Development of An Evidence-Based Guideline For Supervisor Training in Promoting Mental Health: Literature Review

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J Occup Health 2011; 53: 1–9 Journal of

Occupational Health


Development of an Evidence-based Guideline for Supervisor

Training in Promoting Mental Health: Literature Review
Akizumi Tsutsumi
Occupational Health Training Center, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Japan

Abstract: Development of an Evidence-based mental health teaching materials, and regular repetition
Guideline for Supervisor Training in Promoting of the program.
Mental Health: Literature Review: Akizumi Tsutsumi, (J Occup Health 2011; 53: 1–9)
Occupational Health Training Center, University of
Occupational and Environmental Health—Objective: Key words: Evidence-based guideline, Intervention,
To review published studies to assess the effects of Mental health, Supervisor education, Review,
supervisor training on the mental health of subordinate Workplace
workers, and thereby develop an evidence-based
guideline for supervisor training in promoting workers’
The primary prevention of mental health problems
mental health. Method: Seven studies that assessed
the effect of supervisor training, whose outcomes among workers has become a high-priority health care
included psychological stress responses of (subordinate) issue in many workplaces. Supervisor training is one of
employees, were retrieved for assessment from the most important measures to this end, because
PubMed, the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, the Web of supervisors’ attitudes and skills were found to be related
Science, and Ichushi-Web. An additional five studies to favorable working conditions and mental health among
were also reviewed for discussion on the content and their subordinates1). Although the effect of supervisor
types of training. Results: Providing supervisors with training on workers’ mental health has been suggested
necessary skills and information on mental health, through research2), its utilization rate in workplaces in
including relevant occupational stressors, has a Japan is only 35%3). Reasons found for the lack of mental
favorable effect on workers’ mental health, at least in
health measures in workplaces included “lack of
the short term. The subject populations had a
knowledge on such measures” as well as lack of personnel
background of requiring mental health measures. The
effect of the training varied depending on the participation who are in charge of the issue 3) . Therefore, the
rate of supervisors, suggesting that the overall effect on development of an evidence-based guideline and the
an organization may be limited without a certain extent preparation of instructions for training that can be carried
of participation by supervisors. There is no evidence out in workplaces may promote the training of supervisors.
of a long-term (over 1 yr) effect of supervisor training, Although a trial of this process has begun4), to the best of
and the effect of education on the supervisors’ my knowledge there have been no systematic reviews on
knowledge and behavior tends to be lost after 6 mo. the effect of supervisor training on workers’ mental health.
Conclusion: The current evidence indicates that the This study reviewed relevant effect assessment studies,
following items should be taken into consideration for for the purpose of developing an evidence-based guideline
the development of a guideline for supervisor training:
for supervisor training, as a primary measure to support
identification of high-priority populations requiring
workers’ mental health.
education, development of a strategy to improve the
participation rate in education, inclusion of occupational Methods
stressors as well as basic information in workplace
The studies published within the period of January 2000
to June 2009 were searched from the retrieval databases
of PubMed, the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, the Web
Received Aug 11, 2010; Accepted Oct 13, 2010
Published online in J-STAGE Nov 10, 2010
of Science, and the Ichushi-Web (a Japanese medical
Correspondence to: A. Tsutsumi, Occupational Health Training science literature database), with the following keywords:
Center, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1–1 (education OR training) AND (supervisor OR manager)
Iseigaoka, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu 807-8555, Japan AND (job stress OR mental health).
(e-mail: Controlled studies whose outcomes included the
2 J Occup Health, Vol. 53, 2011

