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A. Background

In the world of education is often used the term measurement, assessment, evaluation, and
assessment to know the results of learning. Many consider measurement, assessment,
evaluation and assessment to be the same or just synonymous with each other. But in reality
measurement, assessment, evaluation and assessment have different concepts and each
has its own characteristics.

Although measurements, assessments, evaluations and assessments have different

concepts and characteristics but have four interconnected in the process of determining
learning outcomes.

Learning is a process whereby a person's environment is deliberately managed to enable

him to participate in certain behaviors under specific conditions or generate responses to
specific situations.

First, in the learning process involves the process of thinking. Secondly, in the learning
process builds a dialogical atmosphere and a continuous Q & A process directed to improve
and improve students' thinking ability, which in turn the thinking ability can help students to
gain knowledge of their own constructs.

Because of the emergence of these questions, therefore we present some things about the
evaluation of learning that serves to see how far the learning that we have been doing.
evaluation of this learning concerning the provision of tests and exam questions that we
have planned to see the development of students so we can monitor appropriately.

To obtain the right information in the evaluation activities is done through measurement
activities. Measurement is a process of scoring or figures on a situation or symptoms based
on certain rules. Thus there is a strong correlation between measurment and evaluation of
measurement activities as the basis for evaluation activities.

B. Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in writing this paper is:

1. What is the concept of measurement, assessment, evaluation, and assessment?

2. What are the different measurements, assessments, evaluations and assessments?

3. What is the relationship between measurement, assessment, evaluation and


C. Purpose of Writing
From the formulation of the problem, in the purpose of writing that is:

1. To know the concept of measurement, assessment, evaluation, and assessment.

2. Know the differences in measurement, assessment, evaluation and assessment.

3. Determine the relationship between measurement, assessment, evaluation and



A. Concepts of Measurement, Assessment, Evaluation, and Assessment

Measurement, assessment, evaluation, and assessment are terms that are very familiar with
the evaluation. This is because the test of learning achievement is often used as the only
tool to assess learning outcomes. Thus, there is an effort to introduce the definition and
concept of measurement, assessment, evaluation and assessment.

1. Measurement Concepts

Measurement is defined as a process to determine the extent or quantity of something

(Wondt, Edwin, and G.W. Brown, 1957: 1). In other words, measurement is an attempt to
know the state of something as it can be quantized, it can be obtained by way of tests or
other means.

Asmawi Zainul and Noehi Nasution define measurements as assignments of numbers to

certain attributes or characteristics possessed by specific persons, things, or objects
according to clear rules or formulations. According to Zainul and Nasution (2001)
measurement has two main characteristics namely: 1) the use of a number or a certain
scale; 2) according to a certain rule or formula.

This opinion is in line with Suharsimi Arikunto's opinion that measuring is comparing
something with the unit of measure. Measurements are quantitative.

The results of quantitative measurements were also put forward by Norman E. Gronlund
(1971) which states "Measurement is limited to quantitative descriptions of pupil behavior"

Measurements are the determination of magnitudes, dimensions, or capacities, usually to a

standard or unit of measurement. Measurements are not only limited to physical quantity, but
can also be extended to measure almost anything imaginable, such as uncertainty levels, or
consumer confidence.

In the world of education, the meaning of measurements as presented by Cangelosi (1995:

21) is the process of collecting data through empirical observation. This collection process is
done to estimate what a student has gained after attending a lesson for a certain time. This
process can be done by observing their performance, listening to what they are saying and
collecting information that fits the purpose through what the student has done.

According Mardapi (2004: 14) measurement is basically the activity of determining the
number of objects in a systematic manner. The characteristics contained in the measured
object are transferred into a figure form so it is easier to assess. the aspects of human
nature such as cognitive, affective and psychomotor are transformed into numbers. Hence,
the error in inflating these aspects should be as small as possible. Errors that may arise in
making measurements, especially in the field of social sciences can come from measuring
instruments, how to measure and measured objects.
Measurements in the field of education are closely related to the test. This is because one
way that is often used to measure the results that have been achieved by the test students.
In addition to the tests, sometimes also used nontes. If tests can provide information about
cognitive and psychomotor characteristics, then nontes may provide information about the
affective characteristics of the object.

