Pricing Power
Pricing Power
Pricing Power
“If you’ve got the power to raise prices without losing The emblematic examples of Chanel and Disney help
business to a competitor, you’ve got a very good put this concept into numbers:
Among many virtues that define a company’s (approximately US$2,000 in today’s prices).
profitability, pricing power is by far the most notable. Nowadays, the same bag costs US$4,900, almost
Some factors help explain this phenomenon, but it two and a half times the 1955 price adjusted for
mostly boils down to one word: differentiation. The inflation. In a period of 62 years, Chanel increased
more unique a company’s product or service, the the price 1.4% per year in real terms .1
• A price representing only a small fraction of the magnitudes of pricing power. In practice, competition,
This quarter, we decided to bring this topic to light. investments in research and innovation, segmentation
We have observed several companies – in Brazil or premiumization, etc. This is the only way to exercise
and abroad –exercising pricing power and, in some pricing power in a sustainable way.
cases, recklessly. It is natural for investors to view this
A good example is the case of U.S. railroads,
strategy in a positive light and, therefore, little is said
as discussed in our 3Q14 4 report . The sector’s
about when price increases are misused, undermining
price increases as of 2004 accompanied a strong
the sustainability and continuity of the business.
acceleration in investments. Since the industry’s
Consumers on one side, shareholders on the other deregulation, railroads generated a one-digit return
frictionless comparison of prices makes it harder for be someone willing to charge less or bring more utility
consumers to accept price increases. to consumers than you.
U.S. media companies, more specifically those that In the previous example, by rising prices, content
own content and cable TV channels, exemplify this companies are in fact helping new market participants.
reality. In this sector, charging more for content has Luckily, many consumers still see TV and online
been the standard for decades – increases which were streaming products as complementary. The price
always duly passed on to final customers. Fueled by difference, however, is increasingly blatant – US$1,200 for
the offer of new channels and more sophisticated - pay TV versus US$120 on Netflix7 and US$99 on Amazon
and expensive - content, more dollars per subscriber Prime – while the quality and content gap among the
were extracted from consumers over time. In 2010, the platforms has narrowed. With such an enormous price
pay TV ecosystem (which includes cable, satellite and gap, exercising pricing power is dangerous.
valuable, its continued use may make companies hostage by their dependence to the product, it was
vulnerable. Naturally, the higher the margins and easy for the company to exercise its pricing power. The
returns of a business, the more alert competitors will consequence has been Oracle’s outstanding historical
be. This is the essence of capitalism: there will always results (annual growth of 12% in free cash flow per
Average amount paid per subscriber in the U.S., including additional connections and packages. Source:
Some may argue that for a fair comparison the cost of broadband internet– approximately US$600 per year – should be added so that Netflix can be accessed.
Nevertheless, for many consumers, the internet cost will exist anyway (with or without Netflix). Even so, the annual cost of Netflix + Internet would come to around
US$720, 40% lower than cable TV.
The database business accounts for 40% to 50% of Oracle’s operating income.
share over the past 15 years) and enviable profitability Premium = Power?
(it generates around US$33 in free cash flow for every
There is a tendency to believe that exercising pricing
US$100 in revenue).
power is natural in products and services aimed at the
However, the database market is changing, led by the premium market, especially because charging more
massive growth in open source solutions and cloud- is part of the essence of the business. Many believe
based services. Innovative companies with large high-income consumers are less sensitive to price
demands for data analysis such as Uber, Snap, and increases making the strategy even more enticing.
Waze, among others, do not base their operations This can be dangerous. In practice, it does not matter
on Oracle databases, which is concerning. Even if a product costs $10 or $10,000, what matters is that
though Oracle is progressing in the transition of its stakeholders are satisfied with the equilibrium.
App Division (ERP, CRM, SCM, HCM, etc.)9 to cloud
In the U.S. credit card market, American Express
solutions, the continuous use of pricing power in its
has been challenging this balance. During the last
core segment has put the company in a complicated
decade, its competitors have narrowed the gap and
situation. However, reducing prices to adapt to a new
replicated most of the company’s positioning in the
market reality would give up a chunk of its profitability,
a hard decision for any CEO. premium card market. Amex cards’ differential in
close relationships with corporate customers, in an To make matters worse, earlier this year, Chase, Visa
architecture which may allow them to gradually leave and Amazon launched the Amazon Prime Rewards
their Oracle legacy behind.10 card with 5% cash-back (the highest cash back
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning. CRM: Customer Relationship Management. SCM: Supply Chain Management. HRM: Human Capital Management.
