Bill of Exch
Bill of Exch
Bill of Exch
280 Accountancy
Muddati Hundi: A muddati or miadi hundi is payable after a specified period of time.
This is similar to a time bill.
There are few other varieties of hundies like Nam-jog hundi, Dhani-jog hundi, Jawabee
hundi, Hokhami hundi, Fir man-jog hundi, and so on.
Bill of Exchange 281
(signed) (Signed)
Jyoti Mamta
1.4.2014 196, Karol Bagh
73-B, Mahipalpur New Delhi
New Delhi 110 037
73-B, Mahipalpur
New Delhi 110 037
282 Accountancy
Bill of Exchange 283
Harish Chander Ashok Kumar
24, Ansari Road 2, Dariba Kalan
Darya Ganj Candani Chowk
New Delhi 110 002 Delhi 110 006
Box 2
Distinction between a Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note
Both a bill of exchange and a pr omissory note are instruments of credit and are similar
in many ways. However, there are certain basic dif ferences between the two.
S. No Basis Bill of Exchange Promissory Note
1 Drawer It is drawn by the creditor It is drawn by the debtor
2 Or der or Promise It contains an order to make It contains a promise to make
and Parties payment. There can be three payment. There are only two
parties to it, viz. the drawer, parties to it, viz. the drawer
the drawee and the payee. and the payee.
284 Accountancy
Bill of Exchange 285
The ter m maturity refers the date on which a bill of exchange or a promissory
note becomes due for payment. In arriving at the maturity date three days,
known as days of grace, must be added to the date on which the period of
credit expires instrument is payable. Thus, if a bill dated March 05 is payable
30 days after date it, falls due on April 07, i.e. 33 days after March 05 If it
were payable one month after date, the due date would be April 08, i.e. one
month and 3 days after March 05. However, where the date of maturity is a
public holiday, the instrument will become due on the pr eceding business
day. In this case if April 08, falls on a public holiday then the April 07 will be
the maturity date. But when an emergent holiday is declared under the
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, by the Gover nment of India which may
happen to be the date of maturity of a bill of exchange, then the date of
maturity will be the next working day immediately after the holiday. For
example, the Gover nment declared a holiday on April 08 which happened to
be the day on which a bill of exchange drawn by Gupta upon Ver ma for
Rs.20,000 became due for payment, Since April 08, has been declared a
holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act, therefore, April 09, will be the
date of maturity for this bill.
286 Accountancy
Bill of Exchange 287
On receiving the advice from the bank that the bill has been collected
Bank A/c Dr.
To Bills Sent for Collection A/c
(2) When the receiver gets the bill discounted from the bank:
On r eceiving the bill
Bills Receivable A/c Dr.
To Debtors A/c
On discounting the bill
Bank A/c Dr.
Discount A/c Dr.
To Bills Receivable A/c
On Maturity
No entry is recorded because the bill becomes the property of the bank,
therefor e, the bank collects the amount of the bill from the acceptor and
no jour nal entry is recorded in the books of the drawer.
(3) When the bill is endorsed by the receiver in favour of his creditor:
On receiving the bill
Bills Receivable A/c Dr.
To Debtor’s A/c
On endorsing the bill
Creditor’s A/c Dr.
To Bills Receivable A/c
On Maturity
No entry is recorded because the bill has been transferred in favour of the
creditor, therefore the creditor becomes its owner and will receive the
payment on maturity. Hence, no entry is r ecorded in the books of drawer
or endorser.
288 Accountancy
Box 3
1. When the drawer retains the bill with him till the date of its maturity and gets
the same collected directly
Transaction Books of Creditor/Drawer Books of Debtor/
Sale/Pur chase of goods Debtor’s A/c Dr. Purchases A/c Dr.
To Sales A/c To Creditor’s A/c
Receiving/Accepting the bill Bills Receivable A/c Dr. Creditor’s A/c Dr.
To Debtor’s A/c To Bills Payable A/c
Collection of the bill Cash/Bank A/c Dr. Bills Payable A/c Dr.
To Bills Receivable A/c To Cash/Bank A/c
2. When the bill is retained by the drawer with him and sent to bank for
collection a few days before maturity
Transaction Books of Creditor/Drawer Books of Debtor/
Sale/Pur chase of goods Debtor’s A/c Dr. Purchases A/c Dr.
To Sales A/c To Creditor’s A/c
Receiving /Accepting the bill Bills Receivable A/c Dr. Creditor’s A/c Dr.
To Debtor’s A/c To Bills Payable A/c
Sending the bill for collection Bills sent for
collection A/c Dr. No entry
To Bill Receivable A/c
On Receiving from the bank Bank A/c Dr. Bills Payable A/c Dr.
advice that the bill has been To Bill Sent for To Bank A/c
collected Collection A/c
3. When the drawer gets the bill discounted from the bank
Transaction Books of Creditor/Drawer Books of Debtor/
Sale/Pur chase of goods Debtor’s A/c Dr. Purchases A/c Dr.
To Sales A/c To Creditor’s A/c
Receiving /Accepting the bill Bills Receivable A/c Dr. Creditor’s A/c Dr.
To Debtor’s A/c To Bills payable A/c
Discounting the bill Bank A/c Dr. No entry
Discount A/c Dr.
To Bills Receivable A/c
On maturity of the bill No entry Bills payable A/c Dr.
To Bank A/c
Bill of Exchange 289
The journal entries to be recoded in the books of the drawer and the acceptor
under all the four cases have been summarised below.
