Core Concepts 20-10-2017-Secured

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October 2016
EVO 10000 – 1:2016
October 2016
EVO 10000 – 1:2016

© 2016 Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO). All rights reserved. This document may not be
reproduced or altered, in whole or in part, whether in hard copy, digital, or other form, without
EVO’s prior written consent.
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

Efficiency Valuation
Organization (EVO)
EVO is a non-profit organization whose products and services help people implement and invest in
energy efficiency projects worldwide. EVO´s Vision is to create a world that has confidence in energy
efficiency as a reliable and sustainable energy resource. EVO´s Mission is to ensure that the savings
and impact of energy efficiency and sustainability projects are accurately measured and verified.

EVO Board of Directors

Thomas K. Dreessen, Chair (USA) EPS Capital
Pierre Langlois, Vice Chair (Canada) Econoler
Robert Dixon, Secretary (USA) Siemens
Neil Salisbury, Treasurer (Australia) Point Advisory
Anees Iqbal (UK) Maicon Associates Ltd.
Patrick Jullian (France) IFS2E
Stephane LeGentil (UAE) Etihad Energy Services Company
Mark Lister (Denmark) Copenhagen Center on Energy Efficiency

The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP®) is the leading
international protocol for measurement and verification maintained by EVO. It is updated with the
help of EVO’s IPMVP Committee, a group of industry professionals who volunteer their time and for
whom we are indebted for developing this edition of the 2016 IPMVP® Core Concepts.

IPMVP Committee 2016

Tracy Phillips, Chair (USA) 7th Gen Energy Solutions
Maggie Selig, Vice Chair (USA) Energy Advocates
Jan Bleyl (Austria) Energetic Solutions
Jim Bradford (USA) Mesa Point Energy
Luis Castanheira (Portugal) Energaia
Shankar Earni (USA) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Ellen Franconi (USA) Rocky Mountain Institute
David Jump (USA) kW Engineering
Sami Khawaja (USA) Cadmus Group Inc
Bill Koran (USA) SBW Consulting
David Korn (USA) Cadmus Group Inc.
Ken Lau (Canada) BC Hydro
Christian Lemieux (Canada) Econoler
Christophe Rodriguez (France) EDF Optimal Solutions
Shawn Shaw (USA) Cadmus Group Inc
Kevin Warren (USA) Warren Energy Engineering
Lia Webster (USA) CLEAResult
Hillary Wood (England) EEVS

Core Concepts i
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Message from the Chairman

of EVO
The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol (IPMVP®) is
owned and published by the Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO®). EVO is a non-
profit organization providing resources free of charge to encourage a more
environmentally sustainable world. More information about EVO and our programs
can be found at

The IPMVP represents a structured presentation of common principles and terms

that are basic to any good Measurement and Verification (M&V) process – however, it does not define
the M&V activities for every application. Each M&V project must be individually designed to suit the
objectives and desired accuracy of energy or water-saving efforts. This individual design is recorded in
the project’s M&V Plan and savings are reported as defined by that M&V Plan.

The IPMVP promotes efficiency investments by engaging in the following activities:

» Documenting common terms and methods to evaluate the performance of efficiency projects
for buyers, sellers and financiers. Some of these terms and methods may be used in project
» Providing methods with different levels of costs and accuracy for determining savings either
for the whole facility or for individual Energy Conservation Measures.
» Providing guidance in a way that ensures applicability to a wide variety of facilities including
existing and new residential and commercial buildings and industrial processes.
» Specifying the contents of a Measurement and Verification Plan (M&V Plan). An IPMVP
adherent M&V Plan uses widely accepted fundamental principles, providing the necessary
confidence that savings from the measure or the project can be realized. It is recommended
that an M&V Plan be developed for each project by a qualified professional such as a Certified
M&V Professional (CMVP®).

This document provides the core concepts of M&V. It defines the commonly used terminology and
guiding principles for applying M&V. It describes the project framework in which M&V activities take
place. It describes the contents and requirements of adherent M&V Plans and saving reports. Finally,
it describes the attributes of fully adherent IPMVP projects.

The Efficiency Valuation Organization would like to thank our IPMVP Committee volunteers and our
Organizational Supporters for their contribution offering their support in making this publication

Thomas Dreessen
Chairman of the Board

ii Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

Message from the Chairman

of the IPMVP Committee
The IPMVP Committee (the Committee) is pleased to introduce this new version of
the IPMVP Core Concepts, 2016. The Committee represents a voluntary effort
originally formed in 1995 that serves to help promote and maintain the IPMVP Core
Concepts and supporting reference materials on an ongoing basis. These volunteers
from around the world devote their time and exchange ideas to further the
development of the IPMVP, and continuously update the library of standardized
protocols, references and tools to represent Measurement & Verification best

This Committee is responsible for the changes reflected in this latest version of the Core Concepts.
These changes were developed through a consensus based decision and peer review process, and
reflect years of work. Major changes that were implemented in this current document include:

» Terminology and definitions updated and synchronized with current ISO terminology and
» IPMVP principles clarified
» IPMVP framework updated and reorganized to flow in a more logical manner
» Option elements revised to provide better consistency and clarity
» Development and addition of a complementary M&V Plan elements checklist
» Expansion of the IPMVP adherence requirements

The Committee is currently working on a number of exciting topics, including Statistics and
Uncertainty, Renewable Applications, M&V 2.0 and Relevant Topics, M&V for ESCos, EM&V, among
others. The intent is to develop a series of resources and Application Guides that will support this Core
Concepts document.

As the Chair of the IPMVP Committee, I would personally like to thank the IPMVP Executive Board, all
of our supporters, and the IPMVP Committee volunteers for the efforts to realize this latest version of
the Core Concepts.

Tracy Phillips
IPMVP Committee Chair

Core Concepts iii

Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Table of Contents
1. Scope ................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Normative References .......................................................................................................... 2

3. Terms & Definitions .............................................................................................................. 3

4. Principles ............................................................................................................................. 7

5. IPMVP Framework................................................................................................................ 9
5.1. Measurement Boundary ...................................................................................................10
5.2. Measurement Period Selection .........................................................................................10
5.3. Methods of Adjustment ....................................................................................................11
5.4. Savings Accounting Approaches ........................................................................................12
5.5. Operational Verification ....................................................................................................15

6. IPMVP Options ................................................................................................................... 17

6.1. Overview of IPMVP Options ..............................................................................................17
6.2. Options A & B: Retrofit-Isolation .......................................................................................20
6.3. Option A: Retrofit-Isolation, Key Parameter Measurement .............................................23
6.4. Option B: Retrofit-Isolation, All Parameter Measurement ...............................................25
6.5. Option C: Whole Facility ....................................................................................................26
6.6. Option D: Calibrated Simulation........................................................................................30

7. IPMVP Adherent M&V Plan and Report............................................................................... 35

7.1. IPMVP Adherent Plan ........................................................................................................35
7.2. Additional M&V Plan Requirements for Option A ............................................................41
7.3. Additional M&V Plan Requirements for Option D ............................................................41
7.4. M&V Reports .....................................................................................................................42

8. Adherence with IPMVP ....................................................................................................... 43

iv Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

1. Scope
The Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO) publishes the International Performance Measurement
and Verification Protocol (IPMVP) and related documents shown below to help ensure the accurate
assessment of investment in energy and water efficiency, demand management and renewable
energy projects around the world. In addition to the Core Concepts, several Application Guides
pictured below have been updated as well. All of these resources and more can be found on the EVO

Figure 1. Chart of the IPMVP Core Concepts and Application Guides

Core Concepts 1
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

2. Normative References
The following referenced publications are closely related to the IPMVP and can be useful in applying
the concepts presented in this document. It is the intent of the IPMVP that other industry publications
be used in conjunction with this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document, including any amendment applies.

» M&V Guidelines: Measurement & Verification for Performance Based Contracts, Version 4.0,
U.S. Department of Energy Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP)
» ASHRAE Guideline 14: Measurement of Energy and Demand Savings
» Italian Standard on Energy Service Companies UNI/CEI 11352
» UNE-EN 15900:2010 Energy Efficiency Services Directive 2006/32/EC
» U.K. Electricity Demand Reduction Scheme Pilot Phase II - Measurement and Verification
» U.K. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Guide to Energy Performance Contracting
Best Practices
» Transparence European Code of Conduct for Energy Performance Contracting

2 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

3. Terms & Definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

Note: To maintain clarity in the text, although explicit references to energy are
made throughout the document, the methods described to measure and verify
energy savings apply equally to water measures and their savings.

Adjusted Baseline Energy

The Baseline Period Energy Consumption modified as part of Routine and Non-Routine Adjustments
to account for changes in the Reporting Period.

Avoided Energy Consumption and Demand

Reduction in Energy Consumption, demand or cost that occurred in the Reporting Period, relative to
the Baseline Period, as adjusted for the Reporting Period conditions. Avoided Energy Consumption is
determined by adjusting the Baseline Period Energy to the Reporting Period conditions by using
Routine Adjustments and Non-Routine Adjustments.

Referring to the systems, time period, energy use, or conditions that provide a reference to which
later performance of an Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) or measures can be compared.

