The Perceptions, Attitudes and Political Strategies of "Die Linke"
The Perceptions, Attitudes and Political Strategies of "Die Linke"
The Perceptions, Attitudes and Political Strategies of "Die Linke"
The Perceptions, Attitudes and
Political Strategies of
“Die Linke”
A Political Discourse Analysis
Papers in this series are the final MA Theses of graduates from the German Turkish Masters
Program of Social Sciences (GeT MA). Publication in this series does not preclude a later
publication elsewhere.
The views expressed in the GeT MA Working Paper Series are those of the author(s) and do
not necessarily reflect those of the GeT MA Program, of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
or the Middle East Technical University. The copyright stays with the author(s).
Corresponding authors:
Can Küçükali, Lancaster University, Department of Linguistics and English Language, LA1 4YW, Lancaster, United
Kingdom Email:
Can Küçükali is a third year PhD research student at Lancaster University. His current research concentrates on
discursive strategies as hegemonic projects in Turkish politics. His areas of interest are critical discourse analysis,
political discourse, rhetorical strategies and conceptual politics.
Die Abschlussarbeit „Die Linke: A Political Discourse Analysis“ versucht zu verstehen a) wie und mit welchen
Mitteln Sprache in der Politik strategisch genutzt wird, um Wähler zu beeinflussen b) welcher sozialer und
politischer Kontext sich auf die Bildung von politischen Diskursen auswirkt c) welche Art von Effekten
politische Diskurse auf aktuelle ‚policy making‘ Prozesse haben. Analysiert wird die Partei Die Linke. Das Ziel
der Studie ist nicht, der schon existierenden Literatur über Die Linke, welche versucht den Erfolg der Partei
mit dem rückläufigen wirtschaftlichen Wohlstand der Massen und dem erfolglosen ‚policy making‘ der
anderen Parteien zu erklären, zu widersprechen. Um den Aufstieg von Die Linke besser verständlich zu
machen, sollen jedoch linguistische Dimensionen der Analyse hinzugefügt werden. Um dieses Ziel zu
erreichen, untersucht die Arbeit zuerst die diskursiven Strategien eines ausgewählten Texts und diskutiert
anschließend die kontextualen Auswirkungen auf die beobachteten Strategien, in dem die Grundlagen der
Kritischen Diskurs Analyse herangezogen werden. Die zentrale Hypothese dieser Untersuchung ist, dass der
politische Diskurs von Die Linke als Teil einer politischen Strategie betrachtet werden sollte, welche versucht
gegenhegemoniale diskursive Praktiken zu kreieren und darauf abzielt Prozesse des ‚policy-making‘ zu
beeinflussen. Dass Die Linke erfolgreich die Lücke im linken Spektrum füllen konnte, hängt nicht nur mit
dem erfolglosen ‚policy-making‘ der anderen Parteien zusammen, sondern ist auch der Kompetenz der
Partei, Wähler mit Hilfe von politischen Diskursen zu beeinflussen, geschuldet.
Stichworte: Die Linke; Kritische Diskursanalyse; Politische Diskurs Analyse; Deutsche Politik; Diskursive
The thesis ‘Die Linke: A Political Discourse Analysis’ tries to understand a) how and by which means
language in politics can be strategically used in order to influence voters b) what kind of social and political
context have an influence on the formation of political discourses and c) what kind of effects do political
discourses have on actual policy making processes on the basis of the analysis of The Left Party (Die Linke in
German). The overall aim of this study is not to oppose the already existing literature on Die Linke, which try
to explain the party’s success with the declining economic prosperity of the masses and the unsuccessful
policy making of its opponents but to add the linguistic dimension to the analysis in order to understand the
rise of Die Linke more comprehensively. In order to achieve this aim, the research first identifies the
discursive strategies of the selected text and then discusses the contextual impacts on the observed
discursive strategies by adopting the main principles of Critical Discourse Analysis. The main hypothesis
of this research is that political discourses of Die Linke should be considered as a part of the political
strategy which tries to create counter-hegemonic discursive practices and aims to affect policy-making
process. Die Linke’s success for filling the gap in the left is not only dependent on other parties’ unsuccessful
policy-making but also on the party’s capacity to influence voters by its political discourses.
Keywords: Die Linke; critical discourse analysis; political discourse analysis; discursive strategies; German
Table of Content
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 6
6. Concluding Remarks................................................................................... 68
References ................................................................................................... 71
1. Introduction
It has become inevitable to accept the existence of the left wing party Die Linke (The
Left) as an influential political actor in the German political system. At least on the
electoral basis, the results obtained by the party endorse this claim. Considering also
its predecessor PDS (Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus), it is possible to say that
the party was successful in increasing its votes by 9,5% since the 1990 elections in
which PDS gained only 2,4% of the total votes. In 2009 elections, Die Linke has
reached its peak, gained 11,9% of total votes and became the second largest
opposition party in the Bundestag after SPD (
So, what we observe is a political party which consistently increases its votes and is
becoming more influential as an opposition power by disturbing the electoral gains of
other left wing political parties in the political system. It is very difficult to determine if
the success story of Die Linke is a result of unsuccessful strategies and policy making
of its opponents or the party’s efficient political strategy making but it is obvious that
even if the strategies adopted by the political opponents are uneffective and weak, Die
Linke’s political strategy also contributes to its electoral gains by deciphering and
benefiting these weaknesses in order to redifine/reposition itself as well as the
opponents. In that sense, researching Die Linke becomes a necessity because it seems
to fill a gap in the political sphere and political discourses of the party give some clues
about the ways of doing it. If the main motives and policy preferences could be
determined by analyzing discourses, it would also be possible to evaluate the validity
of labels (such as being extremist or populist) attached to the party (Andersen &
Zimdars 2003; Decker & Hartleb 2007).
In the literature, the debate is generally about political/economic conditions and the
reforms undertaken by the SPD-Greens-government between 2000 and 2004, which
paved the way to Die Linke’s political rise. While Thompson elaborates on social and
political conditions which showed themselves as reimposition of state and political
control over free markets which leaves a space for a party like Die Linke (Thompson
2009), Andersen and Zimdars point out that bad economic conditions increases the
possibility of voting for right or left extremist parties (Andersen & Zimdars 2003).
Likewise, when Schramme and Siller analyze the rise of Die Linke, they indicate that
dissatisfaction with especially the economic/social policies of SPD caused that shift to
the Die Linke and Die Linke managed to accumulate a considerable amount of votes
from people who were affected directly or indirectly by social and economic reforms
(Schramme & Siller 2006). Decker and Hartleb’s study about the right- and left-wing
parties in Germany on the basis of populism is a considerable contribution for
disclosing self-promotion strategies of Die Linke, but still it is not clear enough how
and with which tools these strategies are formed and implemented (Decker & Hartleb
2007). Another shortcoming of these studies is that, the perception of rising support
for Die Linke as a result of sociopolitical and economic conditions runs the hazard of
neglecting dynamic relationship between the political actor and the voter which is
based on political communicational skills meaning intentional usage of language in
order to gain political support. So, without contrasting the main premises of these
researches, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the already existing literature
by analyzing the discursive aspect of political strategy making. By doing that, we
would also be able to give a more precise answer to the question how and how far Die
Linke is able to exploit the critique against the other political parties in actively
formulating and transfering political strategies. It would be also possible to detect if
these strategies are active policy proposals or passive and reactionary discourses
which tries to benefit from the shortcomings of political opponents.
But understanding the features of these strategies and assessing them as powerful or
weak depends on understanding the notion of political strategy and language as a
crucial component of it which this study will heavily focus on.
1: its conditionality, which means situational use of linguistic elements and is defined
as heteroglossia in Bakhtinian terminology (Bakhtin 1981). This principle emphasizes
the priority of context over text and how different meanings are produced according to
different social contexts. This principle can be adopted to the political realm by
indicating that political actors can use different speech genres according to their
political positions or according to the social environment where politics is done.
2: its success-orientedness, which means that linguistic elements in political texts can
be organized in particular ways to influence voters by trying to create a common
ground (ideological, historical, ethical etc.) between political text and consumers of
that text as well as to minimize the possible influence of political opponents on voters.
Once this common ground is established, people can also be persuaded that only
certain actors and solutions are capable of solving societal problems. This effort is also
the basis of political discourse production.
So, this study will investigate political discourses of a left-wing political party on the
basis of strategic use of language for political gain. This kind of investigation needs a
critical approach towards language. Critical Discourse Analysis (now on CDA) is such a
kind of approach. The main purpose of the CDA is to show the relations between the
use of language and the social and political contexts in which it occurs (Paltridge 2006:
179). More specifically, ‘CDA studies real, and often extended, instances of social
interaction which take (partially) linguistic form. The critical approach is distinctive in
its view of (a) the relationship between language and society, and (b) the relationship
between analysis and the practices analysed’ (Wodak 1997: 173). Staying loyal to
these purposes of the approach, the main aims in this study would be to understand
how Die Linke tries to position itself and its political opponents in order to gain more
political support from the electorate and what kind of linguistic tools are used in order
to achieve this purpose. This intentional and repetitive use of certain language would
be evaluated as political discourse formation and would be a subject of systematic
But beyond this, the social context in which discursive strategies are developed and
discursive practices which try to determine the social and political context would also
be the concerns of the research. With the help of CDA approach, it would be possible
to show the dialectial relationship between textual and contextual levels which directly
reflects to the organization of political discourses.
The main hypothesis of this study is that political discourses of Die Linke should be
considered as a part of political strategy which tries to create counter-hegemonic
discursive practices and aims to affect policy-making process. Die Linke’s success for
filling the gap in the left is not only dependent on other parties’ unsuccessful policy-
making but also on the party’s capacity to influence voters by its political discourses.
So, the main motive in this research is to show the dynamics, instruments and political
effects of these discursive strategies that would pave way to a more comprehensive
analysis in the future. The Key Programmatic Points Paper is the selected text for
discourse analysis. Party programmes and drafts like the Key Programmatic Points
Paper are the most structured materials in the sense that they have a macro discourse
which is composed of discursive events and they intend to give messages and
persuade the reader by intentional use of language. Unlike parliamentary debates, TV
debates or newsletters, they aim to reflect the systematized views of political party
about various topics to the reader. In our case, Key Programmatic Points Paper has
another functionality: As it is stated in the Postscript, this text emerged from an
intensive process of discussion in the Joint Programme Group of the Linkspartei PDS
and WASG. That means it covers the shared views of the party on certain topics and
due to this reason, it represents the party.
In the second chapter, methods and approaches of the study would be clarified. The
Critical Discourse Analysis would be defined and especially, Norman Fairclough’s three
levels of analysis would be identified (Fairclough 1992). Fairclough’s work has
contributed to the methodology and approach of CDA (1989, 1992 & 1995). His three
categories of analysis are important in the sense that they help to understand text in
its context, show how textual elements are used to create discourses and how
discourses become a part of social life.
Clarifying CDA and its goals by emphasizing the thoughts of prominent researchers
about the field (Wodak 2002/ Wodak & Meyer 2002/ Van Dijk 1993), Piotr Cap’s
analytical categories (2002) would be identified and the data gathering method would
be clarified. All these methods and approaches would be used to conduct a qualitative
political discourse analysis and Die Linke would be the case of study.
