1) According to Chinese mythology, Pan Gu was born in a large egg in the formless chaos before the universe was created. When he awoke, he stretched out his limbs, breaking the egg into two parts that became the sky and earth.
2) Pan Gu stood between the sky and earth, causing them to separate further each day. Over thousands of years, Pan Gu grew taller until his death formed the stars, sun, moon, mountains and rivers.
3) The goddess Nu Wa created early humans from clay but they lacked wisdom. She taught them culture and set up marriage, allowing humanity to develop over time into a civilization.
1) According to Chinese mythology, Pan Gu was born in a large egg in the formless chaos before the universe was created. When he awoke, he stretched out his limbs, breaking the egg into two parts that became the sky and earth.
2) Pan Gu stood between the sky and earth, causing them to separate further each day. Over thousands of years, Pan Gu grew taller until his death formed the stars, sun, moon, mountains and rivers.
3) The goddess Nu Wa created early humans from clay but they lacked wisdom. She taught them culture and set up marriage, allowing humanity to develop over time into a civilization.
1) According to Chinese mythology, Pan Gu was born in a large egg in the formless chaos before the universe was created. When he awoke, he stretched out his limbs, breaking the egg into two parts that became the sky and earth.
2) Pan Gu stood between the sky and earth, causing them to separate further each day. Over thousands of years, Pan Gu grew taller until his death formed the stars, sun, moon, mountains and rivers.
3) The goddess Nu Wa created early humans from clay but they lacked wisdom. She taught them culture and set up marriage, allowing humanity to develop over time into a civilization.
1) According to Chinese mythology, Pan Gu was born in a large egg in the formless chaos before the universe was created. When he awoke, he stretched out his limbs, breaking the egg into two parts that became the sky and earth.
2) Pan Gu stood between the sky and earth, causing them to separate further each day. Over thousands of years, Pan Gu grew taller until his death formed the stars, sun, moon, mountains and rivers.
3) The goddess Nu Wa created early humans from clay but they lacked wisdom. She taught them culture and set up marriage, allowing humanity to develop over time into a civilization.
Pan Gu: Creator of became 10 feet thicker, and The first batch of Nious, clay
Pangu grew 10 feet taller. figures made by Nu Wa, were
Heaven and Earth Henceforth, day after day, the just like puppets or toys, with no sky was higher, and the earth life, thoughts, or movements. Within the 5,000-year history of was down lower and thicker. In Nu Wa was not satisfied with Chinese traditional culture, this way, Pan Gu became taller that, so she exhaled her magic there are many interesting and and taller. Thousands of years breath into the Nious and gave stirring mythologies. The passed, and Pan Gu kept them souls. They were themes of the most ancient growing until one day the sky immediately transformed into Chinese myths were about the could not be any higher and the lively human beings. But these origin of the universe, the earth could not be any lower. human beings lacked wisdom creation of human beings, Accordingly, Pan Gu became a and adaptability. They did not cultural inspiration, and tribal giant to hold the sky and the know how to control their wars. The myth of how the earth in place. In this way the emotions and had no earth was formed has been universe would not revert to the comprehension of changes in passed down generation after chaotic state it was before. the environment. They had no generation for over 2,000 years. logic or ideology and were very It was said Pan Gu’s wisdom vulnerable to death. When one Zheng Xu was the first writer to was greater than that of the batch of Nious died, Nu Wa had record the myth of Pan Gu, the sky, and his ability greater than to make another batch. The creator of the universe, during that of the earth. His emotional additional work was tedious and the Three Kingdoms period state could change the endless. (184–280 A.D.). universe. When he was pleased, the sky was clear, and Nu Wa gave some wisdom to Long before the universe was when he was angry, the the human beings and created created, it was dark and chaotic weather was gloomy. His crying musical instruments for them. everywhere. Within the would bring rain, and his sigh With these, song and dance darkness an egg formed. The would bring strong wind. He were developed. The human Giant Pan Gu was born therein. blinked, the sky flashed beings could express their He slept in this large egg for lightning, and snored— thunder emotion through singing and thousands of years. rumbling. Pan Gu had dancing. After that, they had a accomplished his mission, and culture to rule and enrich their he devoted his whole body to lives. When the universe and human In order to solve the problem of he beings. Different parts of his creating new batches of Nious awoke, body had been transformed into to live on earth after the old it was the sun, moon, stars, ones died, Nu Wa established a dark mountains, rivers, and marriage system in which male inside vegetation. and female Nious lived together the egg. and bred their own generations. Pan Gu stretched out his arms and legs, Nu Wa: Creator of Gradually people came to and the egg was broken. The understand how to discipline lighter parts of the egg floated Human Beings themselves and how to handle upwards with the help of yang According to the most widely the environmental changes. qi (a bright, positive, and active spread Little by little, human history, force) and formed the sky. The ancient culture, and other aspects denser parts of the egg sank legend in began to develop and spread. downwards with the help of yin China, Gradually, simple life was qi (a dark, negative, and out of her enriched, and the meaning of passive force) and became the loneliness life was transformed from a earth. Since then, the universe the deity hollow existence to a growing has had sky and earth. Nu Wa civilization. created human beings, and the Pan Gu stood between the sky Chinese people are her and the earth. Every day the descendants. sky rose 10 feet, the earth