A Project Report On: "Effectiveness of Employability Training Workshop"

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Project Report on
“Effectiveness of Employability Training Workshop”

“Department of Management Studies”
“Kumaun University, Bhimtal”

Department of Management Studies, Bhimtal

In Partial Fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of


Submitted by
Joshi Mohit Nandkishor
Roll No- 1664610009

Under the Guidance of

Dr. H.K Pant

I, Joshi Mohit Nandkishor, hereby declare that this project work

entitled “Effectiveness of Employability Training in DMS Bhimtal” is a result
of my own work & indebtedness to other work/ publications, if any, have been
duly acknowledged.

This Research work has not been submitted for the award of any other
Degree, Diploma, Fellowship or other similar title at Kumaun University or
any other University.

I understand that any such copying will be punishable by the University


Date: -

Place:-Bhimtal Joshi Mohit Nandkishor


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful

completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of the
people who made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement
crowned with success.

This Endeavour would not have been possible without help of the
following individuals. Every person we mention plays a piece of the puzzle to
make picture complete, some pieces are bigger than others, but without any
one piece, the picture would not be complete.

I sincerely thank Department of Management Studies,

Bhimtal, for providing me with this opportunity to improve my knowledge
by giving an opportunity to work on this project. I thank my internal project
guide, Dr. H.K Pant for his useful guidance and encouragement
throughout the project development period. Without whose help project is
not possible.

I sincerely thank all the students of DMS, for providing me valuable

responses for conducting survey to work on this project.

Joshi Mohit Nandkishor






The Researcher has carried out winter project in his Management Institute
“Department of Management Studies, Kumaun University, Bhimtal Campus”.
On the topic “Effectiveness of Employability Training in DMS”, which is the
subject covered under the main project, apart from this researcher also
focused on identifying training needs of junior batches who are supposed to
enter in final year and grooming themselves for facing corporate world, hence
researcher emphasized on exploring their training requirements for coming
academic year.

Researcher framed a set of Questionnaire and conducted surveys through his

online portal www.surveydms.website2.me with the help of Google Forms
with students of same institute named as DMS Bhimtal. Experience shared by
final year students in fluent and open manner towards external training
workshop through digital platform provided this research a sharp edge in
determining effectiveness of training. The response towards the questionnaire
was excellent from MBA Specialization and Integrated immediate junior
batches, as well as from MBA 2 year junior batch, they seemed to be an active
participant for this research. The Researcher carried out brief analysis of the
survey from which the results and findings were made visible after the
completion of analysis.

The objective of the project undertaken was to determine effectiveness of

external training workshop, on the hand project report has simultaneously
worked in direction of identifying training needs of MBA students, thereafter
to pass these training needs to college authorities which will be very beneficial
for designing training modules in future course of time.

A full time MBA program no doubt provides every student with the opportunity to

Chapter 11


learn new skills and jump right into a new career. But to make the most successful
transition into the new career, students need opportunities to practice the theoretical
knowledge they learn in the classroom and acquire additional skills from various
training programs. Solid experiential learning is an imperative component of an MBA
education. The success story of any MBA professional depends on number of real life
hands on learning experience through various trainings and classroom lectures but
these trainings and lectures should be effective enough to develop leadership potential
and general business acumen. Effectiveness of any trainings seemed to be fruitful only
if students try to infuse real world experience during and after training sessions.

Life is all about working together, certain skill sets like teamwork, communications,
critical thinking and ethical decision making cannot be taught during regular class
lectures. Thus Group works and projects in MBA classes ensure that the students
communicate with each other their opinions, views and diverse perspectives to bring
out the best solution, this process can also be termed as training, and these types of
training only requires active participation from students and willingness to learn new

Training is defined as planned process to change attitude, knowledge or skill behavior

by learning experience to achieve effective performance in range of activities. But the
most important but critical task is to evaluate effectiveness of training programs. The
reason behind this is, during academic sessions students minds are completely busy in
grasping learning from classroom lectures, and training also focus on learning but in
complete different context and format, weather students are willing or able to catch
what trainer is trying to understand this question creates a big question mark and here
comes introduction of my project.

