Surveying Mobile Television: Claudia Patricia Acevedo, Gabriel Elías Chanchi, José Luis Arciniegas

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International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

Surveying Mobile Television

Claudia Patricia Acevedo1, Gabriel Elías Chanchi1, José Luis Arciniegas1
University of Cauca, Faculty of Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering,
Calle 5 # 4-70, Popayán, Cauca, Colombia

Abstract: This paper will discuss the basic characteristics of television across the Colombian territory. [2]
standards for mobile television (Mobile IPTV, T-DMB, MediaFLO, The following sections will discuss the basic characteristics
ISDB-T, DVB-H), the basic differences at the technical level and of standard television, the basic differences at the technical
finally present an overview of a proposed architecture for the
level and finally present an overview of a proposed
deployment of mobile TV services combining difussion networks
with ad hoc ones, which has been generated from projects architecture for the deployment of mobile TV services,
developed in the experimental laboratory of interactive digital which has been generated from projects developed in the
television at the University of Cauca. experimental laboratory of interactive digital television at the
University of Cauca.
Keywords: Mobile Television, Standards for mobile television,
mobile IPTV, T-DMB, MediaFLO, ISDB-T, DVB-H.
2. Mobile Wireless Communication Standard
1. Introduction in Ad hoc Networks
Mobile networks are by excellence, wireless networks. That
Services for mobile devices have evolved markedly over the
is the reason in this paper a section of wireless
last decade. Currently there are many benefits that can be
communication standard is included.
made from a mobile, such as multimedia messaging, office
The right performance of ad hoc networks in mobile
automation, exchange of content via wireless
networks is natural, due to the conception, however, the
communication, multimedia, games, radio, television, among
natural performance of television networks is through
others, that thanks to the support of multiple networks
broadcast; so, combine the broadcast network with ad hoc
around to a mobile device: cellular network, local wireless
one is a challenger, that can be work adequately in the
networks (WiFi, Bluetooth), metropolitan area networks
interactive services that are added to digital television. In the
(WiMax) and own transport networks of specialized services
last part of this paper this mixture will be explain.
standards (Mobile TV).
Moreover, thanks to the ability to integrate the IP protocol, it
has been possible Internet integration of services previously 2.1 IRDA (Infrared Data Association)
operated independently (television, radio, mail, e-commerce, Networks that exchange information via infrared technology.
among others) on a single platform, taking into account These networks are very restricted due to their short range,
above, with the spread of mobile Internet, a similar necessity of line view without obstacles, and low speed (up
phenomenon is expected in terms of convergence of services to 115 kbps). They are found mainly on laptops, PDAs,
in mobile environments, allowing access to multiple services mobile phones and some printers. IrDA has a significant
anytime and anywhere from a handheld device. role to play in Wireless Personal Area Networks. Its key
One of the services is beginning to have success in features (including short-range, narrow cone, dynamic ad
Europe, is the Mobile TV, which has been considered the hoc connectivity, rapid connection establishment, high data
"killer application" in the near future [1], however it is rates, low power, and low cost) make it an ideal technology
important to note that this service will be successful, as it for certain usage models. In other situations IrDA's ability to
allows ease of convergence of services and provide an co-exist with, and complement Bluetooth solutions also
enjoyable experience for the user, or at least similar to that of make it an important player in this space.
conventional television.
The process of adapting a service management requires new
standards, which should take into account the limitations of 2.2 Bluetooth [5]
the new service environment. In the case of mobile TV, has The main features of this technology are its reliability, low
identified several technologies and standards: Mobile IPTV, power and low cost. The Bluetooth specification provides a
T-DMB, MediaFLO, ISDB-T, and DVB-H. Among these the uniform structure for a wide range of devices to connect and
most widespread standard is the DVB-H (Digital Video communicate.
Broadcasting - Handheld), which has the support of multiple Thanks to its wide acceptance, a Bluetooth device can
device makers and community development around the DVB connect to almost any compatible device that is in the
standard (which is derived from this). vicinity, eliminating borders anywhere in the world.
The importance of the DVB standard is in the wide Electronic devices equipped with Bluetooth technology can
acceptance it has in most European countries in the field of connect and communicate wirelessly via ad hoc networks
Digital TV and the work to be divested itself and its called piconets short range. Each device can simultaneously
derivatives (DVB-H) in Colombia, after in August 2008 the connect up to eight within a single piconet. A device can
National Commission for Television (NTV) will opt for the belong to several piconets simultaneously. The piconets are
acceptance of this standard for the deployment of digital established dynamically and automatically when Bluetooth
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

