Instructions For Reprogramming 9900 Boards
Instructions For Reprogramming 9900 Boards
Instructions For Reprogramming 9900 Boards
Jetline Engineering
Instructions for Reprogramming 9900 Module Boards
Follow the steps below to reprogram Jetline Engineering 9900 Module Boards:
The same procedure is used for all Jetline Engineering 9900 Module Boards.
1. Copy the supplied 9900 Module Code file into the C:\Jetline\9900\System Files\Module
Code location in the 9900 computer. An example of the module code file name is:
Versionxxxx.bin where xxxx is a four digit number.
2. Plug the programming cable into a USB slot on the back of 9900 computer.
3. On the outside of the module box to be reprogrammed, turn the power switch to OFF.
4. Open the module and locate the circuit board assembly on the inside of the door. A
picture of the inside of a module door is below.
15 Goodyear St., Irvine, California, 92618 USA Phone: (949) 951-1515 Fax: (949) 951-9237
5. Locate the smaller circuit board with an Ethernet cable connected to it mounted to the
larger circuit board. This is called the Rabbit board, and it is the board that must be
connected to in order to reprogram the module.
a. The programming pins are indicated in the picture below.
6. Attach the programming cable to the Rabbit board as shown below. Be sure that the
RED line on the cable is orientated to the closest corner of the Rabbit board.
7. On the outside of the module box to be reprogrammed, turn the power switch to ON.
15 Goodyear St., Irvine, California, 92618 USA Phone: (949) 951-1515 Fax: (949) 951-9237
8. Returning to the 9900 computer, navigate to the C:\Rabbit Loader location and launch
the RFU application. The RFU application can be found by following the steps below.
a. Touch the START menu in the bottom left corner of the desktop screen.
b. Double touch: My Computer
c. Double touch: Local Disk (C:)
d. Double touch: Rabbit Loader
e. Double touch: RFU
9. The first time a module is reprogrammed with new code(a Flash Image), the new Flash
Image must be selected. This is the Module Code that was copied into
C:\Jetline\9900\System Files\Module Code during Step 2. above. The new flash image is
selected by following the directions below.
a. Touch FILE at the top left of the Rabbit Field Utility(RFU) window.
b. Touch: Load Flash Image
c. Touch: the Versionxxxx.bin file copied into C:\Jetline\9900\System Files\Module
Code during Step 2. above.
d. Touch: Open
9.1 After loading the new flash image the first time, it can be selected from the list
of available code versions displayed when FILE is touched on the main RFU screen.
10. Selecting Open will prompt the RFU application to attempt to establish communication
with the 9900 Module. If communication is established, the new module code will be
loaded into the Rabbit board. If there is a problem with communication, please see Step
A-1 at the end of these instructions.
a. Wait for the programming status bar to close.
11. On the outside of the reprogrammed module, turn the power switch to OFF.
12. Carefully remove the programming cable from the Rabbit board.
13. Other modules can be reprogrammed through the same procedure at this time if
15 Goodyear St., Irvine, California, 92618 USA Phone: (949) 951-1515 Fax: (949) 951-9237
A-1 .The following instructions detail how to reconfigure the communication settings for the
RFU(Rabbit Flash Utility) in the case of a communication error during the initial
reprogramming attempt.
a. Navigate to the Windows Device Manager.
i. Touch: Start at the bottom left corner of the desktop screen.
ii. Touch: Control Panel
iii. Double touch: System
iv. Touch: Hardware
v. Touch: Device Manager
vi. Touch: Ports (COM & LPT)
vii. Locate & Note: USB Serial Port (COMx), where x= a number.
For Example, the USB Serial Port is COM9 in the Image below.