Gastrocnemius and Heart Muscle Contraction On Frogs

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By :
Name : Reza Aulia Tansri Pratama
Student ID : B1B016008
Group :V
Sub Group :4
Assitant : Klausa Media Rani





I.1 Background

Muscle is biocontracthyl system in which cells or parts of cells elongate and

is devoted to the stresses on the longitudinal axis. Vertebrate muscle cells is largely a
piece of heart muscle tissue and skeletal muscle. Muscles only works with
contraction and should resist antagonistic that in terms of the physiology of the
contraction caused by a nerve impulse (Kay, 1998).
According to Gordon (1997), muscle in vertebrates can be divided into three
(1) The skeletal muscles, found in the figure of the muscle that is continuous with the
body frame and is associated with body movement
(2) The heart muscle, are involved in pumping blood
(3) Smooth muscle, found as part of the wall means of viscera
The body's ability to generate energy takes place through anaerobic
mechanisms (without using O2) and aerobic mechanisms (using O2). The heavier the
intensity of the movement is, the greater the need for oxygen in the body
The need for oxygen in the body due to the intensity of the movement causes the
body to balance with the increase of the cardiovascular system of increased heart
rate, dilation of coronary blood vessels, increased stroke volume and increased
strength of heart contraction, this causes an increase in stroke volume ( Wiswadewa
et al., 2017). Muscle tissue is common in the animal's body is made of cells that long
or threads that are specific to contraction. It causes movement of the body parts.
Muscular work is voluntary (conscious) or involuntary (unconscious). Muscles based
structure can be grouped into two striated muscle or striated muscle and smooth
muscle. Muscle striated example is the skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle, smooth
muscle whereas muscle of blood vessels, muscles that make bowel and uterus
(Walter, 1981).
Muscle contraction is defined as a dismantling of the active power in the
muscles. The use of force by the muscles on the external load called a muscle strain.
If the pressure is formed by the larger muscles of the use of external force on the
muscle by the load, then the muscle will shorten. The use of force with a load greater
than or equal to the pressure of the muscles, the muscles do not shorten. Muscle
contraction component chemicals in the muscles. The most important chemical
substances contained in the skeletal muscle and play a role in the distribution and
movement of calcium ions, there are at least four proteins are actin, M-protein,
troponin, and tropomyosin. (Geneser, 1993).
Muscle contraction is divided into isometric contraction and isotonic
contraction. Isometric contraction (same distance), the magnitude of the pressure is
increased during the process of contraction, but muscle length does not change.
Isotonic contraction (equal pressure), the amount of pressure generated is constant
muscle contraction, but muscle length is reduced (shortened muscles). The time
between the arrival of the stimuli to motor neuron with the onset of contraction is
called the latent phase the timing of the contraction is called the phase of contraction,
and muscle relaxation time is called the relaxation phase (Gunawan, 2001).
Muscle force production occurs within an environment of tissues that exhibit
spring-like behavior, and this elasticity is a critical determinant of muscle
performance during locomotion. Muscle force and power output both depend on the
speed of contraction, as described by the isotonic force velocity curve. By
influencing the speed of contractile elements, elastic structures can have a profound
effect on muscle force, power and work. In very rapid movements, elastic
mechanisms can amplify muscle power by storing the work of muscle contraction
slowly and releasing it rapidly. When energy must be dissipated rapidly, such as in
landing from a jump, energy stored rapidly in elastic elements can be released more
slowly to stretch muscle contractile elements, reducing the power input to muscle
and possibly protecting it from damage. Elastic mechanisms identified so far rely
primarily on in series tendons, but many structures within muscles exhibit springlike
properties. Actomyosin cross bridges, actin and myosin filaments, titin, and the
connective tissue scaffolding of the extracellularmatrix all have the potential to store
and recover elastic energy during muscle contraction (Thomas, 2016).
I.2 Purpose
The purpose of the experiment are:
1. Determine the effects of electrical stimulation of the muscle contraction
gastrocnemius magnitude of response.
2. Determine the effect of chemical stimulation of the heart muscle contraction
of frog.


