1 6 2011 IR Corrs Vol I 01052014
1 6 2011 IR Corrs Vol I 01052014
1 6 2011 IR Corrs Vol I 01052014
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
It has been decided to set up a Task Force consisting of following members to review
the provisions regarding suo motu disclosure given in Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 and to
recommend measures for its better implementation and enforcement:
3. This Task Force may have consultations with other Ministries, State Governments,
CIC and SICs and also with other NGOs for finalizing its report. The methodology for
working of the Task Force will be laid down by the Task Force itself.
4. The Task Force will finalize its recommendation by 31st July 2011 and submit it to the
Department for consideration.
(Anuradha S. Chagti)
Deputy Secretary
Phone: 23093074
4. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh , z_ucK a") With a request to nominate a
5. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Cdr „,4,,f Secretary level officer dealing with
6. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Bihar , implementation of RTI in the State
7. Head of Organisation, NCPRI, C 117A, DDA Flat Munirka,New Delhi With a request to
8. Head of Organisation, IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35 A Cross nominate a senior
Road, 4T Block, Tilak Nagar,Bangalore person so that
9. Head of Organisation, Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), participation may
B. Sahajanand Towers, Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad- 51 be meaningful
Gujarat J
10. Head of Organisation, JOSH, C-7E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi-67
11. Head of Organisation, Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS),
B 76 (Garage), SFS Flat, Sheikh Sarai—I New Delhi- 17
Copy to:
1, -Sr.PPS to Secretary (Personnel)—for information
2. PS to Joint Secretary (AT&A), DoPT
Director (RTI), DoPT
_ /sign
)1(<— •
Government Nominees:
Special Invitees:
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(K.G. Verma)
Director (RTI)
Phone: 23092158
To :
Copy to :
Copy also to Under Secretary (Coord),DOPT with the request to book the Conference
Room for 25th May, 2011 and arrange High Tea and Lunch for 20 Office
(K.G. Verma
Director (RTI)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(K.G. Verma)
Director (RTI)
Phone: 23092158
To :
Copy to :
Copy also to Under Secretary (Coord),DOPT with the request to book the Conference
Room for 25th May, 2011 and arr e High Tea and Lunch for 20 OfficerTh
- '
I CA-,1
(K.G. Verma
Director (RTI)
D.\ C
t41-0:1 • .. .... •
-6 0
Page 1 of 1
NGO in Special Consultative status with United Nations' Economic and Social Council
Subject: Constitution of a Task Force for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act,
We are in receipt of the refereed office memo and happy to learn that a Task Force is being set up to
ensure effective implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005.
IT for Change will like to be represented in the Task Force by myself. Parminder Jeet Singh,
Executive Director, and we look forward to working together on taking this very important part of
the RTI Act forward and exploring ways to ensure that it is implemented in the full spirit of the Act.
Email: ParminderPITforChange.net
Mobile: 09845949445
,r3 L
https://mail.nic.in/uwc/webmail/attach/IT%20for%20Ch edpeg?sid---&-,mbox=INBOX&... 5/16/201 1
Government of India
Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances
Tel No . 23360369
e-mail ritika.bhatia@nic.in
(B K. Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele No.23401440
epartment of Personnel & Training
(Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti, Deputy Secretary)
North Block,
New Delhi.
1. Director (AR)
2. ,sA.PPS to Secretary(AR&PG)
3. PPS to Additional Secretary(AR&PG)
4. PS to Joint Secretary (ARC)
NEW DELHI-110003
The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT's O.M. No. 1/6/201 1-IR dated
6.5.2011 on the above subject and to say that the Competent Authority has nominated
Shri Ajay Sahani, President & CEO, National E-Governance Division to re resent
DIT in the aforesaid Task Force.
Joint Director
Tel.No. 24369903
Copy to: Shri Ajay Sahani, President &C FO; NeGD,DIT, New Delhi.:- Enclosed
please find meeting circular ceived from DoPT to attend the referred
meeting scheduled to be Id on 25.5.2011 at North Block, New Delhi.
This has reference to the note of AS(S&V) dated 11th May, 2011
regarding proposed meeting of Principal Secretary to PM for
preparation of a far-reaching agenda in the area of Administrative
Reforms to be held on 12th May, 2011.
3. It may be noted that Section 4 (1) (b), (c) & (d) provide for suo-
motu disclosure by public authorities. The issue of proper
implementation of Section 4 (1) (b), (c) & (d) has been under
consideration of Government for long and this was also raised during a
meeting with the Sub-Group on Transparency and Accountability of
NAC. It was felt that the list of items on which suo-motu disclosure
needs to be made may be extended to include other items such as
procurement. The issue of pre-legislative consultation was also
discussed in that meeting. In line with those discussions, a Task Force
has been constituted by DOPT vide OM No.1/6/2011-IR dated 6th May,
2011 (copy enclosed as Annexure 1) which also include representatives
of NGOs working in the field of RTI. The Task Force is expected to
deliberate on all items included in Section 4 (1) (b) and to recommend
any other items which needs to be included and also to recommend
policy for consultation with public on various issues as laid in Section 4
(1) (b) (viii).
(Rajeev Ka oor)
Joint Secre AT&A)
11th May, 2011
1 \■
P4 s
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
It has been decided to set up a Task Force consisting of following members to review
the provisions regarding suo motu disclosure given in Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 and to
recommend measures for its better implementation and enforcement:
3. This Task Force may have consultations with other Ministries, State Governments.
CIC and SICs and also with other NGOs for finalizing its report. The methodology for
working of the Task Force will be laid down by the Task Force itself.
4. The Task Force will finalize its recommendation by 31st July 2011 and submit it to the
Department for consideration.
(Anuradha S. Chagii)
Deputy Secretary
Phone: 23093074
Copy to:
1. Sr.PPS to Secretary (Personnel) — for info' illation
2. PS to Joint Secretary (AT&A), DoPT
3. Director (RTI), DoPT
Annexure 2
• 4 C (17
1. Cabinet Secretary
2. Finance Secretary
\.3'. Additional Secretary (S&V), DOPT
PM0 I.D. no.1699948/PM0/2011-ES.2 Dated 10.05.2011
1. Extract of the directions of the Prime Minister dated 21.1.2011
021 "I would like priority attention to be put by the Prime Minister's
Office on the area of Administrative Reforms. Secretary (PMO) may
lead a group consisting of senior officers of PMO to work out a far-
reaching agenda of Administrative Reforms that could be brought to
Cabinet within the next 3-4 months. The areas should cover, interalia,
measures that improve governance, give greater emphasis on merit,
develop a more effective and robust system to deal with cases of
corruption and poor performance; and give greater flexibility in service
rules. MoS may be briefed on the exercise that is being undertaken.
Principal Secretary may supervise the process and arrange a briefing
for me after some preliminary work has been done".
5. The above are not mutually exclusive, and any intervention in
respect of one area might impact the others.
A. Recruitment
(1) Civil service should be a conscious career option for those who
want to come into the system, and not the last choice for those who
do not find themselves employable elsewhere. The upper age limit for
the examination, which is currently 30 for general candidates, needs to
be lowered to 28. Since this has wide implications, this could be done
in a phased manner over 2 years. The number of attempts for general
candidates may also be reduced to 3 from 4. (For the time being, age
limit and number of attempts could be retained at the present level for
SC/STs (35 years and unlimited attempts) and OBCs (33 years and 7
(2) A major change introduced recently in the Civil Services
Examination has been the Civil Services Aptitude Test, which seeks to
test the aptitude and ability of candidates. (i) Since this is a screening
test, this may be conducted online, with a phasing-in during which the
paper exam is also held, so that the candidate would be at liberty to
take the examination at a time of her/his choice (ii) The minimum age
for clearing the screening test could be one year less than the
minimum age of writing the main examination. (iii) The score may
• remain valid for three years during which the successful candidates
could take the Main Examination . This will save time, speed up the
examination process and reduce unnecessary anxiety and effort for
B. Empanelment
(3) Officers of all All India and Central services eligible as at (2)
above and who have put in the requisite length of service, would be
eligible to appear for the exam.
C. Placement
D. Lateral Induction
E. Weeding out
2. Corruption
• 3. Lack of Accountability
(4) There are several pieces of legislation, where rules are yet to be
framed, though the statutes have been enacted, rendering implementation
difficult. (i) Each Ministry/Department will complete the exercise of framing
the rules and bringing them into force, within three months and the
responsibility for this will rest with the Secretary concerned. (ii) The first set
of draft rules should be prepared, along with the Note for the Cabinet relating
to a bill that Ministry/ Department wishes to introduce.
4. Lack of transparency
virtually impossible to access the rationale behind policy decisions. This has
been rectified only partially by the Right to Information Act.
(3) Procurement and award of contracts are major areas where there is
often lack of transparency. While the initial process i.e. the notice inviting
tender is in the public domain, what happens after that is clouded and the
citizen is not privy to the decision taken. Once a decision is taken to
procure/award a contract to a certain firm/individual, a notice accepting
tender may be placed in the public domain. This would indicate the bidders,
the rationale behind the decision and the total cost involved. This step would
ensure that any negative feedback or complaint on a particular decision is
brought to notice while remedial action is still possible.
(5) The system of proactive disclosure is the next logical step in the Right
to Information act. (i) All Ministries/Department should place in the public
domain, the terms of reference and composition of all adhoc committees
(GoMs/EGoMS) and their recommendations. (ii) Replies to all RTI questions,
given to any applicant may be placed on the net. (iii) All private institutions
accepting public funds should do so on the condition that they would answer
RTI queries in relation to the use of those funds.
7. Inefficiency
With the increasing awareness among citizens today, the whole paradigm of
governance has changed. Governments are expected to be swift in decision-
making. Decisions are also to be based on sound technical, economic and
scientific analysis, wherever necessary, and need-based with reference to the
requirements of the different geographical areas and population.
A. Policy evaluation
(4) Each Ministry should have a transparent PPP policy, which will be put in
the public domain. (The guidelines prepared by the Planning Commission will
be used as a base document/ template.) All information on PPP will be made
accessible and put in the public domain. The terms and conditions on which
PPPs are approved will also be uploaded in the public domain. Later on, if
amendments/ changes are brought about, those should also be put in public
(1) There are several instances where decisions have to be taken in the
face of uncertainty, very often in a tight time frame, and officers need
protection for bonafide decisions, which are taken after proper analysis of
facts and circumstances and evaluation of data and past trends. These
include purchase of commodities, disinvestment, acquisition of assets abroad,
capital acquisition, especially for defence, import-export etc. (i) Ministries may
put in place structured institutional support of economists/ research analysts/
experts to provide them with updated information on technical matters,
market fluctuations, economic trends and the like. This could be through an
agency/ expert group/ or by hiring from market. e.g bright young economists/
analysts can be taken as EAs / or can be attached to the EA's wing through
lateral induction mode. (ii) An Empowered Committee of Secretaries, chaired
by the Secretary of the concerned Department and including Finance
Secretary, Secretary, Planning Commission, Secretary (Expenditure) and Law
Secretary, would make its recommendations based on the report of the
Technical Committee. (iii) CCEA/EGOM would approve the recommendations
of the ECS on a fast track basis.
The first meeting of the task force for effective implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act,
2005 was held under the Chairmanship of Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, JS (AT&A), DoPT on 25th May,
Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary (DoPT) welcomed all the participants and apprised them of
the need for constituting the Task Force. The following attended the meeting:
e) Shri Venkatesh Nayak, Co-convenor and Programme Coordinator, NCPRI, CHRI, Delhi)
I) Ms. Amrita Johin Infor. & Research Coordinator, Satark Nagrik Sangathan, Delhi
Sh. Kapoor pointed out that it was generally felt that provisions of Section 4 are not being
properly implemented and there is no enforcement of compliance with the same. This was due
b) Absence of guidelines for some provisions such as 4 (1)(b)(vii) , 4(1)(c), 4(1)(d) and 4(2).
c) Lack of review to suggest what more could or should be prescribed under 4(1)(xvii).
d) Structure of the section (4) — same disclosures at all levels (sub-division to Ministry) may
e) Mode of disclosure and formats in which disclosures are to be made may improve
Thereafter he elaborated on the scope and the future course of action and requested the
members present to put forth their views on the following agenda items:
a) Activity plan for completion as the report has to be finalized by 15 July, 2011.
• Policy on consultation.
Sh. Deepak Kumar, Principal Secretary, GAD, Bihar was in agreement that compliance of
Section 4 of the RTI Act was critical to the success of the implementation of the RTI regime. He
apprised the members of the steps taken by the Bihar government including the Jaankari call
• centre which not only facilitated access to filing of RTI Applications but also disseminated
Sh. Nikhil Dey, Convener, NCPRI stated that their working in the field indicated that the Public
authorities were not averse to suo-moto disclosure, it was a question of what to put and how
to put it. He stressed that transparency needs to start from the top level. There has to be a
move from the minimal to the aspirational level in public disclosures. The social audit in
implement it. He suggested that this model may be adopted for all other schemes of the
Government of India and the Planning Commission can play an active part in this. He suggested
Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director (DARPG) informed the gathering that the DARPG is finalizing a
report on Internal control and risk management to be inbuilt into Plan schemes. She suggested
that Proactive disclosure under the RTI Act may also be made a part of it.
Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary informed the members that the DoPT had already written to
all Departments/ Ministries in Government of India to include a Chapter on RTI in their Annual
Reports. Secretary (Performance Management) had also been requested that suo moto
disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act may be included as a mandatory success indicator in
Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Satark Nagrik Sangathan stressed the need for developing a culture of
Information gathering. Collated information should be provided at various levels like ward
level, Municipal corporation level, panchayat level etc. The manner in which information is
centres. The information should be in such a form and language as to be decipherable by the
lowest strata of society. She emphasized that not only providing suo-motu information but
how to make it more accessible to the citizenry, should be an area to ponder on. The need was
providing dynamic information to the people with stress on quality with the content of
information could also help in stemming attacks on RTI Activists. All Plan schemes of the
• .) Government should make it mandatory to reflect implementation of Section 4. There should
Sh. Gurumurthy, IT for Change, was of the view that all information should be on website since
there is a pan India change in mindset and technological development. Internet is necessary
and there was a huge amount of investment in E-governance. People Information System (PIS)
(information Hub) is the need of the hour to identify what information people require and then
provide that information to the people. The mindset change should be from Transparency by
design rather than transparency by default. Data has to be granular and should allow others to
access and aggregate the data which the government puts on. This will help put in systems and
indicate trends. There should be a survey of what proactive information people need and
Ms. Aheli Chowdhury, JOSH pointed out that Section 4 is not implemented as a reality. There is
Section 4 by the Public Authorities. One person should be responsible for implementing Section
painting, boards, internet etc. Areas which attract repeated RTI applications may be converted
Sh. Venkatesh Nayak, CHRI emphasized the need for having a look at the existing systems from
the point of view of transparency. Public Accountability mechanisms had to be defined like
uploading information and its monitoring in the various MIS which had been developed. These
were essential for the systems to work. Examples quoted were the Indira Awaas Yojana. He
reiterated that section 4(1)(c) and 4(1)(d) were the heart and soul of section 4. All government
websites should adhere to the Guidelines for Indian Government websites to enable a common
pattern for display of information. He stressed on a need of change of mindset, especially at the
highest level. The government had to find more ways of disseminating information like
harnessing the strength of mobile, radio, cyber cafes. He pointed out that the new guidelines
on cyber cafes could become counterproductive to this aim. The information disseminator
should approach to create a system of automatically uploading the important issues on website
• ) and cater to the three types of information seekers, namely, people seeking information for
improving their general knowledge/awareness; Clients of Public Authority who make use of this
service for public consultation on policy; and people seeking information to reflect on
accountability. He desired that all decision taken during a week should be uploaded on the
Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary agreed on the above and put forth the view that top level
decisions sent periodically to the Cabinet Sectt. can be uploaded on website. As far as putting
/ ,)
all decisions taken in a week on the website he held that information should be content driven
rather than process driven. Therefore information on periodic data would probably not serve
the purpose. What is needed is for example to put the financial expenditure made by the
ministry/deptt. on the website, which would go a long way towards proactive disclosure.
Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director (DARPG) informed the participants that the Manual of Office
Procedure has been revised and the guidelines on website content has been laid down. Under
these all websites be re-designed under the e-governance to make it citizen friendly/accessible.
This would be done within six months. Once they have specific guidelines on Section 4 of the
RTI Act it would be easy to implement and monitor and it would be helpful if the format for all
is common.
Sh. R.K. Srivastava, Dy. Legal Advisor, Department of Legal Affairs, felt that there should be a
There should be access to Information through for example like cyber café in district level and
where the information was not available one can proceed to file an RTI application.
Ms. Pankti D. Jog, MAGP expressed her views that dynamic information be put on website. For
example the proactive disclosure during a disaster situation cannot be static and needs to be
updated frequently. There needs to be a set of guidelines for different set of public authorities
like anganwadis etc and then it should be displayed in one to set an example for the others.
Ms. N. Ramadevi, Dy Secretary (Govt. of AP) apprised the participants of the work done in
Andhra Pradesh. She informed that all Government orders issued by the state are put on the
• bwebsite. She suggested that if FAQs are made for all Departments it would be very easy. She
further suggested the introduction of a penal clause for non- compliance of the Section 4 along
Sh. Nikhil Dey, Convener, NCPRI suggested that since a large number of issues involving public
consultation needed the concurrence of the Planning Commission, Ministry of Law, Ministry of
Finance and Ministry of Environment and Forests there should be some check at that point. He
Sh. Venkatesh Nayak, CHRI, spoke of segregation of information which is displayed through
wall paintings in villages. He suggested that the outside walls should have information generic
to all and the inner walls should have information which is specific. He pointed out that there
was a question of upkeep of the walls also as they could degenerate due to the weather
Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary summarized the discussion agreed that by and large the
implementation of the Suo-moto disclosure was weak. There was need for disclosure at
different levels and the internet could not be the only means for it. There was need to use
other means like the mass media, walls etc. Guidelines had to be kept in view while hosting on
the web. There was a need for a policy on consultation during policy making in the government.
services in urban areas namely PDS„ Education health, Rural Development and
Panchayat, Social security (pensions) and District Collectors office. The rural
focus would be looked into by Ms. Pankti Jog and the urban focus by Ms. Anjali
• d) Detailing of sections Sec 4(1)(b)(iii), 4 (1)(b)(iv), 4(1)(b)(vi), 4(1)(b)(xi), 4
e) Guidelines for digital guidelines for publications under RTI headed by Sh.
2. It was decided that the next meeting of the group would be held after a month.
3. The issue of protection of RTI activists be taken up in a separate meeting where MHA
would be invited since the subject of law and order is the periphery of MHA.
4. Minutes of this meeting would be put on website and DoPT would invite public response
on them.
5. Expenditure for organizing meetings of sub groups and travel of the members would be
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Subject: Minutes of the meeting of the Task Force constituted for effect
implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 - regarding.
(Anuradha S. Cha 1)
Deputy Secretary (IR)
Tel. 2309 3074
To :
Copy to
1. ; Sr.P\DS-ito.Secretary (Personnel)
2. PS t00.int,Secretary (•AT&A),*DorT It 6
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Subject:- Task Force constituted for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI
Act, 2005 - regarding.
(Anuradha S. Chagti)
Deputy Secretary (IR)
The first meeting of the task force for effective implementation of the Section 4 of the
RTI Act, 2005 was held under the Chairmanship of Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, JS (AT&A), DoPT on 25th
May, 2011, at North Block, New Delhi. The meeting was attended by:
i. Ms. N. Ramadevi, Deputy Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
ii. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, Executive Secretary, MAGP, Gujarat
iii. Shri R.K. Srivastav, Dy. Legal Adviser, D/o Legal Affairs, Delhi
iv. Shri Venkatesh Nayak, Co-convenor and Programme Coordinator, NCPRI, CHRI, Delhi)
v. Ms. Aheli Chowdhury, Founder Member, JOSH, Delhi
vi. Shri Gurumurthy K, Director, IT for Change, Bangalore
vii. Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Director, Satark Nagarik Sangathan, Delhi
viii. Shri Nikhil Dey, Co-convenor, NCPRI, Delhi
ix. Shri Deepak Kumar, Principal Secretary, GAD, Govt. of Bihar
x. Ms. Rakshita, NCPRI,Delhi
xi. Ms. Amrita Johir, Infor. & Research Coordinator, Satark Nagrik Sangathan, Delhi
xii. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director, D/o AR&PG, Delhi
xiii. Shri K.G. Verma, Director(RTI), DoPT, Delhi
xiv. Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti, DS(RTI), DoPT, Delhi
xv. Shri R.K. Girdhar, US(RTI), DoPT, Delhi
xvi. Shri B. Sengupta, DO(RTI), DoPT, Delhi
2. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary (DoPT) welcomed all the participants and apprised
them of the need for constituting the Task Force. He pointed out that it was generally felt that
provisions of Section 4 are not being properly implemented and there is no enforcement of
compliance with the same. This was due to:
a) Lack of clarity regarding certain provisions such as Sec 4(1)(b)(iii), 4 (1)(b)(iv), 4
b) Absence of guidelines for some provisions such as 4 (1)(b)(vii) , 4(1)(c), 4(1)(d) and 4(2).
c) Lack of review to suggest what more could or should be prescribed under 4(1)(xvii).
d) Structure of the section (4) — same disclosures at all levels (sub-division to Ministry) may
not be appropriate.
e) Mode of disclosure and formats in which disclosures are to be made may improve
f) Absence of mechanisms for enforcing compliance.