Until today, Oracle has only made shy attempts in the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) segment. Investing in this area poses yet another dilemma for the company,
since it would require massive CAPEX to obtain uncertain success faced with three well-established players.
Chase recently decided to reduce the initial 100,000 bonus to 50,000 miles, due to the strong adherence of new customers.
value among branded cards) on purchases made on generics, overall drug prices rose 29%, twice as much
To defend itself, American Express increased the Apart from the obvious harm to patients, the sector’s
benefits of its Platinum card by, for example, offering price increases created an unnecessary conflict with
a monthly credit of US$15 on Uber13 and five times its paying sources, particularly the government.
more miles for airline tickets purchased through Amex Considering that U.S. drug expenditure per capita
Travel. However, along with the benefits came an is twice the average of that of OECD countries16,
unwelcome surprise: the card annual fee jumped from it is not surprising that the U.S. government has
US$450 to US$550, while Chase Sapphire Reserve’s fee been unsatisfied with pharmaceutical companies’
It is hard to imagine an industry which has increased a period of time. And we’re going to do that with a lot
According to a survey by Express Scripts, price since the responsibility of getting the best prices with
increases of brand-name drugs in the United States drug manufacturers lies with the private insurance
averaged 208% from 2008 to 201614. Including companies who manage the program.
Exclusive for Prime members.
In December, the credit rides with Uber will increase to US$35.
Source: Express Scripts Drug Trend Report 2016. Link to the report:
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Source: OECD Health Statistics (2014).
Source: Overview of Medicare Spending (
Nothing a legislative stroke of pen can’t solve to as follows: “I will pass on virtually all productivity and
return part of the price increase to the government efficiency gains to my customers, but my increase in
and the population18. According to a study by inventory turnover will more than offset this, ensuring a
Carleton University19, the Medicare program entitles high return on capital.” Within the sector, Costco has
its beneficiaries to an average discount of 17% on best incorporated this concept. A seemingly anecdotal
list prices of prescription drugs sold in the U.S., while example can help us better understand the company
other government programs, such as Medicaid and and the philosophy of its founder, James Sinegal: at
Veterans Health Administration, grant discounts of Costco, the hot dog and soda combo has cost US$1.50
52% and 54%, respectively. since 1985. Sinegal says the following:
One day this party will end… “A typical retailer might look at this hot dog and say
more consumers, the greater the company’s scale and allowed the company to pressure competitors in the
bargaining power; with more scale, even lower prices shoe segment, acquire market share. The decision
are possible and thus, the cycle continues. proved further successful given the severe crisis Brazil
Amazon. One of the most curious aspects of the At the end of the day, enjoy in moderation
In Brazil, Arezzo&Co’s strategy is worthy of mention. by Unilever), there is another new market participant
In its main brand (Arezzo), the company kept making a lot of noise – like Harry’s and its 5 million
prices virtually unchanged for its basic category customers24 25. These two players already hold 12%
(approximately 20% of sales volume) between 2012 of the U.S. razor market 26. Even in a business with
and 201521. In the last few years, they launched a such strong competitive advantages, Gillette’s price
handbag line that currently represents 18% of Arezzo’s increases paved the way for the barbarians to reach
total revenue. The entry into the handbag category the gate.
Given the period’s 32% inflation, in fact, shoe prices significantly fell in real terms.
Source: Brazilian Shoe Manufacturers Association (Ablac).
The volume and average price mentioned include all Gillette products, such as shaving creams, deodorants, etc.
We recommend that readers watch Harry’s excellent commercial, available on YouTube:
According to the company’s latest corporate presentation.
Source: Euromonitor.
“So everything we do is from the lens of the brand. We
are building the brand. We have to invest in the brand,
because the brand is the most important thing (…) when
you think about stores that have brands, whether it’s
Starbucks or Nike or maybe Louis Vuitton, those brands
have real equity. People will go that extra mile, walk the
extra 200 or 500 yards to go to Starbucks and go past
a Dunkin’ Donut or a McDonald’s or drink some other
flavored hot water because they value the brand and the
brand experience.”
— Leslie Wexner, founder and CEO of L Brands
“Our profitability is not our customer’s problem. We don’t
take the point of view that we’re going to price products
at a particular margin. We price products competitively
and if that means on that product that we lose money
that’s ok. We need to take care of the customer and earn
trust and we’ll figure out over time if we can or if we can’t
ever make money with that product. If we can’t we’ll stop
selling it, but we’re not going to make customers pay for
any of our inefficiencies.”
— Jeff Bezos
Information from the book ‘The Rise and Fall Of American Growth’, by Robert J. Gordon.
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