Bonding Unit Plan
Bonding Unit Plan
Bonding Unit Plan
47 minute class periods
30 students
Students seated in groups of four (each seated next to a lab partner)
1 Salt vs. sugar lab Salt (ionic) and sugar (covalent) have different properties
Ionic vs Covalent Bonding due to differences in bonding
2 Covalent bond simulation Covalent bonding - bonding that takes place between two
Deep look at covalent non-metals when the atoms share pairs of electrons
bonds ※※
3 Ionic bond simulation Ionic bonding - bonds that take place between a non-metal
Deep look at ionic bonds and a metal due to electrostatic attraction and the transfer of
※※ electrons
6 Creating Lewis Dot Covalent bonds - chemical bonds where a shared electron
Diagrams for Single completes a stable octet in each bonded atom. Lewis
Bonded Polyatomic structures represent bonds and lone pair electrons.
Molecules ※※※
7 Creating Lewis Dot Double and triple bonds involve more than one shared
Diagrams for Polyatomic electron. Polyatomic ions have negative charge when
Ions ※※※ #electrons > # protons. Polyatomic ions have positive charge
when # electrons < # protons.
8 Using Lewis Structures to Resonance structures are the “true” Lewis structure
Understand Resonance represented by the combination of two or more resonance
Structures ※※※ structures
9 Lewis Structures Concept Students will be able to show mastery of the concepts of
Mapping and Summative covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and Lewis structures
Quiz ※※※
Additional Rationales
- Throughout the unit there is a focus on formative assessment. Students turn in classwork at the end of
every lesson. The teacher will check student classwork for understanding and use the classwork to inform
the next day’s teaching. Any misunderstandings the teacher detects through submitted classwork can be
clarified during future lessons.
- There are two students with IEPs in the class. The IEPs mandate that the students receive extra
scaffolding on summative assessments and classwork. Throughout the unit, the teacher gives attention to
ensuring that IEP students receive support from their lab partner. IEP students also receive different
versions of the summative quiz (Version B) at the end of the unit.
- These 9 lessons are only the beginning portion of a large unit on molecules and bonding. After
completing the summative quiz, students would go on to learn about polarity (in depth), naming
compounds, and metallic bonding. Realistically, these 9 lessons might take longer than 9 days, depending
on the class.
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Essential Questions: What are the differences between sugar and salt? What can the melting
point of a substance tell us?
Measureable Objectives:
Infer properties of ionic and covalent compounds based on their results
Observe the melting points of sodium chloride and sucrose
Compile a list of characteristics describing sodium chloride and sucrose that could be
used to help identify them
Melting point
Ionic compound
Covalent compound
Table salt
Table sugar
Aluminum foil
Candle or other flame source
Lab worksheet
Lesson Plan:
Students will keep their lab handout/questionnaire and return an informal lab report on Day 4.
- Rationale: A lab report forces students to look at all of the procedures and data and
make conclusions like real-world scientists would. A written report uses their literacy,
reasoning, and argumentation skills. The teacher is able to assess how well students can
follow the scientific method, explain their work, and construct/analyze data tables.
KJ (a student with Autism) works with JH. His social needs make lab work difficult, but when
KJ works with JH he has an easier time engaging with the material.
YG (a student in a scooter) acts as the inscriber. His physical disabilities inhibit him from
performing the lab, but he is able to observe his lab mates and record any
Read “Covalent Bonding Background Essay”
- Rationale: By reading scientific “literature”, students are engaging in a different kind of
science learning that does not require a teacher or supplemental materials. This would
also appease students who learn best by reading diverse materials.
Name: ______________________
To observe the melting of sodium chloride and sucrose.
To compile a list of characteristics describing sodium chloride and sucrose
that could be used to help identify them.
Table salt (NaCl) – a pinch
Table sugar (C H O ) – a pinch
12 22 11
Always wear safety goggles when handling chemicals in the lab.
