PEC Question With Reference

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1. Exposed live parts within porcelain a. 13mm 6. Which of the following is not a a.

110 amp
fixtures shall be suitably recessed and standard size fuse?
located so as to make it improbable b. 15mm b. 125 amp
that wires will come in contact with
them. There shall be a spacing of at c. 20mm c. 75 amp
least ____ between live parts and the
mounting plane of the fixture. d. 25mm d. 250 amp

2. Outlets for specific appliances such a. 1500 7. Which of the following is not a. industrial
as laundry equipment shall be within considered an electric vehicle by the fork lift
____ mm of the appliance. b. 1800 Code? b. vans

c. 1200 c. busses

d. 2000 d. trucks

3. An enclosure designed either for a. panel board 8. The P.E.C. covers ____. a. l and lV only
surface or flush mounting and provided l. gas welders
with a frame, mat, or trim in which a b. switchboard ll. DC rectifier arc welder b. l, ll and lll
swinging door or doors are or may be lll. motor-generator arc welders only
hung is a ____. c. wire way lV. Resistance welders c. ll, lll and lV
d. cabinet d. l, ll, lll, and
4. A metal elbow that is installed in an a. 450 9. Type FCC cable wiring system is a. tile
underground installation of rigid designed for installation under ____.
nonmetallic conduit and is isolated b. 500 b. carpet
from possible contact by a minimum
cover of _____ mm to any part of the c. 460 c. carpet
elbow shall not be grounded. squares
d. 480 d. concrete

5. To prevent the entrance of moisture, a. I only 10. Service cables mounted in contact a. 750 mm
service-entrance conductors shall be with a building shall be supported at
connected to the service-drop b. II only intervals not exceeding ___ b. 760 mm
conductor ____.
I. below the level of the termination c. both l and ll c. 670 mm
of the service-entrance cable sheath
II. below the level of the service head d. neither l or ll d. 800 mm
11. Multi-speed motors shall be a. can be 16. Amusement rides shall be a. 3800
marked with the code letter stalled maintained not less than ____ mm in
designating the locked-rotor kVA b. can be any direction from overhead b. 4000
horsepower for the highest speed at started conductors operating at 600 volts or
which the motor ____. c. needs to be less, except for the supply conductors c. 4500
rated to the ride.
d. can run d. 5000
12. Soft-drawn or medium-drawn a. 11,000 17. Flexible cord shall be considered a. not less
copper, lead in conductors for as protected by a 20 amp branch than 1800mm
receiving antenna systems shall be b. 12,000 circuit overcurrent device if the cord is b. 1.0 square
permitted where the maximum span ____. mm or larger
between points of support is less than c. 10,000 c. 1.25 square
____ mm. mm or larger
d. 15,000 d. 0.25 mm or
13. Non-heating leads of heating a. red 18. Infrared lamps for industrial heating a. 30
cables operating in 230 volt system, appliances shall have overcurrent
shall have a ____ color. b. blue protection not exceeding ____ amps. b. 40

c. yellow c. 50

d. brown d. 60

14. Wading pools are those that are a. 1500 mm 19. The temperature limitation of MI a. Amb. Temp.
constructed on or above the ground cable is based on the ____. b. conductor
and are capable of holding water to a b. 1000 mm insulation
maximum depth of _____. c. insulating
c. 1200 mm materials used
in the end seal
d. 1800 mm d. none of
15.Branch-circuit conductors within 75 a. I only 20. Overcurrent devices shall not be a. bedrooms
mm of ballast, within the ballast located in the vicinity of easily ignitable
compartment shall be recognized for b. I and IV material such as in ____. b. clothes
use at temperature not lower than 90 only closets
degrees C, such as insulation type’s c. I, II and IV c. kitchens
I. THHN II. THHW d. I, II, III and d. garages
21. Where it is impracticable to locate a. 600 mm 26. The word transformer is intended a. group
the service head above the point of to mean a ____ transformer, single or
attachment, the service head location b. 760 mm poly-phase, identified by a single b. two
shall be permitted not farther than nameplate, unless otherwise indicated.
_____ mm from the point of c. 610 mm c. individual
d. 1000 mm d. step-down

22. Liquidtight flexible metal conduit is a. 15mm to 27. Unused openings in boxes, a. closed with
shipped in what sizes minimum and 100mm raceways, and other enclosures shall listed device
maximum? b. 20mm to be _____. b. effectively
80mm closed
c. 20mm to c. open
d. 10mm to d. none of
80mm these
23. Fixtures shall be securely fastened a. ll only 28. Feeders to floating dwellings must a. rigid metal
to ceiling framing member by be enclosed within ____ conduit in
mechanical means such as b. lll only order to withstand the forces exerted b. rigid PVC
l. rivets by waves and tides.
ll. screws c. ll and lll only c. liquid-tight
lll. Bolts flexible
d. l, ll and lll d. EMT

24. Insulated conductors used in wet a. MTW 29. Running open wiring on insulators, a. 600
locations shall be ____. MI or MC cables, messenger-
b. asbestos supported wiring, conductors in b. 750
raceway, and other approved means
c. THHN on the outdoor building surfaces is c. 1000
permitted for circuits operating at a
d. varnish maximum of ____ volts nominal. d. 4160
25. In dwelling units, a multi-wire a. grounded 30. Where a single AC conductors carrying a. I only
branch circuit supplying more than one conductors current passes through metal with magnetic
device have a means to disconnect b. neutral properties, the inductive effect shall be b. II only
minimized by ____.
simultaneously all ______. conductors I. cutting slots in the metal between the individual
c. ungrounded holes through which individual conductors pass c. both I and II
conductors II. passing all the conductors in the circuit
d. none of through an insulating wall sufficiently large for all d. neither I nor
the conductors of the circuit
these II
31. For non-dwelling units, it is a. 70% 36. All disconnect means required by a. Danger of
permitted to use a ____ demand factor the code, and each service, feeder, electrocution
for that portion of a receptacle load b. 80% and branch circuit at the point where it b. Disconnect
that exceeds 10 kva. originates shall be legibly marked c. and
c. 50% ____. provided w/a
locknut means
d. 40% d. to indicate
its purpose
32. Wiring over and under navigable a. corps of 37. For cables that have elliptical cross a. half
water must be approved by the ____. engineers section, the cross-sectional area
b. Coast calculation shall be based on using b. the radius
Guard ___ of the ellipse as a circle diameter.
c. authority c. the major
having diameter
jurisdiction d. the
d. Phil. Navy circumference
33. The phase current in a grounding a. twice 38. The alternate source for a. l only
autotransformer is ____ the neutral emergency systems ____ be required
current. b. 1/2 to have ground-fault protection of b. ll only
equipment with automatic
c. 1/3 disconnecting means. c. either l or ll
l. shall
d. the same as ll. shall not d. neither l nor
34. In a closed-loop and programmed a. load allows 39. Where two or more single-phase a. twice
power distribution system, the outlets b. plugged-in ranges are supplied by a 3-phase, 4-
shall be energized only when _____. eqpt. is wire feeder, and the total load shall be b. three times
identified computed on the basis of ____ the
c. is done in maximum number connected between c. half
120 / 240 any two phases.
d. none of d. none of
these these
35. Electrical ducts shall include any a. over 600v 40. Type ___ is a single or multi- a. MI
of the electrical conduits recognized as conductor solid dielectric insulated
suitable for use _____. b. as bus bars cable rated 2001 volts or higher. b. NM

c. underground c. MC

d. exposed d. MV
41. The secondary circuits of wound- a. resistors 46. Electric discharge lighting fixtures a. l only
rotor alternating current motors, having exposed ____ shall be installed
including ___ shall be permitted to be b. controllers that these parts will not be in contact b. ll only
protected against overload by the with combustible material.
motor-overload device. c. conductors l. live parts c. lll only
ll. ballasts or transformers
d. all of these lll. auxiliary equipment d. l, ll and lll

42. Where secondary ties are used, an a. 100 47. A/an ____ circuit is a circuit in a. low voltage
overcurrent device rated or set at not which any spark or thermal effect is
more than ____ percent of the rated b. 150 incapable of causing ignition of a b.nonincendive
secondary current of the transformers mixture of flammable or combustible
shall be provided in the secondary c. 250 material in air under prescribed test c. hazard-proof
connections of each transformer. conditions.
d. 300 d. explosive-
43. Receptacles rated _____ amperes a. 20 48. Only wiring methods recognized as a. approved
or less directly connected to aluminum ____ are included in the Code.
conductors shall be marked CO/ALR. b. 25 b. suitable

c. 30 c. listed

d. 50 d. identified

44. Each commercial building and a. outlet 49. A 20 ampere rated branch circuit a. 16
each commercial occupancy with 3.5 mm wire supplying a duplex
accessible to pedestrians shall be b. duplex receptacle can be loaded to a b. 20
provided at an accessible location at maximum of ____ amperes.
each entrance, with at least one ____ c. GFCI c. 12
for sign or outline lighting system use.
d. none d. 10
45. Transformers and electronic a. 300 50. FCC cable can be installed under a. 900
power supplies shall have secondary carpet squares no larger than ____
current ratings not more than ____ b. 350 mm square b. 1200
c. 400 c. 650

d. 600 d. 800
1) a (Ref: pp.620)
2) b (Ref: pp.82) 26) c (Ref: pp.757)
3) d (Ref: 1.1.1 pp.8) 27) b (Ref: pp.38)
4) a (Ref: ex 3 pp.225) 28) c (Ref: pp.1130)
5) c (Ref: (f) pp.152) 29) a (Ref: pp. 305)
6) c (Ref: (a) pp.169) 30) c (Ref: pp.324)
7) a (Ref: pp.1196) 31) c (Ref: Table pp.105)
8) c (Ref: pp.1204) 32) c (Ref: pp.1133)
9) c (Ref: pp.413) 33) c (Ref: FPN pp.760)
10) a (Ref: pp.150) 34) b (Ref: (a) pp.1423)
11) b (Ref: pp.676) 35) c (Ref: pp.356)
12) a (Ref: ex pp. 1447) 36) d (Ref: pp.42)
13) a (Ref: pp.650) 37) c (Tab notes (9) pp.1494)
14) b (Ref: pp.1257) 38) b (Ref: pp.1352)
15)c (Ref: pp.617) 39) a (Ref: pp. 107)
16) c (Ref: pp.1025) 40) d (Ref: pp.422)
17) c (Ref: pp.169) 41) d (Ref: (e) pp.694)
18) c (Ref: pp.633) 42) c (Ref: pp.763)
19) c (Ref: pp.430) 43)a (Ref: pp.586)
20) b (Ref: pp.179) 44) a (Ref: (a) pp.1146)
21) a (Ref: ex pp.152) 45) a (Ref: pp.1152)
22) a (Ref: - b) pp.457) 46) b (Ref: pp.625)
23) d (Ref: 4:10.4.2(c) pp.612) 47) b (Ref: pp.801)
24) a (Ref: pp.335) 48) b (Ref: pp.37)
25) c (Ref: (b) pp.67) 49) a (Ref: (a) pp. 81)
50) a (Ref: pp. 415)
51. Circuits for ____ shall not be a. kitchen and 56. What is the maximum time of a. 1/2 second
connected to any system containing laundry delay permitted for the GFI to operate
trolley wires with a ground return. b. car-houses / where the ground-fault current is 3000 b. 1 second
power houses amperes?
c. railway c. 3 seconds
d. lighting and d. 100 milli-
power seconds
52. When the kind of motor is single- a. two, one per 57. Which of the following methods is a. deflecting of
phase AC or DC, and its supply phase in hot not approved for conductor supports? cables in boxes
system is 2-wire, single-phase AC or b. one in the b. insertion of
DC, one conductor grounded, the ungrounded boxes
minimum number and the location of c. one in each c. clamping
overload units, such as trip coils, devices
relays or thermal cutouts shall be ____ d. 2, 1 in each d. loop
conductors. phase connectors
53. No ____ other than those specified a. l only 58. A separate branch circuit shall a. motor
as required for emergency use, shall supply the ____ receptacles, auxiliary
be supplied by emergency lighting b. l and ll only power source, and ventilation on each b. car lights
circuits. elevator car.
l. appliances c. ll and lll only c. emergency
ll. lamps phone
lll. Fittings d. l, ll and lll d. emergency
54. An appliance (not motor driven) is a. 15 59. The ground fault protection system a. installed first
rated 1200 watts at 120 volts, with no shall be tested when it is _____.
marked nameplate, the branch circuit b. 20 b. energized
overcurrent device shall not exceed for the first time
___ amps. c. 30 c. inspected

d. 40 d.manufactures

55. A storage battery of suitable rating a. 100% 60. Where a motor is operating and a. tech’n must
and capacity to supply and maintain at live parts of the motor controller have be present
not less than ___ of system voltage b. 75% over 150 volts to ground and might be b. insulating
the total load of the circuits supplying exposed to repairmen, what must be mats shall
legally required standby power for a c. 50% done for its safe maintenance? be provided
period of at least 1 1/2 hours. c. Installed
d. 871/2 % Danger sign
d.none of these
61. A junction box used in a system a. caution 66. The grounding conductor for a. l only
rated 1000 volts shall have a marking communication circuits shall be
on the box of ____. b. danger connected to the _____. b. ll only
l. metallic power raceway
c. do not open ll.service equipment enclosure c. ll or lll only
d.Danger High- lll. building electrode system
Voltage Keep d. l, ll or lll
62. According to the P.E.C, high a. 3 times 67. A main bonding jumper shall be a a. l only
voltage service-entrance conductors ____.
are protected by a circuit breaker if it b. 5 times l. wire b. l or ll only
has ___ the ampacity of the conductor ll. screw
for its trip setting. (Short circuit c. 6 times lll. bus c. l or lll only
d. 8 times d. l, ll or lll

63. Which of the following locations is a. dry location 68. The earth shall not be considered a. ground-fault
not permitted for the use of surface as an effective ______ path. current
raceways? b. hoistways b. grounded

c. under raised c. neutral

d. hazardous d. bonding

64. In a Class I, Division II location a a. no seal req’d 69. Each receptacle of DC plugging a. 15
conduit passing through into a non- boxes shall be rated at not less than
hazardous location, the sealing b. on either ____ amps. b. 20
fitting shall be permitted ____ side of the
boundary c. on both c. 25
sides of the
d. at the first d. 30
65. A bare copper conductor can be a. suitable for 70. A protective layer which is installed a. transition
used in an underground service ____. soil condition between the floor and type FCC flat assembly
b. raceway conductor cable to protect the cable b. outer
c. identified for from physical damage and may or sheath
underground may not be incorporated as an integral c. bottom
use part of the cable is the ____. shield
d. all of the d. header
71. An area must be classed as a a. combustible 76. For small motors the locked-rotor a. 4
Class II hazardous location if it dust current shall be assumed to be ___
contains _____. b. the full-load current. b. 5
c. flammable c. 6
d. ignitable d. 8
72. If the appliance is provided with a a. l only 77. A cord connector that is supported a. receptacle
single-pole switching device, the by a permanently installed cord outlet
attachment plug shall be ___. b. ll only pendant shall be considered a (an) b. permanent
l. of the grounding type _____. cord
ll. polarized c. l or ll c. lighting
d. neither l nor d. outlet device
73. Listed equipment protected by a a. labeled 78. Stage cables used in motion a. 500%
system of double insulation, or its picture studios for stage lighting shall
equivalent, shall not be required to be b. approved be protected by means of overcurrent b. 400%
grounded. Where such a system is devices set at not more than ____ of
employed, the equipment shall be c. distinctively the values given in the appropriate c. 200%
____. marked Code table.
d. identified d. 100%