Illustration 1
Amit sold goods for Rs.20,000 to Sumit on credit on Jan 01, 2015. Amit drew a bill of
exchange upon Sumit for the same amount for thr ee months. Sumit accepted the bill and
retur ned it to Amit. Sumit met his acceptance on maturity. Record the necessary journal
entries under the following circumstances:
(i) Amit retained the bill till the date of its maturity and collected directly
(ii) Amit discounted the bill @ 12% p.a from his bank
(iii) Amit endorsed the bill to his creditor Ankit
(iv) Amit retained the bill and on March, 31 2015 Amit sent the bill for collection to
its bank. On April 05, 2015 bank advice was received.
Books of Amit
(i) When the bill was retained till its maturity.
290 Accountancy
(iii) When Amit endorsed the bill in favour of his creditor Ankit.
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Jan. 01 Sumit’s A/c Dr. 20,000
To Sales A/c 20,000
(Sold goods to Sumit’s on credit)
Jan. 01 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 20,000
To Sumit’s A/c 20,000
(Received Sumit’s acceptance for
thr ee months)
Jan. 01 Ankit’s A/c Dr. 20,000
To Bills Receivable A/c 20,000
(Sumit acceptance endorsed in favour of Ankit)
Bill of Exchange 291
(iv) When the bill was sent for collection by Amit to the bank.
The following jour nal entries will be made in the books of Sumit under all the four
Jan. 01 Purchases A/c Dr. 20,000
To Amit’s A/c 20,000
(Purchases goods from Amit on credit)
Jan. 01 Amit’s A/c Dr. 20,000
To Bill’s Payable A/c 20,000
(Accepted bill drawn by Amit payable after
thr ee months)
Apr. 04 Bills payable A/c Dr. 20,000
To Bank A/c 20,000
(Met acceptance maturity)
292 Accountancy
Illustration 2
On March 15, 2015 Ramesh sold goods for Rs. 8,000 to Deepak on credit. Deepak accepted
a bill of exchange drawn upon him by Ramesh payable after three months. On April, 15
Ramesh endorsed the bill in favour of his creditor Poonam in full settlement of her debt of
Rs. 8,250. On May 15, Poonam discounted the bill with her bank @ 12% p.a. On the due
date Deepak met the bill. Recor d the necessary journal entries in the books of Ramesh,
Deepak, Poonam.
Books of Ramesh
Mar.15 Deepak A/c Dr. 8,000
To Sales A/c 8,000
(Sold goods to Deepak on credit)
Mar.15 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 8,000
To Deepak A/c 8,000
(Received Deepak’s acceptance for three months)
Apr.15 Poonam’s A/c Dr. 8,250
To Bills Receivable A/c 8,000
To Discount Received A/c 250
(Bill endorsed in favour of Poonam in full
settlement of her debt of Rs. 8,250)
Book of Deepak
Bill of Exchange 293
Books of Poonam
Illustration 3
On Jan 01, 2015 Shieba sold goods to Vishal for Rs. 10,000 and drew upon him a bill of
exchange for 2 months. Vishal accepted the bill and retur ned it to Shieba. On the date of
maturity the bill was dishonoured by Vishal. Record the necessary entries in all the cases
listed below in the books of Shieba and Vishal:
294 Accountancy
(i) When the bill was kept by Shieba till its maturity.
Books of Shieba
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Jan.01 Vishal’s A/c Dr. 10,000
To Sales A/c 10,000
(Sold goods to Vishal)
Jan. 01 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 10,000
To Vishal’s A/c 10,000
(Received Vishal’s acceptance)
Mar. 04 Vishal’s A/c Dr. 10,000
To Bills Receivable A/c 10,000
(Vishal dishonoured his acceptance)
Bill of Exchange 295
Wher eas, in the book of Vishal, the following entries will be recorded
Books of Vishal
296 Accountancy
Proper presentation of the bill means that it should be presented on the date of
maturity to the acceptor during business working hours. To establish beyond
doubt that the bill was dishonoured, despite its due presentation, it may
preferably to be got noted by Notary Public. Noting authenticates the fact of
dishonour. For pr oviding this service, a fees is charged by the Notary Public
which is called Noting Char ges.
The following facts are generally noted by the Notary:
• Date, fact and reasons of dishonour;
• If the bill is not expressly dishonoured, the reasons why he treats it
as dishonoured and;
• The amount of noting charges.
The entries recorded for noting charges in the drawers book are as follows:
When Drawer himself pays
Drawee’s A/c Dr.
To Cash A/c
Wher e endorsee pays
Drawee’s A/c Dr.
To Endorsee A/c
When the bank pays on discounted bill
Drawee’s A/c Dr.
To Bank A/c
When the bank pays in the event of sending the bill for collection to the bank
Drawee’s A/c Dr.
To Bank A/c
It may be noticed that whosoever pays the noting charges, ultimately these
have to be borne by the drawee. That is why the drawee is invariably debited in
the drawer’s books. This is because he is responsible for the dishonour of the
bill and, hence, he has to bear these expenses. For recording the noting charges
in his book the drawee opens Noting Charges Acccount. He debits the Noting
Charges Account and credits the Drawer’s Account. For example, Azad sold
goods for Rs. 15,000 to Bunty and immediately drew a bill upon him on Jan.
01, 2015 payable after 3 months. On maturity the bill was dishonoured and Rs.
50 were paid by the holder of the bill as noting charges. The journal entries will
be recorded in the books of Azad and Bunty as given below under the following
(a) When the bill was kept by Azad till maturity.
(b) When the bill was discounted by Azad with his bank immediately
@ 12% p.a.
(c) When the bill was endorsed by Azad in favour of his creditor Chitra.
In the books of Azad, entries will be recorded as:
Bill of Exchange 297
Books of Azad
298 Accountancy
The following jour nal entries will be made in the books of Bunty in all the three cases.