devices are in the same range. One of the main advantages correctly when is combined with RTP and RTCP protocols.
of Bluetooth wireless technology is its ability to RTSP is based on text, and its principal advantage is that
simultaneously manage both voice transmissions and data. works with user sessions keeping the Independence with
This allows users to enjoy a variety of innovative solutions, other protocols in the transport layer. In the streaming
such as the use of handsfree call handling, printing and fax, services, these protocols allow pause, play, stop, forward and
or timing of applications including PDAs, computers and backward the video. [7]
phones, among many others. RTP: This protocol was defined by the IETF and the ITU.
RTP gives an end to end solution to the multimedia data
3. Television Standard transport in real time. RTP supports different transmissions
as unicast and multicast. It is a transport protocol
3.1 Mobile IPTV independent of the subjacent transport protocols and
Mobile IPTV is commonly known as Mobile TV over IP. networks. When RTP is used for audio and video streaming
This technology describes the services that allow receive over IP networks, the transference is made over UDP to
video or television on mobile and portable devices through warranty the information will be sent in real time. [8]
wireless internet connections. In other words, Mobile IPTV TCP: This protocol is used for sending the streaming play
is the TV transmission system that has all the mobility out. It is oriented to connection, this is, verifies the reception
features and the content is received over IP. The mobile of every packaged sent; this generates an effectiveness
IPTV service is based exclusively on video streaming for reduction on the sending multimedia real time, besides;
multimedia delivery from the service provider to the mobile congest the network in case of a big lost of packages. [9]
devices. [5]. UDP: This is a transport protocol not oriented to connection.
UDP prefers the speed instead of reliability in the delivery of
3.1.1 Protocols information. This is the principal reason that UDP is wide
While the streaming technology has been developed, some used in the world for multimedia real time transmissions. [9].
protocols were created exclusively for such applications.
Some of them are designed to initialize and control the 3.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
streaming session (RTCP, RTSP and SDP), another protocol
was created to transfer data from the payload, and this is a) Advantages [7]
known as RTP. The Figure 1 shows how the TCP and UDP With IPTV, a new interaction level between Internet, voice
operate through the mobile network over IP. UDP protocol is and video was established, this permit the creation of new
used for audio and video streaming, while TCP and HTTP kind of services. Data to be transmitted at high speed are
protocols are used to download files over Internet. sent by different channels, separating the transmission
control and content. All these streams should be sent using
the IP network. This separation ensures the quality of service
and the effective send of multimedia packages.
A big amount of channels could be offered to the users,
letting the users change the schedule and content through the
return channel. This allows the creation of advanced

b) Disadvantages
Because it is based on the IP protocol has not been
standardized or regulated.
Its characteristics depend on the transport network used.

Figure 1. Protocol IP Stack 3.1.3 Deploy Architecture

In the Figure 2 the deployment architecture of IPTV is
In the following section the protocols will be explained. shown.

HTTP: Sends the complete information between the client

application and the server. This protocol is on the
application layer, and allows the remote reception of data. It
is based on transactions and used the request-response
scheme. Use this protocol for the streaming is inefficient
due to this protocol Works over TCP protocol, which
warranty the security in the package delivery to the destiny,
traduce in redundancy of information. [6]
RTSP: Application layer protocol. Establishes and controls
the synchronization time in the multimedia streaming send.
This protocol is not used to deliver the play out. RTSP
controls the network for multimedia services. Works Figure 2. Deployment architecture of IPTV
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

IPTV has an Application Server (S_IPTV) and Content interoperability, although the manufactured heterogeneities
Server (SS_IPTV). SS_IPTV allows sending multimedia of the transceiver and receiver or the heterogeneities of the
content to mobile devices using RTP protocol. SS_IPTV data service and application exist. [13]
allows sending multimedia content to mobile devices
(C_IPTV), while through S_IPTV is consumption of
applications via HTTP. The mobile device must have the
RTP protocol implementation. The IPTV service can be
accessed via cellular network or via WLAN [10]. This
architecture enables the convergence of streaming services to
different types of devices, thanks to ad-hoc networks. Thus it
is possible to access television content through WLAN or via
the cellular network, maintaining the same transmission