74. No premises wiring, with a a. grounded 79. When installing a surge arrester at a. l and ll only
grounded conductor, shall be conductor the service of less than 1000 volts, the
electrically connected to a supply b. wiring grounding conductor shall be b. l and lll only
system unless the supply system design connected to ____.
contains ____. c. protection l. the grounded service conductor c. lll and lV
ll. the grounding electrode conductor only
d. none of Ill. the ground electrode for the service
these lV. the equipment ground terminal in d. l, ll, lll or lV
75. A manufactured wiring system a. l only the service equipment
shall have receptacles that are ____. 80. ____ of conductors in rigid non- a. splices
l. uniquely polarized b. ll only metallic conduit shall be made only in
ll. of the locking type junction, outlet boxes or conduit b. splices and
lll. GFCI c. l and ll only bodies. taps
c. connections
d. l, ll and lll d. none of the
81. Connection of conductors to a l only 86. In cellular metal floor raceways all a. I only
terminal parts shall ensure a of the following are true except _____.
thoroughly good connection without b. ll only I. splices and taps can be made in junction b. II only
damaging the conductors and shall be II. disconnected outlets are removed
made by means of ____. c. l and ll only III. boxes shall be of metal and continuous w/ c. III only
l. splices to flexible leads the raceway
ll. pressure connectors d. l, ll or lll IV. the combined cross sectional areaof all d. IV only
conductors cannot exceed 50%
lll. solder lugs
82. A nursing home is a building or a. 4 87. Non-shielded high-voltage cable, a. l only
part thereof used for the lodging, shall be installed in ____ conduit
boarding and nursing care, on a 24- b. 12 encased in not less than 76mm of b. ll only
hour basis, of ____ or more persons. concrete.
c. 50 l. rigid PVC c. lll only
ll. IMC
d. 100 lll. rigid metal d. l, ll or lll

83. Which of the following must be a. dishwashers 88. On solar photovoltaic system; a. 150
provided with GFCI? ampacity of conductors and
b. fountains overcurrent devices shall not be less b. 100
than ___ percent of the computed
c. outdoor current. c. 125
d. refrigerators d. 200

84. Each resistance welder shall have a. 200 89. A run of flexible metal conduit may a. 20a or more
overcurrent primary protection set at be used as an equipment grounding
not more than ____ percent. b. 300 conductor if the conductors are b. 20a or less
protected at ____.
c. 250 c. 30a or more

d. 125 d. 30a or less

85. 3-way and 4-way switches shall a. ungrounded 90. For devices with screw shells, the a. green
be so wired that all switching is done terminal for the ____ conductor shall
in the ____ conductor. b. grounded be the one connected to the screw b. grounded
c. neutral c. ungrounded

d. grounding d. grounding
91. ____ is a combination consisting of a a. l only 96. When service entrance phase a. 6%
compressor and motor, both of which are conductors are larger than 1100 kcmil
enclosed in the same housing, with no b. ll only copper, the bonding jumper shall have b. 10%
external shaft or shaft seals, the motor an area not less than what percent of
operating in the refrigerant.
l. motor-compressor
c. lll only the area of the largest phase c. 12 1/2 %
ll. hermetic refrigerant motor- conductor?
compressor d. l, ll and lll d. 15%
lll. air-conditioning equipment
92. Supplementary overcurrent a. accessible 97. Select the correct statement that pertains to a. I only
a general purpose 15 amp outlet that is installed
devices shall not be required to be in a marina.
____. b. readily I. it is in violation of the Code b. II only
accessible II. it shall not be located less than 1,500mm
c. continuous measured horizontally from the water line c. III only
III. it shall be mounted so that waves will not
duty create a problem
d. adjustable IV. it is required by the Code to be protected by d. IV only
93. All dwelling unit 125v, single- a. l and ll only 98. Isolating switches over 600v shall a. current
phase 15 and (or) 20 amp receptacles be provided with a means for readily
installed in a ____ shall have GFCI b. ll and lll only connecting the load side b. equipment
protection for personnel. conductors to ground when
l. bathroom c. ll only disconnected from the ____. c. service
ll. crawl space at or below grade level cable
lll. Bedroom d. l, ll and lll d. source of
94. All electric spa or hot tub water a. 45, 50 99. The surge arrester for service less a. 8.0mm
heaters shall be listed and have the than 1,000 volts connected by copper
heating elements subdivided into b. 48, 60 conductor for grounding b. 5.5mm
loads not exceeding ___ amperes and electrode conductor of the equivalent
protected at not more than ___ c. 40, 45 grounding terminal shall NOT be c. 3.5mm
amperes. smaller than ____.
d. 55, 60 d. 2.0 mm

95. Capacitor shall be permitted to be a. l only 100. The construction of metal cabinet a. 1.55 mm
protected ____. and cutout boxes shall be such as to
l. in groups b. ll only secure strength and rigidity. If b. 1.75 mm
ll. individually constructed of uncoated sheet steel,
c. l or ll the metal thickness should NOT be c. 1.00 mm
less than
d. neither l nor d. 1.35 mm
51) d (Ref: pp.42) 76) c (Ref: pp.722)
52) b (Ref: Table pp.696) 77) a (Ref: pp.82)
53) b (Ref: pp.1350) 78) b (Ref: (a) pp.1033)
54) b (Ref: 4.22.2(e)(2) pp.633) 79) d (Ref: pp.258)
55) d (Ref: pp.1356) 80) b (Ref: pp.465)
56) b (Ref: pp.160) 81) d (Ref: (a) pp.39)
57) d (Ref: pp.323) 82) a (Ref: pp.959)
58) b (Ref: pp.1184) 83) b (Ref: pp.1284)
59) a (Ref: pp.160) 84) b (Ref: pp.1208)
60) b (Ref: pp.728) 85) a (Ref: pp.578)
61) d (Ref: pp.407) 86) d (Ref: pp.504)
62) c (Ref: pp.162) 87) d (Ref: pp.329)
63) b (Ref: pp.518) 88) c (Ref: (b)(1) pp.1305)
64) b (Ref: pp.824) 89) b (Ref: pp.236)
65)d (Ref: (a-d) pp.146) 90) b (Ref: pp.65)
66) d (Ref: (b)(1) a-g pp.1434) 91) b (Ref: pp.737)
67) d (Ref: pp.204) 92) b (Ref: pp.170)
68) a (Ref: pp.196) 93) a (Ref: (a)(1-4) pp.72)
69) d (Ref: pp.2032) 94) b (Ref: pp.1260)
70) c (Ref: pp.413) 95) c (Ref: pp.779)
71) a (Ref: pp.806) 96) c (Ref: pp.204)
72) c (Ref: (b&e) pp.65) 97) d (Ref: pp.1138)
73) c (Ref: ex. pp. 234) 98) d (Ref: pp.162)
74) a (Ref: pp.61) 99) d (Ref: pp. 258)
75) c (Ref: pp.1157) 100) d (Ref: (a-b) pp. 388)
101. A cellular concrete floor raceway’s a. junction box 106. The size of branch-circuit a. 25
grounding conductor shall connect the conductors and overcurrent protective
insert receptacles to a positive ground b. cell devices for electrode-type boilers shall b. 75
connection provided on the ____. be calculated on the basis of ___
c. fitting percent of the total load (motors not c. 100
d. header d. 125

102. A circuit breaker shall be of such a. l only 107. Which of the following statements a. l only
design that any alteration of its ____ is/are true?
will require dismantling of the device or b. ll only l. on a grounded service, the grounded b. ll only
breaking of a seal for other than service neutral shall not be smaller
intended adjustments. c. both l and ll than the grounding electrode conductor c. both l and ll
l. trip point II. if a 1000v or less system is
ll. time required for its operation d. neither l nor grounded, the grounded conductor d. neither l nor
ll must be run to each service ll
103. In Class III, division I and 2 a. totally enclosed 108. Maximum voltage between a. 150
pipe ventilated conductors serving a submersible
locations, motors, generators, and
b. totally enclosed
other rotating machinery shall be the nonventilated pump in a fountain is ___ volts. b. 250
following except ________. c. totally enclosed
fan cooled c. 300
d. totally enclosed
water cooled
d. 600
104. The maximum overcurrent device a. 40
on a branch circuit supplying an ASME
109. The ____ and the bridge frame a. trolley frame
rated boiler is ____ amps. b. 60
shall not be considered as electrically
grounded through the bridge and b. track
c. 100
trolley wheels and its respective tracks.
c. trolley
d. 150
d. none of
105. A device supplying running a. l only
overload protection may be shunted 110. All but which of the following shall be a. I only
during starting a motor when it is b. ll only continuous between cabinets, boxes,
started _____. fittings or other enclosures or outlets? b. II only
c. both l and ll I. short sections of raceways used to
provide support or protection of cable
c. III only
d. neither l nor
ll II. metallic or non-metallic raceways
III. cable armors d. IV only
IV. cable sheaths
111. A receptacle installed outdoors shall a. I only 116. When installing office furnishings, a. single-type
be considered protected from the weather receptacle outlets, ____ are located in only
by which of the following methods? b. II and III lighting accessories. b. duplex-type
I. located under roofed open porches only only can
II. have an enclosure that is weatherproof
when the receptacle is covered
c. I and II only c. shall
lll. located under a canopy where the
receptacle is not subject to water run-off. d. I, II and III d. shall not

112. A cutout box installed in a wet a. rain-tight 117. Elevator shall have a single means for a. I only
disconnecting all ungrounded main power supply
location shall be ____. conductors for each unit; ____.
b. weather I. this does not include the emergency power b. II only
proof service if the system is automatic
c. water II. this include the emergency power service c. III only
III. this does not include the emergency power
proof service
d. rain proof IV. no elevators are to operate on emergency d. IV only
power systems
113. Electrical non-metallic tubing is a. I only 118. The branch circuit overcurrent a. I only
permitted ____. devices in emergency circuits shall be
I. concealed in walls, floors and ceilings b. I, II and IV ____. b. II only
with a 15 minute fire rating I. of the reset type only
ll. embedded in concrete provided with II. a slow-blow type
c. III only
approved fitting
c. I, II and III III. accessible to only authorized
lll. directly buried personnel
lV. Above a suspended ceiling with a 15 d. all of the IV. painted yellow 18. d. III only
minute fire rating above
119. An electrically operated organ shall have a. I only
114. Where shore-power is supplied, a. GFCI both the gen. & motor frames grounded and
receptacles rated at not less than 30 ____.
amperes or more than 50 amperes b. locking & I. the generator and motor shall be effectively b. II only
shall be of the ____ type. grounding insulated from ground and from each other
II. the generator and motor shall be effectively c. III only
c. tamperproof insulated from ground
d. able to be III. the generator shall be effectively insulated
locked in the from ground and from the motor driving it d. IV only
“off” position IV. both the generator and motor shall have
115. Which of the following pool parts are double insulation
a. I only
required to be bonded together? 120. Cable trays include fittings or a. I only
l. all fixed metal parts within 1500mm of the b. II only other suitable means for _____.
inside walls l. temperature b. I and II only
ll. all forming shells and mounting brackets ll. electric continuity
of a no-niche fixture unless listed for a low
c. I and II only lll. changes in direction and elevation of c. III only
voltage system runs
lll. all metal parts of an underwater d. I, II and III
d. I and III only
IV. sound system
121. A raceway contains 45 current- a. 80 126. ___ shall be controlled by an a. I only
carrying conductors. The ampacity of externally operable switch or breaker
each conductor shall be reduced ____ b. 70 which will open all ungrounded b. II only
percent. conductors.
c. 60 l. outline lighting c. III only
ll. signs
d. 35 lll. portable signs d. I and II only

122. Multi-conductor portable cables a. without 127. A public address system ____. a. is not covered
used to connect mobile equipment and ground in the Code
machinery above 2000 volts, the b. unshielded b. has its own
conductors shall be ____. Code section
c. is covered in
c. shielded the Code
d. none of
d. MK braid these

123. A pool panelboard, not part of the a. I only 128. Conductors which supply one or a. 70
service equipment, shall have a grounding more AC transformers or DC rectifier
conductor installed between ____. b. II only
I. its grounding terminal and a separate
arc welder shall be protected by an b. 80
ground overcurrent device rated or set at not
II. its grounding terminal and a ground rod
c. III only more than ___ percent of the c. 125
III. its grounding terminal and the grounding conductor rating.
terminal of the service equipment d. IV only d. 200
IV. its grounding terminal and bonding grid
124. In communication circuits the bonding a. I only 129. The battery voltage computed on a. I only
together of all separate electrodes ____. the basis of ___ volts per cell for the
I. shall not be permitted
II. shall be permitted with a minimum size jumper
b. II only lead-acid type and ____ volts per cell b. II only
22mm2 for the alkali type.
III. shall be permitted with a minimum size c. III only I. 1.5 for lead-acid, 2.0 for the alkali c. III only
jumper 14mm2 II. 2.0 for lead-acid, 1.5 for the alkali
IV. shall be permitted with a minimum size III. 2.0 for lead-acid, 1.2 for the alkali
d. IV only d. IV only
jumper 8.0 mm2 IV. 1.2 for lead-acid, 2.0 for the alkali
125. Open motors with commutators shall be a. I only 130. Optional standby systems are a. III only
located so sparks cannot reach adjacent
combustible material, but this _____. typically installed to provide an
I. is only required for over 600 volt motors b. II only alternate source of electric power for b. I and III only
II. shall not prohibit these motors on wooden such loads as ____ systems.
floors c. III only l. communications c. II and III
III. does not prohibit these motors from a Class I
location ll. data processing only
IV. none of these d. IV only lll. refrigeration d. I, II and III
131. Which of the following is not a true statement a. I only 136. All lights and any receptacles a. dressing
concerning an equipment grounding conductor?
I. under certain conditions, equipment grounding adjacent to the mirror(s) and above the rooms
conductors may be required to be larger than circuits b. II only dressing table counters in dressing b. control
II. under certain conditions, equipment grounding rooms of theaters shall be controlled by room
conductors may be run in parallel c. III only wall switches installed in the ____. c. projection
III. one size of equipment grounding conductors shall be
increased to compensate for voltage drop
room equipment grounding conductor may serve d. IV only d. stage office
multiple circuits
132. In a recreational vehicle, which a. I only 137. Class I circuits and power supply a. low voltage
major appliance, other than built-in circuits shall be permitted to occupy
does the Code consider portable if b. I and II only the same raceway only where the b. a fire alarm
cord-connected? equipment powered is ____. system
l. refrigerator c. II only c. functionally
ll. clothes washes associated
lll. gas range equipment d. I, II and III d. AC/DC