Book of Bunty
Bill of Exchange 299
cancelled and the fresh bill with new terms of payment is drawn and duly accepted
and delivered. This is called renewal of the bill. Since the cancellation of bill is
mutually agreed upon noting of the bill is not required.
The dreawee may have to pay interest to the drawer for the extended period
of credit. The interest is paid in cash or may be included in the amount of the
new bill. Sometimes, a part of the amount due may be paid and the new bill may
be drawn only for the balance. For example, a bill of Rs. 10,000 is cancelled on
a cash payment of Rs. 3,000 and acceptance of a new bill for the balance of Rs.
7,000 plus interest as agreed between the parties. The journal entries in the
books of the drawer and the drawee will be the same as that of dishonour of bill.
As for the interest invalued, if it is not paid in cash, the drawer debits the drawee’s
account and credits the interest account, and the drawee debits the interest
and credits the drawer’s account in his books.
The journal entries recorded in case of renewal for the cancellation of the
old bill, for interest and for the acceptance of the new bill in the books of the
drawer and drawee are given below:
Transaction Books of Drawer Books of Drawee
Cancellation of old bill Drawee’s A/c Dr. Bills Payable A/c Dr.
To Bills Receivable A/c To Drawer’s A/c
Interest Drawee’s A/c Dr. Interest A/c Dr.
To Interest A/c To Drawer’s A/c
New bill Bill Receivable A/c Dr. Drawer’s A/c Dr.
To Drawee’s A/c To Bills Payable A/c
For example on February 01, 2015 Ravi sold goods to Mohan for Rs.18,000;
Rs. 3,000 were paid by Mohan immediately and for the balance he accepted
three months bill drawn upon him by Ravi. On the date of maturity of the bill
Mohan requested Ravi to cancel the old bill and a new bill upon him for a
period of 2 months. He further agreed to pay interest in cash to Ravi @ 12%
p.a. Ravi agr eed to Mohan’s request and cancelled the old bill and drew a new
bill. The new bill was met on maturity by Mohan. In this case, the following
entries will be recorded in the books of Ravi and Mohan.
Books of Ravi
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Feb. 01 Mohan’s A/c Dr. 18,000
To Sales A/c 18,000
(Sold goods to Mohan)
300 Accountancy
Book of Mohan
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Feb. 01 Purchases A/c Dr. 18,000
To Ravi A/c 18,000
(Purchased goods from Ravi)
Feb.01 Ravi’s A/c Dr. 18,000
To Cash’s A/c 3,000
Bills Payable A/c 15,000
(Received cash from Ravi and his acceptance)
May 04 Bill Payable A/c Dr. 15,000
Interest A/c Dr. 300
To Ravi A/c 15,300
(Old bill cancelled on renewal,
Rs. 300 charged as interest)
May 04 Ravi’s A/c Dr. 15,300
To Bills Payable A/c 15,000
To Cash A/c 300
(Accepted new bill and paid cash for interest)
Jul. 07 Bill Payable A/c Dr. 15,000
Bank A/c 15,000
(Met acceptance of the new bill on maturity)
Bill of Exchange 301
302 Accountancy
Book of Babli
Amit’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 01 Bills Payable 10,000 Jan. 04 Purchases 10,000
10,000 10,000
Bill of Exchange 303
304 Accountancy
The bills receivable book, like any other subsidiary book, is totaled periodically.
This total is debited to the “Bills Receivable Account” whereas the account of
every individual debtor whom the bills received is cr edited in the ledger. The
Bills Receivable Account is the account of an asset and would always have a
debit balance. This balance on any date would represent the amount of bills
receivable unmatured and on hand.
Bill of Exchange
Bills Receivable Book
No. Date Date From Whom Drawer Acceptor Where Term Due Ledger Amount Cash Re-marks
of Received of Bill Whom payable Date Folio Rs. Book
Bill received Folio
2015 2015 2015
01 Jan.07 Jan.04 S.Mitra Self S.Mitra Bombay 3 month Apr.17 1,32,500
0 2 Jan.15 Jan.14 R.Rakesh Do R.Rakesh Amritsar 1 month Feb.17 25,500
0 3 Jan.21 Jan.21 G.Ghosh Do G.Ghosh Calcutta 2 month Mar.24 31,000
0 4 Jan.22 Jan.17 D.Dhiman D.Dhiman A.vakil Bombay 3 month Apr.20 20,000
0 5 Jan.23 Jan.23 D.Kanga Self K.Kanga Bangalore 1 month Feb.26 30,000
0 6 Jan.27 Jan.20 C.Shah M.Meyers P.Parson Madras 2 month Mar.23 35,000
Total Rs. 2,73,500
No. Date To Whom Drawer Payee Where Term Due Ledger Amount Date Cash Remarks
of of Bill given payable Date Paid Book
Bill Folio
2015 2015
01 Jan.09 S.Warden S.Warden - 2 month Mar.31 97,000
02 Jan.13 Pradhan Pradhan - 3 month Apr.16 39,000
03 Jan.18 S.Parkar S.Parker - 2 month Mar.21 42,000
04 Jan.31 A.Roberts A.Robert - 1 month Mar.03 21,000
Total Rs. 1,99,500
306 Accountancy
(iv) Jan. 14
Dr ew on R. Rakesh at one month for Rs.25,000 and he accepted the next day.
(v) Jan. 18
Gave acceptance at two months for Rs.42,000 to S. Parkar.
(vi) Jan. 21
Received fr om G.Ghosh his acceptance for Rs.31,000 at two months.
