High Molecular Weight Poly (Ethylene Oxide) - Based Drug Delivery Systems
High Molecular Weight Poly (Ethylene Oxide) - Based Drug Delivery Systems
High Molecular Weight Poly (Ethylene Oxide) - Based Drug Delivery Systems
Polyethylene oxide resins are non- olyethyl ene oxide (PEO) resins are made com m erc i a lly
ionic, high molecular weight, water- by the catalytic polymerization of ethylene oxide in the
soluble polymers with good presence of metallic catalyst systems. They are available
hydrophilicity. Their use in with average molecular weights from 200 to 7 3 106.
Produ cts with a molecular weight less than ;25,000 are vis-
controlled-release delivery systems
cous liquids or waxy solids commonly referred to as poly(eth-
has gained recent interest, and yl ene glycols) (1). The PEO resins descri bed in this revi ew have
several oral drug delivery systems a molecular range from ;1 3 105 to 7 3 106. They are repre-
based on hydrophilic matrix and s en ted by the formula (OCH2CH2)n in wh i ch n repre s ents the
hydrogels have avera ge nu m ber of ox yethyl ene groups (;2000 to more than
been successfully 100,000). As shown in Figure 1, the molecule bet ween the brack-
ets corresponds to the repeat unit of po ly ( ethyl ene oxide). Th e
brackets indicate that this unit is repeated n-times to form the
The authors polymer.
review the Various grades of PEO are ava i l a ble that differ from one an-
properties and o t h er depending on their molecular weight. All these grade s
use of PEO in find official status in USP 23–NF 18 (see Table I).
hydrogels and
Figure 1: Structure of polyethylene oxide. Physical properties of PEO
All the grades of PEO are wh i te to of f - wh i te powder or gra n-
matrix systems. ules with a mild ammonical odor. They have crystalline melt-
ing point ra n ge of 62–67 8C, with autoign i ti on tem pera tu res of
S. Dhawan, PhD, is a 280–330 8C and thermal decom position temperatu res of
lecturer in pharmaceutics at 423–425 8C. They form association complexes through hydro-
the University Institute of gen bonding with a nu m ber of m on om eric and po lym eric el ec-
Pharmaceutical Sciences
(UIPS), Panjab University,
tron acceptors as well as certain inor ganic el ectro lytes. E l ectro-
Chandigarh 160014, India, chemically, t h ey are classified as non - i onic polymers. The
tel. 191 172 2541142, decompositi on produ cts of PEO are carbon monoxide and car-
fax 191 172 2541142, bon dioxide. Th ey have a bulk den s i ty of ;500 kg/m3 and con-
sanjudhawan@rediffmail.com tain less than 3% of silicon dioxide and 1% of volatiles. PEOs
and kdd@glide.net.in.
K. Dhawan, PhD, is a drugs
a re tough, crystalline po lym ers at room tem peratu re , and their
inspector with the Department glass transition temperature decreases slightly with increasing
of Drugs Control and Regulatory molecular wei ght from 245 to 253 8C . Th ey are nontoxic, non-
Affairs, Haryana Health i rritant, and do not generate residue, sediment, or va porous el-
Department (India). M. Varma ements (2). All these properties indicate that these polym er
is a research associate at Dabur
Pharmaceuticals (India), and
grades are stable to work with.
V.R. Sinha, PhD, is a Solution propert i e s. PEOs are com p l etely solu ble in water at
professor of pharmaceutics at tem pera tu res as high as 98 8C and com p l etely solu ble in certain
UIPS, Panjab University. organic solvents su ch as ch l ori n a ted hydroc a rbons. Limited sol-
*To whom all correspondence should u bi l i ty exists in a wide va ri ety of other or ganic solvents (e . g . ,
be addressed. acetone, anisole, but a n o l , butyl acet a te , ethanol, i s opropanol,
72 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
tu res are well below 0 8C . The degree of crys t a ll i n i ty is likely to
Table I: PEO water-soluble resins (Union Carbide literature va ry du ring material processing su ch as shearing and tabl eting.