133. Where rigid PVC conduit is used a. I only 138. Induction generating equipment a. voltage
as a raceway system in bulk storage on systems with significant ___ may
plant wiring, the raceway shall include b. II only become self-excited upon loss of b. amperage
____. primary source and experience severe
I. sunlight resistant listing c. III only over-voltage as a result. c. induction
II. an equipment grounding conductor
III. a bushing with double locknuts d. IV only
IV. PVC raceway is not permitted d. capacitance

134. All devices excluding panelboards a. conductors 139. In general, Class II control circuits a. I only
provided with terminals for the and power circuits ____.
attachment of conductors and intended b. terminals l. may occupy the same raceway b. II only
for connection to more than one side of ll. shall be installed in different
the circuits shall have ____ properly c. sides raceways c. I and II
marked for identification.
d. none of d. none of
these these
135. A crane rail when used as a a. I only 140. Electrical non-metallic tubing is a. 25 mm
conductor shall be _____. permitted to be used in sizes up to
I. grounded by fittings used for suspension b. I and II only ____. b. 50 mm
or attachment of the rail
II. grounded by a bonding conductor to a c. I and III only
waterpipe c. 80 mm
lll. effectively grounded at the x’former
d. II & III only d. 100 mm
141. Because aluminum is not a a. no heat due 146. The neutral of a solidly grounded a. I only
magnetic metal, there will be ___ to voltage neutral system shall be permitted to be
present when aluminum conductors b. no heating grounded at more than one point for b. II only
are grouped in a wireway. due to ____.
hysteresis l. transformers supplying conductors to a
c. no induced
c. III only
building or other structure
currents ll. underground circuits where the neutral is
d. none of these exposed d. I, II and III
lll. overhead circuit installed outdoors
142. Each switchboard, switchboard a. I only 147. Where extensive metal in or on a. I only
section, or panelboard, if used as buildings may become energized and
service equipment, shall be provided b. II only is subject to personal contact ___ will b. II only
with ____. provide additional safety
I. a main bonding jumper c. III only I. adequate bonding and grounding c. III only
II. a power circuit II. bonding
III. a battery charging panel III. suitable ground detectors d. IV only
d. IV only IV. none of these
IV. a 4-wire delta connected system
143. When a diesel engine is used as a. I only 148. Color braid of flexible cord used to a. I and II only
identify the use of the grounded conductor
the prime mover of a generator to shall be finished to show a ___ color, and
supply emergency power, how much of b. II only b. II and IV
the braid on the other conductor or only
site fuel is requested? conductors finished to show a readily
I. one-half hour of fuel supply c. III only distinguishable solid color or colors.
c. I and III only
II. one hour of fuel supply l. white ll. green
III. two hours of fuel supply d. IV only lll. gray lV. Light blue d. III only
IV. three hours of fuel supply
144. Where the premises wiring system has a. I only 149. A three-phase general purpose a. 120A
feeders supplied from more than one squirrel cage motor draws a full load
nominal voltage system, ungrounded b. II only current of 40A. What is the maximum b. 80A
conductor of a feeder where accessible, size of time delay fuse that may be
shall be identified by means of ______. used for short circuit protection c. 40A
I. by separate color coding c. III only
II. marking tape
III. tagging d. I, II, III & IV d. 100A
IV. other approved means
145. Splices and taps shall not be a. splices 150. What is the maximum allowable a. 10%
located within fixture ____. boxes voltage drop from the main circuit
b. arms and breaker to the farthest lamp load b. 5%
c. pancake c. 2%
d. none of d. 3%
101) d (Ref: pp.502) 126) d (Ref: pp. 1147)
102) c (Ref: pp.183) 127) c (Ref: pp.1210)
103) d (Ref: pp.859) 128) d (Ref: pp.1206)
104) d (Ref: pp.655) 129) c (Ref: pp.782)
105) a (Ref: pp.694) 130) d (Ref: FPN pp. 1359)
106) d (Ref: pp.658) 131) a (Ref: (a-f) pp.239)
107) c (Ref: (c) pp.202) 132) d (Ref: FPN pp. 1075)
108) c (Ref: pp.1284) 133) b (Ref: (c) pp. 942)
109) a (Ref: pp.1172) 134) b (Ref: (a) pp.65)
110) d (Ref: pp.384) 135) c (Ref: pp.1168)
111) d (Ref: pp.590) 136) a (Ref: pp.1023)
112) b (Ref: pp.383) 137) c (Ref: (b)(1) pp.1373)
113) b (Ref: pp.483-484) 138) d (Ref: FPN no. 2 pp. 1365)
114) b (Ref: pp.1135) 139) a (Ref: pp. 1380)
115) d (Ref: pp.1274) 140) b (Ref: pp.485)
116) d (Ref: pp.1159) 141) b (Ref: (b) FPN pp. 324)
117) b (Ref: 6.20.61 pp.1189) 142) a (Ref: (c) pp. 593)
118) c (Ref: pp.1352) 143) c (Ref: pp. 1347)
119) c (Ref: pp.233) 144) d (Ref: pp. 95)
120) c (Ref: pp.527) 145) b (Ref: pp.615)
121) d (Ref: Table pp.347) 146) d (Ref: pp. 254
122) c (Ref: pp. 569) 147) a (Ref: pp. 1043)
123) c (Ref: pp.1273) 148) c (Ref: pp. 568)
124) c (Ref: pp.1435) 149) b (Table pp. 700)
125) b (Ref: pp.684) 150) b (Ref: (a) FPN 4 pp. 76)
151. Switches, flashers, and similar a. 100% 156. DC conductors used for a. II only
devices controlling transformers shall electroplating shall be protected from
be either rated for controlling inductive b. 125% overcurrent by ____. b. I & II only
load(s) or have an ampere rating not l. a current sensing device which
less than ___ the ampere rating of the c. 200% operates a disconnecting means c. II & III only
transformer. ll. fuses or circuit breakers
d. 300% lll. other approved means d. I, II & III

152. Solid dielectric insulated a. covered 157. Equipment having an open-circuit a. 1000
conductors operated above 2000 volts voltage exceeding ___ volts shall not
in permanent installations shall have b. protected be installed in dwelling occupancies. b. 460
ozone-resistant insulation and shall be
____. c. shielded c. 600

d. surface d. 208
153. The ampacity requirement of x- a. 40 158. Two-wire DC circuits used in DC a. ungrounded
ray equipment shall be based on ___ system grounding in an integrated
percent of the momentary rating of the b. 50 electrical system shall be permitted to b. uninsulated
equipment. be ____.
c. 70 c. over 600v

d. 80 d. none of
154. A grounding electrode conductor a. Class I 159. Type USE service entrance cable, a. bare copper
shall not be required for a system that identified for underground use in a
supplies a ____ circuit and is derived b. Class II cabled assembly, may have a _____ b. covered
from a transformer rated not more than concentric. metal
1000 va. c. Class III c. bare
d. all of these d. covered

155. Motion picture projectors are ____. a. I only 160. Each fixture of each secondary a. I only
I. covered under theater and similar circuit of tubing for electric-discharge
locations in the Code b. II only lighting system, having an open-circuit b. II only
II. not covered in the Code voltage of 1000 volts, shall have clearly
III. covered in their own section of the Code legible marking reading ____. c. III only
IV. part of the section in the Code on
c. III only
motion picture studios
l. “Caution 1000 volts”
d. IV only ll. “Caution High Voltage” d. I, II &
lll. “Danger High Voltage”
161. A ____ is a protective device for a. surge 166. Service heads for service a. rain-tight
limiting surge voltages by discharging arrester conductors shall be ____.
or bypassing surge current, and it also b. auto fuse b.weatherproof
prevents continued flow of follow
current while remaining capable of c. fuse c. rainproof
repeating these functions.
d. circuit d. water-tight
162. Motor branch-circuit, short circuit a. combined 167. A buildings shall be permitted to a. one
and ground fault protection and motor overload have ____ set of service-entrance
overload protection shall be permitted b. overcurrent conductors which are tapped from one b. two
to be combined in a single protection service drop.
device where the rating or setting of c. overload c. two or more
the device provides the ____
protection. d. branch- d. no
163. For cord and attachment, plug- a. 250, 125 168. At what angle does a header a. parallel
cord connected motor-compressor and attach to a floor duct?
equipment on 15 or 20 ampere branch- b. 125, 250 b. straight
circuits, the rating of the attachment
plug and receptacle shall not exceed c. 250, 250 c. right angle
20 amperes at ___ volts or 15 amperes
at ____ volts. d. 125, 125 d. none of
164. The equipment grounding conductor in a. I only 169. Every electric sign of any type, a. listed
type NM cable for 15, 20 and 30 ampere fixed or portable, shall be ____.
branch circuits ___. b. II only b. approved
I. may be at least one size smaller than the
insulated circuit conductor
II. must be the same size as the insulated
c. III only c. permanently
circuit conductors wired
III. is required only with aluminum cable d. IV only d. electrically
IV. none of these isolated
165. Thermoplastic insulation may a. 5 170. In motion-picture studios, feeder a. 200
stiffen at temperature colder than conducts to the stage may be
minus ____ degrees C requiring care b. 10 protected, with respect to ampacity, at b. 250
is exercised during installation at such a maximum value of ____ percent.
temperature. c. 15 c. 400

d. 30 d. 500
171. Cells in jars of conductive a. 16 176. Which of the following statements a. I only
materials shall be installed in trays of about the connection of small
non-conductive materials with not more b. 18 appliance receptacle outlet at a b. II only
than ___ cells in the series circuit. dwelling is (are) correct?
c. 20 I. the refrigerator can be plugged into it c. both I and II
II. the outdoor receptacle outlet maybe
d. 24 connected to one of the required small d. neither I nor
appliance circuits II
172. Signs operated by electronic or a. I only 177. Silicone rubber insulated fixture a. 500
electromechanical controllers located wire SF-1 should be limited to use
external to be sign shall have a b. II only where the voltage does not exceed b. 300
disconnecting means located ____. ___ volts.
I. within sight of sign c. III only c. 200
II. within sight of the controller
III. only in the controller d. IV only d. 100
IV. only external to the controller
173. Metallic enclosures of reactors a. heat 178. The ampacity of capacitor circuit a. 100
and adjacent metal parts shall be conductors shall not be less than ___
installed so that the ____ from induced b. arc percent of the rated current of the b. 125
circulating currents will not be capacitor.
hazardous to personnel or constitute a c. temperature c. 135
fire hazard. rise
. d. fumes d. 150

174. A 240 volts single-phase room air a. 20 179. Cables and receptacles associated with the a. I only
information technology equipment shall be
conditioner shall be considered as a
permitted under a raised floor, provided _____.
single motor unit if its rating is not more b. 30 I. opening in raised floors for cables protect b. II only
than ____ amps. cables from abrasions
c. 40 II. ventilation in the under-floor area is used only c. III only
for information technology equipment
lll. the raised floor is of suitable construction and
d. 50 the under-floor area is accessible d. I, II and III

175. Listed or labeled equipment shall be a. I only 180. When bare grounded conductors a. I only
installed, used, or both, in accordance with are used with insulated conductors,
_____. b. II only their ampacities are limited to ____. b. II only
I. the job specifications I. 60 deg. C
II. the plans II. 75 deg. C
III. the instructions given by the authority having c. III only III. 90 deg. C
c. III only
jurisdiction IV. that permitted for the adjacent insulated
IV. the instructions included in the listing or d. IV only conductors d. IV only
181. Fixtures shall be so constructed a. 75 186. Each patient bed in a critical care a. one duplex
or installed that adjacent combustible area shall be provided with a minimum
material will not be subjected to b. 90 of ____ receptacles(s). b. single
temperature in exceed of ____
degrees C. c. 185 c. two duplex

d. 140 d. six

182. Storerooms and similar areas a. I only 187. Conductors supplying several a. 25
adjacent to aircraft hangars but motors shall have an ampacity equal to
effectively isolated shall be designated b. II only the sum of the full-load current rating of b. 80
____. all the motors plus ___% of the highest
I. Class I, Division II c. III only rated motor in the group c. 100
II. Class II, Division I
III. Class II, Division II d. IV only d. 125
IV. shall not be classified
183. With consideration to mobile a. refrigerators 188. The grounding electrode a. I only
homes, which of the following major conductor shall be ___ and shall be
appliances, other than built-in are not b. range installed in one continuous length b. I and III
considered portable if cord connected? equipment without a splice or joint.
c. clothes l. solid c. II and III
washers ll. solid or stranded
d. water lll. insulated, covered or bare d. II only
184. Power feed, grounding a. transition 189. Branch circuits supplying two or a. 15-20-25-30
connection, and shield system assembly more outlets for fixed space heating
connection between the FCC system b. raceway equipment in a dwelling shall be rated b. 15-20-30-40
and other wiring systems shall be at ____ amperes.
accomplished in a ____. c. trench c. 15-20-30

d. none of d. 20-30-40
185. Audible and visual signal devices a. I only 190. Field bends or modifications shall a. temperature
shall be provided, where practicable to be so made that the ____ of the cable
indicate ____. b. II and II only tray system and support for the cables b. electrical
l. derangement of emergency source shall be maintained. continuity
ll. that the battery is not functioning c. I and II only c. strength
lll. that the battery is carrying load
d. I, II and III d. rigidity
191. Protection shall be provided for a. I only 196. Knob and tube wiring splices shall a. taped
exposed conductors and equipment be ____ unless approved devices are
during process of manufacturing, ___ b. II only used. b. bolted
at the building site.
l. erection c. III only c. clamped
ll. in transit
lll. packaging d. I, II and III d. soldered

192. The words “thermally protected” a. fuse 197. Each commercial building and a. 15
appearing on the nameplate of a motor each commercial occupancy
or motor compressor indicate that the b. breaker accessible to pedestrians shall have at b. 20
motor is provided with a _____. least one outside sign outlet branch
c. thermal circuit rated at ____ amps. c. either a or b
d. switch d. neither a
nor b
193. Conductor overload protection is a. I only 198. In wiring using rigid metal a. 15 mm
not required if ____. conduits, conduit smaller than ____
I. conductors are oversized by 125% b. II only shall not be used. b. 32 mm
II. conductors are part of a limited-
energy circuit c. III only c. 8 mm
III. interruption of the circuit can create
a hazard d. IV only d. 25 mm
IV. none of the above
194. Electrical installations in hollow a. substantially 199. The uses of non-metallic extensions a. I only
spaces, vertical shafts, and ventilation increased are NOT allowed in all but one of the
or air-handling ducts shall be so made b. allowed following. Which one is this? b. II only
that the possible spread of fire or I. in unfinished basements, attics
products of combustion will not be c. exposed or roof spaces c. III only
____. II. where exposed to corrosive vapors
d. underrated III. where subject to corrosive vapor
IV. through floors or partitions d. IV only