Thereafter he elaborated on the scope and the future course of action and requested the
members present to put forth their views on the following agenda items:
a) Activity plan for completion as the report has to be finalized by 15 July, 2011.
b) Responsibilities of the task force members to be defined.
c) Whether there was a need to co-opt other members?
d) Make Sub groups to •deliberate on different aspects?
• Policy on consultation.
• Protection of persons seeking information under the RTI Act.
• Different modes of disclosure at different levels — panchayat, district etc.
• Enforcement of suo moto disclosure.
• Guidelines on sub sections which need clarification.
3. Sh. Deepak Kumar, Principal Secretary, GAD, Bihar was in agreement that compliance
of Section 4 of the RTI Act was critical to the success of the implementation of the RTI regime.
He apprised the members of the steps taken by the Bihar government including the Jaankari
call centre which not only facilitated access to filing of RTI Applications but also disseminated
4. Sh. Nikhil Dey, Convener, NCPRI stated that their working in the field indicated that the
Public authorities were not averse to suo-moto disclosure, it was a question of what to put and
how to put it. He stressed that transparency needs to start from the top level. There has to be a
move from the minimal to the aspirational level in public disclosures. The social audit in
MNREGS is a model of what can be achieved in government schemes if there is a will to
implement it. He suggested that this model may be adopted for all other schemes of the
Government of India and the Planning Commission can play an active part in this. He suggested
that audits be used as an incentive.
5. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director (DARPG) informed that the DARPG is finalizing a report on
Internal control and risk management to be inbuilt into Plan schemes. She suggested that
Proactive disclosure under the RTI Act may also be made a part of it.
6. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary informed the members that the DoPT had already
written to all Departments/ Ministries in Government of India to include a Chapter on RTI in
their Annual Reports. Secretary (Performance Management) had also been requested that suo
moto disclosure under section 4 of the RTI Act may be included as a mandatory success
indicator in the RFDs of all Departments.
7. Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Satark Nagrik Sangathan stressed the need for developing a
culture of Information gathering. Collated information should be provided at various levels like
ward level, Municipal corporation level, panchayat level etc. The manner in which information
is displayed needs to be changed for example by using electronic boards or it could be kept in
information centres. The information should be in such a form and language as to be
decipherable by the lowest strata of society. She highlighted the fact that not only providing
suo-motu information but how to make it more accessible to the citizenry, should be an area to
ponder on. The need was providing dynamic information to the people with stress on quality
with the content of information could also help in stemming attacks on RTI Activists. All Plan
schemes of the Government should make it mandatory to reflect implementation of Section 4.
There should also be a provision of compensation in cases where Section 4 is not implemented.
8. Sh. Gurumurthy, IT for Change, was of the view that all information should be on
website since there is a pan India change in mindset and technological development. Internet is
necessary and there was a huge amount of investment in E-governance. People Information
System (PIS) (information Hub) is the need of the hour to identify what information people
require and then provide that information to the people. The mindset change should be from
Transparency by design rather than transparency by default. There was a need for open
standards in e-governance. Data has to be granular and should allow others to access and
aggregate the data which the government puts on. This will help put in systems and indicate
trends. There should be a survey of what proactive information people need and government
machinery to concentrate more on that.
9. Ms. Aheli Chowdhury, JOSH pointed out that Section 4 is not implemented as a reality.
There is an absence of guidelines. There needs to be fixing of responsibility in case of non-
compliance of Section 4 by the Public Authorities. One person should be responsible for
implementing Section 4. For dissemination of information there should be a combination of
methods like wall painting, boards, internet etc. There should be study to identify
areas/subjects which attract repeated RTI applications and those may be converted into FAQs
and put on the website for the citizenry.
10. Sh. Venkatesh Nayak, CHRI emphasized the need for having a look at the existing
systems from the point of view of transparency. Public Accountability mechanisms had to be
defined like uploading information and its monitoring in the various MIS which had been
developed. These were essential for the systems to work. Examples of the advantages of having
real time updates on Government websites regarding public service delivery were discussed. An
example of this was the MIS updates in Andhra Pradesh under the MGNREGA. He reiterated
that section 4(1)(c) and 4(1)(d) were the heart and soul of section 4. All government websites
should adhere to the Guidelines for Indian Government websites to enable a common pattern
for display of information. He stressed on a need of change of mindset, especially at the highest
level. There was need to ensure that all new laws had consistency with the RTI Act and there
should be guidelines on what should be included. The government had to find more ways of
disseminating information like harnessing the strength of mobile, radio, cyber cafes. He pointed
out that the new guidelines on cyber cafes could become counterproductive to this aim. The
information disseminator should approach to create a system of automatically uploading the
important issues on website and cater to the three types of information seekers, namely,
people seeking information for improving their general knowledge/awareness; Clients of Public
Authority who make use of this service for public consultation on policy; and people seeking
information to reflect on accountability. He favored that all decision taken during a week
should be uploaded on the website.
11. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary mentioned that monthly reports departments can be
uploaded on website. As far as putting all decisions taken in a week on the website he held that
information should be content driven rather than process driven. Therefore information on
periodic data would probably not serve the purpose.
12. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director (DARPG) informed the participants that the Manual of Office
Procedure has been revised and the guidelines on website content has been laid down. Under
these all websites be re-designed under the e-governance to make it citizen friendly/accessible.
This would be done within six months. Once they have specific guidelines on Section 4 of the
RTI Act it would be easy to implement and monitor and it would be helpful if the format for all
is common.
13. Sh. R.K. Srivastava, Dy. Legal Advisor, Department of Legal Affairs, felt that there
should be a centralised monitoring authority in compliance of Section 4 in every
Ministry/Department. There should be access to Information through for example like cyber
café in district level and where the information was not available one can proceed to file an RTI
14. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, MAGP expressed her views that there had to be a distinction
between static and dynamic data which is put on the website. For example the proactive
disclosure during a disaster situation cannot be static and needs to be updated frequently.
There needs to be a set of guidelines/ templates for different set of public authorities like
anganwadis etc. One public authority could act as an illustration for other public authorities of
the same type, which would help spread the best practice.
15. Ms. N. Ramadevi, Dy Secretary (Govt. of AP) apprised the participants of the work done
in Andhra Pradesh. She informed that 18 templates have been communicated to the public
authorities in the state. Along with that all Government orders issued by the state are put on
the website. She suggested that if FAQs are made for all Departments it would be very easy.
She further suggested the introduction of a penal clause for non- compliance of the Section 4
along with half yearly review and regular monitoring.
16. Sh. Nikhil Dey, Convener, NCPRI suggested that since a large number of issues involving
public consultation needed the concurrence of the Planning Commission, Ministry of Law,
Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Environment and Forests there should be some check at
that point. He further suggested that best practices from states may be published.
17. Sh. Venkatesh Nayak, CHRI, spoke of segregation of information which is displayed
through wall paintings in villages. He suggested that the outside walls should have information
generic to all and the inner walls should have information which is specific. He pointed out that
there was a question of upkeep of the walls also as they could degenerate due to the weather
18. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary summarized the discussion and agreed that the
implementation of the Suo-moto disclosure under was weak. There was need for disclosure at
different levels and the internet could not be the only means for it. There was need to use
other means like the mass media, walls etc. Guidelines had to be kept in view while hosting on
the web. There was a need for a policy on consultation during policy making in the government.
Broadly, the conclusions that emerged from the meeting are summarized below:
(a) The weak implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly due to the fact
that certain provisions of this section have not been fully detailed and in case
of some other provisions, there is need for laying down detailed guidelines as
to what information needs to be provided and in which form. In view of this, it
was agreed that effort should be made to plug these gaps.
(b) It was agreed that while internet has become an important medium for
dissemination of information, at lower formations such as panchayats,
dispensaries, block offices etc, other modes of communication would need to
be adopted to ensure better access to these disclosures.
(c) Given that the work that this task force has to accomplish, it would be useful to
form sub-groups and assign specific items of work to each of these sub-groups.
The convener of the sub-group would thereafter hold consultation with other
knowledge persons/organization and prepare a discussion/note, which would
then be considered by the entire task force for finalization. The convener
would be expected to draw up a brief plan for activities to complete
consultations and submission of a discussion paper by end of June.
In view of this, following decisions were taken
I. There would be 5 subgroups which would look into the following:
i. Formulating policy on consultation to mandate public consultations and
participation in pre-legislative process and identify additions to Section
4(1)(b)(xvii) to be convened by Sh. Nikhil Dey, NCPRI. Sh. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint
Secy, DoPT will join this sub-group.
ii. Templates for disclosure at different levels in 5 services in rural and 5 critical
services in urban areas namely PDS„ Education health, Rural Development and
Panchayat, Social security (pensions) and District Collectors office. The
convenors for this sub group are Ms. Pankti Jog, MAGP(Rural), Ms. Anjali
Bhardwaj, SNS (Urban). Ms. N. Ramadevi, Deputy Secretary, State Government
of Andhra Pradesh will join this sub-group.
iii. Detailing of sections Sec 4(1)(b)(iii), 4 (1)(b)(iv), 4(1)(b)(xi), 4(1)(b)(xiv) to lend
clarity to these sections. Sub group to be convened by Sh. Venkatesh Naik , CHRI,
Ms. Aheli Chaudhary, JOSH. Sh. K.G. Verma, Director, DoPT will join this sub-
iv. Guidelines for digital publications under RTI thereby supporting proactive
disclosure of information headed by Sh. Gurumurthy.
v. Guidelines to suggest modes and means to facilitate people in filing RTI
applications headed by Sh. Deepak Kumar.
II. It was decided that each sub-group can co-opt any member as deemed fit, to enhance
diversity in views, experience and opinions. Each sub-group would formulate its own
process of initiating consultations to come up with its recommendations within one
month of its constitution.
III. It was decided that the next meeting of the group would be held after a month.
IV. The issue of protection of RTI activists to be taken up in a separate meeting where
representative of MHA would also be invited.
V. DoPT would write to different states to invite best practices in the implementation of
Section 4 to feed into the recommendations of the working Group.
VI. Ensure that the recommendations of the Task Force feed into the implementation of the
recommendations of the ARCs 11th Report on E-governance
VII. Minutes of this meeting and the OM constituting the task force would be put on website
and DoPT would invite public response on them.
VIII. It was decided that the conveners of the above sub-groups would formulate a work plan
including plans for organizing consultations during the next month. The work plans
along with the budgetary requirements may be forwarded to Mrs. Anuradha S. Chagti,
Deputy Secretary, (RTI), Room No. 280, Department of Personnel and Training, North
Block, Telephone 23093074, Fax 23093022, email osdrti-dopt@nic.in in the prescribed
proforma so that these could be budgeted. (Annexure 1).
Annexure '1'
Application Proforma
Task Force for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005
1 Sub —group
2 Conveners
C. Details of Proposal
1 Proposed work Plan
2. Time lines
3. Detailed estimates of expenditure
activity wise
4. Total amount of grant required
3. Shri R.K. Srivastav, Dy. Legal Adviser, D/o Legal Affairs, Delhi (rkantsrivastavayahoo.com)
4. Shri Venkatesh Nayak, Co-convenor and Programme Coordinator, NCPRI, CHRI, Delhi
11. Ms. Amrita Johir, Infor. & Research Coordinator, Satark Nagrik Sangathan, Delhi
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Ms. Aika Sirohi
Secretary. DoPT/ Gol
Dear Madam
I am constrained to formally send this email to you in my personal capacity as a citizen and rot as Upacharya of the Adi
Dharrn faith having milions of followers rand voters) in India. I am requesting (again) that I am granted an official appointment
to meet you in connection with my many griedances against your department which neither you nor your predeccesor Mr
Consul have ever cared to hear from my lips.
I am caused to complain to you as follows concerning the corrupt (as defined in applicable laws of India) actions of your
department's officers such as Mr Rajeev Kapur rJS(AT&A), Mr K.G.Verrna (Din/RTI) etc.
a) That your Department has still failed to comply with mandate of section 4 of R-T I Act to publish the process fcr "Corftiultafion
with members of the public" and "Access to public" on its website.
b) That your Department has constituted a Taak Force for RTI section 4 implementation wherein almost all thelliff.0"-
constituents are part of the NCPRI, and that other individual citizen stakeholders in RTI process like me have been deilberate4
exciude mom t is consultation process. It is pertinent thattlw is 11C e fist time I have corripiT. ablut suclaincidents -tb-
you and/or the DoPT. —
Yours faithfully
Sarbajit Roy
2/59 Defence Colony
New Delhi 110024
Tal : 09311448069
-7,C 2C t/
9) 4 /DO
Page 1 of 1
> I am in receipt of your letter mentioning that the mentioned Task Force
> will meet on the 25th at 12 noon. We thank you for the invitation to
> attend the meeting. IT for Change had nominated myself, Parminder Jeet
> Singh, to be on the Task Force. However, I write this email from Geneva
> where I am attending a UN meeting, and therefore my colleague and a
> director of IT for Change, Gurumurthy Kasinathan, will attend the meeting
> tomorrow.
> Parminder
https://mail.nic.in/uwc/webmail/iframe.html 23-05-2011
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
This is with reference to our telephonic conversation regarding DOPT's
intention to organize a workshop on the subject mentioned above and to inform
that the proposed workshop is scheduled to be held on 7th to 9th July, 2011. The
workshop would be attended by around 40 persons and would require one
Plenary Room and 4 to 5 small Conference Rooms for Group Activities. You are
requested to kindly intimate if the above (plenary hall + 4 to 5 small Conference
Rooms) can be made available to DOPT for the proposed dates.
Yours faithfully,
(Anuradha S. Chagti
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 2309 3074
Fax: 2309 3022
e-mail osdrti-dopt@nic.in
F.No. 1/6/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Shri Sarbajit Roy,
B/59, Defence Colony,
New Delhi -110024.
Subject: Constitution of a Task Force for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act,
I am directed to refer to your email message dated 4th June, 2011 on the subject
mentioned above and to say that if you have any suggestions regarding effective
implementation of section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005, you may send the same in writing to this
Yours faithfully,
/0A -ItAt
(R.K. Gird har)
Under Secretary (IR)
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
North Block,
New Delhi,16th June 2011
The Director
Institute of Secretariat
Training and- Management(ISTM)
Administrative Block,
\„ JNU(Old) Campus
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110067
(R.K. Girdhar
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax No.23093022
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
North Block,
New Delhi, the 24th June 2011
The Director
Institute of Family Health & Welfare
Baba Gangnath Marg,
New Delhi-110067
(FAX No.26101623, 26100057)
(R.K. Girdhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax No.23093022
F.No. 1/6/2011-IR
Department of Personnel and Training
(IR Division)
North Block,
New Delhi
The Director,
Institute of Secretariat Training & Management,
Administrative Block,
JNU (Old) Campus,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi 110 067
Please refer to letter of even no. dated 16th June, 2011 on the subject mentioned
above. It has been decided to shift the workshop to 8th to 10th July, 2011. It is requested
to kindly allot the following conference rooms / seminar halls for the same.
It is requested that estimates for the above rooms alongwith catering charges for
100 persons for the above dates may kindly be indicated.
(Anuradha S. Chagti)
Ph. 23093074
34. 1M--F
Government of India
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
North Block,
New Delhi, 22nd June 2011
Sub: Workshop on Task Force for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act,
2005 from 07th to 09th July, 2011
Dear Sir,
(Anuradha S. Chagti)'
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Telefax No.23093022
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block,
New Delhi, dated 29th June, 2011.
Dear Sir,
(Anuradha S. Chagti)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele : 23093024-1-
, F.No.1/6/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block,
New Delhi, the 4th July, 2011.
The Director,
Institute of Secretariat Training & Management (ISTM),
Administrative Block,
JNU (Old) Campus,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi — 110 067.
Sub : Workshop on Task Force for effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI
Act, 2005 from 08th to 10th July, 2011.
(Anuradha S. Chagti)
Director (IR)
Telefax : 23093022
c5. -ro-r" q■ +I-
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F.No. 1/6/2011-IR
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
It has been decided to hold a meeting of the Task Force constituted for
effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 on 08th July 2011
at 02.30 p.m. the meeting would be chaired by JS (AT&A). it has been
ascertained from the Admn. Division that no conference hall is available in
North Block on the required date and time.
(Tanmoy Roy)
Section Officer (IR)
Direc IR
No. D.11015/1/2011-ISTM
Government of India
Institute of Secretariat Training & Management
1/t -LEL faSITDI
Department of Personnel & Training
1L*M-Ltda mac, ao*tto ElftZ, JNU(Old) Campus,
3-trATIF itr—
A1-110067, Olof Palme Marg, New Delhi-110067
Telephone No. 26102597; Fax No. 26104183
The Secretary,
Department of Personnel & Training,
New Delhi.
I am directed to refer to your letter No. 1/6/2011-IR dated 23/06/2011 on the subject
mentioned above and to say that four Seminar Hall (Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8) and one Round
Conference Hall (No.2) will be made available for the Workshop under reference on July 08
& 10, 2011. On July 09, 2011, Auditorium No.1 will be made available for this Workshop.
2. It has also been decided that no fees for allotment of the venue(s) at ISTM will be
charged from the RTI Division of the Department of Personnel & Training for conducting the
above workshop.
3. In so far as the catering of lunch, refreshments to 100 (one hundred) perschls during
the aforesaid workshop is concerned, the catering services in ISTM is managed by the
Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation Ltd. (IRCTC). You are requested to
contact the IRCTC (Shri Abhishek Kumar, Assistant Manager, Mobile: 9717e/10'365) directly
and obtain their rates for supply of Lunch, Refreshments etc during the above workshop.
You will be required to pay for the IRCTC services in respect of actual number of
participants, directly to them under intimation to the ISTM. The venue for serving of the
lunch and refreshment for the participants of the said workshop will be the Longe in the
Administrative Block.
(Chanda herje )
Deputy Director (Adm .)
Tel. No. 261025 7
NICEMAIL(WSRV) ver 5.0 (msgfe2.nic.in) Page 1 of 1
National Inform; t L
1810 Messages (0 unread) - 2048MB (no limit) - 5482 total messages (no limit)
https://mail.nic.in/uwc/webmail/mboxfs_Irjsp?&rev=38<security=false&lang=en&popupLeve... 7/8/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Subject: Meeting of the Task Force constituted for effect implementation of Section
4 of the RTI Act, 2005 - regarding
(Tanmoy Roy)
Section Officer (IR)
Phone: 23093022
To :
1. Shri Ajay Sahani, President & CEO, National e-Governance Division, Department of
Infiormation & Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi-
] 100003.
2. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director(RTI), D/o Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. Shri R.K. Srivastava, Deputy legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of
Law, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
4. Chief Secretary, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow. An officer may be nominated as
member of the Task Force who may be advised to attend the meeting.
5. Ms. N. Ramadevi, Deputy Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
6. Shri Deepak Kumar, Pr. Secretary(GDA), Govt. of Bihar, Patna.
7. Shri Nikhil Dey, NCPRI, C- 117 A, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
8. Shri Gurumukh K., IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35 A Cross Road, 4 T Block, Jaya
Nagar, Bangalore - 41.
9. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), B, Sahajanand Towers,
Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad - 51, Gujarat.
10. Ms. Aheli Chowdhury, JOSH, C- 7 E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
11. Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS), B 76 (Garage), SFS Flat, Sheikh
Sarai - I, New Delhi - 110 017.
Copy to :
(Tanmoy Roy)
Section Officer (IR)
Phone: 23093022
A Task Force consisting of members from the Central Government, State Governments and
Civil Society Organisations has been constituted to review the provisions regarding suo motu
disclosure given in Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 and to recommend measures for its better
implementation and enforcement. The Task Force may have consultations with other
Ministries, State Governments, CIC and SICS and also with other NGOs for finalizing its report.
The Task force will finalize its report by 15th July, 2011
5. All expenses towards finalizing the recommendations of the Task Force will be borne by
the Department of Personnel and Training, which will include expenses for organizing
the consultations, local travel, hiring of secretarial services, preparation of report.
Boarding, lodging and travel of outstation participants will be reimbursed the basis of
rules governing the same for non-officials.
6. Release of funds will be based on the work plans and proposals received from the sub-
groups and approved by the Scheme Monitoring Committee under the centrally
Sponsored plan scheme "Improving Transparency and Accountability in implementation
of the Right to Information."
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Santa Nair)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
To :
1. Shri Ajay Sahani, President & CEO, National e-Governance Division, Department of
Infiormation & Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi-
2. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director(RTI), D/o Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. Shri R.K. Srivastava, Deputy legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of
Law, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
4. Ms. N. Ramadevi, Deputy Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
5. Shri Deepak Kumar, Pr. Secretary(GDA), Govt. of Bihar, Patna.
6. Shri Nikhil Dey, NCPRI, C- 117 A, DDA Nat, Munirka, New Delhi.
7. Shri Gurumurthy k., IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35 A Cross Road, 4 T Block, Jaya
Nagar, Bangalore - 41.
8. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, Mahiti Aqhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), B, Sahajanand Towers,
Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad - 51, Gujarat.
9. Ms. Aheli Chowdhury, JOSH, C- 7 E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
10. Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS), B 76 (Garage), SFS Flat, Sheikh
Sarai - I, New Delhi - 110017.
Copy to :
N Lot
(Sahta Nair)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
■ 7
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Gmail - Meeting notice for 19.8.2011 Page 1 of 5
sarita nair <saritanair66@gmail.com>
Government of India
Subject: Meeting of the Task Force constituted for effective implementation of Section
4 of the RTI Act, 2005 - regarding
(Sarita Nair)
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=28cikz=65cdb9dc348cview=pt&search=sent&th=131d6d8959... 8/17/2011
Gmail - Meeting notice for 19.8.2011 Page 2 of 5
To :
1. Shri Ajay Sahani, President & CEO, National e-Governance Division, Department of
Infiormation & Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi-1100003.
2. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director(RTI), D/o Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. Shri R.K. Srivastava, Deputy legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of
Law, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
6. Shri Nikhil Dey, NCPRI, C- 117 A, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
7. Shri Gurumurthy K., IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35 A Cross Road, 4 T Block, Jaya
Nagar, Bangalore — 41.
8. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), B, Sahajanand Towers,
Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad — 51, Gujarat.
10. Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Satark Nagrik Sangathan (SNS), B 76 (Garage), SFS Flat,
Sheikh Sarai — I, New Delhi — 110 017.
Copy to :
https://mailgoogle.com/mailflui=28A=65cdb9dc34&view=pt&search=sent&th=131d6d8959... 8/17/2011
Gmail - Meeting notice for 19.8.2011 Page 3 of 5
(Sarita Nair)
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clio-41- /F6t
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
500-tro NO.)01,
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
To :
1. Shri Ajay Sahani, President & CEO, National e-Governance Division, Department-of
Infiormation & Technology, Electronics Niketan, 6, CGO Complex, New Delhi-
2. Ms. Ritika Bhatia, Director(RTI), D/o Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. Shri R.K. Srivastava, Deputy legal Adviser, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of
Law, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
4. Ms. N. Ramadevi, Deputy Secretary, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.
5. Shri Deepak Kumar, Pr. Secretary(GDA), Govt. of Bihar, Patna.
6. Shri Nikhil Dey, NCPRI, C- 117 A, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
7. Shri Gurumurthy):., IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35 A Cross Road, 4 T Block, Jaya
Nagar, Bangalore - 41.
8. Ms. Pankti D. Jog, Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), B, Sahajanand Towers,
Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad - 51, Gujarat.
9. Ms. Abell Chowdhury, JOSH, C- 7 E, DDA Flat, Munirka, New Delhi.
10. Ms, Anjali,80rdwaj,5atark Nagrik Sangathan,(SNS), B 76 (Garage), SFS Flat, Sheikh
Arai -,t; New Deth(- 110 017.
Copy to :
co-cira N clut,
(Santa Nair)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
, ---T
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• New D,f5thi t
• Gmail - DRAFT REPORT OF THE S 4 TASK FORCE Page 1 of 3
Dear all:
I have finalized the draft report on the basis of the national consultation report and our discussions. I have not
included some of the suggestions as they did not sound immediately practical, and to this extent some of the
CSO colleagues may have some comments. I , however, feel that you may not have objections to what has
been included in the report. The attachment does not contain annexures which would be included with the
final print.
Now, the next steps. I have spoken to Nikhil and he has agreed that he would collate all comments from CSO
colleagues and let me have his comments latest by Monday morning, as we have an internal target of
finalizing the report by 30th Morning, Other members may respond directly to me.
I know the time is short but I have also been influenced by the tight deadlines that are being given nowadays,
so please bear with me.
best wishes
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
Dear Rajeevjee,
Warm greetings.
thanks for the report and i will send the comments today itself.
Pankti Jog
[Quoted text hidden]
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1320b3... 8/30/2011
• Gmail - DRAFT REPORT OF THE S 4 TASK FORCE Page 2 of (i
Dear Rajeevjee,
Please find attached the report.
There are only 2-3 small comments which i have highlighted (in yellow colour). Kindly include the same.
Dear Rakshitajee,
Please find attached the report.
There are only 2-3 small comments which i have highlighted (in yellow colour). Kindly include the same.
09909006791 (m)
[Quoted text hidden]
ThOks. I will review and incorporate corrections.
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1320b3... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Comments received- Aheli, Anjali and Nikhil Page 1 of 1,16
Please find attached the comments suggested by Anjali, Aheli and Nikhil ji on the Draft Report.
Best wishes,
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
[Quoted text hidden]
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=132140... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Final Report Page 1 of 2).
:101 i rajeev kapoor <rkapoor58@gmail.com>
Final Report
2 messages
Dear all:
I received comments from Venkat, Parminder, Nikhil, Anjali, Aheli and Pangti. I have made changes based on
the comments and also my discussions with Nikhil and Venkat. The comments and response on those are
enclosed. Based on the above, report has been finalized and the final version is enclosed. I would be
submitting the report tomorrow. Hope that is OK. Thanks to all for their cooperation in accomplishing the task,
and in time. We would be processing these recommendations for approval and may need some discussions
at that stage. Thanks once again.
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
2 attachments
Comments received and Action Taken.docx
Report of the TAsk Force on Section 4. Final.Aug 29.docx
Dear sir,
Thanks for including my comments. Please inform us of the next steps. We would also like to do
some advocacy around this. For example, we want to write to the NHRC about RTI users as HR
defenders. So pls tell us when we can start using this report.
https://mail.google.com/maiPui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13215a... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Final Report Page 2 of 2
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=13215a... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Draft report on S 4 - slightly edited version Page 1 of 4
(.3tA it rajeev kapoor <rkapoor58@gmail.com>
Dear all:
I have edited the report slightly. If you haven't read the earlier version, ignore it and read this one. If you have
already read the earlier one, you may not read this one as corrections are only editorial.
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
Dear sir,
Thanks for compiling this report. It looks pretty good. However we need mroe time to go through it in detail.
Perhaps you could call it a preliminary report for now.
However I would like to bring it to your notice that the guidelines on Section 4(1)(b)(xiii) have not been
included in the report. Kindly include them at least in italics if you think they are aspirational. But this is a
mandate of the RTI Act and cannot be ignored. This is the route we need to take eventually for proactive
dislcosure through the web. Perhaps a small beginning can be made with major ministries and departments.
Omitting those guidelines entirely would amount to ignoring the consensus that emerged at the consultation
on the draft templates and guidelines held at IIPA. All participants at the consultation readily endorsed the
suggestions that had been made for this clause of the RTI Act. I request you not to let the report go to others
without the paras on Section 4(1)(b)(xiii) that had been agreed upon on all participants of the consultation and
CSO members of the Task Force. Please fee free to put in a dissent note if you disagree with the
recommendations on that clause. But it cannot be ignored in toto.
Venkatesh Nayak
Dear sir,
In order to help you meet the deadline tomorrow, I have inserted the guidelines on Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) culled
out from our sub-group's report. Those portions are highlighted in yellow. I have also inserted a reference on
the Contents page. I think there is a problem with the page numbering mentioned on the Contents page
Chapter 2 onwards. I tried to change it but without success. Kindly take a look at it.
[Quoted text hidden]
1-1 124K
I must congratulate you for the excellent compilation done by you, and indeed for facilitating the whole
process so effectively.
While agreeing with Venkat's insertion, I have just two small comments to offer to the draft.
There are specific provisions about charging for RTI information; some kinds of information has to be
provided free; some sections of the society have to provided all RTI information free etc. In order to steer
clear from committing to additional charges for RTI information, we should remove the phrase 'based on a
business model' from the above. The recommendation reads quite fine even without this phrase.
In section 4.2 (u), we may add good practices from two developing countries, Mexico and Kenya, which have
common government information portals.
One government participant of the consultations at IIPA has requested for addition of the following in the
chapter on digital publication at 4.2 (r)
"unless uploaded in the open standard file formats, such digital proactive disclosures
would tantamount to non disclosure for the purposes of these provisions of the RTI
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1320c5... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Draft report on S 4 - slightly edited version Page 3 of 4.
Vv-frn best regards
[Quoted text hidden]
I agree that clause has been left out knowingly. Let me reexamine. Thanks.
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
I agree with your first comment and will include. As regards the second, I think it is too harsh and may not be
legally sustainable to. I suggest that this may not be insisted upon.
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
I agree with your first comment and will include.
You mean the part on business model in 4. 2 v, and also including examples of Mexico and Kenya along with
US in 4.2.v, right ? Thanks. that should do.
About the open standards part I also told the contributor of the suggestion that it will be difficult to include it
although I will in any case forward it to DoPT. I am sympathetic to your judgement on this issue.
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1320c5... 8/30/2011
Gmail - Draft report on S 4 - slightly edited version Page 4 of 4
ThAnks once again for such a nice work accomplished, and your exemplary close involvement throughout.
Best regards
[Quoted text hidden]
Rajeev Kapoor
Joint Secretary (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
Government of India
!"11 121K
https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui=2&ik=ea344a1c79&view=pt&search=inbox&th=1320c5... 8/30/2011
Comments received from Mr.Parminder:
Mr.Parminder has commented on two issues: The suggestion has been accepted and para
(b) That if information is not put up as per It was discussed with Mr.Parminder and it was
open standards then it should be seen agreed that this may not be legally valid so we
as non-compliance with Section may not include in the Report.
Ms.Aheli (JOSH) suggested that following also These comments have been included in para
be included in the Report: 3.2.7 with minor modifications.
2) Reference to the NAC Working Group on As regards 2, a new para has been added at the
Transparency, Accountability and Governance end of the chapter.
working on a pre legislative process- being
formulated by you.
3) The Task Force was in agreement to ensure As regards 3, it has already been mentioned in
that legislations (impending or amended) para 7.5(v) that public consultations should be
come under the ambit of the mandated held when major policy decisions which
process of consultation with the public. Going directly affect the public are proposed to be
beyond the restricted scope of legislations, undertaken.
members also felt that there is an immediate
need to clearly define those policy decisions
that are also required to go through such a
transparent and accountable process of
consultation with the public before key
decisions are arrived at, even though they
don't adhere to the strict definition of a
4) It was felt that for some key policy As regards 4, it was discussed with Mr.Nikhil
decisions/impending legislations it would be that we may not include at this stage. This may
desirable to engage in the process of public be incorporated when the report of NAC is
consultations in a phased manner. received.
Mrs.Anjali & Amrita suggested the following: Suggestions at (a), (b), (c) & (d) have been
included in new para 1.9(a).
(1) Inclusion of the following points in the
-the general principles which should be 1(f) is already covered by the Act.
adopted for disclosure at various levels, as
recommended by the Task Force...": 1(g) is covered in detail in Chapter 8.
Subject : Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task
Force constituted for effective implementation thereof.
The undersigned is directed to say that Section 4 of the RTI Act mandates
that Public Authorities would proactively or in suo motu manner disclose
information under various headings listed in Section 4(1)(b) to the public and
regularly update this information. The purpose is to encourage large amount of
information to be kept in public domain on a suo motu basis which will not only
make functioning of the public authorities more transparent but would also reduce
or lessen the need for filing individual RTI applications for seeking such information.
3. The issue has engaged the attention of the Government of India also and it
was felt that the weak implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly due
to the fact that certain provisions of this Section have not been fully detailed and, in
case of certain other provisions there is need for laying down detailed guidelines. It
was also felt that there is need to further review Section 4(1)(b) to examine if any
more items need to be prescribed for proactive disclosure as laid down in Section
4(1)(b)(xvii). Further, it was felt that there is need to set up a compliance
mechanism to ensure that requirement of Section 4 disclosures are fully met.
4. In view of the above, a Task Force was set up by Department of Personnel &
Training (DOPT), Government of India, in May 2011, which also included
representatives of civil society organizations active in the field of Right to
Information, with following terms of reference :
(b) To recommend other items which may be included for suo motu
disclosure, as provided in Section 4(1)(b)(xvii);
(c) To explore the possibility of prescribing simple templates for disclosing
specific category of information in order to facilitate disclosoure;
(e) To recommend guidelines for complying with the provisions under Section
4(1)(b)(vii) and Section 4(1)(c) and Section 4(1)(d);
5. The Task Force has submitted its report , a copy of which is enclosed with
the request that comments on the same may be sent to this Department by
25.9.2011 to enable this Department to finalize guidelines to be issued in the
( Sarita Nair )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ol e
1. The Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
2. The Secretary, Department of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
3. The Secretary, Department of Food and Public Distribution, Krishi Bhavan,
New Delhi.
4. The Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan,
New Delhi.
5. The Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Electronics Niketan
6-CGO Complex, New Delhi.
6. The Secretary, Department of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi.
7. The Secretary, Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances,
Sardar Patel Bhavan, New Delhi.
VT 7 0 hil1/41
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
&AL,. Tel: 23040401
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary
F No.1/6/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof
Scutda 1\10-ot
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tel: 23040401 , / L
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Tel: 23040401
Subject:- Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task
Force constituted for the effective implementation there of
File No.M-11014/9/2011-IFC(RTI)
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
(K.S. Mahajan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 23386317
( Renu Kakkar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
The undersigned is directed to forward herewith 20 copies of the note for the
Committee of Secretaries (S.Nos. 1- 20) having pages from 1 to 247 on the subject
noted above for necessary action. As the recommendations of the Task Force deals
with issues related to RTI implementation, it is requested that Chief Information
Commissioner or his representative may also be invited during the meeting of
Committee of Secretaries. The COS note may kindly be taken up on priority as it is an
RFD item.
(Anuradha S. Chagti )
Tel. 2309 3074
Encl: As above
The Cabinet Secretariat (Atten: Sh. Diwakar Nath Mishra, Director) Cabinet Secretariat,
Rashtrapati Bhavan New Delhi
'--7 11
1-11Tff TIMIT
1 *-fr•TIT 3.0 TFIT thtilfircicr 45117.54
Website: www.rait.gov.in
o .BiLh!)
Section 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005 lays down the information which should
be disclosed by Public Authorities on a suo motu or proactive basis. Section 4(2) and
Section 4(3) prescribe the method of dissemination of this information. The purpose of
suo motu disclosures under Section 4 is to place large amount of information in public
domain on a proactive basis to make functioning of the Public Authorities more
transparent and also to reduce the need for filing individual RTI applications.
4. In this regard a note for the Committee of Secretaries have been prepared
and forwarded to the Cabinet Secretariat seeking suitable time for the meeting of
the Committee. As per practice a copy of the same is forwarded herewith f the
PMO abreast of the significant development.
(R.K. Girdhar )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 2309 2759
Encl: As above
The Prime Minister's Office (Atten: Dr. Sharmila Mary Joseph K., Director) South Block,
New Delhi
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhawan
) 9)11)) )
( . Ana d)
Tele :23016576
Encl : As above.
9-Trfff WOW
r,1 I ath. 'tr.' 1 I V S,11 141 471ltit4
ttnill V1SI t lIct)
Website: www.mit.gov.in
No 1(32)/2011-RTI Date 14.11.2011
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective Implementation thereof.
(i) As per the recommendations, use of SMS telephony, Call Centres, IVRS,
information Centers are included in recommendations which are dependent on provision
of necessary infrastructure and hence are not time bound. Further Common Services
Centres have been proposed to be included as centers for dissemination of information.
( .Bahl)
Director (RTI)
Tel.No. 24369903
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof
The undersigned is directed to say that Section 4 of the RTI Act mandates
that Public Authorities would proactively or in suo motu manner disclose
information under various headings listed in Section 4(1)(b) to the public and
regularly update this information. The purpose is to encourage large amount of
information to be kept in public domain on a suo motu basis which will not only
make functioning of the public authorities more transparent but would also
reduce or lessen the need for filing individual RTI applications for seeking such
3. The issue has engaged the attention of the Government of India also and
it was felt that the weak implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly
due to the fact that certain provisions of this Section have not been fully detailed
and, in case of certain other provisions there is need for laying down detailed
guidelines. It was also felt that there is need to further review Section 4(1)(b) to
examine if any more items need to be prescribed for proactive disclosure as laid
down in Section 4(1)(b)(xvii). Further, it was felt that there is need to set up a
compliance mechanism to ensure that requirement of Section 4 disclosures are
fully met.
5. The Task Force has submitted its report, a copy of which is enclosed with
the request that comments on the same may kindly be sent to this Department
within a week to enable this Department to finalise guidelines to be issued in the
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
No. G-11011/38/2010-RTI
Government of India
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
(RTI Cell)
Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 3o November, 2011
(L. Haokip)
CPIO & Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
Tel: 23093074
Encl: As above
ssw k'
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
Subject:- Payment of TA to the Non-official Members for attending the meeting of the
Task Force - regarding.
4. The sanction is issued with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide
their Dy.No. CF 99393/JS(Fin/Pers)/201 1 dated 18th August, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
Copy to :-
Sh. Parminderjeet Singh, IT for Change, 393, 17 Main, 35A, Cross Road, 4T Block,
Tilak Nagar, Bangalor
Page 1 of 1
Account Details:
Grant: 072-M/o Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions Function Head: PROPAGATION OF RIGHT
Object Head: 28-PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Category:
Instrument Type
Cheque Details
http://cpsms.nicin/Sanction/SanctionPayeeDetails.aspx?sid=GdzGM2zwmnc= 12/12/2011
Page 1 of 4
Subject Task Force Meeting (Boarding Pass)
• From Shines <shines@itforchange.net> 11
Date Thursday, November 10, 2011 4:08 am
To osdrti-dopt <osdrti-dopt@nic. in>
I have couriered the boarding passes to the below mentioned address and
the same is attached in this mail for your reference.
*Shines Mathew*
Office Secretary cum Administrator
IT for Change
In special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC
www.ITforChange.net <http://www.itforchange.net/>
Tel:+91-80-2665 4134, 2653 6890. Fax:+91-80-4146 1055
Original Message
Subject: Re: Task Force Meeting (Reimbursement)
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 10:49:26 +0530
From: Shines <shines@itforchange.net>
To: osdrti-dopt <osdrti-dopt@nic.in>
Sarita Nair
Under Secretary (IR)
Dept. of Personnel & Training
North Block
New Delhi 110001
*Shines Mathew*
Office Secretary cum Administrator
IT for Change
In special consultative status with the United Nations ECOSOC
www.ITforChange.net <http://www.itforchange.net/>
Tel:+91-80-2665 4134, 2653 6890. Fax:+91-80-4146 1055
https://mail.nic.in/uwc/webmail/print.html 11/16/2011
Pt4141 811:0 97T Name
AWN ffUZIT Boarding No.
111-f tifY-If Flight
No. arliu Date
Al 506 20AUG 34A
E t k 098533312846801
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ite Seat
nilf tii * it '1'7 4 0 1
Tart afyrsetft IA' qitt Frisking of person and checking of hand baggage is mandatory for all passengers.
*. eillA fkaaff * ft if r/ artm tivt) t Passengers are requested to co-operate.
Etk : 0985333128465C1
iciarizgrff Destination *lit Seat
rowm Origin
i .-
E t k 0985333128468C1
Term Origin
17 a fdhm ff ait atsatlim Sr**
Frisking of person and checking of hand baggage is mandatory for all passengers.
aiNicf 1..1%41 it f t f *Fil altMT m+41.1t Passengers are requested to co-operate.
19AUG 09 : 00 \ 10
AI 505
Etk : 098533312846511
.K1,41:247 Destination 41c Seat
wrff Origin
From: "Gurpreet Singh - IBM" <Gurpreet.Singh3@makemytrip.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2011 18:03:02 +0530
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of 2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training •
Subject:- Payment of TA to the Non-official Members for attending the meeting of the
Task Force - regarding.
3. Cheque amounting to 3,020/- (Rupees Three thousand and twenty only) may
be prepared in favour of Ms. Pankti Jog.
4. The sanction is issued with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division vide
their Dy.No. CF 99393/JS(Fin/Pers)/201 1 dated 18th August, 2011.
Yours faithfully,
cUtt.6 t-C,
(Salta Nair)
6 r Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 23040401
Copy to :-
2. Ms. Pankti Jog, Mahiti Adhikar Gujarat Pahel (MAGP), B. Sahajanand Towers,
Jivraj Park Cross Road, Ahmedabad - 51, Gujarat.
Page 1 of 1
Controller: 034-PERSONNEL, P.G. & P. Created
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Cheque Details
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• Way to go!
Ele ronir: Res r: -vatior Stip
This E-Ticket will only be valid along with an ID proof in original raveH,,, oros" wits he treated as without
ticket and charged as per extant Railway rules
Journey Details
Transaction ID: 037913605 1 lIDNP. NI : 51426 ,
ii— ----
Train No. & Name: 12958/A.01 SJ RAJDHA7,1# ,Date of Journey W2011
# Route/Timings likely to change. kindly check with Railway Enquiry. 139 one day in advans
Departure time printed on the ERS is liable to change. New time 'able from 01-07-20 41
Passenger Details
S.No. 'Name lAge 'Sex Concessior Code C.oaeh ' Sea", Us ;Berth
Agent Details
Flightraia Sub Agent Name 1 RA swa,,leravelsgyahoo co in.
Train Fare.
Service Charges
Total Charges:
Important Instruction
1 New time table will be effected from 01-07-2011 Denarhlre ed it ENS is lia to :ustomers are requested
Additional Instruction
1 E-ticket passenger is permitted in the train against a berth/sea,. Puly wi his non, apraar3 the - on chart f airing which he
can be treated as a passenger traveling without ticket
2 E-ticket cannot be cancelled after chart preparation through inten AN, r Char: preparation A ■ riocesised through UDR
refund process as per Indian Railways Refund rules :-,nbmissioi, 1' nrigtr., p IP o redrpred 1'07- refund claim
on account of A C f ailure/Coach not attached/Accominociation of , ver c,ass addil card certif 'cafe can
www.travellink.in/bdo?action1=RIKT 1/2
JO/ L V .L
Way to go!
Efer,lronir, Rese-vation Stip
This [-Ticket will only be valid along with an ID proof in original If found travellire without '1 Proo , will be treated as without
ticket and charged as per extant Railway rules.
Journey Details
Boarding : AHMEDABAD
JN(A.D1) Res" ipto: 1 W DELHI(NDLS)
# Route/Timings likely to change. kindly check with Rail-va - :Inge 7, 139 r e day it dvan ,
* Departure time printed on the ERS is liable to change. Ne,, time 'elate from 01-07-2r''1
Passenger Details
Agent Details
Flightraja Sub Agent Name: S'All\ TRAVI - .$ swarnitravels©y ahoo.co
Booking Reference No
Train Fare.
