Corporate Circular: Bridge Technical Direction Btd2007/13
Corporate Circular: Bridge Technical Direction Btd2007/13
Corporate Circular: Bridge Technical Direction Btd2007/13
CC: BTD2007/13
The rates of corrosion of unprotected steel piles are specified in Clause 9.4 of AS 5100.3 and in
Table 6.4 of AS 2159. Neither of these two Australian Standards include specific requirements for piles
in acid sulfate soils (ASS) or potential ASS.
The following are the minimum corrosion allowances for unprotected steel piles and any other steel
structural members e.g. anchors, with a design life of 100 years in ASS and potential ASS related to the
estimated long term pH values from the bridge site investigations:
Soil conditions A and B are as defined in Table 6.3 of AS 2159 – Piling – Design and Installation. Soil
condition A applies to high permeability soils below groundwater level. Soil condition B applies to low
permeability soils or all soils above groundwater.
Where high sulfate levels exist in the soil, sulfate reducing bacteria may be present leading to
microbiologically induced corrosion. In such cases an appropriate additional corrosion allowance shall be
assumed in the design.
In designs for RTA bridges or for bridges that will become the property of RTA, steel piles must not be
used in acid sulfate soils or potential acid sulfate soils where the measured or potential pH of the soil is ≤
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4.0. In soils with measured or potential pH > 4.0 and sulphate levels less than 400 mg/l, the minimum
corrosion allowances above must be provided to each surface.
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