Lectrure 5.microstrip Antennas
Lectrure 5.microstrip Antennas
Lectrure 5.microstrip Antennas
Associate Professor:
WANG Junjun 王珺珺
School of Electronic and Information Engineering,
Beihang University
F1025, New Main Building
Chapter 5
Microstrip antenna
Chapter 5 Microstrip antenna
• Deschamps first proposed the concept of the MSA in 1953. However, practical
antennas were developed by Munson and Howell in the 1970s.
1.1 Basic characteristics
• An MSA in its simplest form consists of a radiating patch on one side of
a dielectric substrate and a ground plane on the other side.
• The microstrip feed line is also a conducting strip, usually of much smaller width
compared to the patch.
• Advantages: the microstrip-line feed is easy to fabricate, simple to match by
controlling the inset position and rather simple to model. This feed arrangement has
the advantage that it can be etched on the same substrate, so the total structure remains
• Disadvantages: But as the substrate thickness increases, surface waves and spurious
feed radiation increase, which for practical designs limit the bandwidth (typically 2–
5%). The drawback is the radiation from the feed line, which leads to an increase in the
cross-polar level. Also, in the millimeter-wave range, the size of the feed line is
comparable to the patch size, leading to increased undesired radiation.
2.2 Probe feed
• Coaxial-line feeds, where the inner conductor of the coax is attached to the radiation
patch while the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane, are also widely used.
• Advantages: The coaxial probe feed is easy to fabricate and match, and it has low
spurious radiation. The main advantage of this feed is that it can be placed at any
desired location inside the patch to match with its input impedance.
• Disadvantages: However, it also has narrow bandwidth and it is more difficult to
model, especially for thick substrates (h > 0.02λ0). The disadvantages are that the hole
has to be drilled in the substrate and that the connector protrudes outside the bottom
ground plane, so that it is not completely planar. Also, this feeding arrangement makes
the configuration asymmetrical.
2.3 Aperture coupling
• Problems of direct feeding: Both the microstrip feed line and the probe possess
inherent asymmetries which generate higher order modes which produce
cross-polarized radiation. For thick substrates, which are generally employed
to achieve broad BW, both the above methods of direct feeding the MSA have
problems. In the case of a coaxial feed, increased probe length makes the input
impedance more inductive, leading to the matching problem. For the
microstrip feed, an increase in the substrate thickness increases its width,
which in turn increases the undesired feed radiation.
• The indirect feed solves these problems.
• The aperture coupling is the most difficult of all four to fabricate and it also
has narrow bandwidth. However, it is somewhat easier to model and has
moderate spurious radiation.
• In the aperture-coupled MSA configuration, the field is coupled from the
microstrip line feed to the radiating patch through an electrically small
aperture or slot cut in the ground plane.
2.3 Aperture coupling
• The slot aperture can be either resonant or nonresonant. The resonant slot
provides another resonance in addition to the patch resonance thereby
increasing the BW at the expense of an increase in back radiation. As a result,
a nonresonant aperture is normally used.
• The coupling through the slot can be modeled using the theory of Bethe,
which is also used to account for coupling through a small aperture in a
conducting plane.
• If the slot is centered below the patch, where ideally for the dominant mode
the electric field is zero while the magnetic field is maximum, the magnetic
coupling will dominate. Doing this also leads to good polarization purity and
no cross-polarized radiation in the principal planes.
• The substrate parameters of the two layers can be chosen separately for
optimum antenna performance.
2.4 Proximity coupling
• The electromagnetic coupling is also known as proximity coupling.
• The feed line is placed between the patch and the ground plane, which is
separated by two dielectric media. The length of the feeding stub and the
width-to-line ratio of the patch can be used to control the match.
• The advantages of this feed configuration include the elimination of spurious
feed-network radiation; the choice between two different dielectric media, one
for the patch and the other for the feed line to optimize the individual
performances; and an increase in the BW due to the increase in the overall
substrate thickness of the MSA. The proximity coupling has the largest
bandwidth (as high as 13 percent), is somewhat easy to model and has low
spurious radiation.
• The disadvantages are that the two layers need to be aligned properly and that
the overall thickness of the antenna increases.