377). Yang et al. also reported that bulk WSR N-80H (molecular
Approximate Viscosity range wei ght 0.2 3 106) as received had a crystallinity of 85% (4). Th e
molecular (cP) at 258 C crys t a llinity was redu ced to 61.2%, however, wh en the materi a l
2% solution 1% solution
weight 5% solution was compressed at 2000 lb, and its crystallinity was reduced to
100,000 30–50 50.6% wh en ground for 5 min with a pestle and mortar. This
200,000 55–90 is prob a bly a re sult of the stru ctu ral irreg u l a ri ties in the crys-
tal latti ce by sheari n g, slip planes, and stressing. It also has been
300,00 600–1200
reported that because of the vi s coel a s tic beh avi or and large axial
900,000 8800–17,600
ex p a n s i on of PE O, tablets of rel a tively low tensile strength were
2,000,000 2000–4000 produ ced. Hen ce , PEOs should be bl en ded with high ly com-
4,000,000 1650–5500 pre s s i ble excipients to produce tabl ets on a high - s peed produ c-
5,000,000 5500–7500 tion press.
7,000,000 7500–10,000
tolu en e , and xyl en e ) , but the resin in these solvents is solu bl e Hydrogels. The hydrogel drug delivery systems represent a sig-
on ly at el eva ted tem pera tu re s , and the resin may prec i p i t a te nificant interest to ph a rm aceutical practi ce because of their po-
f rom the soluti on at room tem pera tu re. Al t h o u gh PEOs are tentiality for drug release within large limits (5). These mono-
completely soluble in cold or warm water, they undergo an in- lithic systems, under certain conditions, can release drugs at a
verse solu bi l i tyrel a ti onship near the boiling point of w a ter (3). constant rate, approximating a zero-order reaction kinetics as
Thus at ;98 8C, the resin becomes insoluble in water and pre- a re sult of case II tra n s port. Graham stu d i ed the diffusion of
cipitates. In solution, PEOs give a pH from ;6.5 to 7.5. u n i form ly dispers ed caffeine in water-swo ll en PEO hyd rogel s
Viscosity. The visco s i ty of the aqu eous soluti ons of PEO resins by qu a n ti t a ting the release of solute from thin slabs into a fi-
depends on the molecular weight, con cen tra ti on , tem perature, nite volume of s o lution at 37 8C (6). Fracti onal release fo llowed
and, because of their pseudoplastic character, the rate of shear a time (t0.5) rel a ti on for thicknesses bet ween 1 and 5 mm and
a pp l i ed du ring the vi s co s i ty measu rement. The viscosity in- various polymer compositions with equilibrium water uptake
creases direct ly as ei t h er the molecular wei ght of the resin or its of 118–530 parts per 100 dry polymer. Values of the diffusion
concen trati on in aqu eous soluti on incre a s e s . The viscosity of coef f i c i ent were calculated from the ex peri m ental re sults by as-
5% solution of PEOs with molecular weight 100,000, 200,000, suming the hyd rogel to be an infinite sheet and a rectangular
300,000 and 900,000 is 30–50, 55–90, 600–1200, and para ll el ep i ped. Both bound and free water were iden ti f i ed in
8800–17,600 cP, re s pectively. The viscosity of 2% soluti on of differen tial calori m etry scans of the hydrogel . The diffusion co-
PEO with molecular weight 2 3 106 has been reported to be efficient for the various water contents obeyed the Davis rela-
2000–4000 cP. High molecular weight PEOs have high viscos- ti on , and this equation appe a red to represent the diffusion ch a r-
ity. For example, 1% solution of PEO with molecular weight 4 acteristics of these PEO hydrogels quite accurately.
3 106, 5 3 106, and 7 3 106 has vi s co s i ty of 1650–3500, McNei ll and Graham investi ga ted the release of water-soluble
5500–7500, and 7500–10,000 cP, respectively. solutes from PEO hydrogels (7). The hydrogels—which owe their
Powder propert i e s. To prep a re a solid do s a ge form containing hydrophilicityas a result of PEO conten t — s well ed and absorbed
one or more active ingred i ents (su ch as drugs), the material as mu ch as three times their dry wei ght in water. Th ey had a glass
being com pre s s ed into the do s a ge form must possess certain tra n s i ti on tem pera tu re bel ow body tem pera tu re. A ra n ge of d i f-
physical ch a racteri s tics that lend itsel f to processing in su ch a fusates was studied ranging from low water-soluble prostaglandin
m a n n er. Am ong other things , the material to be com pre s s ed E2 to high ly water-soluble lithium chlori de. Devi ce geometry was
must be free flowing, lu bri c a ted, and, most important, must restri cted to approximations to infinite slabs with more than 85%
possess su f f i c i ent co h e s iveness to en su re that the solid do s a ge total surface area over the top and bo t tom su rf aces so that release
form remains intact after compression. Granular grades of PEO was predominantly one-dimensional and the contro lling va ri-
can be com pressed because gra nules impart good flow proper- a ble was thickness. The increase in surface area with time, drug-
ties. Yang et al. determined the powder properties, mechanical solu bi l i ty in the water-swelling matri x , and the presence of c rys-
properti e s , rh eological properties, and rel a ted para m eters su ch tallinity were important factors governing the profile and level
as surface morphology, particle size, glass transition tempera- of release ra te with time. The diffusional ex ponent, n, ra n ged
ture, and degree of crystallinity of bulk PEO samples (4). The from 0.79 to 1; that is, good anomalous to zero-order release.
