Registration Form Summer Camp
Registration Form Summer Camp
Registration Form Summer Camp
Address _
F. Name and phone # of person(s) to be contacted in case of emergency when you cannot be reached.
Please do not list anyone who is working or lives out of town.
1. _
Name Phone Relationship to Child
2. _
Name Phone Relationship to Child
G. Name and phone # of person(s) authorized to pick up your child from school.
Name Phone Relationship to Child
Name Phone Relationship to Child
Are there any special difficulties such as allergies, physical handicaps or any condition that could affect
your child in school?
2. Child controls his anger: At all times Fairly Well Not at all
3. Child is able to dress and undress: Completely alone With help Not at all
K. Admission Policy
L. Parent Authorization
My child has permission to participate in all school activities except as noted by me.
In the event I cannot be reached, I give my permission to secure emergency medical treatment for
my child .