Wjschne@ilstu - Edu: Wais-Iv
Wjschne@ilstu - Edu: Wais-Iv
Wjschne@ilstu - Edu: Wais-Iv
Test Battery:
Range Labels:
Very High, High, High Average, Average, Low Average, Low, Very Low
Directions: Enter the scores in the Score column. The percentile and range columns will calculate
automatically. You may change and customize the range labels by clinking the Ranges tab below.
Helpful Hint: Copy everything in the table except the "Note" at the bottom so that the formatting
of the table will be maintained in Word. Copy the "Note" and other text below the table separately.
You can delete unused subtests in Word after you have pasted the full table.
Disclaimer: The percentiles in this spreadsheet are calculated using the properties of the normal
distribution. Thus, they might not match perfectly with percentiles listed in various test manuals,
especially if those percentiles are determined empirically. Linear T-score transformations such as
those used in the BASC or uniform T-scores such as those in the MMPI will have different
percentile values than will be calculated here (although the values will usually be quite close).
IQ/Index/Subtest Score Percentile Range
Full Scale IQ
Verbal Comprehension Index
Working Memory Index
Digit Span
Letter-Number Sequencing*
Perceptual Reasoning Index
Block Design
Visual Puzzles
Matrix Reasoning
Figure Weights*
Picture Completion*
Processing Speed Index
Symbol Search
Note: WAIS-IV IQ and Index Scores have a mean of 100 a
*These tests are conceptually related to the factor scor
will calculate
s tab below.
e formatting
le separately.
You can alter the lowest number in the range to fit your preferences.
Scale Lowest Number for:
Mean SD Very High High High Average
Scaled 10 3 16 14 12
T 50 10 70 64 57
Index 100 15 130 120 110
Stanine 5 2 9 8 7
Sten 5.5 2 10 9 7
Average Low Average Low Very Low Very High, High, High Average, Average, L
Average Low Average Borderline Extremely Low Very Superior, Superior, High Average, Ave
Average Low Average Borderline Intellectually DeficientVery Superior, Superior, High Average, Ave
Average Low Average Low Extremely Low Very Superior, Superior, High Average, Ave
Average Below Average Dull Very Dull Very Bright, Bright, Above Average, Averag
Average Below Average Low Very Low Very High, High, Above Average, Average,
, High, High Average, Average, Low Average, Low, Very Low
erior, Superior, High Average, Average, Low Average, Borderline, Extremely Low
erior, Superior, High Average, Average, Low Average, Borderline, Intellectually Deficient
erior, Superior, High Average, Average, Low Average, Low, Extremely Low
ht, Bright, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Dull, Very Dull
, High, Above Average, Average, Below Average, Low, Very Low