3. Methods of analysis
• The MSA generally has a two-dimensional radiating patch on a thin dielectric
substrate and therefore may be categorized as a two-dimensional planar
component for analysis purposes. The analysis methods for MSAs can be
broadly divided into two groups.
• In the first group, the methods are based on equivalent magnetic current
distribution around the patch edges (similar to slot antennas). There are three
popular analytical techniques:
• The transmission line model;
• The cavity model;
• The multi-port network method (MNM).
• In the second group, the methods are based on the electric current distribution
on the patch conductor and the ground plane (similar to dipole antennas, used
in conjunction with full-wave simulation/numerical analysis methods). Some
of the numerical methods for analyzing MSAs are listed as follows:
• The method of moments (MoM);
• The finite-element method (FEM);
• The spectral domain technique (SDT);
• The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method.
3.1 Transmission line model
• The transmission line model is very simple and helpful in understanding the
basic performance of an MSA.
• The microstrip radiator element is viewed as a transmission line resonator with
no transverse field variations (the field only varies along the length), and the
radiation occurs mainly from the fringing fields at the open circuited ends.
• The patch is represented by two slots that are spaced by the length of the
• This model was originally developed for rectangular patches but has been
extended for generalized patch shapes.
• Although the transmission line model is easy to use, all types of configurations
can not be analyzed using this model since it does not take care of variation of
field in the orthogonal direction to the direction of propagation.
3.2 Cavity model
• In the cavity model, the region between the patch and the ground plane is
treated as a cavity that is surrounded by magnetic walls around the periphery
and by electric walls from the top and bottom sides.
• Since thin substrates are used, the field inside the cavity is uniform along the
thickness of the substrate. The fields underneath the patch for regular shapes
such as rectangular, circular, triangular, and sectoral shapes can be expressed
as a summation of the various resonant modes of the two-dimensional
• The fringing fields around the periphery are taken care of by extending the
patch boundary outward so that the effective dimensions are larger than the
physical dimensions of the patch.
• The effect of the radiation from the antenna and the conductor loss are
accounted for by adding these losses to the loss tangent of the dielectric
• The far field and radiated power are computed from the equivalent magnetic
current around the periphery.
3.3 MNM
• The MNM for analyzing the MSA is an extension of the cavity model.
• In this method, the electromagnetic fields underneath the patch and outside the patch
are modeled separately.
• The patch is analyzed as a two-dimensional planar network, with a multiple number of
ports located around the periphery.
• The multiport impedance matrix of the patch is obtained from its two-dimensional
Green’s function.
• The fringing fields along the periphery and the radiated fields are incorporated by
adding an equivalent edge admittance network.
• The segmentation method is then used to find the overall impedance matrix.
• The radiated fields are obtained from the voltage distribution around the periphery.
• The above three analytical methods offer both simplicity and physical insight. These
methods are accurate for regular patch geometries, but—except for MNM with contour
integration techniques—they are not suited for arbitrary shaped patch configurations.
For complex geometries, the numerical techniques described below are employed.
3.4 MoM
• The surface currents are used to model the microstrip patch, and volume
polarization currents in the dielectric slab are used to model the fields in the
dielectric slab.
• An integral equation is formulated for the unknown currents on the microstrip
patches and the feed lines and their images in the ground plane.
• The integral equations are transformed into algebraic equations that can be
easily solved using a computer.
• This method takes into account the fringing fields outside the physical
boundary of the two-dimensional patch, thus providing a more exact solution.
3.5 FEM
• The FEM, unlike the MoM, is suitable for volumetric configurations. In this
method, the region of interest is divided into any number of finite surfaces or
volume elements depending upon the planar or volumetric structures to be
• These discretized units, generally referred to as finite elements, can be any
well-defined geometrical shapes such as triangular elements for planar
configurations and tetrahedral and prismatic elements for three-dimensional
configurations, which are suitable even for curved geometry. It involves the
integration of certain basis functions over the entire conducting patch, which is
divided into a number of subsections.
• The problem of solving wave equations with inhomogeneous boundary
conditions is tackled by decomposing it into two boundary value problems,
one with Laplace’s equation with an inhomogeneous boundary and the other
corresponding to an inhomogeneous wave equation with a homogeneous
boundary condition.