Baseline Period
Defined period of time chosen to represent the operation of the facility or system before the
implementation of an Energy Conservation Measure.

Baseline Period Energy

Energy Consumption and demand occurring during the Baseline Period without adjustments.

Building Automation System (BAS)

A measure using the buildings control system to trend data which will be used to assess the
operational and energy performance of conservation measures. The results are then used to inform
the verified saving calculations.

A measure of the rate at which work is done or energy is converted.

Core Concepts 3
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Energy Conservation Measure (ECM)

Action or set of actions designed to improve efficiency or conserve energy or water or manage

Energy Consumption
Quantity of energy applied to any load.

Energy Performance Contract

Agreement between two or more parties where payment is based on achieving specified results, such
as reductions in energy costs or payback of investment within a stated period.

Energy End Use

Application of energy for a specific purpose.

Examples: Ventilation, lighting, heating, cooling, transportation, industrial

processes, production line.

Estimated Value
Parameters used in saving calculations determined through methods other than conducting
measurements. The methods used to estimate values may range from arbitrary assumptions to
engineering estimates derived from manufacturer ratings of equipment performance. Parameter
values derived from equipment performance tests or other measurements that are not made in situ
are considered to be estimates for purposes of adherence with IPMVP.

Independent Variable
Parameter that is expected to change routinely and have a measurable impact on Energy Consumption
and/or Demand of a system or facility.

Interactive Effect
Energy impacts created by an Energy Conservation Measure that cannot be measured within the
Measurement Boundary.

Key Parameter
Critical variable identified to have a significant impact on the energy savings associated with the
installation of an Energy Conservation Measure.

Measurement and Verification (M&V)

Process of planning, measuring, collecting and analyzing data for the purpose of verifying and
reporting energy savings within an individual facility resulting from the implementation of ECMs.

4 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

Measurement Boundary
Notional boundaries drawn around equipment, systems or facilities to segregate those which are
relevant to saving determination from those which are not. All Energy Consumption and Demand of
equipment or systems within the boundary must be measured or estimated.

Non-Routine Adjustment
Individually engineered calculations to account for the energy effects due to changes in the Static
Factors within the Measurement Boundary.

Normalized Savings
Reduction in Energy Consumption, demand or cost that occurred in the Reporting Period, relative to
the Baseline Period, that are adjusted to a common set of conditions. Savings are determined by
adjusting the Baseline Period and Reporting Period data to the common set of conditions using Routine
Adjustments and Non-routine Adjustments. The common set of conditions may be a long-term
average set of conditions, or an agreed upon set of conditions, other than the Reporting Period.

Operational Verification
Confirmation that Energy Conservation Measures are installed and operating as per the design intent
and have the potential to perform and generate savings. This may involve inspections, functional
performance testing, and/or data trending with analysis.

Proxy Measurement
A measured parameter substituted in place of direct measurement of an energy parameter, where a
relationship between the two has been proven on site.

Example: If a relationship has been proven, via measurements, between the

output signal from a variable speed drive controller and the power draw of the
controlled fan, then the output signal may be used as a proxy measurement for
fan motor power.

Reporting Period
Defined period of time chosen for the purposes of verifying savings after implementation of an Energy
Conservation Measure.

Reporting Period Energy

Energy Consumption and Demand occurring during the Reporting Period without adjustments.

Routine Adjustment
Individually engineered calculations to account for the expected change in energy consumption or
demand due to changes in the Independent Variables within the Measurement Boundary.

Core Concepts 5
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Value, in energy units, of energy consumption, water or demand reduction determined by comparing
measured energy values before and after implementation of an Energy Conservation Measure, making
suitable Routine or Non-Routine Adjustments for changes in conditions.

Energy unit savings and resulting cost savings may be reported in the form of Avoided Energy
Consumption and Normalized Savings.

Static Factor
Those characteristics of a facility which affect Energy Consumption and Demand, within the defined
Measurement Boundary, that are not expected to change, and were therefore not included as
independent variables. If they change, Non-routine Adjustments need to be calculated to account for
these changes.

Note: Those characteristics may include fixed, environmental, operational and

maintenance characteristics.

6 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

4. Principles
The IPMVP key principles below provide the basis for assessing adherence to the M&V process.

M&V reports should be as accurate as can be justified based on the project value. M&V costs should
normally be ‘small’ relative to the monetary value of the savings being evaluated. M&V expenditures
should also be consistent with the financial implications of over- or under-reporting of a project’s
performance. The M&V methodology’s accuracy and cost should be evaluated as part of the project
development. Accuracy trade-offs should be accompanied by increased conservativeness with
increased use of estimated values and judgments. Consideration of all reasonable factors that affect
accuracy is a guiding principle of IPMVP.

The reporting of energy savings should consider all effects of a project. M&V activities should use
measurements to quantify the significant effects, while estimating others.

Where judgments are made about uncertain quantities, M&V procedures should be designed to
responsibly estimate savings such that they are not overstated. An assessment of a project’s impact
should be made to assure its energy-saving benefits are both reasonable and conservative with due
consideration to the level of confidence in the estimation.

The reporting of a project's energy performance should be consistent and comparable across:

» Different types of energy efficiency projects

» Different energy management professionals for any project
» Different periods of time for the same project
» Energy efficiency projects and new energy supply projects

Note: Consistent does not mean identical, since it is recognized that any
empirically derived report involves judgments which may not be made identically
by all reporters. By identifying key areas of judgment, IPMVP helps to avoid
inconsistencies arising from lack of consideration of important dimensions.

The determination of savings should be based on current measurements and information pertaining
to the facility where the project occurs. This determination of saving effort must measure the

Core Concepts 7
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

performance parameters that are of concern, or that are least well known, while other less critical or
more predictable parameters may use estimated values.

All M&V activities should be clearly documented and fully disclosed. Full disclosure should include
presentation of all of the elements of an M&V Plan and saving reports. Data and information collected,
data preparation techniques, algorithms, spreadsheets, software, assumptions used and analysis
should follow industry standard practices as closely as possible, be well formatted and documented –
such that any involved party or outside quality assurance reviewer can understand how the data and
analysis conformed to the M&V Plan and savings reporting procedures.

8 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

5. IPMVP Framework
Energy, water or demand savings cannot be directly measured, because savings represent the
absence of energy/water consumption or demand. Instead, savings are determined by comparing
measured consumption or demand before and after implementation of a program, making suitable
adjustments for changes in conditions. The comparison of before and after energy consumption or
demand should be made on a consistent basis, using the following general M&V equation:

Savings = (Baseline Period Energy

– Reporting Period Energy) (Eq. 1)
± Adjustments

Good practice requires that M&V is well integrated into the process of identifying, developing,
procuring, installing and operating energy conservation measures. IPMVP's framework requires
certain activities to occur at key points in this process and describes other important activities that
must be included as part of good M&V practice. This section describes such key elements of IPMVP's

Figure 2. Savings or Avoided Energy Consumption or Demand

Core Concepts 9
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

5.1. Measurement Boundary

Savings may be determined for an entire facility or a portion, depending upon the ECM characteristics
and the purpose of the reporting.

» If the purpose of reporting is to verify the savings from equipment affected by the savings
program, a measurement boundary should be drawn around that equipment and
measurement requirements for the equipment within the boundary can then be determined.
The approach used is the Retrofit-Isolation Option (Option A or B: Defined in Section 6).
Determination of energy may be by direct measurement of energy-flow or by direct
measurement of proxies of energy consumption and demand that can be used to reliably
calculate energy consumption and demand.
» If the purpose of reporting is to verify and/or help manage total facility energy performance,
the meters measuring the supply of energy to the total facility can be used to assess
performance and savings. The measurement boundary in this case encompasses the whole
facility. The approach used is the Whole-Facility Option C: Defined in Section 6.
» If the Baseline Period or Reporting Period data are unreliable or unavailable, energy data from
a calibrated simulation program can take the place of the missing data, for either part or all
of the facility. The measurement boundary can be drawn accordingly. The approach used is
the Calibrated Simulation Option D: Defined in Section 6.
» Any energy effects occurring beyond the selected measurement boundary are called
interactive effects. The magnitude of any interactive effects needs to be estimated or
evaluated to determine savings associated with the ECMs. Although not preferred, interactive
effects may be ignored in some cases provided the M&V Plan includes discussions of each
effect, its likely magnitude and that the magnitude is small compared to savings from the
primary effects.

5.2. Measurement Period Selection

5.2.1. Baseline Period
Care should be taken in selecting the baseline period. The baseline period should be established to:

» Represent operating modes of the facility or the equipment during a normal operating cycle;
the period should spin a full operating cycle from maximum energy consumption and demand
to minimum.
» Include only time periods for which fixed and variable energy-governing facts are known
about the facility.

10 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

Note: The extension of baseline periods backwards in time to include multiple

cycles of operation requires equal knowledge of energy-governing factors
throughout the longer baseline period, to properly derive routine and non-routine
adjustments after ECM installation.

» Coincide with the period immediately before commitment to undertake the retrofit.

Note: Periods further back in time may not reflect the conditions existing before
retrofit and may therefore not provide a proper baseline for measuring the effect
of just the ECM.

