AHRI - Guide Refrige Colour

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AHRI Guideline N

2014 Guideline for

Assignment of Refrigerant
Container Colors

ARI Standard 1200


AHRI does not set safety standards and does not certify or guarantee the safety of any products, components or
systems designed, tested, rated, installed or operated in accordance with this standard/guideline. It is strongly
recommended that products be designed, constructed, assembled, installed and operated in accordance with
nationally recognized safety standards and code requirements appropriate for products covered by this

AHRI uses its best efforts to develop standards/guidelines employing state-of-the-art and accepted industry
practices. AHRI does not certify or guarantee that any tests conducted under its standards/guidelines will be
non-hazardous or free from risk.


This standard supersedes AHRI Guideline N-2012.

Price $10.00 (M) $20.00 (NM) ©Copyright 2014, by Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
Printed in U.S.A. Registered United States Patent and Trademark Office


Section 1. Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1

Section 2. Scope .................................................................................................................. 1

Section 3. Definitions .......................................................................................................... 1

Section 4. Basic Considerations for Developing the Color Guideline ................................ 1

Section 5. Assignment Criteria ............................................................................................ 2


Table 1. Refrigerant Container Color & Class by Refrigerant ......................................... 3

Table 2. Refrigerant Container Color & Class by PMS Number .....................................4

Table 3. PMS/RAL Color System .................................................................................... 5


Appendix A. References - Normative ...................................................................................... 6

Appendix B. References - Informative .................................................................................... 6



Section 1. Purpose

1.1 Purpose. The purpose of this guideline is to establish assignment of refrigerant container colors; definitions; basic
considerations for developing the color guideline; and assignment criteria.

1.1.1 Intent. This guideline is intended for the guidance of the industry, including manufacturers, engineers, installers,
contractors and users.

1.1.2 Review and Amendment. This guideline is subject to review and amendment as technology advances.

Section 2. Scope

2.1 Scope. This guideline provides a means by which colors can be assigned to refrigerant containers for Refrigerants
currently in use or newly developed Refrigerants, provided the Refrigerant is used in significant quantities as defined in this
guideline. Colors should not be relied upon exclusively to determine the type of Refrigerant in the container.

This guideline also recommends a container color for Refrigerants that are not produced in sufficient quantities to qualify for their
own individual color.

2.2 Exclusions. This guideline does not cover container colors for recovered and recycled Refrigerants, which are covered in
AHRI Guideline K.

Section 3. Definitions

All terms in this document will follow the standard industry definitions in the ASHRAE Terminology website
(https://www.ashrae.org/resources--publications/free-resources/ashrae-terminology) unless otherwise defined in this section.

3.1 Refrigerants. Refrigerants for purposes of this guideline include single component refrigerants, zeotropes and

3.1.1 Flammable Refrigerants. Those Refrigerants that receive a flammability rating of 2 or 3 in ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 34, Designation and Safety Classifications of Refrigerants with Addenda.

3.1.2 High Pressure Refrigerants. Those Refrigerants meeting the definition of a compressed gas. The gas should have
a minimum cylinder service pressure exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).

3.1.3 Liquid Refrigerants. Those Refrigerants with a normal boiling point greater than 20°C. These products normally
are packaged in drums.

3.1.4 Low Pressure Refrigerants. Those Refrigerants meeting the definition of a “compressed gas.” The gas should
have a minimum cylinder service pressure not exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).

3.2 "Should." "Should" is used to indicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good practice.

Section 4. Basic Considerations for Developing the Color Guideline

4.1 The color guideline is not a substitute for reading cylinder labels and markings.

4.2 Refrigerants are grouped in four classes in order to create more color opportunities within readily identifiable container
styles and to clearly differentiate Flammable Refrigerants.

Class I: Liquid Refrigerants

Class II: Low Pressure Refrigerants
Class III: High Pressure Refrigerants


Class IV: Flammable Refrigerants

4.3 The color guideline should allow for the addition of new Refrigerants in each of the above classes.

4.4 Color codes only need to be differentiated within a class. Consideration should be given to the application before
assigning colors to the Refrigerant.

4.5 Colors should be distinguishable from each other.

4.6 The color guideline should be standard industry-wide.

4.7 Color option should minimize container painting costs.

4.8 A red band on the shoulder or top of the container should designate flammable compounds, or mixtures that could
become flammable in the event of a leak.

4.9 Refrigerants that are not produced in sufficient quantities to qualify for their own individual color should be painted light
green gray (PMS 413).

Section 5. Assignment Criteria

5.1 The Refrigerant manufacturer should notify AHRI of its intent to use a color not previously assigned for that Refrigerant
class to a new Refrigerant they plan to commercialize within six months. The manufacturer requesting a specific PMS color
assignment for that new Refrigerant should also provide a corresponding RAL K5 classic number. If the manufacturer does
request a specific PMS color and or RAL K5 classic number, AHRI will assign them.