angle of repose was found to be ;35 for all the grades of PEO. This is a high ly de s i ra ble ra n ge of va lues for contro ll ed - release
The aerated bulk density of PEO varies from 0.39 to 0.53 and devi ces.
the packed density va ries from 0.42 to 0.59. The true density Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) has bene-
values of PEOs are similar, and the degree of crystallinity does ficial effects on wound healing. However, the ideal method for
not seem to decrease as molecular weight increases (4). its ad m i n i s trati on to the wound site remains unknown. Puo-
Hi gh crystallinity and smooth sym m etric chains make PEOs lakkainen et al. incorpora ted TGF- beta 1 into a po l ox a m er gel ,
mech a n i c a lly strong, although their glass tra n s i ti on tempera- Du oderm hydroactive paste, and PEO hydrogel (8). The release
Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 73
of 125I-label ed TG F- beta 1 from the carri ers was measu red in Bl ood material interactions were studied both by SEM and 111In-
full - t h i ckness wounds in rats. The healing of the wounds was labeled platelet deposition. The formulations containing PEO
analyzed by histology and wound area measurements. Wound had low levels of platelet deposition (15).
size measurements and the analysis on the amount of cellular Ma suda and Nakanishi inve s ti ga ted the swelling beh avi or of
influx, fibroplasia, and granulation tissue showed that a single PEO gel in soluti ons of va rious salts (16). The gel de - s well ed in
dose (1 mg/wound) of locally administered TGF-beta 1 signif- s o lutions of s od ium salts and swelled in solutions containing
icantly (p , 0.01) enhanced the wound healing. Kofinas et al. s tron gly hydrated cati on s . The degree of swelling of the gel was
also ob s erved that hydrogels form ed from po ly ( ethyl ene oxide) in the following order: CsCl , KCl , NaCl , LiCl and BaCl2
are of i n terest for bi om edical app l i c a ti on s , su ch as the trans- , Sr Cl2 , Ca Cl2 , MgCl2. These re sults were interpreted in
portation of growth factors (9). terms of i n teracti ons bet ween the po lym er and the ions thro u gh
Mc Neill and Graham inve s ti gated the diffusive release of the hydration layers of the cations.
proxyphylline from urethane cro s s - l i n ked PEO hyd rogels in The swelling behavior of rad i och em i c a lly cro s s l i n ked PEO
w a ter- s wo llen slabs, s ph ere s , and cyl i n ders (10). Con trary to gels in aqu eous sod ium dodec yl su l f a te (SDS) with and with-
gen eral conventi onal wi s dom, they found that cyl i n ders and o ut Na Cl was investi ga ted (17). In the absen ce of NaCl, PE O
sph ere s , wh i ch have considera ble po ten tial advantages for ora l gels with various degrees of crosslinking began to swell from a
delivery, could provi de good anomalous ra tes for wh i ch the concentration lower than the critical micelle concentration of
ex pon ent of release into water from the dry xerogels was 0.8, SDS, and then showed sigmoidal enhancements of swelling in
com p a red with 1.0 for zero - order. An expon ent of 0.94 was a high er SDS con cen trati on regi on until the degrees of s well i n g
found for release into water from larger xerogel flat slabs, re ach ed maximum va lues. When Na Cl was pre s ent, the swelling
t h ereby confirming that these con f i g u rati ons can provi de es- beh avi or of PEO gel was different from that wh en Na Cl was ab-
s en tially constant del ivery formu l a tions from wh i ch the ac- sent. The concentration where the swelling appears decreased
tive agent cannot be dumped. The experimental release of with an increase in NaCl concentration.