Service Charges
Total Charges: Rs - 60
Important Instruction
1. New time table will be effected born 01-07-2011, Departattu lime rented it rIRS is i s le h Customers are requested
to check with Railway enquiry.
2. One of the passenger booked on an E-ticket is required to present any; of the e,dht idenftr card' - ', tad low in original during the train
journey and same will be accepted as a proof of identity failing 0,.ich all tie passc.gers t tie - /ening without ticket and
shall be dealt as per extant Railway Rules. Valid Ids:- Voter Ident ,ty Care / Passport /PAN C / -ense / Photo ID card issued
by Central / State Govt / Student Identity Card with photograph :-.sued t•y recoam.-ed Sche Colh , -ir students / Nationalised
Bank Passbook with photograph / Credit Cards issued by Banks lam•nated ph, tograph
3 The accommodation booked is not transferable and is valid on .; if om• of the Li card no. abs •ntert curing the journey The
passenger should carry with Mm the Electronic Reservat:on Slip r--,nt on' In case ',- tr3 pass: er d ry the electronic reservation
slip, a charge of Rs 501- per ticket shall be recovered by the tict..- the eng stay -end en r ass -t.rt will be !slued in lieu of that
4 [-ticket cancellations are permitted thrcugh tt agent before I .:pars( e of chap'
5 Just dial 139 from your landline, Mobile and Ct..)MA phones fo r
6 Helpline No - 080-30770000 or Mail To ralway,--ell,@,via.com
Additional Instruction
1. E-ticket passenger is permitted in the train against a berth/sea! only vilen his name appear-, in e lion chart failing which he
• /,
As desired by JS(AT&A), to hold a meeting of the Task Force for
effective implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 on 19th August,
2011 at 2.30 P.M., notice has been issued on 12th August, 2011.
4 A
it :4-1-C74.4
• -14-
Submitted please.
S S4-
, V.-; /(\
. r. ft4s- /nifhl
Vaii141 crRI 1110
Submitted please.
0 TH-Kri
F.-ti fl1-1)
No.F. 1/6/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
Subject:- Payment of TA to the Non-official Members for attending the meeting of the
Task Force - regarding.
Yours faithfully,
5 °Jura Nw*r
(Sahta Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Encl: As above
rminder3eet Si nq
WO personel pu/P
4F1 4:4+4
rill RAt
No.F. 1/6/2011-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
IR Section
* * *
Subject:- Payment of TA to the Non-official Members for attending the meeting of the
Task Force - regarding.
Yours faithfully,
50t INact
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Encl: As above
FAO) V41 771
1tm.r11 NEW DELHI
1. 0 -4
RUPEES 1.1.1.r..e.e-1-4c,114.z.a,44(4 LIALe.411--y—ar0-4
/2011 On der- • 0
IMT 4:./HT-4 7!jcb
( R.K. 6jha )
Director (RTI)
Tel: 23062629
Department of Personnel & Training
(Ms. Sarita Nair, Under Secretary),
North Block,
New Delhi-110001.
No. R-9/2011-RTI
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Heavy Industry
RTI Cell
(Manjit Kumar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force constituted for effect
tive implementation thereof
Reference is invited to the O.M.No.1/6/2011-IR dt. 24th November, 2011 of the Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions of the Department of Personnel and Training on the subject
mentioned above.
In so far as PH-II Section of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is concerned, the report of
the Task Force appears to be comprehensive enough to help implement the provisions of the RTI Act,
2005 more effectively.
( kSenguli)
Under Secretary to the Government of I la
Copy to: Shri B.L.Meena, Under Secretary, RTI Cell, CDN-II, MoH&FW, Nirman Bhavan, N.Delhi w.r.t.
0.M.No.A-60011/6/2010-RTI Cell dated 14/16th December, 2011.
F. No.MoES/20/21/2011-ICC
Government of India
Ministry of Earth Sciences
Prathvi Bhawan,
IMD Complex,
Lodhi Road, New Delhi — 3.
Dated, the 23th December, 2011.
2. This issue with the approval of Hon'ble Minister of Science & Technology and Earth
Sciences, New Delhi.
(Krishan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele. No. 23383340
r No.E.20012/1/2005-IV(Vol. II I)
Government of India
Department of Space
Antariksh Bhavan
New B.E.L Road
Bangalore — 560 231
Subject : Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof — reg.
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
2. All CPIOs are requested that comments on the report may kindly be sent to the
undersigned positively by 14-12-2011.
(K. K. Milani)
Directur(Coord.) & CPIO
Tel. No. 23036225
End.: as above.
1. Ms. Sarita Nair, Under Secretary, Govt of India, Ministry of Personnel and Public
Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New
Delhi-1 w.r.t. 0. M. No. 1/6/2011-IR dated 24.11.2011- since number of CPIOs, in
DoT is large, it will take some more time to provide comments on the Report.
I' F No.1/6/2011-iR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof
The undersigned is directed to say that Section 4 of the RTI Act mandates
that Public Authorities would proactively or in suo motu manner disclose
information under various headings listed in Section 4(1)(b) to the public and
roguiarly update this information. The purpose is to encourage large amount of
inibm-iation to be kept in public domain on a suo moth basis which will not only
make functioning of the public authorities more transparent but would also
reduce or lessen the need for filing individual RTI applications for seeking such
level. Central as well as State Information Commissions have also highlighted
this issue.
3. The issue has engaged the attention of the Government of India also and
it was felt that the weak implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly
due to the fact that certain provisions of this Section have not been fully detailed
and, in case of certain other provisions there is need for laying down detailed
guidelines. It was also felt that there is need to further review Section 4(1)(b) to
examine if any more items need to be prescribed for proactive disclosure as laid
down in Section 4(1)(b)(xvii). Further, it was felt that there is need to set up a
compliance mechanism to ensure that requirement of Section 4 disclosures are
fully met.
(c) To explore the possibi'ity of prescribing simple templates for disclosir
specific category of information in order to facilitate disclosure;
(d) To recommend mediums through which such disclosure is to be made at
various levels, which would include disclosure through electronic means
(e) To recommend guidelines for complying with the provisions under Section
4(1)(b)(vii) and Section 4(1)(c) and Section 4(1)(d);
(f) To give recommendations as to how compliance with the provisions of
Section 4(1)(b), (c), (d) and Sections 4(4) may be better enforced;
(g) To recommend measures for protection of persons seeking information
under the RTI Act;
(h) Any other issue incidental to the above.
5. The Task Force has submitted its report, a copy of which is enclosed with
the request that comments on the same may kindly be sent to this Department
within a week to enable this Department to finalise guidelines to be issued in the
5 0,6Ncwt-
(Santa Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Chapter 1 ...... 43
Introduction 43
Constitution of the Task Force 43
Meetings of the Task Force 44
Recommendations of the Task Force 45
Chapter 2 47
Prescribing additional items for suo motu disclosure under Section 4(1)(b)(xvii)..47
All procurement related information 47
Public Private Partnerships 47
Transfer Policy and Transfer Orders 47
Sensitive Posts 4-8
RT1 Queries 48
CAG & PAC paras 48
Citizens Charter 48
Discretionary and Non-discretionary grants 48
Chapter 3 49
Guidelines for facilitating disclosure at different levels of government - Suggested
templates for key areas 49
Templates for Information Disclosure 49
Chapter 4 . 53
Chapter .
Guidelines for: certain clauses Se:tion 4(]>(h] to make disclosures more effei:tiv-
Guidelines for Section 4(1)(11)(iii)
Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(iv)
Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(xi) 60
Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) 61
Chapter 6 6?
Steps to be taken in matters relating to threat to RT1 activists 63
Chapter 7 65
Guidelines for consultation with public in relation to the formulation of policies and
implementation there of
Chapter 8 69
Compliance with provisions of suo motu (Proactive Disclosure) under the RTI Act.
Proactive Disclosure Scheme 69
Nodal Officer 70
Annual Report to CIC 70
Annual Reports to Parliament/Legislatures 71
Inclusion in RFDs 71
Audits by Information Commissions 71
Chapter 1
1.2 Since the promulgation of the Act in 2005, large amount of information
relating to functioning of the government is being put in public domain.
However, still the quality and quantity of proactive disclosures are not up to
the desired level. Central as well as State Information Commissions have also
highlighted this issue.
1.3 The issue has engaged the attention of the Government of India also and
it was felt that the weak implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly
due to the fact that certain provisions of this Section have not been fully
detailed and, in case of certain other provisions there is need for laying down
detailed guidelines. It was also felt that there is need to further review Section
4(1)(b) to examine if any more items need to be prescribed for proactive
disclosure as laid down in Section 4(1)(b)(xvii). Further, it was felt that there is
need to set up a compliance mechanism to ensure that requirements of Section
4 disclosures are fully met.
ib) To recommend other items which may be included for suo motu
disclosure, as provided in Section 4111(b)(xvii);
(c) To explore the possibility of prescribing simple templates i-or
disclosing specific category of information in order to facilitate
1.5 Government Order setting up of the Task Force is at Annexure 1.1. The
names of members of the task force are at Annexure 12.
1.7 After detailed discussions, it was felt that on many of the issues wider
consultations may be required to ensure that Task Force is better informed and
also that good practices being adopted in various regions of the country may
also be incorporated in its recommendations. Accordingly, it was decided to
form five sub-groups to deliberate on specific themes pertaining to the terms of
reference. Each of these sub-groups was expected to consult with informed
persons in the relevant area and to prepare a set of recommendations which
were to be discussed by the larger group. This is detailed in the minutes of the
meeting referred to above,
1.9 The Task Force met on 19.08.2011 to deliberate and to finalize its
recommendations. The Report of the national consultation was discussed
during the workshop and after detailed discussions, recommendations of the
Task Force were finalized. Detailed recommendations on various terms that
were referred are contained in subsequent chapters. However, following apply
to all recommendations:
(c) The Task Force takes note of the fact that as per the scheme of the
Act state governments are not accountable to central government
for implementation of the RTI Act. As such, although many of the
recommendations need to he implemented at the state government
ievel, they can only he circulated to state tgovernments as
recommendations rather `,;"ai. enforceable directions.
(d) The Task Force has given detailed policy recommendations on
various items included in the Terms of Reference. However, in order fry
to ensure that these recommendations are implemented effectively,
DOPT would need to elaborate on many of these recommendations
in the form of clear cut guidelines keeping the general polic ,
recommendation in view.
Sensitive Posts
2.1.4 The Central Vigilance • Commission had issued a circular in 1999
requiring all ministries, departments and public sector undertakings under the
Government of India to identify sensitive posts where public dealing exists and
there is potential for corruption. However, the sensitive posts themselves have
not-been advertised in the public domain. Public Authorities should proactively
disclose posts identified as sensitive and details of the officers/officials
occupying those posts including the date since when they are holding the posts.
RTI (:)Lteries
2.1.5 All public authorities should proactively disclose RTI queries and
appeals received and their responses, on the websites maintained by public
Citizens Charter,
2.1.7 Citizens Charter prepared by the Ministry/Department should be
proactively disclosed and six monthly report on the performance against the
benchmarks set in Citizens Charter should also be displayed on the website of
public authorities.
These four areas have been selected on the ground that they constitute some of
the most significant services being provided at the ground level. However, Task
Force recommends that similar templates need to be worked out for other
important areas such as health services, services relating to social benefits, etc.
3.2.1 Section 4(4) of the RTI Act states that information should be
disseminated taking into consideration the most effective method of
communication in that local area and the information should be easily
accessible'. Given the limited reach arid accessibility of the internet in India,
information disclosures, as far as practically possible, must also be done locally
in a form and manner that is easily accessible to people. It is recommended that
at village level relevant info7mation should be painted on walls and
provided c)n bna rci in the local lalacp- uati: :-ornmeitt public. places.
Informabon disclosure througit .dny document/proof of
deliver'' that is available to bETieficiaries
3.2.2 Any document relating to a scheme/program of the department that is
held by a citizen (eg. ration card, school books etc.) should be used as a mode of
disclosure. Information in the local language can be printed on such
documents. Stickers can be used to update/change the information, if required.
1\ 7 p. heipline
3.2.5 State-Level toll free helpline which should provide information to people
on all major public services may be set up. Information on all aspects of the
schemes,/programs of major departments should he provided through this line
and people should be able to track their entitlements/applications in real-time
through the helpline. The helpline could also be used for registering grievances of
tin:format a!: ti., 1.b5(.'
3.2.6 Information and facilitation centers should be set up at the Block level to
proactively provide information to citizens about the schemes and programs of
the government. These centers should also assist citizens track their applications
and entitlements and register grievances. There is a provision for such centers
under MGNREGA and the proposed National Food Security Act. Block level
facilitation centres have already been set up in several states, for example,
Common Service Centres and Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra and these could be used
for dissemination of information.
• Community radio can become another media of dissemination of info.
This proves very effective.
• In Goa, it's a regular practice that details of the grams-abha are reported
in local newspapers.
• Other media like street plays, puppet shows can also be used for
information dissemination.
(a) The website should have a simple public interface and should not
require any registration/login to access it or to access the MIS.
(f) Website should have good search engine and documents uploaded
should have key words assigned to them so that independent
searches of the database are possible.
(g) Website should .contain all the relevant acts, rules forms and other
documents which are normally accessed by citizens.
(i) Websites should not use too many technical words and, if used, they
should be properly explained.
(lc) It is obligatory under Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) of the RT1 Act for every
public authority to proactively disclose 'details in respect of the
information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form'.
In such a listing required under this section, it should also be
required to indicate which digitally held information is made
available publicly over the internet and which not.
(u) In the long run, government may consider setting up one website
where proactive disclosures of all public authorities are available at
one place. Such experithents are already on in some other countries
such as USA and this would facilitate public access to government
4(1)(b) (iv)
'the budget allocated to each of its agency indicating the particulars of all
plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made';
4(1)(b) (xi)
5 -7; As per Section 4Li )(b)(iir; public authorities are required to proactively
disclose `he dfOii0wed n the decision-makinp, processes including
channels Of enervision and accountability" Ai, gove r nment departments have
specihr_ hang E tine =sponsibilities uncler the '.- espe,.:tive Allocation o FLIstries',
Rules (AOB) issued by the appropriate Government. The constitutiona ja. '
provisions and statutes each department is required to implement are cleal11,11.
laid down in the AOB, The manner of disposal of matters assigned to each
Department/Ministry is described in the Transaction of Business Rules (TOE).
Additionally, every department will have a specific set of schemes and
development programmes which they are required to implement directly or
through their subordinate offices or other designated agencies. These
documents contain the specific operations that every public authority is
required to undertake in the course of implementing the programme or
scheme. Every operation mandated under the AOB read with the TOB can he
linked to a specific decision-making chain. All government officers have to
follow laid down office procedure manual or the other rules which gives details
of how representations, petitions and applications from citizens must be dealt
with. Templates, formats, and basic steps of decision-making are briefly
explained in such manuals. These descriptions constitute the elements of
decision-making processes in general.
5.5 In view of the above, the Task Force recommends following guidelines
for detailing the decision making processes:
(a) To start with every public authority may specifically identify the major
outputs/ tangible results/ services/ goods that it is responsible for
providing to the public or to whosoever is the client of the public
(b) The decision-making chain may be identified in the form of a flow chart
explaining the rank /grade of the public functionaries involved in the
decision-making process clarifying the specific stages in the decision-
making hierarchy.
5.6 in this context, the Task Force noted that Citizen Chai‘ters, which are
mandatory, to be prepared for each central Ministry/Department/authority,
are good examples of vehicles created for laying down norms of performance
for major functions and for monitoring achievements against those standards.
Keeping these in view, the Task Force recommends that:
(a) Wherever norms have been specified for the discharge of its functions
by any statute or government orders they should be proactively
disclosed, particularly linking them with the decision making processes
as detailed earlier.
(a) The Task Force recommends that keeping in view of the technical
nature of the government budgets it is essential that
Ministries/Departments prepare simplified versions of their budgets
which can be understood easily by general public and keep them also in
public domain. More detailed guidelines in this regard may need to be
prepared in consultation with Department of Expenditure and also
some civil society organizations which regularly publish simplified
vsions or government budget:; for general public. Presentation of
budget; and their periodic monitoring reports may also be presented in
a more user-friendly manner through graphs and tables, etc.
(c) The budget released to various agencies and subsidiaries should be put
on the website on a monthly basis and budgets of subsidiary authorities
may be made accessible through links from the website of the
Ministry/Department. If a subsidiary does not have a website then the
biidgets and expenditure reports of such subsidiary authority may be
uploaded on the website of the principal public authority.
(d) Efforts should be made that raw data relating to approved budgets,
expenditure incurred, etc., is made available in easily downioadable,
machine readable manner using open standards such as XML,
Chapt.ei 6
Steps to be taken in matters relating to threat to RTI
6.1 The Task Force discussed the issue relating to threat of RTI activists and
felt that this is a serious matter which would require more detailed discussions
especially with law enforcement agencies. However, Task Force members felt
that pending such detailed deliberations following may be taken up for
immediate action:
(b] National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has a policy to take action
in matters relating to human rights defenders. The Task Force is of the
view that RTI activists are also covered under the definition of a human
rights defender and NHRC may be impressed upon to recognize them as
such. This recognition would go a long way in helping the police to take
complaints from the victims or an attack on a RTI activist as a result.
The NHRC should also be requested to take action on complaints of
attacks on RTI users and to seek report from the concerned police about
the progress of the investigation in relation to such attacks and to give
suitable directions to ensure the safety of the life and property of
activists under threat.
(c) The Task Force is of the view that if an RTI user or activist is being
threatened or attacked to prevent him from accessing information
under the Act, then it becomes a complaint case under Section 18 of the
RTI Act and Information Commissions may take cognizance of such
complaints and may conduct necessary enquiries, etc., as provided in
the Act. They should also ensure that information seeking of which
caused such attacks or threats is expeditiously publicized.
6.2 Although Task Force has deliberated on the issues relating to threat to
RTI activists and has given recommendations in this regard, it is of the view
that this issue needs more detailed discussions, particularly with law enforcing
agencies, in order to work out more specific action plan for tackling this
1 LC1 /
72 The Task Force noted that so far public authorities have not complied
with this provision. The Task Force further noted that each public authority
cannot have a different policy on such important issue as policy for
consultations has to be laid down by the respective government, which should
then be adhered to by various Ministries/Departments/Attached Offices.
Therefore, a policy and a framework for consultation need to be formulated to
ensure Standardization and -institutionalization.
7.3 The Task Force recognizes that it may not be very easy to frame
exhaustive guidelines with actionable specificity for all public authorities
across all kinds and types of policy decisions. Task Force, however,
recommends that any policy consultation process must be based on three main
(c) Equity: Special efforts must be made to solicit and incorporate views of
those groups/persons directly affected by decisions.
7.4 The Task Force deliberated on the kind of policies which must be open
for public consultation and debate. in this context, it was emphasized that the
purpose of public consultation is not only to solicit views of the affected parties
but also to tap professional expertise in various fields which resides outside
government systems. In today's world, knowledge is developing very fast and
many a times non-government bodies may have more up-to-date knowledge
about various sectors which need to be tapped to ensure that policies are
better informed by the best practices across the world.
7.5 The Task Force deliberated on the kind of policies where consultation
should be mandated. It noted that under the general definition of policy many
minor decisions would also be included and it would not be wise to burden the
system with consultation on each and every such issue. After detailed
discussions it was recommended that:
(b) Public consultation should also definitely be held when major policy
decisions which directly affect public at large are proposed to be taken
such as national policies on health, education, social welfare, natural
resources, etc.
• Explain who will use the responses and for what purpose?
• Explicitly state to who to respond to direct queries to, giving a
name, address, telephone number and email address,
Clearly state the deadline for responses, any alternative was of
contributing and the language(s) in which responses are
• Make it clear that responses, including the names and addresses
of respondents, may be made public unless confidentiality is
specifically requested.
• State the date when and the web address where the summary of
responses will be published.
• Include relevant documents on the sublect along with the online
questionnaire or survey. Not only does this lead to a more
informed consultation exercise, but it also ensures that
stakeholders have a better understanding of the issues.
• Provide a well-written executive summary that covers the main
points so that consultees can decide whether the consultation is
relevant to them or not.
• Provide material on previous consultation(s) on the same topic,
if any.
• Avoid jargon and only use technical terms where absolutely
necessary. Explain complicated concepts as clearly as possible
and, where there are technical terms, provide a glossary.
• Ask focused questions, and be clear about the specific points on
which views are sought. Encourage respondents to provide
evidence, where appropriate, to support their responses. Make it
clear, if there are particular areas, where their input would be
especially valuable. Responses are likely to be more useful and
focused if the respondents know where to concentrate their
7.6 The Task Force took note of the fact that sub-group on transparency and
accountability of NAC is also indicated in drafting recommendations regarding
consultations during the pre-legislative process. As such, the guidelines which
may be issued based on the Task Force recommendations, may be suitably
amended whenever recommendations of the NAC are available and accepted
by the government.
Chapter 8
8.2 The Task Force is of the view that both the public authorities and
information Commissions should share the responsibility to monitor and
enforce compliance with sun motu disclosure provisions. At the level of public
authority responsibility should be given at senior levels for ensuring that
information is proactively disclosed and regularly updated as per the
provisions of the Act. Information Commissions would need to develop
mechanisms to monitor whether action is being taken as per the provisions of
the Act and, if weaknesses are found, they are already authorized to issue
directions to public authorities under Section 25(5) of the Act. Keeping the
above in view, the Task Force makes following recommendations for
improving compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act regarding proactive
Nodal Officer
8.2.2 Each Central Ministry/Department would appoint a senior officer not
below the rank of a joint Secretary and not below rank of Additional HOD in
case of attached offices for ensuring compliance with the proactive disclosure
scheme. Officers of similar seniority should be appointed in State Government.
