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Tayyab ul Islam2, Muhammad Luqman

School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, National University of Science & Technology,
Islamabad Pakistan

Abstract: The excellent thermo-physical properties of Nano fluids make them

eye catcher for many researchers from all over the world. The use of
ultrafine particles (10-100) nm in size with conventional heat transfer fluids
results enhanced thermal conductivity that make them efficient heat transfer
fluids This review article presents some recent developments and working of
researcher in the area of Nano fluid heat transfer.

Key words: Nano fluid, Car radiator, heat transfer augmentation

1. Introduction

Suspension of Nano scale metal/metal oxide particles in conventional base fluid e.g. water, ethylene
glycol, Lubricants or in any other coolant is referred to as Nano fluids. Eastman et al [1]. The main
reason behind improved thermal conductivity of Nano fluids is the higher thermal conductivity of
metals as compared to liquids due to their closely packed atomic structure. High surface area to
volume ratio of nanoparticles provide larger surface area for transferring heat and allows the
conduction as well as convection and mixed heat transfer modes for energy transfer. Although exact
heat transfer model for Nano fluids is still a mystery for scientist because several complicated
phenomenon are associated with Nano fluid heat transfer.
This review article present some recent work in Nano fluid heat transfer area especially for car
radiators. Bhanu et al. [14]. There are various factors that affect the heat transfer characteristics of
Nano fluids including volume fraction, Particle size, Particle type, viscosity, surface tension,
stabilizers, preparation technique, operating temperature range, flow rate, pumping power and base
fluid. All these parameters and their effect on heat transfer will be discussed one by one in coming
sections. At the end, some recommendations have been made to welcome new researchers to introduce
a cooler future for new generations.

2. Preparation of Nano fluid

Nano fluid is the suspension of Nano particles usually metal oxides of size (10-100) nm in a
conventional base fluid. Nano fluids were first prepared and used by Eastman et al [1]] of Argonne
national Lab. There are various factors that influence the heat transfer properties of the Nano fluids
including the particles type, shape, size, and type of base fluid, volume fraction of particles in base
fluid, coolant flow rate and operating temperature.
To estimate the enhancement in heat transfer commonly we use distilled water, commonly used
coolant in radiators, and then compare the heat transfer results with the results obtained by using Nano

The format of paper is that of a Serbian journal ‘‘Thermal Science ISSN 2334-7163’’

There are two methods used worldwide for the preparation of the Nano fluids.
1) One step method
2) Two step method
In fist method direct Nano fluid in liquid form is prepared and in last one first Nano particles are
prepared and then the particles are dispersed in base fluid and stabilization techniques like controlling
PH, surfactants and sonication processes are used to avoid agglomeration and sedimentation.
Eastman et al [1] is the one who used One-step gas condensation method for preparation of Nano
fluids. One-step method is typically better for pure metallic Nano particles but only applicable if base
fluid has vapors pressure below one torr. Due to different chemical reactivity and nature of metals not
every kind of nanoparticles can be synthesized by this method more often it is very difficult to quantify
the amount of Nano particles in fluid in order to conclude some results about the quantity of Nano
V.V.Bhimani et al [2] also used two step method for preparation of TiO2 based Nano fluid. He uses
hexamethyldisilazane as a surfactant/dispersant to avoid agglomeration and precipitation. Furthermore,
ultrasonic vibration phenomenon is used for this purpose and for mixing Nano particles in water. This
method made Nano fluid stable for several days.
Bhanu et al. [14] used two step technique for the preparation of Nano fluid they had acquired the
Nano particles of Al2O3 and then by the use of magnetic stirrer technique they form a stable
suspension as in this method no cavitation occur, one of the issue faced when mechanical stirrer is
used. Two-step method seems better because almost all kinds of Nano fluids can be synthesized by this
method but it lacks the improved stability that is a main advantage of one-step method.

3. Stability of Nano fluid

The stability of Nano fluid is a major problem faced by the scientist working with the Nano fluids.
Heat transfer, the repeatability of results and the performance of Nano fluid is affected by the
agglomeration and settling down of the Nano particles over the time. Muhammad Ali et al. [17] used
the 2-step method for the preparation of Nano fluids. First, they added Nano particles in water and then
constant 3 hour stirring is done for the better suspension and after that sonication is done by using an
ultra-sonic cleaner to eliminate any chances of agglomeration. This process provides a stable solution
with good repeatability of results even after a weak. Although more research is required to achieve
more stable Nano fluid for a cooler future with Nano fluids that are stable for years or months. The
stirring and sonication technique used by Muhammad Ali et al. [17] gives good repeatability within
3% even after the duration of one week. Some researcher also used surfactants for the stable Nano
fluids but the performance of surfactants at higher temperature should be keep in mind while using
surfactants at higher temperature.