prox yphylline was sustained from swollen sph eres of these Alexandre et al. prep a red PEO mac romon om er-based hy-
po lym ers. drogels for artificial or gans (18). Th ey ob s erved that implanted
Abraham et al. ob s erved that hydrogels made from PEO pro- PEO hyd rogels are well tolerated by the host immune sys tem .
vided an aqueous environ m ent for unhindered diffusion of A biocompatibility test of the hydrogel showed that only a few
small polar molecules (11). These hyd rogels also provi ded a f i broblasts were ad s orbed on the hydrogel su rf ace . Di f f u s i onof
suitable matrix for a large protein such as glucose oxidase and glucose through PEO hydrogels was possible.
retain the enzyme in the active form. Although electron-beam Hyung and Bae prep a red various hyd rogels, com po s ed of
irrad i a ti on can be detrimental to pro tein stabi l i ty, it is po s s i bl e short hydrophilic PEO and hydroph obic bl ock , by po lycon den-
to incorpora te pro tein in su ch hydrogel matri ces by keeping the sati on re acti on (19). Po ly ( tetra m et hyl ene oxide) (PTMO) or
irradiation to ultra-low doses. These hydrogels can be suitable po ly ( d i m et hyl siloxane) (PDMS) was ch o s en as a hyd roph obi c
platforms for drug delivery across the skin. bl ock because of t h eir wi de use as a bi omaterial. Most hyd ro-
Lambov et al. studied the factors that can even tu a lly influ- gels showed a comparable value of macrophage density to Pel-
en ce the release of d ru gs from PEO hydrogels (12). Th ey deter- l ethane (Dow), control po lymer, whereas they did significantly
mined a differen ce in the swelling of wet and dri ed matrices. lower forei gn body giant cell den s i ty and covera ge because of
G en era lly, the release takes place as an anomalous diffusion (re- the presence of PE O. The more significant degrad a ti on was ob-
lease ex pon ent n = 0.53 to 0.86). The ra te and kinetics of re- s erved in the hyd rogels with lon ger PEO bl ock and PTMO as a
lease (t1/2 or zero - order prevailing) depen ded mostly on the dru g hydrophobic block instead of PDMS.
content in the matrices and the irradiation dose. In an other stu dy, t wo kinds of chitosan-based hyd rogels, a
Si lverman et al. dem on s trated that ph o topo lym erizable PE O crosslinked chitosan referen ce gel and a ch i to s a n – PEO semi-
hydrogels can be used as a tissue adhesive and that such an ad- interpenetrating network (semi-IPN), with potential pH-sen-
hesive sign i f i c a n t lyredu ces seroma formation in the rat mas- sitive swelling and drug delivery properties were characterized
tectomy model (13). (20). Swelling studies were performed on the two kinds of hy-
Savas and Guven synthesized PEO hyd rogels by irrad i a tion d rogels by differen tial scanning calori m etry at pH 1.2 and by
and then characteri zed them for their network structure, swelling the gravi m etric met h od at pH 1.2 and pH 7.2. The pH-depen d-
properties in water, and the number average molecular weight ent swelling properties were ob s erved with both hydrogel s , t h ey
between crosslinks (14). Sa l i c ylic ac i d , phthalic ac i d , and resor- were however improved for the semi-IPN. The re sults obt a i n ed
cinol were used as model su b s t a n ces for their contro ll ed release by both tech n i ques were in good agreem ent and indicated that
from hydrogels. The active su b s t a n ceupt a ke capac i ty of hydro- the semi-IPN contained more bound water than the reference
gels was lowest for phthalic acid and highest for re s orcinol in gel, prob a bly because of the pre s en ce of the hyd rophilic PEO
the gel system. The release was lowest both in rate and in total chains. The semi-IPN displayed improved mechanical proper-
amounts in hyd rogels containing phthalic ac i d . The release was ties compared with those of the reference gel.
greater in samples with salicylic acid and highest in those with Hydrophilic matrix sys te m . Hyd rophilic matrix tablets are a
resorcinol. common and commerc i a lly successful means for prolonged ora l
PEO hydrogels were synthesized and used to produce coated d rug del ivery. Th ere are nu m erous app l i c a ti ons of PEO in ma-
wires and con duits for baboon blood com p a tibi l i ty stu d i e s . trix systems. Sako et al. (21) investigated the effect of gelation
74 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
of t wo types of PEO matri ce s — s l owgelling (SG) tabl et and
rapid gelling (RG) tablet containing PEG 6000—on the
colonic release of acetaminophen in dogs. Slow gelling and
rapid gelling showed similar drug-release behavior in vitro.