2. Concept of Assessment

Assessment is an important and integral part of the education system today. Improving the
quality of education can be seen from the values obtained by students. Of course for that
required a good assessment system and not biased. A good assessment system will be able
to provide a picture of the quality of learning so that in turn it will be able to help teachers
plan learning strategies. For students themselves, a good assessment system will be able to
provide motivation to always improve its ability.

In the evaluation system of learning outcomes, assessment is a further step after

measurement. information obtained from further measurements is described and interpreted.
Therefore, according to Djemari Mardapi (1999: 8) assessment is the activity of interpreting
or describing the results of measurement. According to Cangelosi (1995: 21) assessment is
a decision about value. Therefore, the next step after carrying out the measurement is the
assessment. Assessment is done after students answer the questions contained in the test.
The results of the students' answers are interpreted in terms of value.

According Djemari Mardapi (2004: 18) there are two references that can be used in
conducting the assessment that is the reference norm and reference criteria. In assessing
the field of education, these two references can be used. Reference norms assume that a
person's ability is different and can be described according to the normal distribution curve.
While the reference criteria assume that anything can be learned by everyone but the timing
can be different.

Understanding the assessment is emphasized on the determination of the value of an object

proposed by Nana Sudjana. He states that assessment is the process of determining the
value of an object by using a certain size or criterion, such as Good, Medium, Bad. As
Richard H. Lindeman (1967) puts it, "The assignment of one or a set of numbers to a set of
persons or objects according to certain established rules"

According to Suharsimi Arikunto, judging is taking a decision on something well, the

assessment is quantitative

Assessment on learning outcomes is basically questioned, how teachers (teachers) can

know the learning outcomes that have been done. The teacher must know the extent to
which the learner has understood the material already taught or the extent to which the
objectives / competencies of the managed learning activity can be achieved. The level of
achievement of the competencies or instructional goals of the learning activities that have
been implemented can be expressed by value.

3. Concept of Assessment

The term assessment is defined by stiggins (1994) as a process assessment, progress, and
learning outcomes (outcomes). While the assessment is defined by Kumano (2001) as "The
process of collecting data which shows the development of learning". Thus it can be
concluded that the assessment is an appropriate term for the assessment of student learning
process. However, although the learning process of students is important in assessing, the
learning outcomes are also not excluded.

Gabel (1993: 388-390) categorizes assessment into two major groups, traditional
assessment and alternative assessment. Traditional assessments are true-false tests,
multiple choice tests, complementary tests, and limited response tests. Meanwhile, those
belonging to the alternative assessment (non-test) are essays, practice assessments, project
appraisals, questionnaires, inventories, checklists, peer assessment, self assessment,
perfection, observation, discussion and interviews.

Wiggins (1984) states that assessment is a tool that chronologically assists teachers in
monitoring students. Therefore, Popham (1995) suggests that assessment should be part of
learning, not an integral one. Resnick (1985) states that the assessment essentially
emphasizes an assessment of student learning. In this regard, Marzano et al. (1994) states
that in revealing the concepts that have been achieved, but also about the process of
development of how a concept is obtained. In this case, the assessment can not only assess
the students' learning outcomes and processes, but also the learning progress.

4. Evaluation Concept

Measurement, assessment and evaluation are hierarchical activities. This means that all
three activities in relation to teaching and learning process can not be separated from each
other and in the implementation must be implemented in sequence.