195. A branch circuit feeding a sign a. 15 200. Determine the minimum appliance a. I only
which has a combination of lamps and and laundry load required for a
transformers shall not exceed the b. 20 dwelling unit b. II only
rating of ____ amps. I. 4000 volt-ampere
c. 30 II. 1500 volt-ampere c. III only
III. 3000 volt-ampere
d. 50 IV. 2000 volt-ampere d. IV only
151) c (Ref: pp. 1148) 176) a (Ref: pp. 85)
152) c (Ref: pp.334) 177) b (Ref: Table pp. 574)
153) b (Ref: pp. 996) 178) c (Ref: pp. 777)
154) d (Ref: ex. 3 pp. 206) 179) d (Ref: pp. 1223)
155) c (Ref: 5.40 pp. 1038) 180) d (Ref: pp. 347)
156) d (Ref: pp.1246) 181) b (Ref: pp. 608)
157) a (Ref: pp.627) 182) d (Ref: pp. 922)
158) a (Ref: pp.1295) 183) d (Ref: FPN pp. 1051)
159) a (Ref: pp. 441) 184) a (Ref: pp. 417)
160) a (Ref: pp. 628) 185) d (Ref: pp. 1344)
161) a (Ref: pp. 256) 186) d (Ref: pp.969)
162) c (Ref: pp. 704) 187) a (Ref: pp. 687)
163) a (Ref: pp. 697) 188) c (Ref: pp. 219)
164) b (Ref. pp. 239) 189) a (Ref: (a) pp. 644)
165) b (Ref: FPN pp. 570) 190) b (Ref: (a) pp. 528)
166) a (Ref: pp. 152) 191) d (Ref: pp. 1043)
167) a (Ref: ex. 1 pp. 147) 192) c (Ref: 1.1.1 pp. 21)
168) c (Ref: pp. 502) 193) c (Ref: pp. 165)
169) a (Ref: pp. 1145) 194) a (Ref: pp. 326)
170) c (Ref: pp. 1033) 195) b (Ref: pp. 1146)
171) c (Ref: pp. 782) 196) d (Ref: pp. 542)
172) b (Ref: pp. 1147) 197) b (Ref: pp. 1146)
173) c (Ref: pp. 781) 198) a (Ref: Table pp. 1497)
174) c (Ref: pp. 752) 199) b (Ref: pp. 513)
175) d (Ref: pp.36 200) c (Ref: (a&b) pp. 105)
201. AC circuits of less than 50 volts shall be a. I only 206. ___ is the distance measured a. offset
grounded under which of the following?
I. where installed as overhead conductors
along the enclosure wall from the axis
outside of buildings b. II only of the centerline of the terminal to a b. radius
II. where supplied by transformers if the line passing through the center of the
transformer supply system is ungrounded c. III only opening in the enclosure. c. center point
lll. where supplied by transformers if the
transformer supply system exceeds 250v to
ground d. I, II, or III d. none of
202. Distribution system for mobile a. I only 207. All of the following about a. I only
home parks shall be ____. paralleling conductors are true except
I. 120/240v three-phase b. II only ____. b. II only
II. 120/208v three-phase I. must terminate in the same manner
III. 120/240v single-phase c. III only II. must be same material c. III only
IV. 115/230v single-phase III. must be same length
IV. must be enclosed in the same d. IV only
d. IV only raceway

203. Metal oxide surge arrester ratings a. l only 208. MI cable, bends in the radius of a. 10
are based on the magnitude and the inner edge of any bend shall not be
duration of overvoltage at the arrester b. ll only less than ___ times the external b. 11
location as affected by ____. diameter of the metallic sheath for
l. switching surges c. lll only cable not more than 25mm in external c. 12
ll. System grounding techniques diameter.
lll. phase-to-ground faults d. l, ll and lll d. 13

204. ___ devices providing equivalent a. approved 209. Nonpower-limited fire protective a. l only
overcurrent protection in closed-loop signaling circuits shall ____.
power distribution systems shall be b. listed I. not be more than 600 volts b. l and ll only
permitted as a substitute for fuses or ll. not exceed 7 amps overcurrent
circuit breakers. c. accessible protection for 0.75 conductor c. ll only
lll. be permitted in same raceway
whether AC or DC current
d. automatic d. l, ll and lll

205. A unit or assembly of units or a. flat cable 210. Concealed knob-and-tube wiring shall a. I only
sections, and associated fittings, assembly not be used in the hollow space of walls,
forming a rigid structural system used b. wireway ceilings and attics where such spaces b. II only
to securely fasten or support cables I. exceed 30 degrees C
and raceways is a ___. c. multi-outlet II. are insulated by loose or rolled insulation c. III only
. . assembly material
d. cable tray III. are not fire rated for 3 hours d. IV only
IV. are not ventilated
211. Fixed electric space heating a. 60 F 216. For emergency systems, the a. report
equipment requiring supply conductors authority having jurisdiction shall
with over ____ insulation shall be b. 75 C conduct or witness a test on the b. log
clearly and permanently marked. complete system upon installation and
c. 60 C periodically afterward. A ___ shall c. written
keep of such tests. record
d. 90 C d. chart

212. All boxes and enclosures for a. readily 217. The service conductors shall be a. l only
emergency circuits shall be marked so identified connected to the service disconnecting
they will be ___ as a component of an b. recognized means by ____ or other approved b. ll only
emergency circuit. means.
c. easily l. clamps c. both l and ll
sighted ll. Pressure connectors
d. classified d. neither l or ll

213. The rating of an adjustable trip a. external 218. Individual showcases, other than fixed, shall a. I only
be permitted to be connected by flexible cord to
circuit breaker having ___ means for permanently installed receptacles. The
adjusting the current setting (long-time b. an isolated installation shall comply with which of the b. II only
pick-up setting), shall be the maximum c. readily following?
setting possible. accessible I. the wiring will not be exposed to mechanical c. III only
external II. Attachment plugs shall be of a listed
d. accessible grounding type 15 or 20 Amps. d. I, II and III
lll. flexible cord shall be hard-service type
214. Each section, panel, or strip a. light fixture 219. The prime mover of an emergency a. I only
generator set ____.
carrying a number of infrared
I. must be provided with an automatic means for
lampholders shall be considered a (an) b. appliance starting b. II only
____. II. must be provided with an automatic means of
c. receptacle transferring from one fuel supply to another, c. III only
where dual supplies are used
lll. must have an on-site fuel supply sufficient to
d. outlet operate the prime mover at full demand for 2 d. I, II and III
215. Only wiring methods consisting of a. l and ll only 220. The following pool equipment a. lll only
___ shall be installed in ducts or shall be grounded ___.
plenums used for environmental air. b. l, ll and lll l. ground-fault circuit-interrupters b. ll and lll only
l. EMT only ll. Transformer enclosures
ll. type NMC c. l, lll and lV lll. electric equipment located within c. ll only
lll. type MI only 1,500mm of the inside wall of the pool
lV. flexible metallic cable d. l, ll, lll and d. l, ll and lll
221. Any motor application shall be a. short-time 226. Mobile x-ray equipment is a. portable
considered as ___ unless the nature of duty mounted on a ____ base with wheels
the apparatus it drives is such that the b. varying duty and/or casters for moving while b.transportable
motor will not operate continuously completely assembled.
with load under any condition of use. c. continuous c. permanent
d. periodic d. temporary
222. In all cases the work space in a. 60 227. An askarel-insulated transformer installed in a. I or II only
front of electrical equipment shall a poorly ventilated place shall be furnished with
permit at least a ___ degree opening of b. 90 l. a means for absorbing any gases generated by
b. I or III only
equipment doors or hinged panels. arcing inside the case
c. 120 ll. the pressure-relief vent shall be connected to a c. I only
flue that will carry such gases outside the building
lll. the pressure-relief vent shall be connected to
d. 180 chimney that will carry such gases outside the d. I, II or III
223. The PEC covers _____. a. l only 228. Storage batteries for diesel a. 300
l. electronic organs engine drives for fire pumps shall be
ll. Speech-input systems b. ll only ___mm above the floor. b. 500
lll. audio signal generation
c. lll only c. 400

d. l, ll, and lll d. 600

224. The protective devices shall be a. l only 229. The terminals of an electric- a. 100
capable of detecting and interrupting discharge lamp shall be considered
all values of current which can occur at b. ll only energized where any lamp terminal is b. 200
their location in excess of their trip connected to a circuit of over ____
setting or ___. c. lll only volts. c. 300
l. boiling point
ll. Melting point d. l, ll, and lll d. 500
lll. capacity
225. A system of two-wire DC a. not be 230. Legally required standby systems a. l and ll only
operating at greater than 50v but not grounded are typically installed to serve loads
greater than 300 volts, shall ____. grounded such as ___. b. ll and lll only
c. not be l. sewerage disposal
permitted ll. data processing c. l and lll only
d. not be lll. refrigeration systems
required to d. l, ll and lll
be grounded
231. Cases of frames of current a. need to be 236. The neutral of feeders supplying a. current-
transformers, the primaries of which grounded solid-state, 3-phase, 4-wire dimming carrying
are not over 150 volts to ground and b. need to be systems shall be considered a ___ b. non-current-
which are used exclusively to supply isolated conductor. carrying
current to meters ___. c. need to be c. balanced
d. need not be d. isolated
232. ______ shall be permitted to be a. PVC 237. When determining the load on the a. inside
installed in concrete, in direct contact “volt-amps per square meter” basis,
with the earth, or in areas subject to b. ceramic the floor area shall be computed from b. outside
severe corrosive influences where the ____ dimensions of the building.
protected by corrosion protection and c. orangeburg c. either a or b
judged suitable for the condition.
d. rigid metal d. neither a or
conduit b
233. Connections from headers to a. rigid non- 238. Locations where combustible dust a. Class I,
cabinets and other enclosures in metallic is normally in heavy concentrations are Division II
cellular concrete floor raceways shall b. metal listed designated as ____. b. Class II,
be made by means of ____ raceways Division I
and approved fittings. c. non-metallic c. Class II,
Division II
d. all of these d. Class III,
Division I
234. The minimum size conductor a. 0.50; 2.0 239. Which of the following is not a a. 20 amp
permitted in parallel for elevator standard classification for a branch
lighting is ____ mm , provided the b. 0.80; 2.0 circuit supplying several loads? b. 25 amp
ampacity is equivalent to a ____ mm
wire. c. 0.80; 1.6 c. 30 amp

d. 1.25; 2.0 d. 50 amp

235. Transformers rated over ___ KV a. 10 240. The minimum size conductor for a. 1.25
shall be installed in a vault. lighting elevator circuits traveling
b. 12 1/2 cables is ____ mm . b. 2.0

c. 25 c. 3.5

d. 35 d. 0.75
241. Steel cable trays shall be used as a. I & III 246. Unless identified for use in the a. l only
equipment grounding conductors for operating environment , no conductors
circuits protected that cable tray & b. I, II & IV or equipment shall be located in ____ b. ll only
fittings shall be ______. having deteriorating effect on the
c. II & III conductors or equipment. c. l and ll
I. identified for grounding purposes. l. damp or wet location
II. legibly & durably marked ll. where exposed to gases, fumes, vapors,
d. I, II, & III d. none of
III. bonded liquids, or other agents these
242. Where storage batteries are used a. I only 247. A stage switchboard that is not a. cover
for emergency systems they shall be completely enclosed dead-front and
____. b. II only dead-rear or recessed into a wall shall b. guard
I. provided with automatic battery charging be provided with ____ extending the
means c. III only full length of the board to protect all c. mesh net
II. alkali or acid type equipment on the board from falling
III. neither I nor II d. IV only objects. d. metal hood
IV. both I and II
243. No grounded conductor shall be a. phase 248. Service entrance cables, where a. lll only
attached to any terminal or lead so as subject to physical damage, shall be
to reverse designated ___. b. angle protected in ____. b. ll and lll
l. EMT
c. polarity ll. IMC c. l, ll and lll
lll. rigid metal conduit
d. line d. l and lll

2 249. All buildings or portions of a. 50

244. For banks and office buildings, a. 9 va/m
the receptacle loads shall be buildings or structure designed or
2 intended as a place of assembly shall b. 100
calculated to be the larger of _____. b. 8 va/m
have ____ or more persons.
2 c. 250
c. 11 va/m
2 d. 500
d. 10 va/m
245. If a protective device rating is a. at all 250. ___mm and larger grounding a. 22
marked on an appliance, the branch electrode conductors shall be
circuit over-current device rating shall b. more than protected where exposed to severe b. 30
not exceed ____ the protective device 50% physical damage.
rating marked on the appliance. c. 80% c. 14

d. 125% d. 8.0
201) d (Ref: pp. 199) 226) c (Ref: pp. 1231)
202) d (Ref: pp. 1071) 227) d (Ref: pp. 768)
203) d (Ref: FPN #2 pp. 257) 228) a (Ref: pp. 1338)
204) b (Ref: pp. 172) 229) c (Ref: pp. 623)
205) d (Ref: pp. 525) 230) c (Ref: FPN pp. 1353)
206) a (Ref: FPN pp. 386) 231) d (Ref: pp. 251)
207) d (Ref: pp. 333) 232) d (Ref: pp. 316)
208) a (Ref: pp. 429) 233) b (Ref: pp. 502)
209) d (Ref:;; pp. 234) a (Ref: pp. 1178)
1395-96) 235) d (Ref: pp. 766)
210) b (Ref: pp. 540) 236) a (Ref: pp. 348)
211) c (Ref: pp. 644) 237) b (Ref: pp. 99)
212) a (Ref: pp. 1344) 238) b (Ref: pp. 806)
213) a (Ref: pp. 169) 239) b (Ref: pp. 67)
214) b (Ref: pp. 635) 240) b (Ref: pp.1178)
215) c (Ref: pp. 326) 241) d (Ref: pp. 530)
216) c (Ref: pp. 1342) 242) d (Ref: (a) pp. 1347)
217) c (Ref: pp. 156) 243) c (Ref: pp. 66)
218) d (Ref: pp. 615) 244) c (Ref: pp. 102)
219) d (Ref: pp. 1347) 245) a (Ref: pp. 633)
220) d (Ref: pp. 1258-59) 246) c (Ref: pp. 37)
221) c (Ref: Table pp. 686) 247) d (Ref: pp. 1008)
222) b (Ref: pp. 50) 248) c (Ref: pp. 150)
223) d (Ref: pp. 1210) 249) b (Ref: pp. 1001)
224) b (Ref: pp. 189) 250) a (Ref: pp. 219)
225) b (Ref: (a) pp. 248)
251. The following letter suffixes shall a. D 256. Which of the following are not a. ll only
indicate the following: classified patient care areas?
____ for two insulated conductors laid b. M b. ll and lll only
parallel within an outer non-metallic l. day rooms
covering. c. R ll. lounges c. lll only
lll. business offices
d. N d. l, ll and lll