3.6 FDTD method
• The rectangular patch is by far the most widely used configuration. It is very easy to
analyze using both the transmission-line and cavity models, which are most accurate
for thin substrates.
4.1 Transmission line model
• It was indicated earlier that the transmission-line model is the easiest of all but it yields
the least accurate results and it lacks the versatility. However, it does shed some
physical insight. Basically the transmission-line model represents the microstrip
antenna by two slots, separated by a low-impedance Zc transmission line of length L.
A. Fringing effects
• Because the dimensions of the patch are finite along the length and width, the fields at
the edges of the patch undergo fringing.
• The amount of fringing is a function of the dimensions of the patch and the height of
the substrate.
• For the principal E-plane (xy-plane) fringing is a function of the ratio of the length of
the patch L to the height h of the substrate (L/h) and the dielectric constant r of the
• Since for microstrip antennas L/h >>1, fringing is reduced; however, it must be taken
into account because it influences the resonant frequency of the antenna. The same
applies for the width.
• For a microstrip line shown in Figure (a), typical electric field lines are shown in Figure
(b). This is a nonhomogeneous line of two dielectrics; typically the substrate and air.
• As can be seen, most of the electric field lines reside in the substrate and parts of some
lines exist in air.
• As W/h >> 1 and r >> 1, the electric field lines concentrate mostly in the substrate.
Fringing in this case makes the microstrip line look wider electrically compared to its
physical dimensions.
• Since some of the waves travel in the substrate and some in air, an effective dielectric
constant reff is introduced to account for fringing and the wave propagation in the line.
• To introduce the effective dielectric constant, let us assume that the center conductor of
the microstrip line with its original dimensions and height above the ground plane is
embedded into one dielectric, as shown in Figure (c). The effective dielectric constant is
defined as the dielectric constant of the uniform dielectric material so that the line of
Figure (c) has identical electrical characteristics, particularly propagation constant, as the
actual line of Figure (a).
• For a line with air above the substrate, the effective dielectric constant has values in the
range of 1 < reff < r.
• The effective dielectric constant is also a function of frequency.
• As the frequency of operation increases, most of the electric field lines concentrate in the
substrate. Therefore the microstrip line behaves more like a homogeneous line of one
dielectric (only the substrate), and the effective dielectric constant approaches the value
of the dielectric constant of the substrate.
For low frequencies the effective
dielectric constant is essentially
constant. At intermediate
frequencies its values begin to
monotonically increase and
eventually approach the values
of the dielectric constant of the
B. Effective Length, Resonant Frequency, and Effective Width
• Because of the fringing effects, electrically the patch of the microstrip antenna looks
greater than its physical dimensions.
• Since the length of the patch has been extended by L on each side, the effective
length of the patch is now (L = λ/2 for dominant TM010 mode with no fringing)
• For the dominant TM010 mode, the resonant frequency of the microstrip antenna is a
function of its length. Usually it is given by
• where
• The q factor is referred to as the fringe factor (length reduction factor). As the substrate
height increases, fringing also increases and leads to larger separations between the
radiating edges and lower resonant frequencies.
C. Design
• Based on the simplified formulation that has been described, a design procedure is
outlined which leads to practical designs of rectangular microstrip antennas. The
procedure assumes that the specified information includes the dielectric constant of the
substrate (r ), the resonant frequency (fr), and the height of the substrate h. The
procedure is as follows:
• Specify:
• Determine:
• Design procedure:
1. For an efficient radiator, a practical width that leads to good radiation efficiencies is
• To make the microstrip lossy using the cavity model, which would then represent an
antenna, the loss is taken into account by introducing an effective loss tangent δeff .The
effective loss tangent is chosen appropriately to represent the loss mechanism of the
cavity, which now behaves as an antenna and is taken as the reciprocal of the antenna
quality factor Q (δeff = 1/Q)
• Because the thickness of the microstrip is usually very small, the waves generated
within the dielectric substrate (between the patch and the ground plane) undergo
considerable reflections when they arrive at the edge of the patch. Therefore only a
small fraction of the incident energy is radiated; thus the antenna is considered to be
very inefficient. The fields beneath the patch form standing waves that can be
represented by cosinusoidal wave functions.