Nodal Officer would work under the supervision of the Secretary of the
Ministry/Department or the HOD of the attached office as the case may be.
Nodal Officers of Ministry/Department and HOD separately would also ensure
that the formations below the Ministry/Department/Attached Office also
disclose the information as per the proactive disclosure scheme. The Task
Force recommends that once the above recommendation is accepted capacity
building programmes for the nodal officers be organized by DOPT to sensitize
them with the provision of the Act and also to facilitate their working.
indusion P.FDs
8.2.5 Task Force noted that DOPT have requested Performance Management
„ „...
Division to include compliance with suom
— otu disclosures
•-------• provisions of RTI Act
as one of the mandatory actions in the Results Framework Documents (RFD)
for the Department. The Task .Force endorses this suggestion of the
Department and requests government that this may be enforced at the earliest.
* * *
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block.
New Delhi — 110 011.
We had circulated a note to the COS for considering the recommendations of the Task
Force on suo-motu disclosures to be made under the Right to Information Act. The proposal was
considered by the COS in its meeting held on 16th November, 2011 and it was decided that
comments of all Ministries may be obtained. The note was accordingly circulated to all the
Ministries for their comments. However, only three Ministries have responded. A revised note
incorporating the comments of three Ministries has been submitted to Cabinet Secretariat on
15.12.2011. It is requested that meeting of COS to consider the above proposal may be cheduled
at an early date.
(Raj e apoor)
Joint Se etary (AT&A)
With regards,
Yours fai th idly,
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
(Department of Family Welfare)
Subject:- Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof. — reg.
Yours faithfully,
(K.K. Jhell)
Under Secretary (NCD) & CPIO
Ph.No.011-2306 1229
Copy to:
24.11.2011 on the subject mentioned above and to say that this Ministry has no comments of
the said Report except to say that DoPt. the nodal Ministry for implementation of R I I Act
may prepare suitable common format/templates for proactive disclosure based on its
(J.P. Meena)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph.: 011-24369133
No. 16/5/2011-RTI
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
RTI Cell
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof.
( Jagdish Chander )
Dy. Secretary to the Government of India
., .......
Cabinet Secretariat
Rashtrapati Bhawan
D/o Personnel & Training may please refer to their I.D. note no. 1/6/2011-IR dated
26th December, 2011, on the subject matter.
2. Since the issue impacts all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India, the
CoS meeting may be convened only after comments of most of the concerned
Ministries/ Departments have been received and incorporated in the body of the note.
DoPT is accordingly requested to pursue and expedite the comments of Ministries/
Departments, and thereafter approach this Secretariat for convening the aforesaid
meeting only after adequate number of responses have been received.
( . Ana d)
Dir ctor
Tel: 23016576
Shri P.K. Misra, Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training.
/1‘,4 (Ire'
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
The undersigned is directed to say that with a view to make more effective
implementation of RTI Act, 2005 by encouraging large amount of information to be kept in
public domain on a suo motu basis and also to reduce or lessen the need for filing
individual RTI applications for seeking information under RTI Act, Government has
constituted a Task Force in May, 2011 which also include representatives of Civil Society
Organisations active in the field of RTI.
2. At the instance of Cabinet Secretariat, the Report of the Task Force has been
circulated to all Ministries/Departments seeking comments on the recommendations of
Task Force vide this Department's O.M.of even number dated the 24 th November,2011.
The comments of your Ministry/Department have not been received till date.
4. In case the comments are not received by the above date, it will be assumed that
your Ministry/Department has no comments to offer.
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
Ministry of
Department of
New Delhi
1417..4, 2_0()
• F.No.l/6/2011- IQ
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
4. In case the comments are not received by the above date, it will be assumed that
your Ministry/Department has no comments to offer.
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
(1) Ministry of Panchayati RaJ(Shri L.Haokip, Under Secretary),Krishi Bhavan,
New Delhi
(2) Ministry of Rural Development (Shri S.P.Arya, Under Secretary),Krishi
Bhavan, New Delhi.
(3) Department of Food and Public Distribution(Shri S.P.Saini, Deputy
Secretary),Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
(4) Department of School Education & Literacy(Shri Sanjay Gupta,Under
Secretary),Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi.
I (-
F.No.1/6/2011- k
Government of rndia:
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
The undersigned is directed to say that with a view to make more effective
implementation of RTI Act, 2005 by encouraging large amount of information to be kept in
public domain on a suo motu basis and also to reduce or lessen the need for filing
individual RTI applications for seeking information under RTI Act, Government has
constituted a Task Force in May, 2011 which also include representatives of Civil Society
Organisations active in the field of RTI.
2. At the instance of Cabinet Secretariat, the Report of the Task Force has been
circulated to all Ministries/Departments seeking comments on the recommendations of
Task Force vide this Department's O.M.of even number dated the 24th November,2011.
The comments of your Ministry/Department have not been received till date.
4. In case the comments are not received by the above date, it will be assumed that
your Ministry/Departmei s no comments to offer.
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
Ministry of
Department of
New Delhi
V List of Ministries/Departments
New Delhi,
Dated 03rd November , 2011
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background
2.1 Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act lays down the information which should
functioning of the Public Authorities more transparent and also to reduce the
need for filing individual RTI applications. A copy of the Act is enclosed as
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Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
2.2 Since the promulgation of the Act, large amount of information relating
web based disclosures. However, it is noted that the quality and quantity of
Section 4(1)(b) and 4(1)(c), sufficient disclosures are not being made due to
lack of clear guidelines. Also, there is little monitoring of compliance with the
2.3 This issue has engaged the attention of the government. It is felt that
the weak implementation of Section 4 of the Act is partly due to the fact that
certain provisions of this Section have not been fully detailed and, that there
Order setting up the Task Force and its Terms of Reference is enclosed at
3.1 The Task Force submitted its Report on 30.08.2011. It has addressed
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Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
3.2 The recommendations of the Task Force have been processed in the
Task Force are sound and feasible to implement, there are some
4.1.1 Section 4(1)(b)(xvii) lays down that government may prescribe any
additional item which should also be included for suo motu disclosure. So
Task Force has recommended that the following should also be included for
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by public authorities.
(e) All RTI queries and appeals received by the public authorities and
4.1.2 A new set of rules will need to be framed for implementation of these
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only improve the quality of disclosures but would also facilitate more
transparency in governance.
4.2.2 The Task Force identified four areas for development of templates:
delivery in relation to the above four areas are given in the Report.
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Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
4.3 The Task Force has also given some general recommendations about
(i) Task Force has recommended that while internet may be the
4.3.1 These Principles are sound and they may be circulated to all
4.4.1 Task Force has given generic recommendations about guidelines that
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f Government of India
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(Department of Personnel & Training)
be adopted.
4.5.1 The Task Force has fleshed out detailed guidelines for four clauses of
Section 4(1)(b).
(b) As regards clause 4(1)(b)(iv) which mandates that 'the norms set
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(Department of Personnel & Training)
4.5.2 Detailed guidelines will be issued by DoPT on (a) and (b) above and
understood by the general public. The work done by some civil organizations
4.6.1 The Task Force discussed this issue and felt that this would require
rights violation may be invoked by including RTI activists under the definition
of human rights defender. The Task Force also recommended that proactive
4.6.2 The recommendations of the Task Force are very generic in nature.
regard. However, as noted by the Task Force more detailed deliberations are
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Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
4.7.1 Section 4(1)(b)(vii) requires that public authorities should publish the
public authorities should publish all relevant facts while formulating important
4.7.2 The Task Force noted that so far public authorities have not complied
with this provision. The Task Force further noted that each public authority
being framed. Procedure for such consultation has also been detailed in
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4.7.4 A detailed policy in this regard would be framed based upon the
4.8.1 The Task Force is of the view that both the public authorities and
of the Act and, if weaknesses are found, they are already authorized to issue
directions to public authorities under Section 25(5) of the Act. Keeping the
above in view, the Task Force has made the following recommendations for
improving compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act regarding proactive
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not below the rank of a Joint Secretary and not below rank of
(d) Task Force has endorsed the suggestion made by DOPT to the
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and that all schools and local bodies which have maximum interface with
citizens should make available records for inspection by community, may be,
5.2 The Task Force while recommending guidelines under Section 4 has,
Task Force has recommended that keeping in view the varied levels of
which has not been digitized would require substantial efforts and it needs to
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Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
regard to additional items that are proposed to be included for suo motu
under Clause 4(1)(b)(xvii) rules will need to be framed with the approval of
relevance for State Governments. Under the current scheme of things each
state has the authority to implement Right to Information Act and there is no
are framed.
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8.0 Secretary (P) has seen and approved the note for consideration of the
(Rajeev Kapoor)
Joint Secretary to Government of India
Phone: 23093668
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(Department of Personnel & Training)
Section 4(1)(b)(xvii) lays down that (1) A new set of rules will
government may prescribe any additional item need to be framed for
which should also be included for suo motu implementation of these
disclosure. So far, no additional items have been recommendations.
prescribed by Central Government. The Task
Force has recommended that the following items (2) Limits beyond which
should also be included for disclosure under the procurement related
suo motu disclosures scheme of Section 4(1)(b): information is disclosed
at different levels of
(a) All information relating to procurement public authorities will
made by public authorities. Different need to be fixed in
limits may be fixed for different levels of consultation with
public authorities for which this Department of
disclosure is to be made. Expenditure.
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4. The Task Force has also given some Principles are sound and
general recommendations about disclosure at they may be circulated to all
various levels: concerned for adoption.
(i) While internet may be the good
medium for dissemination of
information, disclosures should also
be done locally in a form and
manner that is easily accessible to
the public. For example, through wall
paintings and boards, etc.
5. The Task Force has also listed out few These practices may be
innovative practices adopted by some State circulated to all State
Governments in regard to disposal of information Governments for their
particularly at field level. Task Force
recommended that these may be circulated to
State Governments for adoption.
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—r 0-L • I rcY_ ryLirr
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(sevr3'C' ci
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
PPP Cell
New Delhi, the January 31 , 2012
The RTI Act, 2005 secures access to Information under the control of public authorities
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.
Hence, the Report should clearly state that the information under the control of the public
authority is to be provided and that the information has to be sought from the public authority.
3. Furthermore, the term "and other documents generated as part of the implementation of the
PPP project" is ambiguous. Documents generated by or available with the public authority
entering the contract can be accessed under the RTI. All documents generated by the private
sector entity while implementing the PPP project may or may not be in the public domain, viz.,
salaries paid to its employees, contracts within the consortium members, etc. Documents
available with the authority that are under the ambit of section 8(1)(d) & 8(1)(j) are also
exempted under the Act. Hence, reformulation of para 2.1.2 is suggested as given below:
( Aparnt
Director (PPP)
Sint. S. Chagti
Deputy Secretary, Department of Personnal & Training
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions,
Government of India, New Delhi.
F.No.1/6/2011- Lk_
Government of tndi
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
The undersigned is directed to say that with a view to make more effective
implementation of RTI Act, 2005 by encouraging large amount of information to be kept in
public domain on a suo motu basis and also to reduce or lessen the need for filing
individual RTI applications for seeking information under RTI Act, Government has
constituted a Task Force in May, 2011 which also include representatives of Civil Society
Organisations active in the field of RTI.
2. At the instance of Cabinet Secretariat, the Report of the Task Force has been
circulated to all Ministries/Departments seeking comments on the recommendations of
Task Force vide this Department's O.M.of even number dated the 24th November,2011.
The comments of your Ministry/Department have not been received till date.
4. In case t comments are not received by the above date, it will be assumed that
your Ministry epartment has no comments to offer.
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
To C2—
Ministry of p tktAe--1 P 1'1 .P-e-vvID--ti;ke
Department of
New Delhi c J—
S.A" y mlf_ \La, \, N. A)`}`- C"
vA.Q.,L3 o
7A, \.cN cv,A
No. 101112011-PPC
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Public Procurement Cell
(Suchindra Misra)
Copy to
No. 16/5/2011-RTI
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
RTI Cell
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005 - Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof.
( Jagdish Chander )
Dy. Secretary to the Government of India
jjaid/0// /,Q0/2
F. No. 16/13/2011-C&P
Ministry of Textiles
Coordination & Publicity Division
The undersigned is directed to refer to the D/o Personnel & Training O.M. No.
1/6/2011-IR dated 24.11.2011 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the
Ministry of Textiles recommends for disclosure of information under section 4 of the
RTI Act, in the local/regional languages for easy accessibility by public. The Ministry
also recommends that:-
b. Clause 4(1) (b) (iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its
c. Clause 4(1)(b)(xiv) The budget allocated to each of its agency
indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and
reports on disbursement made;
d. Clause 4(1) (b) (xi) details in respect of information, available to or held
by it, reduced in on electronic form.
xiii. Steps to be taken in matters relating to threat to RTI activities;
xiv. Guidelines for consultation with public in relation to the formulations of the
policies and implementation thereof with regard to transparency,
inclusiveness and equity, to be framed.
xv. Compliance with provisions of suo motu (Proactive Disclosure) under the RTI
Act, to be ensured.
(K. K. Moheffadas)
Under Secretary to Govt. of India
Tel. 23061617
D/o Personnel and Training
(Ms. Sarita Nair, Under Se retary),
North Block, New Delhi. /
apt t-UA
No.Z.16023/7/2005-CHS. V
Government of India
Ministry of Health & FW
CHS.V Section
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated -1 )c -• January, 2012
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005- Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof.
Tele: 23061143
CT The Under Secretary
IR section
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Deptt. of Personnel & Training
North Block,
New Delhi.
PPP projects are not exempted under the RTI Act. However, since information
under the RTI Act can be sought only from the Public Authority, the same is
also applicable with respect to PPP projects, subject to exemption from
disclosure provided under Section 8 (1)(d) and 8 (1) (j). Hence, information on
PPP projects may be sought from the Public Authority entering into the PPP
contract, and on all aspects, except information of commercial confidence, trade
secrets or intellectual property, the disclosure of which would harm the
competitive advantage of a third party.
ii. Though implicit in the Act, it may be re-iterated that information can be sought
only from the Public Authority, and with respect to the implementation of the
PPP projects, viz. outputs and outcomes, process of selection of private sector
party, etc. and not with respect to financial competitive advantage of the private
sector company implementing the project.
(Aparn atia)
Director (PPP)
Shri R. K. Girdhar
Under Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions,
Government of India, New Delhi.
Government of India
Ministry of Mines
Shastry Bhavan : New Delhi
No. 8/7/201 1-PI Dated: 14.2.2012
Subject — Implementation of Section 4 of RT1 Act, 2005 — Report of the Task Force
constituted for effective implementation thereof.
The undersigned is directed to refer to DOPT's O.M. No. 1/6/20110IR dt. 24.11.2011 on the
above mentioned subject and to say that in addition to the information to be disclosed as per provision
of Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005, the Ministry has suo-moto put up the following information on the
website of the Ministry -
(i) Agenda notes and minutes of all the meetings of the Central Coordination-cum-
Empowered Committee (CEC) on Mineral Development and Regulation. So far seven
meetins of the CEC have been held — on 24.7.2009, 22.12.2009, 18.6.2010, 22.12.2010,
3.5.2011, 20.9.2011 and 16.1.2012.
(iii) Comprehensive guidelines dated 24th June, 2009 issued by the Ministry in order to bring about
more consistency and clarity in processing the mineral concession proposals under the MMDR
Act, 1957 and Mineral Concession Rules, 1960.
(iv) Guidelines dated 9.2.2010 on 'special reasons to be adopted and applied by all State
Governments while recommending a mineral concession proposal in favour of a later applicant
in a non-notified area under Section 11(5) of the Act.
(v) Guidelines daed 20 July, 2010 regarding return of cases to the State Governments wherein there
has been no response to the Ministry's queries for over six months.
(vi) Guidelines dated 13'h October. 2010 regarding submission of maps by the State Governments
along with the proposals, in order to ensure that the areas recommended by the State
Governments for mineral concessions are clearly demarcated.
(vii) All other important documents, letters etc. are put on the website of the Ministry.
(viii) The Ministry of Mines is using internet services to bring about more accessibility and
trasparency in procession the mineral concession applications recommended by the State
Governments. The website of the Ministry (www.mines.nic.in ) provides online information to
the users on the current status of the mineral concession applications.
In order to ensure transparency in Revision Cell, a new web based Revision Application
Monitoring System has been put in place. The salient features of new system are
(A.K. Patne
Dy. Secretary
F.No. Ci-11016/191/2010-P&C
Government of India
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
(Parliament & Coordination Section)
Office Memorandum
Under Secy. to the Govt. of India
Tel: 2 303 607 3
Office Memorandum
(A.K. Deori
Under Secretary (EPW
Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and pensions,
Department of Personnel & Training.
North Block, New Delhi — 1.
Copy to :-
Government of India
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs
(Parliament & Coordn. Section)
Subject: Implementation of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 - Report of the Task
Force constituted for effective implementation thereof.
3. This issues with the approval of Joint Secretary (Adm.) in the Ministry of
Overseas Indian Affairs.
(M hya
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India/CPI°
Tele:- 24197909
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions,
Department of Personnel and Training
(Ms. Anuradha S. Chagti, Director),
280, North Block, New Delhi.
k 44'
/V (2"
RTI Matter
Most Immediaie
Government of India •
Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs '
Shri Pankaj Shreyaskar,
Deputy Secretary,
Central information Commission,
August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Caina Place,
New Delhi
Office Memorandum
The ,undesigned
r is directed to refer to DoP&T's OM No.1/6/2011 -IR dated 24th
January, 2012 on the subject noted above and to say that this Department has no specific
comments to offer on the recommendations of the Task Force.
N 's\
(S.K. Makkar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 24644631
\-\ cG
1177 wcw/Government of India
"c17147114),1 kl-ITTT/Department of Atomic Energy
4 4-1"CV-13317T/Secretariat Coordination Section
3-11317A719-17q/Anushakti Bhavan,
UT:If-a- 171W* 4-15I IA 14Tii/C.S.M Marg,
It4/Mumbai - 400 001.
( 5022- 22862661)
e-mail: sectcord@dae.gov.in
(Amarenda Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
RTI Cell
(Renuka Nambiar)
Under Secretary
DOPT, -(t
North Block. New Delhi
F.No. 1/11/2010-RTI
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
North Block,
New Delhi, dated:23.2.2012
Office Memorandum
(Ram Singh)
Under Secretary & CPIO
Tel: 23095253
INFR No.A-007/2011/PIC
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
(P. I. Cell)
(J.P. Agra
NAarita Nair,
Under Secretary,
M/o Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions,
Department of Personnel and training,
North Block,
New Delhi.
F.No. 6-3/FC&PG/2011
Government of India
Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Instructions have been issued from time to time by the Central Vigilance
Commission and the Department of Personnel and Training for making rotational transfers in
respect of the officials posted on sensitive posts at periodic inte:.vals. These instructions are
not being strictly followed and fallen into disuse.
No.: 98/VGL/60
Government of India
Central Vigilance Commission
Attention is invited to Circular No. 98NGL/60 dated 15th April 1999 of the Central
Vigilance Commission regarding rotation of officials working in sensitive posts.
3. Accordingly, personnel deputed to the vigilance wing from operational wings are to
have a tenure of three years following which they are to be reverted to operational areas. In the
case of organizations that have a separate cadre for vigilance, the rotation should be done across
regions on expiry of tenure of three years in a particular office.
4. CVOs may certify annually that this exercise has been carried.
(C.J. Mathew)
Deputy Secretary
iclegraphicAddress : No.004/VGLI9O
"-,ATARKTA: New Delhi /
Circular No.02/01112
;I V,Ii7,-.1,71
Yours faithfully,
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
2. The issue of Guidelines on Suo Motu disclosure is a RFD target for this
Ministry. The target date is 31.12.2012. After the meeting of the COS, there may
be need for this department to revise the Guidelines submitted. It may also be
kept in mind that the Guidelines after approval have to be issued in Hindi also.
Therefore, this department would need sufficient time to meet the RFD target.
(Anuradha S.Chagti
Tel: 23093074
NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
Date: 15/10/2012
Mr. Manoj Joshi, IAS
Moja Daruwala Joint Secretary to the Government of India (AT&A)
Department of Personnel and Training
International Advisory
Commission: Government of India,
Sam Okudzeto - Chairperson
North Block
Members: New Delhi- 110 001
Alison Duxbury
Yashpal Ghai
Neville Union Dear sir,
B.G. Verghese
Zohra Yusuf Sub: Incompleteness of the report of the DoPT's Task Force constituted to review the
Moja Daruwala
implementation of Section 4 of the Right to Information Act (RTI Act)
Executive Committee (India):
B.G. Verghese - Chairperson I am writing to bring an important and urgent matter to your notice. You may recollect
that I served as a member of the Task Force set up by your Department last year for
B.K.Chandrashekar developing guidelines and templates for the purpose of implementing Section 4 of the
Bhagwan Das
RTI Act more effectively. I convened the sub-group of the Task Force that worked on
Nitin Desai
Wajahat Habibullah serial #(iii) of the terms of reference (TOR), namely, detailing of Sec. 4(1)(b)(iii),
Sonjoy Hazarika
4(1)(b)(iv), 4(1)(b)(ix) and 4(1)(b)(xiv) to lend clarity to these sections. After due
Kamal Kumar deliberations, we submitted a report with specific guidelines to the DoPT. Our guidelines
Poonam Muttreja
Ruma Pal
were subsequently included in the draft report which the then Joint Secretary, Shri
A.P. Shah Rajeev Kapoor, IAS circulated to all members of the Task Force (copy attached).
