Communities Around The World
Communities Around The World
Communities Around The World
W.2.8- Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to
answer a question.
RI.2.1 - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to
demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
Objective: With support, the learner will be able to (LWBAT) identify and summarize key details from
a text.
Assessment: Students will complete a graphic organizer summarizing the key details from the
beginning, middle, and end of the text Farmers Grow Corn.
Adaptations for Diverse and Special Needs: I will adapt the material as necessary to fit the individual
needs of the students.
- Front group will work with teacher during the buddy portion and the independent portion
of the lesson if needed.
Anticipatory Set:
- Review Non-Fiction and summarizing
- How to write a summary (have a visual of the step of the process of writing a
- 1. Read text and take notes using your own words
- 2. Reread your summarized notes
- 3. Put the notes in order
- 4. Tell the important information
During Reading:
● Read Passage- On Anchor chart/in student book circle facts that the students learned or what
they thought was important
■ What is a key detail?
■ Where can you find key details?
○ Model - the first two paragraphs
■ Read aloud to students - model think aloud.
■ Circle key details and important information.
● Draw a picture to show key details
● Write sentence summarizing the key details with help from students.
Before writing review what summarizing is quickly.
○ Buddy work- 3rd paragraph
■ Explain that now students will work with an elbow partner to complete the
summary for the middle of the text. Show students the middle of section they
are to work with. Tell them the time limit they will have.
■ Remind them to circle key details and to summarize using their own words.
● Draw a picture and write a summary sentence
■ After call on a couple pairs to share their main takeaways.
● How do you know that is a key detail?
○ Independent work- 4th/5th paragraphs
■ Explain that now students will work independently to complete the summary for
the last section of the text. Show students the last section they are to work
with. Tell them the time limit they will have.
■ Remind them to circle key details and to summarize using their own words.
● They have to draw a picture and write a summary sentence.
■ After call on students to share their main takeaways.
● How do the key details make a difference at the end of the story?
Closure: Have a small discussion about finding key details and their importance.
- How do you know what a fact is a key detail?
- What details are important in order to tell the story? Ex. order