According to the meaning of the word the word evaluation comes from the English
evaluation which means assessment or appraisal (John M. Echols and Hasan Shadily:

Anne Anastasi defines evaluation as "A systematic process of determining the extend to
which instructional objectives are achieved by pupils" (Anne Anastasi, 1978: 6). Which can
be interpreted that evaluation is not merely assessing a spontaneous and incidental activity,
but rather an activity to assess something in a planned, systematic, and directed based on
clear goals. (Chabib Thoha, 1991: 1)

According to Stufflebeam, et al (1971) defines evaluation as "The process of delineating,

obtaining, and providing useful information for judgment decision alternatives". This means
that evaluation is a process of describing, obtaining, and presenting useful information to
formulate an alternative decision.

Evaluation is a measuring and valuing activity. Measure is more besifat quantitative, while
assessing is more qualitative. Viviane and Gilbert de Lansheere (1984) argue that evaluation
is the process of determining whether the materials and learning methods have been in line
with the intended purpose. Determination can be done either by giving the test to the learner.
Seen there that the reference test is the goal of learning.

Evaluation According to Suharsimi Arikunto (2004: 1) is an activity to collect information

about the operation of something, which then the information is used to determine the right
alternative in making a decision. In the field of education, evaluation as stated Gronlund
(1990: 5) is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing and interpreting information to
determine the extent to which the learning objectives have been achieved by students.
According Djemari Mardapi (2004: 19) evaluation is the process of gathering information to
know the achievement of class or group learning.

From the above opinion, there are several things that characterize the evaluation are:

 as a systematic activity, the implementation of the evaluation should be done

continuously. A learning program should be evaluated at the end of each program
 in the implementation of the evaluation required accurate data and information to
support the decision to be taken. Assumptions or prejudices. is not the basis for making
decisions in the evaluation
 evaluation activities in education are never independent of predetermined learning
objectives. That's why a goal oriented approach is the most appropriate approach for
learning evaluation.

Evaluation activities require the use of information obtained through measurement or by

other means to determine opinions and make educational decisions. Opinions and decisions
will, of course, be influenced by the personal impression and judgmental system of the
decision maker (Sumadi Suryabrata 1983: 33).

Evaluation has two interests, namely to find out whether the goal of education has been
achieved well, and secondly to improve and direct the implementation of teaching and
learning process (Chabib Thoha, 1991: 5)

B. Differences in Measurement, Assessment, Evaluation, and Assessment

1. Measurement

Measurement is the data retrieval of an object using a measuring instrument with a specific
purpose. The data taken in the form of data that is quantitative (Chabib Thaha, 1991: 3).

2. Assessment

Assessment is a process for making decisions using information obtained through

measurement of learning outcomes using both test and non-compliance. The measurement
is to compare the test results with the specified standard. Measurements are quantitative.
While assessing is the activity of measuring and making estimates of the results of
measurements or comparing and not to the stage of decision-making. The results of the
assessment are qualitative data.

3. Assessment

Assessment is the application of various ways and the use of various instruments to obtain
information about the extent to which learners learn and achievement of competence
(learning outcomes) of learners. Assessment results can be a qualitative value (narrative
statement in words) and quantitative value (in the form of numbers). Assessment of learning
process is basically collecting data about teacher process (teacher) in giving treatment to its
students. Assessment can also be used as a basis in modifying the method of learning in
accordance with the ability of students because of the assessment will get data about the
learning process and problems that occur in it.

4. Evaluation

Rustaman (2003) reveals that the assessment is more emphasized on process design.
Meanwhile, evaluation is more emphasized on learning outcomes. When viewed from its
sides, according to Stiggins (1993), the assessment is in the interest of the students.
Students in this case use assessment results to reflect strengths, weaknesses, and
improvements in learning. Meanwhile, evaluation by Rustaman (2003) is more in favor of the
interests of the evaluator.

Yulaelawati (2004) revealed that there is a difference between evaluation and assessment.
Evaluation (evaluation) is an assessment of education programs as a whole. Educational
evaluation is more macro, widespread, and comprehensive. The program evaluation
examines the interrelated components of planning, implementation, and monitoring. While
assessment is an assessment in a narrower scope (more micro) when compared to
evaluation. As stated by Kumano (2001) the assessment only concerns student competence
and improvement of learning programs.