3.2 T-DMB (Terrestrial Digital Multimedia


3.2.1 Technical features

T-DMB (Terrestrial Digital Multimedia Broadcast) standard
is an evolution of Korean DAB (Digital Audio Broadcast)
standard, which introduce some significant improvements to
include multimedia services and become more robust the
channel codification scheme. [1]
T-DMB is a standard designed from the beginning to receive Figure 3.Protocol stack [13]
the signal in mobile devices. Currently, it is deployed in
South Korea, China, Hong Kong and Macao.[11] In the Table 1, a summary of the technical features of the T-
The modulation is performed through DQPSK and DMB standard is showed. [1][12]
transmission is performed using OFDM in the access
channel. For the transmission of digital television signals, T- 3.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
DMB uses the Third band and L-band of VHF, using
channels 8 and 12 for TV broadcast. DMB uses 7 video a) Advantages
channels, 13 audio channels and 9 channels of data. In the • Low cost of implantation in countries where DAB
Third band uses the range frequency between 175 and 240 standard is working for digital audio transmission.
MHz, in the UHF band uses the range frequency between • Frequencies used in Third and L band are secure.
791-796 MHz, and in the L band uses the range frequency
between 1452-1478 MHz. [1][12]
T-DMB uses MPEG-4 AVC or ITU-T H.264 for video b) Disadvantages
compression and MPEG-4 Bit-Sliced Arithmetic Coding • The battery consume is not optimized.
(BSAC)/High Efficiency Advance Audio Coding (HE-AAC) Table 1. Technical Features T-DMB
for audio compression. The DMB system also defines the Feature Description
interactive data service functionality in order to provide Frequency band used • VHF
additional information suitable for a display size and to • UHF (470-800MHz)
prepare convergent services between broadcasting and • L Band (1452-1492 MHz)
Band width • 1.5MHz
telecommunications through MPEG-4 BIFS (Binary Format
Modulation method • DQPSK
for Scene) compression. [1][12] Transmission Method • OFDM
The audio, video and interactive data convergence is realized Channel Codification • Convolutional Byte Interleaver
by MPEG-4 systems technology. Normally, multimedia and • RS (Reed Solomon)
audio signals, and interactive data are synchronized Multiplexation • MPEG-4 SL
individually by the MPEG-4 Synchronized layer (SL), then, • MPEG-2 TS
they are multiplexed into a MPEG-2 transport stream (TS); Video Codification • MPEG-4 H.264
Audio Codification • MPEG-1/2 Layer 2
after that, an error correction method is applied, generating
Data Services • MPEG-4 BIFS
the stream in ES147 stream (see Figure 3) [1][12] • PAD
T-DMB includes data transport protocols such as MOT • NPAD
(Multimedia Object Transfer), IP (Internet Protocol) • MOT
Tunneling, and TDC (Transparent Data Channel), which are • IP TUNNELING
specified in the Eureka-147 DAB specification for the
provision of various data services to send text, static image, 3.2.3 Deploy Architecture
moving picture, audio sequence, and the like. Moreover, the In the Figure 4 the deployment architecture of T-DMB is
MOT protocol is designed to be suitable for the transmission shown, in this architecture, 3 important components could be
of various multimedia objects so as to guarantee identified: Service provider, broadcasting system and DMB
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

receiver. [1] Administration). It allows giving services of diffusion to

The Ad-hoc network is included in the return channel, using mobile receivers using OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency
a WAN-PAN Gateway that allows send to the Return Division Multiplexing), needing only three transceivers to
Channel Server the events and responses of interactivity cover a city of great size. Considering that MediaFLO
actions. This implementation is based on [15] and do not operates in the band of the 700 MHz, is an important
affect the broadcasting system. difficulty in the receiver, the proximity of frequencies with
the cellular network. [16]