» Support ECM planning.

Note: ECM planning may require study of a longer time period than is chosen for
the baseline period. Longer study periods assist the planner in understanding
facility performance and determining the actual normal cycle length.

5.2.2. Reporting Period

The developer of the M&V Plan and saving reports should determine the length of the reporting
period. The reporting period should encompass at least one normal operating cycle of the equipment
or facility, to fully characterize the savings effectiveness in normal operating modes.

Some projects may cease reporting savings after a defined test period ranging from an instantaneous
reading to one or several years. The length of any reporting period should be determined with due
consideration of the life of the ECM and the likelihood of degradation of originally achieved savings
over time.

Regardless of the length of the reporting period, metering may be left in place to provide feedback of
operating data for routine management purposes and to detect subsequent adverse changes in

If reducing the frequency of performance measurement after initial proof of savings, other on-site
monitoring activities can be intensified to ensure savings remain in place.

IPMVP-adherent savings can only be reported for reporting periods that use IPMVP-adherent
procedures. If IPMVP-adherent savings are used as a basis for assuming future savings, future savings
reports do not adhere to the IPMVP. See Section 8 of this document for more information on

5.3. Methods of Adjustment

The adjustment term should be computed from identifiable physical facts about the energy governing
characteristics of equipment within the measurement boundary. Two types of adjustments are

Core Concepts 11
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Routine Adjustments
For any energy governing factors expected to change routinely during the reporting period (i.e.
weather or production volume) a variety of techniques can be used to define the adjustment
methodology. Techniques may be as simple as a constant value (no adjustment) or as complex as
several multiple parameters non-linear equations each correlating energy with one or more
independent variables. Valid mathematical techniques must be used to derive the adjustment method
for each M&V Plan.

Non-Routine Adjustments
For those energy governing factors that are not usually expected to change (e.g., the facility size, the
design and operation of installed equipment, the number of weekly production shifts, or the type or
number of occupants) the associated static factors must be monitored for change throughout the
reporting period.

Therefore, savings can be expressed as:

Savings = (Baseline Period Energy

– Reporting Period Energy)
(Eq. 2)
± Routine Adjustments
± Non Routine Adjustments

The adjustments are used to modify the baseline period energy data to reflect the same set of
conditions as the post-ECM measured data. The mechanism of the adjustments depends upon
whether savings are to be reported on the basis of the conditions of the reporting period, or
normalized to some other fixed set of conditions.

5.4. Savings Accounting Approaches

5.4.1. Reporting Period Basis or Avoided Energy
Consumption or Demand
When savings are reported under the conditions of the reporting period, they can also be called
savings of the reporting period, or avoided energy consumption. Savings stated as avoided energy
consumption quantifies savings in the reporting period relative to what energy would have been
without the ECM. When reporting savings under reporting period conditions, baseline period energy
needs to be adjusted to reporting period conditions. The term forecasting is sometimes used to
describe the adjustment of baseline period energy to reporting period conditions. This common style
of estimating savings can be stated as:

12 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

Avoided Energy (Baseline Period Energy

Consumption = ± Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions
(Eq. 3)
± Non Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions)
 Reporting Period Energy

This equation is often simplified to:

Avoided Energy Adjusted Baseline Energy

Consumption = – Reporting Period Energy (Eq. 4)
± Non Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions

here adjusted baseline energy is the baseline period energy plus any routine adjustments needed to
adjust it to the conditions of the reporting period.

The adjusted baseline energy is frequently found by first developing a mathematical model that
correlates actual baseline period energy data with appropriate independent variables in the baseline
period. Each reporting period's independent variables are then inserted into this baseline
mathematical model to produce the adjusted baseline energy.

This process of calculating savings may be used in reverse, where the reporting period energy
consumption and demand are adjusted to baseline conditions and savings are determined under
baseline conditions. Although rare, it may make sense when more data are available in the reporting
period to develop mathematical models of energy consumption and demand. The term backcasting
is sometimes used to describe this adjustment of reporting period energy to baseline period
conditions. For this style of savings, savings can be reported as:

Avoided Energy Baseline Period Energy

Consumption =  (Reporting Period Energy
(Eq. 5)
± Routine Adjustments to Baseline Period Conditions
± Non Routine Adjustments to Baseline Period Conditions)

This equation may be simplified to:

Avoided Energy Baseline Period Energy

Consumption =  Adjusted Reporting Period Energy (Eq. 6)
± Non-Routine Adjustments to Baseline Period Conditions

5.4.2. Normalized Savings

Conditions other than those of the reporting period may be used as the basis for adjustment. The
conditions may be those of the baseline period, some other arbitrary period, or a typical, average or
normal set of conditions.

Adjustment to a fixed set of conditions (e.g., typical meteorological year weather) provides a type of
savings often called normalized savings of the reporting period. In this method, energy of the
reporting period and possibly of the baseline period are adjusted from their actual conditions to the

Core Concepts 13
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

common fixed or normal set of conditions selected. Another term describing the process of stating
savings under some different set of conditions than the baseline or reporting period is chaining.

Normalized (Baseline Period Energy

Savings = ± Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions
± Non Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)
(Eq. 7)
 (Reporting Period Energy
± Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions
± Non Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)

The calculation of the reporting period routine adjustment term usually involves the development of
a mathematical model correlating reporting period energy with the independent variables of the
reporting period. This model is then used to adjust reporting period energy to the chosen fixed
conditions. Further, if the fixed set of conditions is not from the baseline period, a mathematical
model of baseline energy is also used to adjust baseline period energy to the chosen fixed conditions.

5.4.3. Adjacent Measurement Periods (On/Off Test)

When an ECM can be turned on and off easily, baseline period and reporting periods may be selected
that are adjacent to each other in time. A change in control logic is an example of an ECM that can
often be readily removed and reinstated without adversely affecting the facility operation.

Such on/off tests involve energy measurements with the ECM in effect and then immediately
thereafter with the ECM turned off so that pre-ECM (baseline) conditions return. The difference in
energy consumption and demand between the two adjacent measurement periods is the savings
created by the ECM. Savings are calculated without adjustments if the energy-influencing factors are
the same in the two adjacent periods.

Savings = Baseline Period Consumption or Demand

(Eq. 8)
 Reporting Period Consumption or Demand

This technique can be applied under both retrofit-isolation and whole-facility options; however,
measurement boundaries must be located so that it is possible to readily detect a significant
difference in metered energy consumption and demand when equipment or systems are turned on
and off.

The adjacent periods used for the on/off test should be long enough to represent the stable operation.
The periods should also cover the range of normal facility operations. To cover the normal range, the
on/off test may need to be repeated under different operating modes such as various seasons or
production rates.

ECMs that can be turned off for such testing may be at risk of being accidentally or purposely turned
off when intended to be on. Efforts should be made to ensure the persistence of such ECMs.

14 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

5.4.4. Basis for Adjustment or Which Type of Savings

Factors to consider when choosing between avoided energy consumption and normalized savings

Avoided Energy Style of Savings

» Are dependent upon the reporting period's operating conditions. Even though savings can be
properly adjusted for phenomena such as weather, the level of reported savings depends
upon the actual weather once and are not changed.

Normalized Savings
» Are unaffected by reporting period conditions since the fixed set of conditions are established
once and are not changed.
» Can be directly compared with savings from other ECMs predicted under the same set of fixed
» Can only be reported after a full cycle of reporting period energy consumption and demand,
so that the mathematical correlation between reporting period energy and operating
conditions can be derived.

5.5. Operational Verification

Operational verification consists of a set of activities that help to ensure that the ECM is installed,
commissioned and performing its intended function.

Operational verification serves as a low-cost initial step for assessing savings potential or verifying
performance over time and should be included in the M&V Plan and precede other post-installation
saving verification activities. Operational verification is not necessarily the responsibility of the person
performing the M&V activities but should be verified and documented as part of an M&V effort.

A range of operational verification methods is outlined in Table 1. As noted in the table, selection of
the best approach to operational verification depends on the ECM's characteristics, the level of
uncertainty involved, and the magnitude of the savings at risk. Data collected during the operational
verification may be used during actual M&V.

During an independent review of reported savings, in addition to field verification of the installation,
the reviewer shall conduct activities needed to observe that the ECM is based on sound scientific
principles and that independent evidence exists to support any ex-ante (pre-M&V) claims made
regarding its efficacy.

Core Concepts 15
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Table 1. Operational Verification Approaches

Operational Verification
Typical ECM Application Activities
ECM will perform as anticipated when
View and verify the physical
properly installed. Direct
Visual Inspection installation of the ECM. (e.g.,
measurement of ECM performance is
windows, insulation, passive devices)
not possible.
Achieved ECM performance can vary
Measure single or multiple key
Sample Spot from published data based on
parameters for a representative
Measurements installation details or component
sample of the ECM installations.
Tests for functionality and proper
control. Measure key parameters.
May involve conducting test designed
ECM performance may vary
Short-Term Performance to capture the component operating
depending on actual load, controls or
Testing over its full range or performance
interoperability of components.
data collection over sufficient period
of time to characterize the full range
of operations.
ECM performance may vary
Set up trends and review data or
depending on actual load and
control logic. Measurement period
controls. Component or system is
Data Trending and may last for a few days to a few
being monitored and controlled
Control-Logic Review weeks, depending on the period
through Building Automation System
needed to capture the full range of
(BAS) or can be monitored through
independent meters.