In oral ad m i n i s trati on to dogs , the two formu l a tions showed
similar gastroi n te s tinal transit, re aching the co l on within
2–4 h after oral do s i n g. In contra s t , however, the two tabl et s
produced different plasma levels from 2 h postdosing, with
plasma levels of RG tabl ets high er than those of SG tabl et s
and with smaller individual vari a ti on. Di rectly ob s erved
co l onic dru g - release behavi or of RG tabl ets was similar to
in vitro drug release, whereas that from SG tablets was sup-
pressed. The research ers conclu ded that co l onic drug release
was closely rel a ted to the gel a ti on of hydrophilic matrix, and
rapid gelation provided continuous in vivo drug release. Figure 2: Effect of polyethylene oxide concentration on release t50–t90
Di m i trov and Lambov inve s ti ga ted the release of vera- values of glipizide from hydrophilic matrices. Upon wetting of the tablet,
pamil hydrochlori de from high molecular wei ght PEO tabl et s the polymer on the tablet surface hydrates to form a gel layer, which
(22). The drug release proceeded as a contro ll ed diffusion expands with time into the interior of the tablet, allowing diffusion of the
with the va lue of n ranging from 0.44 to 0.47. Zhang and drug from the tablet core. It is expected that the release kinetics are
Mc G i n i ty investigated the release of chlorpheniramine governed by the erosion–drug diffusion process after the swelling front
m a l e a tefrom matrix tabl ets prep a red by hot-melt ex tru s i on meets at the core of the tablet.
(23). Du ring the hot-melt ex tru s i on proce s s , a dry powder
bl end of d ru g, po lym er, and other ad juvants was fed into the
extruder and melted inside the barrel of the machine. The order. This novel approach in formu l a ti on developm ent co u l d
molten mass was extruded through a rod-shaped die and then po ten ti a lly be used for con s t a n t - ra te delivery of high ly solu bl e
c ut manu a lly into 400-mg tabl et s . Ch l orph eniramine maleate bi oactive agents over an exten ded peri od for specific bi oph a r-
and PEO were stable under the processing conditions. The mo- m aceutical need s .
lecular wei ght of the PE O, the drug loading percen t a ge , and the Pillay and Fassihi also worked to probe the mechanism as-
i n clu s i onof po ly(ethyl ene glycol) as a processing aid influ enced s oc i a ted with indu ced matrix sti f fening via tex tu ral analysis as
the processing conditions and the drug release properties of the a consequ ence of in situ el ectro lyte interacti ons within hydrox-
ex truded tabl ets. Release of ch l orph en i ramine maleate from the ypropyl met hyl cellulose (HPMC) and PEO matrices in rela-
matrix tabl ets was faster in acidic med ium than in purified water ti on to their role in con tro lling the release of highly solu bl e
and ph o s ph a te bu f fer (pH 7.4). D rug release from the matrix dru gs su ch as dilti a zem hyd roch l ori de (25). The dynamics of
tablet was contro ll ed by ero s i on of the PEO matrix and the dif- HPMC and PEO matrix swelling du ring hydration in the pre s-
fusion of the drug through the swollen gel layer at the surface en ce of a ppropri a te electro lytes inten ded to indu ce con s t a n t
of the tablets. Chlorpheniramine maleate was dispersed at the drug-release ra tes from simple monolithic sys tems were influ-
m o l ecular level in the PEO matrix at low dru g - l oading level s , en ced by con ti nu o u s ly shifting peri ph eral matrix sti f fening to-
and the re s e a rchers observed rec rystall i z a ti on of ch l orph en i- w a rd the matrix core in a manner dependent on electro lyte
ramine maleate at high dru g - l oading level s . Ho t - m elt ex tru s i on con tent and hydration time. Ma trix ero s i on for HPMC and
was shown to be a vi a ble novel met h od to prepare su s t a i n ed - PEO con trols (i . e . , wi t h o ut el ectro lyte) fo ll ow linear dissolu-
release tabl et s . PEO was a stable and su i t a ble po lym eric carri er ti on kineti c s , and formu l a ti ons with el ectro lyte ch a racteri s ti-
for the hot-melt extrusion process. cally undergo a squ a re - roo t - of - time decline in weight. The
Pillay and Fassihi de s c ri bed a novel monolithic drug deliv- s welling po ten tial of the electro lyte - containing matri ce s , in-
ery sys tem for metoprolol tartara te (24). This sys tem fo llowed f lu en ced by the boundary infiltrati on proce s s , reflected con-
p H - i n depen dent zero-order kinetics over an ex ten ded peri od . s i derable su ppre s s i on du ring the first 2 h of ex po su re to the
PEO was used as a hyd rophilic gel–based swell a ble po lym eric m ed ium, wh ereas su b s equent events differed in both po lym ers.
