Labour Estimate For Various Items of Works
Labour Estimate For Various Items of Works
Labour Estimate For Various Items of Works
7. Brick on edge flooring with 100 m2 Head Mason 1/2, Mason 10, Labour
cement Mortar (1:3). 14, Bhisti 1
11. 12mm thk cement plaster 100 m2 Head Mason 1, Mason 10, Labour
on brickwork in 1:6. 14, Bhisti 1
12. Ruled pointing (1:3). 100 m2 Head mason 1/2, Mason 10, Labour
9, Bhisti 1
13. White washing primer coat 100 m2 Painter 1/2, Labour 2
and 2 finished coats to new
14. Dry Distemper 100 m2 Painter 8.5, Labour 5.5
15. Plastic Emulsion paint on 100 m2 Painter 5.5, Labour (Helper) 5.5
new work.
16. Primer coat on wood work/ 100 m2 Painter 2.5, Labour (Helper) 2.5
steel work.
17. Panting two coats over 100 m2 Painter 5.5, Labour (Helper) 5.5
priming coat for new wood
work/steel work.