DevSecOps - Whitepaper

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The business benefits and

best practices of DevSecOps
DevSecOps Whitepaper

About this Whitepaper 3

Why DevSecOps? 4

What is DevSecOps? 6

Benefits of DevSecOps 7

Best Practices 8

People 9

Processes 12

Technologies 15

Conclusion 20

DevSecOps Whitepaper

About this Whitepaper

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.

The DevSecOps whitepaper is a collection of ideas and it’s free for

everyone to use, augment and add to. It has been written to create
a basis for anyone who wants to learn more about DevSecOps
and for companies to measure their security programs against.
Feedback and ideas are always welcome, you can contact us at:


Francois Raynaud

Francois is the founder of DevSecCon – a conference that centres on

DevSecOps and continuously secure delivery. As an independent IT
Security Advisor he is actively involved in implementing DevSecOps
projects and has 17 years of industry experience working with FTSE
100 and Fortune 500 companies


A big thanks to the people who have helped to improve, expand and
launch this whitepaper:

Akash Mahajan
Felipe Zipitria
Madhu Akula
Phil Parker
Robert Davis
Robert Hurlbut
DevSecOps Whitepaper

Why DevSecOps?

Two seemingly contradictory imperatives

are bearing down on the modern global
enterprise organisation.

On the one hand, security is a huge challenge that can have dire
consequences if improperly handled. A known vulnerability led to
TalkTalk being hacked in 2015, for example, resulting in a record
breaking fine for the company and a massive brain drain as embarrassed
IT professionals sought to distance themselves from the brand.

On the other hand, as software continues to ‘eat the

world’, high velocity IT becomes the foundation of
competitiveness in the modern marketplace. Every The enterprise IT paradox:
business should become an agile and innovative software Go faster and innovate –
delivery machine in order to survive. Which leads us but always stay secure
to the enterprise IT paradox: Go faster and innovate.
But always stay secure.

Security Threats are

multiplying exponentially

Cybercrime in its various forms is expected to cost the world more than
US$6 trillion per year by 2021. The global cybersecurity skills shortage
is expected to grow in inverse proportion to this, with an estimate of
over 1.5 million security jobs unfilled by 2019. These statistics together
indicate an oversight and lack of commitment on the part of both
governments and business in the past to take the necessary steps to
fight cybercrime, until, of course, they suffer a data breach themselves. 1

1 4
DevSecOps Whitepaper

While business and government shift their attention and resources

to the need for investment in security, the list of data breaches grows
longer. Breaches in the US since 2013 include Target (data from up to
40 million credit and debit cards stolen in 2013), Anthem (80 million
patient and employee records hacked in 2015), Ashley Madison (more
than 30 million user accounts hacked and released to the public in

UK incidents include Sports Direct (employee data compromised in

early 2017); Three Mobile (over 76,000 accounts hacked in 2016), Tesco
Bank, and the telecoms company TalkTalk which suffered a data breach
in 2015 that cost the company a total of £80 million in fines. Australia
led the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region in reported data breaches in 2016.

The breaches referred to here, and the recent global ‘success’ of

WannaCry ransomware (May 2017), which utilised a well-known, but
unpatched, system flaw, demonstrate the consequences of ignoring
security as a business priority.

When organisations suffer a data breach, companies do not only incur

the cost of data damage and destruction, stolen money, IP theft, business
disruption and reputational harm. Other costs, such as legal and PR
fees, drops in share price, interruptions to e-commerce,
loss of customers and competitive advantage can also
Too often security is an
impact organisations affected by cybercrime.
afterthought, the ‘poor
relation’ in the Software
A more positive consequence is that the entity affected by a
Development Cycle
data breach focuses on improving security, and recognises
software security as a business priority. Too often, until
a breach occurs, security is an afterthought, the ‘poor relation’ in the
Software Development Cycle. A central tenet of DevSecOps is that
security is an integral and essential element of DevOps.

In 2015, breaches like those described above, (and several breaches

of US federal agencies, including the IRS and the Office of Personnel
Management), prompted President Obama to declare a national
emergency to deal with cybercrime.

