MVcapacitor Catalogue

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Energy management

Power Factor Correction

and harmonic filtering

Medium Voltage
Power Factor
Correction and How to upgrade electrical network
harmonic filtering and improve energy efficiency ?

Energy quality
with Power Factor
Correction and
harmonic filtering
Most utilities have specific policies
for billing reactive energy. Price
penalties are applied if the active
power / apparent power ratio is not
within the guidelines.

• Power Factor Correction solutions

modify and control the reactive power

to avoid utility penalties,

and reduce overall kVA demand.

These solutions result in lowering

utility power bills by 5 to 10%.

Harmonics stress the electrical

network and potentially damage

• Harmonic Filtering solutions are

a means to mitigate the harmonics.
They increase the service life of
equipment up to 32% for single
phase machines, up to 18% for three
phase machines and up to 5% for

Power Factor Correction “1 month

Every electric machine needs active and reactive power to operate. payback.
Power factor is used to identify the level of reactive energy. We installed a 5Mvar
If the power factor drops below the limit set by the utility, then capacitor banks.
Annual cost savings
power factor correction equipment can be installed in order to avoid
will reach €12m &
penalties. By correcting a poor power factor, these solutions also implementation costs
reduce kVA demand. The results are a 5 to 10% lower electricity bill, €1m”
cooler equipment operation and longer equipment life. In addition Portucel Paper Mill
proper power factor correction helps optimize electrical network in Portugal
loading and improves reliability.

Harmonic filtering “9%

reduction in our
Equipment such as drives, inverters, UPS, arc furnaces,
energy consumption
transformers during energization and discharge lamps generate
after we installed
harmonic currents and voltage distortion.
10 capacitor banks.
These harmonics stress the network, overload cables and
Electricity bill
transformers, cause outages and disturb many types of equipment

by 8% and payback
such as computers, telephones, and rotating machines.
in 2 years”
The life of equipment can be greatly reduced.
Testifies Michelin
in France

MV Capacitor banks
installed, cost saving
of €9m,
payback in
just 2 months.
RFF Railways France

1 year
70 capacitor banks
installed, energy
consumption reduced
by 10%,
electricity bill optimised
by 18%, payback in
just 1 year.

Madrid Barrajas
airport Spain

LV capacitor bank
and active filter
installed, energy
reduced by 5%.
Before After systems Switzerland
Power Factor
Correction and Power Factor Correction
harmonic filtering

Reduce your electricity bill by reducing your reactive energy


Optimize the size of your electrical installation by increasing

the available capacity and reducing the dimensions
of your equipment (transformer, cables, etc.).

Improve energy quality and the service life of your equipment.

Contribute to environmental conservation by reducing losses

in transmission and distribution networks.

Harmonic filtering

Increase continuity of service by eliminating risks of stoppages

due to nuisance tripping.

Eliminate malfunctions of your electrical equipment by reducing

overheating, increasing its lifetime by up to 30%.

Benefit from the assurance provided by standardization

by anticipating the requirements of regulations currently being
prepared, deploying environmentally friendly solutions.

Power Factor

Correction and MV Power Factor Correction

harmonic filtering and harmonic filtering

Energy - Production
Wind-power farms
• MV capacitor banks
• MV dynamic compensation
• Blocking circuits

Energy - Transmission
EHV/HV substation
• HV capacitor banks
• HV passive filters

MV/MV substations
• MV capacitor banks
• MV passive filters
• MV dynamic compensation
• Surge suppressors

Energy - Production
Solar power farms
• MV dynamic compensation
• Blocking circuits

Energy - Distribution
MV/MV substation
• MV capacitor banks
Infrastructure • MV passive filters
MV/LV substation
• MV capacitor banks

Power Factor
Correction and MV Power Factor Correction
harmonic filtering and harmonic filtering

To define the solutions to be employed, you must:


• identify and quantify the problems to be solved (usually by an on-site audit);

• analyse the criticality of the installation and validate the objectives to be achieved.
The following table shows the typical solutions proposed for installations in various sectors
of activity.

Activity Fixed Automatic Dynamic Passive Surge Blocking

banks banks compensation filters suppressors circuits
Transmission ◼
Distribution ◼ ◼ ◼
Wind-power ◼ ◼ ◼
Solar power ◼ ◼
Water ◼
Tunnels ◼

Airports ◼
Paper ◼ ◼
Chemicals ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼
Plastics ◼ ◼ ◼
Glass-ceramics ◼ ◼ ◼
Iron and steel ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼
Métallurgy ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼

Automotive industry ◼ ◼
Cement ◼ ◼ ◼
Mines-quarries ◼ ◼ ◼
Refineries ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼

Quality & Environment


Schneider Electric
Quality certified ISO 9001, undertakes
to reduce
ISO 9002 and ISO 14001 the energy bill and
A major strength CO2 emissions of
In each of its units, Schneider Electric has an operating organization its customers by
proposing products,
whose main role is to verify quality and ensure compliance with
solutions and
standards. This procedure is: services which fit in
• uniform for all departments; with all levels of
• recognized by numerous customers and official organizations. the energy value
But, above all, its strict application has made it possible to obtain chain.
the recognition of an independent organization: French QA The power factor
correction and
management organization AFAQ ("Association Française pour harmonic filtering
l’Assurance Qualité"). offer form part of
The quality system for design and manufacturing is certified the energy efficiency
in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001 Quality approach.
Assurance model.

Stringent, systematic controls

During its manufacture, each equipment item undergoes systematic
routine tests to verify its quality and compliance:
• measurement of operating capacity and tolerances;
• measurement of losses;
• dielectric testing;
• checks on safety and locking systems;
• checks on low-voltage components;
ISO 900 1 • verification of compliance with drawings and diagrams.
ISO 9002 The results obtained are recorded and initialled by
ISO 14001 the Quality Control Department on the specific test certificate
for each device.

Up to 10 %
savings on your
energy bill.
10% Jarylec*


24% Epoxy resin


Paper, wood, cardboard

Tin-plated copper
Polypropylene (film)
7% 19%
Aluminium (film)
1% * Jarylec: dielectric
1% liquid with no PCB
or chlorine, compatible
with the environment

Raw materials breakdown for MV capacitors

Power Factor
Correction and A new solution for building your electrical
harmonic filtering installations

Schneider Electric
A comprehensive offer joins forces with
The power factor correction and harmonic filtering offer form part of your expertise
and your creativity
a comprehensive offering of products perfectly coordinated
for optimized,
to meet all medium- and low-voltage power distribution needs. reliable, expandable
All these products have been designed to operate together: and compliant
electrical, mechanical and communications consistency. installations.
The electrical installation is accordingly both optimized and more
• improved continuity of service;

• losses cut;

• guarantee of scalability;

• efficient monitoring and management.

You thus have all the trumps in hand in terms of expertise

and creativity for optimized, reliable, expandable and compliant


Tools for easier design and setup

With Schneider Electric, you have a complete range of tools

that support you in the knowledge and setup of products,

all this in compliance with the standards in force and standard

Because each
engineering practice.
electrical installation
These tools, technical notebooks and guides, design aid software,
is a specific case,
training courses, etc. are regularly updated
there is no universal
solution. The variety
of combinations
available to you
allows you to
achieve genuine
customization of
technical solutions.
You can express
your creativity
and highlight your
expertise in the
design, development
and operation of an
electrical installation.

Power Factor
Correction and Main Contents
harmonic filtering

Overview 1-8

MV capacitor banks 11

Protection systems 39

Components 45

Special equipment 57

Installations and dimensions 65

Services 69

Design guide 73

Technical guide 79

Power Factor
Correction and MV capacitor banks
harmonic filtering Contents

Why compensate reactive energy? 12

Choice of compensation type 13

Choice of compensation location 14

Choice of protection system type 15
Choice of coupling mode 16
Overview of offer 18
Functions and general characteristics 20

Banks for motor compensation 22

Fixed bank CP 214 22

Fixed bank CP 214 SAH 24

Banks for industrial compensation 26

Automatic bank CP 253 26

Automatic bank CP 253 SAH 28

Banks for global compensation 30

Fixed bank CP 227 30

Banks for distribution and large site networks 32

Automatic bank CP 254 32

Banks for distribution networks 34

Fixed bank CP 229 34

Banks for transport and distribution networks 36

Fixed bank CP 230 36

MV capacitor
banks Why compensate reactive energy?

Every electrical system (cable, line, transformer, motor, lighting, etc.)

employs two forms of energy:
• Active energy consumed (kWh).
This is fully transformed into mechanical, thermal or luminous power.

It corresponds to the active power P (kW) of the loads.

This is the “useful” energy.

• Reactive energy consumed (kvarh).

It serves to magnetize motors and transformers. It corresponds to the

reactive power Q (kvar) of the loads.

It results in a phase difference (ϕ) between the voltage and current.

This is an energy that is “necessary” but produces no work.

The reactive energy demanded by the loads is supplied by the electrical

network. This energy must be supplied in addition to the active energy.

This flow of reactive energy over the electrical networks results,

due to a larger current demand, in:

• additional voltage drops;

• transformer overloading;

• overheating in circuits... and hence losses.


Active energy Active energy

Power Transmission
generation network Motor
Reactive energy Reactive energy

For these reasons, it is necessary to produce reactive energy as close

as possible to the loads, to avoid demand for it on the network,
thereby increasing the installation’s efficiency! This is what is called
"reactive energy compensation" or "power factor correction".
The easiest and commonest way of generating reactive energy is
to install capacitors on the network.

Active energy Active energy

Power Transmission
generation network Motor
Reactive energy


Compensating reactive energy makes it possible to

increase the capacity of the installation (transformers, cables) by
reducing the load;

reduce losses by Joule effect;

reduce voltage drops;

increase the installation’s service life by reducing overheating;

reduce the electricity bill.

MV capacitor
banks Choice of compensation type

A “capacitor bank” generally consists of several single-phase or three-phase capacitor units

assembled and interconnected to produce very powerful systems.

The capacitor banks are branch-mounted on the network.

They may be of fixed or automatic type.

Fixed bank
The entire bank is put into operation, with a fixed value of kvar.

This is “on/off” type operation.

This type of compensation is used:

• when their reactive power is low (15% of the power of the upstream transformer)

and the load is relatively stable;

• on HV and EHV transmission networks for power values of up to 100 Mvar.

Automatic bank
The bank is divided up into “steps” with capability for switching on or off a smaller or larger

number of steps automatically. This is a permanent adjustment to the reactive power demand,

due to load fluctuations.

This type of bank is very commonly used by certain heavy industries (high installed capacity)

and energy distributors in source substations. It allows step-by-step regulation of reactive energy.

Each step is operated by a switch or contactor.

Capacitor step switching on or off can be controlled by power factor controllers. For this

purpose, the network current and voltage information must be available upstream

of the banks and loads.

Choice of bank type according to the harmonics

The presence of nonlinear loads (variable speed drives, inverters, etc.) creates harmonic
currents and voltages. The compensation equipment will be chosen according to the magnitude
of these harmonics:
• Either the installation has no significant harmonics and there is no risk of resonance.
In this case a bank appropriate for networks with a low harmonic level (standard type) is chosen.
• Or the installation has a significant level of harmonics and/or there is a risk of resonance.
In such cases a bank provided with a detuning reactor, appropriate for networks with a high
harmonic level, is chosen.

MV capacitor
banks Choice of compensation location

Individual compensation is recommended especially when a load
of power greater than 300 kW is present, and if it remains energized
during most working hours. This is especially the case of motors driving
machines with great inertia: centrifuges, compressors and fans,
for example.
Operation of the switch specific to the load in this case automatically
causes capacitor switching on or off. The production of reactive energy
takes place directly at the place where it is consumed.

For the whole length of the power cable this results in a reduction
in the reactive current load. Individual compensation therefore makes
a major contribution to the reduction in apparent power, losses
Individual compensation and voltage drops in conductors.

Partial/by sector
In the case of compensation by sector (or workshop), several loads
are connected to a joint capacitor bank which is operated by its own

switchgear. In large installations, the bank compensates all the reactive

energy consumers in a workshop or a sector.
This form of compensation is recommended for installations
where a number of loads are put into operation simultaneously
and in a manner virtually reproducible over time.

Partial compensation has the advantage of entailing lower capital

investment costs than individual compensation. This is because
calculation of the power of a permanently installed capacitor bank takes
into account expansion of the sector load. However, the load curves
must be well known beforehand in order to correctly size the capacitor
banks and avoid risks of over-compensation (reactive power supplied
Partial compensation /
exceeding the demand). Over-compensation generally results in the
by sector local occurrence of permanent overvoltages which cause premature
electrical equipment ageing.

In the case of global compensation, the production of reactive energy

is grouped in a single place, usually in the transformer substation.

However, it is not necessary for the capacitors to be installed precisely
at the metering level. On the contrary, it is recommended to install
the capacitors in an appropriate location which takes into account
various constraints such as space requirements.

The capacitors have a good duty factor; the layout is clear; supervision
of the installation and its various parts is easier than in the case of
compensation by sector. Finally, if stepped automatic adjustment
is adopted, there will in this case be good follow-up of the plant’s load
curve, which avoids operations by personnel (manual switching on/off).
This solution is economically worthwhile if the load variations are not
attributable to specific loads.
Total compensation

MV capacitor
banks Choice of protection system type

Internal fuses
Each capacitance element of the capacitor is protected by a fuse.

Any fault in this element will result in fuse blowing. The defective element

will thus be eliminated. The result will be a slight capacitance variation

and the voltage will be distributed over the sound elements in series.

Protection by internal fuses increases the availability of capacitor banks,

because the loss of one element no longer systematically results
in tripping of the bank (see details in PROPIVAR technical description).

Unbalance protection
The bank is divided into two star connections (see diagram on page 16).
When there is a capacitance unbalance (variation in capacitance
of a capacitor), a current flowing between the 2 neutrals appears.
This current is detected by a current transformer and an unbalance relay.

This differential arrangement is a sensitive protection system, independent

of network interference, very suitable whatever the power values.

MV capacitor
banks Choice of coupling mode

To form banks of great power, there are several possibilities for cabling
or connection by combination of capacitor units, namely:
• delta connection: three-phase capacitors (without internal fuse)
coupled in parallel;
• double star connection of single-phase capacitors (with or without
internal fuse);
• H connection.

Choice of coupling mode depends on:

• the characteristics, mains voltage and power of the bank;
• the type of compensation, fixed or automatic (stepped);
• the type of protection system:
- capacitor with or without internal fuse;
- differential (unbalance) or with MV fuses;
• economic imperatives.