2.1 Material

The materials that used in this practice are paddy frog (Fejervarya
cancrivora), ringer solution, and solution of acetylcholine 5%.
The tools that used in this practice are tray, needle, yarn, scissors, millimeter
block, pipette drops, knail, scapel, tweezers, and universal kymograph complete with
2.2 Methods

2.2.1. Measurements of muscle contraction in gastrocnemius

1. Prepare and its universal kymograph accesories.
2. Turn off the green frogs by damaging the brain and spinal cord, the sign is
the absence of a dead frog reflex that occurs when touched frog legs.
3. Put the frog in the tub preparations with the abdomen at the top, and then
create a circular skin incision in the ankle area frogs. Be careful not to cut
through the muscles or tendons underneath.
4. Take hold of the edge of the skin that have been cut, and expose the skin
to open up to the knee.
5. Separate gastrocnemius muscle and other muscles of the lower limbs. Be
sure not tp damage the muscle of gastrocnemius.
6. The tendon with a thread that is strong enough and long, then cut with
scissors Achilles tendon.
7. Do not forget to always wet muscle gastrocnemius with frog ringer’s
solution using a pipette.
8. Put the frog performed on board as an accessory fixation contained
9. Record the large or high for each scale on kymograph electrical
stimulation is used in this experiment used 0, 10, 15, 20, and 25 volts.
10. Make a graph of voltage with an amplitude of muscular contractions
gastrocnemius frog.
2.2.2. Measurements of heart muscle contraction
1. Prepare universal kymograph and its accesories.
2. Turn off the green frogs by damaging the brain and spinal cord, the sign is
the absence of dead frog reflex that occurs when the frog legs touched.
3. Perform chest surgery frogf from the stomach to the heart of the frogs
4. Do ripped pericardium frog or pericardium.
5. Turn kymograph at speed of 25 mm per second, and observe the heart
muscle contraction (illustrated on graph paper).
6. Put 1-2 drops of 5% acetylcholine and observe contractions (illustrated
on graph paper).
7. Compare the stength of heart muscle contractions in both these conditions
and discuss.


3.1 Result

Table 3.1 Measurement of Frog Gastrocnemus Muscle Contraction

Voltage Amplitude (mm)

0 0
5 0,1

10 1,9

15 3,4

20 1,5

25 2,2

Table 3.2 Measurement of Heart Muscle Contraction Acetylcholine 5%

Subgroup Before (per minute) After (per minute)

