Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Startup business typically one of the main goals of the business plan is to convince banks, angel
investors, or venture capitalists to invest in your business, by providing startup capital in the
form of debt or equity financing… In order to do so you will have to provide a solid case for
your business idea, this makes your executive summary all the more important.
Taking advantage of the opportunity-explain how will your business will serve the
Business model - describe your products or services and what will make them appealing
to the target market.
Marketing and sales strategy-briefly outline your plans for marketing your
The competition - describe your competition and your strategy for getting market share.
What is your competitive advantage
Summarize the financial plan including projections for at least the next three years.
Owners/Staff - describe the owners and the key staff members and the expertise they
bring to the venture.
Implementation plan - outline the schedule for taking your business from the planning
stage to opening your doors.
Articulates the purpose of your business. In a few sentences describe what your company
does and your core values and business philosophy.
Give a brief history of your company - describe your products and/or services, when and
where it was formed, who the owners and key employees are, statistics such as the
number of employees, business locations, etc.
Describe the evolution of the business - how it has grown, including year-over-year
revenue increases, profitability, increases in market share, number of customers, etc.
If the purpose of updating the business plan is to seek additional financing for expansion,
then give a brief financial summary.
Describe your goals for the business. If you are seeking financing explain how additional
funding will be used to expand the business or otherwise increase profits.
Whether you are a company interested in a captive solar power plant for your needs or a power
producer looking to scale up solar power in your portfolio, Solar Power can design a fully
integrated and customized solar power plant project for you. We have the prowess to manage
solar energy projects of any scale and the much-needed know-how to work within the confines
of regulatory policies and vast geographical parameters.
We have a wealth of experience in managing utility scale projects with insight into what it takes
to work within the demands of regulatory policies and varying geographies, both in urban and
rural areas.
Some of the solar projects listed below are our testaments riding high on our time-tested
knowledge, expertise and seamless execution of complex projects across India.
Solar Power has installed over 17 utility scale solar energy projects across 13 states in India,
exceeding 708 MW. These plants have recorded higher power output than the predicted rate,
exceeding expectations in power generation and effortless maintenance. For example, the 50MW
NTPC has shown a Performance Ratio of 86% in the one year of operation — almost 12% higher
than the 74% generation target with an uptime of 99.6%. All of solar plants maintain an uptime
of 99.6% minimum.
In an age where conventional power sources cannot keep up with energy demands, depending on
another non-renewable and expensive resource like diesel is not a viable option. Designed to
minimize fuel and maintenance costs, solar power plants convert solar energy to electricity in the
most cost effective and efficient way possible. As India’s first and largest integrated solar power
company, we bring you expertise built over extensive experience in developing and deploying
projects over 250 MW for government and corporate clients around the world, with another 500
MW in construction.
Optimal plant performance in the expert hands of Solar Power
The fast growing utility-scale PV industry in India demands well managed operation &
maintenance (O&M) services to keep plant performance at par with the needed expectations as
well as applicable regulations. As utilities embrace and rely on solar PV grid-connected plants
for both commercial and industrial applications, Solar Power has the capabilities as well as
experience in all aspects of solar plant O&M to help deliver optimal power.
What we offer?
Solar Power has unmatched experience in operating and maintaining large utility scale projects
and solar rooftops for the last five (5) years. We also offer monitoring of hardware and services,
based on the solar-log data logger platform from Germany.
Circuit testing
IV curve tracing
Thermal imaging
Retro commissioning
Warranty management
Uptime Management
To monitor the operations & manage maintenance of solar rooftops, Solar Powerhas set up a
network operations center, giving instant business insights as a value added service to our
customers. Solar Power also monitors and maintains rooftop solar projects for its corporate
50 MW for NTPC ( part of the 100 MW NTPC mega solar project) at Anatapur, Andhra
17 MW in Mithapur, Gujarat
10 MW for Jindal Aluminum, Karnataka
We have 206 MW under Tata Power Solar’s of operation & maintenance management program.
Our plants have an average plant up time of more than 99.6% and a proven performance ratio
over industry norms of 85%.