Example of double star Example of delta Example of H connection

connection connection (by phase)

Recommended configuration
Q (kvar) / 600 900 1 200 2 000 2 400 3 000 3 500 4 000 6 000
U network (kV)
5,5 Delta connection
1 or 2 three-phase
6,6 capacitors
13,2 YY connection
6 single-phase
13,8 capacitors
15 YY connection
9 or 12 capacitors
30 YY connection of 12 single-
33 phase capacitors (series)

MV capacitor
banks Overview of offer

Industrial application
Applications Motor compensation Industrial compensation
Fixed bank Automatic bank

Reference CP214 CP214SAH* CP253

Three-lines diagrams


Maximum voltage Up to 12 kV Up to 12kV
Connection mode Three-phase capacitors with delta connection Three-phase capacitors
up to 900 kvar,
single-phase capacitors
with double star
connection above
Type of protection HRC fuses (**) HRC fuses

Maximum power**** 2 x 450, i.e. 900 kvar Up to 4500 kvar


* SAH: Detuning Reactor

** HRC: High Rupturing Capacity
*** CT: Current Transformer
**** For larger power rating, please contact us




CP 214 CP 227SAH CP 253 CP 254

All applications Energy application
Industrial compensation Global compensation Distribution system Distribution system Distribution
Automatic bank Fixed bank Large sites Fixed bank and Transport system
Automatic bank Fixed bank
CP253SAH* CP227 CP254 CP229 CP230




Up to 12 kV Up to 36kV From 12 to 36 kV Up to 36 kV Above 36 kV
Three-phase capacitors Single-phase capacitors with double star connection Single-phase capacitors
up to 900 kvar, with double star
single-phase capacitors or H connection
with double star
connection above
HRC fuses Unbalance by CT*** Unbalance by CT*** and relay
and relay
Up to 4000 kvar 12 x 600, i.e. 7200 kvar 12 x 480, i.e. 5760 kvar Please contact us Please contact us
SAH* on request SAH* on request SAH* on request SAH* on request


CP 229 CP 230

MV capacitor
banks Functions and general characteristics

CP 214 CP 253 CP 227 CP 254 CP 229 CP 230

Mains voltage ≤ 7.2 kV ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
≤ 12 kV ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
≤ 24 kV ■ ■ ■
≤ 36 kV ■ ■ ■ ■
≥ 52 kV ■
Compensation and Filtering
Bank power* kvar 900 4 500 7 200 5 760
Steps quantity 1 5* 1 5* 1 1
type fixed auto fixed auto fixed fixed
Capacitor connection delta ■ ■
double star ■ ■ ■ ■
Detuning reactor
Capacitor protection
Inrush reactors (N/A with DR)
Fuse protection
Blown fuse indicator
Unbalance protection
Quick discharge reactor (< 24 kV)
Current transformer
Voltage transformer
People safety
Earthing switch
Line disconnector
with earthing switch
Control and regulation
Control and mounted on door
monitoring unit separated
Automatic controller standard
Auto/local selector switch
Ingress protection
Double roof
Cable entry bottom
Access with door

* Standard offer; for other values, please contact us

: standard
: optional functions

Service conditions
Ambient air temperature
• ≤ 40°C.
• ≤ 30 °C average per 24h.
• ≥ -25°C.
• ≤ 1000m.
Clean industrial air (no dust, fumes, gases or corrosive or flammable vapours, and no salt).
Mean relative humidity value over 24h < 95%.

Special service conditions (please, consult us)

Schneider Electric develops solutions to meet the following special conditions:

• Temperature from -40°C to +50°C (derating, ventilation).

• Corrosive atmospheres, vibrations (adaptations where applicable).
• Altitude > 1000 m (derating).

Storage conditions
To conserve all the qualities of the functional unit in the event of extended storage,
we recommend storing the equipment in its original packaging, in a dry location,
sheltered from rain and sun and at a temperature ranging between -25°C and +55°C.

The equipment proposed in this offer has been designed, manufactured and tested
in accordance with the requirements of the following standards and recommendations:
• High-voltage capacitors: CEI 60871-1&2, BS 1650, VDE 0560, C22-2 N°190-M1985, NEMA CP1.
• High-voltage circuit breakers: IEC 56.
• Current transformers: IEC 60044.
• Earthing switch: IEC 129C.
• Relays, Power factor controller: IEC 60010.
• Quick discharge reactors, Damping reactors: IEC 60076-6.
• Insulators: IEC 168 - 273 - 815.
• High-voltage contactors: IEC 420 / IEC 470.
• High-voltage fuses: IEC 282.1 / IEC 787.

Common electrical characteristics

• Tolerance on bank power rating: 0/+10% (0/+5%, power > 3 Mvar).
• Relative capacitance variation with temperature: -3,5.10-4/°C

Insulation coordination
Highest voltage for the equipment Power-frequency withstand Impulse withstand
UM (kV) voltage (kV rms, 50 Hz - 1 mn) voltage (kV peak, 1.2 / 50 μs)
7.2 20 60
12 28 75
17.5 38 95
24 50 125
36 70 170

MV capacitor
banks Banks for motor compensation
Insulation up to 12 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Fixed bank CP214

The CP214 banks are used for reactive energy compensation in medium-voltage networks.
This solution is especially suitable for individual motor compensation. The banks are designed
for use in electrical networks up to 12 kV.


1: Frame
2: Insulators
3: Quick discharge reactors
4: Fuses
5: Inrushj reactors
6: Capacitors

The banks are delta-connected (three-phase capacitors). HRC fuses provide protection against
internal faults. The proposed CP214 compensation banks can be installed indoors or outdoors,
mounted in aluminium or steel enclosures.

• Small size
• Specially designed for motor compensation

Electrical characteristics
Power (kvar)

Mains voltage (kV)

Power (kvar)

Mains voltage (kV)

Each CP214 bank comprises the following components:
• A frame in painted aluminium and steel panels (RAL 9002), IP 23 for indoor installation.
• PROPIVAR single-phase capacitors (1 or 2 elements depending on the power of the bank).
• Three inrush current limiting reactors.
• Three HRC fuses (with striker).

• Outdoor type enclosure • Set of 2 quick discharge reactors.
(panels in unpainted aluminium). • Door with lock.
• Double roof for outdoor type enclosure. • Blown fuse indicator.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram



• H: 1700 mm, L: 900 mm, D: 1200 mm.

• Approximate weight: 400 to 560 kg.

MV capacitor
banks Banks for motor compensation
Insulation up to 12 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Fixed bank CP214 SAH

The CP 214 SAH medium-voltage capacitor banks are designed for use in electrical networks

up to 12 kV. The CP214 SAH banks are used for reactive energy compensation

in medium-voltage networks containing harmonics.

This range is especially suitable for individual MV motor compensation.



3 1: Frame
2: Insulators
6 3: Quick discharge reactors
4: Fuses
5: Detuning reactors
6: Capacitors

The banks are delta-connected (three-phase capacitors). HRC fuses provide protection against internal
faults. The proposed CP214SAH compensation banks can be installed indoors or outdoors, mounted
in aluminium or steel enclosures.

• Small size
• Specially designed for motor compensation
• Suitable for networks with high harmonic levels

Electrical characteristics
Power (kvar)

Mains voltage (kV)

Power (kvar)

Mains voltage (kV)

Each CP214SAH bank comprises the following elements:
• A frame in painted aluminium and steel panels (RAL 9002), IP 23 for indoor installation.
• PROPIVAR single-phase capacitors (1 or 2 elements depending on the power of the bank).
• Three HRC fuses (with striker).
• A three-phase detuning reactor (dry type with magnetic core and natural convection cooling).

• Outdoor type enclosure (panels in unpainted aluminium).
• Blown fuse indicator.
• Sets of two quick discharge reactors: 7.2 - 12 kV.
• Door with lock.

• Double roof for outdoor type.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram


• H: 1900 mm, L: 2000 mm, D: 1100 mm.
• Approximate weight: 600 to 1000 kg.

MV capacitor
banks Banks for industrial compensation
Insulation up to 12 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Automatic bank CP253

The CP253 medium-voltage capacitor banks are designed for use in electrical networks up to 12 kV.

They are used for total installation compensation, when the load level is fluctuating.

The “1 step” CP253 model is mainly designed for individual compensation of MV motors to avoid

the risk of self-excitation.


1: Frame
2: Insulators
3: Quick discharge reactors
4: Fuses
5: Contactors
6: Capacitors
7: Inrush reactors

These banks are delta-connected (three-phase capacitors) and the HRC fuses provide protection
against internal faults. An optional cubicle containing a power factor controller can be used to control
the steps, thus forming an automatic compensation bank. For steps power values greater than 900
kvar, single-phase capacitors connected in double star will be used (maximum of 12 capacitors,
maximum power 4500 kvar).

• Total installation compensation

• Fluctuating load level
• Ease of access to components
• Simplified maintenance
• Easy installation

Electrical characteristics
Mains Steps kvar - 50 Hz Mains Steps kvar - 60 Hz
voltage (kV) Min. Max. voltage (kV) Min. Max.
3.3 1 30 360 2.4 1 20 240
2 60 720 2 40 480
3 120 1 080 3 80 720
4 210 1 440 4 140 960
5 1 500 1 800 5 1 000 1 200
5. 5 1 35 420 4.16 1 60 720
2 70 840 2 120 1 440
3 140 1 260 3 240 2 160
4 245 1 680 4 420 2 880
5 1 750 2 100 5 3 000 3 600
6 1 40 480 6.6 1 60 720
2 80 960 2 120 1 440
3 160 1 440 3 240 2 160
4 280 1 920 4 420 2 880
5 2 000 2 400 5 3 000 3 600
6.3 1 45 540 10 1 125 750
2 90 1 080 2 250 1 500
3 180 1 620 3 500 2 250
4 315 2 160 4 1 000 3 000
5 2 250 2 700 5 1 890 3 750
6.6 1 50 600
2 100 1 200
3 200 1 800
4 350 2 400
5 2 500 3 000 Each CP253 bank comprises the following
10 1 105 630 elements:
2 210 1 260
3 420 1 890 • An enclosure in unpainted aluminium or
4 840 2 520 galvanized steel, IP 23 for indoor installation.
5 1 575 3 150 • PROPIVAR three-phase capacitors
11 1 125 760 (1 or 2 elements per step).
2 250 1 520
3 500 2 280 • One ROLLARC SF6 contactor per step.
4 1 000 3 040 • Three inrush current limiting reactors per step.
5 1 890 3 800 • Three HRC fuses (with striker) per step.

• Outdoor type enclosure. • Step auto/manual selector switch.
• Double roof for outdoor type enclosure. • Sets of two quick discharge reactors:
• Door with lock. 7.2 - 12 kV.
• Control and monitoring cubicle • Blown fuse indicator.
for "n" steps. • Earthing switch.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram



1 stepp 2 000 1 500 1 600
2 steps
p 2 000 2 600 1 600
3 steps
steps 2 000 3 700
00 1 600
4 steps
p 2 000 4 800 1 600
5 steps
p 2 000 5 900 1 600

MV capacitor
banks Banks for industrial compensation
Insulation up to 12 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Automatic bank CP253 SAH

The CP253 SAH medium-voltage capacitor banks are designed for use in electrical networks
up to 12 kV. The CP253 SAH banks are used for automatic reactive energy compensation in
medium-voltage networks with a high harmonic level. This solution is particularly suitable
for total installation compensation where the load level is fluctuating.


1: Frame
2: Insulators
5 3: Fuses
4: Contactors
5: Capacitors
6: Detuning reactors

These banks are delta-connected (three-phase capacitors) and the HRC fuses provide protection
against internal faults. An optional cubicle containing a power factor controller can be used to control
the steps, thus forming an automatic compensation bank. For steps power values greater than
900 kvar, single-phase capacitors connected in double star will be used (maximum of 12 capacitors,
maximum power 4500 kvar).

• Total installation compensation

• Fluctuating load level
• Ease of access to components
• Simplified maintenance
• Easy installation
• Suitable for networks with a high harmonic level

Electrical characteristics
Mains Steps kvar - 50 Hz Mains Steps kvar - 60 Hz
voltage (kV) Min. Max. voltage (kV) Min. Max.
3.3 1 32,5 400 2.4 1 20 260
2 65 800 2 40 520
3 130 1 200 3 80 780
4 230 1 600 4 140 1 040
5 1 650 2 000 5 1 050 1 300
5.5 1 37,5 450 4.16 1 65 780
2 75 900 2 130 1 560
3 150 1 350 3 260 2 340
4 265 1 800 4 455 3 120
5 1 850 2 250 5 3 250 3 900
6 1 42,5 510 6.6 1 65 770
2 85 1 020 2 130 1 540
3 170 1 530 3 260 2 310
4 300 2 040 4 455 3 080
5 2 100 2 550 5 3 200 3 850
6.3 1 47,5 580 10 1 125 750
2 95 1 160 2 250 1 500
3 190 1 740 3 500 2 250
4 335 2 320 4 1 000 3 000
5 2 400 2 900 5 1 890 3 750
6.6 1 52,5 640
2 105 1 280 Composition
3 210 1 920
4 370 2 560 Each CP253SAH bank comprises the following
5 2 650 3 200 elements:
10 1 110 670 • An enclosure in unpainted aluminium or
2 220 1 340
3 440 2 010
galvanized steel, IP 23 for indoor installation.
4 880 2 680 • PROPIVAR three-phase capacitors
5 1 665 3 350 (1 or 2 elements per step).
11 1 135 810 • One ROLLARC SF6 contactor per step.
2 270 1 620
3 540 2 430 • A detuning reactor (dry type, with magnetic
4 1 080 3 240 core, air cooling) per step.
5 2 020 4 050 • Three HRC fuses (with striker) per step.

• Outdoor type enclosure. • Step auto/manual selector switch.
• Double roof for outdoor type enclosure. • Sets of two quick discharge reactors:
• Door with lock. 7.2 - 12 kV.
• Control and monitoring cubicle • Blown fuse indicator.
for "n" steps. • Earthing switch.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram




1 stepp 2 000 1 500 2 400
2 steps
p 2 000 2 600 2 400
3 steps
p 2 000 3 700 2 400
4 steps
p 2 000 4 800 2 400
5 steps
p 2 000 5 900 2 400

MV capacitor
banks Banks for global compensation
Insulation up to 36 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Fixed bank CP227

The CP227 medium-voltage capacitor banks are designed for use in electrical networks
up to 36 kV. This range is mainly used for total installation compensation.

1: Frame
2: Quick discharge reactors
3: Unbalance CT
4: Inrush reactors
5: Capacitors

These banks are connected in double star and the unbalance current detection system
provides protection against internal faults. The proposed CP227 compensation banks
can be installed outdoors or indoors, mounted in aluminium or steel enclosures.
NB: CP 227 SAH fixed banks with detuning reactor are designed and proposed on request.