5.2 In order to retain assignment of the color, the manufacturer should furnish confirmation to AHRI that:

5.2.1 A Refrigerant number has been published in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34.

5.2.2 There have been commercial sales, and there will be continued offering of the Refrigerant within one year of

5.2.3 There have been commercial sales of at least 45,350 kg per year for Class I and Class II Refrigerants or 900 kg
per year for Class III Refrigerants within two years of assignment. Commercial sales of Class IV Refrigerants should be
consistent with commercial volumes which would be required if it were a non-flammable Refrigerant.

5.3 If the manufacturer who originally requested and obtained the use of a color falls below the levels established in Section
5.2, that manufacturer should notify AHRI. At that point, AHRI will survey all manufacturers to determine whether a composite
volume of all the manufacturers supports continued use of the color and meets the criteria in Section 5.2. If not, the color should
be provisionally returned to the color pool with a five year period allowed for clearing existing inventories.

5.4 In the case where a color has been provisionally returned to the color pool, the manufacturer should package new
production in a generic Refrigerant color using a label to indicate the previously assigned color. The Refrigerant container color
can be determined using Table 1. The PMS/RAL color system is described in Table 3.

5.4.1 In the event a color is provisionally returned to the color pool, AHRI will notify all AHRI member companies and
then disseminate that information to the "trade press" through an AHRI press release and other appropriate measures.

5.4.2 When a color has been provisionally returned to the color pool, notification has been made, and if the total sales
volume falls below the criteria established in Section 5.2.3, then the color by vote of AHRI will be returned to the pool
of unassigned colors.

Table 1. Refrigerant Container Color & Class by Refrigerant
Refrigerant Color PMS # Class
11 Orange 021 I
12 White None II
13 Light Blue (Sky) 2975 III
13B1 Pinkish-Red (Coral) 177 III
14 Yellow-Brown (Mustard) 124 III
22 Light Green 352 II
23 Light Blue-Grey 428 III
32 Light Blue-Green 631 IV
113 Dark Purple (Violet) 266 I
114 Dark Blue (Navy) 302 II
116 Dark Grey (Battleship) 424 III
123 Light Blue-Grey 428 I
124 Deep Green (DOT Green) 335 II
125 Medium Brown (Tan) 465 II
134a Light Blue (Sky) 2975 II
236fa Dark Grey (Battleship) 424 II
245fa Maroon 194 II
401A Pinkish-Red (Coral) 177 II
401B Yellow-Brown (Mustard) 124 II
401C Blue-Green (Aqua) 3268 II
402A Light Brown (Sand) 461 II
402B Green-Brown (Olive) 385 II
403B Light Purple (Lavender) 251 II
404A Orange 021 II
407A Lime Green 368 II
407B Cream 156 II
407C Medium Brown (Brown) 471 II
407D Dark Brown (Chocolate) 450 II
407F Green-Yellow-White 373 II
408A Medium Purple (Purple) 248 II
409A Medium Brown (Tan) 465 II
410A Rose 507 II
411A Dark Purple (Violet) 266 IV
411B Blue-Green (Teal) 326 IV
413A Deep Blue 3015 II
414A Beige 4545 II
414B Medium Blue (Blue) 2995 II
416A Yellow-Green (Lime) 381 II
417A Green 354 II
422A Yellow-Orange 128 II
422D Green-Yellow 375 II
423A Wedge Wood Blue 292 II
424A Black None II
426A Pastel Orange 804 II
427A Green-Blue (Jungle Green) 3405 II
428A Traffic Yellow 803 II
434A Sulfur Yellow 388 II
437A Royal Blue 286 II
438A Blue Jay 2727 II
442A Night Blue 268 II
500 Yellow 109 II
502 Light Purple (Lavender) 251 II
503 Blue-Green (Aqua) 3268 III
507A Blue Green (Teal) 326 II
508B Dark Blue (Navy) 302 III
PMS = Pantone® Matching System, an international printing, publishing and packaging color language.

Normal boiling point greater than 20°C . These products are normally packaged in drums.

Low Pressure Refrigerants: These Refrigerants meeting the definition of a compressed gas. The gas should have a minimum
cylinder service pressure not exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).


High Pressure Refrigerants: These Refrigerants meeting the definition of a compressed gas. The gas should have a minimum
cylinder service pressure exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).

Flammable Refrigerants.

Table 2. Refrigerant Container Color & Class by PMS Number

PMS Color Class I Class II Class III Class IV
None White R-12
None Black R-424A
021 Orange R-11 R-404A
109 Yellow R-500
124 Yellow-Brown (Mustard) R-401B R-14
128 Yellow-Orange R-422A
156 Cream R-407B
177 Pinkish-Red (Coral) R-401A R-13B1
185 Red (DOT Red)
194 Maroon R-245fa
248 Medium Purple (Purple) R-408A
251 Light Purple (Lavender) R-502; R-403B
266 Dark Purple (Violet) R-113 R-411A
268 Night Blue R-442A
286 Royal Blue R-437A
292 Wedge Wood Blue R-423A
302 Dark Blue (Navy) R-114 R-508B
326 Blue-Green (Teal) R-507A R-411B
335 Deep Green (DOT Green) R-124
352 Light Green R-22
354 Green R-417A
368 Lime Green R-407A
373 Green-Yellow-White R-407F
375 Green-Yellow R-422D
381 Yellow-Green (Lime) R-416A
385 Green-Brown (Olive) R-402B
388 Sulfur Yellow R-434A
424 Dark Grey (Battleship) R-236fa R-116
428 Light Blue-Grey R-123 R-23
461 Light Brown (Sand) R-402A
465 Medium Brown (Tan) R-125; R-409A
450 Dark Brown (Chocolate) R-407D
471 Medium Brown (Brown) R-407C
507 Rose R-410A
631 Light Blue-Green R-32
803 Traffic Yellow R-428A
804 Pastel Orange R-426A
2727 Blue Jay R-438A
2975 Light Blue (Sky) R-134a R-13
2995 Medium Blue (Blue) R-414B
3015 Deep Blue R-413A
3268 Blue-Green (Aqua) R-401C R-503
3405 Green-Blue (Jungle Green) R-427A
4545 Beige R-414A
PMS = Pantone® Matching System, an international printing, publishing and packaging color language.

