists ings, and a general feeling of disquiet fol- Elaine, and Gladys; he is survived Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn.
are focused on X when they should be lowing the 2016 campaign and the rise of by children Ilene Flaherty (Robert)
focused on Y. the alt-right, it’s just weird to conclude of Aberdeen, Alan (Caren) of Fair Anna Oken
Jewish activists and media profession- that Jewish organizations are ignoring Lawn, and Eric (Nancy) of Westwood; Anna C. Oken, 92, of Fort Lee,
als seemed to do a Freaky Friday switch or downplaying anti-Semitism. The ADL grandchildren, Rachel and Amos, died March 15.
over the weekend, when the New York certainly has been loud and consistent Robert, Gabrielle, and Jacob; and two She was a graduate of Hackensack
Times published an essay by one of its in calling it out in the past 16 months, great-grandchildren. Nursing School and had a long career.
editors charging that American Jewish joined frequently by the American Jew- Donations can be made to UJA Predeceased by her husband, Ira,
leaders have done too little to call out ish Committee, Simon Wiesenthal Cen- or the Humane Society of the U.S. and son, David, she is survived by
the troubling anti-Semitism of the past ter, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Arrangements were by Louis Suburban daughters, Stephanie Wallendjack
two years. Jonathan Weisman, who was and, ahem, the Jewish media. Chapel, Fair Lawn. ( John) and Wendy Neuenhaus
a target of alt-right anti-Semites during Weisman gets it only partly right when (Tom); grandchildren, Joel, Sarah,
the 2016 campaign, has written a book he talks about how partisanship has dis- Ruth Greenwald William, and Emily; and five
called “(((Semitism))): Being Jewish in torted the internal Jewish debate on anti- Ruth E. Greenwald, 84 of Rochelle great-grandchildren.
America in the Age of Trump.” In Sun- Semitism. Partisanship hasn’t silenced Park, formerly of Fair Lawn, died Contributions can be sent to the
day’s essay, he claimed that the Ameri- or cowed the ADL or left it isolated, as March 15. Jewish National Fund. Arrangements
can Jewish Committee, the Jewish Fed- he suggests. But it has made it harder Predeceased by her husband, Paul, were by Gutterman and Musicant
erations of North America, and other for Jews to agree on what constitutes she is survived by daughters, Shelley Jewish Funeral Directors, Hackensack.
leading Jewish organizations “have the greatest anti-Semitic threat of the Wittenberg (Paul) of Fair Lawn, and
been remarkably quiet” on the rise of moment. Right-wing critics say the ADL Deborah Robinson (Mark) of Montville; Ellen Tankel
anti-Semitism. goes after the alt-right in order to tarnish grandchildren, Leah (David), Sarah, Ellen Tankel, née Sauer, 70, of
His evidence is rather narrow, having Trump. They accuse the ADL of ignoring Corey, and Matthew. Parsippany, formerly of Fair Lawn,
to do with the Anti-Defamation League left-wing anti-Semitism as represented Donations can be made to 11th Hour died March 16.
and its condemnation of two popular alt- by the Boycott Israel movement, which Rescue, or the Bergen County Animal A Monmouth University graduate,
right figures for spreading anti-Semitic the ADL also consistently and assertively Shelter. Arrangements were by Louis she was a teacher at Eastside High
theories. When Ohio’s Republican state condemns. The Jewish left, meanwhile, Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn. School in Paterson, and a member
treasurer, Josh Mandel, lashed out at the says the Jewish establishment spends of B’nai B’rith Women, Adath Israel
ADL in defense of the two conspiracy too much time vilifying domestic critics Elise Hellinger Congregation in Boonton, and the New
theorists, Weisman wrote, “I did not see of Israel and really should be focused on Elise Hellinger, 58, of Queens, died Jersey Education Association.
any organized effort to rally around the the rise of white nationalism. March 13. Predeceased by her husband,
institution, one of the few major Jewish That’s certainly how the Farrakhan She earned a master’s degree from Richard, she is survived by sons, David,
groups in the United States that is still debate is playing out. The right has Columbia University and was a medical Michael (Carla), and Matthew ( Jessica);
not predominantly engaged in debate raised Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism as a writer and editor for New York City stepson, Joseph (Patricia); brothers,
over Israel.” symbol of all that plagues the left. And firms. Steven Sauer (Sherry) and Barry ( Jaye);
It’s an odd charge. First, the ADL talks the left insists that the right’s focus on Predeceased by her mother, Eva, née and grandchildren, Julian, Logan,
plenty about Israel. Second, if the Jewish Farrakhan is meant to deflect from its Anschel, she is survived by her father, Lorelai, Daniel, and Rachel.
community were a government, the ADL own coddling of white nationalists and Martin; siblings, Bruce (Mila), Belinda Donations can be made to the
would be its Department of Defense, other hatemongers. Fornasieri (Steven); and a niece and Parkinson’s Foundation. Arrangements
AJC would be its Department of State, So nobody is talking about anti-Sem- nephew, Olivia and Leo. were by Louis Suburban Chapel,
and JFNA would be the IRS. That’s not to itism? Everybody is talking about anti- Arrangements were by Louis Fair Lawn.
say that their missions don’t overlap fre- Semitism. They’re just not listening to Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn.
quently, but the ADL usually is deferred each other. JTA WIRE SERVICE

