1992 Aga3 Flow Calculation Program User Manual: Field Automation Systems
1992 Aga3 Flow Calculation Program User Manual: Field Automation Systems
1992 Aga3 Flow Calculation Program User Manual: Field Automation Systems
June 1995
This manual may be revised from time to time to incorporate new or updated information. The revision
level of each page is indicated at the bottom of the page opposite of the page number. A change in
revision level to any page also changes the date of the manual which appears on the front cover. Listed
below is the revision level of each page.
Page Revision
1 5/97
All other pages 6/95
While this information is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate, Fisher Controls does not guarantee satisfactory results from
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AGA Program User Manual
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................... 1
2. DOWNLOADING THE USER PROGRAM..................................... 2
2.1 Program Requirements....................................... 2
2.2 Checking User Memory....................................... 2
2.3 Download Procedure......................................... 3
3. CONFIGURING FLOW POINTS.......................................... 6
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AGA Program User Manual
The 1992 AGA3 Flow Calculation Program allows a ROC300-Series Remote Operations Controller
(ROC) to perform the 1992 version of the AGA3 orifice flow calculations. When loaded into RAM in
the ROC, the program augments the AGA flow calculation firmware contained in the ROCPAC and
permits configuration by means of the Type GV101 Configuration Software.
The AGA program is downloaded into RAM in the ROC, and is linked to the ROC Operating System
through a User Task. In addition to adding the 1992 version of AGA3 calculations, the program adds
the ability to use metric units (metric inputs are accepted for the flow calculation and results are
produced in terms of metric units).
Two new configuration screens (point types) are added to the GV101 configuration by the AGA
program: Run Parameters and Extra Run Parameters. In addition, changes are made in the Flow
Parameters configuration. See the GV101 Configuration Software User Manual for information on how
to configure these parameters.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the GV101 Configuration Software User
Manual (Form A4194) to assist in the downloading and configuration of the 1992 AGA3 user program.
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The AGA program is downloaded to, and run from RAM memory--either in the ROCPAC or in a RAM
module. These are the requirements for downloading and running the software (files GAS.H00 and
AGATBL.H00) in the RAM portion of a ROCPAC module:
These are the requirements for downloading and running the software (programs GAS_A0.H00 and
AGATBLA0.H00) in a RAM module, which can be a 256K module with the proper switch setting or a
128K module in memory slot 3 for a ROC364:
To check the availability of user memory, you can use a GV101 utility. Start the GV101 software, and
log in to obtain the Main Menu. Select the Utilities option by pressing the F8 softkey. From the
Utilities Menu, select the User Program Routines option. Selecting the User Programs Routines utility
brings up the following display:
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Check the user memory for currently loaded user programs by selecting the Check User Memory
Allocation option. See if a user program is already loaded anywhere in the targeted memory segments
(see section 2.1, Program Requirements). If another user program is already loaded in the targeted area
• You want to keep it there, see if you can load the AGA program in the other possible memory
area by checking the availability of the memory (you may need to add RAM).
• You still want to use the existing program, locate its program files and see if you can load it
into a different memory area (you may need to add RAM).
• You don’t want to keep it, simply load the AGA program over it.
If the check reveals that no user programs are loaded at all, it is recommended that you clear the user
memory as described below. If you are totally reconfiguring or upgrading the ROC, it is likewise
recommended to clear the user memory.
To clear the user memory, select the Clear All User Memory option shown above. If there are user
programs loaded that you still need, locate the program files and load them back in after clearing the
memory. Keep in mind that the program data of all reloaded programs will be reintialized.
Refer to Section 8, Utilities, in the GV101 User Manual (Form A4194) for details on using the Clear
All User Memory and Check User Memory Allocation options.
The following procedure explains how to load the user program from the diskette on
which it is supplied. To load the program from some other source, or to load it
concurrent with other program files, refer to section 8.8, User Program Routines, in
the GV101 Configuration Software User Manual.
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To download the AGA program, start up the GV101 Configuration Software and perform the following
1. Select the Utilities option from the Main Menu or press F8. The ROC Utilities Menu appears.
2. From the ROC Utilities Menu, select “User Program Routines” (option 6). The following display
· ·
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· ·
3. To avoid loading the AGA program over an existing program that you may want to keep, make sure
to check the user memory as described in section 2.2.
4. Insert the AGA program diskette into a disk drive and select “Download User Programs” (option 3)
in the User Routines menu.
5. If the AGA program files are not listed in the display that appears, use the “up” and “down” arrow
keys to indicate the drive containing the program diskette, and then press ENTER. In the list of AGA
program files, use the “up” and “down” arrows to indicate the desired file (either AGATBL.H00 or
AGATBLA0.H00--see section 2.1) and then press ENTER.
6. The display then shows the program file you selected and asks you to verify your choice. Press F2 to
7. A new display appears with the program file you just selected listed under “File to Download:”.
Press F1 to select another program file.
8. If the AGA program files are not listed in the display that appears, use the “up” and “down” arrow
keys to indicate the drive containing the program diskette, and then press ENTER. In the list of AGA
program files, use the “up” and “down” arrows to indicate the desired file (either GAS.H00 or
GAS_A0.H00--see section 2.1) and then press ENTER.
9. The display then shows the program file you selected and asks you to verify your choice. Press F2 to
continue. Then, start the downloading process by pressing ENTER.
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10. In the menu that appears, select “Download file(s)” (option 1) and press ENTER. The files then
begin to load (which can take up to several minutes), and information is displayed in the following
11. When the file has been downloaded, the following message is added to the display:
Press ENTER to automatically enable the appropriate User Enable flags and perform a Warm Start. This
will start the program.
Press a key, and you are returned to the User Routines menu. (Press ESC to exit from this menu.) This
completes the download and starting of the 1992 AGA3 user program.
Note that it is possible to postpone running the program by pressing ESC when the display reports
“Download complete” (see step 11). Since this action skips the automatic enabling of the User Enable
flag, you will then need to use the ROC Flags display (see section 2.4.8 of the GV101 User Manual) to
start the program. From the ROC Flags display, set the associated User Enable flag (User Prog Enable
for a program running in a USER Task) and perform a Warm Start.
After downloading and starting a program, if it doesn’t seem to work correctly, try
clearing the user memory as described in section 2.2. Then, reload the program.
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Once the AGA program is downloaded, the AGA Flow Points (particularly those employing 1992
AGA3 calculations) need to be configured by using the GV101 Configuration Software. When you
select Configure, and then Configure ROC, you should see two new options at the bottom of the
Configure from ROC menu: Run Parameters and Extra Run Parameters.
If the Run Parameters and Extra Run Parameters options don’t appear in the
Configure from ROC menu, quit the GV101 Configuration Software and then
restart it to gain access to these options.
Proceed with configuration of AGA Flow Points by first using the Run Parameters option (note
especially the Calc Method parameter). For 1992 AGA3 meter runs, continue configuration by using
the Run Parameters and Extra Run Parameters options. See the GV101 User Manual for further
information on how to configure these parameters.
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