252. When derating the ampacity of a. l only 257. The neutral feeder conductor a. connected
multi-conductor cables to be installed must be capable of carrying the
in cable tray, the ampacity duration b. ll only maximum ____ load. b. unbalanced
shall be based on ____.
l. the total number of current carrying c. either l or ll c. demand
conductors in the cable tray
ll. the total number of current carrying d. both l and ll d. grounded
conductors in the cable.
253. In grounded system, the conductor that a. I only 258. For straight pulls, the length of the a. 8 times
connects the circuit grounded conductor at the box shall be not less than ___ the
service and/or the equipment grounding
conductor to the grounding electrode is called
b. II only outside diameter, over sheath, of the b. 6 times
the ____. largest conductor or cable entering the
I. main grounding conductor c. III only box on system over 600 volts. c. 36 times
II. common main grounding conductor
III. equipment grounding conductor d. IV only d. 48 times
IV. grounding electrode conductor
254. Underground cable installed a. I only 259. Expansion joints and telescoping a. grounding
under a building shall be in a raceway sections of raceway shall be made conductors
that is ____. b. II only electrically continuous by equipment b. grounded
I. encased ____ or other means approved for the conductor
II. extended beyond the outside walls of a c. III only purpose. c. bonding
building jumpers
III. buried at least 150mm d. IV only d. none of
IV. not buried more than 300mm
255. The overall covering for type NMC a. ll and lll 260. Sealing compound is employed a. I only
cable shall be ____. with mineral-insulated cable in a class I
l. flame retardant b. l and lll location for the purpose of ____. b. II only
ll. moisture resistant I. preventing passage of gas or vapor
lll. fungus resistant c. ll, lll and lV II. excluding moisture c. III only
lV. corrosion resistant III. limiting a possible explosion
V. all of these
d. V IV. preventing escape of powder. d. IV only
261. The maximum allowable number a. 38 266. In a commercial garage the pit a. Class I,
of overcurrent device in a lighting & shall be classified ___ unless Division II
appliance branch circuit panel board b. 30 provisions are made for six air changes b. Class II,
shall be ____. per hour. Division II
c. 42 c. Class II,
Division I
d. 48 d. Class I,
Division I
262. The Code provides that a. 75 267. Ground clamps shall be approved a. ll only
unshielded lead-in conductors of for general use without protection or
amateur transmitting stations shall b. 100 shall be protected ____. b. ll and lll only
clear the building surface which is
wired over by a distance not less than c. 125 l. by enclosing in wood c. l and lll only
____ mm. ll. by enclosing in metal
d. 150 lll. by equivalent protective covering d. l, ll and lll

263. Floor boxes shall be considered to a. w/in 600mm 268. Each doorway leading into a vault a. 2
meet the requirement of the spacing of the wall from the building interior shall be
receptacles on walls if they are ____. b. w/in 450mm provided with a tight fitting door having b. 4
of the wall a minimum fire rating of ____ hours.
c. close to the c. 5
d. none of d. 3
264. For general wiring in Class I, a. rigid metal 269. Auxiliary equipment for electric- a. not over
Division I locations it is permissible to conduit discharge lamps shall be enclosed in 75mm away
use _____. b. EMT non-combustible cases and ___. b. not over
c. flexible c. treated as
metal conduit source of heat
d. all of these d. none of
265. In closed construction in a a. 3.5 270. Tap conductors for household a. 50
manufactured building, cables shall be cooking equipment supplied from a 50
permitted to be secured only at b. 5.5 amp branch circuit shall have an b. 70
cabinets, boxes, or fittings where ____ ampacity of not less than ____.
or smaller conductors are used and c. 8.0 c. 20
protected as required.
d. 2.0 d. 80
271. The ampacity for the supply a. 9.45 276. The connection of a grounding a. I only
conductors for a resistance welder with electrode conductor to a driven ground
a duty cycle of 15% and a primary b. 8.19 rod is ____. b. II only
current of 21 amps is ____ amps. I. required to be visible
c. 6.72 II. required to be accessible c. III only
III. required to be readily accessible
d. 5.67 IV. not required to be accessible d. IV only

272. Tap conductors in a metal a. 1200 277. The maximum rating of a plug a. 20
raceway for recessed fixture fuse is ____ amps.
connections shall be limited to ___ mm b. 1500 b. 30
in length.
c. 1800 c. 15

d. 1250 d. 40

273. The number of square feet that a. 6 278. A controller for a motor- a. l only
each made plate electrode should compressor, serving more than one
present to the soil is ____. b. 4 motor-compressor and other loads, b. ll only
shall have ____.
c. 2 I. a continuous duty, F.L.C. rating c. either l or ll
II. a locked-rotor current rating not less
d. 8 than the combined load d. both l and ll

274. An autotransformer starter shall a. l only 279. A multi-wire branch circuit may a. l only
provide ___. supply ____.
b. ll only b. ll only
l. an “off position” l. only one utilization equipment
ll. a running position c. l and ll only ll. ungrounded conductors that are c. both l and ll
lll. at least one starting position opened simultaneously
d. l, ll and lll d. neither l nor
275. Non-metallic cabinets in a wet a. to be 280. In an industrial commercial a. 8
location shall be permitted ___ installed building, where the actual numbers of
airspace between concrete, masonry without general purpose receptacle outlets are b. 4
tile or similar wall. b. no unknown, an additional, load of _____
c. enough volt-amps per square meter shall be c. 0
included in the load calculation.
d. none of d. 2
281. The branch circuit conductors to a. 80 286. The service disconnecting means a. nearest the
one or more units of a data processing shall be installed at a readily point of
system shall have an ampacity of what b. 100 accessible location either outside of a entrance
percent of the total connected load? building or structure, or inside ____ of b. the box
c. 125 the service conductors. c. 1500mm
d. 200 d. none of
282. When a controller is not within a. up 287. Which of the following statements about MI a. I only
sight from the motor location the cable is correct?
disconnect shall be capable of being b. down I. it may be used in any hazardous location b. II only
II. a single run of cable shall not contain more
___ in the open position.
than the equivalent of 4 quarter bends
c. locked III. it shall be securely supported at intervals not c. III only
exceeding 3 meters
d. shut-off IV. it may be mounted flush on supporting d. IV only
surfaces in a wet location

283. Single conductors in a cable tray a. current 288. Receptacles located over ___ mm a. 650
shall be securely bound in circuit unbalance above the floor are not counted in the
groups to prevent ____ due to fault- b. inductive required number of receptacles along b. 450
current magnetic forces unless single reactance the wall.
conductors are cabled together, such c. excessive c. 500
as triplexed assemblies. movement
d. voltage d. 300
284. Class II hazardous location is a. I only 289. The maximum size of receiving a. 45, 2.0
where ____. station outdoor antenna conductor,
b. II only where the span is ___ m, shall be at b. 10, 3.5
I. gases and vapors are present least ___ square mm if a copper-clad
II. combustible dust is present c. III only steel conductor is used. c. 10, 2.0
III. fibers and flying are present
IV. radioactive materials is present d. IV only d. 45, 3.5

285. A transverse metal raceway for a. an 290. The minimum thickness of the a. 22
electric conductors, furnishing access underflow sealing compound in Class I, Division I
to predetermined cells of a precast raceway and II locations shall not be less than b. 16
cellular concrete floor, which permits b. a header the trade size of the conduit and in no
installation of conductors from a c. a cellular case less than ____ mm. c. 30
distribution center to the floor cells, is raceway
called ____. d. a mandrel d. 18
291. Multi-outlet assembly may be a. where 296. The grounding conductor for a. l only
used ____. concealed secondary circuits of instrument
b. in hoistways transformers and for instrument cases b. ll only
shall not be smaller than 3.5mm ____.
c. in dry l. metal c. lll only
location ll. aluminum lll. copper
d. in storage d. l, ll and lll
battery rooms 297. Fixtures or lampholders should a. I only
292. The rating of the surge arrester a. l only have no live parts normally exposed to
shall be ___ the maximum continuous contact unless they are ___. b. II only
phase-to-ground power frequency b. l or ll I. rosette type 6 feet above the floor
II. cleat type located at least 2400mm above the
voltage. c. III only
l. equal to c. l or lll III. both a and b
ll. less than IV. neither a nor b d. IV only
lll. greater than d. ll only
298. A service or feeder supplying loads a. 40
293. Which of the following is an a. l only such as household cooking equipment and
acceptable wiring method for the electric clothes dryers shall be permitted to b. 50
forming shell for underground sound b. ll and lll only have an additional demand factor of ___
equipment? percent applied to the amount or portion c. 70
l. rigid metal conduit determined by the basic calculation.
c. l, ll and lV
ll. IMC brass
lll. EMT
d. 80
IV. Rigid nonmetallic conduit d. lV only 299. Where a double-throw knife a. closed
switch has a vertical throw, ___ means
294. Hoistway is a ___ in which an a. shaftway shall be provided to hold the blades in b. automatic
elevator or dumbwaiter is designed to the open position when so set.
operate. b. hatchway c. integrated
c. well hole
d. locking
d. all of these
300. Where required, drawings for a. completion
295. Tests are to be performed and made a. I only feeder insulations shall be provided of installation
available to the inspector on all cords sets prior to the ____. b. installation
and receptacles used for temporary wiring b. II only of the feeders
on construction sites. All tests shall be c. removal of
performed _____. the feeders
I. at intervals not exceeding 3 months
c. III only
d. all of these
II. when there is evidence of damage
III. before use on the construction site d. I, II and III
251) a (Ref: pp. 338)
252) d (Ref: pp. 346) 277) c (Ref: pp. 181)
253) d (Ref: pp. 206) 278) d (Ref: (a) pp. 748)
254) b (Ref: pp. 311) 279) c (Ref: exc.1&2 pp. 67)
255) d (Ref: pp. 437) 280) c (Ref: Table pp. 100)
256) d (Ref: FPN pp. 962) 281) c (Ref: pp. 1223)
257) b (Ref: pp. 107) 282) c (Ref: exc.1 pp. 717)
258) d (Ref: pp. 406) 283) c (Ref: pp. 531)
259) c (Ref: pp. 227) 284) b (Ref: pp. 806)
260) b (Ref: pp. 821) 285) b (Ref: pp. 501)
261) c (Ref: pp. 597) 286) a (Ref: pp. 153)
262) a (Ref: pp. 1453) 287) a (Ref: pp. 428)
263) b (Ref: pp. 84) 288) b (Ref: pp. 84)
264) a (Ref: pp. 819) 289) a (Ref: Table pp. 1448)
265) b (Ref: pp. 1042) 290) b (Ref: pp. 826)
266) a (Ref: pp. 917) 291) c (Ref: pp. 511)
267) d (Ref: pp. 198) 292) c (Ref: pp. 257)
268) d (Ref: pp. 770) 293) c (Ref: pp. 1277)
269) c (Ref: pp. 621) 294) d (Ref: 1.1.1 def. pp 14)
270) c (Ref: exc.1 pp. 77) 295) d (Ref: pp 1144)
271) b (Ref: Table pp. 1207) 296) c (Ref: pp. 252)
272) c (Ref: pp. 622) 297) b (Ref: exc. pp. 606)
273) c (Ref: pp. 216) 298) c (Ref: 111)
274) d (Ref: (b) pp. 711) 299) c (Ref: pp. 580)
275) a (Ref: exc. pp. 383) 300) b (Ref: pp. 94)

276) b (Ref: pp. 222)

301. In commercial garages, generally a. Class I,
the floor area to a level of 460mm Division I an individual branch circuit shall have
above grade is designated as ___. b. Class I, a rating not less than ___ percent of b. 80
Division II the rating of the branch circuit.
c. Class II, c. 100
Division II
d. Class II, d. 125
Division I
302. In using multiple grounding a. 1800 307. A surge arrester is a protective a. decreasing
electrodes, they shall be separated device for limiting surge voltages by
one from the other at ___ mm distance b. 1650 ____ or bypassing surge current. b. discharging
c. 1750 c. limiting

d. 2000 d. derating

303. The disconnecting means for a 50 a. 126 308. A disconnecting means serving a a. 125
hp three-phase 460v induction motor hermetic refrigerant motor compressor
shall have an ampere rating of at least b. 75 selected on the basis of the nameplate b. 80
____ amps. rated load current or branch circuit
selection current, whichever is greater shall
c. 91 have an ampere rating of __% of the
c. 100
nameplate rated load current or branch
d. 63 circuit selection current. d. 115

304. Overcurrent protection for electric a. 15 309. What size grounding conductor is a. 8.0 sq mm Cu
organ circuits shall not exceed ___ required for a 2-wire DC generator
amps. b. 20 used in conjunction with balancer set b. 14 sqmmCu
to obtain neutrals for a 3-wire system
c. 8.0 sq mm Al
c. 25 equipped with overcurrent devices that
will disconnect the 3-wire system in d. 5.5 sq mm Al
d. none of case of excessive unbalancing of
these voltages or current?
305.Each transformer shall be provided a. l only 310. The hazardous area in a pit of a a. Class I,
with a nameplate giving the name of the spray operation without proper vapor Division I
manufacturer, rated kva, ___ if 25 kva and b. ll only stop is classified as a ___ location. b. Class I,
larger. Division II
l. amount & kind of insulating liquid whereused. c. Class II,
ll.frequencyIll.Impedance c. lV only Division I
IV. required clearances for ventilating openings d. Class III,
d. l, ll, lll&lV Division I

306. A single receptacle installed on a. 50 311. Temporary electrical power and a. 90

lighting installations shall be permitted identified by ____.
for a period not to exceed ___ days for b. 60 I. one continuous green color b. II only
holiday decorative lighting and similar II. being bare
purposes. c. 30 III. a continuous green color with one or c. III only
more yellow stripes
IV. any of these
d. 15 d. IV only

