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EE769: Intro to Machine Learning

Module 6: Clustering

Amit Sethi, EE, IIT Bombay



• Understand clustering approaches

• Understand clustering criteria

What is clustering
• Clustering is a type of unsupervised machine learning
• It is distinguished from supervised learning by the fact that there is
not an a priori output (i.e. no labels)
– The task is to learn the classification/grouping from the data
• A cluster is a collection of objects which are similar in some way
• Clustering is the process of grouping similar objects into groups
• E.g.: a group of people clustered based on their height and weight
• Normally, clusters are created using distance measures
– Two or more objects belong to the same cluster if they are “close” according to a
given distance (in this case geometrical distance like Euclidean or Manhattan)
• Another measure is conceptual
– Two or more objects belong to the same cluster if this one defines a concept common
to all that objects
– In other words, objects are grouped according to their fit to descriptive concepts, not
according to simple similarity measures
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 3
Unsupervised Learning
• Supervised learning used labeled data pairs (x, y) to
learn a function f : X→Y.
• But, what if we don’t have labels?

• No labels = unsupervised learning

• Only some points are labeled = semi-supervised
– Labels may be expensive to obtain, so we only get a few.

• Clustering is the unsupervised grouping of data

points. It can be used for knowledge discovery.
Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 4
Can you spot the clusters here?

Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 5

How about here?
Another example
K-Means Clustering
K-Means ( k , data )
• Randomly choose k cluster
center locations (centroids).
• Loop until convergence
• Assign each point to the
cluster of the closest centroid.
• Reestimate the cluster
centroids based on the data
assigned to each.
• Hope that some “natural”
clusters will be found

Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 8

K-Means Clustering
K-Means ( k , data )
• Randomly choose k cluster
center locations (centroids).
• Loop until convergence
• Assign each point to the
cluster of the closest centroid.
• Reestimate the cluster
centroids based on the data
assigned to each.
• Hope that some “natural”
clusters will be found

Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 9

K-Means Clustering
K-Means ( k , data )
• Randomly choose k cluster
center locations (centroids).
• Loop until convergence
• Assign each point to the
cluster of the closest centroid.
• Reestimate the cluster
centroids based on the data
assigned to each.
• Hope that some “natural”
clusters will be found

Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 10

K-Means Clustering
K-Means ( k , data )
• Randomly choose k cluster
center locations (centroids).
• Loop until convergence
• Assign each point to the
cluster of the closest centroid.
• Reestimate the cluster
centroids based on the data
assigned to each.
• Hope that some “natural”
clusters will be found

Slide adapted from Andrew Moore, CMU 11

K-means objective function,
e.g. for facility location
Why should k-means converge?

Updates only happen if the distance decreases!!

Variants of k-means
K – means: Strengths and weaknesses

• Strengths
– Relatively efficient: where N is no. objects, K is no. clusters, and T is
no. iterations. Normally, K, T << N.
– Procedure always terminates successfully (but see below)

• Weaknesses
– Does not necessarily find the most optimal configuration
– Significantly sensitive to the initial randomly selected cluster centres
– Applicable only when mean is defined (i.e. can be computed)
– Need to specify K, the number of clusters, in advance

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 15

Questions in clustering
• So, the goal of clustering is to determine the intrinsic grouping
in a set of unlabeled data
• But how to decide what constitutes a good clustering?
• It can be shown that there is no absolute “best” criterion
which would be independent of the final aim of the clustering
• Consequently, it is the user which must supply this criterion,
to suit the application
• Some possible applications of clustering
– data reduction – reduce data that are homogeneous (similar)
– find “natural clusters” and describe their unknown properties
– find useful and suitable groupings
– find unusual data objects (i.e. outlier detection)

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 16

Clustering – Major approaches
• Exclusive (partitioning)
– Data are grouped in an exclusive way, one data can only belong to one cluster
– Eg: K-means
• Agglomerative
– Every data is a cluster initially and iterative unions between the two nearest
clusters reduces the number of clusters
– Eg: Hierarchical clustering
• Overlapping
– Uses fuzzy sets to cluster data, so that each point may belong to two or more
clusters with different degrees of membership
– In this case, data will be associated to an appropriate membership value
– Eg: Fuzzy C-Means
• Probabilistic
– Uses probability distribution measures to create the clusters
– Eg: Gaussian mixture model clustering, which is a variant of K-means
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 17
Agglomerative clustering criteria
• Single linkage