Students should wash their hands thoroughly before leaving the lab.
Always use caution around open flames. Keep flames away from flammable
Always be aware of an open flame. Do not reach over it, tie back hair, and
secure loose clothing.
Open flames can cause burns. Liquid wax is hot and can burn the skin.
1. Read the entire procedure before you start and make an appropriate data
table in the space provided below in order to record your observations.
2. Prepare 2 small aluminum “boats” for holding your samples of salt and sugar.
Be sure to fold up the edges and have a good place for the tongs to grasp
the “boat.”
3. Devise a method for supporting your candle.
4. Prepare your “boats” by putting a small amount (about 10 crystals) of table
salt in one, and the same amount of table sugar in the other. Record your
observations about the appearance of each type of crystals in your data
5. Light your candle and then, using tongs, hold the 1 boat over the flame for
7. If any sugar is still present at this point, you may continue to heat it and
watch how it continues to change.
Create an appropriate data table in order to record your observations.
Analysis and conclusions
1. List the elements that make up salt and sugar. Identify the type of the
elements. (Types include: metals, metalloids, nonmetals)
2. Which substance seemed to have the lowest melting point? Why do you think
that is?
Two common types of chemical bonds—ionic and covalent—differ in how the atoms achieve
full outer shells. In an ionic bond, electrons transfer from one atom to the other. In a covalent
bond, the atoms share electrons. Whether a bond is ionic or covalent depends on the
electronegativities of the atoms involved.
Electronegativity is the measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons. Some atoms tend to lose
electrons, while others are more likely to gain them. Elements with low electronegativity, such as
metals, have outer shells that are almost empty; these elements give up electrons fairly easily.
Elements with high electronegativity, such as nonmetals, have outer shells that are mostly full;
these elements tend to hold on to their electrons. In general, elements on the left of the periodic
table have low electronegativities, whereas elements on the right side of the table have high
electronegativities. Ionic bonds form when the electronegativities of two atoms vary
significantly; covalent bonds form when the electronegativities of the atoms are similar.
A single atom is held together by the attraction between the protons in its nucleus and its orbiting
electrons. When two atoms approach each other, each nucleus also attracts the other atom's
electrons. The sharing of valence electrons in covalent bonding is the result of both atoms
"fighting" for the electrons, with neither one "winning." Consequently, the atoms are effectively
bonded together.
If the atoms get too close, they repel each other because of proton-proton and electron-electron
repulsion. A molecule is most stable when its electrostatic potential energy is at a minimum—in
other words, when its atoms are located at a distance where the proton-electron attractions
balance these repulsions. At this distance, the atoms can share their valence electrons and form a
covalent bond.
Covalent bonds can be formed with one or more pairs of electrons. A single bond is the sharing
of one electron pair. It is also common to have double bonds (two pairs of electrons shared
between the atoms) and triple bonds (three pairs of electrons shared between the atoms).
Essential Question: What does “covalent bonding” mean? How do atoms form covalent bonds?
Measureable Objectives:
Students will be able to describe how atoms interact with one another
Students will be able to describe what happens on an atomic level when covalent bonds
are formed
Students will be able to identify covalent compounds
Students will understand the role of energy in molecular stability
Covalent bonds/compounds
Electron sharing
Chromebook cart OR computer lab
Covalent Bonding Tutorial Worksheet
Lesson Plan:
Students turn in their Tutorial Worksheet at end of class for classwork credit
- Rationale: To increase motivation and provide opportunities for assessment, classwork
should be turned in for credit. It also provides data for the teacher to see how well her
students understood the material and if she needs to further address any ideas later on.
Complete “Covalent Bonding Tutorial Worksheet” if not completed in class
Read “Ionic Bonding Background Essay”
- Rationale: By reading scientific “literature”, students are engaging in a different kind of
science learning that does not require a teacher or supplemental materials. This would
also appease students who learn best by reading diverse materials.