312. When an outlet from an under-floor

317. In general, the voltage limitation a. 300
a. I only
raceway is discontinued, the circuit between conductors in a surface metal
conductors supplying the outlet ____. raceway is ____ volts. b. 600
b. II only
I. may be spliced
II. may be reinsulated c. 900
III. may be handled like abandoned c. III only
outlets on loop wiring
IV. shall be removed from the raceway d. 1000
d. IV only
318. Locations in which ignitable fibers a. Class II,
313. Fixtures shall be wired with a. temperature
are stored are designated as ____. Division 2
conductors having insulation suitable
b. Class III,
for the environment conditions and ___ b. voltage
Division 1
to which the conductors will be
c. Class III,
subjected. c. current
Division 2
d. non-
d. all of these
319. A switch or circuit breaker shall a. I only
314. Signs in wet locations shall be a. l and ll only disconnect the grounded conductors of a
weatherproof and ____. circuit ___.
I. have drain holes positioned so there
b. II only
b. ll and lll only I. by hand levers only
is no external obstructions II. simultaneously as it disconnects the
II. have at least one drain hole in every ungrounded conductors c. III only
c. l only III. before it disconnects the ungrounded
low point
lll. drain holes shall not be smaller than conductors d. IV only
d. l, ll, and lll IV. in none of the above ways

a. ozone- 320. The space measured horizontally a. 3,600

315. Solid dielectric insulated
resistant above a show window must have at
conductors operated above 2000 volts
least one receptacle for each ___ b. 5,000
in permanent installations shall have b. asbestos linear mm.
___ insulation and shall be shielded.
c. 7,600
c. hi- temperature

d. perfluoro-alkoxy d. 3,000

316. The grounding conductor shall be a. I only 321. If the allowable current carrying a. 200
capacity of a conductor does not permitted to be installed in concrete, in
correspond to the rating of a standard b. 500 direct contact with the earth or in areas b. corrosion
size over-current device, the next subject to severe influences where protection
larger size may be used provided the c. 800 protected by ____ and judged suitable c. PVC
current does not exceed ___ amps. for the condition.
d. 1000 d. orangeburg

322. In a dwelling the Code requires a a. l only 327. A park trailer is one built on a a. 50
minimum of ____. single chassis mounted on wheels and
I. two or more 20 amp circuits for the small b. l and ll only having a gross trailer area not b. 40
appliance circuits exceeding ___ square meter in the set-
II. one 20 amp circuit for the washing c. l and lll only up mode. c. 30
llI. one 20 amp circuit for the bathroom
d. l, ll and lll d. 20

323. The feeder for six 20 amps a. 70 328. The Philippine Electrical Code is a. I only
receptacles supplying shore power _____.
shall be calculated at ____ percent of b. 80 I. intended to be a design manual b. II only
the sum of the rating of the II. meant to be used as an instruction
receptacles. c. 90 manual for untrained persons c. III only
III. the practical safeguarding of
persons and property
d. 100 IV. published by Bureau of Standards
d. IV only

324. The rating of a lampholder on a a. 220 329. Which of the following is/are a. l only
circuit which operates at a voltage less correct about open wire systems on
than 50 volts shall be at least ____ b. 660 insulators? b. ll only
watts. I. surface-type snap switches do not need boxes
ll. conductor supports shall be within 150mm of a
c. 330 tap
c. l and lll only
lll. surface-type snap switches shall be mounted
d. 550 on insulating material d. l, ll and lll

325. Health care low voltage a. 50 330. Optical fiber cables transmit light a. communica-
equipment frequently in contact with for ___ through an optical fiber. tions
bodies of persons shall not exceed ___ b. 115 b. signaling
c. 10 c. control

d. 8 d. all of these

326. Rigid metal conduit shall be a. ceramic 331. The equipment bonding jumper a. I only
on the supply side of the service is power supply cords, used with storable
sized by the rating of the ___. b. II only pools shall be protected by ____. b. circuit
I. overcurrent protective device breakers
II. service entrance conductors c. III only c. double-
III. service drop insulation
IV. load to be served d. IV only d. GFCI

332. Transformers over 112 1/2 kva a. 100 337. What is the minimum working a. 1500
shall not be within ___ mm of clearance on a circuit 300 volts to
combustible material. b. 200 ground, exposed live parts on one side b. 1200
and grounded parts on the other side
c. 300 of the working space? c. 1300

d. 400 d. 1000

333. The overall covering of UF cable a. lll and ll only 338. A single electrode consisting of a a. l only
shall be ____. ___ which does not have a resistance
l. suitable for direct burial in the earth b. l only to ground of 25Ω or less shall be b. ll only
ll. flame-retardant augmented by one additional
lll. moisture, fungus and corrosion c. l and lll only electrode. c. lll only
resistant l. rod ll. pipe lll. plate
d. l, ll and lll d. l, ll, or lll

334. In a Class II location, where a. I only 339. A thermal barrier shall be required a. 500
electrically-conducting dust is present, if the space between the resistors and
flexible connections at motors could be b. II only reactors and any conductor would be b. 400
made with ____. ___ mm and below.
I. flexible metal conduit
II. type AC armored cable c. III only c. 300
III. hard usage cable
IV, liquid-tight flexible metal conduit d. IV only d. 200
with approved fittings

335. Knife switches rated for more a. I only 340. If the terminal for the equipment a. letter G
than 1200 amperes at 250 volts ____. grounding conductor is not visible on
I. are used only as isolating switches b. II only the receptacle, the conductor entrance b. letter GR
II. may be opened under load hole shall be marked with the ____.
III. should be placed so that gravity tends to c. III only c. word ground
close them
IV. should be connected in parallel
d. IV only d. any of these

336. All electric equipment, including a. fuses 341. Signs and outline lighting system a.manufacturer
shall be marked with ____ name permitted within a wirewayprovided
b. trademark they are accessible. The conductor b. 80
including splices and taps shall not fill
c. voltage and the wireway to more than ___ percent c. 125
current of its area at that point.
d. all of these d. 75

342. Which of the following is not a. horsepower 347. Escalator motors shall be a. intermittent
required on a motor nameplate? classified as ___ duty.
b. maker’s b. varying
c. watts c. short-time

d. voltage d. continuous

343. Industrial machinery is defined as a. l only 348. Torque motors are rated for a. at full torque
___. operation ____.
l. a portable machine used to shaped b. ll only b. at FLC
or form plastic
ll. a power-driven machine not portable c. l and ll c. at standstill
by hand
d. neither l nor d. with code
ll letter
344. The vertical clearance above the a. 500 mm 349. The rating of an over-current a. not over
roof level shall be maintained for a device for a capacitor shall be ____ 20A
distance of not less than _____ in all b. 900 mm b. as low as
directions from the edge of the roof. practicable
c. 800 mm c. less than
d. 1000 mm d. none of
345. Where reduced heating of the conductors results a. I only 350. It is the intent of the Code that a. factory-
from motors operating on duty-cycle, intermittently, or
from all motors not operating at one time, the feeder ____ wiring or the construction of installed
conductors ___. b. II only equipment need not be inspected at internal
I. are not allowed to have the ampacity reduced
the time of installation of the b. factory-
II. may have an ampacity less than specified if installed
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. c. III only equipment, if the equipment has been c. underground
III. Must be sized no smaller than 125% of the largest
motor connected to the feeder
listed by a qualified electrical testing
IV. Must be sized not smaller than 125% of the largest d. IV only laboratory. d. raceway
motor plus other loads.

346. Splices and taps shall be a. 25 301) b (Ref: pp. 917)
302) a (Ref: pp. 218) 326) b (Ref: pp. 449)
303) c (Ref: Table pp. 734) 327) b (Ref: pp. 1105)
304) d (Ref: pp. 1230) 328) c (Ref: pp. 1)
305) d (Ref: pp. 765) 329) a (Ref: pp. 548)
306) c (Ref: pp. 79) 330) d (Ref: pp. 1413)
307) b (Ref: pp. 256) 331) a (Ref: pp. 228)
308) d (Ref: pp. 742) 332) c (Ref: pp. 766)
309) a (Ref: pp. 249) 333) d (Ref: pp. 444)
310) a (Ref: pp. 804) 334) c (Ref: pp. 853)
311) a (Ref: pp. 1140) 335) a (Ref: 583)
312) d (Ref: pp. 523) 336) d (Ref: pp. 1278)
313) d (Ref: pp. 614) 337) d (Ref: Table pp. 44)
314) a (Ref: pp. 1149) 338) d (Ref: pp. 218)
315) a (Ref: pp. 334) 339) c (Ref: pp. 781)
316) d (Ref: pp. 237) 340) d (Ref: pp. 242)
317) a (Ref: pp. 518) 341) d (Ref: pp. 1146)
318) c (Ref: pp. 807) 342) c (Ref: pp. 675)
319) d (Ref: pp. 579) 343) b (Ref: pp. 1247)
320) a (Ref: pp. 89) 344) b (Ref: pp. 144)
321) c (Ref: pp. 165) 345) b (Ref: pp. 688)
322) d (Ref: pp. 75) 346) d (Ref: pp. 507)
323) c (Ref: pp. 1133) 347) d (Ref: pp. 1143)
324) b (Ref: pp. 1367) 348) c (Ref: pp. 677)
325) c (Ref: pp. 993) 349)b (Ref: pp. 777)
350) a (Ref: pp. 4)
351. A night club lighting dimmer a. 50 356. The minimum size service for a a. 80
installed in an ungrounded conductor mobile home in a mobile home park is
shall have overcurrent protection rated b. 70 ____ amps. b. 70
at no more than ___ percent.
c. 80 c. 200

d. 125 d. 100

352. A motel conference room is a. rigid non- 357. For over 600v, the motor branch circuit a. I only
designed for the assembly of 100 or metallic conductors shall have an ampacity not less
more persons. The room is fire-rated conduit than _____ b. II only
construction. One of the following b. MI cable I. 175% of the motor nameplate current
wiring methods shall be required: c. non-metallic II. 150% of the motor nameplate current
III. 140% of the full load current from the
c. III only
appropriate table
cable d. IV only
IV. the current at which the motor overload
d. NMB cable device is selected to trip
353. Busways rated over 600 volts a. installation 358. The ampacity of a single 3.5mm
a. 20
shall have all conductor termination fixture wire is ____ amps
and connection hardware accessible b. connection b. 24
for ____.
c. maintenance c. 23
d. all of these d. 35
354. Cable tray system shall not be a. tunnels 359. A cord connector that is supported a. receptacle
used in ____ or where subject to by a permanently installed cord outlet
severe physical damage. b. hoistways pendant shall be considered____. b. permanent
c. hazardous c. lighting
locations outlet
d. 600 volt d. outlet
systems device
355. What is the minimum burial depth a. 500mm 360. Equipment intended to break a. at maximum
for rigid non-metallic conduit in a current at fault levels shall have an
dispensing station Class I, Division 1 b. 600mm interrupting rating sufficient for the b. operating
location? system voltage and the current which
c. 700mm is ___ at the line terminals of the c. available
d. 800mm d. required
361. Examples of resistance heaters a. l and ll only 366. For hallways of ____ mm or more a. 2500
are ____ in length at least one receptacle outlet
l. heating blankets b. ll and lll shall be required. b. 3000
ll. heating tape
lll. heating barrel c. lll only c. 1800

d. ll only d. 2300

362. Metal surface raceways having a. 40 367. In panelboards, where the voltage a. 12.7
splices and taps shall be permitted as on busbars is 250 volts and the bars
long as the splices and taps and b. 50 are opposite polarity, held free in air, b. 25.4
conductors do not fill the raceway more the minimum spacing between the
than ____ percent of the area of the c. 70 parts is ____mm. c. 31.8
raceway at that point
d. 75 d. 19.1

363. Circuits that only supply neon a. 15 368. Alkali-type battery cells in jars of a. ten
tubing installations shall not be rated in conductive material shall be installed in
excess of ____ amperes. b. 20 trays of nonconductive material with b. twenty
not more than ____ 24 volt cells in the
c. 30 series circuit in any one tray. c. thirty

d. 50 d. forty

364. A portable motor which has an a. 1/8 369. Other equipment that is located a. 100
attachment plug and receptacle may above or below the electrical
use this type of attachment as the b. 1/3 equipment shall be permitted to extend b. 150
controller provided the motor does not not more than ____ mm beyond the
exceed ____ hp. c. 1 front of the electrical equipment.. c. 130

d. 3 d. 120

365. Live parts exposed on the front of a. 760 370. The grounding conductor for a. l only
a switchboard are present; the working secondary circuits of instrument
space in front of the switchboard shall b. 500 transformers and for instrument cases b. ll only
not be less than ____ mm. shall not be smaller than 3.5sqmm.
c. 620 l. metal ll. aluminumlll. copper c. lll only

d. 750 d. l, ll or lll
371. A current-limiting overcurrent a. reduce 376. Plug fuses must have what a. octagonal
protective device is devices which will specific shape?
____ the current flowing in the faulted b. increase b. square
c. maintain c. hexagonal

d. none of d. round
372. An office is to be wired with the a. 4 377. Fixtures in clothes closets shall be a. l only
number of receptacles unknown, the ____
demand for the receptacles is _____ b. 2 l. a surface-mounted or recessed incandescent b. l and ll only
fixture with a completely enclosed lamp
va per square meter.
ll. a surface-mounted or recessed fluorescent
c. 0 fixture c. l and lll only
lll. pendant fixture
d. 8 d. l, ll and lll
378. All heating elements that are a. in the shop
373. In a recreational vehicle park with a. 5 replaceable ____ and are a part of an
electrical supply, at least ____% of the electric heater shall be legibly marked b. by the
sites shall be equipped with 50 b. 20 with the rating in volts and watts, or in manufacturer
ampere, 125/250 volt receptacles. volts and amperes c. in the field
c. 70 d. none of
d. 100
379. Plug fuses and fuseholders can a. 115
374. No parts of pendants shall be a. 900, 2400 be used in circuits supplied by a
located within a zone measured ____ system having a grounded neutral and b. 125
mm horizontally and ____ mm b. 2400, 900 having no conductor at over ____ volts
vertically from the top of the bathtub to ground. c. 150
rim. c. 1200, 2500
d. 300
d. 3200, 2400
380. EMT shall not be used _____. a. for exposed
375. The lead wires of heating cables a. lead work
are color coded for ___ identification. b. where
b. voltage protected from
corrosion solely
by enamel
c. wire c. for concealed
d. cable d. none of these
381. Where a motor is connected to a a. 15 amp at 386. Motor control circuit is the circuit a. mechanical
branch circuit by means of an 110 volts of a control apparatus or system that load
attachment plug and receptacle and b. 20 amp at carries the _____ directing the b. electric
individual overload protection is 115 volts performance of the controller but does signals
omitted, the rating of the attachment c. 25 amp at not carry the main power current. c. a & b
plug and receptacle shall not exceed 120 volts d. none of
____ or 250 volts. d. 15 amp at these
125 volts 387. Separation of junction box from a. 1600
382. All types FCC cable connections a. l only motor shall be permitted to be
shall use connections identified for separated from the motor not more b. 1800
their use, installed such that ___ b. ll only than _____mm.
against dampness and liquid spillage c. 2200
are provided. c. lll only
l. electrical continuity d. 2000
ll. insulation d. l, ll and lll
lll. sealing
388. SE cable used to supply ____ a. lighting
383. The disconnecting means of a a. 125%
shall not be subjected to conductor
hermetic-type refrigerator compressor
temperature is excess of the b. appliance
shall have an ampacity of at least ____ b. 80%
temperature specified for the type of
of the nameplate full load current
insulation involved c. motors
c. 100%
d. generators
d. 115%
389. An overcurrent trip unit of a circuit a. ungrounded
384. Fixtures shall be so constructed a. 60
shall be connected in series with each conductor
that adjacent combustible material will
_____ b. grounded
not be subject to temperature in excess b. 75
of ____ degrees C.
c. overcurrent
c. 90
d. transformer
d. 110
390. Listed or labeled equipment shall a. the job
385. Vegetation such as trees shall a. lighting specification
be installed, used, or both, in
not be used for support of ____. fixtures b. the plans
accordance with ____ c. the instructions
b. brackets or
by the authority
clamps having jurisdiction
c. overhead d. the instructions
conductor spans included in the
d. none of listing or labeling
391. A grounding electrode connection a. be made 396. When calculating the conductor fill a. 20
that is encased in concrete or directly b. be made only
for strut-type channel raceway with
buried shall ____ by exothermic internal joiners, the raceway shall be b. 25
welding permitted to be filled to ___ percent of
c. be a minimum the cross-sectional area. c. 30
38mm2 bare
d. not be required
to be accessible d. 40