Marquee Projects:
Every organization requires uninterrupted power — the difference lies in how they meet
their requirements. Cost is not the only concern; a dependable source of energy is more
important. If you have a rooftop or land to spare, you can opt for your own solar power plant.
Solar Power has designed and deployed solar PV installations for businesses like Infosys, IBM
and Dell, giving these organizations not only reliable backup power, but also a green and
economical source.
The first thing to think about regarding marketing, whether it’s solar or bouncy balls, is the
customer. Any company that begins marketing by talking about how great they are is making a
mistake. It’s always about the customer, not about you. What’s in it for them? How will they
benefit from your product?
Marketers will tell you to tailor your offerings to the customer’s primary “pain points”. Hunger is
a pain point that helps sell food, for instance. For solar, the main pain points are:
1. Utility bills
3. Jealousy
The primary customer point of consideration for many people considering solar is their monthly
reminder that they’re paying for every load of laundry they do and for all those lights their kids
can’t seem to remember to turn off. According to SolarCity’s Jonathan Bass, however, most
people still perceive solar to be expensive, even though solar prices have dropped
considerably and the long term financial benefits are very clear.
Though I couldn’t find any empirical studies confirming this, many in the solar industry have
told me, from experience, that more people seek out solar information within a day or two of
receiving their utility bill than at any other time during the month.
Target strategy #1: Commit your advertising to educating the customer about the cost savings
inherent in solar. If you know when your local utility sends out bills to customers, you may wish
to target those days with geotargeted web-based advertising, or local TV, newspaper, and radio
The secondary customer pain point, the rising cost of fuel, is notable in that it’s different than the
utility bill. This pain point is something that occurs to people over time, not just at the one time
per month they write a check to their utility. The difference is that this one builds over time–at
some point, the calculator in everyone’s heads starts to urge them to think about their long term
financial health. As more news stories are written about the dwindling supplies of fossil fuels and
the rising costs of gasoline, people start to understand that the cost of solar, which is fixed every
month, is going to be less, in the long run, than continuing down this path.
Target strategy #2: Talk to your customers about the long term costs of unstable fuel supplies.
Coal, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels come with a diminishing supply and an increasing
demand–an economic double whammy resulting in unending price hikes.
The third customer pain point is also one of the 7 Deadly Sins: jealousy. Psychology and
Sociology are ironclad and crystal clear on very, very few things, but one thing that seems to be a
basic human emotion, regardless of where, when, and who, is that people want to keep up with
the Joneses. If someone in the neighborhood gets solar, it’s a symbol of values, self-sufficiency,
independence, and pride. It’s a statement. It’s a vote of confidence in solar technology. But it’s
also an eye-catching reminder that your neighbor has taken a step to improve their family’s
life…and that you haven’t.
Target strategy #3: Tap into the power of community. If you’re on site to do solar in a
neighborhood, go talk to the neighbors. Leave flyers. Ask your customer to refer you to their
neighbors. Put up signs that say you were there, and that this person trusted you to put solar on
their roof. Leave no stone unturned in local marketing.
The last customer pain point is the one that is an important secondary consideration. Yes, people
are concerned about global weirding/warming. Yes, they don’t like the fact that their hard-earned
money goes to support big oil, coal, and natural gas companies that have contributed so much
pollution and that give so much money to politicians in order to keep renewables down. Yes,
they feel guilt that they’re contributing to the destruction of their children’s planet every time
they flip on a light switch. But according to research published on Cost of Solar,
the environmental benefits of solar are a secondary consideration. A full 74% of solar customers
wouldn’t have gotten solar if it didn’t pay for itself. So 26% of the market may be primarily
interested in environmental and social justice reasons, but your primary pain points are clearly
the financial side of the equation.
Target strategy #4: Fill your quiver with all the right arrows. If you don’t know your customer’s
primary interest in solar, ask. If you’re still not sure, or if they’re not giving you a full answer, be
prepared to lead with the financial savings, but to pull out the environmental and social benefits
at a moment’s prompting.