• Total installation compensation

• Ease of access to components
• Simplified maintenance
• Easy installation

Electrical characteristics

Power (kvar)

Power (kvar)

Mains voltage (kV) Mains voltage (kV)

Each CP227 bank comprises the following elements:
• An enclosure in unpainted aluminium or galvanized steel, IP 23 for indoor installation.
• PROPIVAR capacitors (6, 9 or 12 elements depending on the power of the bank).
• Three inrush current limiting reactors.
• A current transformer for unbalance protection.

• Outdoor type enclosure (panels in • Sets of two quick discharge reactors by steps.
unpainted aluminium). • Unbalance protection relay (supplied
• Double roof for outdoor type enclosure. separately).
• Door with lock. • Earthing switch.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram

• Insulation up to 24 kV: H: 2000 mm, L: 1400 mm, D: 1400 mm.
• 36 kV insulation: H: 2000 mm, L: 3000 mm, D: 2100 mm.
• Approximate weight: 450 to 1550 kg.


MV capacitor
banks Banks for distribution
and large sites networks
Insulation up to 36 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Automatic bank CP254

The CP254 medium-voltage capacitor banks are designed for use in electrical networks up to
36 kV. They are used for total installation compensation, when the load level is fluctuating.

1: Frame
2: Insulators of earthing switch
3: Quick discharge reactors
4: Detuning reactors
5: Unbalance CT
6: Capacitors
7: SF6 switch

These banks are connected in double star and the unbalance current detection system provides
protection against internal faults. Several banks (in that case called “steps”) can be controlled
by a power factor controller to form an automatic capacitor bank. The steps are connected in
parallel with power cables (outside our scope of supply).
NB: CP 254 SAH fixed banks with detuning reactor are designed and proposed on request.
• Total installation compensation
• Fluctuating load level
• Ease of access to components
• Simplified maintenance
• Easy installation

Electrical characteristics
Mains voltage (kV) kvar - 50 Hz Mains voltage (kV) kvar - 60 Hz
Min. Max. Min. Max.
15 600 4 200 13.8 600 4 200
20 600 4 800 33 1 740 6 960
22 720 5 760
30 1 200 4 800
33 1 440 5 760

Each CP254 bank comprises the following elements:
• An enclosure in unpainted aluminium or galvanized steel, IP 23 for indoor installation.
• PROPIVAR capacitors (6, 9 or 12 elements per step depending on the power of the bank).
• An SF6 switch.
• Three inrush current limiting reactors.
• A current transformer for unbalance protection.

• Outdoor type enclosure.
• Double roof for outdoor type enclosure.
• Door with lock.
• Unbalance protection relay (supplied separately)*.
• Three-pole / Five-pole earthing switch.
• Ligne Current Transformer.
• Voltage Transformer.
• Sets of two quick discharge reactors.
• Control and monitoring cubicle for «n» steps.
• Step auto/manual selector switch.
* 2 relays are used for banks having capacitors with internal fuses; a single relay is required when there are no internal
fuses. If the monitoring and protection cubicle option is selected, the relays are installed in the cubicle.

General view, dimensions and three-lines diagram




• Insulation up to 24 kV
H: 2000 mm, L: 2600 mm, D: 1400 mm.
• 36 kV insulation
H: 2100 mm, L: 3000 mm, D: 2100 mm.
• Approximate weight: 450 to 1550 kg.

MV capacitor
banks Banks for distribution networks
Insulation up to 36 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Fixed bank CP229

The banks of the CP229 range are mounted in aluminium racks.

They are used for reactive energy compensation in medium-voltage networks.

This high power range is designed for total compensation of large industrial plants

and power distribution systems.



1: Frame
2: Insulators
3: Unbalance CT
4: Supporting stands
5: Capacitors
6: Copper busbar
7: Connection pad

These banks are connected in double star (up to 36 capacitors) and the unbalance current
detection system provides protection against internal faults.
NB: CP 229 SAH fixed banks with detuning reactor are designed and proposed on request.

• Total plant compensation

• Suitable for high power
• Ease of access to components
• Simplified maintenance
• Easy installation

Electrical characteristics
• Rated frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
• Insulation up to 36 kV.
• Reactive power of 5.4 to 18 Mvar; maximum of 30 capacitors in standard configuration.
• For higher power values, please contact us.
• Tolerance on capacitance value: 0, +5%.

• Inrush reactors (supplied separately).

General view and three-lines diagram


MV capacitor
banks Banks for transport and distribution
Insulation up to 245 kV – 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Fixed bank CP230

These capacitor banks are custom designed, in accordance with customer specifications.
Generally, they are used on high-voltage networks to increase the lines’ transmission capacity
and reduce voltage drops.





1: Frame
2, 3 & 4: Insulators
5: Supports
6: Lifting rings
7: Connection pad
8: Capacitors
9: Inrush reactors
10: Neutral busbar
11: Unbalance CT

The banks of the CP230 range are mounted in aluminium or galvanised steel frames. Schneider
Electric can propose capacitor banks for networks up to 230 kV.

• HV and EHV compensation

• Special design adapted to customer specifications
• Adaptation to site conditions
• Simple, robust installation

Electrical characteristics
• Rated frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
• Insulation: up to 245 kV.
• Maximum reactive power: 100 Mvar, for higher values, please contact us.
• Tolerance on capacitance value: 0, +5%.
• Inrush current limiting reactors: single-phase reactors, dry type
air core.

General view and three-lines diagram


Power Factor
Correction and Protection systems
harmonic filtering Contents

Types of faults in capacitor banks 40

People safety 41
Protection of capacitors 42

systems Types of faults in capacitor banks

The main faults that can affect a capacitor Element short circuit in a capacitor
bank are:
Without internal protection (Fig. 1)
• Element short circuit in a capacitor.
Elements wired in parallel are therefore bypassed by the short circuited
• Overload.
unit (cf. Propivar capacitors, p.46).
• Short circuit (two- and three-phase).
• The capacitor’s impedance is modified.
• Phase-to-earth fault.
• The voltage applied is distributed over one set less in series.
• Each set is therefore subjected to a higher voltage stress, which may

cause other element failures in cascade until complete short circuit.

Initial voltage of element, UNE (equal to UN/4) becomes, after fault, equal
1.33 IN to UN/3, either 1.33 UNE.

With internal protection (Fig. 2)

Blowing of the internal fuse linked in series eliminates the short circuited
• The capacitor stays in service.
• Its impedance is "slightly" modified accordingly.

1.33 UNE

If=1.33 IN
Overload is due to a permanent or temporary overcurrent:
1.33 UNE • permanent overcurrent due to:
- a rise in the supply voltage;
- the circulation of a harmonic current due to the presence of nonlinear
1.33 UNE loads such as static converters (rectifiers, variable speed drives),
arc furnaces, etc.;
• temporary overcurrent due to energizing of steps of a bank.
Figure 1: Wafer short circuit without An overload results in overheating which is harmful to dielectric
internal fuse protection strength, and causes premature capacitor ageing.

Short circuit (two- and three-phase)

The short circuit is an internal or external fault between live conductors,
either phase-to-phase (delta-connected capacitors), or phase-to-neutral
(star-connected capacitors). External short circuits may be due to

external overvoltages (lightning stroke, switching surge) or insulation

0.978 IN
faults (foreign bodies modifying clearances).
They result in electric arcs causing material peeling, overpressures
and electrodynamic forces. Internal short circuits result in electric arcs
in the oil, which causes the appearance of gas in the sealed enclosure
leading to violent overpressures which can cause rupture of
the enclosure and leakage of the dielectric.

0.978 UNE

0.978 UNE Phase-to-earth fault

The earth fault consists either of an internal fault between a live part of
the capacitor and the frame consisting of the metal enclosure which is
1.067 UNE
earthed (for protection of human life), or an external fault between live
conductors and the frame.
0.978 UNE The effects of the short circuit depend on the sum of the fault impedance
and the loop impedance (which depends on the network’s earthing system).
The resulting current may be very low and inadequate to cause blowing
Figure 2: Wafer short circuit of external fuses, which may result in a gradual overpressure (accumulation
with internal fuse protection of gases) and heavy stresses on the enclosure.

systems People safety

The main devices contributing to people safety Digital protection relays

in reactive energy compensation equipment are:
It performs protection against the various types of fault.
• Digital protection relay
• Phase-to-earth fault by earth overcurrent protection (ANSI 50N-51N)
(phase-to-earth fault, short circuit).
which allows detection of overcurrents due to phase-to-earth faults.
• Quick discharge reactors.
It uses measurement of the fundamental component of the earth current.
• Earthing switch.
• Overload by thermal overload protection (ANSI 49 RMS) which
• External fuses.
can protect capacitors against overloads based on measurement
of current drawn.
• Short circuit by phase overcurrent protection (ANSI 50-51) which
allows detection of overcurrents due to phase-to-phase faults. It uses
measurement of the fundamental component of the currents coming
from 2 or 3 “phase CT” current transformers.

Quick discharge reactor

The installation of two quick discharge reactors (“PT” potential
transformers) between phases of the bank allows capacitor

discharge time to be reduced from 10 minutes to about 10 seconds.

This reduction in discharge time provides:
• safety for personnel during any servicing operations;

• a reduction in waiting time prior to earthing (closing of the earthing


No more than 3 consecutive discharges are acceptable

and it is essential to comply with a 2-hour rest period (for cooling)

before starting a sequence again.

Earthing switch
This is a safety-critical component, designed to ground and discharge
capacitors prior to maintenance to allow human intervention
on the installation in complete safety.
The capacitor terminals must be earthed and kept earthed while
the servicing operation is in progress.

Line disconnector
Quick discharge reactors
The disconnector is an electromechanical device allowing mechanical
separation of an electric circuit and its power supply, while physically

ensuring an adequate isolation distance. The aim may be to ensure

the safety of personnel working on the isolated part of the electrical
network or to eliminate part of the network at fault.
Medium-voltage line disconnectors are often combined with
an earthing switch.

Earthing switch

systems Protection of capacitors

The main capacitor protection devices are: Internal fuses

• Internal fuses.
Propivar capacitors (single-phase capacitors) can be supplied with

• External fuses.
protection by an internal fuse combined with each element.

• Inrush reactors.
In the event of failure of one element, it will be disconnected and

• Unbalance protection relays.

isolated. Failure of an element can occur:

• Digital protection relay (overload).

• when the capacitor’s voltage is close to maximum magnitude. In this
case, power stored in the capacitances of the parallel elements causes
blowing of the internal fuse (Fig. 1);
• when the capacitor’s voltage is close to zero. Circulation of total

capacitor current causes blowing of the internal fuse (Fig. 2).

• Instantaneous disconnection of the short-circuited element

• Lower maintenance costs
• Continuity of service maintained
• Possibility of planned preventive maintenance operation
(monitoring of the capacitor element)

Fig. 1: Internal fuse blowing caused by discharge of

the energy stored in the capacitor elements coupled
in parallel

Fig. 2: Internal fuse blowing caused when

the capacitor’s voltage is close to zero

External fuses

The external fuses for capacitors are designed to eliminate capacitors

at fault, so as to allow the other steps of the bank to which the unit
is connected to continue to operate. They also eliminate external
sparkover on capacitor bushings. The operation of an external fuse
is generally determined by the fault current supplied by the network
and by the discharge energy coming from the capacitors connected
in parallel with the capacitor at fault.
The initial failure is usually an individual element (wafer) of
the capacitor. This failure results in a short circuit which applies to
all the elements in parallel and thus eliminates a series set of elements.
If the cause of the initial failure remains, failure of the successive series
sets (which sustain a voltage increase with each elimination of a series
set) will occur. This causes a current increase in the capacitor until
HRC fuses the external fuse operates, eliminating the failed capacitor from
the circuit.

Protection by external HRC (High Rupturing Capacity) fuses

incorporated in the bank is very suitable (technically and economically)
for capacitor banks of:
• low power (< 1 200 kvar);

• provided with three-phase capacitors;

• mains voltage < 12 kV.

The fuse rating will be chosen with a value ranging between 1.7 and 2.2

times the current rating of the bank (1.5 to 2.2 with detuning reactors).

Blowing of HRC fuses is generally caused by a non-resistive short

circuit. The blown fuse indication is a visual means of checking

the state of the fuse.

Inrush reactors
Inrush reactors are connected in series to each step and serves to limit

the current peak which occurs during switch-on operations.

The inductance value is chosen to ensure that the peak current

Inrush reactors occurring during operations always remain less than 100 times

the current rating of the bank.

Main characteristics:


• Air-core reactors, dry type.

• Single-phase configuration.
• Indoor or outdoor installation.
• In compliance with IEC or equivalent standards.

Unbalance protection
This protection generally applies to banks of:
• medium or high power ( > 1200 kvar);
• provided with single-phase capacitors;
• double star connection compulsory.
Unbalance or differential protection is a protection system capable
of detecting and responding to a partial capacitor fault.
It consists of a current transformer connected between two electrically
balanced points combined with a current relay. In the event of a fault
in a capacitor, the result is an unbalance, hence a circulating current
in the current transformer which will cause, via the relay, opening
of the bank’s switchgear (circuit breaker, switch, contactor, etc.).
Current transformer for unbalance protection Note: there is no unbalance protection with three-phase capacitors.

Power Factor
Correction and Components
harmonic filtering Contents

MV Propivar capacitor 46
Varlogic power factor controller 48
Current Transformer 49
Potential Transformer 49
Detuning or filtering reactor 50
Rollarc contactor SF1& SF2 circuit breakers 51
SF1& SF2 circuit breakers 52
Control and monitoring unit 53
Digital protection relay: Sepam 54

MV Propivar capacitor

Propivar capacitors are used to build capacitor Description

banks for reactive energy compensation
A medium-voltage Propivar capacitor takes the form of a metal
on medium- and high-voltage networks.
enclosure with terminals on top.
Through various assemblies, they can cover
This enclosure contains a set of capacitor elements. Wired in series-
various reactive power ratings according to
parallel groups, they can form unit elements of high power
the mains voltage, frequency and level
for high network voltages. Two types are proposed:
of harmonic distortion of the network.
• with internal fuses (single-phase capacitor), available with Q > 150 kvar;
• without internal fuse (three-phase or single-phase capacitor).
These capacitors are provided with discharge resistors to reduce
the residual voltage to 75 V, 10 minutes after their switching off.

On request, the capacitors can be supplied with resistors to reduce

the residual voltage to 50 V in 5 minutes, or without discharge resistor.

The capacitor elements forming the Propivar capacitor are made of:
• aluminium sheet armatures;
• polypropylene films;
• a PCB chlorine free dielectric fluid.