Operational verification can be integrated into commissioning efforts, coordinating data collection
and analysis tasks, the results of which can be used both to support the M&V quantitative efforts and
determine proper performance of the ECMs. Over time, as the M&V effort continues into subsequent
years of the reporting period, the operational verification efforts can continue to assess proper
performance of the ECMs, helping to ensure persistence of savings year-after-year.

16 Core Concepts
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6. IPMVP Options
6.1. Overview of IPMVP Options
IPMVP provides options for developing and implementing a quality M&V process. These options are
related to the concept of measurement boundaries described earlier. In addition, different methods
of calculating savings are available. Each requires data on energy consumption, demand and other
parameters. This section describes IPMVP's options and methods for determining energy savings.
IPMVP provides four Options for determining savings (A, B, C and D). Choosing options involves many
considerations including the location of the ECM measurement boundary. The energy quantities in
the different savings equations can be measured by one or more of the following techniques:

» Utility or fuel supplier invoices or reading utility meters and making the same adjustments to
the readings that the utility makes.
» Special meters isolating an ECM or portion of a facility from the rest of the facility.
Measurements may be periodic for short intervals or continuous throughout the baseline or
reporting periods.
» Separate measurements of parameters used in computing energy consumption and demand.
» Measurement of proven proxies for energy consumption and demand.
» Computer simulation that is calibrated to some actual performance data for the system or
facility being modelled.

If the energy parameter is already known with adequate accuracy or when it is more costly to measure
than justified by the increase in certainty, then measurement of energy may not be necessary or
appropriate. In these cases, estimates may be made of some ECM parameters, but others must be
measured (Option A only).

If it is decided to determine savings at the facility level, Option C or D may be favored. However, if
only the performance of the ECM itself is of concern, a retrofit-isolation technique may be more
suitable (Option A, B, or D). Table 2 summarizes the four options that are detailed in this section.

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Table 2. Overview of IPMVP Options

IPMVP Option Definition How Savings are Calculated Typical Applications

» Savings are determined by field
measurement of the key
parameter(s), which define the
energy consumption and demand of
the ECM's affected system(s) or the
success of the project.
» Measurement frequency ranges » Engineering calculation of baseline
from short-term to continuous, period energy and reporting period
depending on the expected energy from: short-term or
variations in the measured
parameter and the length of the
reporting period. Parameters not
continuous measurements of key
parameter(s) and estimated values
» A lighting retrofit where the power
draw is the key parameter measured
and secondly, lighting operating
» Routine and non-routine hours are estimated based on facility
Key Parameter selected for field measurements are
adjustments as required. Key schedules and occupant behavior.
Measurement estimated values. Estimates can be
based on historical data, parameter(s) measured during both
manufacturer specifications or baseline and reporting period.
engineering judgment.
» Documentation of the source or
justification of the estimated value is
required. The plausible saving error
arising from estimation rather than
measurement is evaluated.

» Savings are determined by field » Application of a variable speed drive

measurement of the energy and controls to a motor to adjust
» Short term or continuous
consumption and demand and/or pump flow. Measure electric power
measurements of baseline and
related independent or proxy
variables of the ECM affected
reporting period energy, or
engineering computations using
with a kW meter installed on the
electrical supply to the motor, which
reads the power every minute. In the
measurements of proxies of energy
All Parameter » Measurement frequency ranges consumption and demand. baseline period this meter is in place
Measurement from short-term to continuous, for a week to verify constant loading.
» Routines and non-routine The meter is in place throughout the
depending on the expected
adjustments as required. reporting period to measure power
variations in savings and length of
the reporting period. consumption and demand.

18 Core Concepts
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IPMVP Option Definition How Savings are Calculated Typical Applications

» Savings are determined by » Analysis of the whole facility baseline
measuring energy consumption and and reporting period (i.e., utility) » Multifaceted energy management
demand at the whole facility utility meter data. programs affecting many systems in

Whole Facility
meter level.
» Continuous measurements of the
entire facility's energy consumption
» Routine adjustments as required,
using techniques such as simple
comparison or regression analysis.
a facility. Measure energy
consumption and demand with the
gas and electric utility meters for a
twelve-month baseline period and
and demand are taken throughout » Non-routine adjustments as throughout the reporting period.
the reporting period. required.

» Multifaceted energy management

programs affecting many systems in
» Savings are determined through
a facility but where no meter existed
simulation of the energy
in the baseline period.
consumption and demand of the » Energy consumption and demand
whole facility, or of a sub-facility. » Energy consumption and demand
simulation, calibrated with hourly or

Calibrated Simulation
» Simulation routines are
demonstrated to adequately model
actual energy performance in the
monthly utility billing data. Energy
end-use metering and metered
performance data may be used in
measurement, after installation of
gas and electric meters, is used to
calibrate a simulation.
facility. model refinement. » Baseline period energy, determined
using the calibrated simulation, is
» This option requires considerable
compared to a simulation of
skill in calibrated simulation.
reporting period energy
consumption and demand.

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6.2. Options A & B: Retrofit-Isolation

6.2.1. General
Retrofit-isolation allows the narrowing of the measurement boundary to reduce the effort required
to monitor independent variables and static factors, when retrofits affect only a portion of the facility.
However, boundaries smaller than the total facility usually requires additional meters at the
measurement boundary. Narrow measurement boundaries also introduce the possibility of leakage
through unmeasured interactive effects.

Since measurement is less than the total facility, the results of retrofit-isolation techniques may not
be fully apparent in utility bills. Facility changes beyond the measurement boundary but unrelated to
the ECM will not be reported by retrofit-isolation techniques but will be included in the utility’s
metered consumption or demand.

Two options are presented for isolating the energy consumption and demand of the equipment
affected by an ECM from the energy consumption and demand of the rest of the facility:

» Option A: Retrofit-isolation: Key Parameter Measurement

» Option B: Retrofit-isolation: All Parameter Measurement

Isolation metering is placed at the measurement boundary between equipment the ECM affects and
equipment it does not affect. When drawing a measurement boundary, care should be taken to
consider any energy-flows affected by the ECM which are beyond the boundary. A method must be
derived for estimating such interactive effects. However, if the measurement boundary can be
expanded to encompass interactive effects, there is no need to estimate them.

Apart from small estimated interactive effects, the measurement boundary defines the metering
points and the scope of any adjustments, which may be used in the various forms of the savings
equations. Only changes to energy systems and operating variables within the measurement
boundary must be monitored to prepare the adjustments term(s) of the equation.

Parameters may be continuously measured or periodically measured for short periods. The expected
amount of variation in the parameter will govern the decision of whether to measure continuously or
periodically. Where a parameter is not expected to change, it may be measured immediately after
ECM installation and checked occasionally throughout the reporting period. The frequency of this
checking can be determined by beginning with measurements to verify that the parameter is
constant. Once proven constant, the frequency of measurement may be reduced or the measurement
stopped. To maintain control on savings as measurement frequency drops, more frequent inspections
or other tests might be undertaken to verify proper operations. In a project where the contractor is
responsible for ECM performance risk but is not performing ECM operation and maintenance, the
constant nature of the key parameter may be agreed to be proven constant after initial measurement
with re-inspections conducted throughout the reporting period to validate the constant nature and
value of the key parameter.

20 Core Concepts
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Continuous metering provides greater certainty in reported savings and more data about equipment
operation. This information can be used to improve or optimize the operation of the equipment on a
real-time basis, thereby improving the benefit of the ECM itself.

If measurement is not continuous and meters are removed between readings, the location of the
measurement and the specifications of the measurement device should be recorded in the M&V Plan,
along with the procedure for calibrating the meter being used. Where a parameter is expected to be
constant, measurement intervals can be once or short and occasional. Where a parameter may
change periodically, the occasional measurements of the parameter should happen at times
representative of the normal system behavior.

Where a parameter may vary daily or hourly, as in most building heating or cooling systems,
continuous metering may be simplest. For weather dependent loads, measurements may be taken
over a long enough period to adequately characterize the load pattern through all parts of its normal
annual cycle (i.e. each season, and weekday/weekend) and repeated as necessary through the
reporting period.

Where multiple versions of the same ECM installation are included within the measurement
boundary, statistically valid samples may be used as valid measurements of the total parameter.

Portable meters may be used if only short-term metering is needed. The costs of portable meters can
be shared with other objectives. However, permanently installed meters provide feedback to
operating staff or automated control equipment for optimization of systems. Added meters may also
enable billing of individual users or departments in the facility.

6.2.2. Measurement Issues

Retrofit-isolation usually requires the addition of special meters, on either a short-term or permanent
basis. These meters may be installed during an energy audit to help characterize energy consumption
and demand before the design of the ECM. Alternatively, meters may be installed to measure baseline
performance for a M&V Plan.