to when it comes to anti-anti-Semitism.

The AJC does a lot of work on anti-Semi- Andrew Silow-Carroll of Teaneck is the
tism, but mainly in Europe. The JFNA is editor in chief of JTA Wire Service.


YU rosh yeshiva dies suddenly on March 19
Rabbi Ozer Glickman of Teaneck died on March 19. He was Rabbi Glickman received
a rosh yeshiva at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Semi- his BA in philosophy from
nary; a teacher at Sy Syms School of Business, Isaac Breuer Columbia University and Obituaries are prepared with
College, and Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, where pursued graduate studies information provided by funeral homes.
he was a senior resident rabbinic scholar and adjunct pro- in philosophy and religion Correcting errors is the responsibility
fessor of law at the Center for the Study of Jewish Law and at the University of Toronto. of the funeral home.
Contemporary Civilization, and he was affiliated with its He also held a master’s
Program in Jewish Law and Interdisciplinary Studies. degree in finance from the

A seat in one of his classes was highly sought after by Stern School of Business at
students; his two current classes, “Business and Jewish New York University, where
Law” at Sy Syms and “Jewish Values in the Contemporary he was a university fellow.
World” at IBC, have enrolled almost 100 students. He was Rabbi Glickman studied at Ozer Glickman
dedicated to his students, and they honored him in 2015 Yeshivat Merkaz ha-Rav and
with the Professor Peter Lencsis Adjunct Professor of the received rabbinic ordination from leading rabbinic figures
Year award at Sy Syms. “Rabbi Glickman was an enormous in Israel and the diaspora. He was active both on and off
Torah scholar, someone who spanned fields and disci- the YU campus. Last December, he led a panel discussion
plines,” YU President Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman said. “Most of at the Student Medical Ethics Society conference on “The
all he was a devoted teacher.” Ethics of Neurotechnologies.” In 2015, he discussed “Mod-
Funeral Planning Simplified
“The loss, both personal and to the community, is enor- eling Intellectual Orthodoxy in a PC Secular Environment”
mous,” said Jesse Abelman, a student in his Yoreh Da’ah at conference for participants in the Orthodox Union Heshe
shiur at RIETS. “Rabbi Glickman’s method of the teaching of and Harriet Seif Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus. 201.261.2900 | 789 Teaneck Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666
halacha was meticulous and unusual. His kindness and gen- He is survived by his wife, Ilana, and their children
Owner/Manager Daniel W. Leber, NJ Lic. No3186
erosity of spirit were evident in everything he did. Conversa- Dov, Dalia, Ron, Maya, Avigayil, and Oren. Arrangements
tion with him was never a waste, I always learned something were by Gutterman and Musicant Jewish Funeral Direc-
new and valuable, and his interest in my work was always tors, Hackensack. Shiva will be observed through Monday
genuine and helpful. I will miss him very much.” morning, March 26. Robert Schoem’s Menorah Chapel, Inc
Jewish Funeral Directors
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Jewish standard MarCh 23, 2018 59