The only thing more important that making “it” all about the customer, is to make sure you know
your industry inside and out. Knowledge of the industry, current events, what your competition
is doing, and the options you can present to your customer are critical elements of a successful
marketing strategy. It’s especially critical if your company does anything other than solar–if you
are a general contractor or an electrician that is also offering solar, customers may not view you
as an expert and may actually harbor some suspicions that you’re a Johnny Come Lately, even if
you’ve been installing solar for a decade or more.
Solar seems like a commodity product to many potential customers, but there are clearly
differences in the quality, durability, and performance of solar panels. I recently had a contractor
present me with two options–one for cheaper, less productive panels, and one for SunPower
panels that he called, “The Rolls Royce” of solar panels. The difference was clear:
Compared to the other panels that were somewhat cheaper, I would have felt like a cheapskate
(and not a very good economist) if I had gone with the others. It’s important to note that not all
consumers are going to be able to afford the better system, but give people the option, and those
who can afford it will see the clear difference. If your competitors are offering just the cheaper
panels, it’ll be clear to the customer who has their best interest in mind in the long haul.
Target strategy #6: Be able to clearly differentiate your products and services. Whether that’s
your long term service plan or your brilliant track record, focus on your strengths and be able to
handle questions about the areas in which you’re not so strong.
Many solar companies spend a lot of money on advertising, whereas others spend money trying
to get referrals. Revolusun, Hawaii’s biggest residential solar company, gives people $500 if they
refer someone to Revolusun who then ends up buying a system. This has sprung a network of
young go-getters who patrol their neighborhoods and go door to door recruiting for the company.
According to the company, this referral strategy does really well, especially in ethnic and close-
knit family neighborhoods, where outsiders (salespeople) are often viewed with skepticism.
Target strategy #7: Nurture your customers and other word-of-mouth disciples. Whether those
folks are in it to help the planet or in it for their own financial gain (or both), give them the
ammunition they need to help you close your next deal.
The other major way to get leads is to partner with organizations whose business it is to generate
those leads for you. Our company uses the online solar savings calculator Cost of Solar for
exactly this purpose. If you Google “cost of solar” our website consistently shows up among the
top three results, and between that and partnering with CleanTechnica and the rest of the
Important Media network, we generate thousands of leads per month of people actively looking
for information about going solar at their home. We give people a free report on solar, specific to
their lives and homes, and then call them to follow up. Once we verify that they’re for real, we
send the leads to solar contractors across the country. One major thing that sets us apart from
other solar lead generators? We only give exclusive leads–there’s no bidding war and we’re not
selling the lead to more than one contractor.
Target strategy #8: Get in front of interested homeowners–people actively seeking information
about putting solar on their roof. Join GridFreedom today to get a steady flow of leads to local
homeowners seeking solar.
One of the big keys to marketing solar is finding great strategic partners. On the surface, the best
strategic partners you may be able to find are other companies in the “green” field that are
already saving people money while saving the planet. Think energy auditors and organic food
co-operatives. Sure, these businesses will have access to a great, fairly well off demographic that
is sustainability minded, and they will have built up a layer of trust that is critical to closing a
sale. Getting a referral from these companies would go a long way to finalizing a deal.
According to Tor Valenza, solar blogger extraordinaire, however, some of the best strategic
partners may be high on the trust scale and low (or less relevant) on the sustainability scale.
Think T-Ball leagues and bowling teams. Sponsor those types of community activities, and the
general impression of your business will rise substantially within that community. There are also
likely to be less competitors working that space than working the natural foods co-op.
Target strategy #9: Potential customers are everywhere, and solar is a large purchase that
requires trust. Build it by making friends where potential customers are…meaning in places you
wouldn’t think of first.
Use humor
Let’s be honest. There are a lot of reasons people buy. The feelings of goodwill and warmth
toward those that make us laugh is unmistakable however, and there are plenty of marketing
studies showing that these feelings do translate into sales. Entertain to captivate. Entertain to
build trust.
Target strategy #10: Entertain and engage your customer. They’ll remember you and appreciate
you for brightening their day. Here’s an example from a solar company called SunRun:
A number of federal laws, regulations, and Executive Orders apply to solar energy development
activities. For the most part, state laws and regulations do not apply to solar energy development
on tribal lands.