Follow good measurement practices to enable calculation of energy savings with reasonable accuracy
and repeatability. Measurement practices are continually evolving as metering equipment improves.
Therefore, use the latest measurement practices to support the savings. Electricity Measurements

To measure electricity accurately, measure the voltage, amperage and power factor, or true Root
Mean Squared (RMS) wattage with a single instrument. However, measurement of amperage and
voltage alone can adequately define wattage in purely resistive loads, such as incandescent lamps and
resistance heaters without blower motors. When measuring power, make sure that a resistive load’s
electrical wave-form is not distorted by other devices in the facility. RMS values can be reported by
solid-state digital instruments properly accounting for the net power wave distortions existing in
alternating current circuits.

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Measure electricity demands at the same time that the power company determines the peak demand
for its billing. This measurement usually requires continuous recording of the demand at the sub-
meter. From this record, the sub-meter’s demand can be read for the time when the power company
reports that the peak demand occurred on its meter. The power company may reveal the time of peak
demand either on its invoices or by special report.

Electricity demand measurement methods vary amongst utilities. The method of measuring electric
demand on a sub-meter should replicate the method the power company uses for the relevant billing
meter. However, care should be taken to ensure that the facility’s load is metered following the power
company’s metering methodology, so that high yet short-duration peak loads which may show up
differently in a moving interval than in a fixed interval are represented properly. Calibration
Meters should be calibrated as recommended by the equipment manufacturer and following
procedures of recognized measurement authorities. Primary standards and no less than third-order-
standard traceable calibration equipment should be utilized wherever possible. Sensors and metering
equipment should be selected based in part on the ease of calibration and the ability to hold
calibration. An attractive solution is the selection of equipment that is self-calibrating. Best Applications

Retrofit-Isolation techniques are best applied when:

» Only the performance of the systems affected by the ECM is of concern, either due to the
responsibilities assigned to the parties in an energy performance contract, or due to the
savings of the ECM being too small to be detected using Option C.
» Interactive effects of the ECM on the energy consumption and demand of other facility
equipment can be reasonably estimated, or assumed to be insignificant.
» Possible changes to the facility, beyond the measurement boundary, would be difficult to
identify or assess.
» The independent variables which affect energy consumption and demand are not excessively
difficult or expensive to monitor.
» Sub-meters already exist to isolate energy consumption and demand of systems.
» Meters added at the measurement boundary can be used for other purposes such as
operational feedback or tenant billing.
» Measurement of parameters is less costly than Option D simulations or Option C non-routine
» There is no need to directly reconcile savings reports with changes in payments to energy

22 Core Concepts
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6.3. Option A: Retrofit-Isolation,

Key Parameter Measurement
6.3.1. General
Under Option A, Retrofit-Isolation: Key Parameter Measurement, energy quantities are defined by
equations in Section 5. This can be derived from a computation using a combination of measurements
of some parameters and estimates of the others. Such estimates should only be used where it can be
shown that the combined uncertainty from all such estimates will not significantly affect the overall
reported savings. Decide which parameters to measure and which to estimate by considering each
parameter’s contribution to the overall uncertainty of the reported savings. The estimated values and
analysis of their significance should be included in the M&V Plan. Estimates may be based on historical
data such as recorded operating hours from the baseline, equipment manufacturer published ratings,
laboratory tests, or typical weather data.

If a parameter, such as hours of use is known to be constant and not expected to be impacted by the
ECM, then its measurement in the baseline or reporting period is sufficient. The reporting period
measurement of such a constant parameter can also be considered a measurement of its baseline
value and vice versa.

Wherever a parameter, known to vary independently, is not measured in the facility during both the
baseline period and reporting period, the parameter should be treated as an estimated value.

Engineering calculations or mathematical modelling may be used to assess the significance of the
errors in estimating any parameter in the reported savings. The combined effect of estimations should
be assessed before determining whether sufficient measurement is in place.

The selection of which factor(s) to measure may also be considered relative to the objectives of the
project or the duties of a contractor undertaking some ECM performance risk. Where a factor is
significant to assessing performance, it should be measured. Other factors beyond the contractor’s
control can be estimated.

When planning an Option A procedure, consider both the amount of variation in baseline period
energy and the energy impact of the ECM before establishing which parameter(s) to measure and for
what duration. The following three examples show the range of scenarios that may arise:

» ECM reduces a constant load without changing its operating hours.

» ECM reduces operating hours while load is unchanged.
» ECM reduces both equipment load and operating hours.

Generally, conditions of variable load or variable operating hours require more rigorous measurement
and computations.

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6.3.2. Calculations
Under Option A, there may be no need for adjustments, routine or non-routine, depending upon the
location of the measurement boundary, the nature of any estimated values, the length of the
reporting period, or the amount of time between baseline measurements and reporting period

Similarly, baseline period energy or reporting period energy measurements may involve
measurement of only one parameter under Option A, and estimation of the other parameters.
Therefore in some cases the general equation may simplify to:

Option A Savings = Hours of Use

x (Baseline Period Measured Rate of Energy Use (Eq. 9)
 Reporting Period Measured Rate of Energy Use)

6.3.3. Installation Verification

Since some values may be estimated under Option A, great care is needed to review the engineering
design and installation to ensure that the estimates are realistic, achievable, and based on equipment
that should truly produce savings as intended.

At defined intervals during the reporting period, the installation should be reinspected to verify
continued existence of the equipment and its proper operation and maintenance. Such re-inspections
will ensure continuation of the potential to generate predicted savings and validate estimated values.
The frequency of these re-inspections is determined by the likelihood of performance changes. Such
likelihood can be established through initial frequent inspections to establish the stability of
equipment existence and performance.

6.3.4. Cost
Savings determinations under Option A can be less costly than under other options, since the cost of
estimating a parameter is often significantly less than the cost of measurement. However, in some
situations where estimation is the only possible route, a good estimated value may be costlier than if
direct measurement were possible. Cost planning for Option A should consider all elements: analysis,
estimation, meter installation, and the ongoing cost to read and record data.

6.3.5. Best Applications

Option A is best applied where:

» Estimation of non-key parameters may avoid possibly difficult non-routine adjustments when
future changes happen within the measurement boundary.
» Uncertainty created by estimations is acceptable.

24 Core Concepts
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» Continued effectiveness of the ECM can be assessed by simple routine re-testing or re-
inspection of key parameters.
» Estimation of some parameters is less costly than measurement of them in Option B or
simulation in Option D.
» Key parameter(s) used to judge a project's or contractor's performance in computing savings
can be readily identified.

6.4. Option B: Retrofit-Isolation,

All Parameter Measurement
6.4.1. General
Option B, Retrofit-Isolation: All Parameter Measurement, requires measurement of energy quantities,
or parameters, needed to compute energy using Equations 1 and 2 in Section 5. The savings created
by most types of ECMs can be determined with Option B. However, the degree of difficulty and costs
increase as metering complexity increases. Option B methods will generally be more difficult and
costly than those of Option A. However, Option B will produce more certain results where load or
savings patterns are variable. These additional costs may be justifiable if a contractor is responsible
for factors affecting energy savings.

6.4.2. Calculations
Equations 1 and 2 in Section 5 are used in IPMVP adherent computations. However, under Option B,
there may be no need for adjustments, routine or non-routine, depending upon the location of the
measurement boundary, the length of the reporting period, or the amount of time between baseline
and reporting period measurements. Therefore, in some cases for Option B the general equation may
simplify to:

Option B Savings = Baseline Period Energy

(Eq. 10)
 Reporting Period Energy

6.4.3. Best Applications

Option B is best applied where:

» Meters added for isolation purposes will be used for other purposes such as operational
feedback or tenant billing.
» Measurement of the parameters is less costly than simulation in Option D.
» Savings or operations within the measurement boundary are variable.

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6.5. Option C: Whole Facility

6.5.1. General
Option C involves use of utility meters, whole-facility meters, or sub-meters to assess the energy
performance of a total facility. The measurement boundary encompasses either the whole facility or
a major section. This option determines the collective savings of ECMs applied to the part of the
facility monitored by the energy meter. Also, since whole-facility meters are used, savings reported
under Option C include the positive or negative effects of any non-ECM changes made in the facility.

Whole-building Option C is intended for projects where expected savings are large compared to the
random or unexplained energy variations which occur at the whole-facility level. Regression models
describe how well independent variables explain the energy consumption, but do not account for all
variations between the model and the actual consumption data. If savings are large compared to the
unexplained variations in the baseline period energy data, then identifying savings will be easier. Also
the longer the period of savings analysis after ECM installation, the more data are available, and the
less significant is the impact of short-term unexplained variations.

As a rule of thumb, if only monthly billing data are available for energy consumption and demand,
savings typically must exceed 10% of the baseline period energy if you expect to confidently
discriminate the savings from the unexplained variations in the baseline data.

When short-time interval energy consumption data are available, the number of data points is much
greater, and advanced mathematical modeling may be more accurate than the linear models used for
monthly analysis. Consequently, methods using short-time interval data and advanced algorithms
may be able to verify expected savings that are lower than 10% of annual energy consumption. In
either case, an assessment of baseline model accuracy with expected savings and monitoring period
duration is required.