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DevSecOps Whitepaper

The US government has since announced massive investment (over

US$19 billion) in cybersecurity. US corporations have also increased
cybersecurity budgets in the war against cybercriminals, including
JPMorgan Chase (but only after a major breach in 2014); Bank of America,
who announced an unlimited budget for combating cybercrime, and
Microsoft, who will invest over US$1 billion annually on cybersecurity
research and development in the coming years.3

What is DevSecOps?

Increasing governmental measures to combat

cybercriminals, and punish organizations that
don’t protect their customers’ data, mean
that security, and security risk management
gain ever greater currency.

DevSecOps is the answer to integrating these various challenges into a

coherent and effective approach to software delivery. It is a new method
that helps identify security issues early in the development process
rather than after a product is released.

DevSecOps can reduce the costs associated with fixing security flaws,
by building security into every stage of the development process, from
the requirement stage onwards.

Privacy and security principles should be integral to any company’s

culture via DevSecOps best practices, and they should be endorsed
at board level. Security must be part of the application development
process. DevSecOps makes everyone responsible for security.

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DevSecOps Whitepaper

Benefits of DevSecOps

Companies that embrace DevSecOps benefit

from numerous advantages.

The following list is a summary of what can be achieved by implementing

DevSecOps best practices:

Cost reduction is achieved by detecting Security auditing, monitoring, and

and fixing security issues during the notification systems are managed and
development phases which also increases deployed so that they can be continuously
the speed of delivery. enhanced, to keep in step with the frantic
innovation intrinsic to cybercrime.
Speed of recovery is enhanced in the case of
a security incident by utilising templates and DevSecOps ensures the ‘secure by design’
pet/cattle methodology. principle by using automated security
review of code, automated application
Threat hunting can avoid bad publicity, and
security testing, educating, and empowering
therefore can potentially increase sales. It is
developers to use secure design patterns.
obviously easier to sell a secure product.
Creates targeted customer value through
Immutable infrastructure allows companies
secure iterative innovation at speed
to tear down infrastructure while managing
and scale.4
an attack vector identified by scanning.
If a node is compromised, it won’t remain Everyone is responsible for security.
compromised for long, as it will be torn
DevSecOps fosters a culture of openness
down and rebuilt with new credentials. Zero
and transparency, and does so from the
defects in the code is the ideal to aim for,
earliest stages of development.
although zero variations are the minimum
requirement. The ability to measure different things
which can be seen by everyone. This
Immutable infrastructure improves overall
also enables a culture of constant
security by reducing vulnerabilities, reduces
iterative improvements.
insecure defaults, and increasing code
coverage and automation. It also encourages
companies to move to the cloud instead
of using depreciating and increasingly
vulnerable hardware.

2015 ISACA Ireland: Embracing DevSecOps to support Rugged Innovation at Speed and
Scale, 7
DevSecOps Whitepaper

Best Practices

Successful security programmes involve

three intersecting parts: people, processes,
and technologies.

DevSecOps is no different, but DevSecOps recognises that security is

the responsibility of everyone in an organisation, and everyone has a
role to play in security.

This section will explore key DevSecOps practices across its three key
pillars: people, processes and technology.

People are the starting point of the DevSecOps
implementation. Through ensuring proper training
and restructuring of teams security will become a
frame of mind rather than a hindrance.

DevSecOps aims to align and implement processes
common to an enterprise to facilitate cooperation
and achieve more secure development processes as
a whole.

Technologies enable people to execute DevSecOps
processes, which aim to reduce the enterprise attack
surface and enable effective management of the
technical security debt.

DevSecOps Whitepaper


No matter how many technologies you implement, the weakest link

will always be the human factor. This is the starting point for any
DevSecOps implementation.

One of the most important, but equally most difficult aspects of

DevSecOps is challenging the way traditional security teams integrate
with the wider business. Most people approach risk from a place of
denial rather than acceptance and preparation. Changing habits and
raising awareness across all levels of a company are not easy tasks and
require a top-down approach if attitudes are to change.

Security needs to shift from being exclusive to being

inclusive to facilitate this culture change. By integrating
The human factor is the
security teams within development teams, as DevSecOps
starting point for any
does, companies will get earlier feedback on the quality,
DevSecOps implementation
from a security point of view, of the code, software or
application, thus reducing the costs associated with
implementing these fixes.