There are three elements of training – purpose, place and time. Training without a
purpose is useless because nothing would be achieved out of it. The purpose must be
identified carefully and now there are a large number of techniques, available for
establishing training needs. Place would decide the choice of training method and also
influence its effectiveness. The next element is the time. Training must be provided at
the right time. A late training would provide outdated knowledge. The timing has also
to be specified in physical terms, i.e. which month/week of the year and at what time
of the day. This can have a lot of ramifications in terms of the cost of training and its
ultimate efficacy in achieving the desired results. The purpose of training is to bring
about improvement in the performance of the human resources. It includes the
learning of such techniques as are required for the intelligence performance of definite
tasks. It also comprehends the ability to think clearly about problems and its
responsibilities and to exercise sound judgment in making decisions affecting the
work. Lastly, it includes those mental attitudes and habits, which are covered under
the general term ‘morale’.

Training Effectiveness
Training effectiveness is the degree to which trainees are able to learn and apply the
knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. The attitudes, interests, values
and expectations of the trainees and the training environment influence it. A training
programme is likely to be more effective when the trainees are involved actively.
Contents of training programme, and the ability of trainers also determine training
effectiveness to a certain extent.

Criteria for evaluating training effectiveness

The following criteria may be used to measure the effectiveness of training:
(i) Reactions
Trainees’ reactions to the objectives, contents and methods of training are
good indicators of effectiveness. In case the trainees considered the
programme worthwhile and liked it, the training can be considered effective.

(ii) Learning.
The extent to which the trainees have gained the desired knowledge and skills
during the training period is a useful basis of evaluating training effectiveness.

(iii) Behavior.
Improvement in the job behavior of the trainees reflects the manner and
extent, to which, the learning has been put to practice.

(iv) Results.
Productivity improvement, quality improvement, cost reduction, accident reduction,
reduction in labor turnover and absenteeism are the outcomes of training which can be
used for evaluating effectiveness.

Training is a human phenomenon. So, there is a large variation in its results. The
results of training can show themselves in both long-run as well as short-run. There
can be varying effect of training on the trainees. So, post-training becomes a very
tedious exercise for the trainers. Any mistake can lead to wrongful conclusions and
even hamper the training process in future.

In general terms, post-training evaluation can be understood in terms of three distinct


(i) Immediate effect of training

This relates to changes in knowledge, skill or behavior immediately after a training
experience. Such an evaluation attempts to assess whether or not training has been
effective in communicating the message. Immediate evaluation help in answering the
following questions:
 Do the trainees understand what is now required of them?
 Have they acquired the necessary behavioral skills to be able to implement the

(i) Intermediate
This phase of evaluation is conducted after some time period has elapsed after the
training. During this period, the trainees would have put the skills learnt during
training into practice. This evaluation shows whether the knowledge, skill and
behavior, which have been learned during the training, is being put into use on the
job. In other words, the evaluation seeks to find whether the change in behavior, skills
and attitude as a result of the training can be identified.

(iii) Long term

This refers to the long-term effectiveness of the training on an individual, the unit
and/or even the organization.

This evaluation is determines the value of the training delivered and assesses:

 The effectiveness of the training towards achievement of the training

 The effectiveness of the learning process - in other words, whether the trainees
have learned what was set out to teach them.
 Whether the learning has been applied into practice or not.
 Whether the applied learning has brought about the changes required in
relation to attitudes, skill or behavior.

Objectives of Training for MBA Students

Training has to be provided, according to skills desired and the current skill levels. It
is difficult to draw generalizations of the objectives of training; still they can be stated
as under:
1. To increase the knowledge of students along with skills to implement that
2. To systematically impart new skills to students so that they learn quickly.
3. To improve the overall performance of the students.
4. To prepare students for higher jobs by developing advanced skills in them.