material for this novel approach. The sys tem used va rious el ec- Yi et al. used PEO as a sustained-release matrix sys tem of ce-
trolytes, namely, sodium carbonate and/or pentasodium f a trizine propyl ene glycol, which is a new sem i s y n t h etic broad -
tri po lyph o s phate. E l ectro lytic con du ctivity measu rements per- spectrum and orally active cephalosporin (26). F ive kinds of
formed with the simultaneous analysis of matrix swelling sustained-release matrix tablets were formulated with various
s h owed that sod ium carbon a te formed a high ly re active ma- content of PEO and other ingredients. On increasing the PEO
trix within the first 3 h of med ium pen etrati on . On the other con tent, the dru g - release ra te from matrix tablets dec re a s ed .
hand, l a r ger molecules su ch as pen t a s od ium tri po lyph o s ph a te Af ter oral administra ti on, Cefa-PG PEO matrix tablets were
m a i n t a i n eda constant con du ctivi ty level , wh i ch may be rel a ted more bi oavailable than gen eral Cefa-PG capsules in be a gle dogs .
to its lower solubi l i ty and diffusion in comparison with sodium The area under the curve for the sustained-release PEO matri x
carbon a te . On the basis of m odel fitting and stati s tical analy- tablet was higher than that of the general dosage form.
sis, the research ers showed that drug-release kinetics were zero Ma ggi et al. eva lu a ted the ef fect of UV light on the release
76 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
ch a racteri s tics of ex ten ded - release matri x tions containing a soluble drug (diltiazem) f rom the swelling and dissolving sys tems,
tablets containing HPMC or PEO as re- and, alternatively, PEO or HPMC of two Apicella et al. examined the solvent pen-
tarding polym ers (27). Two dru gs, n i fedip- different vi s co s i ty grades (30). These for- etrati on , po lym er swelling, and dissolu-
ine (insoluble and photolabile drug) and mulations had the same composition ex- ti on behavi or of etophyll i n e - containing
diltiazem (soluble and photostable drug) cept for the po lym er used . Results showed PEO tablets (31). The authors reported
were used in the stu dy. P h o todecom po s i- that slower release ra tes can be obt a i n ed the pen etra ti on depth evo luti on kineti c s
tion of nifedipine was evaluated, and the from the plain matri ces containing HPMC of t a bl ets made of p u re PEOs with aver-
formation of the photoproducts was fol- compared with those containing PEO. age molecular wei ghts of 600,000 and 4 3
lowed du ring the dissoluti on process. Re- Swelling pro p e rties of PEO hyd rophilic mat r i c e s. 106 containing 10% etophylline. The PE O
garding the dissolution stability, the ma- To characterize properly the drug release tablets of molecular weight of 600,000
trix tabl ets containing HPMC ex po s ed to
UV light did not show significant differ-
ences in dru g - release profiles com p a red
with the same non - i rradiated formu l a-
tion. The matrix tablets that con t a i n ed
PEO were ex po s ed to the same conditions
of UV light showed a rem a rk a ble increase
of drug-release rate within the first min-
utes of the dissolution test (burst effect),
which is particularly important because
it can cause the loss of the desired thera-
peutic control.
Luber and Bunick described an inven-
ti on rel a ted to an immed i a te-release tabl et
capable of being chewed or disintegrated
in the oral cavi ty, which comprised a phar-
maceutically active ingredient and a ma-
trix com posed of po ly ( et hylene ox i de )
having average molecular weight from
;500,000 to ;10,000,000 (28). The tabl et
possessed exceptionally good mouth feel
and stability.
