Death Penalty
Death Penalty
Death Penalty
Pair Work
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Class :
LWP01E / LW0051E
Prepared For :
I believe that the majority of criminals fear death. Therefore, I believe it is not right for citizens to
The threat of the death penalty prevents them pay the government to keep the criminals alive.
from killing.
I strongly believed, if one finds the practice too I opines that in a larger sense, capital punishment
brutal, one must either reject it in principle or is the ultimate warning against all crimes.
seek to mitigate its brutality.
Death Penalty
Not An Act Of Irrevocable
Retribution Mistakes
According to Dalai Lama, a Tibetan Head of State According to ACLU, The American Civil Liberties
Union, there is no clear evidence to show that
and Buddhist spiritual leader, everyone has his or
death penalty can deter crime. States that apply
her own chance to improve and correct death penalty do not have lower crime rates than
themselves. Without death penalty, there will be state which do not have and state that change to
room for improvement for the criminals. death penalty also do not have significant