3.3.1 Technical features

This standard was designed from beginning to receive the
television and audio signals on mobile devices to cover the
deficiency of the American standard (ATSC) has. Actually,
this standard is deployed on United States, United Kingdom.
The modulation is performed through QPSK, 16QAM,
DQPSK, and use OFDM for the transmission. MediaFlo uses
the range frequency 470 MHz-800 MHz from UHF band and
the range of frequency 1452-1492 MHz from L band, getting
a band width about 5, 6, 7 and 8 MHz. [16]
MediaFlo uses MPEG-4 AVC or ITU-T H.264 for video
compression and MPEG-4 Advanced Audio Coding/High
Figure 4.Deployment architecture of T-DMB Efficiency Advance Audio Coding (AAC/HE-AAC) for
audio compression. MediaFlo also defines the interactive
Service Provider: It is composed by 3 important servers: data service functionality in order to provide additional
• DMB Audio and Video Server: This server contains all information suitable for a display size; this interactive data
the audio and video television programs that will be services are offered using IP. [16]
transmitted by the broadcasting system. In the Table 2, a summary of the technical features of the
• Data Server: This server contains all de java application MediaFlo standard is shown.
created with an authory tool, which will be executed by
the middleware in the receiver. Also contain all the data 3.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
services like news, life program, games, etc. This server
receives the interaction of the user with the services. a) Advantages [7]
• Return cannel server: This server manage the interaction • Delivers national and regional programming within a one
of the users and establish a connection with the services RF Channel.
through wireless networks with Internet Access. • Allows interactivity functions and services consumption
Broadcasting System: It is composed by: to users by means of cellular network.
DMB Audio and Video Coder: Receives the DMB audio • Includes IP data services, clipcasting and integration of
and video signals and codifies them in MPEG-4 format. interactive applications.
• Data Coder: Receives the interactive data from • Provides immediate access to real-time data extending
applications and services and codifies them in MPEG-4 the value of the mobile device to an “always on” lifestyle
format. Separates the audio data associated to the content management tool.
from audio data not associated to the content. • Economically delivers content to the masses with a
• Music Coder: Receive the audio data associated to the minimal number of transceivers.
content and codifies to MPEG-4 format.
• Multiplexer: Receive all the audio, video and data b) Disadvantages
MPEG-4 streams and generates a MPEG-2 transport • It is a proprietary system.
stream for the transmission. Table 2. Technical Features MediaFLO
• Transceiver Station: Sends the MPEG-2 transport streams Feature Description
by the broadcast cannel using DMB standard. Frequency band used • UHF (470-800MHz)
DMB Receiver: It is represented by the mobile terminals • L Band (1452-1492 MHz)
Band width • 6MHz
that receive and play the DMB signal. For the interactive • 7MHz
applications or services that use the return channel, the • 8MHz
device uses the cellular or wireless networks to access to the Modulation method • QPSK,16QAM, DQPSK
services. Transmission Methode • OFDM
Channel Codification • Código convolutivo
• RS (Reed Solomon)
3.3 MediaFLO (Media Forward Link Only) Multiplexation • FLO System
It is the acronym of (Media Forward Link Only) which Video Codification • Video MPEG-4
works in channels UHF (716-722MHz) and developed by the Audio Codification • MPEG-4 AAC / HE-AAC
Data Services • IP through cellular network
North American company Qualcomm for the United States.
It is supported and standardized through FLO Forum and of 3.3.3 Deploy Architecture
the NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information In the Figure 5 the deployment architecture of MediaFlo is
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

shown, in this architecture, 3 important components could be (ISO/IEC 13818-7) for audio compression. The data
identified: National Operator Center (NOC), FLO transmission is realized by BML (XHTML), ECMA Script.
Transmitters and FLO receiver. [16][17]
Normally, the multimedia and audio signals, and interactive
data are individually synchronized though common interface
for the MPEG-2 Transport Streams, these streams are
multiplexed in one MPEG-2 transport stream, to which an
error correction method is applied to be codified and sent
over any medium (Satellite, Cable, Air or Mobile) [17]

Figure 5.Deployment architecture of MediaFLO

National Operator Center: Receives the real time Figure 6.Structure of digital transmission system of ISDB-T
content from content providers like satellite network; and the
non real time content from Internet. All these contents are Summary of the technical features of the ISDB-T standard is
reformatted into FLO Packet stream and is distributed over a shown [17][18].
single frequency network to the FLO transceivers. Table 3. Technical Features ISDB-T
FLO Transmitters: Receives the FLO packet stream and Feature Description
convert them into a FLO waveform which is radiated to Frequency band • UHF (470-800MHz)
mobile devices. Band width • 6MHz : 3.7 – 23.2 Mbit/s
FLO Receiver: It is represented by a mobile device with • 7MHz : 4.3 – 27.1 Mbit/s
FLO reception. Counts with access to 3G network to • 8MHz : 4.9 – 31.0 Mbit/s
manage the interactivity with the content and services Modulation • QPSK,16QAM,64QAM, DQPSK
Transmission • OFDM segmented (13 segments per
This architecture enables the convergence of television Method channel)
services through Ad-hoc networks, thus allowing the Channel • Convolute code
contents of the broadcast can be received from WLAN Codification • RS (Reed Solomon)
networks (WLAN Gateway). This ensures the full access to Multiplexation • MPEG-2 Systems
mobile TV services Video Codification • Video MPEG-2
Audio Codification • MPEG-2 AAC
Data Services • BML (XHTML), ECMA Script
3.4 ISDB-T (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting-
Terrestrial) 3.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages

3.4.1 Technical features a) Advantages [16][17]

ISDB-T (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting- • Better improvement of the frequency spectra; this is, in
Terrestrial) is the Japanese standard used for digital audio one channel is possible to offer multiple services, and it
and television transmission. [16][17] is not necessary an additional channel. All of this is call
This standard was designed from beginning to receive the hierarchical transmission.
television and audio signals on mobile devices at the same • ISDB-T generates saving in the transmission
time home television do it. Actually, this standard is infrastructure, just one transceiver is used to offer
deployed on Brazil (including an improvement to support services to fixed, mobile and portable devices.
MPEG-4 on the transmission), Peru, Chile, Paraguay, • To reduce the energy consume, ISDB-T uses partial
Argentina, Ecuador, Venezuela and Costa Rica. [11] modulation, in which the 6 MHz signals are sent, and 432
The modulation is performed through QPSK, 16QAM, KHz signals are received, getting a reduction of speed of
DQPSK, and use OFDM segmented in 13 segments per 1/8 in the modulation.
channel for the transmission. Use the range frequency 470
MHz-800 MHz from UHF band, getting a band width about 3.4.3 Deploy Architecture
6, 7 and 8 MHz. [16][17] Use MPEG-2 (ISO/IEC 13818-2) The deployment architecture of ISDB-T is shown, in this
and H.264 for video compression and MPEG-2 AAC architecture, 3 important components could be identified:
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

Service provider, Broadcasting system and ISDB-T receiver. Technique, consisting in transmit the signals in burst
allowing the receiver to go into sleep mode, waking up when
the service is transmitted. [20]
Table 4. Technical Features DVB-H
Feature Description
Frequency band used • UHF (470-862 MHz)
• VHF (174-240 MHz)
- ho
Band width • 5MHz
• 6MHz
• 7MHz
• 8MHz
Modulation Method • QPSK,16QAM,64QAM
Transmission Method • OFDM
Channel Codification • Convolute code
• RS (Reed Solomon)
Multiplexation • MPEG-2/4 Systems
Figure 7.Deployment architecture of ISDB-T Video Codification • Video MPEG-2 H.264
Audio Codification • MPEG-2/4 AAC
Data Services • IP
Service Providers: This server contains all the interactive
applications and services, which will be executed in the
3.5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
receiver. Also contain all the data services like news, life
program, games, etc. This server keep the interaction of the
a) Advantages
user with the services through the return channel (wireless
networks). • DVB-H can share spectrum (and investments) with
Broadcasting System: This system multiplexes the audio and DVB-T, using hierarchical modulation or multiplexation.
video TV programs with the interactive data; and distributes DVB-H can work without any existent service would be
to the users, through the broadcast channel, in MPEG-2 and disconnected.
sometimes, in MPEG-4 format. • DVB-H uses time slicing to enhance the battery life by
ISDB-T Receiver: It is represented by the mobile terminals leaving the RF front end off 90% of the time. [21]
that receive and play the ISDB signals. For the interactive • DVB-H is an open standard, it is available to everyone to
applications or services that use the return channel, the develop and deploy Mobile TV and Services.
device uses the cellular or wireless networks to access to the
services. b) Disadvantages
The Ad-hoc network is included in the return channel, using • DVB-H is an adaptation of DVB standard used in Europe
a WAN-PAN Gateway that allows send to the Service for standard DTV transmission with a low power mode
Provider the events and responses of interactivity actions. for battery-powered devices.
This implementation is based on [15] and do not affect the • Time to change a channel (Zapping time), about five
broadcasting system. seconds.
3.5 DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting for
3.5.3 Deploy Architecture
The deployment architecture of DVB-H is shown, in this
It is the acronym of (Digital Video Broadcasting). DVB-H is architecture [22], important components could be identified:
an open standard developed by DVB Forum, constitutes a Broadcast Service provider, Broadcast Network, DVB-H
diffusion platform based on IP for mobile and portable receiver, Internet Service Provider, Mediation Platform and
devices. It is a DVB-T adaptation to support limitations of Mobile Cellular Network.
mobile devices. Actually, is the accepted standard by the
European Union and Nokia and Motorola are working in
develop this technology. [19]

3.5.1 Technical features

Actually, this standard is deployed on European Union,
Colombia and Uruguay [12]. That is the reason this paper
contain a section to deep in DVB-H.
The modulation is performed through QPSK, 16QAM,
64QAM, and use OFDM for the transmission. Use the range
frequency 174-240 Mhz from VHF, 470-862 Mhz from
UHF, getting a band width about 6, 7 and 8 MHz. [19][20]
Use MPEG-2, MPEG 4 and H.264 for video compression
and MPEG-2 AAC (ISO/IEC 13818-7) for audio
compression. The data transmission is realized by IP.
Figure 8.Deployment architecture of DVB-H
[19][20] Broadcast Service Providers: This server contains all the
To reduce de power consume, DVB-H applies Time Slicing broadcast content (TV programs) and all the data services
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