occupational stressors and stress reactions of workers were A lecture on the necessary knowledge and roles required
selected. If any study was reported in duplicate, only one of supervisors as laid out in the Japanese Guideline for
of the reports was reviewed. Workers’ Mental Health in the Workplace was provided
The overall effect of supervisor training was assessed, to supervisors in a sake brewing company who were
and the results of each study were considered in terms of randomly assigned to an intervention group. Other
target population, content and types of training, duration components that were carried out with the intervention
of training and effect assessment, for reference in our group included: a lecture on appropriate attitudes and
development of the planned guideline. For the discussion listening and specific response skills (active listening); a
of the content and types of training, additional literature presentation of model listening behavior; role playing in
references were included as needed. which participants practiced the roles of listener, speaker,
and observer in turn for 20 min per session; and practical
training in active listening with repeated reviews of each
In total, 188 studies (including 10 reviews) were session7). In subordinates whose performance was rated
retrieved. Of those, seven controlled studies that met the by supervisors in the intervention group and in the control
inclusion criteria were selected5–11) (Tables 1 and 2). For group, respectively, changes in psychological distress and
the discussion of the content and types of training, five self-assessment of job performance at 3 mo post-training
additional studies were included1, 12–16). were compared. An education effect was not observed in
all subjects, but a significant effect was observed among
Summary of retrieved literature: randomized controlled young clerical workers who had been worried about their
trials (Table 1) work environment.
In one study, managers in a computer engineering
company were assigned to either a training group (n=9) Summary of retrieved literature: quasi-experimental
or non-training group (n=7), and the effect of web-based studies (Table 2)
self-directed learning was examined. The content In one study, all the workplace supervisors in the
consisted of the knowledge and roles required of intervention workplace (n=2,068) attended lectures given
supervisors as laid out in the Japanese Guideline for by a counselor over the course of a year on proper attitudes
Workers’ Mental Health in the Workplace17) and quizzes for understanding the ideas and feelings expressed by
were given in each chapter as a learning review. Three subordinates, in addition to effective workplace
months after the end of the program, it was found that the management that takes into consideration the individual
scores for supervisor support had greatly decreased among differences among subordinates, and measures to be taken
the subordinates of the non-training-group supervisors, to support the independence of subordinates. It was found
while these scores did not decrease among the subordinates that reported support from supervisors increased and the
of the training-group supervisors, yielding a statistically frequency of mental health complaints in the workplace
significant intervention effect. This difference was decreased, compared with the control workplace8).
particularly remarkable for the question item regarding Among four private hospitals owned by a particular
whether supervisors listen to their subordinates’ personal health care organization located in the northeastern United
problems. There was no difference between the two groups States, two hospitals delivered salary cuts to all nurses as
with regard to support from colleagues, mental stress a result of a revision of their salary system. One of the
reactions, or other psychosocial occupational stressors5). pay-cut hospitals and one non-pay-cut hospital were
The effect of the same form of web-based self-directed randomly chosen as the subject hospitals, and 19
learning was examined in a workplace-based randomized supervising nurses from the pay-cut hospital and 21 from
controlled study6). In total, eight sales- and service-related the non-pay-cut hospital received two 4-hour sessions,
workplaces were designated as either training workplaces or consisting of a lecture on interactional justice, a case study
non-training workplaces. Three months after the intervention, review, and a role play activity, carried out over 2
the reported sense of work control among subordinates in the consecutive days (during office hours), 5 wk following the
non-training workplaces (control group) had decreased, while salary system revisions14). Immediately after and 6 mo
reported sense of work control did not decrease among after the training, the rate of insomnia significantly
subordinates in the training workplaces (intervention group), increased in the nurses of the pay-cut hospital, but the
which indicates the effect of the intervention. In addition, increase in insomnia complaints was suppressed in the
friendly atmosphere reports increased in the intervention nurses working under the supervisors who received the
group, but these were unchanged in the control group, training9).
indicating a statistically significant effect of the intervention. Supervisors in an insurance company received education
There was no significant effect on other occupational to enhance their managing ability, so as to improve the
stressors, support from supervisors or colleagues, or psychosocial occupational environment, for 2 h every
psychological stress reactions. other week for 1 yr (60 h in total)10). The training on the
Table 1. Effect assessment of supervisor training: randomized controlled trials
Author Subjects and specific workplace circumstances Content and type of training Time of Main findings
Year published assessment
Kawakami et al. Managers in an information technology company were Roles of supervisors as Pre-training Support from supervisors decreased in the
2005 3) randomly assigned to an intervention group (n=9) or specified in the guideline from and 3 mo post- control group, while it was maintained in the
control group (n=7), and their 92 and 84 subordinates, the Ministry of Health, Labour training intervention group (particularly for the item
respectively, were compared. and Welfare. regarding whether supervisors listen to
subordinates’ personal problems).