(vii) Jan. 22
Received fr om D.Dhiman, A.Vakil’s acceptance for Rs.20,000 at three months from
Jan. 17.
(viii) Jan. 23
K. Kanga accepted my draft at one month for Rs.30,000.
(ix) Jan. 27
Received fr om C.Shah bill for Rs. 35,000 dated January 20, accepted by
P. Parson and drawn by M.Meyers., payable two months after date.
(x) Jan. 31
Gave acceptance for Rs. 21,500 at one month to A. Roberts.
Posting of recorded entries are as follow:
S. Mitra’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 01 Sales 1,32,500 Jan. 07 Bills Receovable 1,32,500
1,32,500 1,32,500
R. Rakesh’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 14 Sales 25,000 Jan. 15 Bill Receivable 25,000
25,000 25,000
G. Ghosh’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 21 Sales 31,000 Jan. 21 Bills Receivable 31,000
31,000 31,000
Bill of Exchange 307
D. Dhiman’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 17 Sales 20,000 Jan. 22 Bills Receivable 20,000
20,000 20,000
K. Kanga’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 23 Sales 30,000 Jan. 23 Bills Receivable 30,000
30,000 30,000
C. Shah’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 20 Sales 35,000 Jan. 27 Bill Receivable 35,000
35,000 35,000
S. Warden’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 09 Bills payable 97,000 Jan. 09 Purchases 97,000
97,000 97,000
308 Accountancy
Pradhan’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 13 Bills payable 39,000 Jan. 13 Purchases 39,000
39,000 39,000
S. Parkar’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 18 Bills payable 42,000 Jan. 18 Purchases 42,000
42,000 42,000
A. Robert’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Jan. 31 Bills payable 21,500 Jan. 31 Purchases 21,500
21,500 21,500
Note: The drawing and acceptance of a bill always pre-supposes some background of sale
or purchase transaction. Therefore, in posting bill transactions fr om the two books to the
accounts of debtors and creditors, it is supposed that the necessary sales and purchases
entries have been duly recorded.
Illustration 4
On Jan. 15, 2015 Sachin sold goods Rs.30,000 to Narain and drew upon the later a bill for
the same amount payable after 3 months. The bill was accepted by Narain. The bill was
discounted by Sachin from his bank for Rs.29,250 on Jan. 31, 2015. on maturity the bill
was dishonoured. He further agreed to pay Rs.10,500 in cash including Rs. 500 interest
and accept a new bill for two months for the remaining Rs.20,000.
Bill of Exchange 309
The new bill was endorsed by sachin in favour of his creditor Kapil for settling a debt of Rs.
20,800. The new bill was duly met by Narain on maturity.
Record the necessary journal entries in the books of Sachin and Narain.
Books of Sachin
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Jan. 15 Narain A/c Dr. 30,000
To Sales A/c 30,000
(Sold goods to Narain)
Jan.15 Bill’s Receivable A/c Dr. 30,000
To Narain’s A/c 30,000
(Received Bunty’s acceptance)
Jan. 31 Bank A/c Dr. 29,250
Discount A/c 750
To Bill receivable A/c 30,000
(Narains’ acceptance discounted with bank)
Apr. 19 Narain’s A/c Dr. 30,500
To Bank A/c 30,000
To Interest A/c 500
(Narain’s acceptance cancelled)
Apr.19 Bank A/c Dr. 10,500
Bills Receivavble A/c Dr. 20,000
To Narain A/c 30,500
(Received cash from Narain and a new
acceptance for the balace)
Apr.19 Kapil A/c Dr. 20,800
To Bill Receivable A/c 20,000
To Discount Received A/c 800
(Narain’s acceptance endorsed in favour of
kapil and he allowed discount)
Books of Narain
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Jan. 15 Purchases A/c Dr. 30,000
To Sachin A/c 30,000
(Purchased goods from sachin)
310 Accountancy
Illustration 5.
Ashok sold goods Rs.14,000 to Bishan on October 30, 2015 and drew three bills for
Rs.2,000, Rs.4,000 & Rs.8,000 payable after two, three, and four months respectively.
The first bill was kept by Ashok with him till maturity. He endorsed the second bill in
favour of his creditor Chetan. The third bill was discounted on December 03, 2015 at 12%
p.a. The first and second bills were duly met on maturity but the third bill was dishonour ed
and the bank paid Rs.50 as noting charges. On March 03, 2016 Bishan paid Rs.4,000 and
noting charges in cash and accepted a new bill at two months after date for the balance
plus interest Rs.100. The new bill was met on maturity by Bishan.
You are r equired to give the journal entries in the books of both Ashok ans Bishan and
prepare Bishan’s account in Ashok’s books and Ashok’s account in Bishan’s books.
Books of Ashok
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Oct. 30 Bishan’s A/c Dr. 14,000
To Sales A/c 14,000
(Sold goods to Bishan on credit)
Oct. 30 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 14,000
To Bishan’s A/c 14,000
(Received thr ee acceptances from Bishan.
First for Rs. 2,000 payable after two months,
second for Rs. 4,000 payable after thr ee months
and the third for Rs. 8,000 payable after
four months)
Bill of Exchange 311
Bishan’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Oct. 30 Sales 14,000 Oct. 30 Bills Receivable 14,000
2016 2016
Mar. 03 Bank 8,050 Mar. 03 Cash 4,050
Mar. 09 Interest 100 Mar. 03 Bills Receivable 4,100
22,150 22,150
312 Accountancy
Books of Bishan
Oct. 30 Purchases A/c Dr. 14,000
To Ashok’s A/c 14,000
(Purchases goods on credit from Ashok)
Jan. 02 Bills Payable A/c Dr. 2,000
To Bank A/c 2,000
(Met first acceptance for Rs. 2,000 in
favour of Ashok.)