associated to the content like news, life program, games, • STB cheaper, due to the European standard has been
bibliography, etc. adopted for more countries than the others standards.
Broadcast Network: This system multiplexes the audio and • The European Union presents a complete offer of
video TV programs with the interactive data and generates International Cooperation.
the object carousel. Also, generates the IP package to • DVB has the option of the reception of signal on mobile
encapsulate the streams in DVB-H standard; and distributes and portable devices
to the users through the broadcast DVB-H channel in • Better audio and video quality.
MPEG-2 and sometimes in MPEG-4 format. • Possibility of doing interactive developments.
DVB-H Receiver: It is represented by the mobile terminals
that receive and play the DVB-H signals. For the interactive Regulatory decisions taken by Colombia were [23]:
applications or services that use the return channel, the • Period of transition from analog to digital television
device uses the cellular or wireless networks to access to the system: maximum 10 years.
services. • Digital Terrestrial Television is free and the open
Internet Service Providers: This server contains all the television licensees must provide the same free content
interactive applications and services, which will be executed broadcasts in analog system, in mobile and digital
in the receiver and are not associated to the content. This television one
server keep the interaction of the user with the services • It is forbidden to transfer to third parties for the operation
through the return channel (wireless networks). of portions of the spectrum. Is assigned to each dealer
Mediation Platform: This system synchronizes the privately operated national television, 6 MHZ.
interactive applications or services with the broadcast
• H.264 and MPEG-4 compression system is adopted,
content. Determines if the interaction receive from the user
according to the recommendation of the ITU.
requires a changes in the broadcast channel or establish the
• In 2010, 25% of the Colombian population must have
direct communication between the receiver and the
DTT (digital terrestrial television).
interactive service.
Mobile Cellular Network: It represents the return channel
As for mobile TV, the national television commission has
used by the mobile devices to interact with the application
not yet specified any regulation about it, which is why the
and services.
mobile operators have not yet gone on experimenting with
This architecture based on mobile TV, does not guarantee
the TV in this medium.
full access to devices that do not support DVB-H standard.
However, thanks to ad-hoc networks is possible to access
At this time, TIGO, is the only operator that is offering
television content for multiple devices. This last aspect is
mobile TV through the 3.5 G network using IPTV, always
taken into account in the proposed architecture for mobile
that the users comply with the following requirements [24]:
TV with DVB-H, presented at the end of this paper.
• The user must have a 3.5G device in the list of allowed
3.6 Digital Television in Colombia
On August 28th of 2008, Colombia chooses the digital • The mobile device must have streaming video
television standard to be used in the country (DVB using capabilities.
MPEG-4 compression system). This decision was taken • The users must pay TV consumption of 1 day valued at
after several forums were making in different regions, the US$ 2 (2010 price).
standards developers (United States, Europe, Brazil, Japan
and China) were visited, working tests were performed and Channels that are available in TIGO services are:
Cablenoticias, MTV, CNN, Discovery Channel, Discovery
meticulous analysis was did to choose the standard that
Kids and Nickelodeon.
offers the betters conditions to Colombia. The country set as
a maximum period of 10 years for transition from analogous
to digital television. [23]
DVB standard was chosen taking in count the technical tests, 4. Differences between the analyzed standards
the socio-economic impact study, the uses, habits and – Comparative Table
preferences viewers study, and the cooperation and Comparison between the analyzed standards in more
technology transference offered by the standard developer. representative aspects is shown. This comparison is the
[23] result of a study realized by Borko and Syed in “Handbook
The European standard presents the following features [23]: of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, and
• Interactive and multi-channel advantages. MediaFLO” book [24] and extract this features directly from
• Better flexibility of the signal in various geographic the respectively standard.
areas. In the Figure 9, the range of frequencies used by the
• Lower estimated costs in implementation. standards is shown [13]. Lets visualize in which frequency
band each standard is work.
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

• DVB-H and MediaFlo systems can achieve better

spectral efficiency than their competitors, having more
possibilities to find available frequency channels in
different broadcasting bands
• All the standards use OFD to transmission modulation,
this strengthens the concept that is the better method to
warranty the efficiency in the use of the frequency and
reduce the interference between channels.