Identifying facility changes that will require non-routine adjustments is the significant primary
challenge associated with Option C, particularly when savings are monitored for long periods.
Therefore, periodic inspections should be performed of all equipment and operations in the facility
during the reporting period. These inspections identify changes in the static factors from baseline
period conditions. Such inspections may be part of regular monitoring to ensure that the intended
operating methods are still being followed. A lower cost alternative, most applicable to smaller
projects or facilities, can be to track energy performance over time, normalized for operating
conditions, and inspect the facility for changes when adjusted performance shows a persistent

26 Core Concepts
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6.5.2. Energy Data Issues

Where utility supply is only measured at a central point in a group of facilities, sub-meters are needed
at each facility or group of facilities for which individual performance is assessed.

Several meters may be used to measure the flow of one energy type into a facility. If a meter supplies
energy to a system that interacts with other energy systems, directly or indirectly, this meter’s data
should be included in the whole-facility saving determination.

Meters serving non-interacting energy-flows, for which savings are not to be determined, can be
ignored. Determine savings separately for each meter or sub-meter serving a facility so that
performance changes can be assessed for separately metered parts of the facility. However, where a
meter measures only a small fraction of one energy type’s total use, it may be totaled with the larger
meter(s) to reduce data-management tasks. When electrical meters are combined this way, it should
be recognized that small consumption meters often do not have demand data associated with them
so that the totaled consumption data will no longer provide meaningful load factor information.

If several different meters are read on separate days, then each meter having a unique billing period
should be separately analyzed. The resultant savings can be combined after analysis of each individual
meter, if the dates are reported.

If any of the energy data are missing from the reporting period, a reporting period mathematical
model can be created to fill in missing data. However, the reported savings for the missing period
should identify these savings as missing data.

6.5.3. Energy Invoice Issues

Energy data for Option C are often derived from utility meters, either through direct reading of the
meter, or from utility invoices. Where utility bills are the source of data, it should be recognized that
a utility’s need for regular meter reading is not usually as great as the needs of M&V. Utility bills
sometimes contain estimated data, especially for small accounts. Sometimes it cannot be determined
from the bill itself whether the data came from an estimate or an actual meter reading. Unreported
estimated meter readings create unknown errors for estimated month(s) and also for the subsequent
month(s). However, the first invoice with an actual reading after one or more estimates will correct
the previous errors in energy quantities. Savings reports should note when estimates are part of the
utility data. When an electrical utility estimates a meter reading, no valid data exist for the electrical
demand of that period.

Energy may be supplied indirectly to a facility, through on-site storage facilities, such as for oil,
propane or coal. In these situations, the energy supplier’s shipment invoices do not represent the
facility’s actual consumption during the period between shipments. Ideally a meter downstream of
the storage facility measures energy consumption and demand. However, where there is no
downstream meter, inventory-level adjustments for each invoice period should supplement the

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6.5.4. Independent Variables

Common independent variables are weather, production volume and occupancy. Weather has many
dimensions, but for whole-facility analysis, weather is often just outdoor dry-bulb temperature.
Production has many dimensions, depending upon the nature of the industrial process. Production is
typically expressed in mass units or volumetric units of each product. Occupancy is defined in many
ways, such as hotel-room occupancy, office-building occupancy hours, occupied days
(weekdays/weekends), or restaurant-meal sales.

Mathematical modeling can assess independent variables if they are cyclical. Regression analysis and
other forms of mathematical modeling can determine the number of independent variables to
consider in the baseline period data. Parameters, which have a significant effect on the baseline
period energy, should be included in the routine adjustments when determining savings using one of
the following equations:

Savings = (Baseline Period Energy

– Reporting Period Energy)
(Eq. 11)
± Routine Adjustments
± Non Routine Adjustments

Avoided Energy Adjusted Baseline Energy

Consumption = – Reporting Period Energy (Eq. 12)
± Non Routine Adjustments to Reporting Period Conditions

Normalized (Baseline Period Energy

Savings = ± Routine Adjustments to Fixed onditions
± Non Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)
(Eq. 13)
 (Reporting Period Energy
± Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions
± Non Routine Adjustments to Fixed Conditions)

Independent variables should be measured and recorded during the same time period as the energy

6.5.5. Calculations & Mathematical Models

For Option C, the routine adjustments term, in the following equation, is calculated by developing a
valid mathematical model of each meter’s energy-use pattern:

Savings = (Baseline Period Energy

– Reporting Period Energy)
(Eq. 14 )
± Routine Adjustments
± Non Routine Adjustments

A model may be as simple as an ordered list of twelve measured monthly energy quantities without
any adjustments. However, a model can also be based on interval data – and often includes factors

28 Core Concepts
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derived from regression analysis, correlating energy to one or more independent variables such as
outdoor temperature, degree days, metering period length, production, occupancy or operating
mode. Models can also include a different set of regression parameters for each range of conditions,
such as summer or winter in buildings with seasonal energy variations.

Option C should usually use complete years (e.g., twelve, twenty-four or thirty-six months) of
continuous data, during the baseline period, and continuous data during the reporting periods. For
short-time interval data, fewer months of data may be used, however care should be taken to assure
that the data range is representative of the entire baseline year. Models, which use other numbers of
months (e.g., nine, ten, thirteen, or eighteen months), can create statistical bias by under or over-
representing unusual modes of operation. Such models should be checked for bias.

Metered data can be hourly, daily or monthly whole-facility data and may be combined into longer
time intervals, such as daily, to limit the number of independent variables required to produce a
reasonable baseline model, without significantly increasing the uncertainty in computed savings.
When verifying demand savings, it may be sufficient to use only previous days of similar weather
conditions when developing demand models. Many statistical models are appropriate for Option C.
To select the one most suited to the application, consider statistical-evaluation indices, such as
Coefficient of Variation of the Root Mean Squared Error (CV{RMSE}), Mean Bias Error (MBE) or
published statistical literature can help demonstrate the statistical validity of the selected model.

6.5.6. Metering
Whole-facility energy measurements can use the utility’s meters. Utility-meter data are considered
100% accurate for determining savings because the data defines the payment for energy. Utility-
meter data are subject to local commercial accuracy regulations for the sale of energy commodities.

The energy supplier’s meter(s) may be equipped or modified to provide an electrical pulse output that
can be recorded by the facility's monitoring equipment. The energy-per-pulse constant of the pulse
transmitter should be calibrated against a known reference such as similar data recorded by the utility

Separate meters installed by the facility owner can measure whole-facility energy. The accuracy of
these meters should be considered in the M&V Plan, together with a way of comparing its readings
with the utility meter readings.

6.5.7. Cost
Option C’s cost depends on the source of the energy data, and the difficulty of tracking static factors
within the measurement boundary to enable non-routine adjustments during the reporting period.
The utility meter or an existing sub-meter works well if the meter’s data are properly recorded. This
choice requires no extra metering cost.

The cost of tracking changes in static factors depends on the facility’s size, the likelihood of static-
factor change, the difficulty of detecting changes and the surveillance procedures already in place.

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6.5.8. Best Applications

Option C is best applied where:

» Energy performance of the whole facility will be assessed, not just the ECMs.
» There are many types of ECMs in one facility.
» ECMs involve activities whose individual energy consumption and demand is difficult to
separately measure.
» Savings are large compared to the variance in the baseline and reporting period data.
» Retrofit-isolation techniques (Option A or B) are excessively complex and costly.
» Significant future changes to the facility are not expected during the Reporting period.
» System of tracking static factors can be established to enable possible future non-routine
» Reasonable correlations can be found between energy consumption and demand and other
independent variables.

6.6. Option D: Calibrated Simulation

6.6.1. General
Option D: Calibrated Simulation, involves the use of building energy simulation software to predict
facility energy use, typically when a baseline does not exist. When metered data for the baseline or
existing condition is available, the simulation model is calibrated so that it predicts the energy and
load shape that approximately matches the actual metered data.

Option D may be used to assess the performance of ECMs for the whole building, akin to Option C.
However, the whole-building simulation model can also be used to provide an estimate of the savings
attributable to each ECM within a multiple ECM project.

Option D may also be used to assess just the performance of individual systems within a facility, akin
to Options A and B. For this application, the system's energy consumption and demand must be
isolated from that of the rest of the facility by appropriate meters, which will be used for the
calibration of the simulation model.

6.6.2. Types of Simulation Programs

Whole-building simulation programs usually use hourly calculation techniques. Utilizing simulation
software packages that are widely used and have been evaluated by ASHRAE Standard 140 are
preferred. However proprietary simulation software may also be used if algorithms are transparent
and well documented. System-level simulation models may be used if they meet the above criteria

30 Core Concepts
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and account for ECM interactions. Other types of special-purpose programs may be used to simulate
energy use associated with the operation of devices or industrial processes.

The software used must be well understood by the user. The software should be capable of simulating
the use type, the space types as well as the project ECMs. Due to the wide variety of available
software, it is prudent to receive acceptance by the owner or project authority of the proposed
modelling program before commencing analysis.

6.6.3. Calibration
Savings determined with Option D are based on physical models and numerical solution techniques
used to predict building energy consumption and demand. The accuracy of the savings depends on
user proficiency, model robustness and the level of calibration.

When calibrated, the simulation model should reasonably predict the load shape and energy use of
the facility or system. This is determined by comparing model results to measured performance data,
independent variables and static factors.

