Bio 12 Answer Key CH 8-14
Bio 12 Answer Key CH 8-14
Bio 12 Answer Key CH 8-14
4. c circulatory system. 3. The three parts of a neuron are cell body, dendrites,
and axon. A nerve fibre refers to an axon with a myelin
5. a line the nasal cavity. sheath (if it has one).
6. d 37°C
7. d I, II and III Check Your Progress 8.2
8. a. the hairs on skin lie flat, sweating occurs, blood 1. Sample answers:
vessels dilate integumentary system – skin
cardiovascular system – heart
9. a. curl up to reduce the surface area
lymphatic and immune system – lymph nodes
10. b. decrease heat loss. digestive system – small intestine
11. b to maintain constant internal body conditions respiratory system – lungs
12. a brain urinary system – kidneys
musculoskeletal system – skeleton
13. body temperature, blood pH, blood glucose levels,
nervous system – spinal cord
blood pressure, carbon dioxide levels, oxygen levels
endocrine system – pancreas
14. A. cellular level; B. tissue level; C. organ level; reproductive system – ovaries
D. organ system; E. organism
2. Integumentary, lymphatic, and immune systems
15. a. Dark Blue Box: cooling mechanisms: sweating and protect the body from disease
blood vessels dilate
b. Pink Box: heating mechanisms: shivering and blood Check Your Progress 8.3
vessels constrict
1. In negative feedback, a sensor detects a change in
c. White Box: detected by thermoreceptors in skin internal conditions, resulting in a response that brings
and hypothalamus the conditions back to normal. Positive feedback
d. Lilac Box: detected by thermoreceptors in skin involves an ever-greater change in the same direction
and hypothalamus until the initial stimulus is stopped.
2. Sample answer: The respiratory, digestive, and urinary
systems all interact to take in O2 and nutrients needed
by the body, and eliminate unused or waste products
such as CO2.
3. Sample answer: Failure of the immune system results
in infectious diseases such as shingles and candidiasis.
What stimulates the
Hormone release of the hormone? Where is it produced? Where does it act? What does it do?
Gastrin Protein Stomach Gastric glands Stimulates gastric glands to
of the Stomach secrete gastric juices
Secretin Hydrochloric acid in acid Duodenum Pancreas Stimulates the pancreas to secrete
chyme (small intestine) Liver pancreatic juices; stimulates liver
Gallbladder to produce bile; stimulates gall
bladder to release bile
Cholecystokinin Partially digested protein Duodenum Pancreas Stimulates the pancreas to secrete
(CCK) and fat (small intestine) Liver pancreatic juices; stimulates liver
Gallbladder to produce bile; stimulates gall
bladder to release bile
13. d. lungs.
Check Your Progress 10.2
14. c. left ventricle.
1. The major components of blood are plasma (water,
15. a. aorta. proteins, salts, gases, nutrients, nitrogenous wastes,
16. d. right atrium. hormones, vitamins), red blood cells, white blood cells,
17. d. four chambers. and platelets.
Progress Answers 3. Blood flows in one direction in the arteries due to the
pumping of the heart, and it flows in one direction
Check Your Progress 10.1 in veins mainly due to muscle contraction and the
presence of valves that prevent it from moving in the
1. Blood flow is controlled in arteries by contraction of opposite direction
smooth muscle in artery walls. Capillary blood flow
is affected by the pressure of arterial supply plus the
Check Your Progress 10.5
contraction of pre-capillary sphincters. Venous blood
flow is affected by arterial and capillary blood flow and 1. Since fetal lungs do not function, blood flows directly
valves that prevent blood from flowing backward. from the right atrium to the left atrium or from the
right ventricle to the aorta. The umbilical cord takes
60. They both have valves. 69. There is a correlation between increased blood flow
and increased demand for oxygen consumption
61. Blood pressure is greater than osmotic pressure on
during exercise.
the arterial side. The blood pressure pushes water and
small molecules (eg. nutrients and oxygen) out of the 70. Yes
capillaries and into the interstitial spaces. 71. No, the cardiac output would not be the same. The
62. Osmotic pressure is greater than blood pressure on the person who exercises regularly will have a higher
venous side. This causes the fluids from the interstitium cardiac output.
to flow back into the capillaries on the venous side. 72. Design an experiment.