Covalent Bonding Tutorial Name ______________________________
1. Describe each atom. How is the movement of the electrons different when the atoms
are close?
2. What happens if you try to move the atoms very close to each other?
8. How are covalent compounds named? (Hint: What is the ending? What do the prefixes
An everyday example of an ionic compound is table salt—sodium chloride (NaCl). Table salt is
actually a lattice, or network, of sodium and chloride ions joined together with ionic bonds.
According to the atomic model, electrons orbit the nucleus at specific levels, or shells. Electrons
fill shells, starting from the innermost, going to the outermost. Atoms are more stable when their
outer shell is filled, and therefore, atoms will lose, gain, or share electrons to complete their outer
shells. Electrons in the outermost shell, which are involved in bonding, are known as valence
When two atoms vary significantly in electronegativity (the measure of the ability of atoms to
attract electrons), they tend to form ionic bonds. Some atoms tend to lose electrons, while others
are more likely to gain them. Elements with low electronegativity, such as metals, have outer
shells that are almost empty and give up electrons fairly easily. Elements with high
electronegativity, such as nonmetals, have outer shells that are mostly full and tend to hold on to
their electrons. In general, elements on the left of the periodic table have low electronegativities,
whereas elements on the right side of the periodic have high electronegativities.
Sodium has relatively low electronegativity, with only one electron in its outer shell. With most
of its outer shell full, chlorine has relatively high electronegativity and needs only one extra
electron to fill its shell. When sodium and chlorine atoms come together, the sodium atom lends
its outer electron to the chlorine atom. The positively charged sodium ion is then attracted to the
negatively charged chloride ion and creates an ionic bond.
When atoms have similar electronegativity, a covalent bond forms. Covalent bonds differ from
ionic bonds in that instead of transferring electrons, the atoms share electrons. Reprinted from
Essential Question: What does “ionic bonding” mean? How do atoms form ionic bonds?
Measureable Objectives:
Students will be able to describe how ions are formed
Students will be able to describe what happens on an atomic level when ionic bonds are
Students will be able to identify ionic compounds
Students will be able to determine the ratio of atoms in a molecule
Ionic bonds/compounds
Electron transfer
Chromebook cart OR computer lab
Ionic Bonding Tutorial Worksheet
Lesson Plan:
Students turn in their Tutorial Worksheet at end of class for classwork credit
- Rationale: To increase motivation and provide opportunities for assessment, classwork
should be turned in for credit. It also provides data for the teacher to see how well her
students understood the material and if she needs to further address any ideas later on.
Complete “Ionic Bonding Tutorial Worksheet” if not completed in class
Salt vs. Sugar informal lab report due tomorrow
Ionic Bonding Tutorial Name ______________________________
1. How do ions interact with one another? (Hint: What do same charges do? What do
opposite charges do?)
7. What might happen with ion pairs? What is this kind of compound called?
a. Draw an example.
Essential Question: What is bond polarity? How can we determine it? What methods can we
use to determine the identity of a bond?
Measureable Objectives:
Students will be able to draw the polarity arrow on a polar bond
Students will be able to determine if a compound is covalent or ionic
Students can discuss the results of their labs
Non-polar covalent
Polar covalent
Polarity PowerPoint
Completed Salt vs. Sugar Lab
Completed Covalent Bonding Tutorial Worksheet
Completed Ionic Bonding Tutorial Worksheet
Covalent Bonding Discussion Questions
Ionic Bonding Discussion Questions
Lesson Plan:
- (10 minutes) Teacher leads a large group discussion based on the ionic bonding tutorial
Discussion Questions:
Why do ionic bonds form between metals and nonmetals?
In the activity, when Na lost an electron, it shrank and the Cl grew in size. Does that say
anything about the location of the electron before and after it was transferred?
Why can different numbers of metal and nonmetal atoms create ionic bonds together?