Web-based supervisor

Kawakami et al. Eight sales- and service-related workplaces were Roles of supervisors as Baseline and Sense of work control decreased in the control
2006 4) randomly assigned to an education group or control specified in the guideline from 3 mo post- group, but did not change in the intervention
group, and 81 subordinates of 23 supervisors in the the Ministry of Health, Labour training group. Friendly atmosphere in the workplace
education workplaces were compared with 108 and Welfare. increased in the intervention group.
subordinates of 23 supervisors in the control
Web-based supervisor
Akizumi Tsutsumi: Effects of Supervisor Education on Workplace Mental Health

Takao et al. Supervisors in a sake brewing company were randomly Roles of supervisors as Pre-training A significant effect was observed in mental
2006 5) assigned to an intervention group (n=24) or control specified in the guideline from and 3 mo post- stress reactions and job performance of young
group (n=22). Subordinates whose performances were the Ministry of Health, Labour training clerical workers who had been worried about
rated by the supervisors in either of the above groups and Welfare. their work environment.
(n=154 and n=101, respectively; including some missing
data in some analysis items) were compared.

This was a small manufacturing company with Active listening practice using
unfavorable prospects because the sales of their products role playing.
had decreased. In particular, male clerical employees
with a short employment history with the company had
greater anxiety (due to occupational instability). Training performed in half a

Table 2. Effect assessment of supervisor training: quasi-experimental studies

Author Subjects and specific workplace circumstances Content and type of training Time of Main findings
Published year assessment

Kawashima Employees of an electricity service-related workplace whose A part-time counselor lectured Pre-training and Complaints regarding relationships
et al. 1996 6) supervisors received training (n=2,068) were compared with the for 1 h at a time throughout 1 1 yr post-training with supervisors, depression scores,
employees of a control workplace (n=1,004). In the intervention yr, on proper attitudes for systolic blood pressure, and rate of
workplace, all managers and assistant managers received the training understanding the ideas and subordinates being inadequately
(the number of the supervisors was not specified). feelings expressed by supported by their supervisors all
subordinates, workplace decreased in the intervention
management that takes into group.
consideration the individual
differences among
subordinates, and measures to
be taken to support the
independence of subordinates.

Greenberg Nurses in four private hospitals owned by a particular health care Two 4-hour sessions consisting Immediately Insomnia significantly increased in
20067) organization located in the northeastern United States. Two hospitals of a lecture on interactional after and 6 mo nurses of the pay-cut hospital, but
delivered salary cuts to all nurses as a result of a revision of their justice, a case study review, after the training the increase in insomnia complaints
salary system. and role playing were was suppressed in the nurses
performed on 2 consecutive working under the supervisors who
days (during office hours). received the training.

One of the pay-cut hospitals and one non-pay-cut hospitals were

selected, and 19 supervisors of the former and 21 of the latter
received training at the 5-week point following the salary cuts, and
subordinates of the educated supervisors (136 and 105 subordinates,
respectively) were compared with subordinates of non-educated
supervisors (130 and 96 subordinates, respectively).
J Occup Health, Vol. 53, 2011
Table 2. Effect assessment of supervisor training: quasi-experimental studies (continued)
Theorell et al. The intervention group included 223 employees and the control A training program to enhance Pre-training and Serum cortisol decreased in the
2001 8) group was 260 employees of an insurance company. Forty-two managing ability so as to 1 yr post-training intervention group. Sense of work
supervisors in each group participated in an education program. improve the psychosocial control increased in the intervention
occupational environment (job group, and decreased in the control
The company was facing the prospect of other companies competing demand, control, support, and group.
in their exclusive business of retirement pensions for salaried effort-reward imbalance) was
workers. The training was performed for the purpose of improving carried out for 2 h every other
the competency of supervisors in dealing with the increased anxiety week for 1 yr (60 h in total).
and demoralization that could arise during the reorganization of the
business structure.