Bern er and Louie de s c ri bed con troll ed -
release oral dosage forms for the con ti nu-
ous, su s t a i n ed administration of
c i proflox acin to the upper ga s trointestinal
tract of a pati ent in wh om the fed mode
was indu ced (29). The majority of the
a gent was delivered on an ex ten ded-release
basis to the stom ach, duodenu m , and
u pper regi ons of the small intestine, with
d rug del ivery in the lower gastrointestinal
tract and colon substantially restri cted. Th e
do s a ge form com prised a matrix of a bi o-
compatible, hydrophilic, erodible po lymer
PE O. The drug release ra te was pri m a ri ly
contro ll ed by ero s i on ra te .
G e o m atrix system. The Geom a trix tech n o l-
ogy is a vers a ti l e , well - k n own met h od to
ach i eve ex ten ded release of d ru gs at a con-
stant ra te (see Figure 2). It consists of a
hyd rophilic matrix core , wh i ch con t a i n s
the active ingredient, and one or two im-
perm e a ble or sem i perm e a ble polym eric
coa ti n gs (films or com pressed barriers)
applied on one or both bases of the core.
Maggi et al. prepared four core formula-
Ci rcle/eINFO 53 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 77
showed an almost linear shape in the penetration depth curve en ced by the pH va ri a ti on of the dissoluti on med ium (35). Th i s
as a functi on of ti m e , which indicated that after a very short result su ggested that PEO may be a good candidate for oral dru g
i n i tial tra n s i en t , the pen etra ti on front moved into the po lym er del ivery sys tems because oral do s a geforms travel along the ga s-
at a constant ra te. The tabl et containing the PE O of h i gh er mo- trointestinal tract in which the pH changes from an acidic en-
lecular weight was characterized by an initial rapid water pen- vironment in the stomach to a weak base.
etra ti on ra te. It was ob s erved that a sharp front moved at a con- Wu et al. devel oped a com preh en s ive mathem a tical model
stant ra te thro u gh the unpen etra ted tabl et core after a swelling to de s c ri be the tra n s port ph en om ena in contro ll ed - release of a
time sign i f i c a n t ly larger than the time elapse detected for the small-molecule drug from PEO cyl i n d rical tabl ets (36). Severa l
PEO of lower molecular weight. aspects in release kinetics were taken into acco u n t , i n cluding
Kim observed the swollen gel thickness and outer diameter the swelling of the hyd rophilic matrix and water pen etra ti on ,
of a dru g - f ree PEO tabl et (32). It was observed that the con- t h ree - d i m en s i onal and con cen tra ti on - depen dent diffusion of
stant gel thickness was obtainable with the PEO tablets of mo- drug and water, and po lym er dissoluti on . At low and moder-
l ecular weight 900,000 and 2 3 10 6, whereas the swo ll en gel ate initial load i n gs , drug-release profiles using this model were
thickness from the PEO tablet of 4 3 106 kept increasing with predicted with an extremely good agreement with experimen-
time. E a rly in the swell i n g – ero s i on proce s s , the overa ll size of tal data. At very high loadings, the model showed ra t h er accept-
the tablet along with the gel layer increased rapidly as a result a ble agreem ent bet ween theoretical and ex peri m ental re sults.
of the immediate swelling of the PEO tablet. The swelling rate The overa ll release process was high ly depen dent on the matri x
of the polymer equals the dissolution rate of the swollen poly- swelling, diffusion, and polymer dissolution.