Main characteristics
Propivar capacitors have a long service life increased by their thermal
resistance and their low losses, their chemical stability and
their resistance to overvoltages and overcurrents.
Thermal resistance
At low temperature, these capacitors start up without any special


At higher ambient temperatures, they sustain very slight heating,

so that there is no risk of modification of the dielectric insulation

Single-phase Propivar

Chemical stability

Transient surges in networks and partial discharge levels in enclosures

cause accelerated ageing of capacitor elements. The exceptionally long
service life of Propivar capacitors is due to the intrinsic properties
of the dielectric fluid, namely:
• very high chemical stability;
• high power of absorption of gases generated during partial
• very high dielectric strength
Overvoltage and overcurrent resistance
Capacitors can accept:
• an overvoltage of 1.10 UN, 12 h per day;
• an overvoltage at power frequency of 1.15 UN, 30 minutes per day;
• a permanent overcurrent of 1.3 IN.
Their resistance is verified (EDF certification) by:
• 1000 non-consecutive cycles at an overvoltage level of 2.25 UN
(cycle duration 12 periods);
• ageing tests at 1.4 UN (3,000 hours).
Propivar capacitor with internal fuse, built with
4 series group of 12, parallel elements complete
with discharge resistors

Insulation voltage
In accordance with Standard IEC 60871-1 and 2.
Highest voltage for the equipment Um
kV 7.2 12 17.5 24 36
Insulation level
kV rms, 50 Hz-1 mn 20 28 38 50 70
kV impulse, 1,2/50 µs 60 75 95 125 170

In accordance with Standard NEMA CP1 applicable in some

North American countries (USA, Canada).
Highest voltage for the equipment Um
kV 5.5 15.5 19.8 27.5 38
Insulation level
kV rms, 50 Hz-1 mn 24 30 36 50 70
kV impulse, 1,2/50 µs 75 95 125 150 200

Environmental protection
The Propivar capacitor contains a dielectric liquid with no PCB
or chlorine, compatible with the environment.

Other characteristics
Operating frequency 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Temperature range(1) -40° to +50°C
Average loss factor 0.16 W/kvar with internal fuses
at 20°C after stabilization 0.12 W/kvar without internal fuse
Maximum Three-phase 450 kvar
nominal capacitor
reactive power(2) Single-phase 600 kvar
Tolerance -5 % to +15 %
on capacitance value
Relative capacitance -3.5 . 10-4/°C
variation ∆C/C per °C
Connection on resin terminals for cables of cross section ≤ 50 mm2
Sealed welded enclosure Thickness 1.5 mm Material: stainless steel 304L
Colour RAL 7038 grey
Corrosion protection treatment
Fastening by 2 pierced lugs for M10 screws
(1) +55)°C on request - (2) Other power ratings, please consult us


Single-phase Propivar Three-phase Propivar

Varlogic power factor controller

Varlogic controllers constantly measure NRC12 technical specifications

the installation’s reactive power
and manage connection and disconnection Number of steps 12
of capacitor steps to obtain the desired Dimensions 155 x 158 x 80 mm
power factor. Frequency 50 Hz nominal (range 48...52 Hz)
60 Hz nominal (range 58...62 Hz)
The NRC12 can manage up to 12 capacitor
Monitoring current 0…1 A or 0...5 A
steps and has extensive functionalities
Monitoring voltage* 80…690 V (nominal, max. 115%)
including Modbus communication (optional).
Measured power
It simplifies the commissioning, monitoring
display 100 000 kVA
and maintenance of power factor
Nominal consumption 13 VA
correction equipment. Tensions d’alimentation 110 V nominal, (range 88...130 V)
230 V nominal, (range 185...265 V)
400 V nominal, (range 320...460 V)


Output relay 250 V, 2 A

Screen Graphic display, resolution 64x128 pixels, backlit
Degree of protection IP41 front panel, IP20 rear panel
Target pf (cos ϕ) range 0.85 ind …1.00 … 0.90 cap
Response current C/K 0.01 ... 1.99, symmetric or asymmetric
Reconnection time 10…900 s
Response time 20 % reconnexion time, min. 10 s
Values displayed cos ϕ, Iact, Ireact, Iapp, IRMS/I1, P, Q, S, THD (U)
and harmonic voltages, THD(I) and harmonic current,
internal and external temperature
Varlogic NRC12 Type of installation Flush mounting or on DIN rail
Enclosure Impact-resistant PC/ABS, UL94V-0
Operating temperature 0…60°C
Alarm history List of the last 5 alarms
Stepped meter Yes
Fan control
by dedicated relay Yes. 250 Vac, 8A
Alarm contact Yes. 250 Vac, 8A
TC range 25/1 … 6000/1 or 25/5 … 6000/5
Detection Response time > 15 ms
of voltage dips
Communication Modbus protocol with CCA-01 (option)

* Voltage transformer ratio input allows display/monitoring of primary voltage

in MV installation

Current Transformer
Potential Transformer

Current Transformers (CT) meet standard IEC Current Transformer

Composition and types
Their function is to supply the secondary
circuit with a current that is proportional to that Current Transformers are designed to perform protection and
of the MV circuit on which they are installed. monitoring functions.
The primary is series-mounted on the MV • Detection of overcurrents in capacitor banks and supply of a signal
network and subject to the same over-currents to the protection relay.
as the latter and withstands the MV voltage. • Supply of a signal to the power factor controller.
They are of the following types:


• wound (most common type): when the primary and secondary include
a coil wound on the magnetic circuit;
• bushing type: primary formed by a conductor not isolated from
the installation;
• toroidal: primary formed by an isolated cable.
The double star arrangement and unbalance protection require the use
of special current transformers (class X).
Magnetic core
Magnetic core
Wound type primary Closed core type current
current transformer transformer

Current Transformer

Potential Transformers (PT) meet standard

Potential Transformer
IEC 60044-2.

Composition and types

They have two key functions:

• adapting the value of MV voltage on Potential Transformers are designed to perform protection and
the primary to the characteristics of metering monitoring functions.
protection devices by supplying a secondary • Detection of over-/under-voltages in capacitor banks and supply
voltage that is proportional and lower; of a signal to the protection relay.
• isolating power circuits from the metering • Supply of a signal to the power factor controller.
and/or protection circuit.

Phase-earth Potential

Detuning or filtering reactor

A detuning reactor forms part of the power Iron-core reactor, “resin-impregnated” technology
factor correction equipment, to prevent
• Indoor installation.
amplification of the pre-existing harmonic in
• Three-phase type.
current and voltage on the network.
• Max. voltage 12 kV.
There are many types of reactors.
• Connection to copper pad.
• Weight up to 2000 kg.


Iron-core reactor, “resin-encapsulated” technology

• Indoor installation.
• Three-phase type.
• Max. voltage 24 kV.
• IEC 60076-6 standard.
• Fire resistance.
• Temperature class F.
• Connection to copper pad.
• Weight up to 2000 kg.

Iron-core reactor, “oil-immersed” technology


• Indoor or outdoor installation.

• Max. voltage 36 kV.
• Hermetically sealed type with integral filling.
• Connection to porcelain or plug-in bushings.
• Weight up to 3500 kg.

Air-core reactor (coreless), “resin-impregnated” technology

Air-core reactors are characterized by a reactance which does not
3 depend on the current passing through them (constant permeability of
These reactors are generally installed in substations or in static
compensation equipment (SVC - Static Var Compensator).
The “dry” type design is characterized by high reliability, no maintenance
and great adaptability to environmental constraints.
• Mainly outdoor installation.
• Max. voltage up to 245 kV.


1: Iron-core reactor, “resin-impregnated” technology

2: Iron-core reactor, “resin-encapsulated” technology
3: Iron-core reactor, “oil-immersed” technology
4: Air-core reactor (coreless), “resin-impregnated”

Rollarc contactor

The Rollarc three-pole type contactor,

for indoor use, employs SF6 for insulation

Control and protection of


• MV motors.
The breaking principle is that of the rotating

• Capacitor banks and power transformers.

arc. The basic device consists of three pole

units mounted in a single insulating enclosure.

The insulating enclosure containing the live

Reference standards
parts of these poles is filled with SF6
• IEC 60470 standard: High-Voltage Alternating Current Contactors
at a relative pressure of 2.5 bar.
and Contactor-Based Motor-Starters.
The Rollarc contactor is available in two types:
• IEC 62271-105 standard: High-voltage switchgear and controlgear,
• R400 contactor, with magnetic holding. Alternating current switch-fuse combinations.
• R400D contactor, with mechanical latching.
Electrical characteristics
Rated Insulation level Breaking capacity Rated Making capacity Short-timeMechanical
voltage current thermal endurance
UR (kV) Inpulse 1 mn with IR with current
50/60Hz 1,2/50μs 50/60Hz fuses fuses 3s
kV kV peak kV rms kA kA A kA peak kA kA rms
7,2 60 20 10 50 400 25 125 10 100 000
12 60 28 8 40 400 20 100 8

Maximum operable power

Voltage (kV) Without fuse With integrated fuse
Power (kvar) Power (kvar)
3,3 1255 790
4,16 1585 800
6,6 2510 1270
10 3810 960
12 4570 1155

• Modern, tried and tested breaking technology thanks to SF6.

• Equipment requiring no maintenance on live parts.
• High mechanical and electrical endurance.
• Very low surge level without additional devices (surge suppressor).
• Insensitivity to the environment.
• Gas pressure can be monitored constantly.


1: MV connections
2: LV connections
3: Auxiliary contacts
4: Pressure switch
5: Electromagnetic control
6: Mechanical latching
device (R400D)
7: Opening release
8: Mounting points
9: Insulating enclosure
10: Rating plate

Rollarc contactor (connections) Rollarc contactor (cutaway)

SF1 & SF2 circuit breakers

The SF circuit breaker of the Schneider

Electric equipment range is used for switching

The SF circuit breaker, in its basic fixed version, consists of:

on capacitor banks or steps.

• 3 main poles, linked mechanically and each comprising an insulating

This circuit breaker uses SF6 as dielectric.

enclosure of the “sealed pressure system” type. The sealed enclosure

It has been especially tested for the specific

is filled with SF6 at low pressure.

operation of capacitor banks.

• A spring type energy storage manual control (electrical on option).

This means the device’s making speed and breaking speed
are independent of the operator. When it is provided with electric

control, the circuit breaker can be remotely controlled and resetting

cycles can be performed.
• Front panel with the manual control and status indicators.
• Downstream and upstream terminals for power circuit connection.
• A terminal block for connection of external auxiliary circuits.
Depending on these characteristics, the SF circuit breaker is available
with a front or side control mechanism.

• Electric control
• Supporting frame fitted with rollers and floor mounting brackets
for a fixed installation.
SF1 circuit-breaker • Circuit breaker locking in open position by lock installed
on the control front plate.
• SF6 pressure switch for highest performance.

The SF devices are three-pole MV circuit breakers for indoor use.
They are chiefly used for switching and protection of networks
from 12 to 36 kV in the distribution of primary and secondary power.
With self-compression of the SF6 gas, which is the switch-off technique
used in these circuit breakers, the establishment or interruption
of any type of capacitive or inductive current is performed without
any dangerous overvoltage for the equipment connected to
the network.
The SF circuit breaker is therefore highly appropriate for the switching
of capacitor banks.
SF2 circuit-breaker

SF1 fixed SF2 fixed

Side or front operating mechanism Front operating mechanism
Rated voltage Ur (kV, 50/60 Hz)
40.5 kV
36 kV 36 kV

24 kV 24 kV

17.5 kV

12 kV
Rated short-circuit breaking current (Isc )
25 kA from 12.5 to 25 kA from 12.5 from 25 31.5 kA
to 40 kA to 40 kA
Rated current (Ir )
630 A from 400 to 1 250 A from 630 to 3 150 A 2 500 A

Rated switching capacitive current (Ic )

440 A from 280 to 875 A from 440 to 2 200 A 1 750 A

Control and monitoring unit

The function of these units is to control Description

and protect capacitor banks.
These enclosures are designed for indoor installation.
They comprise the following elements:
• A Varlogic power factor controller;
• A Sepam digital protection relay:
• Unbalance protection relays;
• Indicator lamps
- “ON”
- for each step, “Step ON”, “Step OFF”, “Unbalance alarm”,
“Unbalance trip”.

A three-position selector switch:
• “Auto”: The steps are controlled automatically by the power factor
• “Manual”: The steps are controlled manually by means of a 2-position
selector switch located on the enclosure (1 selector switch per step);
• “0”: The steps are disconnected (no control, automatic or manual,
is possible).

1 2 1 2

Monitoring and control unit

1. Varlogic power factor controller
2. Sepam digital protection relay

Sepam protection relay

Sepam protection relays maximise energy Stay informed to manage better

availability and the profits generated by
With Sepam, get intuitive access to all system information in
your installation while protecting people
one’s own language to manage the electrical installation
and property.
effectively. If a problem occurs, clear and complete information
puts everyone in a position to make the right decisions immediately.

Maintain installation availability


Sepam maintains high energy availability thanks to its diagnostics

function that continuously monitors network status.

In-depth analysis capabilities and high reliability ensure that

equipment is de-energized only when absolutely necessary.

Risks are minimized and servicing time reduced by planned

maintenance operations.

Sepam protection relays Enhance installation dependability

Sepam series 80 is the first digital protection relay to deliver
dependability and behaviour in the event of failure meeting
the requirements of standard IEC 61508.
Sepam manufacturing quality is so high that the units can be used in
the most severe environments, including off-shore oil rigs and chemical
factories (standard IEC 60062-2-60).

Communicate openly
In addition to the DNP3, IEC 60870-5-103 and Modbus standards,
Sepam complies with IEC 61850 and uses the communication
protocol that is today’s market standard to interface with all brands
of electrical-distribution devices.

Respect the environment

• Compliance with RoHS European Directive.
• Low energy consumption.
• Manufacturing in plant certified ISO 14001.
• Recyclable over 85% (Sepam S10).