In the third chapter, the institutional and political background of Die Linke would be
highlighted in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of discursive practices in a
written text, which is the Key Programmatic Points Paper (2007). Social and political
conditions in which political discourses are constructed become crucial for
understanding the linguistically strategical paths chosen by the political actor. This
chapter would try to contribute to this aim.
In the fourth chapter, the textual analysis of the ‘Key Programmatic Points Paper’
would be made with the help of analytical tools defined in the second chapter. This
chapter is divided into two parts: While the first part would look at the textual
organization, topoi and some other syntactic elements, the second part would show
how these elements contribute to the discourse production and consumption which is
called discursive practice (Fairclough 1992). Once discursive practices in the texts are
identified and analyzed, it would be possible to see the main dynamics of linguistic
strategies and their relation to social context which was explained in first chapter. For
the first three chapters of the paper, every paragraph would be investigated
individually whereas in the fourth chapter, sections would be the main units of analysis
instead of paragraphs to preserve their semantic integrity. Finally, the Postscript was
not included into the analysis because it is only composed of discussion questions
about the development of the party programme.
In the fifth chapter, the outcomes of the analysis would be evaluated and the possible
political effects of analyzed discourses on other political parties as well as on voters are
discussed. This is also the part of Fairclough’s third level of analysis, namely, social
practice (Titscher/Meyer/Wodak/Vetter 2000). The main aim in the third and fifth
chapters is to show the dialectical relationship between discourse and social reality.
The third chapter is designed to show how social reality could determine the
characteristics of political discourse while the fifth chapter is to show the capacity of
political discourse to shape the social reality partially. While Malycha and Winters
(2009), Hough (2000; 2001), Hough, Koss and Olsen (2007), Bergsdorf (2008), Patton
(2006), Nachtway and Spier (2007) and Thompson (2009) are used to give the
institutional and political background in the third chapter, the outcomes of the anaysis
in the fifth chapter are supported with the analysis of Solty (2007), Blühdorn (2009)
and Kurbjuweit (2010) as well as with the results of some polls (Die Zeit 2007; Der
Spiegel 2010).
In the last chapter, concluding remarks and several suggestions for prospective studies
are made.
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Van Dijk defines the objective of CDS (he prefers to use the term Critical Discourse
Studies in order to point out the diversity of critical studies) more precisely by saying
that CDS scholars are typically interested in the way how discourse reproduces social
domination, that is, power abuse by one group over others, and how dominated groups
discursively resist such abuse (Wodak/Meyer 2002).
However, CDA does not have its own methodology and theory for achieving these
objectives. Wodak emphasizes that CDA has never been and never attempted to be or
to provide one single or specific theory. Neither is one specific methodology
characteristic of research in CDA. Quite the contrary, studies in CDA are multifarious,
derived from quite different theoretical backgrounds, oriented towards very different
data and methodologies. Because of this variety of approaches, she wants to call CDA
a ‘school’ (Wodak 2002). Van Dijk also emphasizes this point by stating that:
‘It (CDA) is primarily interested and motivated by pressing social issues, which it hopes
to better understand through discourse analysis. Theories, descriptions, methods and
empirical work are chosen or elaborated as a function of their relevance for the
realization of such a sociopolitical goal’ (Van Dijk 1993: 4).
The CDA approach used in this analysis would be that of Norman Fairclough. Fairclough
understands CDA to be concerned with the investigation of the tension between the
two assumptions about language use: that language is both socially constitutive and
socially determined (Titscher/Meyer/Wodak/Vetter 2000). His basic theoretical
assumptions are derived from Halliday’s functional-systemic linguistics which assigns
three metafunctions to language: ideational, interpersonal and textual functions
(Halliday 1973). Every text has an ideational function through its representation of
experience and representation of the world. In addition texts produce social
interactions between participants in discourse and therefore also displays an
interpersonal function. Finally, texts also have a textual function in so far as they unite
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separate components into a whole and combine this with situational contexts
(Fairclough 1995b). So, Fairclough adopts Halliday’s three metafunctions and creates
an analytical framework for discourse analysis.
At the textual level, content and form (texture) are analyzed. These two are
inseparable: contents are realized by particular forms (Fairclough 1992b). For the
purpose of this analysis some grammatical, lexical and semantic features of the text
would be analyzed at the textual level.
The level of discursive practice is the link between text and social practice. It is to do
with the socio-cognitive aspects of text production and interpretation. The analysis of
discursive practice includes how the participants in an interaction interpret and
produce texts, but also the relationships of discursive events to orders of discourse,
that is the matter of interdiscursivity (Fairclough 1993). In this study, this level would
be used to analyze how different discourses are blended together and how they are
interpreted in order to influence voters politically. These can also be seen as discursive
strategies. In the social practice level, the possible effects of the analysed discourses
on sociopolitical level would be discussed. This can also be considered as the
evaluation of the discursive strategies adopted by the political party.
In order to make an analysis on equal basis for the selected text, Piotr Cap’s
conceptualized categories would be used for the first two levels of analysis (Cap 2002).
These categories are:
- Topicality: Dynamic pragmatic relationship between the Theme (topic) and the
Rheme (topic-comment), expressing not only with what the clause or the
sentence is concerned, but equally what happens to the object of this concern
in terms of undertaken actions and assumed states.
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1. Solutionhood: The relational proposition that arises between both parts of the
text is that the second part provides a solution to the problem posed by the first
part of the text.
2. Evidence: The second part provides evidence for the claim put forth in the first
3. Justification: The first part of the text explicitly attempts to establish the
appropriateness or acceptability of the performance of the speech act
performed by the other part.
4. Motivation: They address a future action of the addressee, providing him with
motivation to perform that action, so as to comply with the directive.
5. Reason: The second part of the text provides a rationale for believing the
proposition expressed in the other part.
6. Sequence: Both parts of the text convey events and the second is understood
to follow the first.
7. Enablement: The relation is also often found in directive texts. One part of the
text provides information that enables the addressee to comply with the
9. Restatement: The second part of the text restates the first part.
10. Condition: The first proposition provides the condition under which the other
one holds.
11. Circumstance: A relation of circumstance arises when one of the parts of the
text establishes a circumstance or situation and the other part is interpreted
within or relative to that circumstance/situation.
12. Cause: Both parts of the text name events, the one being the cause of the
13. Concession: When stating this relation the speaker acknowledges, in one part of
the text, the truth of a point which potentially detracts from a point in another
part of the text.
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14. Background: One part of the text provides background information without
which the other part of the text can not be adequately comprehended.
15. Thesis-Antithesis: This relationship arises when two conceptions are contrasted,
the speaker identifying with one and rejecting the other.
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- Metaphorization: Methapors might drift the addressee’s attention away from the
literal meaning of the metaphorized notion(s). This follows from the internal
structure of metaphor, in which disanalogies that hold between the referents of
two separate concepts are offset by a unique, analogous attribute shared by
these concepts. The result is that the meaning of the source domain may be
either lost or changed. Cap defines three forces of metaphorization as
stimulation of emotions, bewilderment and perplexity, intimacy (Cap 2002: 71).
c. Intimacy: The more creative a metaphor, the tighter the bond of the common
insight between the speaker and the addressee. The tighter the bond of insight,
more the attention and understanding from the addressee.
So, the main concern is to show how these functions are realized in order to neutralize
or intensify the meaning according to certain political claims of the party.
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By using these macro and micro linguistic elements, the selected text would be
investigated and the outcomes of the analysis would also be compared with different
labels imputed to the party to evaluate the validity of these labels which are supposed
to constitute the main characteristics of political strategy making.
This analysis would contribute to the understanding of Die Linke in different aspects.
Firstly, we would be able to understand how the party evaluates the past practices of
the left including GDR and how it relates itself to the past. It is crucial to know the
predominantly used discourses about the topic and their weight in the whole text.
Secondly, the party’s understanding of socialism and its decisiveness as an ideological
poisitioning would be clarified. By looking at coherence and consistency between the
discourses we would try to answer if the party has extremist tendencies. In that sense,
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discourses about capitalism would also be the focus of interest. From that point on, we
would have a chain of discourses which may give us some clues about the general
tendencies of the party. Thirdly, we would be able to see the general linguistic
strategies that are used to influence the reader. Some strategies would be more
frequent than others.
Intentional use of particular form of political discourses could derive from some
historical and institutional reasons that shape and limit the party preferences. For this
study, some expections were to find out strong emphasize on self-explanation, priority
of practical issues over ideological stance, contradicting and eclectic discourses about
socialism and capitalism, the intention to address various voters from different
segments of society and extensive use of negative other representation as a discursive
strategy. An embracing populist macro discourse which wants to differentiate itself
from the negative heirship of the GDR and its state party SED (Sozialistische
Einheitspartei Deutschlands) was another assumed trait of the party. With the help of
this research, we would have the chance to see the validity of these assumptions and
expose the outcomes. That is also crucial for evaluating other discourses about the
Although The Left Party today could be considered as a successful political party by
looking at its increasing electoral successes, the starting point was a disadvantageous
one. The PDS (Party of Democratic Socialism) which was the old name of the party,
was the successor of the anti-democratic state party SED (Socialist Unity Party) that
ruled German Democractic Republic more than forty years. Just after the collapse of
GDR, it became an urgent necessity to reform SED politically, ideologically and also in
the organizational level to be able to survive in the unified German political system. As
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Malycha and Winters put it, ‘It was not about using a new wallpaper but about
constructing a totally new party which is based on democractic structures and it should
not be a class or mass party’ (Malycha/Winter 2009: 361). However, this need for
change was contradictory in a sense. On the one hand, SED leadership realized that
they should transform the party in accordance with German Basic Law and creating a
new programme quickly when it became clear that unification is inevitable. On the
other hand, radical changes would be out of question because the main support for the
party was coming from the old SED members and if the party would lose the support
of these people, it could face with total disintegration (Hough 2000: 5).
Another reason that makes a radical rupture undesirable was the ownership of the
party assets and organizational strength which both SED leadership and the
membership did not want to lose (Hough 2001: 6). So, these two reasons, namely the
main body of voters who still support SED and financial as well as organizational
advantages of being the heirer of a state party prevented party leadership from
making radical changes. Therefore, on 17 December 1989, the party chose to adopt a
transitional name SED/PDS. But it didn’t last too long and new party leader Gregor
Gysi pushed for further change because the new party was still facing the legitimacy
problem. The result was dropping SED totally from the party name in order to show
the clear break with the past. On 4 February, 1990 the party was renamed as PDS
(2001: 6). According to Hough, although PDS’s formal and structural change, it
remained tied to ideological rhetoric of SED too much and it experienced serious
difficulties in clarifying its position towards GDR. It was only the late 1990s when the
party attempted to come to terms with GDR rule critically (2001: 7).