Need of Study

Researcher found the opportunity of improvement in the area of making the

best use of external training workshops conducted by DMS Management to enhance
various skill sets of final year students. Also to check was external training workshop
seemed to stand on expectation of students? The problem is not that, training
workshops are not conducted by college, the problem is that weather workshops are
effective enough to make students competent for dynamic job market after completion
of professional course. The major issue according to Economic times is only 7% of
MBA students from Indian business schools got jobs immediately after the
completion of the course, an ASSOCHAM report said last year, and major reason
behind this true and bitter fact is MBA students are not competent enough to enter in
corporate world. That means 93% of MBA pass outs are either underemployed or
unemployed. In brief according to Institution of Soft skills and English language
Trainers of India- 2015 highlights 88% MBA holders lack the skills required for the
jobs that are available to them. MBA is all about learning current market required
skills along with fundamental theoretical base, which DMS Management is trying its
best to impart directly or indirectly, but to what extent these best trials are effective
enough to cater current market requirements for getting job.
Thus, the topic for project is “Effectiveness of Employability Training
Workshop @ DMS”.

Scope of the Study:-

The Development of any professional student depends on the quality of education and
the level of expertise he/she grabs apart from theoretical context. Training adds stars
to the quality of education imparted by college which helps in enhancing skill set, also
to showcase his/her quality education in front of others and here emerge the scope of
my project that how much student grabbed from external trainer and what all concerns
students expects to grab from entire external environment.
 The study is conducted to study and analyze effectiveness of Employability
Training @ DMS.
 This study is conducted with an intend to understand that what students
expects, as a part of MBA course from external training workshops conducted
by well experienced corporate and institutional Trainers.
 By looking it one can design a very useful and more impactful training

Future Scope
 This study can be conducted further in various MBA colleges.
 Website designed for conducting survey regarding the project is open to all,
interested students can take advantage of online data collection without any
 As training needs are not constant hence this project can be enhanced in
coming time period.
 The format of Questionnaire in the survey, data collected, analysis made,
results obtained can be used as secondary data to carry out similar kinds of
projects in other colleges

Raymond Noe and Neal Schmitt (1986) studied influence of trainee attitudes on
training effectiveness. They stated that the influences of trainees’ characteristics on
training effectiveness have focused on the level of ability necessary to learn program
content. Motivational and environmental influences of training effectiveness have
received little attention. This analysis integrates important motivational and
situational factors from organizational behavior theory and research into a model
which describes how trainees' attributes and attitudes may influence the effectiveness
of training.

Bhatti & Kaur (2010) studied the role individual and training design factors on
training transfer. This paper presented the theoretical model of training transfer in
which they identified many factors that affect the training effectiveness. These factors
are: transfer design, perceive content validity, performance self-efficacy, evaluation of
training and training transfer motivation. Authors concluded that there is a significant
correlation between content validity and motivation to training transfer. They also
concluded that motivation to transfer is one of the fundamental components of
training transfer course; without this motivation it will be difficult to transfer the
training successfully.

Hussain (2011) carried out an empirical study of the relationship between motivation
to transfer and transfer of training on job. The proposed model of this paper revolved
around the factors that influenced and contributes to the training effectiveness. The
purpose of this paper is to highlight the effect of motivation to transfer on training
effectiveness. The researcher has identified the factors at three levels i. e individual,
training and organizational, affecting the training transfer. This paper highlighted that
transfer of training can be maximized through increasing motivation and enthusiasm
in trainees to apply their knowledge and skill at their workplace. He also observed
that transfer of training to workplace had been continuous problem for organizations
that pursues maximization of training usefulness. He also suggested that training can
only be effective once trainee apply on job, the knowledge, skills and abilities which
he has acquired during a training program.