Modular range structured; Capacitor application

Protection of a double star connected capacitor bank
with 1 to 4 steps
• capacitor bank short-circuit protection
• U et f monitoring
• overload protection
S20 S40 • unbalance protection
S24 C86 C86

Protection of a capacitor Protection of a capacitor

bank (delta connection) bank (delta connection)
without voltage monitoring without voltage monitoring
• capacitor bank short- • capacitor bank sc
circuit protection protection
• U et f monitoring
• overload protection:
(Sepam C86)

Technical specifications
Code ANSI S10A S10B S20 S24 S40 C86
Phase overcurrent 50/51 2 2 4 4 4 8
Earth fault 50N/51N 2 2 4 4 4 8
Sensitive earth fault 50G/51G 2 2 4 4 4 8
Breaker failure 50BF 1 1 1
Negative sequence / unbalance 46 1 1 2 2
Thermal overload for capacitors 49RMS 1 1 1
Capacitor-bank unbalance 51C 8
Positive sequence undervoltage 27D 2
Remanent undervoltage 27R 2
Undervoltage (L-L or L-N) 27 2 4
Overvoltage (L-L or L-N) 59 2 4
Neutral voltage displacement 59N 2 2
Negative sequence overvoltage 47 1 2
Overfrequency 81H 2 2
Underfrequency 81L 4 4
Temperature monitoring (16RTDs) 38/49T
Phase current RMS I1, I2, I3
Measured residual current I0Σ
Demand current I1, I2, I3
Peak demand current IM1, IM2, IM3
Measured residual curent I0, I’0
Voltage U21, U32, U13, V1, V2, V3
Residual voltage V0
Active power P, P1, P2, P3
Reactive power Q, Q1, Q2, Q3
Apparent power S, S1, S2, S3
Peak demand power PM, QM
Power factor
Active and reactive energy
Network, switchgear and capacitors diagnosis
Tripping current
tripI1, tripI2, tripI3, tripI0
Harmonic distortion (THD) current
and voltage THDi, THDu
Phase displacement φ0, φ'0, φ0Σ
Phase displacement φ1, φ2, φ3
Disturbance recording
Thermal capacity used
Capacitor unbalance
current and capacitance
CT/PT supervision 60/60FL
Trip circuit supervision 74
Auxiliary power supply monitoring
Cumulative breaking current
Number of operations
Control and monitoring
Circuit breaker/contactor control 94/69
Logic discrimination 68
Latching/acknowledgement 86
Annunciation 30
Communication protocols S-LAN
Modbus RTU
: standard Modbus TCP/IP
: option
* Figures indicate
the number of protection CEI 60870-5-103
functions available CEI 61850

Power Factor
Correction and Specific equipments
harmonic filtering Contents

Hybrid Var Compensator (HVC) 58

Passive harmonic filters 60
Blocking circuits 61
Surge protection capacitors 62

equipments Hybride Var Compensator (HVC)

HVC (Hybrid Var Compensator) equipment Hybrid Var Compensator (HVC)

is designed to perform economical reactive Description
energy compensation in real time. The equipment comprises a fixed MV bank of shunt capacitors with
Its use can: detuning reactor, and an AccuSine electronic device combined with
• improve the quality of public and industrial an LV/MV step-up transformer.
networks by reducing or eliminating voltage
fluctuations, power fluctuations, etc.;
• increase the capacity of existing networks
by compensating losses due to reactive
• allow optimum coupling of renewable
energies (wind-power, solar power) to
the network through an appropriate response
to normative constraints

25 / 4.16 kV 25 / 4.16 kV

2000 A 2000 A
CT (3) 1000/5 CT (3) 1000/5


4.16kV 4.16kV

CT (3) 1000:5

4.16 / 0.48 kV


1225 kvar
6 x 250kvar MV bank
Accusine with detuning

Example of implementation


The fixed capacitor bank constantly injects a capacitive reactive current

into the network. The electronic device injects a reactive, capacitive
or inductive current, continually and in less than one period (20 ms -
50 Hz), to compensate the major rapid fluctuations in reactive power
consumption due to the load.

• Injection of reactive energy in “leading” or “lagging” mode.
fixed kvar
• Response time less than one cycle.

load • Power factor adjustable up to unity.

AccuSine • Reactive energy compensation without transient.

result kvar • Continuous compensation.

• Separate monitoring of each phase for unbalanced loads.

• Energy
- Connection of wind-power or solar farms.
• Industry
- Arc furnaces: voltage regulation and flicker attenuation.
- Welding machines: voltage regulation and flicker attenuation.
- Crushers: flicker attenuation.
- Pumping stations: starting assistance for high-powered MV motors.
- Cold/hot rolling mills: attenuation of harmonics and improvement of
the power factor of rapidly fluctuating loads.

AccuSine range

equipments Passive harmonic filters

Schneider Electric can propose numerous Passive harmonic filters

passive harmonic filtering solutions in medium Technical characteristics
and high voltage, for 50 or 60 Hz networks.
• Rated frequency: 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
These solutions are custom designed on
• Insulation: 72.5 kV (for other values, please consult us).
a case by case basis. A preliminary site audit
• Maximum reactive power: 35 Mvar (for other values, please consult us).
and a precise definition of needs (objectives
• Reactors: single-phase, dry, air-core; they are most commonly used
to be achieved, etc.) are essential to guarantee
for passive filters.
the performance of this type of solution.
• Other components, such as resistors, can also be used in the design
of passive filters.
• Tuning frequencies: chosen according to the harmonics to be filtered
and the performance to be achieved (a preliminary site audit is crucial
to make the right choices).

Passive harmonic filter

equipments Blocking circuits

In its range of solutions, Schneider Electric has Principle

low-frequency passive blocking circuits which
The blocking circuit is implemented by placing in parallel an reactor and
can prevent disturbance by musical-frequency
a capacitor element whose values have been calculated to allow blocking
remote control signals emitted by the power
of a chosen frequency (175 Hz or 188 Hz in France, for example).
distributor, especially in the context of
installation of an autonomous production unit.
These blocking circuits are often used in

installations provided with cogeneration plants. 400
To meet the conditions required by the power
distributor, the blocking circuit is defined
on a case by case basis according to

the characteristics of: Insulator 24kV

• the HV power supply line of the source
substation; Path AL
• the HV/MV transformer of the source Capacitor
• the remote control order injection device; 300 20 4ǿ13 20
900 900 1100
• the load of the MV feeders;
• the generating sets.
Juxtaposed mounting Superimposed mounting

Technical characteristics

(passive blocking circuit for 15 and 20 kV networks )

Tuning frequency 175 or 188 Hz

(other frequencies on request)

Insulation level Up to 24 kV
Available ratings 200, 300 ou 400 A per phase
Characteristics of components
of 175 Hz blocking circuits
Single-phase capacitors 207µF / 2100V, without internal fuses
Single-phase reactors 4mH, without magnetic core
Characteristics of components
of 188 Hz blocking circuits
Single-phase capacitors 179µF / 2100V, without internal fuses
Single-phase reactors 4mH, without magnetic core
Maximum ambient temperature 45 °C
Altitude < 1000 m
Mounting Juxtaposed (capacitors upright, alongside the
reactor) or on top of one another (capacitors
installed in a rack, under the reactor)
IP 00 on unpainted aluminium substrate
Blocking circuit


1100 1000 1100

6600 min


4150 min.

1100 1100 1100 1100 1100

Phase 1 Phase 2


Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 3

In-line arrangement Delta arrangement

equipments Surge protection capacitors

Surge protection capacitors are used for Principle

the protection of equipment sensitive to
The characteristics of overvoltages of atmospheric origin serve as
the harmful effects of transient overvoltages
a basis for the definition of surge protection devices.
(due to switching surges, short circuits,
operation of arc furnaces, lightning impacts, The phenomenon of attenuation of transient overvoltages by surge
for example). The equipment to be protected arresters and surge protection capacitors is described by means
is generally: of the figure below.
• high-power motors, power transformers;
• high-voltage capacitor banks, etc.
Surge protection capacitors should be
installed upstream of the equipment
to be protected.
Usually they are mounted in a star
arrangement, between phases and earth.


Red: transient overvoltage in the absence of protection.

Blue: transient overvoltage attenuated by a surge protection capacitor.

Green: attenuation obtained with a surge arrester and a surge protection capacitor.

The surge protection capacitor introduces into the circuit a capacitance

which modifies the slope of the transient overvoltage. The value ΔV/Δt
is diminished. As a consequence, this protects the windings
of machines such as motors, generators and transformers,
which are especially sensitive to high ΔV/Δt values.
Surge arresters limit the peak values of these transient overvoltages
to a maximum value acceptable by the equipment.
There are two types of surge protection capacitor:
• with one isolated terminal and one earth terminal;

• with two isolated terminals.

Each capacitor contains an internal discharge resistor to bring

its residual voltage back to less than 75 V, 10 minutes after

its disconnection from the network.

On special request, these capacitors can be supplied without

an internal resistor.


Technical characteristics
Rated frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Insulation levels
Maximum voltage 17.5 kV 24 kV 36 kV
Power-frequency withstand voltage 38 kV rms 50 kV rms 70 kV rms
- 1 minute
Impulse withstand voltage 95 kV peak 125 kV peak 170 kV peak
Tolerance on capacitance -5, +15 %
Capacitance variation ΔC/C = -3.5 10-4 / °C
Temperature class -25, +55 °C
Max. installation altitude < 1000 m
Enclosure Stainless steel
Connection Terminals for connection of cables of max.
cross section 50 mm2
Coating Acrylic paint - RAL 7038 -
Thickness 50 µm
Mounting 2 pierced lugs for M10 bolts
Surge protection Compliance - Standard IEC 60271

Fig. 1: “separate” use


Surge protection capacitors can be used:
• separately, in star connection (Fig. 1);
• in parallel with surge arresters, in star connection (Fig. 2);
• in series with resistors, in star connection (Fig. 3).

Fig. 2: use “in parallel”

Other configurations can be used; please contact us.

When one terminal of the capacitor has to be connected to earth,

it is possible to use a capacitor with a single isolated terminal

and one earth terminal.

In other cases, capacitors must be used with two isolated terminals.


Chemical stability
Transient overvoltages and partial discharge phenomena can cause
accelerated ageing of capacitors. The long service life of the Propivar
capacitor is due to the intrinsic properties of the dielectric liquid:
• very high chemical stability;
• high capacity for absorption of the gases generated by partial
Fig. 3: use “in series” • high dielectric strength.

Power Factor
Correction and Installation (drawings, dimensions)
harmonic filtering Contents

CP 214, CP 214 SAH, CP 227, CP 254 66

CP 229, CP 230, CP 253, CP 253 SAH 67

( drawings, CP 214, CP 214 SAH, CP 227, CP 254

CP 214 Drawing

Dimensions and weight

• H: 1700 mm, L : 900 mm, D: 1200 mm.
• Approximate weight: 425 to 560 kg.


CP 214 SAH Drawing

Dimensions and weight 80

• H : 1900 mm, L : 2000 mm, D : 1100 mm.

• Approximate weight: 600 to 1000 kg.


CP 227 Drawing
Dimensions and weight 80

• Isolement 24 kV

H : 2000 mm, L : 1400 mm, D : 1400 mm.

• 36 kV insulation
H : 2000 mm, L : 3000 mm, D : 2100 mm.
• Approximate weight: 450 to 1550 kg. H


CP 254 Drawing
Dimensions and weight 80

• Insulation up to 24 kV

H : 2000 mm, L : 2600 mm, D : 1400 mm.

• 36 kV insulation
H : 2100 mm, L : 3000 mm, D : 2100 mm. H
• Approximate weight: 450 to 1550 kg.


CP 229, CP 230, CP 253, CP 253 SAH

CP 253
Number of steps
1 H : 2 000, L : 1 500, D : 1 600
2 H : 2 000, L : 2 600, D : 1 600
3 H : 2 000, L : 3 700, D : 1 600
4 H : 2 000, L : 4 800, D : 1 600
5 H : 2 000, L : 5 900, D : 1 600



CP 253 SAH
Number of steps
1 H : 2 000, L : 1 500, D : 2 400
2 H : 2 000, L : 2 600, D : 2 400
3 H : 2 000, L : 3 700, D : 2 400
4 H : 2 000, L : 4 800, D : 2 400
5 H : 2 000, L : 5 900, D : 2 400

Drawing 80


CP 229 CP 230

Power Factor
Correction and Services
harmonic filtering Contents

Schneider Electric expertise 70

Maintenance & end of life 71

Schneider Electric expertise

For more than 50 years, Schneider Electric Schneider Electric’s services

has designed and manufactured power factor
Listen, Understand, Act,
correction and harmonic filtering equipment.
is the virtuous circle guaranteeing you the energy efficiency you need.
From the beginning, it was clear that on-site
• Listen

measurements were often decisive.

This means collecting information, about symptoms and

That is why Schneider Electric set up a team

other difficulties concerning the operation of the installation.

of specialists to perform measurements,

It requires -> Audit -> specific measurements -> recording

site audits, simulations and expert appraisals.

of the characteristic parameters of the network’s key points.

Each category of service is organized on

• Understand

various levels. The level depends on

Once this information has been collected, the diagnosis must be drawn up,

the equipment used (power factor meter,

and the corrective actions must be identified and determined.

harmonic recorder, network analyser, etc.)

• Act

and the qualifications of the personnel

This the decisive phase… removal of network disturbances, correction

of the power factor, installation of standby or battery back-up

The “services” offering includes:

networks… and it is also the heart of our expertise.

• On-site measurements.
• Installation, supervision and commissioning. In all cases, the ideal solution is to correct, but also and above all to
• Repairs. monitor the effectiveness of the installed solutions over a period of time;
• Simulations and studies. an installation is alive, and like any living thing its characteristics change
• Hire of measuring instruments (network over time.
analysers, etc.). In many countries, the local service team of Schneider Electric has
• Training sessions. the competencies and equipment needed to perform measurements,
diagnoses, repairs, etc. as required.
The Schneider Electric specialists can be called on to provide support

or their expertise for specific or extremely critical cases.

Training sessions can be organized to train or update the knowledge of
your installation or maintenance teams.
Our specialists can also be called on to take part in conferences,
seminars, presentations, etc. concerning power factor correction,
harmonic filtering, quality of power, etc.

Installation diagnosis
• Evaluation of the state of the capacitor banks.
• Measurement of operating temperatures.
• Recording of voltages, currents, active and reactive power levels.
• Recording of harmonic voltage and current spectrums.
• Recording of transient voltage and current phenomena.

Solution definition
• Proposal of capacitor replacement and substitution plans.
• Management of the destruction process.
• Power factor correction upgrade.
• Reduction of networks harmonic distorsion.

Maintenance & end of life


Routine checks
Check and, if necessary, clean the ventilation systems (frequency
depends on local conditions).
Annual checks
• Check connection clamping.
• Check insulator cleanliness.
• Check bank U, I, C and capacitance C values.
• Measure ambient temperature for the capacitor bank.
• Check operation of the safety features.

Faults and solutions

• Failure of a three-phase capacitor
This is revealed by blowing of one or more HRC fuses. The faulty
capacitor is identified by capacitance measurement (capacitance
fluctuation greater than 10% = faulty).
In this case, the capacitor and the three HRC fuses must be replaced
• Failure of a single-phase capacitor
This is revealed by unbalance protection tripping. The faulty capacitor
is identified by a capacitance measurement for each capacitor
(capacitance fluctuation greater than 10% = faulty).
In this case, the capacitor must be replaced immediately (bank
rebalancing is sometimes necessary; please consult us).

NB: For internal fuses, we also recommend replacing capacitors having

sustained a capacitance fluctuation of more than 5%.

