"Endodontic Sealers": Current Concepts and Comparative Analysis Review
"Endodontic Sealers": Current Concepts and Comparative Analysis Review
"Endodontic Sealers": Current Concepts and Comparative Analysis Review
Open Journal
Volume 2 : Issue 1
Article Ref. #: 1000DOJ2107 The main aim of root canal therapy is the removal of microbial contaminants in con-
junction with the total closure of the root canal system. Root canal sealers along with solid core
material plays a major role in achieving the three dimensional sealing of the root canal system.
Article History:
These sealers are binding agents which are used to adapt the rigid gutta- percha to canal walls
Received: November 20th, 2014
and to fill up the voids, accessory canals and irregularities within the canal. Root canal sealers,
Accepted: January 30th, 2015
although used only as adjunctive materials in the obturation of root canals, have been shown
Published: February 3rd, 2015
to influence the outcome of endodontic treatment. A perfect combination of sealing ability and
biocompatibility is what an ideal root canal sealer should possess. This article discusses the
current concepts in the usage of different sealers in endodontic therapy and their comparison in
order to draw some clinical inferences.
Singh H, Markan S, Kaur M, Gupta
G. “Endodontic Sealers”: Current
concepts and comparative analysis. KEYWORDS: Endodontics; Root canal treatment; Sealers
Dent Open J. 2(1): 32-37.
Root canal therapy depends on integrally related root canal treatment phases: micro-
bial control, cleaning and shaping, and effective sealing of the root canal system. The success
of each depends on the execution of the final phase.1 Endodontic filling materials may be con-
sidered true implants as they touch and are based in vital tissues of the body.2 The main com-
ponents of a root filling are: a solid core material and a sealer. The most commonly used core
material is Gutta-percha, which occupies bulk of the canal space while the root canal sealer
fills the interface between the core material and the dentin wall, the voids inside the core mate-
rial and the accessory canals and also serves as a lubricant, thus helping to obtain a fluid tight
Ideally, the root canal sealer should be capable of creating an effective bond between
the core material and the dentine of the root canal thus preventing leakage. It should also be
non-toxic and preferably have a positive effect on the healing of periapical lesions.4
A great variety of endodontic sealers are available commercially and they are divided
into different groups according to their chemical composition. It is a well known fact that three
dimensional impervious obturation of the root canal system is of prime clinical importance for
the long-term success of endodontic treatment.
Copyright: At present epoxy resins based sealers possess very good physical properties, excel-
© 2015 Singh H. This is an open
lent apical sealing and ensure adequate biological performance. However, the creation of most
access article distributed under the
Creative Commons Attribution Li- desired ‘Three dimensional obturation’ seems to get hampered by the general lack of chemical
cense, which permits unrestricted union between the polyisoprene component of gutta-percha cone and the components of endo-
use, distribution, and reproduction dontic sealer.
in any medium, provided the origi-
nal work is properly cited.
Although predictable clinical results have been reported with the use of these non-
This is a modification of the original Gutta flow sealer Resilon, a bondable root filling material which falls
which was available in the cartridge form. The excellent flow of into this category, may be used for either lateral or warm verti-
this material made it the sealer of choice. However, the larger cal compaction techniques. As Resilon is applied using a meth-
armamentarium required was a drawback. Of late, Gutta Flow 2 acrylate-based sealer to self-etching primer treated root dentin,
has been introduced which is available in the syringe form and it contains two interfaces, one between the sealer and primed
has an excellent property of slight expansion after mixing which dentin and the other between the sealer and Resilon, and hence
helps in better sealing. may be classified as a type of secondary monoblock.
The manufactures of these sealers claim the ability to Tertiary monoblocks are the ones having an additional
form hydroxyappetite during the setting process and ultimately third circumferential interface between the bonding substrate
create a chemical bond between dentinal wall and the sealer.19,20 and the abutment material. Fiber posts that contain either an ex-
These are convenient, premixed, ready-to-use, injectable white ternal silicate coating or those that contain unpolymerized resin
cement paste developed for permanent root canal filling and composite for relining root canals that are too wide or not per-
sealing applications. These are insoluble, radio opaque and alu- fectly round for the fitting of conventional fiber posts may be
minium free material based on a calciumsilicate composition, considered as tertiary monoblocks. Tenax Fibre post (Coltene)
which requires the presence of water to set and harden. Dentin have a specific resin coating on its surface, which when cured
is composed of approximately 20% (by volume) of water and with dual cure resin ParaCore ( Coltene) forms a typical Teriary
“iRoot SP” uses this water to initiate and complete its setting monoblock: with one interface between the fibre post and the
reaction.21 It exhibits potent antimicrobial action, excellent bio- resin coating; the second one between the resin coating and the
compatibility, and significant stimulation of periodontal regen- luting cement; and the third one between the luting cement and
eration and is osteoconductive. These sealers are also termed as the root canal wall.