Teacher can gauge how well her students understood the material and in what areas she may
need to do further teaching from the discussion and class participation
- Rationale: Class discussion is an effective way for teachers to collect data in formative
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Lesson 5: Modeling Valence Electrons of Single Atoms with Lewis Dot Diagrams
Essential Question: What electrons are considered valence electrons and why? How are valence
electrons essential for covalent bonding?
Measureable Objectives:
● Students can identify which electrons in a given full electron configuration are valence
● Students can represent valence electrons by modeling and drawing Lewis dot diagrams of
single atoms
● Valence electron
● Lewis Dot Diagram
● Lewis Theory
● Lewis Theory POGIL Model I
● Bowl of Cheerios at each table
● Set of atom cards for each student
Lesson Plan:
(20 minutes) Students work independently in groups to complete the POGIL worksheet Model 1
- Rationale: POGIL stands for “Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning”. Instead
of teacher-centered lecture, POGIL activities allow students to learn content at their own
pace through thought experiments, diagrams, and analysis questions. POGIL activities
are self-guided and student centered; therefore, students should complete the POGIL
with minimal teacher instruction.
Class discussion to check answers after 10 minutes of independent student work
- Rationale: In my experience, students often need teacher clarification after
completing a POGIL activity to check for understanding, correct misunderstandings, and
interpret confusing directions.
Teacher centered modeling: Teacher demonstrates the method for counting and placing
valence electrons around an atom in a Lewis structure
- Rationale: The teacher models the procedure first so students can see the correct
method for modeling single atoms with Lewis Structures. Although advanced students
may have already learned the procedure from the POGIL, other students will need
additional clarification from the teacher before they’re able to participate in independent
Student centered modeling: Students are each given 10 atom cards representing different
elements. Bowls of Cheerios are placed at the center of each table. Cheerios represent valence
electrons. Atom cards have eight blanks around the central atom to indicate where Cheerios
should be placed.
- Rationale: IEP students in particular will need a stencil to spatially indicate where
electrons should be placed. Although I initially envisioned this accomodation for only
IEP students, I realized all students (especially on the first day of learning about Lewis
Structures) will benefit from this scaffolding.
Students work in groups of 2 to model the Lewis dot structures of 10 different atoms by using
Cheerios as valence electrons
- Rationale: Group work is an engaging way for students to help each other understand
new content. I’ve intentionally seated students such that each table (group of four
students) has at least one advanced student to work with lower level students. Throughout
the lesson, the teacher emphasizes the importance of collaboration and supportive group
work, since students struggle with working with other students who they’re not already
friends with. Using Cheerios to represent valence electrons is an example of using
modeling to teach difficult content. Visual and kinesthetic learners will benefit from the
process of visualizing valence electrons with tangible, three dimensional objects.
Cheerios can be rearranged, thus allowing students to develop and revise their models.
After students create a satisfactory model of each atom using Cheerios, students must record
their finished Lewis dot diagrams on separate sheet of paper to be turned in for credit.
- Rationale: The teacher will collect finished worksheets as formative assessment to
ensure students are drawing the structures correctly
Students turn in their POGIL worksheets and Lewis dot diagram Cheerio diagrams at end of
class for classwork credit
- Rationale: To increase motivation and provide opportunities for assessment,
classwork should be turned in for credit. The POGIL and Cheerio models will be graded
on completion, but the teacher will quickly check student work for correctness in order to
determine whether she needs to address misunderstandings during the next lesson.
● KJ (a student with Autism) works with JH. His social needs make group work difficult, but
when KJ works with JH he has an easier time engaging with the material.
- Rationale: Since Autism presents challenges primarily with socialization, KJ may feel
triggered and anxious during small group work (especially during this lesson’s activity
that involves movement and loud talking). However, KJ seems more at ease and able to
participate in group work when he works with JH. The teacher will intentionally seat KJ
next to JH for this unit in order to facilitate KJ’s ability to participate.
