CompanionGuide 834 HIPAA 834 004010X091A1
CompanionGuide 834 HIPAA 834 004010X091A1
CompanionGuide 834 HIPAA 834 004010X091A1
The UnitedHealth Group companion guide identifies key data elements from each of the transaction sets
that we request you provide to us. Wherever possible, specific reference to page number, loop ID, and
segment are identified. File layout examples are also included. The recommendations made are to enable
you to more effectively complete EDI transactions with UnitedHealth Group.
For more information regarding the National Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation
Guide & Addenda--Benefit Enrollment & Maintenance (834), consult the Washington Publishing Company
web site at
Below is an overview of the construction of the 834 file layout, with headers, trailers, transactions sets, and
segment detail.
Also attached is a sample of the transaction set included in a 834 file. Carriage returns (inserted after
each tilde (~) have been included for ease of viewing the file. The 834 file is normally sent as a wrapped
file. The sample file below also contains an example of the header and trailer records. This sample is best
viewed using TextPad or UltraEdit.
"Sample X12N
File Delimiters
UnitedHealth Group requests that you use the following delimiters on your 834 file. If used as delimiters,
these characters (* ~ :) must not be submitted within the data content of the transaction sets.
Segment: The last position in the ISA will define what Segment Element Delimiter is used
throughout the entire transaction. The recommended Segment Delimiter is a tilde (~).
UnitedHealth Group prefers that only the following displayable characters be used as delimiters when
submitting data to us:
UnitedHealth Group strongly discourages the use of non–printable characters such as a carriage return or
a line feed because they can cause problems during the transmission or conversion process.
File Specifications
UnitedHealth Group has put together the following grid to assist you in designing and programming the
information we need in order to apply your 834 file into our Electronic Eligibility Management System.
Please note the element minimum and maximum lengths on the far right hand column. Some elements
are required (R) on your file. Any elements that are situational (S) are noted as such.
R = Required
S = Situational
Some of the examples used within this table are bolded for clarity and emphasis only.
No text should be bolded in your file submission.
Recommendation: 10 blank
Recommendation: 10 blank
ISA 05 – Interchange ID Qualifier (assigned by the Customer Interchange ID Qualifier R 2/2
and/or TPA)
Recommendation: UHG
requests that you use a colon
(:) in this element.
GS 01 –Functional Group Header BE Functional identifier Code R 2/2
N4 01 - City City R 2/30
N4 01 - Mailing Address City Mailing Address City S 2/30
HD 05 - Coverage Level Code CHD = Children Only The code indicates which members of the S 3/3
ECH = Employee and Children family are covered for this particular
EMP = Employee Only coverage.
ESP = Employee and Spouse
FAM = Family Note: This is an optional element
SPC = Spouse and Children because UHG derives the information
SPO = Spouse Only based on the active family members
in our system.
IEA 01 – Interchange Control trailer (assigned by the Customer Number of Included Functional groups R 1/5
and/or TPA)
Loop ID - 2000
The key information included in Loop 2000 is the member level detail, such as the relationship code,
status, SSN/Employee ID, employment and retirement dates. Please note that each transaction set must
begin with an employee record.
Your Electronic Eligibility Analyst will provide you with the customer number to be used in Loop 2000,
REF02, where REF01 = 1L. For groups with multiple policy numbers, the policy number should be sent in
Loop 2300, REF02, where REF01 = 1L.
An employment date is to be sent for all employees in Loop 2000, DTP03, where DTP01 = 336.
For retirees, a retirement date is to be sent for all retirees in Loop 2000, DTP03, where DTP01 =286. It
is important that a code of RT be sent in Loop 2000, INS08, with an A in Loop 2000, INS05.
When a member (over age 65 or disabled) has Medicare as their primary insurer, the Medicare Part A and
Part B start date should be passed in Loop 2000, DTP03 and the corresponding qualifier of 338 in Loop
2000, DTP01. The appropriate Medicare indicator should be sent in Loop 2000, INS06. Multiple DTP
segments can be sent for each individual member as described in the Implementation Guide.
Please remember that all qualifiers sent on the file must have the corresponding data elements. A
qualifier should not be passed if there is no corresponding data to be sent.
Survivor Coverage
If your file contains coverage for surviving family members of a deceased employee, certain
considerations should be taken. UnitedHealth Group will keep the surviving members enrolled under the
deceased employee’s identification number (usually the employee's Social Security number) since the
claims and eligibility history for this family already reside under this number.
