Review On Direct, Indirect and Mixed Mode Solar Dryer
Review On Direct, Indirect and Mixed Mode Solar Dryer
Review On Direct, Indirect and Mixed Mode Solar Dryer
Abstract- India is the agricultural dominated country. Food problem arises in most developing countries mainly due to the
inability to preserve food surpluses rather than due to low production. Hence preservation of agricultural food/crop is very
essential to avoid the wastage. Solar energy is abundantly available with us but because of frequently cloud, drying of agricultural
product is not effective for special crop like grapes, fig, turmeric, etc. In order to preserve and protect food crop from bacterial
growth solar dryer is to be designed. Drying is the process in which moisture of the product can be removed without hampering the
nutrients. Mostly direct and indirect mode solar dryer is used to drying the agricultural product. Natural and forced convection
solar dryers are used for so many agricultural products. There is tremendous research is going on in solar drying technology to
improve the performance of solar dryer. Experimentally it is proved that solar drying technology is economical viable and possible.
Thermal energy can be store in solar drying system to improve the performance of solar dryer using different phase change
material. In this review paper, we revived direct mode, indirect mode and mixed mode solar dryer for various agricultural crop.
The developed system is suitable for drying maximum Mixed mode solar dryers are more efficient, but, they have
of 40 kilograms of cashew in one batch. disadvantage of exposing the products to solar radiation.
The required air temperature of 65-75°C was obtained Natural convection indirect mode is very much effective
with minimum fuel consumption of 0.5-0.75 kg/hr. than mixed mode dryer but it requires more time for drying
The biomass dryer can dry cashew kernel from a the vegetables. But indirect mode forced convection solar
moisture content of 9% w.b. reduced to 3% w.b.within dryer is very effective than others because time required for
7 hours. drying is very less than others. The introduction of heat
Maximum biomass system/overall efficiency of 9.5 % storage material like paraffin wax in the air heater enhances
was observed. the rate of drying and reduces drying time. The use of a
The dryer does not depend on whether condition and latent heat storage system using phase change materials
can be operated maximum 3 batches per day. (PCMs) is an effective way of storing thermal energy and
has the advantages of high-energy storage density. Drying
7. The solar tunnel drier can be used to dry up to 80 kg of time can be further reduced using the same system with heat
fresh chillies. In all the cases, the use of this drier led to storage material. The v-corrugated collector was found to be
considerable reduction in drying time in comparison to that the most efficient collector and the flat plate collector to be
of conventional sun drying, and the products dried using this the least efficient. Solar dryers have been reported to
drier were of better quality as compared to their improve the taste, nutrition, and final value of produce
conventional sun dried counterparts. This drier can be easily compared to traditional drying method. Solar dryer is
constructed using locally available materials. This can be economical viable for all kinds of product/crops like grapes,
operated by a photovoltaic module independent of electrical fig, turmeric, chilli, ginger, mango, fish, leafy vegetables,
grid. The photovoltaic system has an advantage because the etc.
temperature of the drying air in the drier is automatically REFERENCES
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