Moja Daruwala
Executive Committee (Ghana): It came as a surprise yesterday (14/10/2012) when the DoPT circulated the Report of the
Sam Okudzeto - Chairperson
Task Force at the meeting of the Working Group of the National Advisory Council on
Transparency, Accountability and Governance without including the guidelines and
Anna Bossman
Neville Linton recommendations made in relation to serial #(iii) of the ToR. The Working Group of the
Emile Short
NAC had invited me to take part in the deliberations on Pre-legislative Processes where
B.G. Verghese
Maja Daruwala the truncated report of the Task Force was included in the reading materials.
Executive Committee (UK):
Neville Linton - Chairperson I pointed out to the absence of our sub-group's recommendations at yesterday's meeting
where DoPT was represented by Smt. Mamta Kundra, Joint Secretary (Est.). She
Richard Bourne acknowledged the existence of the recommendations of our sub-group and their absence
Frances D'Souza
Meenakshi Dhar
from the report that was circulated at the meeting. She agreed to take it up with the
Derek Ingram Department.
Claire Martin
Syed Sharfuddin
Joe Silva I would like to point out that the report of the Task Force in its current form is focused
Sally-Ann Wilson
more on ensuring improved proactive disclosure in various departments at the district,
block and gram panchayat level leaving out the higher levels of the administration. Our
, B-117 • First Floor • Sarvodaya Enclave • New Delhi - 110 017 • T +91 11 43180200 • F +91 11 26864688
/ 6 info@humanrightsinitiative.org • www.humanrightsinitiative.org
FCRA Registration No.231 650671; Registration No. S-24565 under Societies Registration Act;
Registration No.DIT (E)/2005-2006/C-390/94/1226 U/S 80-G
• io
sub-group's recommendations related to proactive disclosure of the processes of decision-
making, supervision and accountability, budget planning and expenditures and electronic
records management in all public authorities irrespective of their levels of operation. These
recommendations were designed in order to bring about greater transparency particularly in
the working of ministries, departments, directorates and other public authorities in both
Central and State Governments which rarely come into contact with members of the general
public. If this important part of the original report is left out in the final version the hard work
put in by the Task Force for making the higher levels of the administration transparent would
come to nought.
The JS (Est.) informed us that the report of the Task Force would be submitted to the
Committee of Secretaries (CoS) soon for approval. This is good news indeed. However I urge
you to place the complete report of the Task Force including the recommendations made by my
sub-group before the CoS. The guidelines of our sub-group also went through the same
processes of consultation as other templates and recommendations that have been included in
the truncated report. There is no reason why an incomplete report should be circulated
throughout the country.
I urge you to intervene in this matter and ensure that the complete report of the Task Force
including the recommendations made by the sub-group on serial #3 of the ToR is submitted to
the CoS for approval. The JS (Est.) assured us at yesterday's meeting that even if the CoS were
unable to meet to grant approval for the report of the Task Force, for any reason, the DoPT
would issue binding instructions soon. If such a course of action is contemplated, I urge you to
ensure that such binding instructions are issued for the topic dealt with under serial #3 of the
ToR as well.
If you wish to discuss this matter further please feel free to contact me at 9871050555 or
nayak.venkatesh@gmail.com. I have copied this communication to all civil society
representatives on the Task Force and participants at yesterday's NAC meeting by email and to
the JS (Est.), Director (RTI Cell, DoPT) and the NAC in hard copy.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Venkatesh Nayak
Programme Coordinator
Access to Information Programme
1) Report of the Task Force as circulated at the meeting of the Working Group of the NAC
on Transparency, Accountability and Governance (available in hard copy only)
2) Extract from the Draft Report of the Task Force prepared by the sub-group related to
serial #3 of the ToR (in hard copy and electronic version)
1) Smt. Mamta Kundra, JS (Est.), Department of Personnel and Training, Government of
India, North Block, NewDelhi- 110 001 (by email and in hard copy)
2) Smt. Aruna Roy, Member of the National Advisory Council and Convenor, Working
Group on Transparency, Accountability and Governance (by email)
3) Smt. Anuradha Chagti, Director (RTI Cell), DoPT, Government of India, North Block, New
Delhi- 110 001 (by email and in hard copy)
4) Shri Nikhil Dey, Co-Convenor, National Campaign for People's Right to Information
(NCPRI), (by email)
5) Ms. Anjali Bhardwaj, Co-Convenor, National Campaign for People's Right to Information
(NCPRI), (by email)
6) Ms. Pankti Jog, member of the DoPT's Task Force on the implementation of Section 4 of
the RTI Act (by email)
7) Shri K Gurumurthy, member of the DoPT's Task Force on the implementation of Section
4 of the RTI Act (by email)
8) Ms. Aheli Choudhary, member of the DoPT's Task Force on the implementation of
Section 4 of the RTI Act (by email)
10) Shri M R Madhavan, PRS Legislative Research, New Delhi (by email)
43-1R- tic-t)N
3t17 mRtarcri f41TT7T
Anuradha S. Chagti cilco DicbiLid fQTt
Director 914 (4114), ftA-110001
Tel : 23093074
Dated, 6th November, 2012
I would like to put to rest your apprehension that the Section 3 of the Task
Force Report on pro-active disclosure has been deleted from the final report.
The Task Force report contains all the chapters on which the Task Force had
worked and the report is being shortly placed before the Committee of
Secretaries for its consideration.
With regards
• :
:_;.c.tic."41 Yours sincerely,
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
arruTrT http://persmin.gov.in
D.O.No.1/ 6/ 2011-IR
S ,Mcbk
P. K. Misra 4,1144 uP4-mm fir
444 cm (4), Dictwici
.912-t Edict), — 110001
2. The issue of Guidelines on Suo Motu disclosure is a RFD target for this
Department. The target date is 31.12.2012. After the meeting of the COS, there
may be need for this Department to revise the Guidelines. Thereafter, the
guidelines would have to be issued bilingually. Therefore, this Department
would need sufficient time to meet the RFD target.
Yours sincerely,
(P.K. Misra)
417 AMMT RIT171
Anuradha S. Chagti Th-TfifT, Act) RIct>lqd 1 1 OYI -r
Dated, 6th November, 2012
I would like to put to rest your apprehension that the Section 3 of the Task
Force Report on pro-active disclosure has been deleted from the final report.
The Task Force report contains all the chapters on which the Task Force had
worked and the report is being shortly placed before the Committee of
Secretaries for its consideration.
With regards
Yours sincerely,
(Anuradha S.Chagti)
71;7ffl. oh I
rpi ?TT-ft; *14 http://persmin.gov.in
fir Secretary (P)
D.O. No.1/6/2011-IR
Yours sincerely
Secretary (P)
Shri Ajit Seth,
Cabinet Secretary,
Rashtrapati Bhawan,
New Delhi.
Copy No. .
Reference this Secretariat's O.M. of even number dated 23rd November, 2012, on the
subject matter.
Deputy Secretary
) - Tele No: 23014378
( )
--Shri P. K. Misra, Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training.
Shri R.K. Singh, Home Secretary, M/o Home Affairs.
Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Secretary, D/o Space.
Dr. R.K. Sinha, Secretary, D/o Atomic Energy.
Secretary, M/o Environment & Forests.
Shri R.S. Gujral, Finance Secretary & Secretary, D/o Expenditure
Shri Arvind Mayaram, Secretary, D/o Economic Affairs.
JS Shri J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, D/o Electronics & Information Technology.
Shri Anil Goswami, Secretary, D/o Social Justice & Empowerment.
Shri B. A. Agarwal, Secretary, D/o Legal Affairs.
Shri B. A. Agarwal, Secretary, Legislative Department.
Deputy Secretary
Copy also forwarded to: -
Internal circulation
20 Copies
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. of even number dated
the 10th July, 2012 forwarding therewith a Note for the Committee of Secretaries regarding
implementation of the Recommendations of Task Force for strengthening compliance with
provisions for Suo Motu / Proactive Disclosures under Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005. In the
said note approval of the CoS has been sought for the guidelines for implementation of the
suo-motu disclosure under RTI Act,2005.
2. Pending receipt of the approval of CoS, the matter has been reconsidered in this
Department. Since RTI Act, 2005 came into existence; DOPT has been issuing several
guidelines and instructions aiming at effective implementation of various provisions of RTI
Act with the approval of the Competent Authority in DOPT.
3. It is stated that there are seven categories of cases that can be referred to CoS by a
Ministry/Department. This case falls in the category in which a Secretary of a Department
desires advice of CoS on a subject assigned to his charge.
4. The Report of the Task Force has been circulated among Ministries/Departments and
inter-ministerial consultation has already been held and views of Ministries/Departments
r1 14"
it have been incorporated in the draft guideline. There are no irreconcilable difference(s) of
opinion between DOPT and other Ministries warranting the intervention of CoS. The issue of
guidelines is an RFD target to be achieved by 31St December,2012.
5. As was done on earlier occasion, it has now been decided to issue the guidelines
proposed in the CoS Note under reference after obtaining the approval of the competent
authority in DOPT.
6. Accordingly it is requested that DOPT may be allowed to withdraw the CoS Note
dated 10.7.2012 submitted to Cabinet Secretariat.
(Sandee Ja‘\•ii-i)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Cabinet Secretariat
(Shri R.Anand, Director)
Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
, •
t S4
No. 30/2/2013-PPD
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 5 th February, 2013
This has reference to the minutes of the meeting of the CoS held on 12/12/12 on the
subject cited above. In this regard it is stated that the present formulation of para 1.1 of draft
guidelines on "Information related to procurement' prescribes a limit of Rs. 10 Lakh for the
publication of notice/ tender enquiries, corrigenda and details of bid awards thereon. In the
context of e-Publishing, this contradicts with this Departments O.M No. 10/1/2011- PPC dated
30th November 2011. Hence this contradiction needs to be removed. Further, inclusion of 'works
contracts' along with goods /services, would make the guidelines in line with the existing
instructions issued vide above cited O.M.
3. This can be achieved with the following two minimal changes. It is therefore requested
that these may be incorporated in the para 1.1 of the draft guidelines before the same is issued;
i. In line 1 of para 1.1 of the draft guidelines, the figure of Rs. 10 Lakhs for
disclosure may be removed as the same contradicts with this Departments O.M
dated 30th November 2011.
ii. In the phrase "detailing the name of the supplier of goods/services being
procured and the rate and total amount at which such procurement is to be
done" the words 'or works contracts entered or any such combination of these'
may be included after being procured.
Copy to:
DS( RTI), DoE, North Block , New Delhi with respect to their Note dated 28.12.12 in
- l, file no. 11/5/2011-RTI.
S -Gc_R e
South Block,
New Delhi — 110 011
(Dheeraj gupta)
ToLit 11)1 ■ Isq
Tel. No. 2301 59441
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Subject: Implementation of Suo — Motu disclosure under Section 4 (1)(b) of RTI Act,2005 —
Section 4(1)(b) of the RTI Act lays down the information which should be disclosed
by Public Authorities on a suo motu or proactive basis. Section 4(2) and Section 4(3)
prescribe the method of dissemination of this information. The purpose of suo motu
proactive basis to make the functioning of the Public Authorities more transparent and also
2. Since the promulgation of the Act in 2005, large amount of information relating to
functioning of the government is being put in public domain. However, the quality and
quantity of proactive disclosures are not up to the desired level. It was felt that the weak
implementation of the Section 4 of the RTI Act is partly due to the fact that certain
provisions of this Section have not been fully detailed and, in case of certain other
provisions there is need for laying down detailed guidelines. Further there is need to set up
a compliance mechanism to ensure that requirements under section 4 of the RTI Act are
3. In order to address the above Government of India constituted a Task Force on Suo
Motu disclosures under the RTI Act, 2005 in May 2011 which included representatives of
civil society organizations active in the field of Right to Information, for strengthening
compliance with provisions for suo motu or proactive disclosures as given in Section 4 of the
RTI Act, 2005. Based on the report of the Task Force the Government have decided to issue
guidelines for suo motu disclosures under section 4 of the RTI Act.
4. Guidelines for Central Government Ministries/Departments are on:
iv. Compliance mechanism for suo motu disclosures (Proactive disclosure) under
5. The above guidelines are enclosed. However, it may be kept in mind that proactive
disclosures should be done in the local language so that it remains accessible to public. It
should be presented in a form that is easily understood and if technical words are used they
Information may be made keeping in mind the provisions of Section 8 to 11 of the RTI Act.
7. The enclosed guidelines may be brought to the notice of all for compliance.
S. Chapter Page
No. No.
1 Suo motu disclosure of more items under Section 4 1
2 Guidelines for Digital Publication of proactive 4
disclosures under Section 4
3 Guidelines for certain clauses of Section 4(1)(b) to 7
make disclosures more effective
4 Compliance with provisions of suo motu 12
Guidelines on Suo-Motu Disclosure under Section 4 of the RTI Act
1.0 Suo motu disclosure of more items under Section 4
Sub-section 4(2) of the RTI Act, 2005 requires every public authority to take steps in
accordance with the requirements of clause (b) of sub-section 4(1) to provide as much
information suo motu to the public at regular intervals through various means of
communication, including internet, so that the public have minimum resort to use the Act to
obtain information. Accordingly, the Public Authorities may proactively disclose the
following items also under the suo motu disclosure ,5-therne provisions of Section 4:
detailing the name of the supplier of goods/services being procured or the works contracts
entered or any such combination of these and the rate and total amount at which such
dated 30th November, 2011 on Mandatory Publication of Tender Enquiries on the Central
Public Procurement Portal and O.M. No. 10/3/2012- PPC dated 30th March, 2012 on
Section 4. At present the limit is fixed at Rs. 10.00 lakhs. In case of procurements made
through DGS&D Rate Contracts or through Kendriya Bhandar/ NCCF, only award details
need to be published. However information about procurement which w& 44-fall within the
1.2.1 If Public services are proposed to be provided through a Public Private Partnership
(PPP), all information relating to the PPPs must be disclosed in the public domain by the
Public Authority entering into the PPP contract/concession agreement. This may include
details of the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), if any set up, detailed project reports,
generated as part of the implementation of the PPP project. The documents under the
ambit of the exemption from disclosure of information under section 8(1)(d) and 8(1)(j) of
the RTI Act will not be disclosed suo-motu. Further, information about fees, tolls, or other
kinds of revenue that may be collected under authorization from the Government,
information in respect of outputs and outcomes, process of selection of the private sector
party may also be proactively disclosed. All payments made under the PPP project may also
be disclosed in a periodic manner along with the purpose of making such payment.
1.3.1 Transfer policy for different grades/cadres of employees serving in Public Authority
should be proactively disclosed. All transfer orders should be publicized through the website
or in any other manner listed in Section 4(4) of the Act. These guidelines will not be
strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State and the exemptions covered under
Section 8 of the Act. These instructions would not apply to security and intelligence
1.4.1 All Public Authorities shall proactively disclose RTI queries and appeals received and
their responses, on the websites maintained by Public Authorities with search facility based
appeals received and their responses relating to the personnel information of an individual
1.5.1 Public Authorities may proactively disclose the CAG & PAC paras and the Action
Taken Reports (ATRs) only after these have been laid on the table of both the houses of the
Parliament. However, CAG paras dealing with information about the issues of sovereignty,
integrity, security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State and information
six monthly report on the performance against the benchmarks set in Citizens Charter
Ministry/Department concerned. Annual Accounts of all legal entities who are provided
1.8.1 A large number of RTI queries are being filed on official tours undertaken by
the nature, place and period of foreign and domestic tours of Prime Minister are already
1.8.2 As per DoPT's OM No. 1/8/2012-IR dated 11/9/2012, Public Authorities may
proactively disclose the details of foreign and domestic official tours undertaken by the
Minister(s) and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government of India and above
and Heads of Departments, since 1st January, 2012. The disclosures may be updated once
1.8.3. Information to be disclosed proactively may contain nature of the official tour,
places visited, the period, number of people included in the official delegation and total cost
of such travel undertaken. Exemptions under Section 8 of the RTI Act, 2005 may be taken
kept in view while disclosing the information. These instructions would not apply to security
and intelligence organisations under the second schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 and CVOs of
public authorities.
2.0 Guidelines for Digital Publication of proactive disclosures under Section 4
2.1 Section 4 lays down that information should be provided through many mediums
depending upon the level of the public authority and the recipient of information (for
example, in case of Panchayat, wall painting may be more effective means of dissemination
of information), and that more and more proactive disclosure would gradually be made
through Internet. There is need for more clear guidelines for web-based publication of
2.2 The Department of Information Technology has been working on setting of technical
standards for government websites and the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public
guidelines prescribe the manner in which websites need to be designed and how
Reforms & Public Grievances, the following principles additionally should also be kept in
view to ensure that websites' disclosures are complete, easily accessible, technology and
platform neutral and in a form which conveys the desired information in an effective and
user-friendly manner.
a) It should be the endeavor of all public authorities that all entitlements to citizens and
all transactions between the citizen and government are gradually made available
through computer based interface. The 'Electronic Delivery of Services Bill, 2012'
b) Websites should contain detailed information from the point of origin to the point of
c) Orders of the public authority should be uploaded on the website immediately after
d) Website should contain all the relevant Acts, Rules, forms and other documents
e) Websites should have detailed directory of key contacts, details of officials of the
Public Authority.
f) It is obligatory under Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) of the RTI Act for every Public Authority to
website should therefore indicate which digitally held information is made available
electronic service delivery, it is recommended that du-r-i-RE ocess reengineef t-ng the
requirement of bringing due transparency as provided in the RTI Act ace-is given duo
the basis of key work outputs, like a muster roll and salary slip (NREGA in Andhra
Information must be presented from a user's perspective, which may require re-
should continue to be made available because these are needed for community
The 'National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy' by the Department of Science
and Technology is based on the principle that all publicly funded information should
data.-The policy has been notified in March, 2012 and the schedule should be strictly
adhered to.
k) Information and data should be presented in open data formats whereby it can be
more appropriate to specific contexts and needs. Information/ data can, for
visual representation of information/ data can give insights that may remain largely
audio/videos recordings etc may be more useful. There have been moves in some
parts of the country to video record Gram Sabha meetings. A picture of a NREGA
worksite, for instance, may tell much more than words can. All such different media
I) Every webpage displaying information or data proactively disclosed under the RTI
Act should, on the top right corner, display the mandatory field 'Date last updated
3.0 Guidelines for certain clauses of Section 4(1)(b) to make disclosures more effective
3.1 The elements of information listed in the various sub-clauses of Section 4(1)(b) must
_3(.11C111C -For example, the functions and responsibilities of a public authority cannot be
understood in isolation from the powers and functions of its employees, the norms that
inform its decision making processes and the rules, instructions and manuals that are used
in the discharge of its functions. Description of one element presupposes the existence of
another. So every public authority must endeavour to integrate the information mentioned
3.2 Considering that disclosures in regard to certain clauses have been relatively weak,
3.3 Guidelines for section 4(1)(b)(iii) - "the procedure followed in the decision-making
3.3.1 All government departments have specific duties and responsibilities under the
respective Allocation of Business Rules (AOB) issued by the appropriate Government. The
constitutional provisions and statutes each department is required to implement are clearly
laid down in the AOB. The manner of disposal of matters assigned to each
every department would have a specific set of schemes and development programmes
which they are required to implement directly or through their subordinate offices or other
designated agencies. These documents contain the specific operations that every Public
scheme. Every operation mandated under the AOB read with the TOB would be linked to a
specific decision-making chain. All government officers have to follow laid down office
procedure manual or the other rules which gives details of how representations, petitions
and applications from citizens must be dealt with. Templates, formats, and basic steps of
decision-making are briefly explained in such manuals. These descriptions constitute the
required to make decisions in a discretionary manner but broad guiding principles are laid
down in some rule or the other. For example, the General Financial Rules lay down
procedures for a variety of operations relating to government finances. How sanction must
be accorded for incurring expenditure; how losses to government must be reported; how
responsibility for losses may be fixed on any government servant; how budgets, demand for
grants are prepared and submitted; how public works must be sanctioned and executed;
how commodities and services may be procured by a public authority; are all explained in
these manuals which are updated from time to time. The challenge is to present a simplified
3.3.3 In view of the above, the following guidelines for detailing the decision making
(a) Every public authority should specifically identify the major outputs/ tangible
results/ services/ goods as applicable that it is responsible for providing to the public
(b) In respect of (a) above, the decision-making chain should be identified in the form of
a flow chart explaining the rank/grade of the public functionaries involved in the
decision - making process clar-Lfv44-4-9- and the specific stages in the decision-making
(c) The powers of each officer including powers of supervision over subordinates
involved in the chain of decision-making must also be spelt out next to the flow chart
(d) This design of 4;cpresentation should then be extended to cover all statutory and
discretionary operations that are part of the public authority's mandate under the
3.4 Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(iv) - "the norms set by it for the discharge of its
3.4.1 Primarily, the intention of this clause is that every public authority should proactively
disclose the standards by which its performance should be judged. Norms may be
compliance with this clause, public authorities would need to develop disclose norms for
norms of performance for major functions and for monitoring achievements against those
3.4.3 Wherever norms have been specified for the discharge of its functions by any statute
or government orders, they should be proactively disclosed, particularly linking them with
the decision making processes as detailed earlier. All Public Authorities should proactively
a) Defining the services and goods that the particular public authority/office
b) Detailing and describing the processes by which the public can access and/or
receive the goods and services that they are entitled to, from the public
authority/office along with the forms, if any prescribed, for use by both the
applicant and the service providing agency. Links to such forms (online),
c) Describing the conditions, criteria and priorities under which a person becomes
eligible for the goods and services, and consequently the categories of people
and timelines, that are applicable to the goods and services that are accessible to
the public.
authority/office plans to achieve through the goods and services that it was
obligated to provide.
f) Laying down individual responsibility for providing the goods and services (who is
3.5 Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(xi)- "the budget allocated to each of its agency,
disbursements made".