● KJ may have extra time to finish the POGIL activity for homework or with his special
education teacher
- Rationale: These are required accommodations in KJ’s IEP
Cheerio worksheet- Modeling Single Atoms with Lewis Structures
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Lesson 6: Creating Lewis Dot Diagrams for Single Bonded Polyatomic Molecules
Essential Question: How do we count total number of valence electrons given a molecular
formula? Then, how do we build Lewis Dot structures to represent polyatomic molecules? How
is the octet rule a representation of s and p orbitals for main group elements?
Measureable Objectives:
● Starting from a molecular formula, students will be able to calculate the total number of
valence electrons
● Students will be able to draw Lewis Dot structures that follow the octet rule for diatomic and
triatomic molecules
- Rationale: The goal of today’s lesson is to introduce students to the steps of fulfilling
the octet rule. Emphasis on understanding the underlying principles of the octet rule will
occur in a later lesson.
● Covalent bond
● Molecule
● Single Bond
● Octet Rule
● Lewis Theory POGIL Model II
● Lewis Dot atom cards (1 unique card per student)
Lesson Plan:
Students are given individual, unique atom cards with the valence electrons already drawn in.
Students walk around the room. Students must combine their atom cards with other members in
the class to form molecules that follow the octet rule. Once students form a molecule, they must
record the Lewis structure they formed on a separate sheet of paper. Afterwards, students can
leave their group and form a new molecule with a different group.
- Rationale: This is a social activity that gets students moving and interacting with each
other in small groups. I encourage small group work because I want students to interact
with different classmates (especially since many students don’t know each other). Small
group work also allows students to learn from each other. Finally, small group work is
conducive to inquiry based learning. This is an inquiry based activity because students
must work together to explore and experiment with the rules for Lewis structure bonding
with minimal teacher guidance. The teacher will hold students accountable for
participation by requiring students to record the molecules they form on a separate sheet
of paper. Throughout the activity, the teacher will circulate the classroom and monitor
for participation, check for understandings, and identify misunderstandings that should
be addressed later.
Whichever groups can 1) form the largest molecule and/or 2) form the molecule with the greatest
number of different elements can get a prize
- Rationale: Students are more engaged with this added challenge and sense of
Last 5 minutes: Whole class discussion. Students are invited to draw their molecules on the
board. As students share their Lewis structures on the board, the teacher encourages other
students to suggest corrections for any incorrect Lewis structures. Finally, the teacher leads the
class in a discussion to identify the group with the largest molecule and the molecule with the
greatest number of different elements.
- Rationale: This is an opportunity for the teacher to check for understanding to make
sure students can follow the octet rule and draw Lewis structures correctly. Students also
participate in checking for understanding by giving feedback to other students’ Lewis
structures. Emphasis on peer feedback creates a student-centered classroom culture
where students are motivated to rely on each other’s help and ideas for learning.
Students turn in their POGIL worksheets and recorded Lewis dot diagrams at the end of class for
classwork credit
- Rationale: An effective way to hold students accountable for participation is to collect
their work and assign a grade based on completion. The teacher will use the POGIL and
student generated Lewis structures as formative assessment tools to inform tomorrow’s
lesson. Although the teacher will check for correctness, the teacher will not assign a
grade based on correctness. Common mistakes will be addressed in tomorrow’s lesson.
KJ will work with has lab partner JH during the whole class activity. JH will help KJ socialize
with peers and complete the assignment.
- Rationale: Since Autism presents challenges primarily with socialization, KJ may feel
triggered and anxious during small group work (especially during this lesson’s activity
that involves movement and loud talking). However, KJ seems more at ease and able to
participate in group work when he works with JH. The teacher will intentionally seat KJ
next to JH for this unit in order to facilitate KJ’s ability to participate.
KJ may have extra time to finish the POGIL activity for homework or with his special education
- Rationale: KJ has extra time as a required IEP accommodation.