1 56 16

2 60 52

3 60 32

4 64 28

5 60 24

Calculation of group V on Measurement of Frog Gastrocnemus Muscle


Graphic 3.1 Measurement of Heart Muscle Contraction Acetylcholine 5%

3.2 Discussion

Based on trial Measurement of frog muscle gastrocnemius contraction

(Fejervarya cancrivora), used 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 volts. Based on calculation in
our group the grafic is up and down so this is no match as refrence that I tmust up
time by time, for 0 volts is 0 then for 5 is 0,1 for 10 is 1,9 in the 15 and 20 volt are
3,4 and 1,5 and the last 25 is 2,2 volt. Results of practical activity result do not match
the reference for practical activity result showed only the fifth voltage is changed, the
higher the voltage applied, gastrocnemius frog muscle contraction amplitude higher.
This can happen because the frogs are in isometric conditions, ie no changes in
muscle length during contractions, besides the voltage that is too weak will have no
effect at all, when the threshold is reached then the muscles will twitch muscle for
enhanced stimulation, then if the power of the stimulation increased the number
increased to maximum muscle contraction. Contraction force increases with the
increasing number of individual muscle fibers that contract. Practicum this time
using acetylcholine which serves as a neurotransmitter substance (Frandson, 1992).
Response experiment cardiac muscle contraction in the frog aims to
determine cardiac muscle contraction in the normal state and the stimulus
acetylcholine it did not work. Acetylcholine function is as a neurotransmitter or to
provide stimulation. The heart muscle contractions will be measured must always be
moistened with ringer networking to stay alive. Neuromuscular transmission on
relationships and certain other synapse involves secretion acetylcholine. This led to a
powerful inducement of local depolarization of the muscle cell membrane, which
initiates the spread of impulses in the membrane and causes the contraction of
muscle fibers. Post ganglion sympathetic fibers accelerates the heart rate by releasing
norepinephrine. Thus called adrenegrik fibers, while the fibers that emit
acetylcholine called cholinergic. Synapse area has powerful enzymes, namely
acetylcholine esteranase hydrolyze and inactivate particular acetylcholine, and
monoamine oxidase oxidize and inactivate norepinephrine. These enzymes prevents
continuous stimulation of dendrites or muscles by neurotransmitter substances.
acetylcholine released by the motor nerves in small packets consisting of about 1000
molecules. acetylcholine release mechanism that requires calcium ions and
magnesium ions inhibited (Hill, 1989).
The gastrocnemius muscle including striated muscle. The gastrocnemius is
located with the in the posterior (back) compartment of the leg. The lateral head
originates from the lateral condyle of the femur, while the medial head originates
from the medial condyle of the femur. Its other end forms a common tendon with the
soleus muscle this tendon is known as the calcaneal tendon or achilles tendon and
inserts onto the posterior surface of the calcaneus, or heel bone. Gastrocnemius
muscle is to facilitate leg movements such as jumping (Pearce, 2004). Frogs have an
impressive jumping ability. They are capable of jumping a horizontal distance
exceeding 30 times of their body length by accelerating from a stationary initial
position to great speed at takeoff in a fraction of a second. Such an explosive
movement requires a high power output from the frog hind limb muscles (Eng et al.,
The heart muscle is transversely striped muscle as well as skeletal muscle but
it is involuntary (unconscious) that consists of muscle branching or beranastoma. The
cracks between the fibers of the heart muscle is filled by connective tissue as
endomisium. The spindle shape 50 to 200 microns long and only 2 to10 microns
diameter, the core of the middle and pale oval. The outside is limited by sarcolema
smooth. In the myofibril sarcolema encountered that is not homogeneous, only the
pieces are not as clear as the skeletal muscles. Also found mitochondria, golgi
apparatus, pigments, and grain glycogen (Putri, 2007).
The heart muscle consists of striated fibers that each content filling. Myofibril
heart muscle mitochondria branches and more than skeletal muscle fibers. The
impulses of the heart muscle to contract by itself, while the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous walking to the heart when this control is destroyed then the
heart will still continue to be ticking for glucose and oxygen available in it. The
mitochondria much more and many have a crest, in addition to forming rows
separating myofilamen, mitochondria have accumulated at the poles of the core and
the gap mitochondria appear many grains of fat and glycogen which serves as a
source energy (Kimball, 1996).
Frandson (1992), states that the muscle contraction is influenced by several
factors, namely:
1. Treppe
Treppe is the increased strength of contraction repeatedly in a sequential
stimulation of the muscle fibers because the alternate few seconds.
Contraction force continued to increase to approximately 30 contraction. This
influence may be caused by increasing concentrations of Ca ++ ions inside
muscle fibers also increases the activity of myofibrils. Treppe is generally
