Replacement of Elastomeric Bearings & Installation of Monitoring Systems Thereafter at Keppel Viaduct in Singapore

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Kim Leong TAN, Land Transport Authority, Road Structure & Facilities
Management Department, SINGAPORE

The paper makes an attempt to present a case study on the replacement of elastomeric bearings
and installation of monitoring systems thereafter on an elevated Keppel Viaduct in Singapore (see
Figure 1). The content covers essential background for understanding the causes contributing to
the slipping of the elastomeric bearings, the study and design analysis work, considerations for
bearings replacement and its operations, selection and installation of adequate monitoring systems
thereafter and all other related works contributing to the successful completion of the work in the
most efficient and safe manner.


1.1 Summary

The Land Transport Authority of Singapore, has identified that two of its’ elastomeric bearings
on the elevated Keppel Viaduct have slipped from the bearing plinth.

The aim of this paper is to understand and identify the causes for the bearing to slip. It includes
bearing replacement operation, implementation of the monitoring system to monitor its
movement and the assessment works.

1.2 Background

The viaduct was built in 1983 and completed in 1986. The completion of the viaduct helps to
alleviate traffic congestion along the at-grade Keppel Road due to heavy traffic between Changi
Airport and the new towns.

South Quay Viaduct begins at the abutment near Marina Station Road and joins Keppel Viaduct
near the Shenton Way Bus Terminal. The Keppel Viaduct begins at this point and ends at the
junction of Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE) and Keppel Road. The entire viaduct carries the
east/west bound traffic between East Coast Park Expressway (ECP) and AYE/Keppel Road. (See
Appendix A)

A portion of the westbound carriageway between the beginnings of South Quay Viaduct to P12
(Pier 12) of the Keppel Viaduct was recently widened in 2001. The South Quay Viaduct was
widened from a dual 3-lanes to dual 4 lanes carriageway and the Keppel Viaduct from dual 2
lanes to dual 3 lanes carriageway with a downramp carrying the slip road near Shenton Way.

2.1 Structure Brief

The Keppel Viaduct runs 2.1km and comprises 60 spans dual 3-lanes carriageway varying from
31m to 35m, with a 74m long approach structure. Spans were standardized as much as possible.

The average carriageway width measured 27.3m. The viaduct consists of a 2m wide central
opening in the middle of the expressway to allow natural lighting to brighten up and to improve
the visibility of the roads and intersections below. (See Appendix B)

The superstructure consists of simply supported precast prestressed concrete T-beams (2x4 beams
per typical span) supporting the conventional reinforced concrete slab. The beams are supported
by a Shore 70 IRHD hardness circular natural rubber bearing at both ends which sits on the
bearing plinth. To provide a smooth and unbroken soffit appearance, a precast reinforced concrete
soffit slabs were placed between the beams and supported by the beam flanges. These soffit slabs
play no role in structural resistance. The deck finishes comprised 50mm thick premix.

The substructure consists of Y-shaped piers. This allows minimum overhang of the crosshead and
improves the impression of clearance under the soffits. (See Appendix C)

Geological conditions showed that the ground is particularly uneven along the expressway route.
While the surface layer is generally made with borrowed fillings, the underlying soil volume,
which is unstable for foundations, is very variable. As the project is near to the coast, the network
of small valleys descending towards the sea was once submerged and filled with marine alluvial
deposits, generally peaty clays, whose thickness varies depending on the topography before
BS5400 was used along with the Singapore Code of Practice. Provision was made for the traffic
of an HB45 type vehicle comprising 4 axles of 45 Tonnes each, with the distance between the two
end axles being 9.6m. However, such a vehicle would be considered with no other traffic loading
on the deck. In addition, as the movement of such vehicle could be limited to two 5m wide lanes
(one per carriageway) located as closed as possible to the middle of the expressway, to avoid
unnbalanced loads on the structure.

A transition zone was provided to enable the HB45 vehicle to drive from the ramps to the usual
traffic lane, which led us to reinforce the structure in the intersection zone.

The designed temperature range is +/-10oC and no seismic phenomena needs to be taken into

2.2 Statement Of Issue

In 1996, the then Public Work Department (PWD) was appointed as the Design Consultant and
Superintendent Officer (SO) for the widening of Keppel Viaduct and the South Quay Viaduct.
(See Appendix A)

In May 2000, during the construction of the cantilever deck slab between P11 and P12 of the
Keppel Viaduct, the contractor noticed that an elastomeric bearing at the westbound carriageway
edge of P12 (bearing 1) on the Keppel Viaduct had shifted. The Consultant was asked to
investigate and responded that the widening work did not cause the bearing to move. (See
Appendix D)

In Oct 2000, the Land Transport Authority inspected all the bearings on the Keppel Viaduct from
P1 to P60 and the bearing movements were recorded. The movements were minor except for the
two bearings at P12 (bearings 1 & 2), no slippage was observed then.

In 2001, it was found that bearing 1 had shifted further and part of its concrete plinth had also
crushed. Temporary steel plates were installed to take the load from the bearing (see Appendix E,
Photo1). An angle block was also installed to prevent it from moving further (see Appendix E,
Photo 2).

In 2002, another bearing at the eastbound carriageway edge of Keppel Viaduct P12 (bearing 2)
was also found to have shifted. Temporary steel plates were again installed to take the load from
the bearing (see Appendix E, Photo 3).

On 12 May 2002, all bearings at P7 to P12 of Keppel Viaduct were checked again and it was
confirmed that they were all in good condition and were well within their concrete plinths, except
the bearings at P12 (bearings 1 & 2).