Nominally, calibration of the whole building simulations is performed with twelve consecutive months
of utility billing data over a stable operating period. In a new building, this may not occur until after
several months when occupancy and operation stabilize. The calibration time period and data to be
utilized should be documented in the M&V Plan.

Calibration data might include operating characteristics, occupancy, weather, loads and equipment
efficiency. Parameters should be measured at an appropriate interval, day, week, month, or extracted
from existing operating logs or trend data logs. The accuracy of meters should be verified for critical
measurements. When possible, other variables, influential parameters, such as, building ventilation
and infiltration rates, should also be measured. The level of calibration should be established in the
M&V Plan and reflect the level of effort and accuracy justified for the project.

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Following the Calibration Data Collection, perform the Calibration Steps below:

Figure 3. Calibration Steps

32 Core Concepts
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Note: Accurate computer modelling and model calibration are the major
challenges associated with Option D implementation.

To balance costs with accuracy, the following points should be considered:

» Simulation analysis should be conducted by trained personnel, experienced with the software
and calibration techniques.
» Record survey data, monitoring data, and assumptions used to define input values. The
calibrated simulation model should be saved in paper and electronic files. The simulation
software release version should be recorded and saved to support quality assurance reviews.
» Document the specific changes made to the simulation model to represent each ECM’s
» When possible for new construction projects, retain the building energy modeler that created
the as-designed model to create the calibrated, as-built and adjusted baseline models.

6.6.4. Calculations
Savings can be determined using calibrated simulation results representing the baseline period and
the reporting period. If the baseline period does not exist (e.g., new construction), the reporting
period calibrated model can be used to develop the baseline model. If the baseline period does exist,
a calibrated model representing existing building conditions can be developed to predict the impact
of the ECMs. After ECM installation, the reporting period energy consumption and demand will be
used to calibrate the initial baseline model with the predicted ECMs (e.g., the as-designed model for
new construction) to develop the reporting period model. Once calibrated, the ECMs will be removed
from the model to create the baseline model. The model represents the existing building under the
reporting period conditions. If it is desired to report savings under normal conditions, the reporting
period calibrated model would be modified to represent normal conditions (e.g., normal weather
conditions, other normal independent variables) then the ECMs would be removed to develop the
baseline model.

For projects that develop a hypothetical baseline model (e.g., code-compliant baseline for a new
construction project), the baseline model for M&V must be developed from the calibrated, reporting
period model with ECMs removed, as described above.

In either case, the model(s) and measured energy data must be under the same set of operating
conditions, similar to Option C.

Savings with Option D can be estimated using two forms of the savings equation. Both forms presume
that the calibration error equally affects both baseline period and reporting period models. The same
savings will be determined from the two equations for any given set of data and simulations.

Savings = Baseline Period Energy from the Calibrated Model [without ECMs]
(Eq. 15)
 Reporting Period Energy from the Calibrated Model [with ECMs]

Core Concepts 33
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

One of the model-derived energy terms in the equation above may be replaced by the actual
measured energy. However, the calculation must be adjusted for the calibration error for each month
in the calibration period, using the equation below.

Savings = Baseline Period Energy from the Calibrated Model [baseline without ECM]
 Actual Reporting Period Energy (Eq. 16)
± Calibration Error in the Corresponding Calibration Reading

6.6.5. On-Going Savings Reporting

If a multi-year performance evaluation is required, models must be recalibrated each year of the
reporting period. As an alternative, Option D may be used for the first year after the ECMs are
installed. In later years, Option C may be applied with the baseline period based on the metered data
from the reporting period first year of steady operation. In this case, Option C is used in preceding
years to track savings persistence.

6.6.6. Best Applications

In general, Option D is used when other options are not feasible. It is best applied where:

» Baseline period energy data are unavailable or unreliable, such as:

 New construction project
 Facility expansion needing to be assessed separately from the rest of the facility
» Centrally metered campus of facilities where no individual facility meter exists in the baseline
period, but where individual meters will be available after ECM installation.
» There are too many ECMs to assess using Options A or B.
» Performance of each ECM will be estimated individually within a multiple ECM project, but
the costs of Options A or B are excessive.
» Interactions between ECMs are complex and significant, making the isolation techniques of
Options A and B impractical.

34 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

7. IPMVP Adherent M&V Plan

and Report
This chapter describes the requirements for developing and implementing an
adherent M&V Plan and report.

7.1. IPMVP Adherent Plan

IPMVP does not currently provide for a formal certification of project specific M&V Plans. However,
guidance provided here may be used by a project engineer to develop or review a M&V Plan for IPMVP
adherence. An adherent M&V Plan is one that meets all of the criteria presented in items 1 through
14 below. Additional adherence requirements for Option A and Option D projects are included after
the criteria for all plans. An M&V Plan adherence criteria checklist can also be found on EVO’s website.

A key component towards IPMVP adherence involves the development of a clear and transparent
project-specific M&V Plan that describes various measurements and data to be gathered, analysis
methods employed and verification activities that are conducted to evaluate the performance of a
measure or a project. An adherent M&V Plan will help ensure that the measure or the project can
realize its maximum potential and that the savings can be verified with adequate certainty. For
performance contract projects where the M&V Plan defines how savings will be verified to prove that
the contractual savings guarantee has been met and to validate associated payments, an adherent
M&V Plan needs to be developed and agreed to as part of the final contract approval and/or before
the installation of the project ECMs.

The following describes the essential requirements of an IPMVP adherent M&V Plan.

7.1.1. Facility and Project Overview

M&V Plan should provide an overall description of the facility and the proposed project along with
the list of all the measures that are included as part of the project. This section should also include
references to any energy audit reports or other analysis that was used to scope the project.

Core Concepts 35
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

7.1.2. ECM Intent

This section of the M&V Plan should provide a clear understanding of each measure’s scope and
intent. At a minimum, this section should include:

» A measure description
» How the measure saves energy or other resources (e.g., improves efficiency, reduces
operating hours, etc.)
» Affected equipment inventory
» Expected savings

7.1.3. Selected IPMVP Option and Measurement

The M&V Plan needs to specify the IPMVP option that will be used to evaluate savings. This section
also needs to identify the measurement boundary for saving determination. The boundary may be as
narrow as the flow of energy through a pipe or wire, or as broad as the total energy consumption and
demand across many facilities. This section should also describe the nature of any interactive effects
beyond the measurement boundary together with their possible effect on project savings. Quantified
interactive effects should also be included in this section with appropriate justification.

7.1.4. Baseline: Period, Usage and Conditions

This section of the M&V Plan documents the facilities or system’s baseline utility demand and
consumption along with corresponding influencing parameters, within each measurement boundary.

The baseline description must be well-documented. The baseline data may come from many sources
such as short-term metering or spot measurements or from other sources such as manufacturer
specification sheets. The extent of the needed information is determined by the selected M&V Option,
measurement boundary chosen or the scope of the savings determination.

Baseline documentation should include the following information:

Identification of the Baseline Period

This is the time period over which the facility or system baseline conditions are assessed and
documented. This baseline period is often a year but can be any period depending on the specific
M&V needs.

Baseline Utility Consumption and Demand Data

The baseline utility may be billing data if an Option C approach is being used, or could be field collected
interval data, or spot measurement data if Options A or B are being used. This includes the data over

36 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

the measurement period. These data can be used to extrapolate over the entire baseline period as
discussed above and this analysis should also be included. These data are normally considered to be
the dependent variable.

Utility Influencing Variable Data

These utility influencing data need to be gathered corresponding to the time period for which utility
data were collected. This may include variables such as production data, ambient temperature,
baseline equipment speed, pressure or any other variable collected through spot measurements,
short-term or long-term metering. These data are normally considered to be the independent variable
or variables that affect the dependent variable discussed above.

Operating Conditions
Define the prevailing operating conditions corresponding to the dependent and independent
variables (e.g., Baseline Utility Consumption and Demand Data, Utility Influencing Variable Data)
during the Identification of the Baseline Period. These prevailing conditions (i.e., also known as static
factors) are assumed to remain constant, but may change and have to be addressed as part of non-
routine adjustments if needed. Examples of static conditions may include, but not be limited to the

» Occupancy type, occupancy density and run times.

» Operating conditions (e.g., set points, lighting levels, ventilation levels) for each baseline
period and season.
» Significant equipment problems or outages during the baseline period:
 In some cases, existing systems or facilities may not function properly, meet code, or
otherwise may not be reflective of the true baseline conditions. In these cases, the
baseline may be adjusted so that it reflects the operation while meeting code or operation
after needed repairs.
» Baseline adjustments may be made, for example, on systems that are not providing adequate
ventilation. System changes may include equipment efficiency, capacity, operating sequence
or any other element of the measure that results in changes in energy use.
» Identify planned changes to conditions that affect the baseline:
 Planned changes may include any number of things such as increase in occupancy levels,
adding a shift, or increased lighting levels.

7.1.5. Reporting Period

The reporting period is a selected interval for evaluating and quantifying the post-installation
performance of the measure. The M&V Plan shall identify the reporting periods for which the measure
or a project is being evaluated. This may be for a short period of time right after the installation of the
measure to ensure that the measure is performing as intended or it could be a longer time at periodic
intervals such as a year, multiple years, or other time periods.