Harlen (1982) discloses the difference between assessment and evaluation in terms of
methods. Evaluation is expressed using various criteria and methods. Assessment in this
case is only one of the methods chosen for the evaluation. In addition, subjects for
assessment are only students, while the subject of evaluation is broader and diverse as
students, teachers, organizational materials, etc.

Yulaelawati (2004) reiterates that the assessment scope only covers graduate competencies
and improvements in student learning. So the relationship is more in the learner. The scope
of the broader evaluation is indicated by its scope which includes content or substance, the
process of implementation of educational programs, the competence of graduates, the
procurement and improvement of education personnel, education management, facilities
and infrastructure, and financing.

C. Linkages Measurement, Assessment, Evaluation, and Assessment

Both in the assessment and evaluation process required data derived from both the
measurement process in the form of quantitative data and assessment in the form of
qualitative data. By combining the data obtained from the measurement and appraisal
process, results from evaluation or assessment will be obtained.

The results of measurement and assessment of a learning process that contains the
shortcomings and advantages will be used as the basis of an assessment that leads to
improvement of learning. Being the result of measurement and assessment of learning
outcomes that are comprehensive will underlie the value judgment of an evaluation.

So it can be said that the assessment and measurement is the source of data in an
assessment and evaluation.

A. Conclusion

Measurements, assessments, evaluations, and assessments are very familiar terms for
evaluation, especially evaluation of learning outcomes. Measurement is an attempt to know
the state of something as it can be quantified, it can be obtained by way of tests or other
means, while assessment is a process for making decisions by using information obtained
through qualitative measurement of learning outcomes. Assessment is the application of
various ways and the use of various instruments to obtain information about the extent to
which learners learn and the achievement of competence (learning outcomes) of learners in
the form of qualitative value (narrative statement in words) and quantitative value (in the
form of numbers). Evaluation is a measuring and valuing activity. Measure is more besifat
quantitative, while assessing is more qualitative

Both in the assessment and evaluation process required data derived from both the
measurement process in the form of quantitative data and assessment in the form of
qualitative data.

Therefore, the linkage to conduct an evaluation then we must know what the purpose of the
evaluation, both general or specific purposes. We also must know the functions, benefits and
principles of evaluation, as well as the similarities and differences so that the evaluation of
learning outcomes that we will carry out can run well and correctly. All of them as a unity that
will determine the quality of learning. In the learning process, educators and learners each
strive to succeed their main tasks respectively.
Gabel, D.L. (1993). Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning. New York:
Maccmillan Company.

Harlen, W. (1983). Guides to assessment in Edication Science. London: Maccmillan


Kumano, Y. 2001. Authentic Assessment andPortofolio Assessment-Its Theory and Practice.

Japan: Shizouka University.

Marzano, R.J. et al. (1994). Assessing Student Outcomes: Perfomance Asessment Using
the Dimension of Learning Model. Alexandria: Association for Supervison and Curriculum

Popham, W.J. (1995). Classroom Assessment, What Teachers Need it Know. Oxford:
Pergamon Press

Resnick, D.P. & Resnick, L.B. (1985). "Standars, Curiiculum, and Performance: A Historical
and Comparative Perspective" Educational Researcher 9, 5-19.

Rustaman, N. (2003). Assessment of Science Education. Upgrading paper for NTT teachers
in Biology Education Department

Stiggins, R.J. (1994). Student-Centered Classroom Assessment. New York: Macmillan

Colege Publishing Company

Wiggins, G. (1984). "A True Test: Toward More Authentic and Equitable Assessment" Phi
Delta Kappan 70, (9) 703-713

Yulaelawati, E. (2004). Curriculum and Learning. Jakarta: Pakar Raya Jakarta

by: my life friend, Istiqomah Wahyu Pradana

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