5 Analysis

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How did people come across the event?

Other Social Media

8% 8%


Social Media
Word of Mouth
Word of Mouth
35% Announcements
Announcements Invited


This diagram shows the percentages how people got to know about the event. The
ways were:

 Social Media
 Word of Mouth
 Posters
 Announcements
 Invited
 Other

This graph analysis helped us to understand which promoting method was successful.

The most common way that people have got to know about the event is by Word of
Mouth (35%). This was unexpected as we thought it will mainly be through promotions.
Word of Mouth means that it spreads from one another when speaking, which means
that only few people would know it and later on informs others. The percentage of
Posters or Social Media are high since these are the best way to promote any event. So
this would tell us that our promoting skills might have been quiet poor when trying to
promote our event. Also by Announcements and Posters having a percentage of 23%
and 15% shows that it has been effective when it comes to promoting such as
Announcements since it was done in the last moment. Also by other having a very low
percentage of 8% is a good impact on the promoting skills since it shows that it has
worked out as well as reached our expectations.

Methods of Improvements

 We could have started our work on promoting (boosting) our event earlier which
would have given us the chance to inform everyone and bring up a larger crowd.
 We could have put up more posters such as ones with more attractive picture of
the event which would have been taken from the trial games we played as a
 We could have brought up a unique way of promotion such as leaflets.

During the working and planning process upto to

which extend were the BTEC students distracted?

Conduct was Highly Distracted

satisfactory 18% Highly Distracted
27% Fairly disturbed
Conduct was satisfactory

Fairly disturbed

This diagram shows us the percentage of how much distracted the BTEC students were
when planning the event. The options were:

 Fairly disturbed
 Conduct was satisfactory
 Highly distracted

This question was to mainly judge our level of distraction we faced with the amount of
work we engaged in when planning the event.
The results of the graph clearly show us that the vote towards the fairly disturbed
percentage level is higher than the other two which is mainly shows a negative impact
on our performance. 55% of the votes have been fairly disturbed which tells that our
distracted level is fairly high. This means that were more concentrated on the planning
of the event rather than our school and other activities. However, Conduct was
satisfactory was voted with a 27% which means that we have mostly not focused on our
other activities but given more attention to planning of the event. Also highly distracted
had a percentage of 118% which tells that the level of distraction is certainly high, since
the main would be to keep the highly distracted percentage level very low.

Methods of Improvements

 Certainly an effective way to improve this fault done by us could have been by
completing our tasks earlier hand than the deadline which would have given the
chance for us to save up more time for our other work so we would not be
 Another way to improve the way to reduce the level of distraction that we faced
during planning the event could have been by allocating a specific time only for
the event work and using the time allocated for school work as it is.
 In addition, dividing the work among the team members would make work easier
and faster. This would be an effective way to balance the time and as well as
work load of planning the event and school work too.
How productive were the BTEC students before the event.



Excellent Average Poor

This diagram shows our level of productivity which we have shown to the outside and
has got results back. The options were:

 Poor
 Average
 Excellent

This diagram really shows a positive impact on our performance, such as executing
actions and ideas before the event. We have achieved our main goal which was to
ensure the running of event and its success. Getting a positive feedback from the
audience tells us really how our event was a success. A lot of decision making was
taken which was very important as we had to do the right thing.
Excellent Average Poor




This diagram shows the percentage of the ratings that the people have voted on how
successful our planning process for the event was. The options were:

 Poor
 Average
 Excellent

This pie chart shows us that our planning process has been success. 36% has voted for
excellent which means that it has being very successful. Since the planning process
was very engaging we have managed to carry out our event very well and the public
has a positive image on their mind about our event. We could justify to on our decisions
taken having contributed to make the event a success and with the results we could see
that our planning has paid off by getting back positive feedback forms that we’ve
collected. However 46% said average which meant that overall it was a satisfactory
progress. 18% said however this was poor.


We organized the stalls and made sure fresh food is given to all participants.

It got delayed due to problems with other committees,







This diagram shows us how Teachers, Students, Others and Parents rated the success
of the event. The options were:

 1-10.

