Paper JCU Opt Mat 2016-OK
Paper JCU Opt Mat 2016-OK
Paper JCU Opt Mat 2016-OK
Optical Materials
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Article history: In this work, the photoluminescence properties of a PA copolymer, which is a polythiophene derived
Received 30 January 2016 from 3-OT and (S)-(-)-1-(4-nitrophenyl) pyrrolidin-2-il) methyl 2-(thiophen-3-yl) acetate, were inves-
Received in revised form tigated. The optical response of the copolymer dissolved in a toluene solution and of the copolymer film
22 March 2016
under the optical excitation was analyzed. Besides, the temperature dependence of photoluminescence
Accepted 26 March 2016
(PL) of the PA copolymer (solution and film) was examined. The PL behavior of the solution-phase
copolymer (diluted and concentrated solutions) under 365 nm (UV light) excitation is reported. More-
over, the copolymer films were obtained using the spin coating technique. The PL of the copolymer films
under 488 nm (blue light) irradiation was studied at different excitation powers. Finally, we examined
Photoluminescence the PL signal temperature dependence of the copolymer film. We determined that the maximum PL
Fluorescence quenching signal peak of the copolymer corresponds to 626 nm and has a temperature sensitivity of approximately
Temperature sensor 11 103/ C, with a minimum ascending and descending temperature hysteresis between 22 C and
50 C.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0925-3467/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
94 J. Castrellon-Uribe et al. / Optical Materials 58 (2016) 93e101
2. Experimental procedure First, the optical absorbance of the copolymer dissolved in toluene
at different concentrations was measured using a tungsten halogen
2.1. Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of the PA light source. The concentrations of the copolymer were:
copolymer [0.005e0.025 mg/mL] and [0.5e2.5 mg/mL] of the diluted and
concentrated solutions, respectively. Then, the absorption spectra
The PA copolymer, structure in Fig. 1, was synthesized according were monitored and analyzed at room temperature in the
to the previously reported polymerization procedure [26]. This 250e900 nm wavelength region.
procedure involves an oxidative polymerization of 3- Subsequently, in a second optical experiment, the copolymer
octylthiophene and (S)-(-)-1-(4-nitrophenyl) pyrrolidin-2-il) photoluminescence in a toluene solution was investigated. A UV
methyl 2-(thiophen-3-yl) acetate in the chloroform and nitro- lamp with a 4 W output was used to irradiate the solution-phase
methane solution of FeCl3. Soluble yield was 15%, monomer ratio copolymer. The PL signal was observed up to approximately
was 88% for 3-OT and 12% for functionalized thiophene, molecular 580 nm (yellow light) when the copolymer was excited using a
weight was Mn ¼ 11,000 g/mol, Mw ¼ 117,000 g/mol, PDI ¼ 10.6. 365 nm wavelength. The PL signal of different copolymer concen-
Thermal stability: Td ¼ 474 C, weight loss ¼ 71%. The 1H NMR trations (diluted and concentrated solutions) was monitored and
signals, Fig. 1, showed the configurations of diads (HT ¼ 68%, analyzed at room temperature. Later, in a third optical experiment
HH ¼ 32%) and triads (HT-HT ¼ 50%, TT-HT ¼ 15%, HT-HH ¼ 18%, TT- the PL signal behavior of the solution-phase copolymer, when it
HH ¼ 17%). 1H NMR (200 MHz, CDCl3, TMS), 3-octylthiophene: was exposed to different temperatures (20 Ce50 C) was investi-
d ¼ 6.98 (H40 ), 2.79, 2.60 (Ha), 1.66, 1.26, 0.87, 0.07 (Hbq). Func- gated. The fluorescence spectra were recorded using a spectrom-
tionalized thiophene: d ¼ 8.06 (H17,19), 7.00 (H4), 6.60 (H16,20), eter (Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Florida, USA).
3e4.5 (H6,9,10,12), 2.0 (H13,14) [26]. The physicochemical properties
of the PA copolymer, such as regioregularity (diads and triads),
molecular weight distribution (Mn and Mw) and thermal proper- 2.2.2. PA copolymer in films
ties (Td), are similar to those found in the PT that was synthesized Additionally, the photoluminescence properties of the PA
using the same regioselective method [5,10]. The synthesized PA copolymer film were investigated. First, a PA copolymer toluene
copolymer has a low molecular weight and a large polydispersity. solution (60 mg/mL) was used to deposit thin films via spin coating
Additionally, in the copolymer, the incorporation of functionalized at approximately 5000 rpm on glass substrates (corning glass). The
thiophene, with a pushepull chromophore as pendant group, is films were characterized using AFM (nano scope IV multimode
considerable (12%). Finally, the polythiophene derivative has a good scanning probe microscope). Then, the absorption spectra of the
thermal stability [26]. films with thicknesses of approximately 200 nm for a concentration
of 60 mg/mL were measured at room temperature for the wave-
length interval from 300 nm to 650 nm. After that, the PL of the
2.2. Optical measurements copolymer film was measured. The generated PL signal was
observed up to approximately 630 nm (red light) when the films
2.2.1. PA copolymer in a toluene solution were excited with a laser at 488 nm (blue light). Likewise, the PL
To investigate the photoluminescence properties of the PA behavior was studied at different excitation optical powers
copolymer in a toluene solution, the following procedure was used. (5e20 mW). The PL signal of the films was analyzed at room
Fig. 6. Overlapping of the absorption (black line) and PL (blue line) spectra of the PA
Fig. 5. Measured photoluminescence spectrum of the PA copolymer in a toluene so- copolymer (concentrated solutions). (For interpretation of the references to color in
lution at different concentrations (concentrated solutions). this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J. Castrellon-Uribe et al. / Optical Materials 58 (2016) 93e101 97
Normalized PL
a) b)
400 500 600 700 800 900
Wavelength [nm]
Fig. 8. Photoluminescence spectra of the PA copolymer in a toluene solution (1.5 mg/
mL) excited at 365 nm to different temperatures. a) solution-phase copolymer, and b) Fig. 9. Measured absorbance spectrum of the PA copolymer thin film. a) Photo of the
photoluminescence of the copolymer under UV irradiation. PA copolymer film deposited by spin coating technique (60 mg/mL).
98 J. Castrellon-Uribe et al. / Optical Materials 58 (2016) 93e101
Fig. 11. Photoluminescence response of the PA copolymer film at different excitation Fig. 12. Measured absorbance spectra of the PA copolymer thin film to different
optical powers. temperatures.
J. Castrellon-Uribe et al. / Optical Materials 58 (2016) 93e101 99
h i
DI I ðl; DTÞ=I l; Tref
s¼ ½1= C (1)
Fig. 15. Atomic force microscopy images of the surface morphology of the PA copolymer films that were chemically deposited on a glass substrate using the spin coating technique.
(a) The reference PA copolymer film. (b) The PA copolymer films after the exposure to 50 C. c) The PA copolymer films after being irradiated at 16 mW.
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