392. A lighting fixture installed outdoors a. I only 397. Splices and taps shall be a. 31
is permitted to be supported by ___ permitted in surface nonmetallic
I. trees b. II & III only raceways having a removable cover b. 40
II. a metal pole that is accessible after installation. The
III. an outlet box c. II only conductors, including splices and taps, c. 53
shall not fill the raceway to more than
d. I, II, or III ___ percent of its area at that point. d. 75

393. For swimming pool water heaters a. 50 398. Lighting fixtures located in the a. swimming
rated at more than ___ amperes that have same room and not directly associated pool area
specific instructions regarding bonding and b. 40 with a hydromassage bathtub, shall be b. kitchen
grounding, only those parts designated to installed in accordance with the
be bonded shall be bonded, and only those
parts designated to be grounded shall be
c. 30 requirements covering the installation c. exercise
grounded of that equipment in ___ room
d. 20 d. bathrooms
394. Where a fixture is recessed in fire a. 150 C 399. In a recreational vehicle park, tent a. 180va
resistant material in a building of fire sites equipped with only 20 ampere
resistant construction, a temperature not o
b. 165 C supply facilities shall be calculated on b. 300va
higher than ___ shall be considered the basis of ____ per site.
acceptable if the fixture is plainly marked o
that it is listed for that service.
c. 170 C c. 360va

d. none of d. 600va
395. A manufactured assembly a. ceiling grid 400. Type ___ cable consists of three a. NMC
designed to support and energize lighting or more flat copper conductors placed
lighting fixtures that are capable of b. electric edge-to-edge and separated and b. AC
being readily repositioned is ___ discharge enclosed within an insulating
lighting assembly. c. MI
c. lighting track
d. open circuit d. FCC
376) c (Ref: pp. 181)
351) d (Ref: pp. 1008) 377) b (Ref: pp. 608)
352) b (Ref: pp. 1003) 378) c (Ref: pp. 642)
353) d (Ref: pp. 497) 379) d (Ref: pp. 181)
354) b (Ref: pp. 527) 380) b (Ref: pp. 477)
355) b (Ref: pp. 942) 381) d (Ref: pp. 585)
356) d (Ref: pp. 1073) 382) d (Ref: pp. 416)
357) d (Ref: pp. 727) 383) d (Ref: pp. 742)
358) c (Table pp. 577) 384) c (Ref: pp. 608)
359) a (Ref: pp. 82) 385) c (Ref: pp. 127)
360) c (Ref: pp. 37) 386) b (Ref: pp. 672)
361) a (Ref: FPN pp. 665) 387) b (Ref: pp. 730)
362) d (Ref: pp. 519) 388) b (Ref: pp. 372)
363) c (Ref: pp. 1146) 389) a (Ref: pp. 171)
364) a (Ref: pp. 645) 390) d (Ref: pp. 36)
365) d (Ref: pp. 44) 391) d (Ref: exc.1 pp. 222)
366) b (Ref: pp. 88) 392) a (Ref: pp. 613)
367) d (Table pp. 601) 393) a (Ref: pp. 1276)
368) b (Ref: pp. 783) 394) a (Ref: pp. 621)
369) b (Ref: pp. 41) 395) c (Ref: pp. 628)
370) c (Ref: pp. 252) 396) b (Ref: Table pp.516)
371) a (Ref: pp. 164) 397) d (Ref: pp. 519)
372) d (Table 100) 398) d (Ref: pp. 1290)
373) b (Ref: pp. 1099) 399) d (Ref: pp. 1100)
374) a (Ref: pp. 607) 400) d (Ref: pp. 414)
375) b (Ref: pp. 649)
401. The minimum size service lateral a. 8.0mm 406. All 125 volt single phase a. 2600
to a branch circuit limited load is ____ receptacles within ____ mm of the
copper. b. 5.5mm inside walls of a hydromassage tub b. 2850
shall be protected by a ground fault
c. 3.5mm circuit interrupter(s). c. 3000

d. none of d. none of
these these
402. A 2400 volt lead cable can be a. 6 407. Of the two to six service a. control wiring
bent up to ____ times its diameter. disconnecting means in a panel, only a b. a water pump
b. 8 disconnect used for ____ is permitted intended for fire
to be remote from the other
c. 10 disconnects. c. elevator panels
d. supply to
across the line
d. 12 starting
403. A fixture rated at 6 amps requires a. 1.25mm 408. To reach a lighting fixture junction a. concealed
a size ____ minimum fixture wire. box you had to stand on a ladder. This
b. 0.75mm junction box is considered to be. b. readily
c. 2.0mm c. accessible

d. none of d. hidden
404. The maximum percent of a. 167% 409. The maximum number of 15 amp a. 10
overcurrent protection allowed is ____ receptacles permitted on a free
of the input current to an b. 150% standing office partition is ____. b. 13
autotransformer when less than 9
amps. c. 300% c. 2

d. 125% d. 6

405. Aluminum fittings and enclosures a. both ferrous

410. Transformer vaults shall have a. 6
and nonferrous
shall be permitted to be used with ____ adequate structural strength and a
where not subject to severe corrosive b. PVC thick wall minimum fire resistance of at least b. 1 ½
influences. c. electrical ____ hours. Unless protected by
nonmetallic tubing
d. steel electrical
automatic sprinklers. c. 3
metallic tubing
d. not required
411. In other than dwelling, ____ must a. institutional 416. For an installation consisting of a. 20
have GFCI protection in a commercial kitchens not more than two 2-wire branch
building. receptacle circuits, the service disconnecting b. 30
b. outdoor means shall have a rating of not less
c. bathroom
than ___ amperes. c. 60
d. all of d. 100
412. The highest current at rated a. overload 417. The term pool includes swimming, a. I and II only
voltage that a device is intended to wading and therapeutic pools and the
interrupt under standard test conditions b. inverse time term fountain includes ____ b. II & III only
is known as ____ rated I. ornamental pools
c. thermal II. drinking fountains c. III & IV only
protector III. display pools
d. interrupting IV. reflection pools d. I, III & IV
rating only
413. Where fluorescent lighting fixtures a. I and II only 418. Where the overcurrent device is a. 100
are supported independently of the rated over ____ amperes, the ampacity
outlet box, they shall be connected by b. II & III only of the conductors it protects shall be b. 200
metal raceways, nonmetallic raceways equal to or greater than the rating of
or ____ may be used. c. III only the overcurrent device. c. 500
I. nonmetallic sheathed cable
II. MI cable d. 800
d. I, II, III, & IV
III. AC cable
IV. MC cable
414. The residual voltage of a a. 0 419. When derating the ampacity of a. I only
capacitor shall be reduced to ___ volts, multiconductor cables to be installed in
nominal, or less with 1 minute after the b. 15 cable tray, the ampacity duration shall b. II only
capacitor is disconnected from the be based on ___.
source of supply. c. 30 I. the total number of current carrying c. either I or II
conductors in the cable tray
d. 50 II. the total number of current carrying d. both I and II
conductors in the cable.
415. Where single phase loads are a. high leg 420. A/an ___ shall be used to connect a. neutral
connected on the load side of a phase the grounding terminal of a grounding conductor
converter, they shall not be connected b. grounded type receptacle to a grounded box. b. branch
to the ____ phase circuit
c. manufactured c. equipment
bonding jumper
d. bonding
d. neutral jumper main
421. Several motors, each not a. 15 426. A ___ is a circuit operating at 600 a. I only
exceeding 1 horsepower in rating, shall volts, nominal, or less, between phases
be permitted on a nominal 115 volt b. 20 that connects two power sources or b. II only
branch circuit protected at not over power supply point, such as the
____ amperes. c. 30 secondaries of two transformers. c. III only
I. branch circuit individual
d. 40 II. branch circuit multiwire d. I and II only
III. Secondary tie
422. If a switch or circuit breaker a. 1/8 427. Entrances to rooms and other a. yellow
serves as the disconnecting means for guarded locations containing exposed
a permanently connected motor driven b. 1/4 live parts shall be marked with ___ b. blue
appliance of more than ___ warning signs forbidding unqualified
horsepower, it shall be located within c. 1/2 persons to enter. c. conspicuous
sight from the motor controller.
d. 3/4 d. orange

423. Overcurrent devices shall be a. I only 428. Where flexible cords are permitted a. switches
enclosed in ____ by the code to be permanently
I. cabinets b. II only connected, it is permissible to omit ___ b. receptacles
II. cutout boxes for such cords. connections
c. I or II c. grounding

d. none of d. GFCI
these protection
424. Where reduced heating of the conductors results a. I only 429. A 20 ampere rated branch circuit a. 16
from motors operating on duty-cycle, intermittently, of with 3.5 mm2 wire supplying a duplex
from all motors not operating at one time, the feeder
conductors ____ b. II only receptacle can be loaded to a b. 20
I. are not allowed to have the ampacity reduced maximum of ____ amperes.
II. may have an ampacity less than specified if
acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction c. III only c. 12
III. must be sized no smaller than 125% of the largest
motor connected to the feeder d. 10
IV. must be sized not smaller than 125% of the largest d. IV only
motor plus other loads
425. Live parts of generators operated a. 30 430. The grounding electrode for grounding a. I only
at more than ___ volts to ground shall communications systems may be connected to
the nearest accessible location on any of the b. II only
not be exposed to accidental contact b. 50 following EXCEPT one. Which one of this?
where accessible to unqualified I. Buried interior PVC water piping system
persons. c. 120 II. Grounding electrode conductor c. III only
III. Building structure of a concrete building
IV. Grounding terminal of service equipment if d. IV only
d. 150
provide by the utility company
431. According to the code the a. 300 V 436. In wiring using rigid metal a. 15 mm
minimum insulation level for neutral conduits, conduit smaller than ____
conductor of residential installation b. 600 V shall not be used. b. 32 mm
which has solidly grounded system
shall be______. c. 750 V c. 8 mm

d. 1,000 V d. 25 mm
432. The surge arrester for service less a. 8.0 mm 437. The uses of non- metallic a. I only
than 1,000 volts connected by copper extensions are NOT allowed in all but
conductor for grounding electrode b. 5.5 mm one of the following. Which one is this? b. II only
conductor or the equivalent grounding I.directly on the surface of wall
terminal shall NOT be smaller than c. 3.5 mm II. where exposed to corrosive vapors c. III only
_____. III. where subject to corrosive vapors
d. 2.0 mm IV. Through floors or partitions d. IV only

433. The construction of metal cabinet a. 1.55 mm 438. Determine the minimum appliance a. 4000 volt-
and cutout boxes shall be such as to and laundry load required for a ampere
secure strength and rigidity. If b. 1.75 mm dwelling unit. b. 1500 volt-
constructed of uncoated sheet steel, ampere
the metal thickness should NOT be c. 1.00 mm c. 3000 volt-
less than ampere
d. 1.35 mm d. 2000 volt-
434. A three- phase general purpose a. 120 A 439. If a 460- V switchboard has a a. 500 mm
squirrel cage motor draws a full load exposed parts on one side and
current of 40 A. What is the maximum b. 80 A grounded parts or concrete on the b. 1,900 mm
size of time delay fuse that may be opposite side, What working clearance
used for short circuit protection? c. 40 A between the two sides is permitted by c. 1,500 mm
the code?
d. 100 A d. 1,000 mm

435. What is the maximum allowable a. 10 percent 440. For a rigid steel conduit of trade a. 450 mm
voltage drop from the main circuit diameter 50- mm, the field bend shall
breaker to the farthest lamp load? b. 5 percent be so made that the radius of the inner b. 250 mm
edge shall not be less than a certain
c. 2 percent radius for conductors. What is this c. 300 mm
d. 3 percent d. 375 mm
441. What does the symbol consisting a. Fuse cut- 446. When installing cables or raceways a. 20 mm
of rectangle with solid shading out type wiring method parallel to the framing
indicate? b. Telephone members such as joists, rafters or studs, b. 30 mm
exchange the cable or raceway shall be installed and
supported so that the nearest outside
c. Safety surface of the cable or raceway is NOT less
c. 10 mm
switch than a certain distance from the nearest
d. Lighting edge of the framing member. What is this d. 50 mm
panel board distance?
442. Branch circuit conductors a. 100% 447. The sum of the cross-sectional a. 20 %
supplying a single motor shall have an areas of all contained conductors at
ampacity in terms of the full load b. 125% any cross section of a wireway shall b. 50 %
current of NOT less than not exceed _____ of the interior cross
c. 130% sectional area of the wireway. c. 40 %