Chimote, Niraj Kishore (2012), the main purpose of this study is to find out how a
training programme can be evaluated from the perspective of trainee employees to test its
effectiveness. The literature review highlighted that the effectiveness of a training
programme can be fairly measured by comparing the pre-training expectations and
knowledge of trainees with their post-training experience. This study examines the
effectiveness of a training programme offered to 108 trainees of a leading private sector
bank. The study intended to test whether the efficacy gap is influenced by the age, gender
and education of the trainees. The chi-squared test revealed that the demographic
variables are independent of the efficacy gap. A paired sample t-test was conducted and it
has been concluded that the trainees did not find the programme effective. The factor
analysis indicates that the grouping of the variables into factors fairly matches with the
four levels of Kirkpatrick’s model of training evaluation with certain exceptions. Finally,
a multiple regression analysis was conducted which revealed that the factors extracted in
factor analysis are significant in explaining training effectiveness.
Yadapadithaya (2001) studied the current practices of evaluating training and
Development programmes in the Indian corporate includes High pressure for
increased quality, innovation, and productivity acts as a major driving force for the
Indian corporate training and development programmes, Most of the key result areas
of training and development function are related to the measurement and evaluation of
training effectiveness. Nearly 6 per cent of the private sector, 81 per cent of the public
sector, and all the MNCs evaluate the effectiveness of training in one way or the other.
The major purpose of evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of the various
components of a training and development programme. Organizations rely mostly on
the participants’ reactions to monitor the effectiveness of training. An overwhelming
majority of the organizations use “questionnaires” as an instrument to gather relevant
data for evaluation. In most of the cases, evaluation was done immediately after the
training. Majority of private and public sector organizations use one –shot programme
design and more than half of the MNCs also use single group, pre-test and post-test
design for evaluating the effectiveness of training and development programmes.
Absence of transfer of learning from the place of training to workplace has been a
major perceived deficiency of the corporate training and development system. Indian
Corporate sector is currently facing the challenge of designing and developing more
valid, reliable and operational measures to evaluate the effectiveness of training and

Kuldeep Sing (2000) has selected 84 organization from business representing all the
major domestic industries questionnaire has developed by Huselid (1993) are used to
study training. The objectives of the study are to examine the relationship between
training and organizational performance which shows that Indian organizations are still
not convinced of the fact that investments in human resources can result in higher

Alphonsa V.K. (2000) has conducted training climate survey in a large private hospital in
Hyderabad. 50 supervisors from different departments of the hospitals randomly selected
for the study. The researcher used training – climate survey questionnaire (Rao-1989).
“The analysis of training climate as perceived by the supervisors” Covered various
aspects such as corporate philosophy policies superior, subordinate relationships, valued
performance features and behaviours, interpersonal and group relationship. The results
showed that reasonably good training-climate is prevailing in this organization but the
supervisors’ perception about training-climate differs according to their respective

Shiv Kumar Singh and Subhash Banerjee (2000) In order to keep pace with
modernization/expansion due to technological development, a strong manpower base
equipped with latest development has to be built with in Cement Industry, New Training
initiative has to be taken at all levels. A Trainer’s main objective is to transfer his
knowledge and skills to the Trainees. This paper is focused on the Trainer Roles in
Cement Industry, the factors which are important to become an effective Trainer. This
involves identifying training courses, choosing appropriate Training methods, evaluation
of Training activities, and helping the Trainer to deliver good Training to the Cement
Chapter 33

Objectives and
Objectives and

Objectives of Study

1. To explain the effect of employability training workshop with respect to MBA

final semester students of MBA 2 year program, Integrated MBA program and
MBA Specialization Program.
2. To identify the various dimensions of employability training workshop of all
final year students.
3. To identify the significance of employability training workshop among junior
4. To develop an appropriate kind of classification of various employability
training workshop among junior students.


Human beings are interested to acquire information from different sources. They are
always eager to know more this urge of acquiring information is ever present in every
individual. Research is common parlance refers to a search for knowledge .It can be
also defined as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic.
In fact research is an art of scientific information. Some people consider research as a
movement, a movement from the known to the unknown. It is actually a voyage of
discovery. Research refers to search for knowledge. It is systematic enquiry seeking
facts through objective verifiable methods in order to discover the relationship among
them and to presume broad principles or laws for them.
The components of the research methodology are research design, type of data, data
collection, sampling plan and statistical tools used.

Research Design
A research design is purely and simply the frame work of the plan for a study that
given the collection and analysis of data. The function of the research design is
to ensure that the required data are collected accurately and economically. Descriptive
research design was adopted for this study because the study is concerned with
effect of training provided by college to students.

Data Collection
The sources of primary and secondary data are used for the collection of information
for the study.