Bioceramic sealers in general.
Another product that falls into this category is the En-
THE CONCEPT OF MONOBLOCK doRez system (Ultradent), in which the conventional gutta-per-
cha cones are coated with a proprietary resin coating.
The term monoblock literally means a single unit.
Franklin R. Tay first described the concept of monoblock in en- EVALUATION AND COMPARISON OF VARIOUS ENDODONTIC
dodontics.22 SEALERS
Weller et al suggested that the newly introduced cal- It has been found that the flow depends on particle size,
cium silicate based Pro Root Endo Sealer is comparable in seal- temperature, on the internal diameter of the tubes and the rate
ing quality to the epoxy resin-based sealer and seals better than of insertion of materials.2 Orstavik rated the flow of Tubliseal to
the ZOE-based sealer after immersion in phosphate containing be better than that of Kerr sealer, which was better than Diaket
fluid.28 Moreover, Pro Root Endo Sealer exhibits amorphous cal- and Kloroperka NO. He also stated that flow properties may be
cium phosphate-like phases that spontaneously transform into affected by changes in the powder to liquid ratio.2 Studies have
apatite-like phases after immersion in the phosphate- contain- shown that Tubliseal EWT had a thinner film thickness among
ing stimulated body fluid. This phenomenon probably accounts the conventional zinc oxide eugenol sealers. Increased strain rate
for the in vitro bioactivity of this calcium silicate-based sealer gave a significant increase in the flow rate of all sealers. Other
(Huffman et al 2009).13 studies concluded that among the medicated sealers Endometha-
sone did not confirm to ISO specification.37
Sealers such as Gutta flow 2 have an excellent flow
which helps in better sealing. On the other hand improvements
One of the principal requirements of an endodontic root are still going on to make the flow of Bioceramic sealers better
canal sealer is that it should be non-cytotoxic and immunologi- for clinical usage.
cally compatible with peripheral tissue.
Bond strength
The biocompatibility and antimicrobial activity of a
specific root canal sealer remains one of the principal consid- Root filled immature roots or roots that are otherwise
erations for selecting an appropriate sealer for a dental resto- weakened internally run a greater risk of fracture. With the intro-
ration.29 It has been demonstrated that sealer material based on duction of adhesive filling techniques, attempts have been made
zinc oxide-eugenol release potentially cytotoxic concentrations to strengthen such teeth through reinforcement of the coronal
of eugenol. Calcium hydroxide-based sealers promote calcifica- part of the root by composite cements and fillings. More recently,
tion but tend to dissolve overtime and compromise the endo- this concept has been taken further by attempting to reinforce the
dontic seal. A new calcium hydroxide-based sealer, Acroseal whole root canal system via an adhesive filling and integrated
appears to have lower solubility than other calcium hydroxide resin core (Resilon).38
sealers, probably because of its epoxy resin component. Glass
ionomer sealers may bond tooth structure but also may activate
Souza SFC et al concluded that Epiphany had higher
the release of prostaglandins in periapical tissues.30
flow, polymerization stress and lower bond strength values to
dentine than AH Plus.39 Other study concluded that the 980 nm
Spangberget et al noted that the AH26 releases formal- diode laser irradiation of root canal dentin increased the bond
dehyde following component mixing that reaches a maximum strength of AH Plus sealer, but did not affect the adhesion of
rate two days after mixing. Formaldehyde release from curing Epiphany sealer. Among the methacrylate based sealers the self
endodontic material has been recognized for many years, form- adhesive sealers exhibited higher push out bond as compare to
aldehyde being reputed to act as a disinfectant.31 The disinfective the non-etching sealer.
agent in AH26 is methenamine, which is hydrolyzed to ammo-
nia and formaldehyde.32 The efficacy of long-term disinfection Newer Bioceramic sealers such as Endosequence pos-
of canal by formaldehyde released from a root canal sealer has sess very high bond strength with the dentin walls. This, to begin
previously been shown to be low.33 There have been case reports with, seems highly advantageous but can serve to be a limitation
of adverse reactions such as paraesthesia of the inferior alveolar in the long run as retreatment in such cases would be highly dif-
nerve attributed to the formaldehyde released from root canal ficult.
Antibacterial activity
Scarparo et al found that Methacrylate resin-based seal-
ers brought about greater quantities of macrophages.35 Studies Current concepts of root canal sealer functions do not
have shown that the Epiphany root canal sealer was the only emphasize on its antimicrobial activity as its primary function,
material that presented intraosseous biocompatibility among the but it is well recognized that most sealers in current use exhibit
resin based sealers.36 some such properties. With increased emphasis on improving
procedures for disinfecting the root canal system, this particular
Newer generation of sealers such as iRoot SP have property may be more appreciated in the future. Studies have
shown a promising biocompatibility owing to their composi- concluded that among the resin based sealers EndoRez did not
tion. show any antimicobial activity. Kayaoglu G et al found that AH
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