Elizabeth Warren Letter To VA
Elizabeth Warren Letter To VA
Elizabeth Warren Letter To VA
March 2, 2018
I write to express my profound concern about recent reports 1 of systemic failures of care
at the Northampton, Massachusetts Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, and to
request that I be promptly briefed on the outcome of the VA Office of Accountability and
Whistleblower Protection (VA Whistleblower Office) investigation into the alleged misconduct.
As you know, according to a recent investigative report, Dr. Sarah Kemble, the late Chief
of Medicine for the VA Central Western Massachusetts Health Care System, 2 submitted a 23-
page affidavit alleging various systemic failures that she believed put veterans' health at risk -
including inadequate care, delays in care, and misappropriation of funds. 3 One of the most
disturbing allegations in Dr. Kemble's affidavit indicated that there was "no lab service,
radiology, clinical pharmacist or appropriate psychiatric service available during nights or
weekends" at the Northampton VA Medical Center. 4 Despite enduring retaliation, one of Dr.
Kemble' s final acts as Chief of Medicine before dyinf of cancer was to report these alleged
widespread failures to the VA Whistleblower Office.
During my visit last year to the Northampton VA Medical Center, 6 I met numerous hard-
working and dedicated VA employees. However, any failure of care is unacceptable, and VA
employees must be held accountable when they deliver inadequate care to our veterans. If
employees like Dr. Kemble report care deficiencies, they must be protected from retaliation. I
ask for an immediate briefing on the progress, and- if completed- the outcome of the VA's
investigation into these allegations, including appropriate disciplinary action against any
2 http://www.recorder.com/Public-memorial-planned-for-Dr-Sarah-Kemble-community-health-center-founder-
l 540603 l.
3 Id.
4 Id.
5 http://www. wcvb. com/article/on-her-death bed-va-doctor-b 1ows-the-whistle-on-mass-vets-care/1873 9902;
Please do not hesitate to reach out to my staff to update my office on the outcome of this
investigation as soon as it is complete. Thank you for your work on behalf of our veterans in
Massachusetts and across the nation.
United S tes Senator