4.2 Cavity model
• Since the height of the substrate is very small (h λ where λ is the wavelength within
the dielectric), the field variations along the height will be considered constant.
• In addition, because of the very small substrate height, the fringing of the fields along
the edges of the patch are also very small whereby the electric field is nearly normal to
the surface of the patch. Therefore only TMx field configurations will be considered
within the cavity.
• While the top and bottom walls of the cavity are perfectly electric conducting, the four
side walls will be modeled as perfectly conducting magnetic walls (tangential magnetic
fields vanish along those four walls).
A. Field configurations (modes)-TMx
• The wave numbers kx, ky, kz are equal to
• To determine the dominant mode with the lowest resonance, we need to examine the
resonant frequencies. The mode with the lowest order resonant frequency is referred to
as the dominant mode.
• Placing the resonant frequencies in ascending order determines the order of the modes
of operation.
• For all microstrip antennas h<< L and h << W.
① If L > W > h, the mode with the lowest frequency (dominant mode) is the TMx 010
whose resonant frequency is given by
If in addition L > W > L/2 > h, the next higher order (second) mode is the TMx001
whose resonant frequency is given by
If, however, L > L/2 > W > h, the second order mode is the TMx020, instead of the
TMx001, whose resonant frequency is given by
• For all microstrip antennas h<< L and h << W.
② If W>L>h, the dominant mode is the TMx001 whose resonant frequency is given by
while if W >W/2 > L > h the second order mode is the TMx002.
• The distribution of the tangential electric field along the side walls of the cavity for the
TMx010, TMx001, TMx020 and TMx002 is as shown,
In all of the preceding discussion,
it was assumed that there is no
fringing of the fields along the
edges of the cavity. This is not
totally valid, but it is a good
assumption. However, fringing
effects and their influence were
discussed previously,
and they should be taken into
account in determining the
resonant frequency.
B. Equivalent current densities
• It has been shown using the cavity model that the microstrip antenna can be modeled
reasonably well by a dielectric-loaded cavity with two perfectly conducting electric walls
(top and bottom), and four perfectly conducting magnetic walls (sidewalls). It is assumed that
the material of the substrate is truncated and does not extend beyond the edges of the patch.
The four sidewalls represent four narrow apertures (slots) through which radiation takes
• The microstrip patch is represented by an equivalent electric current density Jt at the top
surface of the patch to account for the presence of the patch (there is also a current density Jb
at the bottom of the patch which is not needed for this model). The four side slots are
represented by the equivalent electric current density Js and equivalent magnetic current
density Ms, as shown in Figure (a).
• Because it was shown for microstrip antennas with very small height-to-width ratio that the
current density Jt at the top of the patch is much smaller than the current density Jb at the
bottom of the patch, it will be assumed it is negligible here and it will be set to zero.
B. Equivalent current densities
• Also it was argued that the tangential magnetic fields along the edges of the patch are
very small, ideally zero. Therefore the corresponding equivalent electric current density
Js will be very small (ideally zero), and it will be set to zero here.
• Thus the only nonzero current density is the equivalent magnetic current density Ms
along the side periphery of the cavity radiating in the presence of the ground plane, as
shown in Figure (b).
• The presence of the ground plane can be taken into account by image theory which will
double the equivalent magnetic current density. Therefore the final equivalent is a
magnetic current density of twice around the side periphery of the patch radiating into
free-space, as shown in Figure (c).
B. Equivalent current densities
• Similarly it will be shown here also that while there are a total of four slots representing
the microstrip antenna, only two (the radiating slots) account for most of the radiation;
the fields radiated by the other two, which are separated by the width W of the patch,
cancel along the principal planes.
• Therefore the same two slots, separated by the length of the patch, are referred to here
also as radiating slots.
• The slots are separated by a very low-impedance parallel-plate transmission line of
length L, which acts as a transformer. The length of the transmission line is
approximately λ/2, where λ is the guide wavelength in the substrate, in order for the
fields at the aperture of the two slots to have opposite polarization.
