Food Label Lesson Plan
Food Label Lesson Plan
Food Label Lesson Plan
Date: TBA
Subject: Health Science 20 Grade: 11
Topic: Essential Question: How does the information on the food
I eat affect me?
-sugar to represent the amount in coke, pepsi, Gatorade and juice.
-food labels worksheet Appendix a
Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing thinking-students will be given the opportunity to construct the knowledge to make sense of the
world around them. They will build on what they already know to make observations of various food labels
from foods they eat all the time.
Developing identity and interdependence- students will be given the opportunity to work independently and
also in a partnership in order to reach a common goal.
Developing literacies-the worksheet will help develop their ability to see a visual and interpret the
information given from food labels.
Developing Social responsibility- In group work students will work harmoniously with each other to reach a
common goal.
HS20-NU2: Analyze dietary choices based on personal and cultural beliefs and scientific understanding of
PGP Goals:
3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to accommodate
learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual
1.4 a commitment to service and the capacity to be reflective, lifelong learners and inquirers.
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.
- Determine the level of understanding by asking questions during the motivational set
- Walk around the room during the work time to determine if students are correctly analyzing food labels
and filling in the appropriate information in the worksheet.
Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.
Start with a demonstration of a wide variety of beverages such as coke, coke zero, PowerAde, apple juice and
water. Have the students guess which drink has the most grams of sugar in it. Show the students the amount
of sugar that corresponds to each drink item.
Main Procedures/Strategies:
-group discussion(10 minutes) - in groups of 3 or 4 have students discuss what they learned from the
Traditional Knowledge Keeper. Bring it back into a big discussion about how culture and food is related. Write
on the board key take aways from the group discussion.
Questions( 10 minutes)
Ask students if they read food labels? Ask them what important information can you get from a food label?
Using the Following example I will ask the students which cracker is more nutritious? Think. Pair. Share. After
think pair share I will explain the Things to look for: Serving size, calories, Fat-from trans and saturated, sugar,
The purpose of the assignment is to determine if the food item you have chosen is healthy enough for the
Work period(30 mins) - students will choose a food item they want to see in the vending machines.
They will find the food label online and fill out the Worksheet.
-guided notes for EAL students
-allow students to work in groups or solo during activity portion
-have class put into predetermined small groups for the discussion
-allow students to use iPads to find food labels
-use visuals when demonstrating the food labels
Use google slides I will ask students to write their food product and whether it was healthy enough to be in
the schools vending machines.
Personal Reflection:
Name:____________________________________ Per:_______ Date:_________
Food Label Worksheet
look at this -
look at this -
This is only if you should
eat about 2,000 calories
per day
7. Sugar grams
5. ÷ Total Grams or no
look at this -
more than 15 gr.
look at this ? -
-If there is more than one serving per container, and you ate THE WHOLE CONTAINER, how
many calories would you really be eating? (Calories x how many servings = ) ______________.
-If there is more than one serving and you ate the whole container, how many Total Fat grams would
you really be eating? (Total Fat grams x how many servings = ) ______________.
Is your product’s serving size realistic for you to eat? YES_____ or NO______
Have they been deceptive by listing a small serving size? YES____ or NO_____
The two fats that are bad for you are: SATURATED FAT + TRANS FAT.
If your product has Saturated Fat, how many grams are in one serving?______
If your product lists the ingredients, do you see “hydrogenated,” or “partially hydrogenated” ?
YES_______ (If yes, THAT’S TRANS FAT!) NO_______
5. What are the Sugars grams listed for 1 serving of your food?__________________
Is your product’s sugar weight less than 35% sugar? YES________ NO________