Propivar capacitor end of life

The capacitors of our product range contain a non-PCB dielectric fluid.
Its recovery at end of life must necessarily be performed by
a central waste oils recycling facility according to local
If the capacitor is damaged with leaking fluid, it must be placed on a tray
fluid retention and transport to the treatment center must be made by
an approved carrier.
Operations of dismantling and recovery at end of life
(to be done over a holding tank)
• Drill tank capacitor and recover oil impregnant which must follow
an incineration path with energy recover.
• Cut the tank under the cover, and remove the inner part of
the capacitor.
• Drain the inner part and the tank.
• The tank capacitor steel is recyclable.
• Separate cover and bushings from inner part.
• The inner part of the capacitor must follow a shearing path,
incineration and recovery metals.
• The entire cover and bushings must be crushed for recovery of metals
(steel, copper and brass).

Power Factor
Correction and Design guide
harmonic filtering Contents

Installation conditions & General characteristics 74

Frame/enclosure & Propivar capacitors 75
Additional equipment 76

Design guide
Installation conditions
General characteristics

This form specifies all the data to be provided to Schneider Electric from the “price quote” phase
to the “order execution” phase.

Site conditions
Altitude ≤ 1000 m
> 1000 m
Atmosphere Normal
Pollution / Creepage Low I (16 mm/kV)
distance, insulators Moderate II (20 mm/kV)
and bushings High III (25 mm/kV)
Very high IV (31 mm/kV)
current power (kA)
Temperature (°C) > -25°C
≤ 40 °C
45 °C
50 °C
55 °C


General characteristics
Type of bank (STD, DR or filter) STD DR Filter
Rated voltage (kV)
Power (kvar)
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 60
Insulation level
Max. voltage for the equipment kV
Power-frequency test voltage (50Hz - 1 mn) kV rms
Impulse test voltage (1.2 / 50 µs) kV peak
Connection Double star
H single-phase
Short-circuit current withstand capacity Depending on site conditions Other
sec 1 3
Auxiliary voltages VDC 24 48 60 110 125 220
VAC 110 127 220-230

Design guide
Propivar capacitors

Type Indoor
Degree of protection IP 00 IP 23
IP 54 Other:
Frame material Steel Galvanised steel
Aluminium Stainless steel
Panel material Steel Galvanised steel
Aluminium Stainless steel
Frame coating Bare Painted
Panel coating Bare Painted
Double roof Yes No
Colour Supplier standard Other
Door Supplier standard Other

Lock (type) Supplier standard Other

Propivar capacitors
Type Three-phase Single-phase
Design voltage (V)
Rated frequency (Hz) 50 60
Specification of steps N° 1 2 3 4 5 6
Insulation level
Max. voltage for the equipment kV
Power-frequency test voltage (50Hz - 1 mn) kV rms
Impulse test voltage (1.2 / 50 µs) kV peak
Internal fuses Yes No
Terminal creepage distance Supplier standard Other
mm/kV 16 20 25 31
Internal discharge resistors V/min 75/10 50/5
Temperature Max. (°C) ≤ 40 45 50 55
Min. (°C) -25 Other
Gradient Supplier standard Other

Design guide
Additional equipment

Unbalance relays
Relays Supplier standard Other
Thresholds Trip
Alarm and trip
Mounting Supplied separately
In bank
In enclosure or cabinet with the control
and monitoring components

Detuning reactors
Type Resin-impregnated Resin-encapsulated
Oil-immersed Air core
1-phase 3-phase
Installation Indoor Outdoor
In enclosure Outside the enclosure
Harmonic order

Measuring PT
Rated voltage (V/V) (primary/secondary)
Discharge function Yes No
Quantity 2 3

Protection CT
Power (VA)
Precision class 5P 3P
Number of protected phases 1 2 3

Switching device
Type Circuit breaker Contactor
Breaking technology SF6 Vacuum


System for protection against

single-phase operation

Inrush reactors

Quick discharge reactors

Design guide
Additional equipment

Surge arresters (by default one per phase)

Line disconnector

Earthing switch
Type 3-pole 5-pole
Earthing switch connection Line side Load side
Quantity 1 per step 1 per bank

Combined disconnector (line disconnector + ground switch)

Earthing switch connection Line side Load side

Interlocking system
pp standard scheme
Other, to be defined

Number of steps
p to be controlled
Installation Cabinet
In ba
Controller Yes No
yp NR6/NR12 NRC12
Modbus com. Yes No
U (V) measurement
I (A) measurement 1 A seconda
y 5 A secondary
Protection relay Functions Unbalance
Over current
O e voltage
o age
Q Per step
p Overall
u o / 0 / Manual
a ua function
u c o Yes
es No
Indicator lamps Byy default
☑ Aux. voltage
g ppresence
☑ ON
O / step
s ep
☑ OFF / stepp
☑ Alarm-Unbalance-Blown
Alarm Unbalance Blown fuse

Ventilation Supplier
S pp standard Other
Lighting in bank Yes No

Power Factor
Correction and Technical guide
harmonic filtering Contents

Reminders concerning reactive energy 80

Reactive energy
Reactive energy compensation
Reactive energy and network components
Power factors of typical equipment
Why compensate? 82
Economic benefits
Technical benefits
Reduction in transmission losses according to the power factor improvement
Economic evaluation of compensation
Method for determining compensation 84
Stage one: Calculation of reactive power
Stage two: Choice of compensation mode
Stage three: Choice of compensation type
Stage four: How to allow for harmonics
Control of capacitor banks 88
General characteristics of switchgear and controlgear
Type of switchgear and controlgear
Switching ON capacitor banks
Switching ON capacitor banks, synthesis
Switching OFF capacitor banks
Switchgear used for capacitor control
Medium voltage switchgear characteristics
Protection and circuit diagrams of capacitor banks 91
Delta-connected bank
Bank connected in double star
Typical cases of compensation 92
MV asynchronous motor compensation
MV transformer compensation
Capacitor definitions and terminology 94

Technical guide
Reminders concerning reactive energy

Reactive energy

In an electric circuit, the active power P is
the real power transmitted to loads such as motors,
lamps, furnaces, radiators, computers, etc.
The active electric power is converted into
mechanical power, heat or light. The physical unit The above diagram established for currents also

is the watt (W), the multiples kilowatt (kW) and applies to powers, by multiplying each current

megawatt (MW) being used for convenience. by the common voltage V.

One can therefore define:

In a circuit in which the applied rms voltage is Vrms • apparent power: S = V x l (kVA);
and in which flows an rms current Irms, • active power: P = V x la = V x I x cosφ (kW);
the apparent power S is the product of Vrms x Irms. • reactive power: Q = V x lr = V x I x sinφ (kvar).
The apparent power is therefore the basis The physical unit of reactive power is the volt-
for sizing of electrical equipment. A device ampere-reactive (var), the multiples kilovolt-
(transformer, cable, switch, etc.) should be ampere-reactive (kvar), and megavolt-ampere­
designed on the basis of the rms values of reactive (Mvar) being used for convenience.
voltages and currents.

The physical unit of apparent power is the volt-

ampere (VA), the multiples kilovolt-ampere (kVA)
and megavolt-ampere (MVA) being used for
The power factor λ is the ratio of the active
power P (kW) to the apparent power S (kVA)
for a given circuit. The reactive current Ir is the component
consumed by the inductive magnetic circuits
λ = P(kW)/S(kVA). of electrical machines (transformers and motors).
The reactive power is therefore commonly
In the specific case where the current and voltage associated with magnetization of the magnetic
are sinusoidal and phase-shifted by an angle φ, circuits of machines.
the power factor is equal to cos φ, called Accordingly, the power supply source must provide
the displacement power factor. not only the active power P but also the reactive
power Q, resulting in an apparent power S.
For most electric loads such as motors,
the current I lags the voltage V by an angle φ. The function tgφ is often used; it is equal to:
tgφ = Q(kvar)/P(kW).
In vector representation, the current can therefore Over a given period of time, this ratio is also that
be broken down into two components: of the reactive energy (Wr) and active energy (Wa)
• Ia in phase with the voltage and called consumed: tgφ = Wr(kvarh)/Wa(kWh).
the “active” component;
• Ir in quadrature with the voltage and called In some countries, this ratio is used for billing
the “reactive” component. reactive energy.

Reactive energy compensation Reactive energy

The flow of reactive energy has significant

and network components
technical consequences for the choice of
Synchronous machines
equipment, operation of networks and,
These machines have an (active energy) generator
Qr accordingly, has economic consequences.
function when they convert mechanical energy
Qc For a given active power P used, the lower
into electrical energy. In the opposite case, they are
the cosφ, i.e. the larger the angle φ, the more
motors. By adjusting their excitation, these machines
apparent power S must be supplied.
can supply or consume reactive energy.
Fig. 1: Principle In some cases, the machine supplies no active
of reactive energy Accordingly, the flow of reactive energy in

compensation distribution systems results, due to an excessive

energy: this is the case of the synchronous
current demand, in:
• overloads at the transformer level;
Asynchronous machines
• end-of-line voltage drops;
These are distinguished from the preceeding
• overheating of power cables, hence active
machines in particular by their property of being
energy losses.
always consumers of reactive energy. This energy
For these fundamental reasons, it is necessary is very significant: from 25% to 35% of the active
to produce reactive energy as close as possible energy at full load, and much more at partial
to motors and transformers, to avoid increased load. The asynchronous motor is in common use
demand on the network. universally. It is the main consumer of reactive
energy in industrial networks.

To avoid over-sizing his network, the power
distributor therefore encourages his customers Lines and cables
to improve the power factor, by billing reactive The inductive and capacitive properties
energy above a certain threshold.` of overhead lines and cables are such
that they are consumers of reactive energy.
The principle of reactive energy compensation
is to generate reactive power in the vicinity Transformers
of the load, so as to relieve the power supply. Transformers consume reactive energy
Active Capacitors are most commonly used corresponding to about 5% to 10%
power to supply reactive power. On figure1, of the apparent energy passing through them.
the reactive power Qc supplied Reactors
by capacitors allows the apparent power Reactors are chiefly consumers of reactive energy.
to be reduced from the value S to the value S’. Active energy losses represent only a small
percentage of the reactive energy (QR) consumed.
Motor Capacitors generate reactive energy with very
small losses, hence their use in the reactive
energy (QC) compensation application.
Before compensation

Power factors of typical equipment


Transformer Device cos φ tg φ

Asynchronous motor loaded at 0% 0.17 5.80
Power 25% 0.55 1.52
made 50% 0.73 0.94
available 75% 0.80 0.75
100% 0.85 0.72
Active Incandescent lamps ≈1 ≈0
power Non-compensated fluorescent lamps ≈ 0.5 ≈ 1.73
Compensated fluorescent lamps (0.93) 0.93 0.39
Discharge lamps 0.4 to 0.6 2.29 to 1.33
Reactive Resistance furnaces ≈1 ≈0
power Induction furnaces with integral pf correction ≈ 0.85 ≈ 0.62
supplied by Dielectric ovens ≈ 0.85 ≈ 0.62
capacitor Resistance welding machines 0.8 to 0.9 0.75 to 0.48
Motor Single-phase stationary arc welding stations ≈ 0.5 1.73
Rotary arc welding sets 0.7 to 0.9 1.02 to 0.48
Arc welding rectifier transformers 0.7 to 0.8 1.02 to 0.75
After compensation Arc furnaces 0.8 0.75

Technical guide
Why compensate?

Improvement of Economic benefits • Increase in the active power available

the power factor of at the secondary of transformers
an installation, known The benefits provided by reactive energy com­ The installation of means of compensation on
as compensation, pensation are such that they give a very rapid the downstream terminals of an overloaded
offers numerous return on investment. transformer can release a power reserve that can be
benefits of These benefits are as follows: used for a possible extension of the plant without
an economic and • elimination of billing for excessive reactive having to change transformer, thus postponing
technical nature. energy consumption; a major investment.
• reduction in subscribed demand in kVA; • Increase in the active power carried by lines
• decrease in active energy consumed in kWh for equal losses
(losses reduction). An increase in the workload often makes it
necessary to carry greater active power in order
to meet the energy needs of the loads.
Technical benefits The installation of a capacitor bank will make it
• Attenuation of voltage drops possible to increase the transmission capacity
The flow of reactive currents is responsible for without changing the existing electric power lines.
voltage drops on power supply lines. The following chart gives, as a function of
These are detrimental to satisfactory operation of the power factor improvement, the percentage
the loads, even if the voltage at the head of the line is increase in the power carried for equal active losses.
satisfactory. The presence of a capacitor bank at end
of line can reduce this phenomenon. Increase in the active power carried

The relative voltage level at the end of the line

is defined by the following formula:

ΔU(%) ≈ XLxQ/U²
in which:
XL: reactance of the line;
Q: reactive power of the capacitor bank;
U: mains voltage.
• Reduction in transmission losses at constant
active power
Losses due to conductor resistance are included
in the consumption recorded by active energy
counters (kWh). They are proportional to
the square of the current carried and decrease
as the power factor increases.
The table below gives the percentage Example: if, before compensation, cosφ1 = 0.7
reduction in transmission losses according to and after compensation cosφ2 = 0.9, there is a 35%
the improvement in the power factor. increasing in carrying capacity

Reduction in transmission losses according to the power factor improvement

Cosφ1 Reduction in transmission losses at constant active power according to cosφ2 (%)
before compensation Cosφ2 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99
0.70 23 32 40 41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50
0.72 19 28 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47
0.74 14 24 32 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 44
0.76 10 20 29 30 32 33 35 36 37 39 40 41
0.78 5 16 25 27 28 30 31 33 34 35 37 38
0.80 0 11 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35
0.82 7 17 19 21 22 24 25 27 29 30 31
0.84 2 13 15 17 18 10 22 23 25 27 28
0.86 9 11 13 14 16 18 20 21 23 25
0.88 4 6 9 10 12 14 16 18 19 21
0.90 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 17
0 to 15% reduction in losses
15% to 30% reduction in losses
30% to 50% reduction in losses

Economic evaluation
of compensation
The economic benefits of compensation are Savings obtained
measured by comparing the cost of installation of Let us illustrate this by the following example of
capacitor banks with the savings they provide. an installation comprising a 20 kV/400 V transformer
of power 630 kVA (nominal apparent power).
Cost of capacitor banks
The cost of capacitor banks depends on several • Installation without capacitor

factors, including: Characteristics of the installation: P = 500 kW

• the voltage level;

at cosφ = 0.75.

• installed capacity;

• number of steps;
- The apparent power S is equal to 667 kVA;

• the control mode;

- The transformer is overloaded by a factor

• the protection quality level.

of 667/630, or about 6%;

Capacitors can be installed either at low voltage

- The reactive power Q is equal to 441 kvar

or at medium voltage.
(cosφ = 0.75 corresponds to tgφ = 0.882)

Note that:
and is billed by the power distributor;

• medium-voltage compensation becomes

- The circuit breaker and cables have to be

economically worthwhile when the capacity

chosen for a total current of 962 A;

to be installed exceeds 800 kvar;

- The losses in the cables are proportional

• below this value, compensation should,

to the square of the current, i.e. (962)2.

if possible, preferably be performed at low voltage.