This document shows the overall success of the event from the audience’s point of

The bar chart shows us the results of the rating on the success of the event from
different types of audience. The most number of rates is from Others which means that
it is a positive effect of the rating since it means that the event has been viewed by
unknown people. But however, all the ratings are above 8 which mean the event has
been very successful in general. So this shows that our performance on running this
event has being up to a very good standard and that the public has a good image on the
event. However students have given a lower raring maybe for the few errors that


We could evaluate and know where we are standing.


Students are satisfied but not happy as such.

How did audience come across the event?

15% Announcement

Social Media
Word of mouth

Announcement Word of mouth Social Media Banner

This bar chart shows the results on what the people voted for the way that they found
out about the event. The options were:

 Announcement
 Word of Mouth
 Social Media
 Banner
The table shows each and every (teachers, students, others, parent) individual results
of how they came to know about the event. As we can see even in the prior feedback
forms the results we got for Word of Mouth was very high. This is again a bad image on
the promoting performance since people getting to know about the event by word of
mouth means that’s, they haven’t come across of any of our posters or announcements
since it also has a fairly low percentage voted by students mostly since it was only given
during school hours and also since we only targeted students through the


Easy to convince friends to come and as well as to take part in the event.
Methods of Improvements

 To improve on this, we could have done several things which are; make
announcements beforehand than we did, which would have reached a larger
crowd than it did, also we could have increase the number off time that the
announcements given during the school hours for example afternoon and
morning on the same day.
 Another way to improve this could have been by bringing up more posters than
we had and putting it up on places for example the canteen where many
students, parents, teachers and other people visit.
 The way that we could have improved the promoting through social could have
been to use more than 1 social media app since we only used Instagram where
only limited number uses it.
Satisfied Good Could Be Better Not Satisfied
Could Be Better Not Satisfied
3% 0%


Very Good

These results on the diagram show the satisfaction level that the audience felt during
from the event. The options were:

 Satisfied
 Good
 Could be better
 Not satisfied

66% of the audience were extremely proud of the event. This is above average levels.
Getting just only 3% for could be better and 0% for not satisfied means that we have
done it in a very well manner. We made sure the audience was kept entertained
throughout the event. The music created a very lively atmosphere. We targeted food
stalls and made sure all participants retained throughout the event. Feedback Forms
made us feel very valued as all were good comments.


We identified the wants and check what participants wanted or not.

What sport did the audience like the most?


Smash or pass
Obstacle Course

Water Roller
Water Polo

Triathlon Obstacle Course Water Roller Water Polo Smash or pass

This question directly shows us the votes which have come in for the most favorite sport
of the event. The options were:

 Triathlon
 Obstacle Race
 Water Roller
 Water Polo
 Smash or Pass

The most voted sport by the audience was to Water Polo and Smash or Pass with 27%
each. And following was Water roller with 19% and then came in Obstacle race with
17% and lastly Triathlon with 10%. These results mainly show a good impact on the
success of the event. We have kept a good balance of sports so that different
participants can get different experiences. This also shows the audience has been very
excited .


These enable us to find what our school friends are best ad and ask how it became
Plenty Satisfactory Poor




This pie chart shows us the results of the opinions of the audience on the food stalls we
had. Options were:

 Poor
 Plenty
 Satisfactory

However, the audiences votes came in as; satisfactory-64%, plenty-32% and poor-4%.
The results are not very satisfying as there were only a few no. of stalls put up since
there were a lot of costs going for stalls. But we let clubs and societies take care of that.


Kept everyone refreshed energetic and ensured they were doing work.
Methods to Improve

 Bringing more food stalls in.

The safety precautions taken





Excelllent Satisfactory Average Poor

 Inviting more societies to put up stalls and raise funds.

This diagram shows us about the results on the opinions of the audience on the
standard of the safety precautions taken during the event. The options were:

 Average
 Satisfactory
 Excellent
These results from this graph show satisfactory safety precautions that we took during
the event. The safety of the participant was very important and we made arrangements
to ensure their safety. So with the results we’ve got through the pie chart we have
provided a safe event for the Participants. With the results; Excellent-45%, Satisfactory-
48%, Average-7%. This tells us that the audience are satisfied with the safety
precuations we took for eg: ambulance, first aid kit. We were prepared for any injury that
was to occur


Strengths were that this was one of the main aspects that we looked into very strongly,
which did not make us miss on any important equipment or any other safety
precautions. Also having called ambulance for Triathlon was a very strong way that we
took safety precautions, which might not have been done by any other sport events held
in school.