After doing this, another big issue would be to determine the future route for the party
but this could not be done without a comprehensive discussion of socialism and future
aims of the party. These contradictory issues created serious debates within the party
and PDS was not able to create a coherent political programme in the early years of
unification. The party programme of PDS in 1993 could be considered as a defensive
one. Main topics were why ‘real-existing’ socialism in GDR had been a defensi ble
attempt, why socialism is still legitimate and how a socialist state could overcome the
‘illness’ of capitalist world. That kind of approach was a result of already existing
influence of left-wing orthodox groups on party policy (Hough/Koss/Olsen 2007: 25).
The claims of the programme were vague such as ‘Germany needs to undergo a radical
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democratization of political and economic life’, ‘the rightward shift of Germany needs
to be halted’, ‘cu lture, education and science needs to be ‘set free’ and ‘the
relationships between employers and employees needs to be altered in favour of
employees. The only claim was the abolishment of capitalism and establishment of a
kind of socialist republic without knowing the features of this republic (2007: 25).
In 1994 elections, party succeeded getting into parliament with 4,4% of the votes and
30 deputies by securing four direct seats in the east (it should be at least three direct
mandates according to Grundmandatsklausel) although they couldn’t achieve 5%
threshold in the federal level (Bergsdorf 2008). During the election campaigns, PDS
tried to broaden its appeal by making nods to the western German left, the pacifist
movement, environmentalism, feminism and eastern German interests in the election
manifestos (Hough/Koss/Olsen 2007: 26). Another strategy adopted by the party was
to persuade leading socialist figures to support their election campaign who were
critical about GDR such as Stefan Heym (author) and Count von Einsiedel (Otto von
Bismarck’s great grandson) (2007: 26).
After 1994 election results, PDS was entered into a new era in which party’s direction
to follow was intensively discussed. Especially in Schwerin party conference in 1995,
neoliberalisation of the society was strongly criticized. But the terminology that they
used was also showing signs of changes. As Hough, Koss and Olsen indicate there was
an issue of ‘reforming majorities’ on the left of the German pa rty system. They were
accepting Germany’s social-market economy instead of creating an overtly socialist
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alternative model and they were talking about ‘new social contract’th at also seemed
appeared non-socialist in rhetoric. More to that change in rhetoric, SPD and Greens
started to see PDS as a potential coalition partner through the mid-1990s. That was
showing a change in perception of PDS. This kind of change was inevitable because
both SPD and Greens realized that ostracising PDS was not doing them good at the
polls and claiming that PDS was either extremist or too linked to the GDR were not the
trump cards that they were back in 1990 (2007: 28).
So, it is possible to say that late 1990s were the times when PDS started to broaden
its electoral aims by going beyond its core supporters in the east. In the federal
election of 1998, it won 5.1 % nationally and gained greater support of countryside as
well as industrial workers. Patton says that political analysts and PDS leaders viewed
Gerhard Schröder as presenting an opportunity for the communist-successor party at
that times. When Schröder became the chancellor candidate in 1998, he positioned his
party as the party of ‘new-middle’. This was a similar approach implemented by some
other centre-left politicians like Tony Blair, Bill Clinton or Romano Prodi. Like these
leaders, Schröder de-emphasized traditional social democratic concerns like income
redistribution and regulation. Although SPD and Greens won the federal election of
1998, PDS increased its support outside its milieu (Patton 2006).
According to Hough, Koss and Olsen, the fundamentals of the PDS’s post-1998 political
strategy were simple and intuitively logical. It was extremely unlikely that PDS would
govern at the federal level, so many of its policy proposals were almost certain to
remain untried and untested (2007). As Schröder’s government makes mis takes, it
became PDS’s duty to point them out and act as a left-wing corrective. While doing
that, PDS was expecting that its traditional supporters in the east would remain royal
to the party and therefore tried to influence disappointed Social Democrats and
Greens. That was the aim of expanding to western Germany and becoming a left-wing
Volkspartei. In the literature, this analysis was named as ‘vacuum thesis’, stating that
a genuine ga p to the left of the SPD would enable PDS to situate iself in the German
party system, at face value (Hough/Koss/Olsen 2007: 36).
‘Despite the centrist Schröder government and the P DS’s attempted reincarnation as
‘a better SPD’, the party still could not fill the vacuum on the left in western Germany.
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In 1999 the party received only 1.3 per cent of the western vote in the 1999 elections
to the European Parliament, even though it was held in the wake of the NATO bombing
campaign in Yugoslavia, the resignation of Oskar Lafontaine and the Blair-Schröder
paper. It had not benefited in the west from the troubles of the SPD. In the federal
election of September 2002, the PDS remained a fringe party with just 1.1 per cent of
the western vote’ (2006: 9).
At that point, it is vital to point out the peculiarity of the 2002 elections in order to
understand PDS’s electoral losses. Many voters perceived 2002 election as a decisive
choice between two ideologically opposing camps: SPD/Greens versus CDU/CSU. After
SPD indicated that they would not form a coalition or minority government with PDS, it
could be seen as the rational choice of the social democrat voters not to vote for PDS.
Because a vote for the PDS was widely viewed as being beneficial to the right (2006).
More to that, Schröder’s polit ical discourses were efficient in the sense that he did not
emphasize his ‘new middle’ agenda and highlighted social justice as well as German
style of social market economy. He also defended anti-war position in Iraq. If his
proactive stance in the flood which effected eastern Germany would be added to this
picture, it is possible to say that SPD/Greens succeeded to influence the eastern voters
(Patton 2006). Hence, political discursive strategies were successful in stealing the role
of PDS especially in three issues on which PDS was constructing its discourses: peace,
social justice and taking care of eastern voters. On the realm of ideological
contradictions, SPD was successful in persuading voters that the ideological stance of
the social democrat party was overlapping with actual policy making concerns.
Patton adds two more factors which should be evaluated in terms of discursive
strategies. One is PDS participation in state governments. He says:
‘In Berlin and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, the PDS, as a junior coalition partner to
the SPD, assumed responsibility for unpopular social spending cuts. In both states,
Red-Red coalitions came at the cost of a distinct, left-socialist identity for the PDS in
office. This made the PDS less appealing to protest voters and to those looking for a
viable left-wing alternative to the SPD’ (2006: 10).
This factor is very crucial because it shows the contradiction between actual policy
making and political discourses. Once a party comes into the power, it becomes
possible for voters to compare and contrast what was said and what is done. As we
have seen above, PDS used defensive and opposing political discourses in the first half
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of 90s especially to gain the support of eastern voters more successfully because the
claims of the party was not clearly testable. Arter’s observation about Finnish and
Swedish social democrat/socialist overlaps with this analysis. Arter states that VAS
(Finnish left-socialist party) as a member of the government in Helsinki stagnated in
the late 90s as opposed to Swedish social democrat party V which gained a relative
success because the former one was less able to exploit the rightward shift of social
democrats as a ruling party (Patton 2006).
The second factor was PDS’s unsuccessful attempt to influence disappointed voters of
the West Germany. Even when the PDS was benefiting from the unpopularity of the
Red-Green government in 1999, it was mostly supported by east Germans (as it is
compared to West) and it was a still an alien party for the German political system.
Although its structure and aims are similar to western parties, political discourses were
dominantly determined by a mixture of anticapitalist/socialist discourses with regional
The disappointing 2002 election -that paved the way to the criticism of vacuum thesis-
give us important hints about the dynamism and characteristics of political discourses
which we will investigate in our analysis in the next chapter. As it is understood from
the historical experience, filling the gap in the left is not only about implementing
social policies.
Adjusting and using discursive strategies according to special epochs could persuade
voters even if they do not harmonize with policy making processes. Nevertheless,
coming into power decreases the level of persuasion because political discourses are
becoming testable to some extent. PDS primarily constructed its discourses on regional
cleavages and gained political power in regional level. However, they could not be able
to carry their political discourses into the next level until 2005 which means being a
Volkspartei. When this twofold character of the discourses overlapped with
dissappointing policy making in the east, SPD filled the gap instead of PDS although
they would reform the country in favour of market economy and create dissatisfaction
among social democrat voters.
However, conditions became suitable for the opposition camp at the same time when
Gerhard Schröder’s red-green coalition introduced a package of welfare reforms called
‘Agenda 2010’. In addition to that, implementation of Hartz IV reforms beginning with
2004 created dissatisfaction among social democratic trade union members in the
| 22
West and they began to leave their party to form what became WASG (Labour and
Social Justice- The Electoral Alternative) later. After negotiations with WASG, two
parties decided to form an alliance for the 2005 elections. PDS has changed its name
to ‘The Left Party’ and they included candidates of WASG on their lists for elections.
This was a urgent and legally imperative maneuvre of two parties succeeded by
gaining 8,7 % of the total votes in 2005 elections. After 2007, two parties have
merged under the name ‘Die Linke’.
According to Nachtwey and Spier, the election success of 2005 was also a success of
creating counter-hegemonic political discourses which challenge elite consensus on
welfare reforms and neoliberalism but also put the frame of social justice into the
debate as an alternative. According to them, the fact that support for the welfare state
among the population has fallen only slightly in recent years and has indeed remained
astonishingly stable reflects the elites’ inability to develop a successful communicative
discourse to legitimise their reforms (Nachtwey/Spier 2007).
Actually, these two points are strongly related to each other. As it is stated in the
beginning of the chapter, when a political actor comes into the power, it also gains the
power for implementing social hegemony with different ways of communication but
because political discourses become comparable with actual policy making and social
reality, it always gives a room to political opposition for generating counter-hegemonic
discourses which challenge already established power structures. Except unsuccessful
2002 elections, it is possible to say that PDS was successful in developing that
counter-hegemonic discourse which is based on providing social justice without being
communist. In that sense, the frame of social justice was the right choice. As
Nachtwey and Spier stated:
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So, when we look at the history of PDS after unification, we see a political party who
situated itself first as a regional party but then it adopted itself to the sociopolitical
changes and tried to extend its political influence. Some of the factors that put
PDS/Die Linke into the political discussion as an alternative left wing party were
independent of the political programme of the party. These historical reasons are
discussed by Nachtwey and Spier on the basis of changing cleavages (decrease in
blue-collar workers in Germany since 1960s) and SPD’s new strategy to be a
Volkspartei instead of workers’ party which resulted weakening ties of workers to the
party since 1980s. When SPD’s lack of institutional background in the east is added to
the picture, it is possible to say that SPD has largely lost its historical subject (working
class) at least on the electoral basis (Nachtwey & Spier, 2007). But at the same time,
it was also up to PDS’s strategical success to form a realignment with blue-collar
workers as well as other disillusioned segments of society to meet that societal and
political demand. So, programmatic development of Die Linke was a direct result of
that aim which reflected to the changing political discourses of the party and especially
realized in Key Programmatic Points Paper of 2007 and afterwards.
Hence, it becomes crucial to consider which political and social context shaped and still
shapes the discursive strategies, attitudes and perceptions of the political party. At this
point, Thompson helps us to focus on main determinants in which party discourses are
developed and presented.
Although he divides these factors as negative and positive ones in order to show the
chances of a left-wing party in German context, they won’t be divided into categories
and will be listed as a whole.