• Average linkage

• Max linkage
Agglomerative clustering
• K-means approach starts out with a fixed number of clusters
and allocates all data into the exactly number of clusters
• But agglomeration does not require the number of clusters K
as an input
• Agglomeration starts out by forming each data as one cluster
– So, data of N object will have N clusters
• Next by using some distance (or similarity) measure, reduces
the number so clusters (one in each iteration) by merging
• Finally, we have one big cluster than contains all the objects
• But then what is the point of having one big cluster in the end?

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 19

• While merging cluster one by one, we can draw a tree diagram
known as dendrogram
• Dendrograms are used to represent agglomerative clustering
• From dendrograms, we can get any number of clusters
• Eg: say we wish to have 2 clusters, then cut the top one link
– Cluster 1: q, r
– Cluster 2: x, y, z, p
• Similarly for 3 clusters, cut 2 top links
– Cluster 1: q, r
– Cluster 2: x, y, z
– Cluster 3: p

A dendrogram example
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 20
Hierarchical clustering - algorithm
• Hierarchical clustering algorithm is a type of agglomerative clustering

• Given a set of N items to be clustered, hierarchical clustering algorithm:

1. Start by assigning each item to its own cluster, so that if you have N items, you
now have N clusters, each containing just one item
2. Find the closest distance (most similar) pair of clusters and merge them into a
single cluster, so that now you have one less cluster
3. Compute pairwise distances between the new cluster and each of the old
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all items are clustered into a single cluster of size N
5. Draw the dendogram, and with the complete hierarchical tree, if you want K
clusters you just have to cut the K-1 top links

Note any distance measure can be used: Euclidean, Manhattan, etc

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 21

An example
Hierarchical clustering algorithm– step 3
• Computing distances between clusters for Step 3 can
be implemented in different ways:
– Single-linkage clustering
• The distance between one cluster and another cluster is computed as the
shortest distance from any member of one cluster to any member of the
other cluster

– Complete-linkage clustering (max linkage)

• The distance between one cluster and another cluster is computed as the
greatest distance from any member of one cluster to any member of the
other cluster

– Centroid clustering (similar to average linkage)

• The distance between one cluster and another cluster is computed as the
distance from one cluster centroid to the other cluster centroid
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 23
Hierarchical clustering algorithm– step 3

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 24

Hierarchical clustering – an example
• Assume X=[3 7 10 17 18 20]
1. There are 6 items, so create 6 clusters initially

2. Compute pairwise distances of clusters (assume Manhattan distance)

The closest clusters are 17 and 18 (with distance=1), so merge these two
clusters together

3. Repeat step 2 (assume single-linkage):

The closest clusters are cluster17,18 to cluster20 (with distance |18-20|=2),
so merge these two clusters together

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 25

Hierarchical clustering – an example
• Go on repeat cluster mergers until one big cluster remains

• Draw dendrogram (draw it in reverse of the cluster mergers) –

remember the height of each cluster corresponds to the
manner of cluster agglomeration

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 26

Where will you cut a dendogram?
• Fixed number of clusters

• Distance-based upper bound

• Some natural largest merge distance

Density-based clustering, e.g. DBSCAN
• Identify core points
– at least minPts points are within distance ε
• Identify directly reachable points
– a non-core point within distance ε from a core point

• Identify reachable points

• there is a path p1,
..., pn with p1 = p and pn = q,
where each pi+1 is directly
reachable from pi
• Rest are outlier points
• Clusters contain at least one core
• What happens when K is small?

• What happens when K is large?

• What happens when we use intra-cluster

distance as a measure instead of K?

• What happens if we scale a dimension?