3.5.1 The public authorities while disclosing their budgets shall undertake the following:
(a) Keeping in view of the technical nature of the government budgets, it is essential
domain. P—
r-e-,-P-n-t-4444-n--e-f-taBudgets and their periodic monitoring reports may also be
planned during the budgetary period and the actual achievement vis-à-vis those
should be put on the website on a quarterly basis and budgets of such authorities
may be made accessible through links from the website of the Ministry/Department.
If a subsidiary does not have a website then the budgets and expenditure reports of
such subsidiary authority may be uploaded on the website of the principal Public
(d) Wherever required by law or executive instruction, sector specific allocations and
highlighted. For example, budget allocation and target focusing on gender, children,
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and religious minorities should be specially
highlighted. The sector-wise breakup of these targets and actual outcomes must be
3.6.1 On the one hand, this clause serves as a means of proactively disclosing the progress
made in computerizing information under Section 4(1)(a) of the RTI Act in a periodic
manner. On the other, it provides people with clarity about the kinds of electronic
information that, although not held by the public authority, is available to them. FFor
example the stocks of ration available with individual fair price shops may not be a-vaiiaolc
w-ft-kheld by the District Civil Supplies office, but may be available at a subordinate
3.6.2 Keeping in view the varied levels of computerization of records and documents in
public authorities, data about records that have been digitized may be proactively disclosed
on the respective websites, excluding those records /files /information that are exempted
under Section 8. The data about digitized record may include the name of the record and
any categorization or indexing used; the subject matter and any other information that is
(and to be prescribed by MOP for electronic records that is under finalization by DARPG),
the division/ section/ unit/ office where the record is normally held; the person, with
designation, responsible for maintaining the record; and the life span of the record, as
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4.0 Compliance with Provisions of Suo Moto (pro-active Disclosure) Guidelines under The RTI
4.1 Each Ministry/Public Authority shall ensure that these Guidelines are fully operationalized
4.2 Proactive Disclosure as per these Guidelines would require collating a large quantum
of information and digitizing it. For this purpose, Ministries/Public Authorities may engage
consultants or outsource such work to expeditiously comply with these Guidelines. For this
4.3 The Action Taken Report on the compliance of these Guidelines should be sent,
along with the URL link, to the DoPT and Central Information Commission soon after the
4.4 Each Ministry/ Public Authority should get its Proactive Disclosure package audited
by third party every year. The audit should cover compliance with the Proactive Disclosure
Guidelines as well as adequacy of the items included in the package. The audit should
examine whether there are any other types of information which could be proactively
disclosed. Such audit should be done annually and should be communicated to the Central
Information Commission annually through publication on their own websites. All Public
Authorities should proactively disclose the names of the third party auditors on their
website. For carrying out third party audit through outside consultants also Ministries/Public
4.5 The Central Information Commission should examine the third-party audit reports
4.6 Central Information Commission should carry out sample audit of few of the
Ministries/ Public Authorities each year with regard to adequacy of items included as well as
4.7 Compliance with the Proactive Disclosure Guidelines, its audit by third party and its
5.1 Each Central Ministry/ Public Authority should appoint a senior officer not below the
rank of a Joint Secretary and not below rank of Additional HOD in case of attached offices
for ensuring compliance with the proactive disclosure Guidelines. The Nodal Officer would
work under the supervision of the Secretary of the Ministry/Department or the HOD of the
attached office as the case may be. Nodal Officers of Ministry/Department and HOD
separately should also ensure that the formations below the Ministry/Department/Attached
Office also disclose the information as per the proactive disclosure Guidelines.
on RTI Act in their Annual Reports submitted to the Parliament. Details about compliance
with proactive disclosure Guidelines should mandatorily be included in the relevant chapter
• Formatted: Font: 14
pt, Bold
Formatted: Normal,
South Block,
New Delhi — 110 011
(Dheeraj upta)
Joint Secretary to PM
Tel. No. 2301 5944
f 63 02E3
South Block,
New Delhi — 110 011
2. It has been observed that DoPT has not clarified in the proposal
whether DoPT can 'prescribe' or 'mandate' suo moto disclosure of
additional items through guidelines. In this connection, attention is drawn
to Section 4(1)(b)(xvii) of the RTI Act which stipulates that a public
authority shall publish within 120 days from the enactment of the Act 'such
other information as may be prescribed'. Further, Section 2 (g) states that "
`prescribed' means prescribed by rules made under this Act by the
appropriate Government or the competent authority, as the case may be".
(Dheer Gupta)
Joint Secretary to PM
Tel. No. 2301 5944
1.0 The scheme of Section 4 applies uniformly to all public authorities even though they
suitable templates it would not only improve the quality of disclosures but would also
facilitate more transparency in governance. For example, in the case of Public Distribution
System (PDS) disclosures at the level of Fair Price Shops (FPS) should go down to the level of
ration card holder, while at the level of district/state, agencies dealing with the disclosures
would need to be more broad-based. Keeping this in view four areas were identified for
development of templates.
(b) Panchayats;
These four areas have been selected on the ground that they constitute some of the most
significant services being provided at the ground level. However, it is recommended that
similar templates need to be worked out for other important areas such as health services,
relation to the above four areas are enclosed at the end of the guidelines. The general
principles which should be adopted for disclosure at various levels are given below:
Section 4(4) of the RTI Act states that information should be disseminated taking into
consideration 'the most effective method of communication in that local area and the
information should be easily accessible'. Given the limited reach and accessibility of the
internet in India, information disclosures, as far as practically possible, must also be done
locally in a form and manner that is easily accessible to people. It is recommended that at
• village / block level relevant information should be painted on walls and provided on boards
citizen (eg. ration card, school books etc.) should be used as a mode of disclosure.
Information in the local language can be printed on such documents. Stickers can be used to
Panchayat is the first public authority or unit which has an interface with citizens. In
their case many of the information can be painted on the walls. However, all the
information that is painted on the walls should also be kept ready for perusal in a "RTI
Proactive Disclosure File". This file should also contain details of all the moneys received and
all the guidelines which are sent to Panchayats by various government authorities for
implementation of schemes.
works as a Gram Panchayat Secretary and a PIO in Gujarat. Even before the RTI Act
was in place, Yakubbhai was fond of using folk lyrics as a medium of disseminating
information. In his Gram Sabha, he talks about various scheme by connecting it with
incidents in the village and sings a folk song marking the specific characteristics of a
scheme. His Gram Sabhas are frequented by large numbers of residents on a regular
organizing the 'Village Mela (fair)' or any Folk Fair that is conducted in the region.
This can also be done in collaboration with village youth mandal, or SHG or any
Independence Day, Republic Day". This works very effectively in the villages, and
• Community radio can become another media of dissemination of info. This proves
very effective.
• In Panchmahal district, Gujarat, during the RTI campaign for pro-active disclosures it
was observed that the multi-media vehicle used for dissemination of information
was widely accepted. The pamphlets, guidelines of various schemes, including forms
were disseminated by "RTI on Wheels" a multimedia vehicle. The films and case
• In Goa, it's a regular practice that details of the gram sabha are reported in local
• Other media like street plays, puppet shows can also be used for information
• If there are any specific programmes or schemes meant specifically for the region or
village then in such cases, pro-active disclosure should be prepared in the form of
Template 1.1: Entitlement, scale of issue and retail issue price of essential commodities
for all types of ration cards
3 List of records held by the FPS- Stock register, sale register, list of cardholders attached
to the shop, etc.
Complaints Register
Ration cardholders can register their complaints in the complaints register available in the Fair Price
Shop. Cardholders can demand inspection of the complaints register.
e.g. 1800-1117222-333
Template 1.4: Public audit of records of the FPS (details later in the section "Proposed
new measures")
Under the RTI Act, citizens have the right to access information from the
Department of Food and Civil Supplies.
Name, designation and contact details of relevant officials under the RTI Act
Board verified by On
II. Disclosures at the block/ panchayat* level office (*or other appopriate authority for
areas under the sixth schedule of the Constitution and for urban areas)
Template 1: Entitlement, scale of issue and retail issue price of essential commodities for
all types of ration cards
2 Inspector
Complaints Register
Ration cardholders can register their complaints in the complaints register available in the Fair Price
Shop. Cardholders can demand inspection of the complaints register.
State-level toll free INFORMATION and GRIEVANCE REDRESS HELPLINE (details later in
the section 'Proposed new measures')
e.g. 1800-111-222-333
Complaints regarding the functioning of the Public Distribution System can be made to:
•Helpline number:
•At the Block level:
•At the District level
•At the State level
Vigilance committees at all levels
Other relevant authority Template 5: Status of complaints filed
6. Public audit of records of the FPS (details later in the section -Proposed new measures")
Template 8: List of ration cardholders
Applications pending
• The list of all cards (attached to the shop) must be displayed securely,
in an accessible place at the Block/Panchayat- level office. The print
out of the list could be stuck on the wall and a register be maintained
which should be available for inspection on demand.
• The list should be painted in the village
Template 9: Procedure for applying for a new APL, BPL and AAY ration card/o ther
services and the time-frame for disposal
Procedure for applying for a new APL, BPL and AAY ration card/other services and the
time-frame for disposal
Type of Card Eligibility Documents Fee, if any Time-frame for disposal
APL Card
BPL Card/
AAY Card
Modification to
Under the RTI Act, citizens have the right to access information from the
Department of Food and Civil Supplies.
•Applications for seeking information have to be submitted in writing with prescribed fee, to Public
Information Officer (PIO) or Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO).
• RTI application fee is Rs. & photocopy charges for providing copies of records is Rs. per
• No fee for citizens below the poverty line
• Information will be provided within 30 days
• If information is not provided within the stipulated time-frame, first appeal can be to the First
Appellate Authorty in the Department, and the Second appeal can be filed to the Information
• If information is not provided in time, a penalty of Rs. 250 per day, subject to a maximum on Rs.
25000 can be levied on the PIO by the Information Commission.
• Under Section 4 of the Act, the department is required to proactively provide information to
citizens. The Section 4 publication is available in the office of the PIO in room no. and
can be inspected any time during office hours for free.
Name, designation and contact details of relevant officials under the RTI Act
All documents of this office can be inspected by citizens and photocopies can be
taken at actual cost
All documents of this office can be inspected by citizens and photocopies can
be taken at actual cost
Edible oil
Bajra/ millet
Complaints Register
Ration cardholders can register their complaints in the complaints register available in the Fair Price Shop.
Cardholders can demand inspection of the complaints register.
State-level toll free INFORMATION and GRIEVANCE REDRESS HELPLINE (details later in the
section 'Proposed new measures')
e.g. 1800-111-222-333
2 Assistant Commissioner-
3 Food Supplies Officer -
4 Inspector -
5 -
Applications pending
The list of all cards (attached to the shop) must be displayed at the
Block/Panchayat- level office and at the FPS. The print out of the list could be
stuck on the wall and a register be maintained which should be available for
inspection on demand.
Template 9: Procedure for applying for new card/other services and time-frame for
disposal of applications
Procedure for applying for a new APL, BPL and AAY ration card/other services and the
time-frame for disposal
Type of Card Eligibility Documents Fee, if any Time-frame for disposal
APL Card
BPL Card/
AAY Card
Modification to
Under the RTI Act, citizens have the right to access information from the
Department of Food and Civil Supplies.
Name, designation and contact details of relevant officials under the RTI Act
Public Information Officer (PIO) Name of Designation of officer Office Mobile phone no.
Note: The MIS used by Chhatisgarh and Tamil Nadu are extremely comprehensive and
provide real-time information on the functioning of the PDS. While the Chhatisgarh website
has free public access to the MIS (N\ NA, .cg.nic.in/citizen), the Tamil Nadu MIS is only for
internal use and is not accessible by the public. All the content listed out in this section is
already being recorded in real-time in Chhatisgarh/Tamil Nadu. Other states can emulate the
model of these 2 states.
All this information should be provided in a searchable format. The website should not
require any password/login to access/view this information. The MIS of the Department
should be completely visible to people accessing the site.
2. Details about PIO and Appellate Authorities under RTI act 2005 (Should be displayed on
outside wall of the Panchayat)
Heads Name Designation Phone Number Address
Second Appellate
Kindly bring to the notice of PIO if any information disclosed on the walls is misleading or wrong,
or not updated. Citizen may also file complaint under section 18 of RTI ac to State information
❖ Citizen has right to take photocopy, right to inspect the work and records, held by any
public authority.
❖ Approach Public information Officer for information.
❖ Application for information need to be submitted to public information officer with
application fee which can be paid by:
❖ If you need assistance in writing application, PIO is suppose to help you as per provisions
of the act.
❖ PIO is suppose to furnish you information within 30 days. If information is not held by
Panchayt, PIO may transfer your application to respective public authority.
• Any information provided after prescribed time limit will be given free of any charge.
❖ Citizen need not give application or application fee or wait for 30 days for inspecting any
information that is disclosed on the walls.
❖ Citizen may also file direct complaint under section 18 of RTI act, in case she/he not
getting info or getting misleading info.
❖ Citizen may file first appeal befoe applet authority.
Total population
Type of family
Total family
Antyoday card
Type population
Female Male Total/persons
Total Population of village (0 to 6 years
Schedule Caste
Schedule Tribe
Total Voters
Schedule Caste
Schedule tribe
Farmers (Land holders)
Schedule caste Farmers (Land holders)
ST Farmers (Land holders) (Tribal )/Adivasi
OBC Farmers (Land holders)
MINORITY Farmers (Land holders)
Type of Families
Total families Numbers
APL Families
Antodiyaya families
Ann-purnna families
Families having Toilets at their house
Families not having toilets at their house
Families having electricity connection
Families not having electricity connection
Families having agriculture land
Landless families
Marginal farmers
Families having Tap connection in their
Families dwelling Kucha houses
Families having pucca houses
Grazing land Hecters
Fallow Land Hecters
Wasteland Hecters
Village Revenue land
Species/type Numbers
hen /poultry
6. Panchayat employees' duties (functions) and authorities (information with
Patwari/village secretary) (file) , Gamsevak,
Panchayat secretary
Gram Sevak
3 Village 7 Every 2
Vigilance months
6 School
The minutes of meetings are available in the Panchayat and can be inspected free of any charge.
The copy can be obtained by paying photocopy charges.
Name of committee : Social Justice committee
Name of
Sr. Members Designations SC/ST/OBC/Others Female/Male
Name of
Sr. Members Designations SC/ST/OBC/Others Female/Male
Name of
Sr. Members Designations SC/ST/OBC/Others Female/Male
List of Records available for inspection free of charge at Panchayat Office. Copy can be obtained by
paying photocopy charges.
House tax
Sanitation tax
Light tax
Profession tax
Land revenue
Sewerage tax
Panchayat Budget
Revenue Private
of (Royalty,
Panchayat CSR,
(income of Grants donation Total other Total
Year panchayat) Received ** received income income) expenditure Balance
Handpump NA
Private wells
Public Wells
Sr. Scheme Who is What is Where Documents Time Who will Where
no entitled? the to required for limit of take the to file
benefit? apply applying decision decision appeal
Sr. Scheme Who is What is Where Documents Time Who will Where
no entitled? the to required for limit of take the to file
benefit? apply applying decision decision appeal
Name Remark
1. Housing Scheme
2. Pension Scheme (widow, old age, differently able)
3. Allotment of land patta
4. Bankable schemes
1 Roads
2 well recharge
3 check dams
4 Gutter
5 Sanitation
6 Anganwadi
7 School
9 drinking water pipeline
101 Others
1. Birth Registration
2. Death registration
3. Valuation of house or shop
4. Entries of land entitlements in the register.
Post office
Fire brigade house
Veterinary clinic
seeds distribution
Women groups
Children groups
1. All the above information should be on the except those table where is specifically
mentioned for keeping it only in the file.
2. Copy of all GRs, circulars, GOs, OMs, policies, rules, guidelines received by Panchayat, or
reports, budgets, list of proposed beneficiaries, submitted by Panchayat should be marked
to RTI file (pro-active disclosure file). This will a copy of the citizen.
Name of the Job Num Year
card holder ber 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15
Da Amo Da Amo Da Amo Da Amo Da Amo
ys unt ys unt ys unt ys unt ys tint
Name of work/description
Sanction cost of work
Date of work started
expected date of work completion
No of workers present Physically pregnant other total
Number of Sanctioned Posts
Number of Vacant Posts
Number of Teachers on Deputation
Please make available service conditions and transfer policy of all teachers in hard copy
This information to be compiled and kept available for each academic year
Categor Class
ies Class II III Class Class V Class Class Class
Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir Bo Gir
ys Is ys Is ys Is ys Is ys Is ys Is ys Is ys Is
n with
Issue 8: Copy of the Three Year Long SDP, with annual sub-parts, Copy of the DISE
Report Card
To be made available in hard copy: copy of order of State Government on MDM as per
Supreme Court order, supply register of MDM- norm of supply/delivery to include
2 ?
amount and date of delivery on a monthly basis, actual date of delivery and actual
amount received, and payment register/record on MDM-Name of cook, payment
received-date and amount of the payment received by the cook.
Si. No. Name of Inspector Date of Details of officer from who Inspection
Visit report can be accessed
Please also mention where the first-aid box is available in the school
Sample Board 13: Schemes and Programmes Implemented in School: (Hard Copy)
Including under innovation fund, PPP, others and principal components of the same.
Sample Board 14. Support system for Children with Special Needs: (Hard Copy)
Under the RTI Act, citizens have the right to access information from the school and the
Department of Education.
• Applications for seeking information have to be submitted in writing with prescribed
fee, to Public Information Officer (PIO) or Assistant Public Information Officer
• RTI application fee is Rs. and photocopy charges for providing copies of records
is Rs. per page.
• No fee for citizens below the poverty line
• Information will be provided within 30 days
• In case information is incomplete or unsatisfactory, first appeal to be made to the First
Appellate Authority
Name, designation and contact details of relevant officials under the RTI Act
Official in custody of Name of Designation of Room no. Mobile phone
information in hard copy officer officer and Public no.
in school Dealing
1. Organogram
2. Copy of the Citizen's Charter
3. School wise School Development Plans (SDPs)
4. Process document of compilation of School Development Plans (SDPs)
5. Copy of Aggregated SDP
6. District Plan under SSA- Details of the planning process undertaken, including time
when it is done at each stage and names of people responsible.
7. District Report Card of DISE
8. All circulars/orders/notice/notifications issued to be displayed for the period of week,
summary of orders, backlog/previous orders/circulars/notice/notifications can be
obtained at particular time from particular person. The name, designation, and time of
availability for public viewing to be clearly displayed on board.
9. Information of all projects running in District- including government schemes,
schemes functioning under Innovation Fund and those under PPP mode. Details to be
included are- department running scheme, nature of input provided/service provided
under partnership, quantum of funds disbursed by government, name of private
partners and contribution of private partner (if applicable).
10. District office to display/make available all information of eachblock-
Block 1 Block 2
Number of Schools Overall
Elementary Schools
Elementary (Class 1-8)
Total Schools having elementary
Total Schools RTE compliant on
teacher availability
Total Schools RTE compliant on
Total Schools RTE compliant on all
Higher Secondary
Pre- Primary Education
ICDS Centres
Schools with PS section
Specified Category Schools
Kendriya V idyalaya
Sainik Schools
Narvodaya Schools
SC Hostels
Tribal Ashrams
Residential Schools
Residential Bridge Course
Non-Residential Bridge Course
Seasonal Hostels
Model Schools
Special Schools for Children with
disability (will also need to be broken
into multi-disability special schools,
and for the individual specific
Schools imparting special training
within the existing school premises
and ongoing processes
Private Schools
Total seats in the incoming school
Total seats reserved for weaker /disadvantaged section (as per aid)
* Information about villages/schools where these are provided to made available on request.
12.Names of teachers receiving awards for meritorious work and name of awards
15. Teacher training Institutes- DIET, Private B.Ed College, BRC, etc.- Number, Courses
Run, Number of Seats, Free/Paid, Institution has been granted recognition by what
16. Inspection reports: for both government and private schools to be made available. The
data to include, name of inspector, number of schools under him/her, dates of the
visits made to the schools allocated to him/her, and details of inspection undertaken.
(To be compiled and made available on a monthly basis)
S. Na Addr Recogni Affiliat Name Total No. No. of No Cont Period Status
N me ess tion ion to of No of seat applicati of act of of RTE
o Status which societ seats s ons sea perso admiss complia
Board y/ (incom and received is n in ion nce
manag ing er fill the (startin
ing class) 25 ed scho g&
body % of closing
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Section 4 of the Right to Information Act. 2005 sets out a practical regime of
transparency in the working of the public authorities by way of disclosure of as
much information to the public as possible, suo-motu so that the public may not
have to resort to section 6. It is an important part of the Act observance of which is
essential for its effective implementation.
2. Clause (a) of sub-section (1) of the section makes it obligatory for every
public authority to maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed. Record
management in accordance with this provision is an important step to enable the
Public Information Officers to furnish information sought under the Act. The
clause also requires the public authority to have its records computerized and
connected through a network all over the country. The public authorities are
expected to complete the requirements of this clause on top !Priority.
3. Clause (b) of the Sub-section ibid mandates the public authorities to publish
the information mentioned therein within one hundred and twenty days from the
date of enactment of the Act. It is expected that all public authorities would have
complied with this requirement already. if it has not been done, its compliance
may be ensured without any further delay. Information so published should also
be updated every year as provided in the Act.