Hiring security specialists, giving them a voice in project delivery, and

allowing them to integrate their processes in the agile development
world will deliver the necessary results. Agile development helps
to speed up product release dates, but often at the cost of neglecting
security. Appointing security champions and providing good training
will also ensure security is a priority in your organisation.

Breaking Down Silos and Integrating Security Personnel

For security to be effective, we need to include security personnel as

early as possible in the software delivery lifecycle. One way of doing
this is by training security champions in the development team.

Security Champions are members of a team that help to make decisions

about when to engage the Security Team. Security champions act as
the “voice” of security for a given product or team, and they assist in the
triage of security bugs for their team or area.5

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DevSecOps Whitepaper

The Microsoft Agile SDL states that the Security Champion does
not have sole responsibility for ensuring that a software release has
addressed all security issues, but is responsible for coordinating and
tracking security issues for the project. This role is also responsible for
reporting status to the security advisor and to other relevant parties (for
example, development and test leads) on the project team.

Security Champions are a key element of the DevSecOps methodology,

since they are the first step to creating a cross-functional team focused
on Application Security and Security Operations.

Cross-functional teams are created from Subject Matter We need to include security
Experts, influencers and diverse members to foster personnel as early as
serendipitous conversation and tackle issues outside of possible in the software
the boundaries of rigid meetings. delivery lifecycle

Some of the most important duties of the Security

Champion include the following:

Ensure that security is Help with development of

not a blocker on active CI (Continuous Integration)
development or reviews environments

Be empowered to make Keep track of and stay up

decisions to date on modern security
attacks and defences
Work with AppSec team on
mitigations strategies Introduce body of
knowledge from
Help with QA and Testing organisations such
as OWASP (Top 10,
Write Tests (from Unit
Application Security
Tests to Integration tests)
Verification Standard,
Testing Guide etc.)

DevSecOps Whitepaper


Any successful programme will invest in good training and professional

development for its staff. To foster and develop good security staff,
organisations must provide new hires with the appropriate training and
tools they need to do their jobs well, and to contribute to the successful
release of secure software. Engaging specialist security and DevOps
training organisation(s) to raise staff skills and awareness are essential
for maintaining consumer trust.

Training can be computer-based, instructor-led, or a combination of

both. Good training ensures that standards are implemented correctly.
Training must be rooted in company goals, policies, and standards for
software security, and learning media must be flexible and tailored.

Although software developers are typically not meant to It is valuable to teach

become professional pentesters, it is still valuable to teach developers about the
them about the attacker’s perspective, and about practical attacker’s perspective,
hacking exercises and vulnerable applications. practical hacking exercises
and vulnerable applications

People – Conclusion

The correct DevSecOps processes and technologies will not be able to

achieve anything if the company culture - embedded in people across
all areas of the business - does not enable them to be properly utilised.

The security team has traditionally been a drag on release performance,

the ‘naysayers’ who come along at the end of a development cycle and
add poke holes in the product and force parts to be fundamentally
rethought far too late on in the process. As a result, the security team is
marginalised over time, creating a self-reinforcing downward spiral of
division between teams.

DevSecOps aims to break down these barriers and stop security being
its own echo chamber without taking into consideration the wider
business when implementing policies or tooling. Proper training, a
restructuring of teams and the appointment of security champions
means that ‘security’ becomes less the function of a department and
more a frame of mind that permeates the company. This sets the
foundation for the successful implementation of security processes
and technologies, making for enhanced security much earlier on in any
project and quicker, easier and cheaper software delivery cycles.
DevSecOps Whitepaper


People implement the processes in any organisation. Although

processes have been siloed per team and are often not interconnected
with other teams, thus not productive within an enterprise. DevSecOps
aims to align and implement processes common to an enterprise to
facilitate cooperation and achieve more secure development processes
as a whole.

The following sections describe the essential processes of DevSecOps.

Version control, metadata, and orchestration

Within an automated world, the only constant is change, and change

needs to be both consistent and traceable. To track all changes, we
must ensure that adequate and immutable versioning is in place. Every
action needs a version in the same way that code is managed to allow
quick recovery. Once turned into metadata, operational teams can
efficiently track a change and measure it.