Bill of Exchange 313
Ashok’s Account
Dr. Cr.
Date Particulars J. F. Amount Date Particulars J.F. Amount
Rs. Rs.
2015 2015
Oct. 30 Bills payable 14,000 Oct. 30 Purchases 14,000
2016 2016
Mar. 03 Cash 4,050 Mar. 03 Bills Payable 8,000
Noting charges 50
Mar. 09 Bills Payable 4,100 Mar. 09 Interest 100
22,150 22,150
Illustration 6.
Aashirwad draws on Aakarshak a Bill of exchange for 3 months for Rs.10,000 which
Aakarshak accepts on January 01, 2015. Aashirwad endorses the bill in favour of Aakarti.
Before maturity Aakarshak appr oaches Aashirwad with the request that the bill be renewed
for a further period of 3 months at 18 per cent per annum interest. Aashirwad pays the
sum to Aakriti on the due date and agrees to the proposal of Aakarshak. Record journal
entries in the books of Aashirwad, assuming that the second bill is duly met.
Book of Ashirwad
314 Accountancy
Illustration 7.
Ankit owes Nikita a sum of Rs.6,000. On April 01, 2015 Ankit gives a promissory note for
the amount for 3 months to Nikita who gets it discounted with her bankers for Rs.5,760.
on the due date the bill is dishonoured, the bank paid Rs.15 as noting charges. Ankit
then pays Rs.2,000 in cash and accepts a bill of exchange drawn on him for the balance
together with Rs.100 as interest. This bill of exchange is for 2 months and on the due date
the bill is again dishonoured, Nikita paid Rs.15 as noting charges.
Draft the journal entries to be recorded in Nikita’s books.
Books of Nikita
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Apr. 01 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 6,000
To Ankit’s A/c 6,000
(Ankit’s promissory note received in
settlement of his account)
Apr. 01 Bank A/c Dr. 5,760
Discount A/c Dr. 240
To Bills Receivable A/c 6,000
(Ankit’s Promissory note discounted for Rs.5,760)
July 04 Ankit A/c Dr. 6,015
To Bank A/c 6,015
(The promissory note dishonour ed by Ankit
the amount of the bill and the noting charges
recoverable from Ankit and payable to bank)
July 04 Cash A/c Dr. 2,000
To Ankit’s A/c 2,000
(The amount received fr om Ankit)
July 04 Ankit’s A/c Dr. 100
To Interest A/c 100
(Interest due from Ankit for the second bill)
Bill of Exchange 315
Illustraion 8.
On May 2015 Mohit sends his promissory note of Rs. 6000 for 3 months to Rohit. Rohit
gets it discounted with his bankers at 18 per cent per annum on May 04. On the due date
the bill is dishonoured, the bank paying Rs.10 as noting charges. Rohit agrees to accept
Rs.2,130 in cash (including Rs.130 for noting charges and interest) and another promissory
note for Rs.4,000 at 2 months. On the due date, Mohit approaches Rohit again and asks
for renewal of the bill for a further period of 3 months. Rohit agrees to the request, provided
Mohit pays Rs.200 as inter est in cash. This last bill is paid on maturity.
Draft jour nal entries in the books of Mohit and Rohit.
Books of Mohit
316 Accountancy
Book of Rohit
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
May 01 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 6,000
To Mohit’s A/c 6,000
(Mohit’s promissory note received this day)
May 04 Bank’s A/c Dr. 5,730
Discount A/c Dr. 270
To Bills Receivable A/c 6,000
(The discounting of the promissory note by
Mohit at 18% on Rs. 6,000 for 3 months)
Aug.04 Mohit’s A/c Dr. 6,000
To Bank A/c 6,010
(The dishonour of the promissory not by Mohit
Rs. 10 being charged by bank for noting charges)
Aug.04 Mohit’s A/c Dr. 120
Interest A/c 120
(The amount agreed to be paid as interest
by Mohit)
Bill of Exchange 317
318 Accountancy
his bank. But, apart from financing transaction in goods, bills of exchange promissory
notes may also be used for raising funds temporarily. Such a bill is called an
‘accommodation bill’ as it is accepted by the drawee to accommodate the drawer.
Hence, the drawee is called the ‘accommodating party’ and the drawer is called the
‘accommodation party’.
For example, Raj draws upon Pal a bill for Rs.10,000 on April 01, 2015 for three
months and the latter accepts the same to accommodate Raj. Raj discounts it
with his bank at 6% per annum on the same date. Raj remitted the amount one
day before the maturity of the bill to Pal. Pal met the bill on the date of its maturity.
The journal entries in the books of Raj and Pal will be recorded as follows:
Book of Raj
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Apr. 01 Bills Receivable A/c Dr. 10,000
To Pal’s A/c 10,000
(Received Pal’s acceptance)
Apr. 01 Bank A/c Dr. 9,850
Discount A/c Dr. 150
To Bills Receivables A/c 10,000
(Discount Pal acceptance)
Jul. 03 Pal’s A/c Dr. 10,000
To Bank A/c 10,010
(Remittance to Pal for paying of f
accommodation bill)
Books of Pal
Bill of Exchange 319
320 Accountancy
Books of Mudit
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Oct. 01 Ashu’s A/c Dr. 9,000
To Bills Payable A/c 9,000
(Mutual Accommodation bill accepted)
Oct. 01 Cash A/c Dr. 4,462.50
Discount A/c Dr. 37.50
To Ashu’s A/c 4,500
(half amount of Discounted Bill received
from Ashu)
Dec. 04 Cash A/c Dr. 4,500
To Auhu’s A/c 4,500
(Amount retained by Ashu now received from him)
Dec. 05 Bill Payable A/c Dr. 9,000
To Bank A/c 9,000
(Acceptance honoured)
Illustration 10
Rohan and Rohit were both in need to temporary accommodation. On November 01, 2015,
Rohan accepted Rohit draft for Rs. 5,000 for 3 months and Rohit accepted Rohan draft for
Rs. 4,000 for 3 months. The both bills were discounted at the respected banks for Rs 4,800
and Rs. 3,850. Before maturity of the bill Rohit sent Rs. 1,000 to Rohan for difference in
accommodation bill. Rohan and Rohit met his acceptance on the due date. Records the
transaction in the journal of Rohan and Rohit.