• Installation with capacitor

Characteristics of the installation: P = 500 kW

at cosφ = 0.928.


- The apparent power S is equal to 539 kVA;

- The transformer is no longer overloaded. There is

a power reserve equal to 630/539, or about 17%;

- The reactive power Q is equal to 200 kvar

(cosφ = 0.928 corresponds to tgφ = 0.4).

This reactive power is billed at a reduced rate

or not at all by the power distributor;

- The losses in the cables are reduced

by a ratio of (778)2/(962)2 = 0.65, i.e. a 35% gain.

The reactive energy is supplied locally

by a capacitor bank of power 240 kvar.

Technical guide
Method for determining compensation

Compensation Stage one:

for an installation Calculation of reactive power

is determined
in 4 stages. Principle of calculation Calculation based on billing
• Calculation of The aim is to determine the reactive power Qc (kvar) The aim here is to eliminate billing by the power
reactive power. to be installed in order to increase the power factor distributor. To do this, proceed as follows:
• Choice of cosφ and reduce the apparent power S. • Consider the monthly consumption of reactive

compensation mode. energy R in kvarh;

For φ’ < φ, we shall have: cosφ’ > cosφ • Assess the period t of operation (in hours)

- Global for the entire and tgφ’ < tgφ.

installation. during which reactive energy is billed during

- By sector. This is illustrated by the figure below. the month in question.

- Separate for each The hours to be allowed for are peak hours,


load. i.e. 16 h per day, if there is no billing of reactive

• Choice of power during off-peak hours. Under these

compensation type. S’ circumstances, the following estimate of t will be

- Fixed by switching taken for companies operating in shifts of:

on and off a bank • 1 times 8 hours; t = 176 h (i.e. 22 days);

supplying a fixed • 2 times 8 hours; t = 308 h;

QR S Qc • 3 times 8 hours; t = 400 h.

quantity of kvar.
- Automatic by Deduct from this the reactive power

switching on and off to be installed: Qc= R (kvarh) / t (hours).

“steps” dividing up To calculate Qc there are two possible Calculation based on the installation data
the bank’s power approaches, depending on the available data: The power to be installed is calculated from
and making it possible • Calculation based on billing data; the cosφ or tgφ measured for the installation.
to adapt to • Calculation based on the electrical data Qc can be calculated:
the kvar needs of of the installation. • directly from the relationship Qc = Px (tgφ-tgφ’)
the installation. which is based on the figure, where
•Allowance for - Qc = power of the capacitor bank in kvar;
harmonics. - P = active power of the load in kW;
In what follows, - tgφ = tangent of phase shift angle before
we describe compensation;
these various stages - tgφ’ = tangent of phase shift angle after
in greater detail. compensation.
• from the following table, knowing tgφ or cosφ
of the existing installation and the tgφ’ or cosφ’
that is wanted.

Before Re
Reactive power (kvar) to be installed per kW of load to achieve the cosφ’ or tgφ’ objective
compensation tgφ 0.75 0.620 0.484 0.456 0.426 0.395 0.363 0.329 0.292 0.251 0.203 0.142 0.000
cosφ 0.80
co 0.85 0.90 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.000
gφ cosφ
2.29 0.4 1.541 1.672 1.807 1.836 1.865 1.896 1.928 1.963 2.000 2.041 2.088 2.149 2.291
2.16 0.42 1.411 1.541 1.676 1.705 1.735 1.766 1.798 1.832 1.869 1.910 1.958 2.018 2.161
2.04 0.44 1.291 1.421 1.557 1.585 1.615 1.646 1.678 1.712 1.749 1.790 1.838 1.898 2.041
1.93 0.46 1.180 1.311 1.446 1.475 1.504 1.535 1.567 1.602 1.639 1.680 1.727 1.788 1.930
1.83 0.48 1.078 1.208 1.343 1.372 1.402 1.432 1.465 1.499 1.536 1.577 1.625 1.685 1.828
1.73 0.5 0.982 1.112 1.248 1.276 1.306 1.337 1.369 1.403 1.440 1.481 1.529 1.590 1.732
1.64 0.52 0.893 1.023 1.158 1.187 1.217 1.247 1.280 1.314 1.351 1.392 1.440 1.500 1.643
1.56 0.54 0.809 0.939 1.074 1.103 1.133 1.163 1.196 1.230 1.267 1.308 1.356 1.416 1.559
1.48 0.56 0.729 0.860 0.995 1.024 1.053 1.084 1.116 1.151 1.188 1.229 1.276 1.337 1.479
1.40 0.58 0.655 0.785 0.920 0.949 0.979 1.009 1.042 1.076 1.113 1.154 1.201 1.262 1.405
1.33 0.6 0.583 0.714 0.849 0.878 0.907 0.938 0.970 1.005 1.042 1.083 1.130 1.191 1.333
1.27 0.62 0.515 0.646 0.781 0.810 0.839 0.870 0.903 0.937 0.974 1.015 1.062 1.123 1.265
1.20 0.64 0.451 0.581 0.716 0.745 0.775 0.805 0.838 0.872 0.909 0.950 0.998 1.058 1.201
1.14 0.66 0.388 0.519 0.654 0.683 0.712 0.743 0.775 0.810 0.847 0.888 0.935 0.996 1.138
Example: A motor 1.08 0.68 0.328 0.459 0.594 0.623 0.652 0.683 0.715 0.750 0.787 0.828 0.875 0.936 1.078
has a power rating 1.02 0.70 0.270 0.400 0.536 0.565 0.594 0.625 0.657 0.692 0.729 0.770 0.817 0.878 1.020
of 1000 kW and 0.96 0.72 0.214 0.344 0.480 0.508 0.538 0.569 0.601 0.635 0.672 0.713 0.761 0.821 0.964
a cosφ of 0.8 0.91 0.74 0.159 0.289 0.425 0.453 0.483 0.514 0.546 0.580 0.617 0.658 0.706 0.766 0.909
(tgφ = 0.75). 0.86 0.76 0.105 0.235 0.371 0.400 0.429 0.460 0.492 0.526 0.563 0.605 0.652 0.713 0.855
To obtain cosφ = 0.80 0.78 0.052 0.183 0.318 0.347 0.376 0.407 0.439 0.474 0.511 0.552 0.599 0.660 0.802
0.95, you must install 0.75 0.80 0.130 0.266 0.294 0.324 0.355 0.387 0.421 0.458 0.499 0.547 0.608 0.750
a reactive power in 0.70 0.82 0.078 0.214 0.242 0.272 0.303 0.335 0.369 0.406 0.447 0.495 0.556 0.698
capacitors equal to 0.65 0.84 0.026 0.162 0.190 0.220 0.251 0.283 0.317 0.354 0.395 0.443 0.503 0.646
k x P, namely: 0.59 0.86 0.109 0.138 0.167 0.198 0.230 0.265 0.302 0.343 0.390 0.451 0.593
Qc = 0.421 x 1000 = 0.54 0.88 0.055 0.084 0.114 0.145 0.177 0.211 0.248 0.289 0.337 0.397 0.540
421 kvar 0.48 0.90 0.029 0.058 0.089 0.121 0.156 0.193 0.234 0.281 0.342 0.484

Stage two:

Choice of compensation mode

Where to install capacitors? Global compensation

The location of capacitors on an electrical The bank is connected at the head of
network is determined by: the installation to be compensated and performs
• the goal sought (elimination of penalties, relief compensation for the entire installation. It is
for cables, transformers, etc., raising the voltage suitable when the load is stable and continuous.
Example below:
• the load conditions (stable or rapidly variable);
• HV bank on HV distribution system (1);
• the foreseeable influence of the capacitors on
• MV bank for MV subscriber (2);
the network characteristics;
• Regulated or fixed LV bank for LV subscriber (3).
• the cost of installation.
Compensation by sector
Reactive energy compensation can be:
The bank is connected at the head of
• total;
the installation sector to be compensated.
• broken down by sector;
This is suitable when the installation is extensive
• separate for each load.
and includes workshops having different load
It is more economical to install capacitor banks conditions.
in medium and high voltage for power ratings
Example below:
greater than about 800 kvar. Analysis of
• MV bank on MV network (4);
the networks of the various countries, however,
• LV bank for each workshop for MV subscriber (5).
shows that there is no universal rule.
Individual compensation
The bank is connected directly to the terminals
of each inductive type load (especially motors).
It should be considered when the motor power
is high relative to the subscribed demand.
This compensation is technically ideal because
it produces the reactive energy at the very place
where it is consumed, and in a quantity adjusted
to the demand. Example below: LV bank for load
compensation n6.

HV distribution network

MV distribution network


transformer transformer

LV busbar

LV subscriber MV subscriber MV subscriber

Summary of compensation locations

Technical guide
Method for determining compensation

Stage three: Choice of

compensation type
Types of MV compensation Automatic compensation
The capacitor banks are branch-mounted on the The banks are divided up into “steps”

network. They can be fixed or automatic. with capability for switching on or off

a smaller or larger number of steps, generally

Fixed compensation

The entire bank is put into service, with a fixed

This is an “automatic adjustment” to the load level.

value of kvar. This is “on/off” type operation.

The capacitors have a constant power output These banks are very commonly used by certain

and their switching on and off can be: heavy industries with high power demand

• manual, by circuit breaker or switch; and energy distributors in source substations.

• semi-automatic by contactor;
• servo controlled by the terminals of inductive This allows step-by-step regulation of reactive

loads (motors or transformers). energy.

This type of compensation is used: Each step is operated by a switch or a contactor

• when their reactive power is low (< 15% of using SF6 breaking technology.

the power of the upstream transformer) and Capacitor step switching on or off can be

the load is relatively stable; controlled by power factor relays. For this

• on HV and EHV transmission networks purpose, a current transformer should be

for power ratings of up to 100 Mvar. positioned upstream of the loads and banks.

Stage four: How to allow for

Harmonic currents flow in an installation due to Effects of harmonics on capacitors
the presence of nonlinear loads (e.g. variable • Absorption of harmonic currents
speed drives, uninterruptible power supplies, Capacitors do not generate harmonic current
arc furnaces, lighting). The flow of harmonic but are very sensitive to them.
currents in the network impedances creates The impedance of a capacitor
harmonic voltages. Z c = 1/Cω = 1/C2πf decreases when
the frequency increases. It thus offers, in a certain
The magnitude of the harmonic disturbance way, less resistance to a harmonic current
on a network is measured by: in the event of a current distortion. This results
• the individual harmonic voltage factor u(%), in an increase in the current in the capacitor.
which gives a measure of the scale of each • Risk of resonance
harmonic relative to the fundamental. The presence of a capacitor in a network may
For the harmonic of order h this factor is: amplify certain harmonic orders. This is due to
u(%) = 100xUh/U1, where Uh is the harmonic a resonance phenomenon, the frequency of which
voltage of order h at the point in question depends on the network impedance (or its short-
and U1 the fundamental voltage; circuit power).
• the total harmonic distortion THDU (%)
which gives a measure of the thermal influence The resonance frequency (natural frequency)
of all the harmonics. is equal to:
U 2h Ssc
THDU (%) = 100x 1 fnatural = x f
U1 Q
H is generally limited to 40. Ssc: short-circuit power in kVA.
Q: power of the capacitor bank in kvar.
In the same fashion, an individual factor and f: power supply frequency.
a total harmonic for current distortion are
defined. Generally, it is considered that the level The resonance’s effect will be all the more
of harmonic disturbance is acceptable in an pronounced as fnatural is close to that of one of
installation so long as the total harmonic voltage the harmonics present. The applied current
distortion does not exceed 8%, in accordance overload will cause overheating and then
with IEC 61000 -2-4. premature ageing of the capacitor.

Solutions to limit stress due to harmonics Choice of solution
• Oversizing of capacitor links to the network: In addition to systematic oversizing of power
cables, lines, switchgear and controlgear should connections, the other measures to be taken
be sized for at least 1.43 Ic, the value of depend on the comparison between:
the capacitor’s rated current at 50 Hz; • Gh: total power in kVA of all harmonic generating
• voltage oversizing of capacitors; equipment (static converters, UPSs, variable
• use of detuning reactors combined with speed drives). If the power is known in kW, divide
oversized capacitors. by 0.7 to estimate Gh in kVA.
• Ssc: short-circuit power of the network (kVA).
In MV, the detuning reactor connected in series • Sn: power of the upstream transformer(s).
with the capacitor is generally designed to form If several transformers are in parallel, allow for
a capacitor bank tuned to 215 Hz (50 Hz) or the possible outage of a transformer.
260 Hz (60 Hz). Since this frequency corresponds
to no harmonic order, it makes it possible to The choice is summarized in the following table.
reduce both the harmonic overvoltages across Gh ≤Scc / 120 Scc / 120<Gh <Scc / 70 Scc / 70<Gh ≤Scc / 30
the terminals of the capacitor as a result of the
resonance, and the overload currents passing Standard Equipement Equipement
through the capacitor. equipment with oversized with DR
capacitors and oversized
Solutions to comply with the permissible 1.2x UN capacitors
distortion factor in a network
Apart from their effect on the capacitors,

the presence of harmonics in a network generates

a voltage distortion factor. The energy supplier

limits the values of the acceptable distortion factor

at the point of delivery to below a certain threshold.

This results in the distortion THDU being limited

to 5% downstream of the transformer.

If these values are not reached, the use

of attenuation devices is necessary.

The choice of these devices depends on

the characteristics of the installation, the power

of the harmonic generators, and the need for

reactive energy compensation. Calculation

software is used to determine the optimal solution.