Tsutsumi et al. In a prefectural government workplace (with 1,644 workers in total) Roles of supervisors as Pre-training and A significant effect on psychological
2005 9) where measures against increasing mental health cases were specified in the guideline from 3 mo post- stress reactions was observed in the
Akizumi Tsutsumi: Effects of Supervisor Education on Workplace Mental Health

required, 473 supervisors voluntarily participated in a supervisor the Ministry of Health, Labour training departments in which one-third or
training program. Workers who responded to surveys before and and Welfare. more supervisors attended the
after the training were compared between the departments in which training. The educated supervisors
one-third or more supervisors attended the training and the showed favorable changes in
departments with a lower attendance rate (674 and 190 workers, Single lecture on active knowledge on and attitudes/
respectively). listening. behavior toward mental health.
6 J Occup Health, Vol. 53, 2011

Table 3. Evidence-based guideline for supervisor mental health training

1) All supervisors should receive mental health training.
2) High-priority populations requiring the training should be identified before implementation.
3) The training should be planned with a focus on the needs and situation of the individual workplaces.
4) The training content should be determined based on the administrative level of the subject supervisors.
5) The training content should include the items recommended in the Japanese Guideline for Workers’ Mental Health in the
Workplace and representative items related to occupational stressors.
6) The training should aim for behavior modification among supervisors.
7) Supervisor training should be performed repeatedly rather than only once.
8) Supervisor training should be performed yearly if possible.
9) Stepwise education should be planned by dividing and spreading out the content of the education.

psychosocial occupational environment covered factors training11).

in an occupational stress model such as job demand, Quasi-experimental studies generally supported this
control, support, and effort-reward imbalance. Supervisors hypothesis. Randomized controlled trials reported
and their subordinates in the intervention group showed a significant findings, but these were not from the analysis
decrease in serum cortisol and an increase in job control of the primary outcome (i.e. effect on stress reactions) but
compared with the employees in the control group. from sub-analyses of sub-populations and sub-items.
Supervisors at a prefectural government workplace Based on the results, the level of current evidence on
learned about roles and necessary knowledge required for supervisor training was evaluated as moderate, and the
supervisors as set out in the Japanese Guideline for effect of mental health education for supervisors was
Workers’ Mental Health in the Workplace, and about evaluated as being reasonably demonstrated.
making themselves available for personal consultations. Based on the current evidence and following discussions
In addition, they learned how to conduct advisory on relevant implications of supervisor training in the
consultations for subordinates in the role of supervisor, workplace, I propose a guideline for supervisor training
the theory and skills of active listening, effects of active toward the promotion of mental health, outlined in Table
listening, and situations in which active listening can be 3.
used. Three months after the completion of the program,
psychological distress and subjective job performance Target populations
improved in workers of the departments in which one-third It has been suggested that the higher the proportion of
or more supervisors attended the lecture, compared with supervisors receiving training, the more effective the
the workers of the departments with a lower attendance training may be11). In other words, the overall effect on
rate. The educated supervisors showed favorable changes the organization may be limited without a certain extent
in knowledge on and attitudes and behavior toward mental of participation by supervisors. Therefore, it is
health. Among the reported behaviors, the following items recommended that all supervisors receive mental health
showed significant changes between pre- and post- training, and a strategy to improve the participation rate
education: identification and improvement of problems in in such education programs is necessary.
the workplace environment and referral of sick subordinates Populations that are particularly responsive to supervisor
to appropriate institutions11). training, such as those who are anxious about their
occupational expectations, have backgrounds that require
mental health measures, suggesting that there are
Overall effect assessment populations in which education/training may be more
Although the number of controlled studies was limited, effective7, 9–11). Thus, it is suggested that it would be
their findings indicated that supervisor training in which effective to identify high-priority populations for this
necessary information and skills were provided to education/training prior to implementing training
supervisors has a favorable effect, at least in the short term, programs. It also seems preferable to plan this training by
on mental health, insomnia, and job performance among focusing on the needs and current situations of the subject
workers5–11). The effect of the training varied among the workplaces.
subjects, and the overall effect on the organization may Supervisors include those in management (with
be limited without a certain extent of participation by subordinates) as well as those in administration. For those
supervisors 11). Improved knowledge and favorable in management, education on supporting their subordinates
behavior modifications among supervisors may be one of and cooperation with occupational health specialists are
the mechanisms that lead to the effect of supervisor important, while for administration supervisors, an
Akizumi Tsutsumi: Effects of Supervisor Education on Workplace Mental Health 7