• The two slots form a two-element array with a spacing of λ/2 between the elements. It
will be shown here that in a direction perpendicular to the ground plane the components
of the field add in phase and give a maximum radiation normal to the patch; thus it is a
broadside antenna.
B. Equivalent current densities
• Assuming that the dominant mode within the cavity is the TMx010 mode
• each slot radiates the same fields as a magnetic dipole with current density Ms
• the equivalent magnetic current densities along the two slots, each of width W
and height h, are both of the same magnitude and of the same phase. Therefore
these two slots form a two-element array with the sources (current densities) of
the same magnitude and phase, and separated by L. Thus these two sources will
add in a direction normal to the patch and ground plane forming a broadside
Typical E- and H-plane patterns of each microstrip patch slot Rectangular microstrip patch radiating slots
and of the two together. and equivalent magnetic current densities.
B. Equivalent current densities
• The equivalent current densities for the other two slots, each of length L and height h,
are shown in the following Figure. Since the current densities on each wall are of the
same magnitude but of opposite direction, the fields radiated by these two slots cancel
each other in the principal H-plane.
• Also since corresponding slots on opposite walls are 180◦ out of phase, the
corresponding radiations cancel each other in the principal E-plane.
• The radiation from these two side walls in nonprincipal planes is small compared to the
other two side walls. Therefore these two slots are usually referred to as nonradiating
However, the above equation may not be as useful because it does not take into account
impedance matching at the input terminals of the antenna.
• A more meaningful definition of the fractional bandwidth is over a band of frequencies
where the VSWR at the input terminals is equal to or less than a desired maximum
value, assuming that the VSWR is unity at the design frequency
Δ −1
• The radiation efficiency of an antenna is defined as the power radiated over the input
power. It can also be expressed in terms of the quality factors, which for a microstrip
antenna can be written as
= =
(a) Input impedance and (b) VSWR plots of the RMSA for
four different W: ( …) 2, (——) 3, ( - - - ) 4, ( – - – ), 5 cm.
• 4.5.1 Effect of W
• With an increase in W from 2 cm to 5 cm, the following effects are observed:
• The resonance frequency decreases from 3.034 GHz to 2.962 GHz due to the increase in
L and e
• The input impedance at resonance decreases from 180 to 36 , because the radiation
from the radiating edge increases, which decreases the radiation resistance.
• The BW of the antenna increases; however, it is not very evident from these plots,
because the feed point is not optimum for the different widths. Accordingly, a better
comparison will be obtained when the feed point is optimized for the individual widths.
• The aperture area of the antenna increases resulting in an increase in the directivity,
efficiency, and, hence, gain. The HPBW in the H-plane decreases, whereas it remains
almost the same in the E-plane, because the increase in the width is in the H-plane.
4.5.1 Effect of W
• With an increase in W from 2 cm to 5 cm, the following effects are observed:
• For RMSA with L = 3 cm, W = 4 cm, and h = 0.159 cm, when r is decreased to 1,
the resonance frequency increases to 4.541 GHz. The BW of the antenna is 167
MHz for the feed at x = 0.7 cm. This increase in BW is due to a decrease in r and
an increase in h/0, because the resonance frequency has increased.
• A better comparison of effect of r is obtained when the antenna is designed to
operate in the same frequency range for different values of r .
• Therefore, with change in the dielectric constant from r1 to r2, the L and W
dimensions of the RMSA are scaled with a/ factor
e1 e2
of .
• For operation around 3 GHz, the dimensions of the patch for four different values
of r (1, 2.55, 4.3, and 9.8) are shown in the following Table.
• The location of the feed point is optimized so that Rin is in the range of 50–65 for
broader BW.
• With a decrease in r from 9.8 to 1, the size of the patch increases and the BW
increases from 30 MHz to 74 MHz due to increase in the fringing fields.
• Also, the gain of the antenna increases from 4.4 dB to 10.0 dB due to an increase in
the aperture area.
4.5.2 Effect of r
• Questions
• Design a rectangular microstrip antenna using a substrate FR4 with dielectric
constant of 4, thickness of 1mm so as to resonate at 10GHz. (Using the
transmission-line model, to calulate the length and width of the patch)
• .