Positive Behaviour and Playground Supervision Policy
Positive Behaviour and Playground Supervision Policy
Positive Behaviour and Playground Supervision Policy
March 2009
At St Madoes we believe in creating a healthy, happy environment for all to work and play in.
Research shows that in schools where pupils feel safe, valued and appreciated, benefits are
made in both their social and academic achievements. In order to create such an ethos, our
school operates on a system of expectations, rewards and consequences.
Pupils are expected to display self-discipline at all times and be responsible for their own
behaviour. Where children know the boundaries of what is expected of them, they are
ultimately responsible for their actions and behaviour.
There are set school rules to which all children must respond. These rules are as follows:
These rules are displayed all around our school and should be made familiar to pupils through
discussion with their teacher at the beginning of the school session and throughout the year in
lessons where appropriate. These rules are based on standards of safety and care for all in
Individual classrooms will also have their own sets of rules devised by the pupils and teacher for
that academic session. These rules, written in positive form, are set through collaboration
between teacher and pupils and refer to the specific needs and wishes of that classroom. These
too will be on display inside the classroom for continual reference.
All classes operate a system of open discussion and sharing which leads to promoting positive
and healthy communications and relationships between pupils and staff. Many classes use
“Circle Time” or other similar methods.
The school believes in rewarding pupils who display positive behaviour. When children are
recognised as being, kind, helpful and sensible they are much more likely to continue such
positive behaviour.
CT’s should continue to use their own positive behaviour strategies so that there is variety from
stage to stage and children. Examples of this could be –
• Smiley faces
• Sticker books
• Certificates
• Merit books
• Star charts
Classroom Management
Each classroom operates a card system where positive individual efforts by children in that
class, are rewarded. See Pilot Positive Behaviour Management Strategies. This is directly
linked to Activity Time, with each child having 30 minutes of Activity Time each week. A
resulting red or purple card will lead to a loss of 5 or 10 minutes of Activity time respectively.
Special Certificate Awards
“Pupil Merit Certificates” recognise pupils for their positive behaviour, effort or attitude. The
certificate is awarded on a weekly/fortnightly basis at the school assembly to the pupils who
have shown special effort in a chosen area, allowing the pupil’s achievement to be recognised
by everyone. These are now based on the four capacities of the Curriculum for
Excellence.These certificates are awarded to pupil per class stage from Nursery to P7. List of
names put on wall. Pupils who have shown a display of positive behaviour outside the class e.g.
in the lunch hall or playground, are also recognised.
Where pupils choose not to follow the school’s rules or they display negative behaviour,
consequences will follow. Disciplining a pupil should be as positive as possible. Teachers
should always refer the pupil back to the incident and discuss possible actions he/she could
have chosen and why/how these would have had better results. Referral to school/classroom
rules when appropriate is ideal when pointing out why an action was wrong.
Classroom Behaviour
In class time, the teacher will discipline children in P1 – P7 by using the following card system.
All staff will use the same procedure for sanctions to ensure clear understanding by pupils and
There will be 5 stages of behaviour intervention within class. Each class has a named pocket
for each child so that coloured cards can be inserted and visible to all.
All children start with a green card to show that they are behaving well.
1. Verbal warning
2. Yellow card in their pocket
3. Verbal warning followed by Orange card in their pocket (child moved to sit elsewhere in the
4. Red card Child moved to another class. Please do not send child to a class they have a
brother or sister in. (Agreement with another teacher to have a “buddy class”). Lose 5 mins
Activity time
5. Purple card – resulting in time out to SMT. Lose another 5 mins Activity time
Should result in parents brought in for formal meeting with SMT, CT and other staff involved.
• Teacher’s to formally log all Time Out in class folder.
• At time out 2: (within a 2 week period) a letter should be sent by the teacher
informing the parents/guardian of the child’s behaviour. This will be counter signed by
HT or DHT.
• At time out 3: (within a 2 week period) a letter should be sent out inviting the
parents/guardians to the school to meet with SMT and CT.
• At time out 4: (within a 2 week period) a letter should be sent informing the
parents/guardian that their child is courting exclusion. They should be invited in again
to discuss strategies.
• Time out 5: (within a 2 week period) may lead to an exclusion.
Bullying, racism or sectarianism will not be tolerated in school. All such incidents should be
reported to the Head Teacher and will be recorded.
Policies to deal with such incidents are also available in school.
Nursery children have several types of rewards and sanctions appropriate for their age and
Rewards consist of Marbles in the Jar and a Marble Treat, Golden Owls, stickers etc.
Poor behaviour may result in Time Out, loss of participation in an activity or in severe cases
parents being asked to take a child home.
Children spend at least one hour a day in the playground. We want their time there to be happy,
fulfilling, enjoyable, healthy and above all safe.
St Madoes playground consists of a large tarmac area and two grassy areas. The Nursery class
has its own enclosed play area, although the nursery children also use the main play area at
certain times. The tarmac area has playground games painted on it and P6 have been trained
to use these games and teach younger children. We also have a Quiet Area beside the pupils’
entrance which has an oak bench and flower planters. There are two Friendship Stop signs
where pupils may sit who would like some one to talk to. P6s will talk to these pupils.
We also have a Trim Trail which is allocated to classes for one day each week for P3 – P7. N –
P2 can use this when supervised at times outwith play and lunchtimes
We aim to have the playground well supervised during breaks in the school day and to
encourage the children to play safely and appropriately with regard to each other in order to
maintain harmonious relations at playtimes.
There is no supervision in the playground before the start of the school day at 9.15 am. No
footballs or other equipment is allowed in the playground at this time.
J Sheldon
March 2009