Books of Rohan
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Nov. 01 Rohit’s A/c Dr. 5,000
To Bills Payable A/c 5,000
(Rohan accepted bill accommodation)
Nov. 01 Bill Receivable A/c Dr. 4,000
To Rohit’s A/c 4,000
(Accommodated bill received)
Nov. 01 Bank A/c Dr. 3,850
Discount A/c Dr. 150
To Bill Receivable A/c 4,000
(Bill discounted by bank)
Bill of Exchange 321
Books of Rohit
Date Particulars L.F. Debit Credit
Amount Amount
Rs. Rs.
Nov. 01 Rohan’s A/c Dr. 4,000
To Bills Payable A/c 4,000
(Rohit accepted bill accommodation)
Nov. 01 Bill Receivable A/c Dr. 5,000
To Rohan’s A/c 5,000
(Accommodated bill received)
Nov. 01 Bank A/c Dr. 4,800
Discount A/c Dr. 200
To Bill Receivable A/c 5,000
(Bill discounted by bank)
Feb. 04 Rohan’s A/c Dr. 1,000
To cash A/c 1,000
(Sent cash to Rohan)
Feb. 04 Bill Payable A/c Dr. 4,000
To Bank A/c 4,000
(Bill met on due date)
(a) Drawer
(b) Drawee
(c) Payee
(d) Bill Receivable
(e) Bill Payable
(f) Drawing of a Bill
(g) Acceptance of a Bill
(h) Payment of a bill
322 Accountancy
Short Answers
1. Name any two types of commonly used negotiable instruments.
2. Write two points of distinction between bills of exchange and promissory
3. State any four essential features of bill of exchange.
4. State the three parties involved in a bill of exchange.
5. What is meant by maturity of a bill of exchange?
6. What is meant by dishonour of a bill of exchange?
7. Name the parties to a promissory note
8. What is meant by acceptance of a bill of exchange?
9. What is Noting of a bill of exchange.
10. What is meant by renewal of a bill of exchange?
11. Give the performa of a Bills Receivable Book.
12. Give the performa of a Bills Payable Book.
13. What is retirement of a bill of exchange?
14. Give the meaning of rebate.
15. Give the performa of a Bill of Exchange.
Long Answers
1. A bill of exchange must contain “an unconditional promise to pay” Do
you agree with a statement?
Bill of Exchange 323
Numerical Questions
1. On Jan 01, 2015 Rao sold goods Rs.10,000 to Reddy. Half of the payment
was made immediately and for the remaining half Rao drew a bill of
exchange upon Reddy payable after 30 days. Reddy accepted the bill
and retur ned it to Rao. On the due date Rao presented the bill to Reddy
and received the payment.
Journalise the above transactions in the books Rao and prepare of
Rao’s account in the books of Reddy.
3. Vishal sold goods for Rs.7,000 to Manju on Jan 05, 2015 and drew upon
her a bill of exchange payable after 2 months. Manju accepted Vishal’s
draft and handed over the same to Vishal after acceptance. Vishal
immediately discounted the bill with his bank@12% p.a. On the due
date Manju met her acceptance.
Journalise the above transactions in the books of Vishal and Manju.
4. On Feb 01, 2015, John purchased goods for Rs.15,000 from Jimmi. He
immediately made a payment of Rs.5,000 by cheque and for the balance
accepted the bill of exchange drawn upon him by Jimmi. The bill of
exchange was payable after 40 days. Five days before the maturity of
the bill, Jimmi sent the same to his bank for collection. The bank duly
presented the bill to John on the due date who met the bill. The bank
informed the same to Jimmi.
Prepare John’s account in the books of Jimmi and Jimmi account in
the books of John.
324 Accountancy
5. On Jan 15, 2015, Kartar Sold goods for Rs.30,000 to Bhagwan and drew
upon him three bills of exchanges of Rs.10,000 each payable after one
month, two month, and three months respectively. The first bill was
retained by Kartar till its maturity. The second bill was endorsed by him
in favour of his creditor Ratna and the third bill was discounted by him
immediately @ 6% p.a. All the bills were met by Bhagwan. Journalise
the above transactions in the books of Kartar and Bhagwan. Also prepare
ledger accounts in books of Kartar and Bhagwan.
6. On Jan. 01, 2015 Arun sold goods for Rs.30,000 to Sunil. 50% of the
payment was made immediately by Sunil on which Arun allowed a cash
discount of 2%. For the balance Sunil drew a promissory note in favour
of Arun payable after 20 days. Since, the date of maturity of bill was a
public holiday, Arun presented the bill on a day, as per the provisions
of Negotiable Instrument Act which was met by Sunil. State the date on
which the bill was presented by Arun for payment and Jounalise the
above transactions in the books of Arun and Sunil.
7. Darshan sold goods for Rs. 40,000 to Varun on 8.1.2015 and drew upon
him a bill of exchange payable after two months. Varun accepted the
bill and returned the same to Darshan. On the due date the bill was
met by Varun. Record the necessary Journal entries in the books of
Darshan and Varun in the following circumstances.