Table 1. Nano fluid, particle size and volume fraction used by different researchers.

Author Nano fluid Particle size Inlet temperature Volume fraction

15 nm 0.1-1%
V. L. Bhimani [2] TiO2/Water 80 oC constant
Saeed Zernali Heris 60 nm 0.05-0.8%
(40:60) (35, 44 and 54) oC
et al [3]
Adnan M Hussain SiO2/Water (60-80) oC
30 nm 1-2.5%
et al [6]
13 nm 0-1%
M.M Elias [7] glycol based (10-50) oC

Sandeep kumar et CuO/distilled water 40 nm (20-80) oC 0.1-0.5%

al [9]
TiO2/water 50 nm
Adnan M Hussain (60-80) oC
SiO2/water 20 nm 1-2.5%
et al [10]
19.29 nm
CuO/Water (60-90) oC 1-3%
P.Kannan et al [12] 22.91 nm
Gadekar R.A. et al 18 nm 0.0625-5%
glycol 80 oC constant

Fig 1. Schematic diagram of experimental setup used by different researchers

4. Experimental setup
The actual experimental and schematic setup adopted by S.P. Venkatesan et al [18] shown in figure 2.
Almost all of the researchers used this type of experimental setup some of them use actual engine
instead of heater and collection tank, Saeed Zernali Heris et al [3], Adnan M Hussain et al [6] have

also used the same car radiator test bench. While Ebin Jose et al [15] used the radiator of specific type
(circular shaped).
The experimental setup has a reservoir, K-type digital thermocouples, a DC power supply source, a
heat exchanger (radiator), fan, flow meter, valves, heater, and a centrifugal pump. The accuracy of
measuring instruments used may be a key factor among the difference in heat transfer values reported
by different authors moreover difference in environmental factors like atmospheric pressure and
humidity on different locations could affect the heat transfer rate significantly so the experimental
setup should be placed in a controlled chamber to predict the exact behavior of fluids

5. Effect of volume fraction on Heat transfer rate of Nano fluid

Saeed Zeinali Heris et al [3] measured the effect of Nano fluid volume fraction on the heat transfer.
The Nano fluid used was CuO/water+EG (40/60) with volume fraction range of 0.05-0.8%. The result
showed that at 0.8% volume fraction and 54oC inlet temperature the heat transfer coefficient
enhancement was found out to be 40-55%.
Adnan M Hussain et al [4] measured the effect of Nano fluid volume fraction on the heat transfer
enhancement under laminar flow regime for are TiO2/water and SiO2/water. Volume fraction range
used was 1-2.5% (0.1, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5%). The result shows that maximum heat transfer enhancement
is 20% and 32% for TiO2/water and SiO2/water respectively.
Rahul A. Bhogare et al [8] measured the effects Nano particle volume fraction (0-1%) of
Al2O3/water+EG (50:50) on heat transfer. Results showed that about 40% heat transfer enhancement
was achieved with addition of 1% Al2O3 particles at 84391 air Reynolds number and constant mass
flow rate (0.05 Kg/s).
Bhanu Pratap Singh Tomar et al [14] by using Al2O3 Nano particles in fixed air Reynolds number of
84391 and air mass flow rate of 0.08kg/s with base fluid EG + Water (50%+50%) solution with five
different volume concentration of Al2o3 0.2% , 0.4% ,0.6% , 0.8% and 1%. He reported that heat
transfer rate can be increased up to 43% at 1% volume concentration of Al2O3 Nano particles with
coolant fixed Reynolds number of 39343 i.e. 43% increase in the radiators effectiveness by using only
1% of Nano particles.
Laxman P. Dhale et al [16] discusses the effect of different volume fractions (0-1%) of Al2O3/water
Nano fluid on the effectiveness and heat transfer enhancement of car radiator. The results showed
enhancement of 40% with 1% volume concentration of Al2O3 Nano particles, while effectiveness
increases up to 24%.
Hafiz Muhammad ALI et al [17] campers the heat transfer rate of MgO based Nano fluids with
distilled water at three volumetric concentration 0.06%, 0.09% and 0.12%. The enhancement in the
heat transfer rate was 15 %, 15.2 % and 20.2% respectively at 3 concentrations mentioned at every
flow rate as compared to distilled water. The Qnf /Qbf ratio had highest value of 31% at 6lpm with
0.12% of volume fraction showing that high enhancement in heat transfer rate at lower flow rate.
S.P. Venkatesan et al. [18] by using Al2O3 Nano particles in fixed air Reynolds number of 84391 and
air mass flow rate of 0.08kg/s with base fluid EG + Water (50%+50%) solution with five different
volume concentration of Al2o3 0.2% , 0.4% ,0.6% , 0.8% and 1%. He reported that heat transfer rate
can be increased up to 43% at 1% volume concentration of Al2O3 Nano particles with coolant fixed
Reynolds number of 39343 i.e. 43% increase in the radiators effectiveness by using only 1% of Nano