Complementary approach is to choose equipments according to industrial process described hereunder:

Activity Businesses process Equipment

Standard Oversized DR
Textile Weaving, print induction
Paper-works Roll, pumping
Printing Printing, recording
Chemistry, Pharmacy Dosage, clean rooms, filtration,
concentration, distillation
Plastic Extrusion, thermoforming
Glass, Céramic Rolling, furnace
Steel Arc furnaces, rolling mill,
wiredrawing, cutting, pumping
Metallurgy Welding, stamping, furnace,
surface treatments
Automotive Welding, stamping
Cement Kilns, shredding, conveying, lifting,
ventilation, pumping
Mining, Quarrying Conveying, lifting
Refineries Ventilation, pumping

Technical guide
Control of capacitor banks

General characteristics Switching ON capacitor banks

of switchgear and controlgear Switching on a bank Qc (fixed or stepped)
The equipment used is defined by the following is accompanied by transient current and voltage
selection criteria: conditions. A making overcurrent of short
• rated voltage and current; duration (≤ 10 ms) appears. Its peak value
• making current; and its frequency, generally high, depend on
• capacitive breaking capacity; the characteristics of the upstream network
• making capacity; and the number of banks. Where necessary,
• number of operations. a surge reactor may or may not have to be inserted
to limit this overcurrent to the peak resistance of
Precautions should be taken concerning: the capacitors, namely: Imax. peak ≤100 IN, (IN: rated
• The capacitive breaking capacity (kA rms). current of bank Qc) or to a lower value if
The problem is due to the existence, after the switchgear has limited characteristics.
switching off, of a restriking voltage equal to
the difference between the mains voltage In the case of a single bank, the overcurrent
and the charging voltage of the capacitors. is generally from 10 to 30 IN, but for a high Scc
The device must be capable of preventing and low Qc it may exceed the limit and require
this restriking. an inrush reactor. In the case of banks in parallel,
• The making capacity (kA peak) which must either identical (regulated system) or of different
be able to withstand inrush currents. values (compensation of several motors),
the overcurrent will be very high and will have
to be limited. In making this choice, allow for
Type of switchgear and controlgear the number of possible operations under
the given current.
The choice of switchgear and controlgear
depends on electrical criteria but in particular
on the type of use of the banks. There are several
• Disconnector. Without breaking capacity,
it will be used only for operation of the bank with
the power off. It requires the use of a protection
device (fuse or circuit breaker).
• Switch. It has only a breaking capacity limited
to IN and a moderate making capacity, and does
not allow a large number of operations. Therefore,
it will be used especially in the case of so-called
fixed banks.
• Contactor. This allows a very large number
of operations, but is limited to 12 kV. It can be
coordinated with fuses of "High Rupturing Capacity"
• Circuit breaker. This very efficient device
will be used for general protection of high-power

Switching ON capacitor banks, synthesis
Fixed bank Stepped bank (identical)

1 2 n+1

U√3 C l l l

Lo = S/C inductance of the network n steps switched on when

Scc = √3 U Icc with U/√3 = LoωIcc n+1 is switched on
l = link inductance (0.5 µH/m)
Bank power Q = U2Cω = √3UIcapa Q = U2Cω = √3UIcapa ;
Q = Power of each step
Peak making Ie = 1 x 1 x Icapa 2 Ie = 2 x U x n x C
current LoC ω 3 n+1 l

Ie = Icapa x 2 x n f
Ie = Icapa 2 x Scc x natural

Q n+1 fnetwork
Natural frequency fe = 1 fe = 1
2π LoC 2π lC
Q-factor, 2 (n+2)/(n+1)
Q-factor, 2 2n/(n+1)
Inrush reactor Generally, no need of an inrush Generally, need of an inrush reactor
reactor (unless high Ssc and low Q)
2 6 2
Calculation L ≥ 10 x 2Q
U L ≥ 2.10 x Q x n x 1
inrush reactor ω 3 Imax peak Scc 3 ω n+1 Imax peak
L (μH) - Q (Mvar) - Ssc (MVA) L (μH) - Q (Mvar) - Ssc (MVA)
I max. peak (kA)* Imax. peak (kA)*

* Imax. peak is the smaller of the following 2 making values:

• maximum peak current of the bank (i.e. 100xIcapa)
• maximum peak current of the switchgear Imaking max.

Note: For steps not having the same powers, please contact us

Example 1: Fixed bank of 250 kvar Example 2: Bank of 3 steps each of 350 kvar
at a phase-to-phase voltage of U = 5.5 kV at a phase-to-phase voltage of U = 5.5 kV
powered by a network of maximum short-circuit at a distance of 5 m from their associated cutoff
power Ssc = 250 MVA. device.
L0 = 386 μH. C = 36,8 μF.
C = 26.3 μF. Icapa = 36.7 A.
Icapa = 26.2 A. ● without inrush reactor
Ie = 1173 A. l = 2,5 μH.
fe = 1581 Hz. Ie = 11490 A !!
fe = 16.5 kHz.
● inrush limiting reactor L is mandatory in order to
limit Ie to a value lower than 100 Icapa either:
L = 50 μH.
Ie = 2508 A.
fe = 3619 Hz.

Technical guide
Control of capacitor banks

Switching OFF capacitor banks Switchgear

A capacitor is switched off by a cutoff device used for capacitor control
precisely at zero crossing of the current, which Switches are chosen for banks with a low rate
coincides with the instantaneous maximum voltage. of operations (at most 2 operations per day);
On the one hand, a voltage surge escalation above this, contactors are used.
3 U, 5 U may occur if the device does not have fast For the most powerful banks (connected in double
dielectric restoration; this was the case for air cutoff star), the SF6 switch or circuit breaker is the most
devices; this phenomenon has disappeared appropriate device. All switchgear and controlgear
with SF6 devices. should be sized for 1.43 times the rated current
On the other hand, the capacitor remains charged at of the capacitor bank.
its maximum voltage. In the event of fast reclosing, The switched capacitive current values given
an increased transient phenomenon will occur. by the manufacturer should be complied with
The IEC 60871 standard requires a capacitor (see table below).
discharge device so that the voltage across
the terminals does not exceed 75 V, 10 minutes
after disconnection.
A quick discharge can be obtained using discharge
reactors; however, this system has a limit set of
3 consecutive discharges followed by a rest period
of 2 hours, due to reactor overheating. This will have
to be carefully evaluated when using banks having
regular switchings.

Medium voltage switchgear characteristics

Switchgear designation Short circuit performance Rated normal current Capacitive current switched
SF1 25kA/36kV 630 and 1250A 440 and 880A
SF2 40kA/40.5kV 630 and 3150A 440 and 2200A
contactor Rollarc R 400 10kA/7.2kV 400A 240A

Technical guide
Protection and circuit diagrams

of capacitor banks

Capacitors Delta-connected bank
The capacitor is This circuit diagram will be used for insulation
a reliable component voltages of 7.2 kV and 12 kV.
if it is used in The maximum power is 900 kvar in three-phase
the conditions for which (2 capacitors in parallel). Above this, single-phase
it has been designed capacitors can be used up to 4000 kvar.
and manufactured.
It is formed of elements This type of circuit diagram is highly suitable for
placed in series to resist MV motor compensation and for automatic total
voltage, and placed compensation up to 12 kV.
in parallel to obtain Protection
the wanted capaci­ Overcurrent protection is provided by HRC fuses.
tance. There are two
types of capacitor at Important note: Choose HRC fuses with a rating
present: with or without of at least 1.7 times the rated current of the bank.
internal fuses. In this type of circuit layout, never use capacitors
with internal fuses, because the breaking
Capacitors without
capacity of internal fuses is not designed
internal fuses
for network short-circuit currents.
Capacitor failure is
the result of failure of Delta connected capacitor bank
an internal element.
A fault in an element
results in short-circui­
ting of a unit in series
and hence a rise in
the voltage on the other
units in series. Having
no protection device
inside the capacitor, Bank connected in double star
the fault will be elimina-
ted only by cutoff of For all power ratings, the bank is divided into two Protection
the bank or separation stars allowing detection of an unbalance between Protection is provided by an unbalance relay
of the circuit in the two neutrals by an appropriate relay. This detecting a current flowing in the circuit between
the defective capacitor. type of bank allows the use of capacitors with or the two neutrals of the stars. The unbalance
without internal fuses. current is generally less than 1 A. The setting
Capacitors It can be designed for any type of network up to value will be given after calculation for each
with internal fuses EHV networks. bank. The setting threshold is given by the
Each element is The mounting principle is always the same: manufacturer. It depends on the internal structure
protected by a fuse. to achieve voltage levels of 100 kV or 200 kV, of the bank (series and parallel combination of
In this case, any fault connect a sufficient number of MV capacitors in capacitor units) and on whether or not internal
in an element will be series. This layout will therefore be used for high fuses for capacitor protection are present.
eliminated. The defec­ powers to be installed, chiefly in fixed banks. The time delay is approximately several tenths
tive circuit will be isola­ However, regulated steps are used by certain of a second. In addition to this protection,
ted. The result will be power distributors with powers ranging up to 8 provision should be made for overload protection
a slight capacitance Mvar at 36 kV, controlled by a special switch for on each phase. The value shall be set to 1.43
variation and the voltage capacitors. times the rated current of the bank.
will be distributed over

the sound elements in

series. The setting of
the unbalance relay shall
be such that
the loss of elements
of a given unit in series
causes switching off
of the bank when
the resulting overvoltage
exceeds the limits
determined by the
standard (IEC 60871).
Protection by internal
fuses increases
the availability of capa­
citor banks, because
the loss of one element
does not systematically
result in switching off of
the bank. Double star connected capacitor bank

Technical guide
Typical cases of compensation

MV asynchronous motor
Risk of self-excitation of asynchronous motors
Power rating Nominal speed of rotation (rpm)
in the presence of capacitors
(kW) 1500 1000 750 132
When a motor drives a load of high inertia,
132 28 31 35 40
after a supply voltage interruption, it can continue
160 34 38 42 49
to rotate due to its inertia. It can in that case be
200 43 47 53 61
self-excited by the presence at its terminals of
250 54 59 66 76
capacitors that could provide it with the reactive
315 68 74 83 96
energy needed for its operation as an asynchro­
355 76 83 94 108
nous generator. This self-excitation causes
400 86 94 106 122
overvoltages exceeding the maximum voltage Um
450 97 106 119 137
of the network.
500 108 118 133 153
Precautions to be taken against this risk 1000 215 235 265 305
• Whenever a capacitor bank is installed at 2000 430 470 530 610
the terminals of a motor, it should be ensured Value in kvar of the maximum compensation feasible on
that the power of the bank is less than the motor terminals without risk of self-excitation
the power needed for self-excitation of the motor,
by complying with the following rule: Capacitor
current Ic ≤ 0,9 x Io (motor no-load current). Io

can be estimated by the following approximate

Io = 2 x In x (1 - cos φn,)
- In = rated current of the motor under load
- cos φn = power factor of the motor under
nominal load.
• Moreover, in any installation containing motors
with high inertia and capacitor banks, the banks’
switchgear and controlgear shall be designed in
such a way that in the event of a general power
failure, no electrical bonding may remain between
these motors and the capacitors.
Capacitor mounting on motor terminals
Practical rule: The capacitive current should be
less than 90% of the motor’s current under C
no load. This means compensating only
the reactive energy of the motor “under no load”,
which may represent only 50% of the needs
under load. Capacitor mounting on motor terminals
Advantage: This requires only switchgear.
The settings of the protection devices must take
into account the reduction in the reactive current
supplied by the capacitor.

Additional compensation may be performed either

at MV at the overall level, or at LV.
Capacitor mounting in parallel with
separate control
In the case of high-power motors, to prevent
any risk of self-excitation, or else in the event
that the motor is started by means of special
equipment (resistors, reactors, autotransformers),
the capacitors will be switched on only after
starting. The reactive power to be supplied can be
calculated according to the improvement in
the power factor wanted. Inrush reactors
where appli­
NB: If there are several banks of this type in
the same network, provision should be made for
inrush reactors, because this is the same case
as a so-called “stepped” system. Capacitor mounting in parallel with separate control

MV transformer compensation
The power rating of a transformer is given
as apparent power (kVA). The greater tg φ
(or the smaller cos φ), the lower the active power
available for a transformer. The transformer and
the installation are therefore poorly optimized.
The connection of capacitors to the MV terminals
of the transformer therefore offers two advantages:
• Compensate magnetic losses and relieve

the upstream installation. This is extremely

interesting, because the transformer generally

stays energized permanently.

For the reactive power values to be compensated,

see table below.

• Increase the active power available on

the transformer secondary. It is worthwhile,

in the event of a current or future extension,

improving the power factor and thus avoiding

investment in a new transformer.

Apparent power Primary voltage Secondary voltage Short-circuit Reactive power

(MVA) (kV) (kV) voltage to be compensated
Usc (%) unloaded (kvar)
2.5 20 3 to 16 6.5 40
30 3 to 16 6.5 50
3.15 20 3 to 16 7 50
30 3 to 16 7 60
4 20 3 to 16 7 60
30 3 to 16 7 70
5 20 3 to 16 7.5 70
30 3 to 16 7.5 80
6.3 10 to 36 3 to 20 8.1 70
8 10 to 36 3 to 20 8.4 80
10 10 to 36 3 to 20 8.9 90
12.5 10 to 36 3 to 20 9.4 120
16 10 to 36 3 to 20 10.1 130
20 10 to 36 3 to 20 11 140
25 10 to 36 3 to 20 12.1 175
31.5 10 to 36 3 to 20 13.5 190
40 10 to 36 3 to 20 15.3 240

Technical guide
Capacitor definitions and terminology

Scope of application Rated voltage of a capacitor (Un)

The standards (IEC 60871) apply to capacitor Rms value of the alternating voltage for which
units and capacitor banks designed in particular the capacitor was designed.
to be used to correct the power factor
of alternating-current networks having a rated Rated frequency of a capacitor (Fn)
voltage greater than or equal to 1000 V, Frequency for which the capacitor was designed.
of frequency equal to 16 2/3 , 50 or 60 Hz. Rated current of a capacitor (In)
Capacitor element Rms value of an alternating current for which
Device consisting basically of two electrodes the capacitor was designed.
separated by a dielectric.
Residual voltage
Capacitor unit Voltage which remains on the terminals of
Set of one or more capacitor elements placed in the a capacitor for some time after its disconnection.
same enclosure and connected to output terminals.
Highest network voltage (Um)
Capacitor bank The highest value of the phase-to-phase rms
Set of capacitor units connected so as to act jointly. voltage which may occur at any time and
any point on the network in normal operating
Internal protection of a capacitor conditions.
Fuse mounted inside a unit and con-nected in series This value does not take into account temporary
with an element or a group of elements. voltage fluctuations due to faults or sudden
Capacitor discharge device tripping causing the separation of major loads.
Device that can be incorporated in the capacitor
Highest voltage for the equipment
and is capable, in a specified time, of reducing
The highest voltage for which the equipment of
practically to zero the voltage between
a network is specified with regard to its insulation
the capacitor terminals when the capacitor
in particular. This voltage must be at least equal
has been disconnected from the network.
to the highest voltage of the network for which
Rated capacitance (Cn) the equipment is intended.
Value of the capacitance for which the capacitor
was designed. Insulation level
The insulation level of an equipment is defined,
Rated power of a capacitor (Qn) in the present situation, as the expression of
Reactive power output at rated values: the values of its impulse withstand voltage
capacitance, frequency and voltage (or current). and its power-frequency withstand voltage.

Technical guide

Technical guide


Technical guide

Energy management

Power Factor Correction

and harmonic filtering

Medium Voltage

ART960085 - © Schneider Electric Industries SAS - All rights reserved

As standards, specifications and designs change from time to time, please ask for confirmation
Schneider Electric Industries SAS of the information given in this publication.
Head Office
35, rue Joseph Monier This document has been
CS 30323 printed on ecological paper.
92506 Rueil-Malmaison Publishing: SYNTHESE ECA, Schneider Electric.
Photos: Schneider Electric

CFIED 205098EN-02 11/2009

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