Real Estate & Business

FIDF ‘From Holocaust to Independence’ mission, April 12-20

More than 150 Friends of the Israel the IDF — fills my spirit with new hope,” the nine-day “From Holocaust to Inde- the new generation of Jewish defenders
Defense Forces (FIDF) from across the said Shear, who plans to say a special pendence” mission will span Jewish his- who safeguard our legacy today. Marching
United States will embark on a mission prayer for those murdered at the camp. “I tory, from its darkest moments to its most tall and proud into the dreadful Auschwitz-
to Poland and Israel, April 12-20, with haven’t forgotten you, and our people will triumphant. Israeli soldiers and Holocaust Birkenau camps together with IDF officers
Holocaust survivors and 50 soldiers and always remember what happened there.” survivors will accompany the FIDF sup- and the survivors who somehow endured
officers representing all branches of the Also joining the group from Israel will be porters on a trip across Poland, starting in there, all while flying the Israeli flag,
Israel Defense Forces (IDF). The mission is Holocaust survivors Giselle “Gita” Cycow- Krakow, once home to more than 60,000 sends a powerful message to the world
the largest in FIDF’s history, and will cel- icz, 91, Eva Lavi, 81, and Arie Oz, 82. Cyco- Jews, and tracing the community’s steps that we will never forget; ‘Never Forget’
ebrate Israel’s 70th anniversary, as well as wicz was born in the town of Khust, then from the city’s ghetto to the Buczyna for- is the guarantee of ‘Never Again.’ Thanks
the establishment of the IDF on May 26, part of Czechoslovakia, in the Carpathian est, where the Nazis executed more than to a strong IDF — one of the world’s most
1948, two weeks after the creation of the Mountains, and survived five months in 800 children, and then to the Auschwitz- moral armies — we can make sure that the
state of Israel. Birkenau. At just six years old, Lavi was Birkenau concentration and extermina- Holocaust cannot and will not ever hap-
Joining the delegation will be Auschwitz the youngest person on German industri- tion camps. pen again.”
survivor Leon Shear, 91, who was born in alist Oskar Schindler’s list, which helped The entire delegation will then fly to “This mission comes at a crucial time,
Bedzin, Poland, and watched his mother spare the lives of some 1,200 Jews who Israel, where they will visit IDF bases and and is one of the last opportunities for
and sister being sent to the gas chambers were destined for Auschwitz. Born in Ger- meet soldiers serving on Israel’s front survivors to return to Auschwitz and tell
at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Except for his many, Oz fled to Holland, where a Chris- lines, commemorate Yom HaZikaron — of its horrors,” said Weintraub. “We will
brother, who also resides in the United tian family hid him. From their attic, he Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers pass through the gates of hell, ignoring
States, his entire family perished in the watched Allied bombers attack the Nazis and victims of terror — and celebrate Isra- the false promise that ‘work will set you
Holocaust. Shear now lives in Beachwood, and dreamed of one day becoming a pilot. el’s 70th Independence Day. free,’ where countless Jews suffered from
Ohio. His son, Howard, and grandson, Jer- Oz moved to Israel after the war and joined “This historic delegation traces the mod- unimaginable cold, hunger, and despair.
emy, will accompany him on his journey to the Israeli Air Force, flying in Israel’s his- ern history of the Jewish people through We’ll be surrounded by those who sur-
Poland and Israel. toric wars and operations and retiring with the memories of Holocaust survivors and vived within the camps’ walls, and also by
“I survived two years at Auschwitz, but the rank of lieutenant colonel. the eyes of IDF officers,” said Klifi-Amir. those who make sure their stories are not
it was as if time stood still in that hell. To Led by FIDF National President Peter “It tells the story of our near-extinction in forgotten — the brave soldiers who protect
return to this awful place in the presence Weintraub and FIDF National Director Europe, the creation of the state of Israel their legacy: the state of Israel and the Jew-
of our people’s bravest — the soldiers of and CEO Maj. Gen. (Res.) Meir Klifi-Amir, 70 years ago as the Jewish homeland, and ish diaspora.”

