Austria: Solution Provided by Capital Consulting
Austria: Solution Provided by Capital Consulting
Austria: Solution Provided by Capital Consulting
Capital: Vienna
Population: 8,210,281 (July
2009 est.)
Language: German (official)
Currency: Euro
Time zone: GMT + 1 (+2 in
Electricity: 230V; 50 Hz
Cost of Living: Vienna ca. 4%
cheaper than
London (Mercer
Worldwide Survey)
Fiscal year: 1 January to 31
Capital Consulting will discuss your personal circumstances with you and help you to
minimise your tax and social security liabilities, within the bounds of Austrian
Tax Returns
Income is managed tax efficiently, not just in Austria, but also in any other country where
there may be a liability. A tax return is filed each year in Austria with advice and assistance
from Capital Consulting, who will also provide help with filing tax returns elsewhere, if
Income tax
Tax Residents in Austria: are liable to pay Austrian tax on their worldwide income,
Non tax residents in Austria: are liable to pay tax on Austrian-source income only.
Individuals will be regarded as tax residents: if their habitual abode (deemed if they stay for
longer than 6 months) or their domicile (i.e. they permanently occupy a residence) in Austria.
- employment tax credit of EUR 54 per year and traffic tax credit of EUR 291,
- head of household tax credit of EUR 364 per year if spouse does not earn more than
EUR 2’200; the limit is increased if the couple has children,
- tax credit of EUR 700 per child per year, also applies to families who are exempt from
- child allowance of EUR 220 per child per year, reducing the tax base, but only
applicable to taxpaying families,
- allowance for external child care costs up to EUR 2’300, applicable to taxpaying
Social Security
Residents and non-residents working in Austria are required to pay social security
contributions on their gross salary in Austria or in the country of their employer after an E101
has been issued.
o 23,36% for employers on up to EUR 4’020 monthly salary (special rules apply for
th th
specific payments like 13 and 14 salary):
3.00% for unemployment insurance,
3.83% for health insurance,
12.55% for pension insurance,
1.40% for accident insurance,
0.55% for insolvency insurance,
0.50% for a housing fund,
1.53% for the employees’ future fund.
o 18,07% for employees on up to EUR 4’020 monthly salary (special rules apply for
th th
specific payments like 13 and 14 salary):
3.00% for unemployment insurance,
3.82% for health insurance,
10.25% for pension insurance,
0.50% for a housing fund,
0.50% for many employees contribution for a chamber of employees.
Citizens of the EU/EEA Member States, including the new Member States, and Switzerland
are able to work without restriction in Austria.
Certain conditions that restrict the free movement of workers coming from Bulgaria or
Romania may be applied.
Citizens from all other countries need a residence permit and a work permit. In general, the
criteria to obtain these permits are very restrictive. There are some exceptions for highly
qualified people like researchers, but overall the process is lengthy and costly with no
guarantee of success.