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the West German working class. The inefficiency and uncompetitive nature of
the East German economy meant that it all but disappeared within two years of
re-unification. This led to both mass unemployment and a concomitant
weakening of the bargaining position of the unions and a fall in real wages. As
Oliver Nachtwey and Tim Spier point out, after rising to a high point of 77.1%
in 1982, in the last year of an SPD-led government, the wage quota fell away to
70% under the CDU in 1997, rose slightly again under the new SPD
government under Oskar Lafontaine as finance minister and then dropped away
further to 67.3% in 2005, the lowest for nearly forty years. This post-Lafontaine
turn of the SPD to a measured neo-liberalism in the form of the Neue Mitte,
Hartz IV and, towards the end of the SPD-Green government, Agenda 2010
programmes after 1999 undermined support for the SPD amongst workers in
both east and west.
4. Since 1989, despite the relative strength of German industry, these changes
shifted the balance of class power in favour of the employer. Despite the
complaints from the ‘Masters of Wall Street’, Germany has undergone
considerable market reform. Over 20% of the workforce is officially in low wage
jobs (the unofficial total is probably around 26%) and strikes are at an all time
low in a country which already had notoriously tough strike laws. Labour unit
costs have fallen faster in real terms than in the US or UK. Large sectors of the
economy, above all telecommunications and energy, were privatised.
Expenditure on pensions and health in real terms is below the EU average and
costs for social spending in general have fallen in recent years, not risen. Taxes
on capital are among the lowest in the EU and there has been an annual cut of
1% in jobs in the public sector over the past decade, with unemployment rising
in Germany as a whole to around 9.9% by 2005 and in East Germany to 18.8%
and rising. As a result, the OECD, in its 2005 report, described Germany as a
model reformer. The deficits that do exist are largely a result of the massive
costs of re-unification and have relatively little to do with structural weaknesses
in the economy itself or with any property bubble, though the most recent
problems with Hypo show that German banks are also exposed to the credit
crisis. The costs and effects of unification also mean that the unemployment
statistics themselves are distorted. If one takes West Germany alone, then its
unemployment rate is below the European average. The comparison with the
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UK, which is always made, is also erroneous as the latter still has around 2.7
million people on incapacity and other benefits. Nachtwey and Spier also
demonstrate that support for the welfare state and social solidarity also fell in
both East and West Germany between 1994 and 2004, although it remains at a
relatively high level (33-34%).
6. The dominance of the SPD on the traditional centre-left meant that the PDS was
not able to move onto that ground, as ex-communist parties had in the rest of
Eastern Europe. This forced it to maintain a leftist and oppositional stance on
the major issues of the day. This meant that the PDS provided a ‘melting pot’
for general German left dissatisfaction with both the principle and consequences
of unification as well as giving it an anti-capitalist focus.
7. The PDS was also a means by which many in the ex-GDR could express their
sense of regional identity and Heimat (or homeland), becoming, in Toralf
Staud’s words, an East German CSU. This regional base and organisational
strength also meant that it could prove itself as a party of power as well as
radical opposition.
8. The formation of the WASG (Electoral Alternative for Work and Social Justice) in
spring 2004 by union activists, disaffected SPD members and leftist intellectuals
and activists formed a basis for the revival of the left in West Germany
untainted by the negative associations with the GDR, which had always
prevented a breakthrough for the PDS.
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9. The fusion of the PDS with the WASG to form the new Die Linke has, for the
first time since the Weimar Republic, created a significant political force to the
left of the SPD, which has roots not only in the educated public-sector liberal
middle class, as with the Greens in the early 1980s, but increasingly in the
organised working class and amongst the unemployed, intellectuals and
pensioners (the latter particularly in the ex-GDR). In terms of the longevity and
survivability of Die Linke, there has been a significant shift in support
(Thompson 2009).
This sociopolitical context drawn by Thompson is also evaluated by the party during
the strategy making processes. But we still do not know how Die Linke deals with
positive and negative aspects of these factors. Which factors are considered more than
others? Do discursive strategies follow a consistent line or are they in contradiction?
Can we label the party according to the findings of our analysis? These are the
questions we want to answer in the end of analysis. By implementing that kind of
approach, we will not only understand the main characteristics of strategy making but
we will also be able to check if fabricated opinions and labels about the party overlap
with discursive formation of the party itself.
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We have called the first discursive event ‘Who are we’ because the party shares its
aims and value orientations as well as the interpretation of societal problems with the
4.1.1 Topicality
The general focus of the first chapter of KPPP is on the current situation of the German
society, the policies and the value orientations of the party and the evaluation of the
history of the German left. Below, we present the summaries of the topics of the
respective paragraphs (p: paragraph) and some comments on these topics. The
contents of the paragraphs are described through headings (our own formulations)
that summarise the contents of paragraphs discussing similar themes.
p. 1-3: Analysis of German society focusing on economic problems p. 4-5: Die Linke’s
solutions to societal problems
p. 9-10-11: Private property/ Public ownership/ The need for expanding public
p. 13: History of left practice and Die Linke’s role in politics p. 14: Support of Die Linke
for new social movements
p. 15: Support of Die Linke for state control on capitalism and overcoming capitalist
p. 16-17: Evaluation of the left practices in the past and Die Linke’s political stance
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p.1: Background-Sequence
p.2: Sequence-Cause-Elaboration
p.3: Cause
p.4: Sequence-Thesis/Antithesis
p.5: Restatement
p.6: Condition
p.7: Condition-Elaboration-Solutionhood
p.8: Sequence
p.10: Sequence-Elaboration
p.11: Justification-Restatement
p.12: Elaboration-Reason
p.13: Elaboration
p.14: Restatement
p.15: -
p.16: Restatement
p.17: Restatement
The mostly used relational propositions are restatement, elaboration, sequence and
solutionhood. As it is stated in the previous chapter, elaboration and solutionhood
belong to approach-specifiers which either elaborate on a specific kind of problem
stated in the first part of the text or offer solutions to the emphasized problem. They
are both widely used in political texts but generally elaboration is used more frequently
than solutionhood because it is a safer structure for specifying the problem without
offering a solution.
Restatement and sequence also belong to the same category which are proposition-
grounders. Both display capacity for a repetitive enforcement of ideas: restatements
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are responsible for laying them out and sequences for enacting them (Cap 2002: 53).
For this context, it points out the effort of a political party to explain itself and its
political stance to the voters.
A syllogistic reasoning is a logical conclusion derives from two statements which are
supposed to be true. All arguments involve the claim that one or more premises
provide some grounds for accepting another proposition (Goel/Dolan 2003). In the the
first chapter they are used in order to explain the relationship between the problem
and source of this problem as well as the solution of that problem. Some syllogistic
structures in the first chapter are:
However, they (opportunities for a life in justice, democracy and peace) are
thwarted by destructive processes. These are the consequences of the
concentrated power of capital; they arise from the primacy of the international
financial markets and the transition of the rulers from a policy of welfare-state
regulated capitalism to a radical market policy, a neo-liberal policy. (p.2)
In this passage, first the problem is hypothesized and then the declaration comes as
the source of the problem. Die Linke indicates that opportunities for a life in justice,
democracy and peace are hindered by destructive processes. After that assumption,
destructive processes are seen as the consequences of the concentrated power of
capital. Because the concentrated power of capital arises from the neo-liberal policy,
the neo-liberal policy is destructive.
A fundamental change in policy for a socially more just society requires linking
the idea of solidarity with responses to new social challenges. (p.4)
In this sentence, a fundamental change in policy for a socially more just society is seen
as an undebatable necessity. After making this assumption, the solution is declared as
linking solidarity with responses to new social challenges. This solution and Die Linke’s
role in realizing that solution constructs the main discursive event in the first part of
the paper.
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In the first part of the paragraph, it is seen that universally shared values are also
adopted by Die Linke. Taking these values as granted, the second part of the
paragraph relates the ideas of democratic socialism with fundamental value
orientations. So, democratic socialism is declared as the solution of realizing these
values. Although the relationship between the two are very indirect, it is coherent in
the sense that fundamental values are put into an ideological framework. Hence, it
serves to the political realization of the party itself.
Freedom and social justice, democracy and socialism are contingent on one
another. Equality without individual freedom ends in incapacitation and
heteronomy. Freedom without equality is freedom only for the rich. Those who
oppress their fellow human beings are not free either. The goal of democratic
socialism, which wants to overcome capitalism in a transformational process, is
a society in which the freedom of the other is not the limit but the condition for
one's own freedom. (p.7)
After accepting that freedom and social justice as well as democracy and socialism are
contingent on one another and explaining why it is so, again the main aim of
democratic socialism is pointed out for providing that contingency.
The primacy of politics is defined and the mission of the elected representatives of the
left is declared. That is again coherent with previous parts of the text. After defining
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the problem and showing the reasons, the general mission of the left is defined and
this mission is very much compatible with Die Linke’s basis of existence.
Our party makes a change of political direction its strategic objective. That
requires of us a critical reappraisal of the history of left practice in the GDR and
the FRG in a spirit of solidarity. (p.13)
Change of political direction is accepted as a goal for the party. In the second part,
criticizing old practices of left politics are seen as a requirement for achieving this goal.
This can be seen as a political strategy that is based on self-criticism and convincing
the voters that the new party is not an inheritor of old leftist parties.
We have learned from history that respect for the views of dissidents is a
precondition for liberation. We reject every form of dictatorship and condemn
Stalinism as a criminal abuse of socialism. (p.17)
In the first part of the chapter, unefficient government, wasted opportunities and
threats are linking concepts which refers to Die Linke as a political alternative. As an
application of syllogisms, implicatures in the first chapter are about the compatibility of
democratic socialism with liberal values, necessity of a new kind of leftist politics and
acceptance of a reformist way instead of a revolution. However, it is not possible to
say that Die Linke totally convicts communism or GDR for the past experiences. Some
of these implicatures are:
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Our party makes a change of political direction its strategic objective. (p.13)
Anaphoric reference points out something which was previously defined in the text. So
the addressee should read the previous sentence or parts of the text in order to
understand what is meant.
Conjunctions usually are not used to provide cohesion between paragraphs in the text.
The only conjunctions used for this purpose are ‘however’ (p.2) and ‘to that end’ (p.8).
Within the paragraphs, ‘however’, ‘yet’, ‘instead of’, ‘but’, ‘and’, ‘for’, ‘as well as’, ‘in
keeping with that’, ‘in this spirit’, ‘in doing so’ are used. Th is means, many unrelated
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or indirectly related issues are discussed on the basis of Die Linke’s stance towards
Our: (p.3- Our society), (p.4- Our alternative), (p.13- Our party), (p.15- Our
4.1.4 Nominalizations
Some nominalizations used in the first chapter are freedom, equality, justice,
internationalism, solidarity, destruction, renewal, democratic structuring, dismantling,
distribution, contribution, orientation, emancipation, conservation, development,
exploitation, oppression, aberration, division, democratization, co-determination,
regulation, proposal, ownership, organisation, enlightenment, movement,
globalisation, commitment, repression, dictatorship, elimination, recognition,
simplification, judgement, assessment and liberation.
| 34
party tries to link them to certain reasons like neo-liberal policies, concentrated power
of capital and more generally to ‘unbridled capitalism’ which have to be fought.