NVE-3502 Mug Mortgage Rates Rev Ad 5x6.5_NVE-3454 Fall Mortgage Ad 5x6.5 3/9/18 10:15 AM Page 1

Greater New York area schools

Warm up to our sweet mortgage rates. participate in Bar-Ilan challenge
The Lookstein Center for Jewish Educa- announced in Jerusalem; A Jewish Amer-
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launched a new educational project Schools from the Greater New York
7-YEAR 15-YEAR 25-YEAR to celebrate Israel’s upcoming 70th area include: Frisch, HANC, HAFTR,
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3.250% Rate 3.625% Rate 4.250% Rate daily to the more than 4000 individuals
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Choose from a variety of mortgage options and rates at NVE. in the form of puzzles, quizzes, memory pendence Day] celebrations,” said Rabbi
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Call today at 201-816-2800, ext. 1233, Some quizzes are in the form of true parents in a way that is not too time con-
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that Arabic is an official language in and/or sign up at any stage of the chal-
Israel; Sunday is a working day in Israel; lenge, at
NMLS #733094 Be’er Sheva has Israel’s largest beach; countdownTo70. The project officially
Druze Arabs serve in Israel’s army; Most launched on February 25.
*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. APR is accurate as of 3/5/18 and may vary based on loan amounts. Loans are for
1 – 4 family New Jersey owner-occupied properties only. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. of Israel is desert. Older students will For further information about The
The 7-year loan at the stated APR would have 84 monthly payments of $13.33 per thousand borrowed based on be asked if it’s true or false that Jerusa- Lookstein Center, see www.lookstein.
a 20% down payment or equity for loan amounts up to $500,000. The 15-year loan at the stated APR would have
180 monthly payments of $7.21 per thousand borrowed based on a 20% down payment or equity for loan
lem is Israel’s most populated city; Isra- org or contact The Lookstein Center at
amounts up to $500,000. The 25-year loan at the stated APR would have 300 monthly payments of $5.42 per el’s Declaration of Independence was
thousand borrowed based on a 20% down payment or equity for loan amounts up to $500,000. Payments do
not include amounts for taxes and insurance premiums, if applicable. The actual payment obligation will be
greater. Property insurance is required. Other rates and terms are available. Subject to credit approval.

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60 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018

Real Estate & Business

Teaneck candidates’ forum TEANECK OPEN HOUSES SUN MARCH 25TH

scheduled for April 19 NEW LISTINGS!
Teaneck’s League of Women Voters has scheduled 274 Highwood 12-3 PM
a Candidates’ Forum for the upcoming Town Coun- 3 BR pristine Colonial, liv rm w fpl, newer kit w granite
cil election, to take place on Thursday, April 19, 7:30 counters & sliders to deck, newer baths, finished attic, nr
NYC express bus, Houses of Worship. Asking only $359K
p.m., in the 3rd floor Student Center of Teaneck High
School. All seven candidates — three incumbents and 553 Hillcrest 2-5 PM
four challengers who are competing for four positions 3 BR, 2.5 BTH expanded Colonial w mod kit & adjoining
on the council — have been invited to participate in fam rm, spacious master BR suite w own bth & great
closets. Deep property. Nr NYC bus, Houses of Worship.
this forum, which will be run by an independent pro- Asking $399K
Sign your teens up for fessionally-trained moderator. The candidates have
also been invited to submit answers to written ques-
Call me to explore opportunities in the market!
Black Box Rock Musical tions on Teaneck-based issues in advance, and cop-
Chag Sameach! Happy Pesach!