Orchestration software doesn’t only provide a repeatable way to deploy

infrastructure, it also provides a huge amount of metadata regarding
any task. The metadata can in turn be used not only by the orchestration
software itself, but as an authoritative source for integrated tooling. Once
coupled with versioning, orchestration software becomes
Within an automated
a powerful source of information for all operational teams.
world, the only constant
is change, and change
needs to be both
Integration of processes
consistent and traceable

Integrating information security into agile development enables

organisations to have a fully secure workstream through every
single stage of the project development cycle. In the agile world, the
integration of security must start at the earliest possible stage which,
in most cases is the requirement definition stage. This methodology
has been called “shift security to the left” and it strives to reduce the
cost of implementing security.

Codifying security requirements and checklists (which are required

for integration) allow for a built-in type of development rather than the
bolt-on approach which is typically followed.
DevSecOps Whitepaper

Security tooling in CI/CD

Wouldn’t it make more sense to let the operations teams run the security
tooling as part of their pipeline? Security has fought against shadow IT
for a while, although it created its own shadow IT by having separate
tooling for security. If you take Vulnerability Management and hook it
to your pipeline via APIs, you can then let the orchestration call them
for every build.

Security sets the requirements and DevOps manages the frequency of

scan occurrences according to the development practices.


Implementing compliance doesn’t have to be a paper-

based exercise. We can create metadata representing the By coding your compliance
compliance requirement and integrate it in our assets. requirements, you can
This can also be used by security policy automation by meet the GDPR standard
tagging assets that can in turn implement the desired
security architecture, for example, zoning.

Imagine the ability to respond to a breach under the new GDPR rules in
72 hours. By coding your compliance requirements, the task would be
much simpler.

Security Architecture

Security architecture is supported by a set of principles that are specific

to each company. These principles depend on the type of data being
processed, although a high-level set of principles can be used to guide
software delivery towards more secure practices.

Coding these principles are part of your DevSecOps methodology and

having them built in the requirements stages allow product managers
to seamlessly integrate security as part of their plan and supporting
architecture. If there is any deviation due to business process and/or
lack of resource, the deviation is captured and the risk associated with
it taken into account.

DevSecOps Whitepaper

Incident Management

Responding to security incidents should not be an improvised or non-

scripted activity. It is key that workflows, action-plans, playbooks and
runbooks are created in advance. This is to ensure that the response
to an incident is consistent, repeatable, and measurable. Incident
management should make use of the metadata to help simplify this
process, thus changing the metrics to highlight the time taken to
redeploy a compromised asset.

In turn, once the playbooks have been codified, they can be integrated
in your CI/CD to automate them. In a DevSecOps world, proactive and
pre-emptive threat hunting, and continuous detection and response to
threats and vulnerabilities mean that there are fewer major incidents
and more mitigations. The use of red teams and bug bounties also
mitigate against breaches. While continuous detection is a great thing,
never stop watching out for standard notification and alerting fatigue.

Red Teams and Bug Bounties

All companies should deploy a red team to hunt for threats as part of
the DevSecOps methodology. Red teams are built from security team
personnel and usually virtual to facilitate its ad hoc nature.

Instead of discussing what is wrong with an application,

the red team demonstrates what is wrong and provides the Create playbooks from the
solution. This allows a positive feedback loop between security red team’s kill chain, and
and the developers, demonstrated by clear recommendations convert them as negative
to improve the software quality. Create playbooks from the tests to simulate attacks
red team’s kill chain, and convert them as negative tests to
simulate attacks.

All companies should also, occasionally, implement bug bounty

programs. Bug bounties are rewards given to researchers, usually
company external, for finding and reporting a bug in a software product.

DevSecOps Whitepaper

Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence should follow similar procedures to those of the red

team. Compare the threat intelligence data collected from 3rd party
providers, monitoring devices to your existing automated playbooks
and update them with current data. Then replay these playbooks
against your templates and artefacts.

Processes – Conclusion

Processes are key to the success of DevSecOps. Their aim is to create

agreed and repeatable ways of working which are clearly documented
and public to the company to ensure transparency of the security
towards the rest of the business. If these agreed ways of doing security
(sets of principles, playbooks, as defined above) are implemented,
problems (faults, bugs, threats etc.) can be automatically identified
much sooner and responded to in an agile fashion.