understanding of how to construct the corporate decrease the educational effect18). The effect of repeated
environment is of greater importance16). The content of trainings performed over a certain period of time should
training should thus be determined depending on the be tested in the future, but at present, I recommend that
administrative level of the subject supervisors. supervisor training be performed repeatedly, yearly if
possible, rather than only once. It is also preferable to
Content and types of training plan stepwise education by dividing and spreading out the
The items required to be learned by supervisors as set content of the education.
out in the Japanese Guideline for Workers’ Mental Health
in the Workplace (see Appendix 17))5–7, 11), as well as Evidence required in the future
education on representative occupational stressors and Most of the current evidence has been obtained through
methods to improve the workplace environment9, 10), have studies that used worker self-assessments to obtain
been demonstrated to be effective. Therefore, supervisor outcomes, but studies using more objective outcomes
training content should include the items recommended should be performed in the future. Since it has been
in the Japanese Guideline for Workers’ Mental Health in pointed out that measures against occupational stress can
the Workplace and representative items related to take several years to be reflected in reduced medical costs
occupational stressors. and medical leave19), studies on long-term effects of
Since the effect of supervisor training may result from training should also be performed. Supervisors’ acquisition
their improved knowledge and favorable behavior of active listening skills may have a beneficial effect on
modifications11), the training should aim to achieve these the mental health of their subordinates. High-quality,
outcomes. specific evidence on the effect of active listening method
It has been suggested that web-based self-directed training should be obtained.
learning can at least help maintain support from The frequency and number of training sessions should
supervisors, a sense of work control and friendly workplace also be examined in the future by assessing the cost-benefit
atmosphere, as experienced by workers5, 6). Web-based of supervisor training as a mental health measure. In
training is free from the limitations of place and time particular, the type of training in which personnel are
associated with face-to-face tutorials and classroom gathered together in a group for training at a particular
teaching, and allows learning at each trainee’s pace as well location, even for a short time, is worth examining further.
as repeated learning if necessary5, 6). Web-based training is beneficial, because it is free from
Lectures and active listening practice have been the limitations of time and space associated with face-to-
incorporated in various programs5, 6, 9). Active listening face tutorials and classroom teachings, and it allows
training to improve supervisors’ attitudes of support for learning to occur at each trainee’s pace and for lessons to
their subordinates, by listening to their concerns and be repeated as needed. However, a strategy is required to
mental health problems, has reportedly improved the improve the effect of this form of education, such as
attitudes of supervisors toward their subordinates12, 13). The measures not only to increase the knowledge retention of
effectiveness of a 30-hour program was demonstrated12), trainees but also to motivate trainees to participate in the
and the effect of a 1-day program consisting of role playing program proactively5).
and group discussions was subsequently demonstrated13). Japanese industry has strong vertical hierarchies and
Although a direct effect assessment of active listening a close supervisory style 20, 21). These cultural and
training has not been performed, it has been demonstrated workplace characteristics may explain the accumulation
that workers under supervisors with good attitudes and of related evidence in Japan22). However, the increasing
listening skills have better psychological stress reactions importance of management style for mental health
compared with other workers1). promotion in the workplace has also been recognized in
Western societies4, 9, 10), indicating that supervisor training,
Training period and effect assessment period along with these study findings, can be applied and tested
The frequency and duration of supervisor education there in the near future.
were reviewed. Even among education programs with
multiple sessions, no program was longer than 1 yr, and
the effect was followed for up to 1 yr. It was found that Effective supervisor training should be planned by
the effect of education on the knowledge and behavior of taking into consideration the identification of high-priority
supervisors may be lost within approximately 6 mo15). populations, planning the training with a focus on the
Although supervisor participation improvement activities needs and situation of individual workplaces, developing
and supervisor continuing education carried out through a strategy to improve the participation rate in supervisor
the subsequent year are expected to achieve favorable education programs, and encouraging repetition of the
results8, 10), this has not been tested in a randomized training program. The content of the training should
controlled trial. In addition, excessive information may include occupational stressors as well as basic information
8 J Occup Health, Vol. 53, 2011