Theater Intensive this ies of the Voters’ Guide will be made available at the
forum as well as in the Teaneck Library.
Wendy Wineburgh Dessanti
summer Handicapped access is available from the courtyard
Broker/Sales Associate
2017 NJ Realtors Circle of Excellence Silver
parking lot off Elizabeth Street. For further informa- Weichert Top 200 Realtors Nationwide
Top Office Producer 2016 & 2017
Rock Musical Theater Intensive, Black Box Studios’s tion, contact Teaneck LWV-VP Barbara Ostroth (201)
201 310-2255 (pref)/201 569-7888
popular summer program for teens with a serious 965-3105.
interest in the performing arts, will run for its ninth
season from Monday, July 2, until Sunday, August 12,
weekdays from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (The six show
dates/times will be soon announced, and all will fall
between 8/2 and 8/12.) For Sale or Rent by Owner
914 Columbus Drive, Teaneck
In the collaborative Rock Musical Theater Intensive SUNDAY, MARCH 25
program, students aged 13-19 spend a month work-
ing on a Broadway-style musical that culminates in a t TEANECK t
fully-staged production for family, friends, the com-
munity, and industry professionals. Past RMTI pro-
ductions include ‘Heathers The Musical: High School
Edition’, ‘Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet
Street’, ‘Legally Blonde’, ‘Pippin’, ‘1776’, ‘Fiddler On Best offer over $700,000 or $4,400 month rent
The Roof’, ‘Les Miserables’, and ‘Two Gentlemen Of Move in ready 4 BR/3.5 Bath side hall colonial on large flat 8740
Verona: The Rock Musical Comedy Romance’. sq ft corner lot. 3 blocks from Country Club’s Young Israel. Large
LR and FDR. EIK with granite counters, stainless appliances
In this total-immersion, collaborative theater expe-
and glass doors to XL deck, 1/2 basketball court, and fenced in
rience created and run by BBS/BBPAC Artistic Direc- yard. Den with gas FP. Spacious bedrooms with large closets;
tor Matt Okin and other trained professional teach- master includes his/her walk-ins. Nicely finished basement with
ing artists, participants receive hands-on instruction guest rm/full bath. Oversize attached 2 car garage, sophisticated
security and sprinkler, french drains, 2 sump-pumps, new
in acting, improvisation, voice, dance, stage combat,
windows and insulation, and XXXL storage. Low taxes.
audition technique and more. Students also explore 181 Copley Ave. $499,999 1 PM – 3 PM
Call Rona 917-885-9745
numerous genres of theater as they rehearse and Fabulous Parklike Prop - 281' Deep. Great for Entertaining. LR/
Stained Glass Windows + Fplc, Den, True Banquet DR open to Skylit
mount a uniquely staged, elaborately produced full-
Fam Rm + Brkfst Rm/Deck overlooking Priv Park, Ofc. 2 Full Bths.
length show. Roles (and even the actual show itself )
are chosen specifically for each participant to show-
Let Us Finance Your Chestnut Woodwork, Oak Flrs. Room to Exp.