d. 115% d. 35 %

443. Medium voltage cable shall be a. I only

permitted for installation on the following 448. Underground communication a. combined
EXCEPT? b. II only
I. Where installed in cable trays
conductors in raceway, hand hole or
II. Where exposed to direct sunlight manhole containing electric light and b. separated
III. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in dry
c. III only power conductors, shall be in a section
locations ____ from such conductors by means c. included
IV. Power systems up to 35,000 volts in wet d. IV only of a separator (brick, concrete or tile)
locations under Art (a). d. inside
444. The maximum size of liquid light a. 50 mm
flexible metal conduit shall be ___ 449. Busways shall be permitted to be installed being a. I only
panels if means of access are provided and if the
electrical raceway size. b. 125 mm conditions below are met. One of them is NOT valid.
Which one of this? b. II only
I. No overcurrent devices are installed on the busway
c. 150 mm other than for an individual fixture
II. The busway is so installed that the joints between c. III only
d. 100 mm sections and fitting are accessible for maintenance
III. The busway is open and of the ventilator type d. IV only
445. Wirings allowed to be installed a. Type MC IV. The space behind the panels is not for air handling
outside buildings are enumerated Cable a. On hard
450. Flat conductor cables may be
below EXCEPT one. Which one is b. Flat concrete flooring
conductor cable
installed in any of the following location
this? b. In wet
c. Rigid metal EXCEPT one. Which one is this? locations
c. For branch
conduit circuit
d. Open wires d. In damp
on insulators locations
401) a (Ref: (b) pp. 144) 426) c (Ref: pp. 761)
402) d (Ref: pp. 328) 427) c (Ref: pp. 47)
403) b (Table pp. 577) 428) b (Ref: pp. 82)
404) d (Ref: pp. 757) 429) a (Table pp. 80)
405) d (Ref: exc. pp. 477) 430) d (Ref: pp. 1435)
406) c (Ref: pp. 1281) 431) b (Ref: pp. 159)
407) b (Ref: pp. 155) 432) d (Ref: pp. 258)
408) b (Ref: 1.1.1 pp. 6) 433) d (Ref: pp. 388)
409) b (Ref: pp. 1160) 434) b (Table pp. 700)
410) c (Ref: pp. 770) 435) b (Ref: FPN 2 pp. 78)
411) d (Ref: pp. 73) 436) a (Ref: pp. 449)
412) d (Ref: 1.1.1 pp. 15) 437) a (Ref: pp. 513)
413) d (Ref: pp. 611) 438) b (Ref: pp. 106)
414) d (Ref: pp. 777) 439) d (Table condition 2 pp. 44)
415) c (Ref: pp. 775) 440) c (Table 1495)
416) b (Ref: pp. 156) 441) d (Ref: appendix A no. 1.16 pp. 1511)
417) d (Ref: pp. 1256) 442) b (Ref: pp. 747)
418) d (Ref: pp. 165) 443) b (Ref: pp. 422)
419) b (Ref: pp. 536) 444) d (Ref: pp. 457)
420) c (Ref: pp. 246) 445) b (Ref: pp. 415)
421) b (Ref: exc. pp. 694) 446) b (Ref: pp. 309)
422) a (Ref: pp. 638) 447) a (Ref: pp. 506)
423) c (Ref: pp. 179) 448) b (Ref: pp. 1429)
424) b (Ref: pp. 688) 449) a (Ref: pp. 492)
425) b (Ref: pp. 755) 450) b (Ref: pp. 415)
451. In indoor wet locations, the entire a. 10 mm 456. In rigid metal wiring conduit, a. 2,000 mm
wiring system including all boxes, conduits shall be supported at least
fittings, control boards and panel b. 6 mm every b. 2,500 mm
boards shall be installed on walls with
a minimum clearance. What is this c. 20 mm c. 3,500 mm
d. 15 mm d. 3,000 mm

452. A type of cable which is a single a. MC 457. Metal clad cables shall be a. Signal
or multi- conductor solid dielectric permitted for installations in the circuits
insulated cable rated 2001 volts or b. MV following locations EXCEPT one. b. Branch
higher. Which one is this? circuits
c. FCC c. Direct burial in
the earth
d. AC d. Aerial cable

453. Consists of three or more flat a. Armored 458. Non- metallic boxes not over ____ a. 1,725
copper conductor placed edge to edge cable cu. Cm shall be permitted only on non-
separated and enclosed within an b. Flat cable metallic wiring method. b. 1,520
insulating assembly. assemblies
c. Sheathed c. 1,700
d. Flat conductor d. 1,650
454. An outlet box should be fastened a. Wood plug 459. For raceway 20 mm trade size or a. 8
to a concrete wall by the use of and nail larger containing conductors 22 mm2
b. Toggle bolts or larger, the minimum length of the b. 10
c. Porcelain box in straight pulls shall NOT be less
inserts and than ___ times the trade diameter of c. 6
screws the largest raceway.
d. Expansion d. 12
455. Power and control tray cables (type a. I only 460. Are rectangular sheet metal a. Metal clad
TC) maybe used under one of the following
conditions. Which one is this?
enclosures equipped with removable cable
b. II only covers providing access to conductors b. multiple cable
I. Where exposed to physical damage
II. Where installed as open cable on brackets inside? conductors
III. Where installed in industrial establishment c. III only c. Busways
where a registered master electrician will service d. Metal
the installation d. IV only
IV. Where direct buried underground Wireways
461. The largest size of electrical a. 75 mm 466. Flat conductor cable (FCC) a. Locations
metallic tubing is system shall NOT be used in the where subject to
corrosive vapors
b. 125 mm locations enumerated below EXCEPT
one. Which one is this? b. Damp
c. 150 mm
c. Residential
d. 100 mm d. Outdoors
462. Which of the raceway methods is a. Rigid metal 467. Conductors must have a a. 900 mm
NOT allowed to be used in a conduit
clearance from windows, porches, fire
hazardous location? b. Liquid-tight
flexible metal escapes of NOT less than b. 700 mm
c. Rigid non- c. 1000 mm
conduit d. 800 mm
d. None of these
463. Concealed knob and tube wiring a. 2,000 mm 468. Flexible metal conduits must not a. wet
conductors shall be rigidly supported be used in locations
on knobs not more than a certain b. 1,500 mm b. hoistways
minimum distance apart. What is this
distance? c. 1,400 mm c. storage
battery rooms
d. 2,500 mm d. all of these

464. Where raceways are exposed to a. grounded 469. Which of the following statements on a. I only
widely different temperatures they shall lighting fixtures NOT correct?
be ___. b. sealed I. Outdoor lighting fixtures and associated equipment b. II only
shall be permitted to be supported by trees
II. Metal fixtures and enclosures rated at 250 V and
c. isolated installed up in the ceiling shall be grounded c. III only
III. Stranded conductors shall be used in a wiring a
fixture supporting chain and other movable flexible parts
d. bonded IV. Fixtures and lighting equipment operating over 250 v d. IV only
shall be grounded

465. A run conduit between outlets, a. 2 470. Where the conduits enter a a. 155 mm
between fittings, between outlet and switchboard at the bottom, a sufficient
fitting shall not contain more than the b. 4 space shall be provided to permit b. 300 mm
equivalent of ___ quarter-bends. installation of the conductors in the
enclosure. The minimum spacing between
c. 3 the bottom of the enclosure and the non-
c. 250 mm
insulated bus bar shall be ____.
d. 5 d. 200 mm
471. What is the total number of a. 360 476. Asbestos is a type of insulator a. heater coils
mechanical degrees that a PVC degrees used in:
conduit run maybe bent between pull b. 180 b. electric
joints (pull boxes, junction boxes or degrees welding
utility boxes)? c. 120 c. lamp chord
d. 270 d. cartridge
degrees fuse
472. Requires working spaces for a. 1300 mm 477. The minimum ampacity of wire for a. 20 amps
equipment operating 600 V, nominal or 10 hp, 3-phase, 220 volt motor should
less to ground. This is required for live b. 1400 mm be: b. 35 amps
parts on the other side, like concrete,
brick or tile walls and shall be c. 1200 mm c. 60 amps
considered as grounded. What is this
minimum distance for condition 2? d. 1000 mm d. 75 amps

473. This type of cable is a fabricated a. Ground wire 478. If a 3.5 sq mm wire will safely a. 10 amps
assembly of insulated conductors b. Integrated carry 25 amps at 120 volts, what will it
enclosed in a flexible metal sheath. gas spacer carry at 240 volts? b. 25 amps
c. Medium c. 15 amps
voltage cable
d. Armored d. 30 amps
474. The surface non- metallic raceway a. In dry 479. A _____ is permanently located on the a. First aid
may NOT be used in the following locations outside of each equipment enclosure door equipment
locations EXCEPT one. Which one is b. Where or cover permitting access to the live parts
concealed b. manhole
this? in the motor control circuit(s), warning that
and vaults
c. Where motor control circuit disconnecting means c. warning signs
subject to are remotely located and specifying the
severe physical location and identification of each d. body belts
damage disconnect. and safety strap
d. In hoistways
475. The clearance from the top of a a. 1,000 mm 480. In hazardous location, the use of a. 400 mm
switchboard to a ceiling which is non- metallic conduit shall be permitted
combustible shall NOT be less than b. 800 mm provided it is buried NOT less than ___ b. 600 mm
____. below the earth level.
c. 900 mm c. 1,000 mm

d. 1,250 mm d. 500 mm
481. Equipment for installation in a. 4 486. Flexible cords used in locations where there is a. I only
a lot of flying flint or fibers shall comply with
hazardous locations must be tested following EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
and approved for use according to the b. 3 I. It shall be approved for use in locations which are b. II only
classification of the hazards involved. vapor- filled
II. It shall contain in addition to the conductors, a
These are divided into _____ groups. c. 7 grounding conductor c. III only
III. It shall be of type approved for extra hard usage
d. 6 IV. It shall be provided with suitable seal to prevent d. IV only
the entrance of dust
487. The sum of the cross-sectional areas a. 30
482. Hazardous locations are classified a. Two classes of all contained conductors at any cross
by the Philippine Electrical Code in section of a sheet metal auxiliary gutter b. 50
how many classes? b. Four classes shall not exceed to the percentage of the
interior cross-sectional area of the sheet
metal auxiliary gutter. What is this
c. 20
c. Three classes
d. 10
d. One class

483. A phase converter is usually employed to

488. Where coaxial cable is attached to a. 100 mm
a. 173%
convert single- phase to three- phase power building, they should have a separation
supply so that three- phase motors maybe of at least ____ from electric light or b. 50 mm
b. 250%
used. For this service, the PEC specifies that power cables.
the single – phase conductors shall have an c. 250 mm
ampacity of NOT less than ___ of the full load c. 216%
current rating of motor or load being served
where the input and the output voltages are d. 200 mm
d. 350%
489. The used of rigid metal conduits shall be permitted a. I only
484. Which of the following statements on wiring in a. I only under all atmospheric conditions subject to the following
commercial garages and shops is NOT correct? conditions EXCEPT one. Which one is this?
I. The ground conductor shall be connected to the I. Aluminum fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to b. II only
ground terminal of the utilization equipment b. II only be used with rigid steel conduits
II. Receptacles, attachment plugs and similar devices II. Ferrous metal conduits shall be permitted to be
shall be of the polarized type installed in concrete c. III only
III. Lamps and lamp holders for fixed lighting that are c. III only III. Conduits shall be permitted to be used in sand fill
located above vehicles shall be installed not lower than which is subject to permanent moisture
2,500 mm IV. Where the ferrous raceways are protected solely by d. IV only
IV. Battery chargers and batteries being charged shall d. IV only enamel, the use is permitted only indoors
not be located in location classified as hazardous
490. The Code requires that all a. 24 volts
485. Communication wires and cables a. 150 mm
energized part of electrical equipment
shall be separated at LEAST a certain
operating at ____ or more shall be b. 110 volts
minimum distance from service drops b. 175 mm
guarded against accidental contacts by
of electric light and power conductors,
approved enclosures. What it is this c. 230 volts
which are not installed in a raceway or c. 300 mm
in cable. What is this minimum
d. 50 volts
distance? d. 200 mm
491. Other equipment that is a. 250 mm 496. The maximum size of liquid tight a. 50mm
associated with the electrical flexible metal conduit shall be ___
installation and is located above or b. 200 mm trade size b. 125mm
below the electrical equipment shall be
permitted to extend not more than c. 100 mm c. 150mm
____ mm beyond the front of the
electrical equipment. d. 150 mm d. 100mm

492. Wirings allowed to be installed a. Type MC 497. Where the conduits enter a a. 155mm
outside buildings are enumerated cable switchboard at the bottom, a sufficient
below EXCEPT one. Which one is b. Flat space shall be provided to permit b. 300mm
this? conductor cable installation of the conductors in the
c. Rigid metal enclosure. The minimum spacing between
the bottom of the enclosure and the non-
c. 250mm
insulated bus bar shall be ___
d. Open wires d. 200mm
on insulators 498. A lighting fixture shall be wired a. 0.75 mm

493. Branch lighting circuits shall be a. 40A with a flexible lighting cord with a
protected by overcurrent devices not 2
cross-sectional area of NOT less than b. 2.00 mm
rated more than ___ b. 20A a certain minimum area. Which is this?
c. 0.50 mm
c. 30A
d. 1.25 mm
d. 50A
499. The surge arrester for services a. 8.0 mm2
494. The grounding electrode for grounding a. I only less than 1,000 volts connected by
communications systems may be copper conductor to grounding b. 5.5 mm2
connected to the nearest accessible b. II only
location on any of the following EXCEPT
electrode conductor or the equivalent
one. Which one is this? grounding terminal shall NOT be c. 3.5 mm2
I. buried interior PVC water piping system c. III only smaller than ____
II. grounding electrode conductor d. 2.0 mm2
III. building structure of a concrete building d. IV only
IV. grounding terminal of service equipment if
provided by the utility company
500. The grounding electrode for grounding a. I only
communications systems may be
495. Resistors and reactors shall not a. 250mm connected to the nearest accessible
be installed in close proximity to b. II only
location on any of the following EXCEPT
combustible materials such that it b. 305mm one. Which one is this?
constitutes a fire hazard. What I. buried interior PVC water piping system c. III only
minimum clearance is required by the c. 400mm II. grounding electrode conductor
Code? III. building structure of a concrete building d. IV only
IV. grounding terminal of service equipment if
d. 100mm provided by the utility company
451) b(Ref: pp. 316) 476) b (Ref: pp. 1277)
452) b (Ref: pp. 422) 477) b (Table pp. 734)
453) d (Ref: pp. 414) 478) b (Table pp. 350)
454) a (Ref: pp. 397) 479) c (Ref: pp. 710)
455) c (Ref: pp. 438) 480) b (Ref: pp. 819)
456) d (Ref: pp. 450) 481) b (Ref: pp. 898-899)
457) c (Ref: 424) 482) c (Ref: pp. 799)
458) d (Ref: pp. 391) 483) b (Ref: pp. 773)
459) a (Ref: pp. 402) 484) c (Ref: pp. 919)
460) d (Ref: pp. 505) 485) c (Ref: pp. 1429)
461) d (Ref: pp. 477) 486) a (Ref: pp. 861)
462) c (Ref: pp. 468) 487) c (Ref: pp. 489)
463) c (Ref: pp. 542) 488) a (Ref: pp. 1458)
464) b (Ref: pp. 317) 489) b (Ref: pp. 448-449)
465) b (Ref: 450) 490) d (Ref: pp. 46)
466) b (Ref: pp. 415) 491) d (Ref: pp. 43)
467) a (Ref: pp. 143) 492) b (Ref: pp. 415)
468) d (Ref: pp. 453) 493) b (Ref: pp. 81)
469) b (Ref: pp. 613) 494) a (Ref: pp. 1461)
470) c (Ref: pp. 595) 495) b (Ref: pp. 781)
471) a (Ref: pp. 420) 496) d (Ref: pp. 457)
472) d (Table pp. 44) 497) c (Table pp. 595)
473) d (Ref: pp. 407) 498) a (Ref: pp. 240)
474) a (Ref: pp. 518) 499) d (Ref: pp. 258)
475) c (Ref: (a) pp. 595) 500) a (Ref: pp. 1434)

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