In this sentence, the writer puts the tradition of enlightenment with democratic
socialism and great movements for the emancipation of working men and women
together. That means, the reader who accepts and internalizes the values and
outcomes of enlightenment is expected to adopt the values and outcomes of
democratic socialism and emancipation of working men and women because they are
presented historically sequential.
An allusion seen in the first part of the text is a direct and not a culture-determined
one. It directly refers to lawfulness.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, the Basic Law requires that laws and
regulations ensure that property serve the common good. Articles 14 and 15 of
the Basic Law provide the possibility of countering the agglomeration of
economic power to political power. Under those articles, key areas of the
economy can be transferred to public ownership. (p.11)
Hearer’s/Reader’s Share:
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In this passage, we see Die Linke’s emphasis on conducting a broad discussion for
expanding public ownership. So, the party would like to share its responsibility with the
participants of that prospective discussion. However, participants of that discussion
would be most probably the ones who support expanding public ownership because the
party has clear policy orientation on this topic. This is why they do not name the target
groups for discussion.
When we look at the general structure of the first chapter, it is seen that Die Linke is
ready for taking responsibility as a political actor. In that sense, instead of using
passive voices, use of personal pronoun ‘we’ is very frequent. This was in vestigated as
a lexical device which provides cohesion between paragraphs. But as a rhetorical
device, we + want structure has also a function of asking permission. Instead of using
we + will, we + want reminds readers their role as voters and thus shares the
responsibility with the reader.
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Although it is not stated in a single sentence, the common good and neoliberal policy
dichotomy is strongly emphasized in the text.
This is a kind of black-white perception strategy in the sense that it puts neoliberal
economy into the centre of all problems and expansion of public ownership is seen as
an ultimate solution.
Die Linke is working on concrete proposals about how certain key areas of the
economy and public welfare services have to be transferred to public ownership
for the common good in order to make more democratic control and
organisation possible. (p.11)
There are also positive persuasion strategies such as consistency and source
credibility. To be consistent with the overall message of ‘public ownership is a
necessary step of being a democratic society’, contingency of the notions is discussed
in a didactic way.
Freedom and social justice, democracy and socialism are contingent on one
another. Equality without individual freedom ends in incapacitation and
heteronomy. Freedom without equality is freedom only for the rich. Those who
oppress their fellow human beings are not free either. (p.7)
In addition to that, the party uses indisputable references such as freedom, social
justice and democracy as the base of its policy orientations. These sources are credible
and they create reliability. Because they can be defined in many ways, most people
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tend to accept this references. However, the meanings they attribute to these notions
Universally accepted values are also depicted as the values of democratic socialism so
that Die Linke’s policy preferences based on democratic socialism become both
legitimized and trustworthy.
4.1.7 Summary
The first chapter of the Key Programmatic Points Paper aims at describing Die Linke’s
value orientations and policy preferences after defining the problem which is neoliberal
policies and their negative effects on society. This is the main discursive event that we
have seen in the chapter. The party’s intensive effort to establish itself as a legitimate
political actor is repetitively observed after the sixth paragraph. This legitimacy is tried
to be provided by situating itself in the already-established political system and by
defining the ideological and political concerns with fundamental value orientations.
However in the paragraphs 13, 16, 17, there is also an emphasis on the assessment of
past practices of left politics. These parts can be read as ‘who we are not’ and aim to
convince the reader that Die Linke does not wish to take the possession of whole left
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The text has also didactic parts which try to give information about the idea of
democratic socialism and why its value orientations are universal. In the seventh
paragraph, the relation between freedom and equality is elaborated in accordance with
Marxist notion of alienation.
It is not possible to say that Die Linke has revolutionary policy orientations. There are
some assertive nominalizations which give that impression at first glance but the
overall character of the text signals rather a conciliatory position. It is indirectly stated
in the seventh paragraph that the party is not a revolutionary but a reformist one.
It is also interesting that the words like class, proletariat or bourgeoisie are not used
which are very determinant in Marxist literature although the party adopts a type of
socialism. In that sense, an attempt to gain the support from different segments of the
society is observable.
The second chapter is problematizing the current situation in the world as well as in
Germany with reference to the neo-liberal policy making.
4.2.1 Topicality
The general theme of this chapter is the evolution of capitalism after the world-wide
crisis of sixties and seventies and its consequences in the world. The problems
mentioned in the first chapter such as unemployment, economic and cultural cleavages
and wars are explained in a more detailed and historical perspective. Below, the topics
and topic-comments of the second chapter based on paragraphs are listed:
p.1: Overall situation in the world as the result of global economic crisis and the
reaction of capitalist countries to that crisis.
p.3: Domination and ownership structures of modern capitalism and their hinderance
to global development.
p.4: Several kinds of splits within the society p.5: Ecological problems due to global
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p.7: New opportunities of struggle deriving from the existence of European Union p.8:
Aims and actions of the imperial policy under the leadership of USA
p.5: Elaboration
p.6: Elaboration
p.7: Circumstance
p.8: Evidence
p.9: Sequence/Evidence
In this chapter context- setters like circumstance and background go hand in hand
with an approach-specifier, elaboration. Elaboration was also the main relational
proposition in the first chapter in order to clarify policy preferences and notions.
Second chapter gives background information about the evolution of neo-liberal
policies and also informs the reader about the circumstances that nourish these
policies. Although thesis-antithesis structure is used once, it has a key role in pointing
out the discrepancy between economic/technological advancements which can help to
improve living standards of people and domination as well as ownership structures of
modern capitalism impeding that kind of opportunity. Other parts of the text help to
establish a ground for this argument. Elaborations for instance are used to speculate
on certain features and functions of neo-liberal capitalism such as dismantling
democracy or causing ecological crisis.
4.2.3 Coherence/Cohesion
The second chapter talks about the conditions that created neo-liberalism and the
consequences of neo-liberal capitalism. These two topics are very much related to each
other and are also related to the first chapter in which neo-liberal policy making is
shown as the main reason of the problems of today’s German society.
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It is possible to say that the main aim of the second chapter is to show contradictions
between fundamental values such as freedom, human rights, democracy and the neo-
liberal organization of the society lead by financial markets and supranational
corporations. Other parts of the text tell the reader about facts and these facts
contribute to the main message of the chapter: Neo-liberal capitalism contradicts with
fundamental values of humanity and due to that reason, it is a problem. Some parts
serving to this aim are:
Neo-liberalism claims to be for greater freedom, yet all fields of life are
subordinated to capital utilisation and in particular to increasing the value of
stocks in the financial markets. (p.2)
They are (International finance funds, the transnational corporations and the
supranational organizations of global capitalism – the World Trade Organisation
, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank) shielded from any
democratic control. (p.6)
Barbaric methods of domination are being resorted to with less and less
restraint. (p.6)
The standard of international law forbidding any offensive war has been
revoked. (p.8)
They start new imperial wars and heighten the danger of terrorist acts. (p.2)
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All these sentences include a crime. Sometimes, the committer of the crime is named
as supranational corporations, financial markets and USA in the rest of the paragraphs.
Although it is not clearly stated, these actors are targeted as criminals who violate the
law. So, what is implied is that the global actors of neo-liberalism are fooling people
and commiting crimes against humanity in order to gain economic profit and they are
so strong that the international law does not have any sanctions.
Neo-liberal forces call for less state and dismantle the welfare state in favour of
a repressive competition state. They pay lip service to democracy and try to
weaken the trade unions and other democratic organisations and movements.
They pursue a non-solidarity policy of privatisation, deregulations and
subjection of all spheres of life to the market. They start new imperial wars and
heighten the danger of terrorist acts. (p.2)
Continuous use of the pronoun ‘they’ helps to conce ntrate on the actor and intensifies
the role of the actor for given actions. Moreover, it creates the image that there is one
actor and not a bunch of different types of actors that are or are not related to each
In some paragraphs, repetitive use of the conjunctions help to intensify the effects of a
certain entity, action or policy preference. Related concepts are divided by
conjunctions as if they are totally different.
The European Union has given us a new space for joint social struggles,
movements for peace and sustainable business management, for democracy
and against racism and nationalism, a new space for class struggles. (p.7)
They (neo-liberal forces) pay lip service to democracy and try to weaken the
trade unions and other democratic organisations and movements. (p.2)
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The aims of imperial policy under the leadership of the United States of America
are a world totally subordinated to capital exploitation, unhindered access to
raw materials and sources of energy, and the expansion of domination and
spheres of influence. (p.8)
Barbaric methods of domination are being resorted to with less and less
restraint. (p.6)
When the greatest counterweight ceased to exist with the collapse of the Soviet
Union, the destructive tendencies of the unbridled capitalist market were able to
develop more and more. (p.1)
In all these sentences, it is possible to talk about a snowball effect which tries to warn
the reader about an increasing problem and convince him/her for taking urgent action.
In that sense, it would be proper to say that second chapter is cohesive considering
single paragraphs, non-cohesive considering linkages between paragraphs and
coherent as a whole. The instruments of cohesion are used to intensify the meaning
and to create a snowball effect so that the fear appeals could be practiced and the
persuasion through fear could be provided.
4.2.4 Nominalizations
Some nominalizations in the chapter emphasize the problems due to neoliberal policies
and the general characteristics of neo-liberalism like expansion of domination, spiral of
violence, arrogance of imperial power, imperial policy, capital exploitation, unhindered
access to raw materials, capital utilisation, competition state, privatisation,
deregulation and subjection.
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The noun ‘class’ and the noun phrase ‘class struggl e’ are firstly used in this chapter. In
the fourth paragraph, it is used to emphasize the gap between different segments of
the society.
The openly emerging schism between the classes in our society coincides with
other oppressive relationships…(p.4)
In the seventh paragraph, the European Union is seen as a space for new class
struggles. However it is the last point that was emphasized after joint social struggles,
movements for peace and sustainable business management, democracy and struggles
against racism/nationalism.
The European Union has given us a new space for joint social struggles,
movements for peace and sustainable business management, for democracy
and against racism and nationalism, a new space for class struggles. (p.7)
This is not a usual syntax preference for a classical Marxist party. In classical Marxism,
class struggle is the main determinant of social change and all other spheres of
struggle are subordinated to that struggle (Marcus & Menzies, 2007). However, in this
sentence class struggle is one of the struggles of different kinds and it is used along
with sustainable business management phrase which indirectly means to accept the
continuity of class-based society.
This is all the more depressing since whether a global climate catastrophe can
still be prevented will have to be decided in the next few years. Drastic change
in our way of life will be unavoidable. (p.5)
Here, the reader is warned for urgent action because of lack of time. This also goes
hand in hand with moderate fear appeals. The reader/voter should also take the
| 44
responsibility as a citizen to vote for a political party who can quickly take precautions
to avoid a possible catastrophe.
Besides sharing the responsibility, this chapter also clearly names the actors who are
responsible for neo-liberal policies. USA, European Union, the World Trade
Organisation, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank are emphasized
political and economic actors.
Neo-liberalism claims to be for greater freedom, yet all fields of life are
subordinated to capital utilisation and in particular to increasing the value of
stocks in the financial markets. (p.2)
The 21st century can be marked by the global development of all peoples and
regions in solidarity and peace, by a world society of the free and the equal.