on workplace mental health. attenuating insomniac reactions to underpayment

inequity with supervisory training in interactional
Acknowledgment: This study is part of the results of a justice. J Appl Psychol 2006; 91: 58–69.
study entitled “Research on Methods to Spread Primary 10) Theorell T, Emdad R, Arnetz B, Weingarten A.
Prevention of Mental Illness in Workers,” a General Employee effects of an educational program for
managers at an insurance company. Psychosom Med
Research Program on Labour Safety supported by a Health
2001; 63: 724–33.
and Labour Sciences Research Grant 2009 (H21-Labour- 11) Tsutsumi A, Takao S, Mineyama S, Nishiuchi K,
General-001) (Chief: Norito Kawakami). Komatsu H, Kawakami N. Effects of a supervisory
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Akizumi Tsutsumi: Effects of Supervisor Education on Workplace Mental Health 9

Appendix. Items required to be learned by supervisors as set out in the Japanese Guideline for Workers’ Mental Health in the
Topics Contents

1. Workplace mental health policy Supervisors should be aware of their workplace mental health policy, which generally
comprises a vision statement, a statement of the values and principles on which the
policy is based, and a set of objectives.

2. Significance of positive mental health Emphasis is placed on three significance areas of positive mental health in the
workplace: securing the health and lifestyle of the employees, developing a productive
and vibrant workplace/organization, and managing risk in the workplace. Supervisors
are responsible for subordinates’ safety as an acting employer.

3. Correct knowledge of mental health Eliminating ingrained prejudices against those with mental health problems.
4. Roles of supervisors in positive mental Supervisors have two important roles in relation to positive mental health in the
health in the workplace workplace: improvements to the workplace environment and individual consultations
and follow-up.
5. Improving the working environment The working environment includes all factors that affect health, such as physical
surroundings, work procedures, work hours, work patterns, and organization. Some
formerly successful examples may be introduced for the improvement of stress factors
in the working environment. The goal is to get supervisors to understand the importance
of assessing the workplace on a daily basis from the viewpoint of stress management.

6. Becoming aware of and responding to a Early awareness of developing cases and how to deal with them are explained.
subordinate’s mental health problems

7. Support for returning to work A model support system for returning to work is illustrated, and supervisors are
encouraged to establish such a system. Emphasis is placed on the importance of
preventing a recurrence after job reinstatement, by exemplifying a set of careful
reinstatement steps, taking into consideration the time for starting work, restrictions on
working conditions, and a follow-up period with regular consultations and reports.
Participation consent of the supervisor, medical staff, and the employee is

8. C o o p e r a t i o n with medical How to contact and consult with medical professionals is explained.
professionals within and outside the

9. Self-care recommendations Because the supervisors themselves are exposed to occupational stress, they are
provided with some self-care recommendations, including stress awareness, relaxation,
and coping methods.

10. Information on medical staff within Supervisors are informed of medical institutions or liaison offices both within and
and outside the workplace outside the workplace.

11. Protection of workers’ privacy Understanding of importance of protecting workers’ privacy including health-related
information. The privacy policy of the workplace should be reviewed.

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