Primary Data

The primary data is collected from the students of the department with the help
of structured questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of 19 questions. Out of which
11 questions were for Final year Students and 8 questions were for junior students.
The site for conducting survey (Surveydms.website2.me) was open and known to
students i.e. Population.

Questionnaire consists of different question:-

 Multiple - Choice Question.
 Open and Close ended Questions

Secondary Data

The secondary data about the college profile and other details were collected from the
college web site.
Sample Size

The sample consists of 70 students of the college.

Sample Design

Simple random sampling is used where each sample has an equal chance of getting
selected and all choices are independent of each other. It gives each possible sample
combination an equal probability of being chosen

Analysis of Data:-
Analysis of data involves a number of closely related operations which are
performed with the purpose of summarizing of collected data and organizing these in
such a manner that they answer the research questions.
After collection of data, researcher analyses the data. The researcher analyses
the collected data by using statistical measures bar chart.

Percentage Analysis

Percentage refers “for every hundred”.It is used to make easy comparisons of fraction.
In the study, fractions of respondents choosing different answers are converted
into percentages and interpretations are made.

% of Respondents = No of respondents * 100

No of Total Respondents

Limitations of Study
 This Research was conducted in only one college of MBA.
 The Researcher was unable to collect all the data from students, because of some
constraints like interest in filling Questionnaires.
 Even though the respondents were available they were not willing to give their
valuable responses because they were busy with their usual work
 The data may not be unbiased because respondents were from same department
and Report will be submitted to same department, so there might be few biasness
in survey.
 The Researcher could gather data from only____ students.
Chapter 44


1. Please select your program

Select your program Responses(30)

MBA 2 Year

MBA Integrated

MBA Specialization

2. Training Workshop has covered

Purpose:- As first process of evaluating Training program is judging reaction of
Trainee, regarding content of Training program and to know according to him/her
what Trainer has covered while imparting training.

Training Workshop has Covered Responses

Interview Related


Psychological/ Life Science

Specialized Training(H.R,
Finance, Marketing)

3. Prioritize below option on the basis of training imparted (1 - least 4 - maximum)

Purpose:- Second process of evaluating Training is learning. In this question I
was supposed to find the answer of “What the trainer has focused for maximum
learning throughout employability training workshop”

Prioritize below option Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

on the basis of training Response Response Response Response Response

Interview Related


Psychological/ Life

Training(H.R, Finance,

4. Training Workshop was well planned (Training Module & Training Material)
known in advance for clearing various doubts during running session
Purpose:- This question is asked to find “How much trainees were able to
participate during training workshop” with help of training module.

Training Workshop was well planned Responses

Strongly Disagree



Strongly Agree

5. After Training what changes you can observe in yourself?

Purpose: -Third Process of evaluating training is Behavior change, I tried to

avail the answer of what change trainee can observe in himself/herself

After Training what changes Responses Responses Responses Responses

you can observe in yourself?
100 Points 75 Points 50 Points 25 Points

Increased Motivation

Overcome from Fear

Learning Various Skills

Familiarity with current job


6. To what extent training programs stands on your expectation (1 for Least 5 for
Purpose:- This question was asked to measure satisfaction level of trainees

To what extent training programs Responses

stands on your expectation

1- Least

2- Good

3- Very Good

4- Outstanding

5- Excellent

7. If you get an option to get trained for one more time which training you will opt?
please specify
Purpose:- This question was open ended and the main intention was to ask this
to find which type of skills trainee lacks and wants to improve through training
program in future time period.

8. From first day of training to last day, please rate your classmates Traits to attend
Purpose:- Purpose behind asking this questions was to measure Physical
Presence and mental presence during training workshop of peer groups.

Classmates Traits towards Physical Active Willingness Enthusiastic

Training Workshop Strength Participation to Learn

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

9. After workshop, your chance of getting hired in any organization increased by?
(Please Specify in %)
Purpose:- This question was framed to get answer of last step of training
evaluation i.e. Results.