Standing in the way of these possibilities on the other hand are the domination
and ownership structures of modern capitalism. (p.3)
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The aims of imperial policy under the leadership of the United States of America
are a world totally subordinated to capital exploitation, unhindered access to
raw materials and sources of energy, and the expansion of domination and
spheres of influence. (p.8)
4.2.7 Summary
The discursive event ‘What is the problem’ in the second chapter is a coherent part of a
whole narrative which informs the reader about the background of the economic crisis
and emphasizes societal problems originating from the implementation of neo-liberal
policies. The contents of fundamental values such as freedom, democracy or justice
are not discussed but they are used to show the inconsistency between them and neo-
liberalism. Fear appeals and inconsistencies between fundamental values and actual
policy-making are emphasized.
The party goes on sharing responsibility with the reader by reminding his/her share in
changing the way of politics as a citizen. Die Linke also sees European Union as an
opportunity and shares its responsibility with other left wing parties in order to create
a joint political action. Besides that, it is possible to see the names of some economic
and political actors who are targeted as responsible for ongoing problems.
We also see the use of the phrase ‘class struggle’ for the first time but this is just one
of the emphasized areas so it does not have a determining role as it is seen in classical
Marxist political parties.
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In this chapter, the main focus is on the alternatives of Die Linke to previously
explained problems. Because the main aim of the analysis is to investigate how the
party communicates with readers/voters and presents itself on the basis of political
discourses rather than focusing on real policy orientations, we will look at the general
structure of this chapter by identifying the basic characteristics of it.
4.3.1 Topicality
The section titles in this chapter clearly define the topics and the prelude is a kind of
summary which sums up the aims discussed in the subsections in detail. These are:
After defining the aims, they are topicalized in eight sections as:
- Democratisation of democracy
- A new start for East Germany and underdeveloped regions of West Germany
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problem. Sometimes evidences are used to show that proposed problem is a real
problem. Then solutions are listed as a package. Some examples are:
At the same time, social insecurity, mass unemployment, low wages, extreme
dependence and forced subordination are spreading. Work in the home,
partnership care, care and upbringing of children and social work are still done
mostly by women. The proportion of migrant men and women in poorly paid
work is especially high. (Section 1- Evidence)
The prevailing policy has increased the power of the financial markets, the
transnational corporations, market supervision and the large trusts. Five
hundred trusts control half the national product of all the world's countries.
(Section 2- Evidence)
Solutionhood always comes after the elaboration part and in a new paragraph.
Die Linke stands for the primacy of democratic politics over the economy and
for a social and ecological change in the European Union. (Section 2)
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This process has to be reversed. Our foreign and peace policy has its basis in
international law, it aspires to global justice and the realisation of human rights
and it demands disarmament and the world-wide prohibition of weapons of
mass destruction. (Section 8)
Most of the proposed solutions take their legitimacy from law and in that sense it is a
revival of already gained rights of citizens. We see a mixture of moral values
(especially justice and equality) and lawfulness which constructs the basis of proposed
policy solutions.
As a part of the whole narrative, third chapter is coherent with other parts of the paper
and paragraphs are also coherent with each other. Every section defines a different
problem area and the solutions related to this problem.
Some of the linking concepts and implicatures in the chapter can be listed as anti-
imperialism, internationalism and euroscepticism. Following paragraphs are related to
these implicated concepts:
Our foreign and peace policy has its basis in internationallaw, it aspires to
global justice and the realisation of human rights and it demands disarmament
and the world-wide prohibition of weapons of mass destruction. Only social
justice, sustainable development and democracy can guarantee stability and
peaceful cooperation. (Section 8 – Anti-imperialism)
The goal of the United Nations Charter, to achieve a world of peace and
preservation of human rights, requires further strengthening and
democratisation of the UN, more rights for the General Assembly and
democratic restructuring of the Security Council. Kidnappings, secret prisons
and torture have to be outlawed world-wide. The coordination of international
efforts to achieve a just world economic and social order should be in the hands
of a democratised and strengthened UN. (Section 8- Internationalism)
Through their colonial history and the depletion of resources, through neo-
liberal policy and militarisation in a whole series of regions of the world, the EU
as well is substantially responsible for poverty, civil wars and environmental
and ethnic conflicts in those regions. (Section 8- Euroscepticism)
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Solution parts in the beginning of each paragraph also provide cohesion within the
chapter. Reiteration ‘we’ as well as ‘Die Linke’ is very fre quently used in this chapter
as a part of the solutionhood. The party intensively shares its policy orientations and
plans with the reader.
With the method of respectful partnership between our two parties proceeding
together towards becoming a new left, we have set a signal for overcoming
political and cultural differences between east and west in Germany. (Section 7)
Die Linke stands for development in the direction of the citizen's municipality -
with a participatory budget among other things - in which people can
themselves decide on and manage their own affairs. (Section 4)
The use of two conjunctions are very functional in the chapter. ‘Instead of’ and ‘rather
than’ are used in the title of every section to create a dichotomy and stress the policy
preference of the party. Some of them are:
However this structure is a manipulative one in the sense that first part usually
stresses the positive and undisputable ideal goals whereas the second part is
composed of negative connotations.
4.3.4 Nominalizations
Some of the nouns and nominalizations repetitively used in the text are everybody,
equality, discrimination, solidarity, democratization, peace, justice, distribution,
| 50
security, democracy. Certain sections are identified with one or two nominalizations
more than others. For instance, in the first section ‘Work’, security and gainful e
mployment are the main nominalizations. In the second section ‘Economy and
Environment’, destr uction, taxation and capital yield/capital interest are repetitively
used to emphasize the affects of uncontrolled financial markets/trusts and the party’s
stance to them. Especially the nouns everybody and equality are very frequently used
in this chapter. When we combine this with the use of the notion ‘justice’, we can
conclude that the party’s orientation to politics of equality is very dominantly stressed
in the third chapter along with other related concepts such as opportunity, justice,
discrimination and rights.
In the eight section ‘International Policy and the European Union’, the use of
militarization, military intervention, military potential and military bases gives some
hints about imperial policies and Die Linke’s reaction to them. The link between
imperial policies and the role of EU in these policies are provided by the use of
nominalizations militarization, depletion as well as noun phrases neo-liberal policy and
colonial history. The nominalizations like disarmament, prohibition (of all weapons),
prevention (of civil conflicts), resolution, restoration, democratization and coordination
symbolizes the policy preferences of the party against intervention, deployment,
aggression and violation which carry negative connotations.
4.3.5 Metaphorizations
In the third chapter, it is possible to see two metaphorizations.
Tax loopholes that mostly benefit the wealthy and big earners have to be
rigorously closed and white-collar crime has to be combated more energetically.
(Section 2)
In the metaphor white-collar crime, crime helps to intensify the meaning and evokes
the emotions of the reader. Especially if we consider the decisiveness of middle-class
citizens in elections, this metaphor is an effective one which tries to emphasize the
decreasing wealth of middle-class people in Germany and targets big bourgeoisie as
the committer of the ‘crime’ for implementing market based neo-liberal policies.
Today more than ever before, gainful work is caught up in a tug of war between
the drive for self-realisation on the one hand and exploitation and insecurity on
the other. (Section 1)
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In this sentence the metaphor tug of war creates and intensifies the dichotomy
between self-realization (as a result of democratic socialism) and insecurity (as a result
of neo-liberalism).
It both evokes emotions and tries to convince the reader that a compromise between
two ways is impossible. Hence, the ones who want to get a gainful work should make a
Rather, they prefer to accuse transnational trusts, financial markets and USA partially.
When it comes to criticism of current policy making, mostly passive structures are
used. While talking about policy orientations and suggestions, the ‘we-structure’ is
frequently seen in the text.
Today more than ever before, gainful work is caught up in a tug of war between
the drive for self-realisation on the one hand and exploitation and insecurity on
the other. (Section 1) (Black-white perception)
The right to education free of charge belongs in the Basic Law. (Section 6)
(Source credibility)
Sometimes numbers are given to persuade the reader. These numbers both help to
create credibility for the party and to show the extent of problem to the addresee.
World-wide arms spending has risen to over 1,000 billion dollars. (Section 8)
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4.3.8 Summary
In the third chapter, political alternatives of Die Linke to the current policy making are
structurally summarized as the discursive event ‘What are our solutions’. While doing
that, elaborations are widely used to discuss the core of the problem. Solutions are
generally macro-scaled and technical details are not discussed. It is possible to realize
the will of creating dichotomies in order to convince the addresee. Black-white
perception of the world and fear appeals help to achieve this aim.
One of the important property of this chapter is the ongoing use of legal obligations
and rights. Die Linke finds the Basic Law compatible with the main premises of
democratic socialism and therefore does not develop a full-fledged critique to the
whole capitalist system including legal authority. Rather, they prefer to critize certain
kind of practice of capitalism, which is neo-liberalism.
Implicatures and linking concepts give some clues about the policy orientations of the
party which are not directly expressed. Anti-imperialist, internationalist and
eurosceptic tendencies are observable especially in the eighth section. The party also
emphasizes anti-racism, environmentalism and gender equality repetitively in different
The fourth chapter tries to summarize the strategic objectives of the party. There is a
prelude explaining the possibility of change by indicating electoral success of the left
and resistance movements against neo-liberalism.
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4.4.1 Topicality
The topics and comments pointed out in the remaining nine paragraphs are
summarized below:
p.5 Die Linke’s role in forming a broad-based movement, strategic roles of elections
and political struggles, obligation of state and federal parliaments to be transparent
p.8 Conditions for forming parliamentary alliances with other political forces,
importance of policy making in federal level
p.9 Function of European Left and Die Linke’s participation in it p.10 Macro policy
orientations of Die Linke
So far, the neo-liberal zeitgeist still prevails. Strikes against workplace reductions,
demonstrations against Agenda 2010 and Hartz IV, and electoral successes of the left
show that it does not have to remain that way. Citizens are beginning to resist. (p.1)
We see the economic and social problems primarily as the result of false, neo-liberal-
inspired answers to the new challenges under the influence of capital interests and as
an expression of crisis processes and inconsistencies generated by the capitalist
economy. (p.2)
It will only be possible to resist the influence of neo-liberalism if a broad alliance and
broad-based political movement for a shift in direction is formed in our society. (p.3)
| 54
It will only be possible to change the social balance of forces if the political Left
together with strong forces of the trade unions, globalisation-critical and other social
movements take an active stand, together with socio-critical initiatives and progressive
representatives of science and culture, against neo-liberalism and all oppressive
relationships in society. (p.4)
This is (participation in government) for Die Linke a means of political action and
shaping of society if the prerequisites are given and if Die Linke distinguishes itself
publicly in a recognisable manner with alternative left projects. (p.7)
We enter into such alliances only when it furthers the shift in political direction that we
aspire to. (p.8)
Decisive for having a shift in policy implemented, however, is the federal level. It is
there that most of the requisite competences lie and the course is set in most cases.
