Identification of A Staphylococcal Complement Inhibitor With Broad Host Specificity in Equid Staphylococcus Aureus Strains
Identification of A Staphylococcal Complement Inhibitor With Broad Host Specificity in Equid Staphylococcus Aureus Strains
Identification of A Staphylococcal Complement Inhibitor With Broad Host Specificity in Equid Staphylococcus Aureus Strains
Author’s Choice
Staphylococcus aureus is a versatile pathogen capable of caus- The Gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus has
ing a broad range of diseases in many different hosts. S. aureus become a major risk for both human and animal health.
Figure 1. eqSCIN is a novel SCIN variant encoded by prophage !Saeq1. A, location of the scn-eq gene on prophage !Saeq1 of equine CC133 reference
isolate 3711. B, amino acid alignment of eqSCIN (strain 3711) with SCIN-A (Newman) shows that these SCIN variants share 57.8% sequence identity. Conserved
regions are highlighted.
prevalence on !Sa3 is scn, which encodes SCIN, a 9.8-kDa is located downstream of lukQ on the outer end of the prophage
#-helical molecule that specifically blocks activation of the near the attL phage attachment site (Fig. 1A). Previously, we
human complement system (9). found lukPQ and !Saeq1 to be associated with equid strains of
serum in the presence of eqSCIN, and, after washing, surface- ND) but quite highly to human C3b (KD # 140 nM) (Fig. 4 (C
bound Bb molecules were detected using Western blotting. and D) and Table 1).
Whereas human SCIN-A did not affect eqC3bBb stability at the These C3b-binding analyses suggest that SCIN-A is specific
bacterial surface, we found that eqSCIN led to stabilization of for human complement and that eqSCIN might have activity
convertases on S. aureus cells (Fig. 3C). Together, these data against both human and equine complement. To investigate
indicate that eqSCIN blocks complement activation in equine this further, we examined the ability of eqSCIN to inhibit the
serum by stabilization of an inhibited form of the equine AP C3 human complement system. We first measured C3b deposition
convertases. on S. aureus cells using human and horse sera in the presence or
absence of eqSCIN and SCIN-A (Fig. 4, E and F). In agreement
eqSCIN binds equine and human C3b with the SPR results, 100 nM eqSCIN fully inhibited (AP-depen-
Following verification that eqSCIN indeed functions as a dent) C3b deposition in human and horse serum (Fig. 4E),
convertase inhibitor in horses, we wondered whether this mol- whereas an identical concentration of SCIN-A only blocked
ecule has similar host-restricted specificity as human SCIN-A C3b deposition by human serum (Fig. 4F). Examination of
molecules. We therefore performed surface plasmon resonance eqSCIN and SCIN-A across a range of concentrations revealed
(SPR) to compare the affinity of eqSCIN with C3b molecules that eqSCIN (IC50 # 5.1 nM) (Fig. 4E) was 5 times more potent
from equine and human origin (Fig. 4 (A and B) and Table 1). as an inhibitor of human complement compared with SCIN-A
C3b was non-covalently captured on streptavidin biosensor (IC50 # 26.1 nM) (Fig. 4F).
chips using a previously described method where biotin is
site-specifically linked to the thioester domain of C3b that eqSCIN blocks human, equine, and pig complement
normally anchors C3b to a target surface (12, 13). We found The C3b-binding data described above suggested that
that eqSCIN binds with a comparably high affinity to both eqSCIN is capable of inhibition of the complement system of
eqC3b and human C3b (KD # 61 and 230 nM, respectively) multiple host species. To further explore the species specificity
(Fig. 4, A and B). In concordance with previous reports, we of eqSCIN, we used an assay of complement-dependent eryth-
observed that SCIN-A binds very weakly to eqC3b (KD # rocyte lysis to also test sera of other animals (mouse, rat, sheep,
Table 1
Surface plasmon resonance: SCIN/C3b binding parameters
KDSPR,kin, equilibrium dissociation constant derived from rate constants (kd/ka); KDSPR,ss, equilibrium dissociation constant derived from steady-state fitting; ND, not
determined; could not be calculated.
Immobilized ligand Analyte KDSPR,kin ka kd KDSPR,ss
&1 &1
nM M s s&1 nM
Equine C3b eqSCIN 61 ' 3.4 (1.8 ' 1.0) ( 106 (1.1 ' 0.65) ( 10&1 220 ' 6.0
SCIN-A ND ND ND 29,000 ' 1700
Human C3b eqSCIN 230 ' 10 (5.5 ' 0.01) ( 105 (1.3 ' 0.04) ( 10&1 300 ' 12
SCIN-A 140 ' 8.0 (6.3 ' 2.6) ( 105 (9.2 ' 4.3) ( 10&2 140 ' 4.0
guinea pig, goat, cow, and pig). We initially verified that eqSCIN sheep, guinea pig, goat, and cow) revealed that eqSCIN only
could inhibit complement activation in the presence of both blocked equine, human, and pig complement, whereas SCIN-A
equine (Fig. 5A) and human serum (Fig. 5B) in this assay, inhibited the human complement system exclusively (Fig. 5D).
whereas SCIN-A only blocked human complement effectively. As a control, HI serum did not show any hemolysis (Fig. S2).
We also found that eqSCIN inhibited complement activity in Together, these data established that eqSCIN is not specific for
pig serum (Fig. 5C), albeit at only the highest concentration of equine complement but also targets the AP C3 convertase of
inhibitor tested. Testing a broader range of animals (mouse, rat, humans and pigs as well.
Figure 6. Modeling a putative SCIN-A/eqC3b interface. To gain insight into the human-specific nature of SCIN-A activity, the co-crystal structures of SCIN-A
(cyan) in complex with human C3b (gray) were used to model an interaction between equine C3b and SCIN-A. A, SCIN-A Arg-42 forms hydrogen bonds with
three human C3b residues (Pro-555, Ser-741, and Asp-775, marked in yellow) and is critical for mediating high-affinity SCIN-A/C3b interaction. An arginine
residue is encoded at an equivalent position in eqSCIN, and C3b residues that directly contact Arg-42 are conserved between equine and human C3b. B, in
contrast to the conserved Arg-42–mediated interaction, the Gln-49 residue of SCIN-A forms a salt bridge with human C3b residues Ala-735 and Asn-738 (shown
in yellow), whereas in equine C3b (C), this interaction would be abrogated by A735P and N738D substitutions. The equivalent eqSCIN position encodes a Tyr
residue rather than a Gln.
Of the 12 residues that bury more than 10% of total surface area eqC3b relative to SCIN-A or human C3b, respectively. To this