case his/her/their talents and give each the oppor-

tunity to grow over the course of the summer. This
House Purchase 634 Johnson Ct. $449,900 1 PM – 3 PM
Spacious Col. Deep 124' Prop. LR/Stone Fplc. Formal DR leads to
Screen Porch+Patio. Lg Kit/Brkfst Rm. 4 (2nd Flr) BRs. Huge High
year’s most likely production will be ‘Rent’ (School • Direct lender Ceiling Bsmnt. C/A/C. Gar.
Edition). (Note: Some material may be considered • 2 to 3 day approval 209 Voorhees St. $369,900 2 PM – 4 PM
sophisticated, and content warnings for audiences
are displayed on all performance publicity materials • Closings within 30 days Spacious 4 Bdrm, 3 Bth Unit. S/L. Lov Yard. Oak Flrs. LR, Din Rm,
Eat In Kit, Den, Fin Bsmt. Gar.
whenever deemed necessary by the artistic director.) • Northern NJ Appraisers 963 Lincoln Pl. $689,000 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Those students who are interested in what goes
on behind the scenes — set design, lighting, costume • FHA loans w/55% debt ratio Storybook Eng Tudor. Gorgeous Inlaid Oak Flrs. Ent Hall, Grand LR/
Stone Fplc, Sunlit Library, Lg Formal DR, Den, Ultra Designer Kit/
design, special effects, stage management, etc. — are • Credit scores as low as 580 Butler Pantry. Master Suite/New Bth+ 3 more BRs. 2.5 Bths Total.
also encouraged to join. Black Box also seek one stu- Spectacular Blue Stone Walkways & Landscaping. 2 Car Gar.
dent director (a 12th grade graduate) and, sometimes,
one older student stage manager for the program. To
apply, contact
RMTI is limited to the first 25 performers; other slots t TEANECK t
are available for behind-the-scenes participants. For 4 Brm Colonial. LR/Fplc, Form DR, Eat in Granite Kit/Bkfst Area, Fin
Bsmt, Lg Yard. Polished Oak Flrs. 2 Car Gar. $469,000
those under 13 and over 19 (or otherwise not enter-
Beautifully Updated In & Out. Open Flr Plan/Ent Hall, Sunlit LR
ing Grade 6 through 12 in September 2018), excep-
Larry DeNike Daniel M. Shlufman open to DR, Gorgeous Grnt Kit/Brkfst Cntr. Slders to Party Deck. 3
tions may be made on a case-by-case basis. When it BRs, 2.5 New Bths. Ceramic Tiled Bsmt. 5 Car Drvwy. New HVAC.
President Managing Director
becomes necessary, a waiting list will be formed and $479,000
MLO #58058 MLO #6706
any vacated slots will be filled on a first-come-first- ALL CLOSE TO NY BUS / HOUSES OF WORSHIP /
served basis. HIGHWAYS / SHOPS / SCHOOLS
For further information about RMTI, Black Box Stu- Classic Mortgage, LLC For Our Full Inventory including
dios, and Black Box PAC, visit, Serving NY, NJ & CT Details & Pictures, Visit our Website
call (201) 357-2221, or email 25 E. Spring Valley Ave., Ste 100, Maywood, NJ
201-368-3140 MLS
(201) 837-8800 #31149

Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 61

Real Estate & Business

Teaneck Organization for

SELLING YOUR HOME? Public Schools to hold Teaneck 5K
On Sunday, May 6, Teaneck will host $100,000 to support the students of the
its first-ever 5K Race, sponsored by the Teaneck Public Schools by providing
Teaneck Organization for Public Schools, extra funding to enrich educational pro-
to help fund technology programs for gramming and to purchase educational
the students of Teaneck schools. The 5K materials and resources. The Teaneck
Race has been fully certified and sanc- 5K is an official USATF sanctioned and
tioned by US Track & Field. There will timed race.
also be a 1-mile Color Fun Run so that • All proceeds to go to the Teaneck
children and families of all ages and abil- public schools
ities can participate. • Runners, walkers, wheelchairs, or
Bronwyn Tobin, a Teaneck resident strollers… all levels of participation
and mother of Teaneck Public Schools welcome.
students, said “I think it’s a great cause • Register today at the following URL:
and I am really looking forward to par-
ticipating! I think it’s a fantastic way to • $25 to register for the 5K and $15 for
get the community together, and to help the Color Run. Prices to increase $5 after
the kids of course. We’ve got such a great March 31 2018.
community of people here in Teaneck, The Teaneck Organization for Public
it’s nice to have an event that can bring Schools: The Teaneck Organization for
so many together.” Public Schools is a 501c3 non-profit orga-
The Teaneck Organization for Public nization with a mission to raise funds to
Schools, founded in 1991, has raised over support the Teaneck Public Schools.
Call Susan Laskin Today
To Make Your Next Move A Successful One! Cell: 201-615-5353 Valley’s diabetes education program
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certificate of recognition awarded to ested in learning how to manage their
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nutritional management; physical activ- a week. It also includes an initial indi-
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62 Jewish Standard March 23, 2018






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Jewish Standard March 23, 2018 63

SALES EFFECTIVE 3/25/18-3/30/18
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LB 2
$ 49
LB 5
$ 99
LB 5
$ 99
LB 8
$ 99
American Black Angus Beef American Black Angus Beef Veal Ground Freshly Marinated Section
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Glick’s 64 oz
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$ 79
Gefen 11 oz
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Whole Orange Marinara or Sweet & Sour Chicken Spices Cut Hearts
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3 2/$
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$ 79
EA 99¢EA 5/$
Glick’s 8 oz
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