In the other aspects all the standards present similar

behavior and performance, indicating that no one is better o
Figure 9.Band Frequency used by the standards
worst than others, all the standards are good, each one has its
Table 5. Comparative Table own strengths and weaknesses and the use in determine
Feature T-DMB MediaFlo ISDB-T DVB-H country depends of the benefits, support and cooperation
Frequency VHF VHF UHF VHF(174- found by the commission assigned to take the decision.
band UHF 240 Mhz)
862 Mhz)
5. Architecture for DVB-H Mobile TV
Channel 1.56 MHz 5 MHz 6Mhz 5 MHz Considering the network-level convergence around a mobile,
bandwidth 6 MHz 7Mhz 6 MHz
7 MHz 8Mhz 7 MHz
plus the need to provide full service coverage of television,
8 MHz segmented 8 MHz mobile ad-hoc networks are an important input for mobile
in 432 KHZ TV broadcasting on environment: WLAN and PAN
Spectral 0.2-1.2 0.47-1.87 Unkown 0.46-1.86 (Personal Area Networks). This architecture takes into
(bps/Hz) account the involvement of ad-hoc networking environments
Modulation in OFDM OFDM OFDM OFDM television to allow full access to the service. On the other
transmission segmented hand, According to studies of usability and evaluation of
in 13 standard DVB-H, referred by other authors, the main
per channel problems of the mobile TV can be summarized in the
Modulation QPSK QPSK DQPSK QPSK, following aspects: The mobile television based on DVB-H
16QAM QPSK 16QAM, only provides local interactivity [22], The time average to
16QAM 64QAM watch is of 10 minutes during the day [26], the time used in
Average ~1.5 sec. 1.5 sec. ~1.5 sec. ~2.0 sec. changing from a channel to another one is approximately 10
Channel seconds [26], the access to the content multimedia through
Switching an interactive guide is troublesome, considering who can be
spent great part of the time average of use of the device in
Video Watch ~2 hours Goal ~3.8 Unknown Goal ~4
Time with hours (at hours the search of a content or cannel [26], mobile television does
850 mAhr 360kbps) Demo ~2 not offer a simple experience to the user like the
Battery hours with conventional television, as far as the handling of simple
controls [26], the television signal is unstable in regions with
battery non-uniform relief [26], mobile TV is a personal and
Channels Per 3 20 13 9 nonsocial fact [26].
Transceiver channels, channels, channels, 6 channels, From the previous thing it is possible to be deduced that it is
1.5 MHz 6 MHz ~ MHz ~ 6 MHz ~
~ 300kbps 230kbps 300kpbs
necessary to adapt the architecture traditional of mobile
250kbps each each each television. It is important to raise an architecture that gives
each answer to some of the previous problems. This architecture
Channels per ~2 >3 ~2 1.5 has been designed from the projects in the experimental
laboratory of digital television at the University of Cauca and
Max Data Up to 1.4 Up to 15 416 Kbps, 23.75
Rate Mbps Mbps 280 Kbps, Mbps have the following objectives:
1.78 Mbps • To guarantee full interactivity and convergence of
Max distance Up to 90 Up to 25 Unknown Up to 40 additional services (chat, voting, forums, information of
to transceiver Km Km Km
support to the content) by means of a return channel
(cellular network).
After the information from table had been analyzed, the
• To facilitate the access to the contents multimedia,
comparative conclusions are:
improving the form in which the jump becomes from a
• The band frequencies used by the standards are VHF,
channel to another one (zapping). This process must
UHF or a mix of them
become by means of a mechanism that avoids the jump
• MediaFlo and DVB-H offer more bandwidth than the
from a channel to other to find content determined, which
other standards, this permit improve the spectrum to
can be solved changing the traditional way of jump of
distribute more programs and services.
channel by a finder of contents in the interface of the
• DVB-H and MediaFlo give the biggest data rate than the television system [27].
other standards
• To suppress the interactive guide promoting the premise
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