The Party of the European Left is a new factor in the political life of Europe. Like our
party in Germany, it is a step towards the unification of the left and offers an
opportunity to get together and shift the balance of power towards a social, democratic
and peaceful Europe. (p.9)
There is a sequence in narration which first implies the necessity of forming alliances in
order to confront the ideology of neo-liberalism. And then some preconditions are
represented in order to clarify the policy preferences of the party. These conditional
propositions also function as syllogistic structures which help to provide coherence.
(See above) Utility is a linking concept which discloses itself in the fifth paragraph:
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with extra-parliamentary forces of the Left, publicity for our own reform
proposals and the introduction of alternative legislation, transparency of
political processes, investigation of the abuse of political power, the
development of new social power relationships and political majorities. (P.5)
Here we see that parliamentarism is seen as an utility for making propoganda and
gaining popular support for policy proposals as well as creating cooperation with extra-
parliamentary forces of the Left. In that sense it is implied that parliamentary work is
one of the platforms of overall political struggle rather than the ultimate goal for the
political party.
Although whole text can be considered as coherent, it is not possible to say that there
is cohesion between paragraphs. That is because every paragraph points out a
different topic. But cohesion is provided within the paragraphs by using anaphoric
references, reiterations and conjunctions.
Die Linke will bring together social protest, the struggle for social improvements
and the development of reform alternatives under the given capitalist conditions
and the shaping of development paths that lead beyond the present society.
None of those three aspects can be neglected in favour of the others. (p.6)
Decisive for having a shift in policy implemented, however, is the federal level.
It is there that most of the requisite competences lie and the course is set in
most cases. (p8)
The Party of the European Left is a new factor in the political life of Europe. Like
our party in Germany, it is a step towards the unification of the left and offers
an opportunity to get together and shift the balance of power towards a social,
democratic and peaceful Europe. (p.10)
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Neo-liberal (p.2), alliances (p.3), movements (p.4), political (p.5), development (p.6),
public (p.7), political action (p.8), in which (p.10).
We want to create a world in which the dignity of each and every person is
really inviolable, in which social justice, freedom and self-determination,
democracy and peace are united, in which human beings live in harmony with
nature. (p.10)
However, DIE LINKE will enter into coalitions with other political parties only if it
can do so without compromising its principles. (p.7)
4.4.4 Metaphorizations
Three metaphors used in the text are:
Die Linke –whether in government or not – is strong only to the extent that it is
anchored in the society and receives the support of the society. (P.7)
Together we fight to ensure that capitalism is not the last word in the history
books. (P.10)
The first metaphor symbolizes whole neo-liberal system with its implementations and
effects on the society. It intensifies the meaning and makes the reader conscious
about the intense influence of neo-liberalism on people.
In the second sentence, the metaphor ‘anchor’ is us ed for expressing strong organic
relationship between the party and society. It both intensifies the meaning and evokes
emotions of the reader.
The third metaphor ‘the last word’ refers to the ca pitalism as an ultimate economic
and sociopolitical system which is not desired and could be ‘fought’. Hence, the party
reminds us that humanity could write its own history and capitalism is just a path
among others which could be changed.
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4.4.5 Nominalizations
Like in other chapters, enlightenment, dignity, social justice, democracy, peace,
freedom, self-determination, improvement and development are the nominalizations
which point out shared value orientations.
It will only be possible to change the social balance of forces if the political Left
together with strong forces of the trade unions, globalisation-critical and other
social movements take an active stand, together with socio-critical initiatives
and progressive representatives of science and culture, against neo-liberalism
and all oppressive relationships in society. (P.4)
gether we fight to ensure that capitalism is not the last word in the history
books. (P.10)
Passive voices are not frequently used. Instead, the personal pronoun ‘we’ is
extensively used in the text. Nearly every paragraph includes ‘we’ s tructure as a sign
of agentive plurality and strong leadership.
| 58
We want to create a world in which the dignity of each and every person is
really inviolable, in which social justice, freedom and self-determination,
democracy and peace are united, in which human beings live in harmony with
nature. (P.10)
At the same time we stand for a new political style of transparency, social
dialogue and direct participation of the citizenry. (P.8)
Like our party in Germany, it is a step towards the unification of the left and
offers an opportunity to get together and shift the balance of power towards a
social, democratic and peaceful Europe. (P.9)
Another way of persuasion in the text is ‘hearer’s share’ which tries to gain the support
of the reader by sharing the responsibility and calling for action.
Together we fight to ensure that capitalism is not the last word in the history
books. (P.10)
4.4.8 Summary
In the last chapter, the main aim is to proclaim the main policy preferences of the
political party as a discursive event. Because of this, the main relational propositions
are conditional ones and they underline the priorities of Die Linke.
It is clearly stated that they oppose the privatisation of welfare services and the
curtailment of social benefits. These two principles are put as a precondition for
forming coalitions with other parties.
Another point emphasized in the chapter is the importance of forming social alliances
both with different segments of society and extra-parliamentary forces of the left to
resist the influence of neo-liberalism. Nominalizations like cooperation, alliance,
movement, unification and opportunity help to give that message.
Metaphors are both used to intensify the effects of neo-liberalism (neo-liberal zeitgeist)
and to show that it can be changed by people (to ensure that capitalism is not the last
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Like in other chapters, moderate discourses about capitalism and neo-liberalism (e.g.
to resist the effects of neo-liberalism) go hand in hand with more assertive ones (e.g.
overcoming capitalism)
It is possible to say that the chapter is coherent with other chapters and within itself
but there is not strong cohesion between the paragraphs. This can be a result of the
attempt to include many different topics into a limited space. However, all separate
topics are related to the each other by labeling them as the by-products of neo-
Persuasion strategies are rarely used and general value orientations are stressed again
to create a consistency between voters and the party. By indicating the necessity of
alliances, the party shares the responsibility with other social forces but also
represents itself as the main actor of change by the extensive use of ‘we structure’
which is a sign of strong leadership.
The Key Programmatic Points Paper is a highly structured text composed of four
chapters and a postscript. Every chapter has different but interrelated discursive
events (Who are we, what is the problem, what are our solutions and what are our
strategic preferences) which construct together the main discourse which is ‘we - as a
new and legitimate political actor - are ready to take responsibility for an alternative
| 60
1. There are contradictory discourses about capitalism. In some parts of the text
capitalism is depicted as an ultimate target which should be fought and
overcome. In these parts, the necessity of creating a new world, being against
the profit derived economies, overcoming capitalist property are pointed out.
However, these anti-capitalist discourse goes hand in hand with a more
conciliatory discourse which proposes reforming capitalism, sustainable
business management and curtailment of the power of the financial markets.
Especially when it comes to propose an alternative policy, this second tendency
becomes the dominant one.
2. This second tendency of conciliation with capitalism discloses itself with the
depiction of neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism, neo-liberal capitalism, capital
oriented neo-liberalisation are different forms of use and seems to be the main
target of criticism. It is shown as the source of all societal problems and
supersede the anti-capitalist discourse throughout the text.
3. In relation to second point, it is possible to say that Die Linke does not
represent a revolutionary understanding of Marxism and socialism. In the first
chapter, the reformist character of the party is clearly stated. Even the
statement ‘overcoming capitalism’ seems to be radical at first glance but refers
to a long lasting process of change. Democratic socialism is justified and
harmonized with the liberal notions of freedom, liberty, rule of law and
individual rights. The delegitimization of neo-liberalism is done by showing its
inconsistency with these notions. Policy proposals of the party are limited to the
current political and economic system and sometimes they are justified by the
regulations of the Basic Law. However, when we look at the argumentation
structure, economic determinism is visible and in that sense it is consistent with
the main premises of classical Marxism.
4. It is also interesting that the party has a tendency to see itself not just as a
governing party but also as a social and political force which controls and
questions parliamentary operations as well as mobilizes people for a change of
policy. This mission is clearly stated in the fourth chapter under the point
‘extra-parliamentary and parliamentary work’. There, it points out the
importance of extra-parliamentary work to achieve a broad-based alliance and
use of parliament to spread the alternative reform projects of the party. In the
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same chapter, conditions for a possible coalition are stressed by the ‘only if’
conjunction. This sho ws us the strict policy preferences of the party and the
role of Die Linke as a catalyst or inhibitor in the German political system rather
than articulating and limiting itself to the parliamentary work.
6. However, this does not directly mean that Die Linke is a nationalist party. The
discourse of internationalism is noticeable in the text. While racism and
nationalism are mentioned together, the EU is seen as an opportunity to fight
against both. The topics like capitalist property relations, division of labour, law,
peace, justice and neo-fascism are handled with an international perspective. It
is not possible to see discourses which praise, prioritize or defense Germany
and the language used to describe today’s Germany is far from being
emotional. Especially, the scarce of metaphorizations in the whole text supports
this claim.
8. Die Linke’s effort to legitimize itself as a new political actor is very obvious. The
first chapter is structured to serve that aim. This effort at the same time is
integrated with the support of democratic socialism. While the party identifies
itself with universal value orientations like freedom, democracy, human rights
and equality, the contingency of democratic socialism with these values is tried
to be proved. In that sense, the first chapter could also be considered as a
| 62
didactic narrative which tries to persuade the reader that a) Die Linke is a new
party b) Die Linke’s ideological framework is democratic socialism c) Democratic
socialism is a humane ideology which suits to the fundamental values of people.
9. Nevertheless, it would not be true to say that Die Linke totally rejects the past
practices of the left and GDR. Rather, the discourse of assessment is observable
especially in the first chapter. The assessment of the past means evaluating the
positive and negative aspects of the previously implemented policies without
any presumptions to which Die Linke calls ‘anti-communist prejudices’ and ‘one-
sided judgements’.
10. The importance of regionality becomes also obvious especially in the third
chapter. In this chapter, there is a special section on East Germany in which the
party underlies its continuous responsibility for defending East German interests
even if the party is anchored both in the East and the West. This is not to say
that Die Linke is a regional party but it has a strong focus on regionality. We
can say that the discourse of defending East German interests presumes and
implies that a) being an East German symbolizes more than a regional
difference and b) social and economic policies in the unified Germany are
offending and can offend East German interests so they should be defended.
This can be interpreted as a strategy which tries to keep the East German
identity awake (an identity which starts with regional belonging but also
embraces social, cultural and economic heredity of the past) by putting
emphasis on discrepancies between two regions/identities. It seems that if the
party can not find suitable maneouvre areas for an embracing political discourse
in the national level, the tendency to play the regionality card and acting like a
regional party is too likely.
11. When we look at the party’s value orientations, we see a strong emphasis on
equality. Although freedom is always mentioned before equality syntactically,
the frequence of equality (28) is more than freedom (19). If we look at the
narrative, the problem of inequality which restricts freedoms is emphasized
more although it is said that the two affect each other reciprocally. In the first
chapter for instance, the outcomes of freedom without equality elaborated in a
more detailed manner than the outcomes of equality without freedom, the
restricting character of economic oppression on freedom is emphasized and it is
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12. The party has an ideological stance in the sense that it supports democratic
socialism and the left politics. The frequent usage of anti-capitalist discourse
reduces its chances to attract voters with different ideological views and makes
the impression of a radical party. This negative impression can be easily
exploited by the political opponents and ‘the extremist party’ discourse is used
as a counte r-strategy.