Core Concepts 37
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

In cases where the baseline period and reporting period are not of the same length, it is important to
explain how the time frames are normalized so the baseline and reporting period energy consumption
and demand are compared evenly and reliably.

In a performance contract, the performance period refers to the duration of the project guarantee
and is made up of numerous reporting periods. Normally the contractor is required to report on the
performance of the project and the ECMs on a regular basis for the entire duration of the performance

7.1.6. Basis for Adjustment

The operating conditions that affect energy consumption may differ between the baseline and
reporting periods. It is important to make adjustments to account for these changes in operating

The M&V Plan should provide details outlining how the baseline and/or reporting period energy
consumption and demand will be adjusted to allow for valid comparison and saving calculation. The
basis for adjustments can be made by:

» Projecting the baseline energy consumption and demand to reporting period conditions.
» Projecting reporting period energy consumption and demand to baseline operating
» Projecting both the baseline and reporting period energy consumption and demand to
standard conditions (e.g., Typical Meteorological Year TMY).

The conditions for the basis for adjustment determine whether savings are reported as avoided
energy or as normalized savings.

Another basis of adjustment is to account for baseline equipment problems or code compliance issues
that must be addressed prior to ECM implementation. In these cases, the baseline may be adjusted
so that it reflects the operation while meeting code or operation after needed repairs. If the baseline
is to be adjusted, include a description of the exact adjustments to the algorithms, variables or terms
that affect baseline energy use.

38 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

A third basis of adjustment is to account for factors that are not expected to change (i.e., static factors)
during the reporting period. However, in the likelihood that these factors change, their effects need
to be accounted through proper non-routine adjustment procedures. Examples may include adding a
new shift to production or increasing the operating hours that are not part of the baseline or the
installed measure.

7.1.7. Calculation Methodology and Analysis

The M&V Plan needs to specify data analysis procedures, model descriptions and assumptions that
are used to calculate savings for each of the reporting periods.

For each model used, identify and define all independent variables, dependent variables, and other
model-related terms. Report all coefficients, constants, statistical metrics (CV{RMSE}, MBE, R2, t-
statistic, etc.) or other model elements or terms. Report the range of independent variables over
which the models are valid.

7.1.8. Energy Prices

The M&V Plan should also specify the utility prices, or tariffs that will be used to calculate the cost
savings associated with the measure or project, and how the monetary value of savings will be
adjusted if utility prices change during the life of a measure or a project. The plan should clearly define
and report any assumed or stipulated values such as inflation and/or escalation rates, utility price
increases or other variables that affect M&V results.

7.1.9. Meter Specifications

The plan should specify the metering points that will be used to gather M&V data that includes both
spot and continuous metering. For non-utility meters, the M&V Plan should specify:

» Meter - type, make, model and characteristics

» Meter specifications including accuracy and precision
» Meter reading and witnessing protocol
» Meter commissioning procedure
» Calibration procedure/process
» Method of dealing with lost data and data transfer

Core Concepts 39
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

7.1.10. Monitoring Responsibilities

The plan should assign responsibilities for collecting, analyzing, archiving and reporting the data.
Management of M&V data should be assigned to the party that is qualified to efficiently and
effectively access, manage and provide data sets. Monitored data that must be managed includes:

» Energy data
» Independent variables
» Static factors within the measurement boundary
» Periodic inspection findings

7.1.11. Expected Accuracy

The M&V Plan should include the expected accuracy associated with the measurement, data capture,
sampling and data analysis. This assessment should include qualitative and any feasible quantitative
measures related to the level of uncertainty in the measurements and describe adjustments to be
used in the planned savings report.

7.1.12. Budget
The M&V Plan should include the budget and the resources required for saving determination, costs
for both the initial setup and ongoing tasks for evaluating, documenting and reporting the
performance for each of the Reporting periods.

7.1.13. Report Format

The plan should specify how results will be reported and documented for each of the Reporting
periods including the frequency of reporting.

Note: Refer to Section M&V Reports for details.

7.1.14. Quality Assurance

The M&V Plan should include quality-assurance procedures and processes that will be used for the
baseline and post-retrofit M&V data collection, calculations, saving reports and any interim steps in
preparing reports. Quality assurance should include inspections at regular frequencies to ensure that
the measure and equipment continue to be operated per the contract.

40 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

7.2. Additional M&V Plan Requirements

for Option A
7.2.1. Justification of Estimates
The M&V Plan should clearly identify the variables to be estimated as part of the savings calculation.
This must include the actual values used and source of the estimated values. Show the overall
significance of these estimates to the total expected savings by reporting the range of possible savings
associated with the range of plausible values of the estimated parameters.

7.2.2. Periodic Inspections

The plan should specify the periodic inspections that will be performed in the reporting period to
verify that equipment is still in place and operating as assumed.

7.3. Additional M&V Plan Requirements

for Option D
7.3.1. Software Identification
The M&V Plan should report the name and the version number of the simulation software that is used
to calculate savings.

7.3.2. Input/Output Data

The plan should provide copies of the input files, output files, and weather files, or weather file
identification, used for the simulation, including any post-processing or presentation development
methods and calculations.

7.3.3. Measured Data

The M&V Plan should describe the process of obtaining any measured data including which input
parameters were measured and which input parameters were estimated. The actual measured data
should also be reported and raw data should be archived and made available as needed. This may
include interval data or utility-provided bills.

Core Concepts 41
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

7.3.4. Calibration
The plan should report the energy and operating data used for calibration including the calibration
requirements (e.g., CV{RMSE}, MBE, etc.) and the accuracy with which the simulation results match
the calibration energy data. Data should be provided at a minimum of one month (i.e., billing period)
intervals, and more resolution is preferred.

7.3.5. Future Changes

The M&V Plan should provide a description of the method for making relevant non-routine
adjustments. Non-routine adjustments may require revising the model and recalculating baseline and
post-installation energy use and savings.

7.4. M&V Reports

Periodic M&V reports are prepared as a means to document the overall performance of the measure
and project using procedures outlined in the M&V Plan. The frequency and the format for these M&V
reports will also be included in the M&V Plan. The report will include at a minimum the following

» Project background
» ECM description
» M&V Option chosen for the ECM or project as part of the M&V Plan
» Reporting period start and end dates
» M&V activities conducted during the reporting period, including:
 Start and end time for the measurement period
 Energy use data
 Data for independent and static variables
 Description of inspection activities conducted
 Verified saving calculations and methodology
 Provide detailed description of data analysis and methodology
 Provide an updated list of assumptions and source of data used in the calculations
 Provide details of any baseline or saving adjustments including both routine and non-
routine adjustments to account for changes
 Provide details of utility costs used to calculate the reported savings
 Clear presentation of verified energy, cost savings and comparison to the proposed

42 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

8. Adherence with IPMVP

The IPMVP represents a framework of terminology and methods for properly assessing savings in
energy or water consumption and demand. The IPMVP guides users in developing M&V Plans and
Reports for specific projects. The IPMVP is written to allow maximum flexibility in creating and
implementing M&V procedures, while adhering to the principles of accuracy, completeness,
conservativeness, consistency, relevance and transparency (see Section 4).

M&V represents a process implemented to assure savings are verified according to the application of
IPMVP’s procedures. A typical M&V process is illustrated in Figure 4 and described by the following

Figure 4. Typical M&V Process Steps Description

This results in an adherent project through the latest reporting period.

Core Concepts 43
Core Concepts « IPMVP®

Figure 5. Flowchart of M&V Process with Typical Adherence Activities

Users claiming adherence with IPMVP must:

» Identify the person responsible for approving the site-specific M&V Plan and for making sure
that the M&V Plan is followed for the duration of the Reporting period.

Develop a complete M&V Plan which:

» Clearly states the date of publication or the version number of the IPMVP edition and Volume
being followed.
» Uses terminology consistent with the definitions in the version of IPMVP cited.
» Includes all information mentioned in the M&V Plan Section 7.
» Defines the contents of saving reports and the frequency that savings will be reported.
» Is approved by all parties interested in adherence with IPMVP.
» Is consistent with the Principles of IPMVP.

Implement the approved IPMVP adherent M&V Plan and assure its procedures are followed according
to the Principles of IPMVP. This may include conducting a quality assurance review of all M&V
activities, including inspections, measurements, calculations and reports. For each project, quality
assurance procedures are described in the M&V Plan. A knowledgeable and experienced professional
should conduct the review process.

44 Core Concepts
IPMVP® » Core Concepts

EVO recommends that a qualified professional, such as a Certified Measurement and Verification
Professional (CMVP), be used to develop and oversee implementation of M&V Plans and activities.

Users wishing to specify the use of IPMVP in an energy performance contract or emission trade may
use phrases such as “The determination of actual energy and monetary savings will follow current
best practice, as defined in IPMVP Core Concepts." Specification may go further to include “The M&V
Plan shall adhere to IPMVP and be approved by …” and may also, if known at the time of contract
approval, add, “following IPMVP Option …”.

Core Concepts 45
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