regarded as the warming phenomenon in which a muscle is resting construct
a stronger contraction reaches its maximum capability with a repeat of
stimulation at the optimal frequency.
2. Summasi
Summasi contraction is the sum of the two roads, which can be a multiple
motor units summasi and summasi bumpy. Summasi multiple motor units
occur if more motor units are stimulated to contract simultaneously in the
muscles, while summasi occur if the frequency repetitive stimulation
improved the motor units.
3. Tetani (tetanus)
Tetany occurs when stimulation frequency becomes so fast that there is no
further increase in the frequency will increase the voltage of contraction, the
greatest force that can be achieved by muscle has been reached.
4. Fatigue
Fatigue is decreasing working capacity caused by the work itself. Length of
time that a tension or muscle contraction can be maintained depends on the
availability of supply of energy in the form of ATP and calcium to contractile
protein filaments.
5. Rigor and Rigor Mortis
The incident occurred when the majority of ATP in the muscle has been spent
calcium and can not be returned into the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium
through the pumping mechanism, and therefore can not occur because the
relaxation of actin and myosin filaments bonded in a close bond.
Muscle contraction is defined as a dismantling of the active power in the
muscles. The use of force by the muscles on the external load called a muscle strain.
If the pressure is formed by the larger muscles of the use of external force on the
muscle by the load, then the muscle will shorten. The use of force with a load greater
than or equal to the pressure of the muscles, the muscles do not shorten. Muscle
contraction component chemicals in the muscles. The most important chemical
substances contained in the skeletal muscle and play a role in the distribution and
movement of calcium ions, there are at least four proteins are actin, M-protein,
troponin, and tropomyosin. The sequence of events in the stimulus and contraction in
the muscles covering the stimulus, contraction and relaxation (Stevy et al., 2014).
Muscle contraction is divided into isometric contraction and isotonic
contraction. Isometric contraction (same distance), the magnitude of the pressure is
increased during the process of contraction, but muscle length does not change.
Isotonic contraction (equal pressure), the amount of pressure generated is constant
muscle contraction, but muscle length is reduced (shortened muscles). The time
between the arrival of the stimuli to motor neuron with the onset of contraction is
called the latent phase the timing of the contraction is called the phase of contraction,
and muscle relaxation time is called the relaxation phase (Prosser, 1961). The process
of muscle contraction is regulated by a protein receptor and contraction namely actin
and myosin. Changes in membrane potential, was brought in by a potential or by
activation of ions in the plasma membrane, can also trigger contractions. Contraction
may occur. Myosin Light Chain Kinase (Myosin Light Chain Kinase) to perform
phosphorilasi 20-kDa light chain in myosin, allows molecular interactions in myosin
and actin. Energy produced by ATP by myosin ATPase activity generated in the
reverse cycle myosin actin during contraction (Johnson, 1984).
The mechanism of muscle contraction can be explained by the model shifts
filaments (filaments thick and thin are mutually shifted during the process of
contraction), the model shifts filament (filament sliding). This model states that the
force of muscle contraction produced by a process that makes multiple sets of thick
and thin filaments can be shifted between each other. Stated at the time of contraction
of actin filaments were attracted to the myosin filaments overlap one another so
widely. Discus Z drawn by the actin filaments to the ends of the myosin filaments. So
the muscle contraction occurs due to a shift mechanism filaments caused by chemical
mechanisms or electrostatic force generated by the interaction of the bridge crossing
of the myosin filaments and actin filaments (Ville, 1988).
Decreased muscle contraction mechanism that is when the muscles contract
using O2 and release CO2 while reduced glycogen, lactic acid and heat produced
gathered. Actin and myosin join in globular shape which is the copula of myosin
molecules. Myosin molecule made up of actin and ATPase binding part, the absence
of actin caused not reactive when myosin ATPase binds to actin to form aktomiosin
ATP. Muscle cells also comprise reticulum sarcoplasmic reticulum almost the same
as very important in the contractions. The endoplasmic reticulum Ca ions will bind
and stop when lactic acid accumulates (Johnson, 1984).

Based on practical activity can conclude

1. Stimulus in the form of electricity can affect muscle contraction gastrocnemius
frog. Voltage supplied to the muscles will affect the magnitude of the response in
the form of amplitude. The greater the electrical voltage is given the greater the
resulting amplitude. The magnitude of the amplitude indicates the size of the
resulting muscle contractions
2. Effect acetylcholine for cardiac muscle maintaining the heartbeat but not as fast
as before use acetylcholine

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