After workshop, your chance of Responses

getting hired in any organization
increased by (in %)
Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion of Junior Batches

1. Please select your Program

Purpose:- To divide student’s response according to their respective MBA

Select your program Responses (30)

MBA 2 Year 04

MBA Integrated 16

MBA Specialization 10
1. Out of 30 Respondents of junior batches, 16 Respondents are from MBA
Integrated, 10 from MBA Specialization, and only 4 from MBA 2 year

2. Which areas you want to be covered by external trainer?

Purpose:- This question was asked to identify required skills to be covered by
employability workshop.

Areas want to be covered by Responses

external trainer

Interview Related 13

Technical 05

Psychological/ Life Science 02

Specialized Training(H.R, 27
Finance, Marketing)
1. For this questions students were provided option to select 2 options according
to their need.
2. 13 Students want to have Interview related training in employability training
workshop, 5 students want to learn technical aspects, 2 students expects Life
science related training, while 27 students want to have Specialized training
according to their specialization(H.R, Finance, Marketing)
3. 90% students wish to cover specialized training in employability training.
3. Which time frame will be best for effective training session? (External

Purpose:- As time plays an important role in optimum effectiveness of

training hence this question collected data on “which semester will be best for
employability training workshop”.

Time frame will be best for Responses

effective training session

X/IV Sem 08

IX/III Sem 13

VIII/II Sem 06

Any time will do 03

1. 13 students’ selected II/VIII semester for effective training, 6 students
wants training to be conducted in III/IX semester, 3 students want to
have training in X/IV semester, while 8 students selected that for
employability training workshop any time frame will do.

4. What are your expectations from external training workshop(1 for minimum
focus 4 for Maximum)
Purpose:- One part of training according to Uday Pareekh is Focus, this
question asked to set priority of focus among various classification of
employability training workshop.

Expectations from external 1 2 3 4

training workshop

Increased Motivation 12 05 01 08

Overcome from Fear 07 12 03 05

Learning Various Skills 03 04 14 06

Familiarity with current job 04 06 09 08


Total 26 27 27 27

1. 12 students set at least focus on to increase motivation, 07 students set

minimum focus, 03 students wants some motivational training, while 4
students wants at maximum extent. 4 students have 0 focus on motivational

2. 05 students set at least focus on to overcome from fear, 12 students set

minimum focus, 04 students want some training to overcome from fear while 6
students set maximum focus on overcoming from fear.

3. 01 students has set at least focus on learning new skill, while 03 students want
to have minimum focus on learning new skills, while 14 students want some
training to learn new skills and 9 students focused maximum for learning new

4. 08 students wishes to have at least focus on gaining familiarity with current job
market, 05 students shown minimum focus, 06 students wants some focus on
this and 8 students want maximum focus on getting familiar with current job

5. According to you who/what plays a major role in increasing your chance of

Purpose:- This question was open ended and psychological, asked to know
about clear picture about employability among junior students.

Few Responses of this psychological question are as follows:-

1. Practical knowledge of subjects that we are taught in this programme. 2.

Great communication skills. 3. Recognised certifications of field areas in
which we want to pursue our career.

2. Exposure to the real work environment through internship, training and better
soft skills these I think can improve my chances of getting employed. The
cultural activities play an important role in personality development.

3. We ourselves. The trainer act as the guide or the adviser. Hard work and self-
confidence plays major role for this

Apart from this many Students tried to give answers in few but impactful
words like
Communication skills, confidence, general awareness, academic knowledge.
Being vibrant, practical knowledge, Proper training programs to face job
interview, Experience, Hard work and self-Motivation, Skill enhancement,
Increase self-abilities and many more.

6. What will be your major purpose for coming training workshop?

Purpose:- The last part of training is to identify purpose, hence this question
also tries to find various purpose through open ended question.

To enhance or develop various skills, To learn how to use theoretical concepts

in practical term, To explore my potential, Want to know how to make my CV
more appealing, To know about the real job work, overcoming fear and many
 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques by C. R. Kothari
New Age International Publisher (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
(Second Revised Edition: 2004)

 Human Resource Management by K. Aswathappa

Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
(Fifth Edition)
Chapter 55



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