mer gel, re su l ting in the synch ron i z a ti on of the gel-layer thick- Ef fe ct of drug solubility on the release of drug from a matrix system. Ki m
ness. With the low molecular wei ght PE O, the synch ron i z a ti on investigated the effects of drug solubility on zero-order release
of the gel-layer thickness took place earlier compared with the kinetics and elucidated the release mechanism of a drug from
PEO of high molecular weight. The constant gel-layer thick- d i rect ly com pre s s ed tabl ets of PEO (35). Di rect ly compre s s ed
ness occ u rred short ly after the outer diameter began to dec rease. t a bl ets con s i s ting of PEO (molecular wei ght 0.9, 2.0, and 4.0 3
The higher the molecular wei gh t , the later the synch ron i z a ti on 106) and dru gs (solu bi l i ty ranging from 290 to 25,000 mg/L)
took place . However, for a high er molecular weight (43 106) were formu l a ted with or wi t h o ut a water-soluble exc i p i ent (lac-
t a bl et , a synch ron i zed gel layer was not obt a i n ed and the gel- tose). The re s e a rch ers observed that as the solu bi l i ty of the dru g
layer thickness con ti nu ed to increase. The re s e a rchers also con- decreased, the du ra ti on of drug release increased. The release
clu ded that with high molecular weight PEO and HPMC, the of d i cl ofen ac sod ium (2.5% solubility in water) was ch a racter-
s welling of the po lym er was the dominant step in con tro ll i n g ized as non - F i ckian kinetics. In this case, drug diffusion thro u gh
release kinetics over the ero s i on of the swo ll en polymer. With the swollen gel matrix was the governing step for the drug re-
PEO of l ow molecular wei gh t , the ero s i onwas the ra te - deter- lease. As drug solu bility dec re a s edbel ow 1% (theophylline and
mining step for the release kineti c s . However, the degree of salicylic acid), drug release slowed as a result of the longer dis-
swelling of PEO was high er than HPMC, t h erefore drug release soluti on time of the drug ion in the matrix. As the drug solu-
from PEO matrices provided more favorable kinetics with n = bi l i tydec re a s ed further bel ow 1000 mg/L, the dissoluti on of the
0.8 as compared with n = 0.66 for HPMC (32). d rug became a dominant process in con tro lling the drug re-
Ma ggi et al. eva lu a ted the rel a tive influ ence of d rug diffusion lease from PEO tabl ets. This acco u n ted for a constant release
and polymer erosion mechanisms of PEO in the drug delivery with n = 0.96 and n = 1.10 for su l f a t h i a zole and sufapyridine
process (33). They stu d i ed the hyd rati on behavior of matrix to as high as 85–90% release, respectively.
t a bl ets containing a water- s o lu ble drug and PEOs of t wo dif- Ef fe ct of polymer molecular weight and concentration on drug release. Ap i-
ferent molecular wei gh t s : Po lyox WSRN 1105 (molecular wei gh t cella et al. stu d i edthe release of b-hyd rox yet hyl theophylline
0.9 3 106) and Polyox WSRN 301 (molecular weight 4 3 106). from va rious molecular bl ends of PEO (31). Th ey ob s erved that
Re sults showed that the PE O with the high er molecular wei gh t the drug release from the high molecular wei ght PEO was stri ctly
swelled to a greater extent and formed, upon hyd ration, a rel a ted to po lym er swelling ra t h er than dissoluti on, and dru g
s tron ger gel, wh i ch is therefore less liable to ero s i on than the release from the low molecular wei ght PEO was stri ct ly depen d-
PEO of lower molecular weight. ent upon the polymer dissolution mechanism.
Drug release from a hyd rophilic matrix sys te m . A hyd rophilic matrix Kim inve s ti ga ted the effect of PEO molecular weight and
t a bl et is a simple-to - formu l a te, yet effective , sustained - rel e a s e d rug loading on the release of dru gs of va rying solu bi l i ty from
d rug del ivery system, in wh i ch a bi oactive is uniform ly distri b- direct ly compre s s ed tabl ets (35). The drug release was contro ll ed
uted within a po lym er matrix. Because PEO is non - i onic, no at a zero - order ra te by the dissoluti on of the drug at high load-
interaction between the drug and polymer is expected. Mensi- ing (39%) from tabl ets containing PEO of m o l ecular wei ght 4.0
tieri et al. observed that the low-molecular weight PEO shows 3 106. The release of w a ter insolu ble drugs from high molec-
a zero-order release kinetic over the entire duration of the test ular wei ght (0.9 3 106) tabl ets was swelling–erosion con tro ll ed,
(34). To increase mucoadhesion, however, it could be blended resulting in zero-order release kinetics. At low loading (20%),
with higher-molecular weight fractions to increase gel elastic- d rug diffusion thro u gh the swollen gel layer was the governing
ity and adhesion. release mechanism. For a high ly water-solu ble drug (e.g., di-
Kim et al. investigated the release of theophylline from PEO cl ofen ac sod ium), drug diffusion was the contro lling mech a-
tablets and observed that the release of the drug was not influ- nism regardless of the molecular weight of the PEO.
78 Pharmaceutical Technology MAY 2005 w w w. p h a rm t e ch . c o m
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