“a click to see” of the conventional television. This the content and they are available throughout the television
aspect can be solved or be replaced by a system of program; within the not associated services they are: chat,
recommendations, which when entering the platform, forums, wikis and within the associates are: surveys, voting
present in screen, a set of channels according to the and information of support to the content. The directory of
profile of the user [27]. services is invoked from the mobile client through cellular
• To offer tie information services with a television network using the protocol of Services Web: REST.
program. Ex: biographies, surveys, etc.; these are known Applications Server: It contains each one of the services
like associated services. pertaining to diverse dispersed suppliers through Internet,
The architecture presented in Figure 10, considers the which are added the Directory of Services.
previous aspects and is based on the architecture for 2.0 It contains each one of the services pertaining to diverse
Mobile TV proposed in [22], from this some modifications dispersed suppliers through Internet, which are added the
related to personalization components and components for Directory of Services. It contains each one of the services
the semantic description of the contents were added. pertaining to diverse dispersed suppliers through Internet,
Additionally, this architecture takes into account ad-hoc which are added the Directory of Services. It contains each
mobile networks, allowing television content can be one of the services pertaining to diverse dispersed suppliers
disseminated in networking WLAN and PAN, as WiFi and through Internet, which are added the Directory of Services.
Bluetooth. It contains each one of the services pertaining to diverse
dispersed suppliers through Internet, which are added the
Directory of Services. It contains each one of the services
pertaining to diverse dispersed suppliers through Internet,
which are added the Directory of Services. Final of
Multimedia Objects Carousel: It is the unit, on which the
suitable contents travel multimedia to the format of mobile
television, which are obtained from the content provider; of
equal way the carousel transports the interactive guide of
television, which operates in this case of transparent way in
the end user, due to expressed usability conditions. The
interactive guide in the present architecture fulfills an
intention different, which consists of registering tie contents
and services in a television program; the registry of this
Figure 10.Deployment architecture of Mobile TV
information realizes the Mediator of Contents and Services
through entrances XML.
In Figure 10, each one of the components of the Architecture
DVB-H Transmitter: Within this unit the transmission of
of Reference is presented. It is important to emphasize that
the content is realized packaging in the multimedia objects
the transmission of the content television multimedia
carousel (content and interactive guide), equipping to the
becomes through channel of broadcast or channel of
content of the necessary characteristics of modulation
diffusion, by means of standard DVB-H, whereas the
demanded by the standard of mobile television: DVB-H.
consumption of the interactive services is realized through a
Mediator of Contents & Services: This block is of extreme
return channel. Considering that a mobile device can accede
importance, since when equipping to the system of mobile
to Internet by means of the cellular network, this becomes
television of bidirectional interactivity by means of a return
the best candidate to act like channel of interactivity. The
channel (cellular network), it is necessary to synchronize this
consumption of services by cellular network becomes
last one with the network of television DVB-H; this process
through protocol REST (Representational State Transfer),
of synchronization consists of tying services and contents
which is an implementation of Services Web that guarantees
through the interactive guide, in such a way that each content
the efficient consumption of data, compared with protocol
has available services in the television program.
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). Next each one of
Hybrid Filter and Ontology: Hybrid filters modules and
the components of the architecture is described.
ontology to handle the information of user preferences
WLAN & PAN Gateway: This module is a gateway
(contents, programs and thematic favorites) by means of
through which it takes the TV signal and mapped to
XQL queries. According to the preferences and through
streaming on WLAN and PAN as WiFi and Bluetooth. Thus
network DVB-H, a series of contents or programs is
convergence can allow teams that do not support the DVB-H
recommended and presented to the user through a mobile
standard through adhoc networks.
browser. In mobile browser there is also a semantic search
Directory of Services: This module contains a catalogue
engine, which links the user preferences with available
with the services to unfold with the content multimedia.
media, presenting at device's screen showing the search
These services are indexed the directory and can be offered
result according to the profile. Thus one looks for to improve
by diverse services providers, thus allowing characteristic of
the traditional form of channel jump to look for the contents
integration and composition. The indexed services can be of
or programs.
2 types: associated or not to the content, in the first case they
Content Repository and Preferences: The content
are unfolded at a certain moment within a television
repositories and preferences are stored multimedia content
program, whereas in the second case they are independent to
providers and user preferences. When a user enters the
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 3, No. 1, April 2011

mobile TV platform for the first time, must register their • IPTV Mobile is the only system that allows the sending
preferences or tastes in content, or thematic programs. When of multimedia content and services over a single network
a user enters the mobile TV platform for the first time, must (cellular network), operating in unicast and multicast
register their preferences or tastes in content, or thematic mode.
programs. This information is stored in the repository of • Although DVB-H technologies is one of the most
preferences, and dynamically changes according to the widespread has the problem of further delay in the
contents that the user consumes and valued. channel change. This is revised in the proposed
The components of ontology and the hybrid filter are architecture.
responsible for recommending new contents from the • A good spectral efficiency is translated into a reduction
updated preferences. Similarly in the process of semantic in the quality of multimedia content.
search of a specific content, the component of ontology • The most economical system to install on equipment and
classifies search results, taking into account user preferences, networks are T-DMB and Mobile IPTV (Based on the
giving priority to the results related to the dynamic profile. cellular network).
Mobile Device: The mobile device is responsible for • The DVB-H standard is the most optimized battery in the
presenting on-screen, the recommendations of content mobile television service.
generated by the hybrid filter and ontology. Likewise, the • One of the trends in mobile TV is to optimize the access
mobile interface presents a search bar for channels or time to media, based on viewer preferences.
content, which lists in screen the contents or channels related
• The architecture proposed in the last section attempts to
to the item to look for and the user preferences. Additionally solve the problems of the standard DVB-H related to
within the mobile interface shows the additional services
channel change time and access time.
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