Normal boiling point greater than 20°C. These products are normally packaged in drums.

Low Pressure Refrigerants: These Refrigerants meeting the definition of a compressed gas. The gas should have a minimum
cylinder service pressure not exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).


High Pressure Refrigerants: These Refrigerants meeting the definition of a compressed gas. The gas should have a minimum
cylinder service pressure exceeding 3447 kPa (gage).

Flammable Refrigerants.


Table 3. PMS/RAL Color System

Refrigerant Color PMS # Possible RAL K5 Classic # RAL Color Description

White None
Black None 5004 Black Blue
Orange 21 2004 Pure Orange
Yellow 109 1018 Zinc Yellow
Yellow-Brown (Mustard) 124 1003 Signal Yellow
Yellow-Orange 128 1021 Rape Yellow
Cream 156 1034 Pastel Yellow
Pinkish-Red (Coral) 177 3017 Rose
Red (DOT Red) 185 3020 Traffic Red
Maroon 194 4002 Red Violet
Medium Purple (Purple) 248 4006 Traffic Purple
Light Purple (Lavender) 251 4009 Pastel Violet
Dark Purple (Violet) 266 4007 Purple Violet
Night Blue 268 5022 Night Blue
Royal Blue 286 5005 Signal Blue
Wedge Wood Blue 292 5012 Light Blue
Dark Blue (Navy) 302 5019 Capri Blue
Blue-Green (Teal) 326 5018 Turquoise Blue
Deep Green (DOT Green) 335 6032 Signal Green
Light Green 352 6019 Pastel Green
Green 354 6001 Emerald Green
Lime Green 368 Note1 Note1
Green-Yellow-White 373 No match available No match available
Green-Yellow 375 No match available No match available
Yellow-Green (Lime) 381 No match available No match available
Green-Brown (Olive) 385 6003 Olive Green
Sulfur Yellow 388 1016 Sulfur Yellow
Dark Grey (Battleship) 424 7023 Concrete Grey
Light Blue-Grey 428 7035 Light Grey
Light Brown (Sand) 461 1002 Sand Yellow
Medium Brown (Tan) 465 1001 Beige
Dark Brown (Chocolate) 450 6014 Yellow Olive
Medium Brown (Brown) 471 8023 Orange Brown
Rose 507 3015 Heather Violet
Light Blue-Green 631 6027 Light Green
Traffic Yellow 803 1023 Traffic Yellow
Pastel Orange 804 2003 Pastel Orange
Blue Jay 2727 5014 Pigeon Blue
Light Blue (Sky) 2975 5012 Light Blue
Medium Blue (Blue) 2995 5015 Sky Blue
Deep Blue 3015 5017 Traffic Blue
Blue-Green (Aqua) 3268 5021 Water Blue
Green-Blue (Jungle Green) 3405 6024 Traffic Green
Beige 4545 8024 Beige Brown
Note 1: No match provided due to conflict with the European Cylinder Gas Identification Standard EN 1089-3.
RAL = Reichsausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung" = State Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality





B1 Listed here are standards, handbooks and other publications which may provide useful information and background,
but are not considered essential. References in this appendix are not considered part of the guideline.

B1.1 AHRI Guideline K-2009, Containers for Fluorocarbon Refrigerants, 2009, Air-Conditioning, Heating and
Refrigeration Institute, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 500, Arlington, VA 22201, U.S.A.

B1.2 ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2013, Designation and Safety Classifications of Refrigerants, 2013, with
Addenda, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E., Atlanta,
GA 30329, U.S.A.

A1.3 ASHRAE, Terminology, https://www.ashrae.org/resources--publications/free-resources/ashrae-terminology,

2014, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E.,
Atlanta, GA 30329, U.S.A.

B1.4 Pantone Color Matching System, Pantone Inc., 590 Commerce Boulevard, Carlstadt, New Jersey 07072-
3098, U.S.A.

B1.5 RAL Colours, http://www.ral-farben.de/en/home/, 2014, RAL gGmbH, Siegenburgerstrasse 39, D-53757
Sankt Augustin, Germany.

B1.6 Title 49 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, 800 North Capitol Street, NW, Washington, DC 20402, U.S.A.

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