6. Effect of flow rate on heat transfer rate of Nano fluid
V. L. Bhimani [2] studied the effect of volume flow rate of TiO2/water Nano fluid on heat transfer.
The volume flow rate was allowed to vary in between 90-120LPM and constant temperature of 80oC.
He found out that the heat transfer performance could be improved by increasing the fluid circulating
Saeed Zernali Heris et al [3] discussed the effect of volume concentration by also varying the flow
rate between 4-8LPM. He found that Nano fluids clearly enhanced heat transfer compared to the base
fluid. In the best condition, the heat transfer coefficient’s enhancement of about 55% compared to the
base fluid was recorded at 0.8% vol.
Adnan M Hussain et al [6] discusses the effect of volume flow rate on heat transfer enhancement
under the laminar flow regime for TiO2/water and SiO2/water Nano fluids. The volume flow rate is
varied in the range or 2-8 LPM. He found that the heat transfer increases with the volume flow rate.
The maximum heat transfer enhancement is 11% and 22.5% with TiO2/water and SiO2/water
Mahendra Godley et al [19] studied the effect of volume concentration and volume flow rate of CuO
and water+ EG (50:50) based Nano fluid on thermal viscosity of Nano fluid, Overall heat transfer
coefficient, Reynolds number, pumping power. It was observed that Overall heat transfer coefficient &
heat transfer rate increased at different volume concentration by mixing CuO particle and flow rate
range 2-5 LPM respectively. 2% heat transfer enhancement has achieved. The accuracy of flow
meters used by different researchers is a question mark in order to see the variation in reported results
by researchers.
7. Effect of particle type on heat transfer rate of Nano fluid
Adnan M Hussain et al [6] discussed the effect of volume flow rate on heat transfer enhancement
under the laminar flow regime for TiO2/water and SiO2/water Nano fluids. The volume flow rate was
varied in the range or 2-8 LPM. He found that the Nu number increases with the volume flow rate the
maximum value or Nu number is find out to be 18.11733 and 20.63152 for TiO2/water and SiO2/water
respectively. The maximum value for heat transfer enhancement is 11% and 22.5% with TiO2/water
and SiO2/water respectively. It is clear that TiO2/water performs better than SiO2/water and both are
suitable for practical use.
P.Kannan et al [12] describe two different Nano particles CuO and SiO2 with water as base fluid. The
result showed that CuO base Nano fluid performed better and Nusselt number (Nu) increases with
increase of liquid inlet temperature, Nanoparticle volume fraction and Reynolds number. There may be
the case that synthesis technique used for same type of materials can affect its heat transfer capability
so this aspect may also be kept in mind. At such smaller scale the chemistry of Nano particles such as
their PH which influence thermal conductivity can be changed and influence the results.
8. Effect of base fluid on heat transfer rate of Nano fluid
M.M Elias et al [7] investigate thermal conductivity, viscosity, density and specific heat of Nano
particles suspended inside the base fluid at different volume concentrations (0-1%) and temperature
ranges (10-50oC). The Nano fluid used is Al2O3/ (RC) water + EG (50:50) and prepared by to step
method with average particle size of 13 nm. The results obtained showed that thermal conductivity and
specific heat increases with temperature while viscosity, density decreases with temperature. Only the
specific heat capacity decreases with increase in volume concentration.
Ramgopal Varma Ramaraju et al [11] explored the effect of Nano-fluid heat transfer to enhance in
water and coolant based systems with multi walled carbon Nanotubes has been investigated. The
improvement of heat transfer when compared to water, coolant (water + ethylene glycol 60:40) and
water with MWCNTS and coolant with MWCNTS has been studied.