63. a. Blood pressure is the driving force. 73. a. For a student who is 18 years old: 18 years ×
b. Osmotic pressure is the driving force. 365 days × 24 hours × 60 minutes × 75 bpm =
709, 560, 000 times
64. Diagram
b. 709 560 000 × 70 mL = 4.96692 × 1010 mL
65. a. 8
74. The lymphatic vessels are obstructed and flow of lymph
b. 3
throughout the body is blocked. This causes fluids to
c. 6
collect and swelling results.
d. 1
75. By getting the blood clotting factors, hemophiliacs now
e. 10
have the blood clotting factors that will prevent them
f. 11 from bleeding excessively.
g. 9
h. 3
Chapter 11 Answers
i. 11
j. 10 Making Connections—Every Breath You Take
k. 8, 10 1. Narrowing and swelling of the airways reduces the
l. 6 amount of air that can enter the lungs, thereby making
m. 6 it more difficult for adequate gas exchange.
n. 8 2. Treatments for asthma include inhaled steroids,
o. 1 which reduce swelling and mucus production. These
p. 3 prevent asthma attacks and must be taken regularly.
q. 10 Bronchodilators work during an active asthma attack
by relaxing the muscles that cause the spasms and
r. 8
constriction of the airways. Bronchodilators are short-
s. 9
term measures and are used only during an attack.
13. cellular respiration 3. Carbon monoxide can quickly become fatal because
the affinity of carbon monoxide with hemoglobin
14. X = external respiration; Y = internal respiration is very high. Carbon monoxide stays bound to the
hemoglobin, thereby reducing the ability of blood to
Chapter 11 Check Your Progress carry oxygen. If CO poisoning continues for a period
of time, enough hemoglobin becomes unavailable that
Answers a person suffocates.
Check Your Progress 11.1
Check Your Progress 11.4
1. The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal
cavities, pharynx, glottis, epiglottis, and larynx. The 1. Asthma is a disorder of the lower respiratory tract that
lower respiratory tract consists of the trachea, bronchi, restricts the lungs’ ability to expand normally. Asthma
bronchioles, and alveoli. The bronchi, bronchioles, causes a narrowing of the bronchi and bronchioles.
and millions of alveoli collectively form the lung. 2. Smoking can predispose the lungs to harm by
Surrounding each lung are pleural membranes and a damaging the cilia that normally help remove mucus,
pleural cavity. toxins, microbes, and debris from the trachea.
25. Formed elements like blood cells and proteins are too 4. Glucose is returned to the blood at the proximal
big to pass from the blood vessels into the tubules of convoluted tubule in a process called selective
the nephrons. reabsorption. Some is returned to the blood by passive
reabsorption and the rest (up to threshold levels) is
26. 1. abdominal muscles; 2. adrenal glands; 3. kidney;
returned by active transport.
4. renal artery; 5. renal vein; 6. inferior (posterior)
vena cava; 7. ureter; 8. uterus; 9. bladder; 10. urethra
27. There is about twice as much fluid found inside the
cells than outside the cells.
44. The term “urinary system” is more appropriate because 51. Less than 10g/day is excreted. About 9.95 grams of salt
metabolic wastes are removed (eg. hydrogen ions, is reabsorbed by the body.
drugs, excess water, etc.) in urine. The urinary system 52. The low pH is due to the hydrogen ions in the urine.
is not only involved in excreting substances, but is also 53. One hundred percent of glucose is reabsorbed by the
involved in maintaining homeostasis by regulating proximal convoluted tubule and therefore stays in
water and acid-base balance. The term “excretory the body instead of ending up in urine. Proteins are
system” is not as appropriate because other systems generally too big to pass from the glomerulus into the
in the body have excretory functions. For example, Bowman’s capsule and therefore do not end up in urine.