• When the bill was retained by Darshan till the date of its maturity.
• When Darshan immediately discounted the bill @ 6% p.a. with
his bank.
• When the bill was endorsed immediately by Darshan in favour of
his cr editor Suresh.
• When three days befor e its maturity, the bill was sent by Darshan
to his bank for collection.
8. Bansal T raders allow a trade discount of 10% on the list price of the
goods purchased from them. Mohan traders, who runs a retail shop
made the following purchases from Bansal Traders.
Date Amount
Dec. 21, 2015 1,000
Dec. 26, 2015 1,200
Dec. 18, 2015 2,000
Dec. 31, 2015 5,000
For all the purchases Mohan Traders drew promissory note in favour of
Bansal T raders payable after 30 days. The promissory note for the sale
of Dec. 21, 2015 was retained by Bansal Traders with them till the date
of its maturity. The promissory note drawn on 26.12.2015 was discounted
by Bansal Traders from their bank at 12% p.a. The promissory note
drawn on Dec. 28, 2015 was endorsed by Bansal Traders in favour of
their creditor Dream Soaps in full settlement of a purchase amounting
to Rs. 1,900. On 25.1.2016 Bansal Traders sent the promissory note
drawn on Dec. 31, 2015 to their bank for collection. All the promissory
Bill of Exchange 325
notes were met by Mohan Traders. Record the necessary journal entries
for the above transactions in the books of Bansal Traders and Mohan
Traders and prepare Mohan Traders account in the books of Bansal
Traders and Bansal Traders account in the books of Mohan Traders.
9. Narayanan purchased goods for Rs.25,000 from Ravinderan on Feb. 01,
2015. Ravinderan drew upon Narayanan a bill of exchange for the same
amount payable after 30 days. On the due date Narayanan dishonoured
his acceptance.
Pass the necessary jour nal entries in the books of Ravinderan and
Narayanan in following cases:
• When the bill was r etained by Ravinderan with him till the date of
its maturity.
• When the bill was discounted by Ravinderan immediately with his
bank @ 6% p.a.
• When the bill was endorsed to his creditor Ganeshan.
• When the bill was sent by Ravinderan to his bank for collection a
few days before it maturity.
10. Ravi sold goods for Rs.40,000 to Sudershan on Feb 13, 2015. He drew
four bills of exchange upon Sudershan. The first bill was for Rs.5,000
payable after one month. The second bill was for Rs.10,000 payable after
40 days; the third bill was for Rs.12,000 payable after three months and
fourth bill was for the balance amount payable after 19 days. Sudershan
accepted all the bills and retur ned the same to Ravi. Ravi discounted the
first bill with his bank at 6% p.a. He endorsed the second bill to his
creditor Mustaq for the full settlement of a debt of Rs.10,200. The third
bill was kept by Ravi with him till the date of maturity. Five days before
the maturity of the fourth bill, Ravi sent the bill to his bank for collection.
All the four bills were dishounoured by Sudarshan on maturity. Sudershan
settled Ravi’s claim in cash three days after the dishonour of each bill
along with interest @ 12% p.a. for the ter ms of the bills.
You are requested to record the necessary journal entries in the books
to Ravi, Sudershan, Mustaq and bank for the above transaction. Also
prepar e Sudershan’s account and Mustaq’s account in the books
of Ravi.
11. On Jan 01, 2015 Neha sold goods for Rs.20,000 to Muskan and drew
upon her a bill of exchange payable after two months. One month before
the maturity of the bill Muskan approached Neha to accept the payment
against the bill at a rebate @ 12% p.a. Neha agr eed to the request of
Muskan and Muskan retired the bill under the agreed rate of rebate.
Journalise the above transaction in the books of Neha and Muskan.
12. On Jan 15, 2015 Raghu sold goods worth Rs. 35,000 to Devendra and
drew upto the latter three bills of exchanges. The first bill was for
Rs.5,000 payable after one month, the second bill was for Rs.20,000
payable after three months and third bill for balance amount for 4
months. Raghu endorsed the first bill in favour of his creditor Dewan in
full settlement of a debt of Rs.5,200. The second bill was discounted by
Raghu @ 6 % p.a. and the third bill was retained by Raghu till the date
326 Accountancy
Bill of Exchange 327
and inter est. Verma settled Sharma’s claim by cheque for the same
Record the necessary jour nal entries is the books of Sharma, Gupta
and Verma for the above transaction and prepare Verma’s and Gupta’s
accounts in the books of Sharma. Shar ma’s account in the books of
Verma. And also Shar ma’s account in the books of Gupta.
17. Lilly sold goods to Methew on 1.3.2015 for Rs.12,000 and drew upon
Methew a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after two months.
Lilly immediately discounted the bill with her bank at 9% p.a. The
maturity date of the bill was a non business day (holiday), therefore,
Lilly had to present the bill as per the pr ovisions of the Indian
Instruments Act.1881. The bill was dishonour ed by Methew and Lilly
paid Rs.45 as noting char ges. Methew settled the claim of Lilly five
days after the disonour of the bill by a cheque, whch includes interest
@ 12% for the term of the bill.
Journalise the above transactions in the books of Lilly and Methew and
prepare Mathew’s account in the books of Lilly and Lilly’s account in
the books of Mathew.
18. Kapil purchased goods for Rs.21,000 from Gaurav on 1.2.2015 and
accepted a bill of exchange drawn by Gaurav for the same amount. The
bill was payable after one month. On 25.2.2015 Gaurav sent the bill to
his bank for collection. The bill was duly presented by the bank. Kapil
dishonoured the bill and the bank paid Rs.100 as noting charges.