• Sending the surviving spouse/members under the deceased SSN (or EE ID). The deceased employee
record is still passed on your file. The deceased employee record would include in Loop 2000, REF01,
the value of '6O' as per the Addenda, page 10. REF02 would be sent with the SSN (or EE ID) of the
survivor. The REF6O segment should only be included in the deceased employee's record. No other
members of the family should be sent with the REF6O segment. A status of S sent on all survivors in
INS05 See example:
"Survivor under
deceased employee.doc"
Loop ID - 2100A
The key information included in Loop 2100A is the member's name, address, gender and marital status.
Please note that our eligibility system has the following field length constraints for the member's name:
Do not include a middle name or middle initial in the first name field. Also, we are unable to read any
name suffix data in Loop 2100A, NM107. All suffix information such as Jr. or Sr. should be included within
the last name field, NM103.
UnitedHealth Group requests that the following elements of the Loop 2100A DMG segment are sent with
every file transmission: date of birth, gender, and marital status. Failure to include these fields will cause
your file to error. If two out of the three values change for name, date of birth and relationship, the
record will error.
Address Processing
UnitedHealth Group's Eligibility System has the ability to store up to 2 addresses for each family: one
permanent and one mailing address. The dependent address(s) must always match the employee
address(s). Every employee and dependent record on your file must have a complete permanent address.
Our eligibility system has the following street & city field length constraints:
Foreign addresses:
The preferred method of handling a foreign address is to use the employer's address as the mailing address for
any of your foreign subscribers.
If this is not an option, in order for claims, EOB's, ID cards, and other member correspondence to be mailed
correctly, UnitedHealth Group requires that all foreign members--the subscriber and all of their covered family
members--be passed with the Subscriber's foreign address in the member residence address segment (Loop
2100A). In addition, a domestic US address must be passed for the members in the member mailing address
segment (Loop 2100C). The UnitedHealth Group domestic address to be passed in Loop 2100C is:
The foreign address must be passed in the Member's Residence Street Address segment (Loop 2100A) in
a specific format in order to prevent the member's record from erring during the file application. You can
use any combination of the following elements to pass the member's complete foreign address:
Note: The 2 or 3 character foreign country code must also appear somewhere in N301, N302 or
2 character country codes (UnitedHealth Group preferred) can be obtained from the following website:
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are U.S. Territories, therefore those addresses are considered domestic.
However, Canadian addresses are considered to be foreign addresses.
Loop Id – 2300
The key information included in Loop 2300 is the health coverage information. This loop provides UnitedHealth
Group with the benefit information specific to each member. Your UnitedHealth Group Account Management
Team will supply the account structure--Policy Number, Plan Variation/Report Code to you, along with the
plan code and COBRA indicator. The policy number should be sent as a 7-digit number, with a preceding
zero if necessary. The plan variation and report codes are 4 digits each. The plan code is used to signify
medical coverage (TT) or medical with embedded vision coverage (VE). The COBRA indicator is a 2-digit
code, usually TY.
All coverage types pertinent to each member's eligibility record must be passed on the file. For example,
if a member is electing both medical and RX coverage, the record passed on the file for this member must
contain complete medical coverage information and complete RX coverage information. Loop 2300 should
be replicated for each coverage or product type, with changes made to HD03, HD04 or HD05 as
Please note that the values sent in HD04 should be left justified with no separation and should appear in
the positions listed below. If any values are not required, spaces should be sent.
Example: Plan Variation Code (0001) Reporting Code (0001), Plan type (TT), and COBRA indicator (TY) should
be sent as 00010001TTTY.
Example: Plan Variation Code (0001) Report ing Code (0001), and Executive Medical (EXM) should be sent as
00010001 EXM.
Also, please note that the policy number must be passed in Loop 2300, REF02, REF01 = 1L.
COBRA Coverage
If your file includes COBRA coverage, you must include the COBRA indicator, as noted above, in Loop
2300, HD04. INS05 can still be passed with an A, if the member was active when they went on COBRA.
We can accept a C in INS05, as long as INS08 = FT or RT. Paid thru dates may be sent in Loop 2300 in
the DTP segment, with a qualifier of "543".
Loop ID – 2310
The key information in Loop 2310 is the Primary Physician provider information.
Should you wish to include primary physician information on your 834 file for new enrollees, the provider
information segment LX*1~ must be sent on your file (see page 139). A code of P3 must be sent in Loop
2310, NM101, and a code of SV in Loop 2310, NM108 (see page 16 of the Addenda). The UnitedHealth
Group provider number is sent in Loop 2310, NM109. This provider number must be in our standard 14-
byte format. The 14 byte provider number consists of 4 preceding zeroes, a 7 digit provider id, another
zero, and a 2 digit location code. For example: 00001234567001.
UnitedHealth Group recommends that members requesting to change their primary physician, contact
member services or update their provider information directly via