The extent to which the federal requirements will apply to specific solar projects on tribal lands
depends upon the nature of the project, its location, and size. In addition, the requirements
applicable to projects conducted under a Tribal Energy Resource Agreement (TERA) may be
different from those that apply to projects developed under other existing regulatory programs.
Follow the links below to learn about federal requirements that may apply to specific activities
associated with solar energy development.
Acoustics (Noise)
Air Quality
Cultural Resources
Antiquities Act
Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments
Ecological Resources
Executive Order 12996: Management and General Public Use of the National Wildlife
Refuge System
Environmental Justice
Executive Order 12856: Federal Compliance With Right-to-Know Laws and Pollution
Prevention Requirements
Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and
Safety Risks
Wilderness Act
Paleontological Resources
Antiquities Act
Visual Resources
Water Quality
Unlike other products, solar panels have not reached a stage where they can pull the customers.
So the very basic concept of marketing is applied at all levels to establish the solar business. The
combination of the product feature, price, place & promotion is known as the marketing mix.
When these are listed in detail, one can get a fair idea as how to strategize its business.
Depending on the need and the customers there are no. of solar cells. Mainly crystalline and thin-
film solar cell is used. Detailed information on Panels, transformers, inverters, Batteries &
necessary construction equipment should be included in the proposal to inform the client of what
they are buying. This forms the quality of solar pv cells and the reliability which customers look
into before making a purchase. The product attributes and reliability have to be captured.
One of the important barriers in the growing solar market. The various price mechanism policies
by local/state government, financing options by the government are making it possible for the
new customers make a purchase. Every state has a different pricing policy when it comes to solar
pv. The primary goal is to promote green energy among customers. Giving tax exemptions and
reducing other duties are few of the measures.
Channels through which solar is sold, also is an area where solar programs have an important
role through their work with installers, developers, and suppliers. Building a strong supplier
network is critical in keeping up with rising demand. There are umpteen developers who directly
involve in selling and distribution. The goal should be to ensure that customers will be able to
access the services in an easier way without much transact delay.
Promotion is yet to take up in this field. But in future we may see a lot of promotional strategies
coming up. There is a lot of personal selling and direct marketing happening now. Using
communications and promotional strategies to favorably present solar in the marketplace and
ensuring that the right messages are presented to the public will help build a stronger market for
solar technologies.
The 4 p’s hereby ensures that all the areas of sales keeping in mind the after sale service an
important part. The marketing plan will only be successful if the consumer finds it reliable.
This has to start with the consumer. Finding the right customer and matching the right product
will only happen if all the 4ps act together.
Shipping and transportation for the solar energy industry involves careful handling of equipment
and sometimes the movement of oversized cargo. Careful planning around transportation for
oversized freight is needed for large-scale projects such as the establishment of a utility-scale
solar power plant. To minimize costs, all the different components must arrive on schedule,
demanding communication and coordination between several parties to make sure everything
comes together on time and within budget. Other types of logistics involved in the solar energy
industry include supply chain management. Many solar companies use third party logistics
partners to warehouse solar equipment such as steel tracker bases and solar panels. They also
manage the individual shipments to consumers or businesses in a more cost-effective and
efficient manner than the solar energy companies themselves.
Whether you need a reliable shipping company to help manage a large solar power plant project,
or you are a solar energy company that needs a safe and reliable shipping partner to handle all of
your warehousing and deliveries, Global Shipping Services has the knowledge, experience and
resources to exceed your standards.
Cost-effective solutions
Shipping Services
We ship cargo by land, air, sea and we offer multimodal transportation services. We always meet
deadlines, and we are known for moving heavy or out-of-gauge cargo that other shipping
companies can’t or won’t handle. We also provide import and export documentation services,
warehousing, and customs brokerage services. Our clients appreciate our level of customer
service and attention to detail. With at least a decade of experience per person, our team has the
knowledge and capabilities to manage solar power transportation projects from start to finish.