13. Throughout the text, the target of criticism is sometimes unclear. Especially this
trend shows itself in the public policy debates. In these parts, passive voices
are frequently used and neo-liberal policies as well as global capitalism are
accused for societal problems. However, ruling parties and other national actors
who implement or support these policies are not mentioned. So, we can not see
the ‘negative other representation’ strategy which was expected in the
beginning of analysis. This is the ‘masking’ strategy, which in this context
serves to blur the relation between the action and the actor who is responsible
for the outcomes of the indicated action. That kind of strategy is implemented
to mask the internal political actors and the global dynamics which shape their
policy preferences. Die Linke probably uses this strategy not to be labeled as an
anti-system party because deciphering the relations between political actors
and the global capital necessitates a very critical stance questioning the power
and structure of the capital, its influence on whole political system and the
legitimacy of the political system relatedly. More to that, if they would depict
such an anti-system and extremist party picture, they could also lose the
support of politically moderate (not situated in the extreme right and left)
These outcomes totally overlap with Thompson’s evaluations that we have mentioned
earlier. (Thompson 2009). Focusing on anti-capitalism and neo-liberalism is the main
strategy because the number of people who are disaffected by the outcomes of neo-
liberal policies are increasing. Offering social justice instead of neo-liberal policies
makes sense because this discourse is vague and therefore enables the party to unite
people from different social and political backgrounds. When we consider the changing
character of the labour market which undermined the traditional role of heavy
| 64
industry, Die Linke’s unwillingness to use the words ‘class’ and ‘class struggle’ could be
better unders tood. Besides working class, different segments of society like
unemployed, pensioners or intellectuals are the potential targets of political
Contradicting and intertwined discourses are very common in the text. In some parts,
several concerns like rights of women and environmentalism are mentioned together
noncohesively. In addition to that contradicting opinions about crucial topics are
presented. Radical and moderate discourses about capitalism, defensive and critical
stances towards GDR rule, the use of class struggle with emphasis on new social
movements are some of them. One of the reasons for this could be the heterogeneity
of the party structure. As Nachtwey points out, the different components which formed
Die Linke are reflected within its federal and pluralistic structure. The party is
fragmented into various tendencies and groups such as the Forum for Democratic
Socialism, the Anti-capitalist Left, the Socialist Left and the Communist Platform
(Nachtwey 2009). Because different groups from different ideological and social
backgrounds form the party, it could be expected that this heterogeneity reflects to the
The on-going criticism about being the successor SED and supporter of the socialist
rule in GDR seems to be another factor which affects Die Linke discourses in a negative
way since the establishment of PDS. The party always has to prove that it does not
have extremist tendencies or it is not under the influence of old SED cadres. This
reality always necessitates to defend and justify its position rather than elaborating on
opponent’s position.
After defining the main characteristics of the party discourses and possible
sociopolitical reasons shaping them, it would be also beneficial to indicate some
changes in the political and social sphere in which political discourses also played a
According to Solty, one of the significant changes which is affected by Die Linke’s
discourses is a shift of discourse in public debate. Topics like minimum wage,
underclass and social justice are discussed more intensively. (Solty 2007). This means
the general political discourse shifted to the left.
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Solty shares the results of a poll in order to show how the policy preferences of Die
Linke expanded into the public debate and influenced people. According to the poll of
Die Zeit in 2007: 68% of the population favored the introduction of a minimum wage
demanded by Die Linke, 82% of SPD supporters, 80% of CDU supporters and even
71% of FDP supporters were in favor of rescinding the ‘Pension at Age 67’ bill recently
introduced by the grand coalition, 76% of Die Linke, 72% of SPD and 71% of CDU
supporters and even 57% of the supporters of the free market FDP liberal party were
opposed to (further) deregulations and privatizations and in favor of keeping under
national control the key infrastructural sectors of the economy such as
telecommunications (Deutsche Telekom), postal services(Deutsche Post), the railway
(Deutsche Bahn) and the energy providers, 72% of the population argued that the
government was not doing enough to establish social justice, 46% of the population
think that the power of the labour unions is rather too weak, 64% of the population
opposes the war in Afghanistan, A large majority of the population wants more
expenditure in the field of public childcare facilities (including two-thirds of CDU and
even 82% of FDP supporters) (Solty 2007: 19).
The outcomes of the analysis also show that there is a strong emphasis on issues like
work, unemployment, social justice and equality. These key concepts of the left are
expanded to the whole text and elaborated as crucial problems which would affect the
majority of the society.
Another sign of shifting discourses is the need for discursive change in the opponent
political parties. According to Solty, the SPD is responding to the rise of Die Linke with
double strategies. One of them is to appropriate the rhetoric and demands including
minimum wage or reduced public transport tickets for the needy and the other one is
to nominate leftists as top candidates in two Western federal states. On the whole, it is
possible to observe the increasing use of leftist discourses in SPD and beyond (Solty
Likewise, the Greens have to adopt a new language according to the new political
conjuncture because Die Linke also covers environmental issues and links them to a
wider policy orientations. If we consider the primary discussions in German politics
such as job market, social benefits and the restructuring of welfare state, the single
policy orientation would not be enough to attract voters from different social
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backgrounds in the medium and long-term. Blühdorn also draws attention to this
problem by saying that:
‘Thus, whilst the ‘alternatives’ of the 1970s and 1 980s self-confidently believed in
their own resources and their own networks and institutions, the contemporary
underclass is directly competing for the resources claimed by the mainstream from
which they are excluded. As victims of the ‘political economy of uncertainty’, they are
longing, in both material and non-material terms, for protection, certainty and
guidance rather than independence, flexibility and self determination. Bündnis 90/Die
Grünen, however, neither offers the clear-cut normative truths required to cope with
the complexities and pitfalls of ‘liquid modernity’ nor holds out unambiguous promises
of material provision and inclusion into the consumer culture’ (Blühdorn 2009:14).
Although it is too early to say that Die Linke succeeded in creating a counter-
hegemonic discourse in politics, this is obvious that they manage to disturb the
hegemony of neo-liberal policy orientations by challenging already established
discourses in the public debate. One of them is ‘imperial wars’ and their relation to
neo-l iberalism. Especially, the war in Afghanistan is now widely discussed in the
society and the political parties became more sensitive about their policy proposals on
the issue. Two thirds of the German citizens opposing to the war in Afghanistan proves
that the on-going Afghanistan policy of Germany lacks legitimacy in the eyes of people
(Kurbjuweit 2010). Despite the fact that the decisiveness of public opinion on policy
making in Afghanistan is very debatable, it is still possible to say that Die Linke’s
discourses about the war in Afghanistan created a certain level of public incovenience
and interrogation.
It is also possible that political discourses of Die Linke which are christalized in the Key
Programmatic Points Paper could have a positive impact on the perception of socialism
among citizens. Two different surveys of Der Spiegel and Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung indicate that a majority of the people in Germany see socialism as a good idea
which was applied badly (Solty 2007: 20). In addition to that, a new Spiegel article
published in 2010 also states that 80% of East Germans and 72% of West Germans
could imagine themselves living in a socialist state (2007: 20).
In short, we can say that the political struggle between different actors also reflects to
the use of language and Die Linke is also a part of this struggle. What makes Die Linke
discourses peculiar is their multi-faceted character. While communicating with voters,
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party members and the state, Die Linke should consider many different dynamics and
persuade the audience in several ways. It should not stay as a regional party but it
should also use regionality to keep the traditional support of eastern states alive. It
should not be too radical in order not to be excluded from the political system but it
should also use radical and provoking discourses in order to differentiate itself from
other left-wing parties, especially from SPD. It should not lose the support of working
class people and therefore stick to economic principles but it should also cover
potential voters from different social and economic backgrounds with its discourses.
This tension is clearly seen in the text and it also gives us ideas about the ideological
and programmatic development of the party. The electoral success of the party shows
that it has succeeded to realize this difficult mission to some extent and the strategic
use of language has an important role.
6. Concluding Remarks
The main aim of this study was to show that and how the political discourses of Die
Linke are also part of party’s political strategy and contribute to its electoral gains.
Besides already existing literature focusing on economic and political conjunctures
which paved the way to the rise of Die Linke, we added another dimension to the
analysis namely, the role of language. While doing that, the main motive was to see
the language both as a determining and a determinated component of social life. For
our analysis, this means we have to examine in which sociopolitical conditions the
party discourses are constructed and utilized as a strategy as well as what kind of
impacts these discourses could have on social and political life.
To achieve this purpose, the ‘Key Programmatic Points Paper’ was selected for a
textual analysis. It was written by WASG and Linkspartei.PDS cadres and presented as
a common ground established between two political parties in 2007. This text serves
as a base for the prospective party programme of Die Linke and represents the main
shared concerns about major issues in a structured way. Therefore, it was more
suitable for an analysis than other text genres such as newspaper articles,
parliamentary debates or newsletters.
After choosing the text, we applied Piotr Cap’s analytical categories which were
developed for inaugural speeches in order to make a bottom-up analysis of the party
discourses. Every section was investigated individually and the main strategical uses as
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well as the characteristics of the party discourses were exposed. While doing that, the
historical background of the party as well as the changing character of the political
context due to external political discourses are both considered in order to show the
dialectical relationship between language and social life. We saw that past experiences
and organizational structure of the party sometimes limit the strategy-making ability of
the party. The continuous effort to explain the position of the self rather than focusing
on political opponents is the most prominent sign of that kind of limit. At the same
time, we also observed that the party tries to use new counter-discursive strategies to
exceed these limits, such as the GDR experience, the on-going relations with SED and
Stasi (GDR secret service) members, the changing character of class affairs and the
voter profile were some of the factors which enforce Die Linke to defend and explain
itself as well as its ideological concerns intensively rather than focusing on political
Methodologically, there is not a single way of analysing the texts. Because the
categories used in this research are developed for inaugural speeches, the categories
sometimes did not completely fit into the structure of the text or some other useful
tools and concepts for analysis were set aside to provide consistency. In order to
overcome this problem, unique sets of concepts can be developed for the analysis of
party programmes in the future. If these new categories could be conceptualized and
applied to the party programmes, it would be possible to define the main discursive
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traits in the texts and thereby contribute to the prospective political discourse theory
which has not been written yet.
The scope of this study could be expanded to other party discourses, especially to the
ruling right-wing parties. This is crucial because it could be hypothesized and tested if
the ruling parties are more tended to use discursive strategies in a manipulative way in
order to persuade the society so that they could stay in power. The comparative
analysis of political discourses could give us some insights about the dynamics of
political communication and could help to figure out how far KPPP is a reaction to a
specific political climate and to specific power relations at the time of being written or a
response to other parties discourses at that time.
For the democracy studies, language in politics also plays a crucial role because of its
capacity to determine the flow of discussion about societal problems and to create
public opinion. Therefore, the outcomes of these kind of studies could be compared
with different national contexts in order to expose the differences between the political
actors and the debates about democratization processes could be deepened by adding
the communicative tools into the discussion.
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