K. Sirisha et al [20] investigate the effect of parameters like thermal conductivity, friction factor and
heat transfer rate by using different concentrations of base fluid mixture. The Nano particle used is
Al2O3 and base fluid is mixture of ethylene glycol and water at standard proportions 70:30, 60:40 and
50:50. The results showed that the variation of the friction factor and Nu number of the ethylene glycol
were highly depended on the volume concentration and Reynolds number
9. Effect of operating temperature on heat transfer by Nano fluid
Saeed Zeinali Heris et al [3] varied inlet temperature of fluid in between 35-54oC by using
CuO/water+EG and The results show that at 0.8% volume fraction and 54oC inlet temperature the heat
transfer coefficient enhancement is found out to be 40-55%.
M. Ebrahimi et al [5] varied inlet temperature between 40-60 oC with SiO2/water as Nano fluid and
found that heat transfer increases directly with fluid inlet temperature.
Gadekar R.A. et al [13] varied inlet temperature of ZnO/EG Nano fluid between 24-50oC and found
that thermal conductivity and fluid inlet temperature have direct relation.
When Bhanu et al. [14] varying the operating temperature over the range of 25oc to 45oChe finds a
direct relationship between thermal conductivity and operating temperature. In case of Al2O3 with 1%
volume fraction an increase of 7.28 % has been shown in thermal conductivity of Nano fluid. The
increase is more rapid from 35oC-45oC.
Muhammad Ali et al. [17] when studied the effect of inlet temperature on the heat transfer property
of Nano fluid at three different temperature 56oC, 60oC and 64oC he finds an increase in maximum
heat transfer was increased by 6.7%.
10. Effect on over all heat transfer coefficient
Bhanu et al. [14] using Al2O3 + EG and Water (50%+50%) solution at volume fraction ranges from
0.1 % - 1% with air Reynolds number of 84389 and coolant flow rate of 2LPM the overall heat
transfer coefficient increases up to 35 %.
S.P. Venkatesan et al. [18] by using Al2O3 + EG and Water (50%+50%) solution at volume fraction
of 1% with air Reynolds number of 84391 and coolant Reynolds number of 39343 reported an
increment of 37.75% in overall heat transfer coefficient and overall heat transfer coefficient is directly
related with the concentration of Nano fluid.
Mahendra et al. [19] used CuO Nano particles in four different volume concentrations0.5% 1% 1.5%
and 2% of CuO in EG and Water (50%+50%) solution and reported an increase in overall heat transfer
coefficient 11.77% at 2% volume concentration of CuO Nano particles in EG-Water solution at 6000
air Reynolds number.
11. Effect on pumping power
At fixed coolant rate of 5 LPM and air Reynolds number of 91289 when volume fraction varied from
0.1 % - 1 % Bhanu pratap et al. [14] finds an additional 3 % pumping power is required using Al 2O3
Nanoparticles in water and in mixture of EG and Water.
Bhanu pratap et al. [14] reported an extra 14.8% of pumping power at 2% volume concentration with
pressure losses of almost 105kpa. Apart from pumping power there is a need to model a relationship
between pumping power and size of Nano particles in order to design better Nano fluids in terms of
their effect on pumping power.
12. Viscosity of Nano fluid
Bhanu pratap et al. [14] studied the effect on the viscosity of Nano fluid at various volume
concentrations. He founds almost a linear relationship and reported a 19.35% increment in viscosity at

2% volume fraction of CuO Nano particles. This increase in viscosity relates with the additional
pumping power which is main draw back in the use of Nano fluid as heat transfer fluid.

13. Conclusion
1- It has been noticed that Nano fluids can be an efficient replacement for the conventional heat
transfer fluids
2- The heat transfer rate and over all heat transfer coefficient is a function of particles type, size,
shape, volume fraction coolant flow rate, base fluid and the operating temperature range.
3- Pressure losses increases rapidly with the increase in volume fraction so volume fraction must be
less than 1% for Nano fluids to be used in radiators.
4- Due to improvement in heat transfer rate by using Nano fluid it is possible to design more
compact, lighter and smart radiators for smart vehicles with better fuel economy and more
streamline design.
5- The manufacturing cost and stability, that affect the performance of Nano fluid over time, of Nano
fluid is a great hinder in the development of this field.
14. Recommendations
1- Research is needed in order to develop more cheaper and stable Nano fluids.
2- The environmental impact of Nano fluids as an engine coolant should also be investigated.
3- There is hardly any research focusing the effect of particle size on the heat transfer properties of
Nano fluid being used in radiators.
4- Erosion of heat excahngers by Nano particles is a matter of great concern is it gives rise to material
removal and operation failure.
5- The exact heat transport mechanism by Nano fluids is unclear as reported by many researchers.

A – area, [m2]
Cp – specific heat, [Jkg-1K-1]
D – hydraulic diameter of tube, [m]
h – heat transfer coefficient, [Wm–2K–1]
k – thermal conductivity, [Wm–1K–1]
Nu – Nusselt number(=Dh/k), [-]
Q – heat transfer rate, [W]
Re – Reynolds number(=UD/ʋ), [-]
T – temperature, [K]

Greek Symbols

ρ –density, [kgm-3]
µ -dynamic viscosity, [kgm-1s-1]
bf –base fluid
nf –Nano fluid
s –surface


EG –ethylene glycol
MWCNTS –multi wall carbon nanotubes
LPM –liter per minute
RC –radiator coolant
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Nanofluid an effective Engine Coolant- A litrature review

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