Student Lewis Structure Atom Cards (Each student gets 1 atom)
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Essential Question:
Measureable Objectives:
● Students will be able to draw Lewis Structures of molecules with double bonds, triple bonds,
single bonds, and charges
● Double bond
● Triple bond
● Positive charge
● Negative charge
● POGIL worksheet Model III and Model IV
● Lewis Dot Atom Cards (1 per student)
Lesson Plan:
Students are given individual, unique atom cards with the valence electrons already drawn in
- Rationale: The teacher provides the valence electrons so students can focus on forming
bonds rather than counting valence electrons. Although students are expected to be able
to represent valence electrons around a central atom, it’s important to focus the lesson
on fewer tasks so students do not feel overwhelmed. Focusing the lesson on fewer
concepts also saves time (especially with short 45 minute classes). Later on in the unit
(when students have greater mastery of the content), the teacher can repeat this activity
with the added requirement of drawing in valence electrons.
Students walk around the room. Students must combine their atom cards with other members in
the class to form polyatomic ions that follow the octet rule. Once students form a molecule, they
must record the Lewis structure they formed on a separate sheet of paper. Afterwards, students
can leave their group and form a new group to form a new molecule
- Rationale: We repeat the same learning activity as yesterday’s lesson because students
should be more comfortable with expectations and with working with each other the
second time they do the activity. Now that students are more familiar with the activity,
they can participate more confidently, explore more possible Lewis structures, and
perhaps discover more about the rules of Lewis structure bonding. This is a social
activity that gets students moving and interacting with each other in small groups. I
encourage small group work because I want students to interact with different classmates
(especially since many students don’t know each other). Small group work also allows
students to learn from each other. Finally, small group work is conducive to inquiry
based learning. This is an inquiry based activity because students must work together to
explore and experiment with the rules for Lewis structure bonding with minimal teacher
guidance. The teacher will hold students accountable for participation by requiring
students to record the molecules they form on a separate sheet of paper. Throughout the
activity, the teacher will circulate the classroom and monitor for participation, check for
understandings, and identify misunderstandings that should be addressed later.
Whichever groups can 1) form the largest molecule and/or 2) form the molecule with the greatest
number of different elements can get a prize
- Rationale: Students are more engaged with this added challenge and sense of
Last 5 minutes: Whole class discussion. Students are invited to draw their molecules on the
board. As students share their Lewis structures on the board, the teacher encourages other
students to suggest corrections for any incorrect Lewis structures. The teacher leads the class in a
discussion to identify the group with the largest molecule and the molecule with the greatest
number of different elements. Finally, students compare the structures they created today with
the structures they created yesterday. The teacher can lead a class discussion about the
similarities and differences between today’s structures (double and triple bonds, charges) with
yesterday’s structures (neutral, single bonds).
- Rationale: This is an opportunity for the teacher to check for understanding to make
sure students can follow the octet rule and draw Lewis structures correctly. Students also
participate in checking for understanding by giving feedback to other students’ Lewis
structures. Emphasis on peer feedback creates a student-centered classroom culture
where students are motivated to rely on each other’s help and ideas for learning. We
return to yesterday’s content in order to review yesterday’s lesson and connect
yesterday’s lesson with today’s lesson. This helps students see the bigger picture and
progress made between lessons.
Students turn in their POGIL worksheets and recorded Lewis dot diagrams at the end of class
for classwork credit
- Rationale: An effective way to hold students accountable for participation is to collect
their work and assign a grade based on completion. The teacher will use the POGIL and
student generated Lewis structures as formative assessment tools to inform tomorrow’s
lesson. Although the teacher will check for correctness, the teacher will not assign a
grade based on correctness. Common mistakes will be addressed in tomorrow’s lesson.
KJ will work with has lab partner JH during the whole class activity. JH will help KJ socialize
with peers and complete the assignment.