Impact of intra-cluster distance

Impact of scaling a dimension

Clustering validity problem
• Problem 1: A problem we face in clustering is to
decide the optimal number of clusters that fits a data
• Problem 2: The various clustering algorithms behave
in a different way depending on
– the features of the data set the features of the data set
(geometry and density distribution of clusters)
– the input parameters values (e.g.: for K-means, initial
cluster choices influence the result)
– So, how do we know which clustering method is
• We need a clustering quality criteria
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 32
Clustering validity problem
• In general, good clusters, should have
– High intra–cluster similarity, i.e. low variance among intra-cluster members
where variance for x is defined by 1 N
var(x)   i
N  1 i 1
( x  x ) 2

with as the mean of x x 5
• Eg: if x=[2 4 6 8], then so var(x)=6.67
• Computing intra-cluster similarity is simple
• Eg: for the clusters shown
• var(cluster1)=2.33 while var(cluster2)=12.33
• So, cluster 1 is better than cluster 2
• Note: use ‘var’ function in MATLAB to compute variance
Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 33
Clustering Quality Criteria
• But this does not tell us anything about how good is the overall clustering or on
the suitable number of clusters needed!
• To solve this, we also need to compute inter-cluster variance
• Good clusters will also have low inter–cluster similarity, i.e. high variance among
inter-cluster members in addition to high intra–cluster similarity, i.e. low variance
among intra-cluster members
• One good measure of clustering quality is Davies-Bouldin index
• The others are:
– Dunn’s Validity Index
– Silhouette method
– C–index
– Goodman–Kruskal index
• So, we compute DB index for different number of clusters, K and the best value of
DB index tells us on the appropriate K value or on how good is the clustering

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 34

Davies-Bouldin index
• It is a function of the ratio of the sum of within-cluster (i.e. intra-cluster)
scatter to between cluster (i.e. inter-cluster) separation
• Because a low scatter and a high distance between clusters lead to low
values of Rij , a minimization of DB index is desired
• Let C={C1,….., Ck} be a clustering of a set of N objects:
1 k
DB  . Ri
k i 1
var(Ci )  var(C j )
with Ri  max Rij and Rij 
j 1,..k ,i  j i j || ci  c j ||
where Ci is the ith cluster and ci is the centroid for cluster i

Numerator of Rij is a measure of intra-cluster similarity while the denominator

is a measure of inter-cluster separation
Note, Rij=Rji

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 35

Davies-Bouldin index example
• For eg: for the clusters shown
var(Ci )  var(C j )
• Compute Rij  Note, variance of one element is
i j || ci  c j || zero and centroid is simply the
element itself
• var(C1)=0, var(C2)=4.5, var(C3)=2.33
• Centroid is simply the mean here, so c1=3, c2=8.5, c3=18.33
• So, R12=1, R13=0.152, R23=0.797

• Now, compute Ri  max Rij

j 1,..k ,i  j

• R1=1 (max of R12 and R13); R2=1 (max of R21 and R23); R3=0.797 (max of R31
and R32)
• Finally, compute 1 k
DB  . Ri
• DB=0.932 k i 1

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 36

Davies-Bouldin index example (ctd)
• For eg: for the clusters shown

• Compute var(Ci )  var(C j )

Rij 
i j || ci  c j ||
• Only 2 clusters here
• var(C1)=12.33 while var(C2)=2.33; c1=6.67 while
• R12=1.26 Ri  max Rij
• Now compute j 1,..k ,i  j

• Since we have only 2 clusters here, R1=R12=1.26;

• Finally, compute 1 k
DB  . Ri
• DB=1.26 k i 1

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 37

Davies-Bouldin index example (ctd)
• DB with 2 clusters=1.26, with 3 clusters=0.932
• So, K=3 is better than K=2 (since DB smaller, better clusters)
• In general, we will repeat DB index computation for all cluster
sizes from 2 to N-1
• So, if we have 10 data items, we will do clustering with
K=2,…..9 and then compute DB for each value of K
– K=10 is not done since each item is its own cluster
• Then, we decide the best clustering size (and the best set of
clusters) would be the one with minimum values of DB index

• NOTE: This still does not address the impact of scaling a

dimension. “Standardizing” the dimensions can address it so
some extent

Note: Adapted from R. Palaniappan 38

Spectral Clustering

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