Specialization in Cakes (Module)
Specialization in Cakes (Module)
Specialization in Cakes (Module)
cannot be overlooked.
Submitted By :
Mohammad Shad Khan
Roll No : 28
Speciality cakes and how their importance
cannot be overlooked.
other icings, and decorated with marzipan, piped borders, or
candied fruit.
For making cakes , there are various methods that can beused.
Most of the times , people prefer making cakes in a short period
of time or some people prefer going by the book.
The 3 main goals of making cakes are :
1. To combine ingredients into a smooth uniform batter.
2. To form and incorporate air cells into the batter.
3. To develop a proper texture in the finished product.
2. Melting
3. Creaming
4. Whisking
5. ‘All in one’(same proportions as the creaming method)
According to PARK, MICHAEL (2013)In order to compensate
for this situation, the marketing psychologist Ernest Dichter
ushered in the solution to the cake mix problem: frosting.
Deprived of the creativity involved in making their own cake,
within consumerist culture[clarification needed], housewives
and other in-home cake makers could compensate by cake
decoration inspired by, among other things, photographs in
magazines of elaborately decorated cakes.
Ever since, cake in a box has become a staple of supermarkets,
and is complemented with frosting in a can.
According to EICHER, L.; WILLIAMS, K. (2009) Along with
cakes that are prepared for special occasions , there also cakes
that can be described by their physical form. Cakes may be
small and intended for individual consumption. Larger cakes
may be made with the intention of being sliced and served as
part of a meal or social function.
The types of shapes are as followed:
1. Bundt cakes
2. Cake balls
3. Conical, such as the Kransekake
4. Cupcakes and madeleines, which are both sized for a single
5. Layer cakes, frequently baked in a spring form pan and
6. Sheet cakes, simple, flat, rectangular cakes baked in sheet
7. Swiss rolls.
to cool air that enters an oven when the oven door is opened
during the cooking process.
Cake is happiness! If you know the way of the cake, you know
the way of happiness! If you have a cake in front of you, you
should not look any further for joy!
- C. JoyBell C.