- Rationale: Since Autism presents challenges primarily with socialization, KJ may feel
triggered and anxious during small group work (especially during this lesson’s activity
that involves movement and loud talking). However, KJ seems more at ease and able to
participate in group work when he works with JH. The teacher will intentionally seat KJ
next to JH for this unit in order to facilitate KJ’s ability to participate.
KJ may have extra time to finish the POGIL activity for homework or with his special education
- Rationale: KJ has extra time as a required IEP accommodation.
POGIL Model III and IV
Student Lewis Structure Atom Cards (Each student gets 1 atom)
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Essential Question: How do Lewis Structures inform Resonance Structures? How do Lewis
Structures capture a “snapshot” of a molecule? How can we use Lewis Dot Structures to
represent Resonance?
Measureable Objectives:
● Students will be able to draw resonance structures given a Lewis Structure
● Advanced students will be able to draw resonance structures given a molecular formula
● Resonance
● POGIL worksheet Model V
● “Lewis Structures Dinner” worksheet
Lesson Plan:
Teacher draws the two resonance structures for the nitrite ion on the board. Teacher proposes the
following discussion questions.
- Discussion questions: “Molecules are like colors that are hard to describe. We have to
use multiple Lewis Structures to act as snapshots to describe a dynamic molecule. How
do you think these two Lewis structures might combine to help us understand the true
nature of the NO2 molecule?”
- Rationale: The teacher relates this discussion to the previous discussion in order to
guide students in understanding the big idea of resonance structures. We don’t expect
students to completely understand resonance through this short discussion. We hope
students can apply this general introduction to resonance to the more detailed POGIL
activity that follows. Introducing the main idea beforehand helps students“see the forest
before the trees” which will help students better handle the details in the POGIL.
Students with disabilities like dyslexia and Autism will also benefit from seeing the big
idea before the details.
Students complete practice problems in groups of two. The worksheet practice problems are
organized by difficulty so students may choose which practice problems are most helpful to
them. Students are not required to complete all practice problems. Students will be encouraged to
pick the practice problems that feel most helpful to them.
- Rationale: The worksheet has a special emphasis on differentiation and choice. Some
students will gravitate towards the simpler problems while others will choose the more
challenging problems. Giving students choices motivates students to complete the
assignment and take control of their learning. Giving choices also increases participation
among students of diverse levels. The teacher has also intentionally seated higher level
students with lower levels students. Since students will work in groups of two, higher
level students can complete more difficult practice problems while helping the lower level
students achieve the less difficult practice problems.
Students submit “Lewis Structures Dinner” worksheet and POGIL
- Rationale: The teacher will grade the “Lewis Structures Dinner” worksheet on
correctness, completion, and quality of group work. The grade will give students
feedback on their performance while also providing the teacher with assessment data to
inform future instruction. The POGIL will be graded for completion only; however, the
teacher will review student answers to the POGIL to check for misunderstandings that
should be addressed in a future lesson.
KJ works with his lab partner JH during Resonance Dinner worksheet. The structure of the
worksheet allows KJ to choose which problems he feels are most helpful to him.
- Rationale: Since Autism presents challenges primarily with socialization, KJ may feel
triggered and anxious during small group work (especially during this lesson’s activity
that involves movement and loud talking). However, KJ seems more at ease and able to
participate in group work when he works with JH. The teacher will intentionally seat KJ
next to JH for this unit in order to facilitate KJ’s ability to participate.
KJ may have extra time to finish the POGIL activity for homework or with his special education
- Rationale: KJ has extra time as a required IEP accommodation.
Technique for explaining resonance structures using cartoon characters
A2) (2 points) How many total electrons and how many valence electrons are in the
molecule Iron (II) oxide (FeO)?
A3) (2 points) How many total electrons and how many valence electrons are in the
molecule H2O?