As in for a weakness we only had one thing and it was that I felt our first aid layout was
not sufficient enough, for example if two participant got injured at once it would have
been an emergency situation for us since space was very limited in the tent since we
had the score table as well.

Methods to Improve

This table shows the rating from 1-10 that the audience voted for the easiness to
understand the event. The options were:
 1-10

Through the feedback we have got we could see that the rank 10 has been voted by 9
people (31%), rank 9 has been voted by 7 people (24%) and so on. This shows that as
an average there most of the audience understood our event. To do this we gave an
rules booklet as well as we conducted a meeting which was held the day before to
understand the basic details of the event.


We showed everyone how smash or pass is played through videos and presentation.
This way the audience understood the event easily as well as smash or pass. This
would lead to less confusions and proper running of the game


We were late to submit application forms and as well as promoting. So not all were
aware of this event taking place but it worked out the last moment.

Methods to Improve

 The ways to improve this could have been b, when we demonstrated we could
have invited few outsiders to join the game so that they would get the hang of it
and it would also be a very effective way to promote our event since everyone
would have liked to join the play.
 Another way could have been, the banner could have contained a bit more
details and instead of printing the same banner all over again in different sizes,
we could have printed 1 big banner and few smaller ones representing different
sports and its rules.
 Also one more effective method to improve could have been by choosing a more
familiar sport which is known by everyone, so this would have helped to promote
the event and for the audience to understand much easily.
On a scale of 1-10 how well did the particiapants enjoy the 1st

9 to 10 7 to 8
50% 50%

7 to 8 9 to 10

This question shows us the results on the votes on how well the participants enjoyed
the first day of Achcharu Games. The options were:

 1-10

This is certainly a positive feedback from the participants since none of the results were
below 7th rating and every participant enjoyed their day. This shows that our Day 1 has
been successful. We were able to take the comparison between the percentages of 7 to
10 since we only got results of rating from 7 and above only. So with the equal score on
both ratings we can come to a conclusion saying that the 50%, 50% voting says tells
that the participants liked the first day.

The events on Day 1 was interesting and competitive since it was knock out basis,
which tend to increase competition between teams, tension, which then led to make it
memorable for the participants and to give positive feedback on Day 1.


The only weakness that I saw during the Day 1 was that we ran short of one team and
we were unable to keep and contact another team instead of the one which was unable
to play.

Methods to Improve

 We could have held the event during a school day which would have been more
effective since it would attract a larger audience. Participants would have got
excited and eagerly waiting to play this game.

On a scale of 1-10 how well did the

particiapants enjoy the 2nd day?

7 to 8

9 to 10

7 to 8 9 to 10

This pie chart shows the ratings for Day 2 of Achcharu games. The options were:

 1-10
In general everyone liked Day 2 very much. When comparing the results of Day 1 and
Day 2, the percentage for Day 2 is high, this shows a better interest towards smash or
pass but a satisfactory event. This also tells us that as much as participant liked Day 1,
they liked Day 2 as well.


Day 2 had a wider audience. This surely made the event more lively.


Only 4 teams, so short games to end the event.

Methods to Improvements

 Conducting Smash Or Pass On Day 1 as it is convenient for us and everyone.

 Also if we conducted the event on a school day it would have made any of the
students to stay back after school and enjoy their time during the game by being
entertained by the games and watch the event with many friends.
Satisfaction level of decisions made on day 1
Not Satisfied

Could Be Better
20% Satisfied


Satisfied Good Could Be Better Not Satisfied

This question shows us the satisfaction levels of decisions. The points are:

 Could be better
 Good
 Satisfied

These results from the satisfaction level tell us that not much participants were just okay
with the decisions made.


Decisions such as to provide participants with refreshments throughout the games kept
them energetic. Also since we decided and planned out ways to take care for both Day
1 and Day 2, it prevented us from making any mistakes.


On Day 1 we only provided the participants with water bottles throughout the games,
but Day 2 we provided refreshments such as milk packets, this decision was a for all the
people around.
Methods to Improve

 We could have arranged more fund raisers.

 We could have offered a variety at the stalls to attract customers.