Where, prior to implementing proper DevSecOps processes, DevSecOps enables short,

organisations would respond too late and too slow, feedback-driven security
DevSecOps makes short, feedback-driven security loops loops that quickly identify
possible that quickly identify problems and react swiftly. problems and react swiftly


Technologies are what enable your people to properly execute DevSecOps

processes. This section outlines the required technologies to implement
a successful DevSecOps methodology within your enterprise.

Automation and Configuration Management

Leveraging the automation and using orchestration to implement

DevSecOps is key to success. Orchestration and automation make
auditing easier: the use of metadata makes decisions easier as they are
based on data points and repeatable processes. The use of templates
within configuration management helps to implement traceability of
each code/configuration change, thus making it easier to identify the
root cause of an issue and any deviation from immutable artefacts. 15
DevSecOps Whitepaper

Secure coding practices/Security as Code

All coding standards must be constantly checked against new security

recommendations. All changes to the code need to be verified and
tested against these recommendations: no change is too small to avoid
in this process. This is not a trivial exercise, and the benefits associated
with such practices should not be underestimated; they are not limited
to the amount of changes occurring in the development lifecycle.

The OWASP Top 10 is a great place to start this review by converting the
code changes into your QA testing, taking advantage of the automated
testing facility to provide just-in-time feedback to the development
teams. Additionally, the OWASP ASVS with its 19 verification domains
lends exceedingly well to the craft of building secure software.

With the ever-increasing pace of new software development techniques

and frameworks, Attack Driven Development lays out a process through
which developers can learn about the tools, techniques, and procedures
for software development and application security in parallel.

Host Hardening

The practice of host hardening is not new, but if it were used more often,
fewer services and applications would be unnecessarily exposed to
the Internet. Countless examples of security incidents can be directly
related to leaving a generic attack surface that allows automated attack
tooling to succeed in the most basic attacks. The hardening checklist
and methodologies are mature enough to be easily included in the
creation of templates to reduce the attack surface and reinforce a trust
model. The latter can be codified as metadata for further processing by
the CI pipeline, and then used for other processes such as patching.

CI/CD for Patching

Once your metadata has been associated with each asset, we can use
this data to implement patching at the CI/CD level. Feeds from Threat
intelligence and Vulnerability Management are compared to the
deployed software stack to identify matches in the templates in turn
queued for deployment. Patching live systems becomes a thing of the
past, thus limiting the impact of downtime. This will also provide the
ability to have a risk exposure in near real time.
DevSecOps Whitepaper

Application-level Auditing and Scanning

Auditing and scanning are a crucial aspect of DevSecOps that allows

business to fully understand their risk posture. Each of the following
solutions represents a higher degree of security assurance of the code,
as reflected in the organisation’s risk appetite:

Source Code Scanning Binary Scanning

Source code scanning should be covered by All binaries must be scanned for security issues
implementing Static Application Security derived from the coding checklist, and then the
Testing (SAST). SAST is used for scanning the binaries must be digitally signed. The digital
source code repository, usually the master signature is treated in the same fashion as
branch, identifying vulnerabilities and the metadata. For example, within the CI, only
performing software composition analysis. It signed binaries can be used and implemented,
can be integrated into existing CI/CD processes. thus ensuring the correct level of security sign-
Having a SAST tool integration in place enables off without having to wait for free cycles from
remediation of vulnerabilities earlier in the the security team.
software development lifecycle, and it reduces
application risk and exposure. Pre-Deployment Auditing
Using a pre-defined template for building assets
Dynamic Application Scanning Tool (DAST) is essential to ensure the desired security
Dynamic Application Scanning Tools are level, although this should be supplemented by
designed to scan the staging and production host-based scans. Most security scanners now
website in running state, analyse input fields, provide a compliance module that allows you to
forms, and numerous aspects of the web import your template.
application against vulnerabilities.
Post-Deployment Auditing
IDE Integration These predefined templates once instantiated
IDE integration and static code analysis plugin can be checked for any delta against the pre-
allows the developer to have an enhanced deployment scans to identify any changes
view of the problems in the code within the which may introduce security threats. This
integrated development environment. This should be achieved by using API integration for
provides an effective way to optimize and obvious automation purposes.
mitigate vulnerabilities straight away without
needing to leave the development environment.