4. It is obligatory for all the public authorities under clause (c) of sub section
( I) of section 4 of the Act to publish all relevant facts while formulating important
policies and announcinz, decisions affecting the public. 1 hey, under clause (d), are
also obliged to provide reasons for their administrative or quasi judicial decisions
to the affected parties.
6. All the Ministries/Departments etc. are requested to comply with the above
referred requirements of the Act and also to issue necessary instructions :o the
public authorities under them .for compliance of the same.
I)irect or
Tel: 2309215.8
Tel. No.23092158
F. No. 1/ 8/2012-IR
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Office Memorandum
Sub: Suo motu disclosure on official tours of Ministers and other officials.
Sub-Section (2) of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005 requires every public authority
to take steps in accordance with the requirements of clause (b) of sub-section (1) to
provide as much information suo motu to the public at regular intervals through various
means of communications, including internet, so that the public have minimum resort
to use the Act to obtain information.
2. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that public authorities are
receiving RTI applications frequently asking for details of the official tours undertaken
by Ministers and other officials of the Ministries/Departments concerned. In compliance
with the provisions of Section 4 of the RTI Act, 2005, it is advised that Public
Authorities may proactively disclose the details of foreign and domestic official tours
undertaken by Minister(s) and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government
of India and above and Heads of Departments, since 1st January, 2012. The disclosures
may be updated once every quarter starting from 1st July, 2012.
Sa.,)\ 1c"---\
(San ep Jain)
Tele: 23092755
The undersigned is directed to send herewith a copy of the minutes of the meeting
of Committee of Secretaries held on 12th December, 2012 at 12.00 Noon in the
Committee Room, Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi, on above cited
.26ri P. K. Misra, Secretary, D/o Personnel & Training.
Shri R.K. Singh, Home Secretary, M/o Home Affairs.
Dr. K. Radhakrishnan, Secretary, D/o Space.
Dr. R.K. Sinha, Secretary, D/o Atomic Energy.
Shri V. Rajagopalan, Secretary, M/o Environment & Forests.
Shri R.S. Gujral, Finance Secretary & Secretary, D/o Expenditure
Shri Arvind Mayaram, Secretary, D/o Economic Affairs.
Shri J. Satyanarayana, Secretary, D/o Electronics & Information Technology.
Shri Anil Goswami, Secretary, D/o Social Justice & Empowerment.
Shri B. A. Agarwal, Secretary, D/o Legal Affairs.
Shri P. K. Malhotra, Secretary, Legislative Department.
16 Copies
No. 501/2/13/2011-CA.V
(iii) Transfer policy and transfer orders : - The representatives of D/o Atomic
Energy, D/o Space and MHA expressed apprehensions regarding application of the
guidelines to their Departments in the matter of transfer policy and transfer orders.
They apprehended an increase in the number of RTI applications and court cases
relating to such transfers and postings, which may sometimes be made as
exceptions to the laid down transfer policy. Concerns were also raised on transfers
and postings made keeping in mind the sensitivity of various posts. They wanted to
be exempted from the purview of these guidelines. While clarifying that the draft
guidelines provide for non- applicability in cases of transfers made keeping in view
the sovereignty, integrity, security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the
State and information covered under Section 8 of the RTI Act, Secretary (Personnel)
said that the inclusion of these organizations in the second schedule to the RTI Act
could be examined separately. These guidelines may also not apply to security and
intelligence organizations under the second schedule to the RTI Act. After
discussions, it was decided to retain the proposed provisions in the guidelines.
(iv) Sensitive Posts: - While discussing the background of the CVC's instructions
in this regard, it was decided to delete this from the guidelines as proactive
disclosure regarding sensitive posts may lead to targeting of officers holding these
(v) RTI Queries: - All the participants were in agreement with the proposed
provision in the guidelines. In addition, it was decided that all Public Authorities may
be directed to place FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) on their websites. The
suggestion of having a common portal in the DoP&T website for FAQs was not
considered feasible in view of the enormity of data.
(vi) CAG & PAC paras : - The guidelines on this provision were discussed in the
background of various interim stages related to CAG/PAC paras which could give a
skewed picture of the issues involved. Joint Secretary, D/o Economic Affairs stated
that disclosing the CAG paras proactively should be done only after finalization of the
CAG Report. Also, it was noted that CAG & PAC reports are already available on
the websites of the CAG and the Parliament. After discussions, it was decided that
Public Authorities shall proactively disclose the CAG & PAC paras and the Action
Taken Reports (ATRs) thereon, only after these have been laid on the Table of both
Houses of the Parliament. However, CAG paras dealing with information about the
issues of sovereignty, integrity, security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of
the State and the information covered under Section 8 of the RTI Act would continue
to be exempt.
(vii) Citizens Charter: - The view of the Committee was to retain the provision in
the guidelines in the present form.
(ix) Foreign Tours of PM/Ministers: - It was stated that the Office Memorandum
in this regard has already been issued with the approval of the Prime Minister.
(x) Guidelines for Digital Publication : Secretary, DeitY was of the view that
these guidelines are feasible. He, however, suggested that the following clause may
be inserted under para 2.2 of the guidelines, after the clause (k):-
(xi) Guidelines . for section 4(1)(b)(iii): - " the procedure followed in the
decision making processes including channels of supervision and
3.3.3 (a) Every public authority may specifically identify the major
outputs/tangible results/ services / goods as applicable that it is responsible
for providing to the public or to whosoever is the client of the public authority.
(xii) The participants agreed to the paras 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6 of the proposed
guidelines dealing with Section 4(1)(b)(iv), Section 4(1)(b)(xi), Section
(xiv) Annual report to CIC: - It was observed that the requirement of submission
of the Annual Report on compliance of the proactive suo-motu disclosure scheme to
the Central Information Commission is beyond the statutory requirement. The
suggestion made by the representative of the CIC that in its place the URL link to
proactive disclosure to be provided on the CIC's website was agreed to.
(xv) Paras 4.4 and 4.5 of the draft guidelines were agreed to.
(xvi) As regards templates for State Governments, it was agreed that the
guidelines being recommendatory in nature for the State Governments, the
templates may be sent to the State Governments for adoption.
• 5.
In the light of the above discussions, the CoS recommended to accept the
proposed guidelines subject to the following modifications: -
(a) To delete the words 'which may change subsequently' in para 1.1 of
the draft guidelines.
(b) To delete para 1.4 relating to the sensitive posts from the guidelines.
(c) To add FAQs to be uploaded on its website in context of para 1.5.
(d) To modify para 1.6 to read as "Public Authorities shall proactively
disclose the CAG & PAC paras and the Action Taken Reports (ATRs)
only after these have been laid on the Tables of both Houses of the
Parliament. However, CAG paras dealing with information about the
issues of sovereignty, integrity, security, strategic, scientific or
economic interests of the State and the information covered under
Section 8 of the RTI Act would be exempt."
(e) To add "subject to the provisions of sections 8 to 11 of the RTI Act" in
para 1.8.
(f) To insert the following clause in para 2.2, after the clause (k):-
"(I) Every webpage displaying information or data proactively disclosed
under the RTI Act should, on top right corner, display the mandatory
field 'Date last updated (DD/MM/YY)'."
(g) To modify para 3.3.3 as under :
3.3.3 (a) Every public authority may specifically identify the major
outputs/tangible results/ services /goods as applicable that it is
responsible for providing to the public or to whosoever is the client of
the public authority.
3.3.3(b) In respect of (a) above, the decision-making chain may be
identified in the form of a flow chart explaining the rank/grade of the
public functionaries involved in the decision-making process clarifying
the specific stages in the decision-making hierarchy.
(h) To disclose the names of the third party auditors in para 4.2.2(c).
(i) To modify para 4.4 to provide for URL link to proactive disclosure to be
provided on the CIO's website.
(j) The templates for State Governments may be sent to them for their
6. The Department of Personnel & Training will issue the guidelines after
obtaining the approval of the competent authority.
1.0 Prescribing Additional items for suo motu disclosure under Section
4(1 )(b)(xvii)
Section 4(1)(b)(xvii) lays down that government may prescribe any additional item
which should also be included for suo motu disclosure. The following items should be
disclosed under the Suo motu disclosure Scheme of Section 4(1)(b):
1.9.1 A large number of RTI queries are being filed on official tours undertaken by
Ministers or officials of various Government Ministries/Departments. Information regarding
the nature, place and period of foreign and domestic tours of Prime Minister are already
disclosed on the PMO's website.
1.9.2 As per DoPT's OM No. 1/8/2012-IR dated , 2012 Public Authorities shall
proactively disclose the details of official tours undertaken by Minister(s) and officials since
1st January, 2012. The disclosures maybe updated once every quarter starting from 1st July,
2012. Public authorities shall disclose information about all official foreign tours undertaken
by the Minister(s) and officials; and information about official domestic tours undertaken by
Minister(s) and officers of the rank of Joint Secretaries to the Government of India and above
and Heads of Departments.
1.9.3. Information to be disclosed proactively should contain nature of the official tour,
places visited, the period, number of people included in the official delegation and total cost
of such travel undertaken. Exemptions under Section 8 of the RTI Act, 2005 may be taken
in view while disclosing the information. These instructions would not apply to security and
intelligence organisations under the second schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 and CVOs of
public authorities.
2.1 Section 4 lays down that information should be provided through many mediums
depending upon the level of public authority and the recipient of information (for example, in
case of Panchayat wall painting may be more effective means of dissemination of
information), more and more proactive disclosure would gradually be made through Internet.
There is need for more clear guidelines for web-based publication of information for
information disclosure.
2.2 The Department of Information Technology has been working on setting of technical
standards for government websites and the Department of Administrative Reforms & Public
• Grievances has published guidelines for websites of Government Departments. These
guidelines prescribe the manner in which websites need to be designed and how information
should be disclosed. While adhering to the standards of government guidelines as laid down
by Department of Information Technology and Department of Administrative Reforms &
Public Grievances the following principles additionally should also be kept in view to ensure
that websites' disclosures are complete, easily accessible, technology and platform neutral
and in a form which conveys the desired information in an effective and user-friendly
a) It should be the endeavor of all public authorities that all entitlements to citizens and
all transactions between the citizen and government are gradually made available
through computer based interface. The 'Electronic Service Delivery Bill' under
formulation in Government of India would provide the necessary impetus.
b) Websites should contain detailed information from the point of origin to the point of
delivery of entitlements/services provided by the Public Authorities to citizens.
c) Orders of the public authority should be issued only after such orders have been
uploaded on the website. Such a system exists in Andhra Pradesh and could be
adopted in other governments easily.
d) Website should contain all the relevant Acts, Rules, forms and other documents
which are normally accessed by citizens.
e) Websites should have detailed directory of key contacts, details of officials of the
Public Authority.
f) It is obligatory under Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) of the RTI Act for every Public Authority to
proactively disclose 'details in respect of the information, available to or held by it,
reduced in an electronic form'. In such a listing required under this section, indicate
which digitally held information is made available publicly over the internet and which
h) To maintain reliability of information and its real time updation, information generation
in a digital work flow should be 'locked' to key work outputs, like a muster roll and
salary slip (NREGA in Andhra Pradesh) or formalization of a government order
(Andhra Pradesh). Such an approach will lead to automation of proactive disclosure.
X3 43
i) Information must be presented from a user's perspective, which may require re-
arranging it, simplifying it etc. However, original documents in original formats should
continue to be made available because these are needed for community monitoring
of government's functioning.
The 'National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy' by the Department of Science
and Technology is based on the principle that all publicly funded information should
be readily available and works on the principle of open and restricted access to data.
The policy has been notified in March, 2012 and the schedule should be strictly
adhered to.
k) Information and data should be presented in open data formats whereby it can be
pulled by different Application Protocol Interfaces to be used in different fashions
more appropriate to specific contexts and needs. Information/ data can, for instance,
be presented in powerful visual ways using visualisation techniques. Such visual
representation of information/ data can give insights that may remain largely hidden
in a textual or tabular presentation of data. In some contexts, pictures and
audio/videos recordings etc may be more useful. There have been moves in some
part of the country to video record Gram Sabha meetings. A picture of a NREGA
worksite, for instance, may tell much more than words can. All such different media
and forms should be used for proactive disclosure.
3.0 Guidelines for certain clauses of Section 4(1)(b) to make disclosures more
3.2 Considering that disclosures in regard to certain clauses have been relatively weak,
detailed guidelines for four clauses are given below:
3.3 Guidelines for section 4(1)(b)(iii) - "the procedure followed in the decision-making
processes including channels of supervision and accountability".
3.3.1 All, government departments have specific duties and responsibilities under the
respective Allocation of Business Rules (AOB) issued by the appropriate Government. The
constitutional provisions and statutes each department is required to implement are clearly
laid down in the AOB. The manner of disposal of matters assigned to each
Department/Ministry is described in the Transaction of Business Rules (TOB). Additionally,
every department would have a specific set of schemes and development programmes
which they are required to implement directly or through their subordinate offices or other
designated agencies. These documents contain the specific operations that every Public
Authority is required to undertake in the course of implementing the programme or scheme.
Every operation mandated under the AOB read with the TOB would be linked to a specific
decision-making chain. All government officers have to follow laid down office procedure
manual or the other rules which gives details of how representations, petitions and
applications from citizens must be dealt with. Templates, formats, and basic steps of
decision-making are briefly explained in such manuals. These descriptions constitute the
elements of decision-making processes in general.
3.3.3 In view of the above, the following guidelines for detailing the decision making
processes are as follows:
(a) Every public authority may specifically identify the major outputs/ tangible results/
services/ goods that it is responsible for providing to the public or to whosoever is the
client of the public authority.
(b) The decision-making chain may be identified in the form of a flow chart explaining the
rank/grade of the public functionaries involved in the decision-making process
clarifying the specific stages in the decision-making hierarchy.
(c) The powers of each officer including powers of supervision over subordinates
involved in the chain of decision-making must also be spelt out next to the flow chart
or in a simple bullet-pointed format in a text-box. The exceptional circumstances
when such standards decision-making processes may be overridden and by whom
should also be explained clearly. Where decentralization of decision-making has
occurred in order to grant greater autonomy to public authorities, such procedures
must also be clearly explained.
(d) This design of representation may then be extended to cover all statutory and
discretionary operations that are part of the public authority's mandate under the
AOB read with the TOB.
3.4 Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(iv) - "the norms set by it for the discharge of its
3.4.1 Primarily, the intention of this clause is that every public authority should proactively
disclose the standards by which its performance should be judged. Norms may be qualitative
or quantitative in nature, or temporal or statutory norms. In order to ensure compliance with
this clause, public authorities would need to develop norms for major functions that are being
performed, if they do not already exist.
4 3.4.2 Citizen Charters, which are mandatory, for each central
Ministry/Department/Authority, are good examples of vehicles created for laying down norms
of performance for major functions and for monitoring achievements against those
3.4.3 Wherever norms have been specified for the discharge of its functions by any statute
or government orders, they should be proactively disclosed, particularly linking them with the
decision making processes as detailed earlier. All Public Authorities should proactively
disclose the following:
a) Defining the services and goods that the particular public authority/office provides
directly (or indirectly through any other agency/contractor).
b) Detailing and describing the processes by which the public can access and/or
receive the goods and services that they are entitled to, from the public
authority/office along with the forms, if any prescribed, for use by both the
applicant and the service providing agency. Links to such forms (online),
wherever available, should be given.
c) Describing the conditions, criteria and priorities under which a person becomes
eligible for the goods and services, and consequently the categories of people
who are entitled to receive the goods and services.
d) Defining the quantitative and tangible parameters, (weight, size, frequency etc,)
and timelines, that are applicable to the goods and services that are accessible to
the public.
f) Laying down individual responsibility for providing the goods and services (who is
responsible for delivery/implementation and who is responsible for supervision).
3.5 Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(xi)- "the budget allocated to each of its agency
indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on
disbursements made".
(a) Keeping in view of the technical nature of the government budgets, it is essential that
Ministries/Departments prepare simplified versions of their budgets which can be
understood easily by general public and keep them also in public domain.
Presentation of budgets and their periodic monitoring reports may also be presented
in a more user-friendly manner through graphs and tables, etc.
(d) Wherever required by law or executive instruction, sector specific allocations and
achievements of every department or public authority (where feasible) must be
highlighted. For example, budget allocation and target focusing on gender, children,
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and religious minorities should be specially
' highlighted. The sector-wise breakup of these targets and actual outcomes must be
given in simplified form to enable the vulnerable segments of society to understand
the budgets of public authorities better.
3.6 Guidelines for Section 4(1)(b)(xiv) - details of the kinds of information that they
themselves hold or information that is available to them, which is reduced in an
electronic form.
3.6.1 On the one hand, this clause serves as a means of proactively disclosing the
progress made in computerizing information under Section 4(1(a) of the RTI Act in a periodic
manner. On the other, it provides people with clarity about the kinds of electronic information
that, although not held by the public authority, is available to them, for example the stocks of
ration available with individual fair price shop may not be available with the District Civil
Supplies office, but may be available at a subordinate formation.
3.6.2 Keeping in view the varied levels of computerization of records and documents in
public authorities, data about records that have been digitized may be proactively disclosed
on the respective websites, excluding those records /files /information that are exempted
under Section 8. The data about digitized record may include the name of the record and
any categorization or indexing used; the subject matter and any other information that is
• required to be compiled in relation to a file as prescribed by Manual of Office Procedure (and
to be prescribed by MOP for electronic records that is under finalization by DARPG), the
division/ section/ unit/ office where the record is normally held; the person, with designation,
responsible for maintaining the record; and the life span of the record, as prescribed in the
relevant record retention schedule.
4.0 Compliance with provisions of suo motu (Proactive Disclosure) under the RTI
4.1 In order to monitor and enforce compliance with suo motu disclosure provisions both
the public authorities and Information Commissions should share the responsibility. At the
level of public authority responsibility should be given at senior levels for ensuring that
information is proactively disclosed and regularly updated as per the provisions of the Act.
Information Commissions would need to develop mechanisms to monitor whether action is
being taken as per the provisions of the Act and, if weaknesses are found, they are already
authorized to issue recommendations to public authorities under Section 25(5) of the Act.
The following guidelines are for improving compliance with the provisions of the RTI Act
regarding proactive disclosures.
4.2.2 The following steps should be taken by each Ministry/Public Authority under the
Proactive Disclosure Scheme.
a) Each Ministry/ Public Authority, within a period of 6 months from the date of issue of
these guidelines, should prepare a list of items they would be disclosing under PDS
along with the time period over which this exercise would be carried out. Each
Ministry/ Public Authority should list out the items they would disclose under the
scheme within one year, within two years and in three years time. Such detailed
planning is essential as a lot of information may need to be piloted and digitized for
b) The above scheme for disclosure should be sent to the Central Information
Commission and should also be included in the Public Authority's RFD and
disclosed on the web-site.
c) Each Ministry/ Public Authority should get its Proactive Disclosure Scheme audited
by third party every year. The audit should cover compliance with the Proactive
Disclosure Scheme as well as adequacy of the items included in the scheme. The
audit should examine whether there are any other type of information which is
feasible within the sources to be proactively disclosed. Such audit should be done
annually and should be communicated to the Central Information Commission
d) Central Information Commission should carry out sample audit and of few of the
Ministries/ Public Authority with regard to adequacy of items included and their
schedule for Proactive Disclosure Scheme as well as compliance of the Ministry/
Public Authority with the scheme. The Central Information Commission, for other
Ministries/ Public Authority should examine the third-party audit reports for each
Ministries/organization and offer their advice/recommendation on compliance with the
Proactive Disclosure Scheme to the concerned Ministries/organization.
e) Preparation of Proactive Disclosure Scheme, its audit by third party, its
communication to the Central Information Commission and the detailed and quality of
disclosure should be included as RFD target.
f) Proactive Disclosure Scheme would require collating a large quantum of information
and digitizing it. Therefore, Ministries/organization for this purpose, may engage
consultants or outsource such an additional efforts to expeditiously comply with the
Proactive Disclosure Scheme and for this purpose utilize the plans/non-plan funds of
that department.
g) For carrying out third part audit through outside consultants also Ministries/ Public
Authority should utilize their plan/non-plan funds.
1.0 The guidelines prescribed for the Central government Ministries/ departments are
illustrative for State governments and they may adopt the same with suitable modifications.
1.1 The Task Force had also deliberated on facilitating disclosure at different levels of
government and suggested templates in four areas. The State Governments are requested
to use these templates for suo-motu disclosure at various levels. State Governments may
prepare templates in more areas based on their experience. The guidelines for facilitating
disclosure at district and lower levels in State Governments and suggested templates for key
areas are placed below:
2.0 Guidelines for State Governments for facilitating disclosure at district and
lower levels of government through suggestive templates for key areas
2.1 The scheme of Section 4 applies uniformly to all public authorities even though they
may be constituted at different levels. It is felt that at different levels of administration
different level of detailing is required and if that could be facilitated by development of
suitable templates it would not only improve the quality of disclosures but would also
facilitate more transparency in governance. For example, in the case of Public Distribution
System (PDS) disclosures at the level of Fair Price Shops (FPS) should go down to the level
of ration card holder, while at the level of district/state, agencies dealing with the disclosures
would need to be more broad-based. Keeping this in view four areas were identified for
development of templates.
(a) Public Distribution System;
(b) Panchayats;
(c) MGNREGA; and
(d) Primary and Secondary Schools.
These four areas have been selected on the ground that they constitute some of the most
significant services being provided at the ground level. However, it is recommended that
similar templates need to be worked out for other important areas such as health services,
services relating to social benefits, etc.