How did the participants get to know about the



Social Media
34% Word of mouth

Announcement Word of mouth Social Media Banner

This graph shows us the results on the voting are for how participants came to know
about the event. The options were:

 Banner
 Announcement
 Social Media
 Word of Mouth

As similar to the results from the audience feedback forms the percentage for Word of
Mouth was higher than all the other options. However, the social media percentage has
increased than the results from the audience feedback forms and that means students
have been well informed through social media since many of them use it too.

We used social media as one of our strongest ways to inform the crowd about the event
since many students use it every time. This was one of the strongest ways that we
promoted our event to the participants. Also the word of mouth having a greater
percentage is good in a way since that tells us any people they’ve been talking about it
with many others which are a good thing as well.


Some students couldn’t get the updates as they were not on social media.

Methods to Improve

 We could’ve had meetings with all participants to understand this game regularly.
Satisfaction level of decisions made on day 2

Not Satisfied
Could Be Better
0% Satisfied


Satisfied Good Could Be Better Not Satisfied

This pie chart shows us the results of the participants voting on the level of satisfaction
on the decisions made on Day 2. The options were:

 Satisfied
 Good
 Could be better
 Not satisfied


The main strength we had was since it was just a small session after school and only
consisted with only 4 teams playing 3 matches, we were able to focus more and give
attention to more of the work than first day since we had very less work to complete on
Day 2.

We had small issues in planning as items were missing and teams were not on time.
Therefore things didn’t go as planned.

Methods to Improve

 The way we could have improved these weaknesses is by working on time

 Another way could have been by, assembling the teams at least 10minutes
before the expected time and putting at least 3 official members only to check on
them and get them quickly to the place where the event starts.

The percentage comparison of participants level

of understanding on day 1 and day 2
day 1 day 2








1 to 5 6 to 8 9 to 10

This bar graph shows us the values of the percentages of the comparison between how
participants level of understanding of Day 1 and Day 2. The percentages were:
 1-10

The results from the graph explains the highlights of the event. As you can see 1-5 lie
on a percentage for Day1 with 10% and Day 2 with 25%. This shows that Day 1 could
have been more specific and explained as well as Day 2 since it’s on the rank or 1-5.
Then the rank from 6-8 has an percentage of 70% which is a positive effect and Day 2
has 0% which is completely an bad effect on the preparation for the demonstrations and
explaining that we have done. However, in the rank of 9-10 have a percentage of 20%
for Day 1 and 75% for Day2 which shows a better impact on the events success.
However, this has both negative and positive impact on the events level of
understanding that we’ve provided to the participants.


We planned ahead and knew that participants would be having issues we planned
ahead and did several demonstrations on Smash or Pass, mainly since it is a new game
to many of the participants and we knew that many issues would rise. So helped us in
some way that the participants at least go a brief idea in order to play the game.


However, even though we did many demonstrations the participant didn’t understand
the rules.

Methods to Improve

 The main method to improve these issues could have been by doing
demonstrations while explaining the games nature and rues as well.
 Allowing audience to join would have gained more attention and also made the
rules more clearly for many of the participants since by playing they would get
used to it.
 Another way could have been giving all the teams A4 with questions about the
rules of the game to see if the teams familiar and have one through the rules
booklet, his way if teams get the answer wrong they could clarify any doubts
before stepping into playing the game.
Participants ratings on postes and banners
Colouful and Attractive Fairly Decorated Dull and Poor

This pie chart shows us the results on how the participants rated the quality of the
banner and posters. The options were:

 Dull and Poor

 Fairly Decorated
 Colorful and Attractive

With these results from the participants tell us that our posters have been very creative
and the boosters have done it well to receive positive feedback. This has mainly got
good comments which means our decoration was very colorful and attractive.


Since our Booster was very skilled students we were able to prepare attractive and
colorful posters for our event which was a very effective method when promoting our
event to the public by putting up the posters and banners.


But we had one issue which happened to us and it was that we put up the posters very
late and this made the crowd wait for a short period of time to get to know the event and
this was one reason for us to get in the application form late, since many participants
mentioned that they did not know about the event much to confirm quick fix they were
going to participated in it. Posters were put up late so participants were struggling to
get permission to ask in the last moment and as well as understand it.

Methods to Improve

 Doing work beforehand and submitting the draft o that errors could be
 Putting up posters in many different areas on the school premises, especially
where many people visit would be very eye catchy.
 Having a leaflet as its cheap, flexible and persuasive.

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