Auditing and scanning allows

business to fully understand
their risk posture

DevSecOps Whitepaper

Automated Vulnerability Management Scanning

All vulnerability management software in use should be capable of being

integrated via API for infrastructure and web application scanning.

The real-time correlation of active threats against

identified vulnerabilities helps to identify the following:
Vulnerability management
software should be capable
1. What assets are subject to known exploits
of being integrated via API
2. Any new threats that may pose an immediate
for infrastructure and web
risk to the business
application scanning
The vulnerability management processes should be fully
integrated with the developer bug-tracking system.

Automated Compliance Scan

Compliance can be achieved using automated security configuration

assessments to reduce risks and maintain continuous compliance.
This helps to cut compliance costs by reducing the effort and time
required to assess the systems, and it allows the sharing of compliance
data with the business GRC tool and help-desk applications to provide
visibility of the compliance status.

Managing Secrets

‘Secrets’ in an Information Security environment include all the private

information a team should know, for example a database, or a third-
party API. To establish a trusted connection, credentials, or a certificate,
or an API token are necessary, but even with these precautions, handling
secrets can be challenging, and can often become a source of error or
even a security breach.

Techniques that make the task of handling secrets easier include having
a constant in the source code, or storing secrets in a configuration file
that is not checked into version control. These techniques solve some
problems, but they generate their own challenges, particularly for key

DevSecOps Whitepaper

The ideal is a synchronised, encrypted, shared password store, that can

be decrypted by all team members individually, but without the use of a
shared password. Two tools are available to achieve this: GPG (the Gnu
Privacy Guard) and ‘Pass’. GPG allows the implementation of a public
key infrastructure, and is often used in email encryption. GPG can be
complex to use however, so ‘Pass’, whose developers call it the ‘standard
Unix password manager’, gives users a convenient wrap around GPG.
Pass allows you to encrypt secret information with one
or more private keys, and all the encrypted information Aim for a password store,
is stored as flat files in one directory that can be shared that can be decrypted by all
using version control. These tools facilitate an encrypted, team members individually,
shareable pool of information that is still secure. but without the use of a
shared password
Effectively managing secrets using tools like GPG and
Pass are an essential element of DevSecOps, as they work from request
to creation and distribution, ensuring security right along the chain.

Technologies – Conclusion

Technologies are key and the successful implementation of the ones

listed above will greatly reduce the enterprise attack surface as well as
the ability to effectively manage their technical security debt.

As well as automating scanning and monitoring, implementing the above

technology practices means that security, regulatory and compliance
requirements can be embedded as code into the software delivery
pipeline to ensure that any code deployed is secure and compliant. Any
deviation from this can be spotted early and fixed quickly.

Ownership of these technologies does not need to reside within the

security team and properly distributing these to the relevant operational
team will help the security team to concentrate on hunting the threat
rather than operating the said technologies.

DevSecOps Whitepaper


DevSecOps addresses the need for pro-active,

customer-focused security that anticipates
rather than reacts to data breaches or other

DevSecOps shifts security from reactive to proactive, supported by

different techniques such as Test Driven Development and Attack
Driven Defence. It champions the importance of security at all levels
of an organisation, and empowers security staff to make decisions that
have a positive influence their business. As such, DevSecOps, as both
a concept and a practice, is growing all the time, with an increasing
number of organisations implementing DevSecOps as a solution to
their security issues.

The benefits DevSecOps brings to companies that embrace it are

numerous, including cost reduction, speed of delivery, speed of recovery,
compliance at scale, and threat hunting. The cumulative effect of these
benefits is an enhanced business reputation and a smoother business
model. A DevSecOps enterprise will have successfully removed the
barriers between DevOps and Security helping them to work as one
towards the enterprise business goals without friction.

The DevSecOps enterprise will have the ability to detect and fix security
issues earlier in the development process thus reducing greatly the
cost associated with identifying and fixing them. Shifting security to
the left through the use of people, processes and technology will help
to achieve this goal.

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