Electric Motor Pump
Electric Motor Pump
Electric Motor Pump
F o r p l a n t o p e r a t o r s a n d m a i n t a i n e r s .
From www.feedforward.com.au – Continuous engineering education of plant operators and maintainers that lifts equipment reliability and personal quality.
field induces an electric current in the conducting metal bars
(like a transformer). When a magnetic field cuts through a
conductor carrying an electric current a force is developed in
Volume 3 Edition 8 topics the conductor at right angles to the magnetic field. When the
circulating stator field energises the metal bars in the rotor
Key topics for the month they are forced to move and the rotor turns (See article 262
• Moving slurries about. Electric motor problems and 334 Electric motor current
• Belt conveyor tuning. protection saves your plant).
FEED FORWARD PUBLICATIONS, PO Box 578, BENTLEY, West Australia, 6102 Web: www.feedforward.com.au E-mail: info@feedforward.com.au
Because the authors, publisher and resellers do not know the context in which the information presented in the flyer is to be
used they accept no responsibility for the consequences of using the information contained or implied in any articles.
the bristles and clog the entire brush making the bristles the parts were carried as spares and changed out before
rigid and stiff, which then scratches the belt.) failure or the plant item is put on a condition monitoring
ß Prevent overloading product by slowing loading program. Those failures that caused production loss or affect
rates to below removal rates. Install deflection plates in quality is also not allowed to happen or put into a condition-
loading chutes to take the momentum of falling product monitoring program. And those failures that didn’t matter
and stop it from pounding into the belt. Install more rollers are treated as a breakdown.
in the loading section to distribute the pounding forces.
ß Prevent product jams. The flowchart (kindly provides by Sumitomo Chemicals of
ß Keep friction low by detecting and replacing seized Japan) lets one arrive at a rating and a corrective action for
rollers. Reduce transfer station skirt-to-belt contact. If each piece of equipment and component. If an equipment or
dust is a problem keep skirt contact area and pressures low component loss produces dangerous situations, or if the
enough to minimise the amount of dust escape. Higher failure stops production or affects quality, it is either
pressures force the skirt hard into the belt and both parts changed out before the end of its working life or put on a
wear. monitoring program.
When you sort the issues out write down how it was done
Mike Sondalini – Maintenance Engineer
and make them standard operating procedure so the
discoveries are not lost.
Mike Sondalini - Equipment Longevity Engineer
References: Applied Mechanics, A K Hosking, M R Harris, H & H
As a maintainer and operator you want to know which Affects downstream Affects downstream
plant plant
equipment in your plant falls into each of those categories so
you can determine your response. Furthermore you want to
know which sub-assemblies in each item of equipment are
critical to the operation of the machine.
Can be fixed Can be fixed
From this information you can decide which spares to hold on-line on-line
on-site and which to leave as outside purchases. The
equipment criticality also determines what level of
preventative maintenance to use, what type and amount of
condition monitoring to use and what type and amount of
observation is required from the operators. You can also use
it to justify on-line monitoring systems to protect against S A B C
catastrophic failure.
FEED FORWARD PUBLICATIONS, PO Box 578, BENTLEY, West Australia, 6102 Web: www.feedforward.com.au E-mail: info@feedforward.com.au
Because the authors, publisher and resellers do not know the context in which the information presented in the flyer is to be
used they accept no responsibility for the consequences of using the information contained or implied in any articles.
Modes of centrifugal pump impeller failure. pump and out the pump discharge line. Or else find ways
There are numerous ways an impeller’s performance can be to flow back into the supply tank and bubble up to the
affected. Listed below are some of the more common ones. surface of the liquid. Failing that it is necessary to install
ß Wear – Abrasion and erosion can occur when solid valves along the pipeline that can be opened to vent out the
particles (as in slurry) are present. It may be necessary or trapped gases until liquid appears.
select wear resistant materials. If solid bits of metal, stone
Buy pumps with vertical center discharges instead of side
or rubbish from the process are present it is critical to fit a
discharges as gases can get trapped in the top circular
strainer before the pump AND clean it out regularly before
portion of the volute. Or rotate the volute and piping to
it blocks up and the pump starves and cavitates.
have the outlet at the high point.
ß Cavitation/vapour lock – As noted above keep the
pressure at the impeller inlet above the vapour pressure. Mike Sondalini – Equipment Longevity Engineer
Keep the suction flow velocity low – use big bore pipes;
keep suction pipe insides clear of obstructions; clean
strainers often. Pressurise the suction supply - put the
supply tank way above the pump; put additional pressure
onto the surface of the liquid in the supply tank (but don’t
split the tank) and slow the pump. Cool the liquid so it will
not be hot enough to ‘boil’ at the impeller inlet pressure.
ß Blockages/objects – Solids can block the impeller
vanes. Chunks of wood can get stuck in the vane passage,
gloves, foam cups, dropped tools, nut and bolts, tank floats,
parts of instruments, etc may not pass through the impeller.
An in-line strainer is a must in such cases. An alternative
is to relocate the supply tank outlet nozzle higher up the
tank and let the solids settle to the bottom, and draw liquid
from the cleaner level. The rubbish at the tank bottom can
be drained out a lower nozzle or the tank manually cleaned.
ß Loss of running clearances/recirculation – If the
wear ring clearance between impeller and volute becomes
too great the liquid will recirculate from the high pressure
at the impeller outlet to the low pressure at the inlet. The
flow from the pump falls because liquid is instead drawn
back into the suction inlet and just goes in circles.
ß Material of construction/corrosion – The impeller
must be impervious (unaffected) to chemical attack.
ß Change of service duty – If a pump is moved from
one position to another or from one service to a different
service, it may not pump. Each impeller is sized to a
specific flow and pressure. If the pump is move from its
original duty it must be engineered for the new duty (See
article 112 Changing the Service Duty of a Pump).
ß Direction of rotation – The vanes on centrifugal
pump impellers are designed to rotate in only one
direction. They can still generate pressure if turned the
wrong way but the pressure and flow are very much less
that if they were going the right way. Changing any two
phases on a 3-phase electric motor reverses its rotation.
ß Air locks – Trapped gas and air around an impeller
will stop it from pumping. If the impeller is spinning
inside a volute with the top part of the volute full of gas the
ejected liquid is not compressed against the volute wall and
cannot convert its velocity into pressure. The pump will
run but nothing will come out. The air, gas or vapour in
the top of the volute must be removed.
If the air lock is in the suction pipe the pump will try to
draw liquid and pull the air with it. However the air is
always at the top of the pipe and fills part of the pipe. The
liquid must then flow in the remaining part of the pipe. If
this area of pipe is to small then not enough liquid will get
to the pump and it will stop pumping till more arrives.
Slug flow develops. In the worst air lock case no liquid
gets to the pump. Air, gas or vapour must be removed.
Best practice is to slope the suction pipe so that any gas
caught inside it finds a way to naturally flow through to the
FEED FORWARD PUBLICATIONS, PO Box 578, BENTLEY, West Australia, 6102 Web: www.feedforward.com.au E-mail: info@feedforward.com.au
Because the authors, publisher and resellers do not know the context in which the information presented in the flyer is to be
used they accept no responsibility for the consequences of using the information contained or implied in any articles.