Record the necessary journal entries for the above transactions in the
books of Kapil and Gourav.
19. On Feb. 14, 2015 Rashmi sold good Rs.7,500 to Alka. Alka paid Rs.500
in cash and for the bank balance accepted a bill of exchange drawn
upon her by Rashmi payable after two months. On Apr.10, 2015 Alka
approached Rashmi to cancel the bill since she was short of funds. She
further requested Rashmi to accept Rs.2,000 in cash and draw a new
bill for the balance including inter est Rs.500. Rashmi accepted Alka’s
request and drew a new bill for the amount due payable after 2 months.
The bill was accepted by Alka. The new bill was duly met by Alka on
Record the necessary jour nal entries in the books of Rashmi and Alka
and prepared Alka’s account in the books of Rashmi’s and Rashmi’s
account in the books of Alka’s
20. Nikhil sold goods for Rs.23,000 to Akhil on Dec. 01, 2015. He drew upon
Akhil a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after 2 months.
Akhil accepted the bill and sent it back to Nikhil. Nikhil discounted the
bill immediately with his bank @12 p.a. On the due date Akhil
dishonoured the bill of exchange and the bank paid Rs.100 as noting
charges. Akhil requested Nikhil to draw a new bill upon him with interest
@10% p.a. which he agreed. The new bill was payable after two months.
A week before the maturity of the second bill Akhil requested Nikhil to
cancel the second bill. He further requested to accept Rs.10,000 in cash
328 Accountancy
immediately and drew a third bill upon him including interest of Rs.500.
Nikhil agreed to Akhil’s request. The third bill was payable after one
month. Akhil met the third bill on its maturity. record the necessary
journal entries in the books of Nikhil and Akhil and also prepare Akhil’s
account in the books of Nikhil and Nikhil’s account in the books of
21. On Jan 01, 2015 Vibha sold goods worth Rs.18,000 to Sudha and drew
upon the latter a bill of exchange for the same amount payable after
two months. Sudha accepted Vibha’s draft and retur ned the same to
Vibha after acceptance. Vibha endorsed the bill immediately in favour
of her creditor Geeta. Five days befor e the maturity of the bill Sudha
requested Vibha to cancel the bill since she was short of funds. She
further requested to draw a new bill upon her including interest of
Rs.200. Vibha accepted Sudha’s request. Vibha took the bill from Geeta
by making the payment to her in cash and cancelled the same. Then
she drew a new bill upon Sudha as agreed. The new bill was payable
after one month. The new bill was duly met by Sudha on maturity.
Record the necessary journal entries in the books of Vibha.
22. Following was the position of debtor and creditor of Gautam as
on 1.1.2015.
Debtors Creditors
Rs. Rs.
Babu 5,000 -
Chanderkala 8,000 -
Kiran 13,500 -
Anita 14,000 -
Anju - 5,000
Sheiba - 12,000
Manju - 6,000
The following transactions took place in the month of Jan 2015:
Jan 2
Drew on Babu at two months after date at full settlement for Rs.4,800.
Babu accepted the bill and returned it on 5.1.2015 .
Jan. 04
Babu’s bill discounted for Rs.4,750.
Jan. 08
Chanderkala sent a promissory note for Rs.8,000 payable three months
after date.
Jan. 10
Promissory note received from Chanderkala discounted for Rs.7,900.
Jan. 12
Accepted Sheiba draft for the amount due payable two months after
Jan. 22
Anita sent his promissory note payable after two months.
Bill of Exchange 329
Jan. 23
Anita’s promissory note endorsed in favour of Manju.
Jan. 25
Accepted Anju’s draft payable after three months.
Jan. 29
Kiran sent Rs.2,000 in cash and a promissory note for the balance payable
after three months.
Record the above transactions in the pr oper subsidiary books.
23. On Jan. 01, 2015 Harsh accepted a months bill for Rs. 10,000 drawn
on him by tanu for latter’s benefit. Tanu discounted the bill on same
day @ 8% p.a On the due date tanu sent a cheque to Harsh for honour
the bill. Harsh duly honoured his acceptance.
Record the jour nal entries in the Books of Tanu and Harsh.
24. Ritesh and Naina were in need of funds temporarily. On August 01 2015
Ritesh drew upon Naina a bill for Rs. 12,000 for 4 months. Naina Accepted
the bill and returned to Ritesh. Ritesh discounted the Bill @ 8% p.a.
Half amount of the discounted bill remitted to Naina. On due date,
Ritesh sent the required sum to Naina, who met the bill. Journalise the
transaction in the books of both the parties.
25. On Jan. 01, 2014, bhanu and Naman drew on each other a bill for Rs.
8,000 payable 3 months after the due date for their Mutual benefit. On
January 02 they discounted with their bank each other’s bill at 5% p.a.
on the due date each met his Own’s acceptance. Give jour nal entry in
the books of Bhanu and Naman.
26. On Nov. 01, 2014 Sonia drawn a bill on sunny for Rs. 15,000 for 3
months for mutual accommodation. Sunny accepts the bill and retur n
it to sonia. Sonia discounted the same with his bankers @ 6% p.a. The
proceeds are shared between sonia and sunny in pr oportion of 2/3rd,
1/3rd respectively. On the due date sonia remits his pr oportion to sunny
who fails to met the bill and as a result sonia has to meet it. Sunny Give
a fresh acceptance for the amount due to sonia plus interest of Rs. 100
sunny meet his second acceptance on due date. Record the necessary
journal entries in the books of sonia and sunny.
330 Accountancy