Q.1 (c) Explain what is meant by zipping and zapping and how they affect television viewing behavior. 04
Discuss some of the ways advertisers can deal with the zapping problem
Q.2 (a) What is DAGMAR? Discuss the advantages and problems associated with the use of DAGMAR. 07
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(b) What is integrated marketing communication? Develop an IMC plan that includes advertising, direct 07
marketing, sales promotions and direct marketing for a brand of your choice?
(b) A consumer buys hair-reducing oils of two different brands. However, she does not experience any 07
noticeable problem reduction. According to the theory of classical conditioning how is she most likely
to behave in response to the advertisement of a third hair fall?
reducing oil?why
Q.3 (a) What is media driven creative strategy? State advantages and disadvantages. 07
(b) Explain the usage of subliminal perception in advertisements with examples and also state how they 07
are used by marketers to the detriment of consumers
Q.3 (a) Explain in depth the FCB grid 07
(b) What is meant by positioning? Explain various positioning strategies giving examples. 07
Q.4 (a) What are cognitive responses? In all buying situation consumers do not pass through learn-feel-do 07
sequence. Why?
(b) Describe the communication-persuasion process of advertising with an example? 07
Q.4 (a) What is media driven creative strategy? State advantages and disadvantages 07
(b) Name any two brands that you think are global. What according to you gives them a global appeal? 07
Enlist the factors that need to be considered while designing a global advertising campaign?
Q.5 Case Study 14
Case - The Ethics of McDonald’s Sponsorships
McDonald’s is a well-known fast food chain throughout the world. In recent years, it has worked hard
to broaden its menu offering and try to broaden its food appeal. It has introduced some healthier
options and has also added higher quality food and coffee as well.
In addition to having thousands of locations throughout the world, McDonald’s also has very strong
brand equity and is generally considered one of the top 10 most valuable brands in the world. This has
been achieved over many years through a combination of store locations, media attention, advertising
and other forms of promotion, including sponsorships.
For example, for many years, McDonald’s have been involved in Ronald McDonald house and various
other related health sponsorships. In many countries, they also are sponsors of sport and children’s
activities. However, critics argue that McDonald’s should not be associated with anything regarding
health or sport.
Discussion Questions
What is your current perception of McDonald’s in terms of their food offerings? Do you think
that they have worked hard enough to broaden and diversified their product offering or are they
still primarily a fast food chain?
Do you think that McDonald’s is acting as a “good corporate citizen” in their sponsorship
activities, or do you think that they are primarily interested in associating their brand with food and
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Referring to the question above, provided that McDonald’s is supporting worthwhile causes,
does it really matter what McDonald’s intentions and goals are?
Q.5 Case Study: Fitness Fast 14
Fitness Fast currently consists of eleven fitness centers throughout Sydney. Their goal is to expand to
around 20 centers in Sydney before expanding interstate. Currently, most of their fitness centers are
operating at only 60% capacity. This means that they will greatly benefit from more customers (as
most of their costs are fixed costs – in premises and equipment). As a result, they have budgeted just
over $1m (which is a substantial amount for them) for an upcoming promotional campaign. Their
problem is that they are faced with too many choices and are unsure how to structure their campaign.
That’s why they need your help/advice.
They have identified five different segments of people that are attracted to joining a fitness center.
These segments are:
Looking Good This group is attracted On average, this group is aged 18 to 30%
to improve the 35 and tend to be fairly dedicated to
physical look of their fitness – but they also like to party
body too
Losing Weight As the name suggests, This group is slightly older, around 20%
this group is attracted 30 to 45 years. Their fitness
to a fitness center to dedication seems to go in cycles
help them with their (that is, up and down)
weight loss goals
Among Friends This group see fitness This group mostly consists of 30%
center as a great place females aged 25 to 40 years, who
to make friends and work part-time (due to children).
meet people. They are reasonably committed to
fitness, even though it is their
secondary motivation
Pushing the These people use This group is mainly aged under 30 10%
Boundaries fitness centers to help and are extremely committed to
them achieve goals in their fitness goals, even though they
other areas (that is, may only use fitness centers on an
they play top level ad hoc basis
sports, or engage in
extreme or endurance
The firm is also unsure about what type of message they should communicate and the best way to
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present that message. To help them with their decision, they have constructed the following:
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