Neutral Lewis Structures Main Courses
M1) (4 points) Draw the Lewis Structure for the molecule CH3OH
M2) (4 points) Draw the Lewis Structure for the molecule CH3Cl
M3) (4 points) Draw the Lewis Structure for the molecule SO2
S2) (4 points) Draw the Lewis Structure for the molecule CO32-
S3) (4 points) Draw the Lewis Structure for the molecule SO32-
Resonance Desserts
D1) (2 points) Draw three other resonance structures for the PO43- anion shown
D2) (2 points) Draw all relevant resonance structures for the NO3- anion
D3) (2 points) Draw all relevant resonance structures for the SO32- anion
10th grade Chemistry, 47 minutes
Essential Question: How do Lewis Structures help us understand bonding? What types of
molecules and bonds can Lewis Structures represent?
Measureable Objectives:
● Students will be able to create a concept map using knowledge about what Lewis
Structures represent and how Lewis Structures describe bonding
● Students will be able to independently and correctly represent molecules using Lewis
● Concept Map
● Large paper for each pair of students
● Quiz for each student
● Modified IEP quiz for IEP students
Lesson Plan:
Warm Up Question: Below are two ways to represent ammonia. Create a Venn Diagram to
compare and contrast these two methods for representing ammonia.
Students share their Venn Diagrams on the board. Class discussion follows.
- Rationale: Throughout the discussion, the teacher invites students to give feedback to
each other’s Venn Diagrams. Encouraging students to listen and respond to each other
creates a student-centered learning environment capable of holding generative
discussions. The teacher also uses this opportunity to informally assess student work to
inform instruction during the rest of this lesson. For example, if students struggle to
capture the big picture of Lewis Structures using Venn Diagrams, they may struggle
again during the following activities. The teacher will take note of how well students can
create concept maps to inform instruction in the lesson’s next phase.
Students work in pairs to create concept map for Lewis Structures (10
minutes) (Performance Assessment)
Each pair of students is given a large sheet of poster paper and markers to draw their concept
map. The concept map will be graded as a summative performance assessment completed in
- Rationale: We chose to have students work in partners to continue our emphasis on
group work throughout this unit. We also wanted to disrupt traditional individual
summative quizzes by continuing to use inquiry based group work even during summative
Students brainstorm “parking lot” terms in pairs. The teacher will provide IEP students with a
parking lot.
- Rationale: IEP students will need extra assistance in creating their concept map.
Providing IEP students with the parking lot terms in advance will help those students
work at a faster pace
Students work in pairs to format parking lot terms into a concept map
- Rationale: Whenever possible, we try to incorporate partner work so students can learn
from each other and teach each other. The teacher will remind students to be supportive
and work as a team.
Students are encouraged to refer to the rubric throughout
- Rationale: The rubric is meant to ensure that students are aware of expectations for how
their concept map will be graded. The rubric serves as a guide for students to know what
items and labels should be on their concept map.
Students turn in concept maps for performance based assessment credit
Students turn in quiz for test credit
KJ receives a modified quiz in accordance with his stated IEP accommodations for increased
Teacher led example of how to create a concept map for molecular formulas. Students will refer
to this example when creating their concept map for Lewis Structures. Students can also refer to
the grading rubric.
Directions: You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz below. For full credit, show all of your
Part I: Bonding
Covalent bonding happens between what kinds of atoms?
NaCl _______________________
O2 _________________________
CH4 ________________________
CaCl2 ______________________
Cr2O3 ______________________
Describe, in your own words, EITHER covalent or ionic bonding (circle one).
B) Choose three out of five molecules from the box and draw their Lewis structures.
Remember to show all lone pairs as dots around the central atom. If a molecule has
resonance, draw all relevant resonance structures.
Directions: You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz below. For full credit, show all of your
Part I: Bonding
Covalent bonding happens between what kinds of atoms?
NaCl _______________________
O2 _________________________
CaCl2 ______________________
Carbon (C)
Lithium (Li)
B) Complete the Lewis Structures. First, connect all atoms with a single bond. Then, add lone
pair electrons until all atoms have a full octet.