The slippages only occurred at the movement joints where movement due to creep, shrinkage and
temperature were higher. In addition, pounding effect caused by the travelling vehicles
contributed chances for bearing to slip at movement joints are therefore higher.

The slippages of the 2 bearings at P12 occurred only locally, next to the expansion joint. And
paraffin wax, if present, might have reduced the frictional resistance and aggravated the slippage.

It was decided that except for the bearings 1 and 2 at P12, all other bearings were well within
their concrete plinths and in good condition. Although only 2 bearings had slipped, it was
recommended that the adjacent 6 bearings at P12 (see Appendix D) be replaced to ensure that the
whole row of bearings have the same physical properties. Mechanical devices would be designed
and installed to prevent bearings 1 and 2 from future slippage.


3.1 Scope Of Work

The scope of work involves carrying out inspection and structural assessment/analysis of the
viaduct and replacement of all bearings at P12. Thereafter, placement of monitoring systems at
strategic locations and carry out all repairs and related works to restore the viaduct from P1 to
P12 to good working condition. The contract duration is 12 months. The replacements of the 8
bearings at P12 are required to be completed by the end of the sixth month. (See Appendix F)

To determine the most probable causes, the following works need to be done but not limited to:
1) Carry out general study on the available drawings, records, information and the structures
on site;
2) Conduct pre-condition survey on the structure on site;
3) Carry out general inspection (GI) on structure;
4) Conduct principal inspection (PI) to gather more information for detail study;
5) Do testing work on the structure elements to get more information for detail study;
6) Carry out special inspection (SI) as and when required;
7) Carry out design and analysis work;
8) Conclude findings with the most possible cause;
9) Propose most suitable method of bearing replacement;
10) Propose types of monitoring systems and installation locations;
11) Monitor the movement periodically

3.2 Probable Causes

The flyover was built twenty years back. Records for complete set of as-built drawings were not
found and no pre-condition survey was carried out before the widening works began. Thus, it was
a challenge to establish any facts on when the elastomeric bearings begin to slip.

From the preliminary studies on the available drawings and information, it leads to a string of
probable causes to ponder upon. Further studies and investigation were carried out to narrow
down to the most possible cause that had caused the elastomeric bearings to slip. A list of the
probable causes was as follows:

a. There was no fixity for the beams to rest on the crosshead. The original
elastomeric bearings were constructed to sit on the concrete plinth with no dowel
bar or any anchor to hold the bearing in position.

b. There was a discrepancy on the expansion joint location on drawings and on site.
The existing drawings showed expansion joints at P11, while it was, in fact, at
P12 on site. Thus, there might be inconsistency in construction method or in
design work, which might have induced unnecessary stresses onto the structure.

c. There were two different types of bearings on site. The original structure was
sitting on the elastomeric bearings while the newly widened portion was sitting
on mechanical pot bearings. The differences in stress distribution from both types
of bearings might have induced the bearings to slip due to some inherent

d. The two bearings at P12 could already have initial imperfections (e.g uneven
seating) when the beams were first launched. The subsequent pounding effect
caused by the travelling vehicles at the expansion joints could easily have
resulted the bearings to slip.

e. Vibration generated from the hacking-off of the existing cantilever slab and
parapet for the construction of the newly add-on wider cantilever slab and
parapet could have caused the bearings to slip.

f. Paraffin wax is often used in the production of rubber bearings to prevent ozone
attack. Experience in the US showed that elastomeric bearing slippages were
often due to the migration of wax compound to the surface. It may be possible
that similar wax compound is present in the Keppel Viaduct bearings, which
might have reduced the frictional resistance and aggravated the slippage.

g. The accommodation of movements and the articulation of the viaduct might have
changed due to the widening work.

h. Other possible contributing factors includes differential settlement, creep and

shrinkage effect, differential in concrete properties and differential in prestress
losses from the new and old structure.
3.3 Inspection Work

A general inspection was conducted. The objective was to collect relevant information on the
structural health of the bridge based on visual inspection. During the desktop study, the general
conditions, site constraints and outline of the key structural elements were captured. Confirmation
of these items versus the actual condition on site was made in the first site reconnaissance.

In the detailed condition survey (principal inspection), special attention was paid to the critical
areas of the structure that had been identified from the desktop study before undertaking any
major repair or rehabilitation work. In this case, the problem known was the elastomeric bearings
that have been displaced out of position affecting the stability of the girder and road surface level
at expansion joints location. The field observations were compared against the predicted defect
patterns. Photography was employed as visual media to capture the slipped bearings (see
Appendix E, Photo1).

3.4 Investigation Work

The following work had been undertaken for the preparation of this report :

• Study existing drawings and information

• Review the condition report of the detail inspection
• Review site investigation, sampling and material testing report
• Prepare superstructure grillage model for analysis
• Prepare abutment and pile caps grillage models for analysis
• Carry out live load analysis and determination of design load effects
• Assess the strength of relevant principal bridge members
• Review assessment results
• Prepare appropriate conclusion / recommendation

3.5 Analysis & Assessment Study

The analysis of the structure would be based on past records, including those during the
construction, the loading history (if any), detailed of repair or upgrading. All these help to provide
vital information for study and understanding the original structural layout concept.

Preliminary analysis includes checking of the basic forces such as the beams reactions at the
bearings, bending moments and temperature movement over the affected length of the viaduct.
With the estimates of the bearing loads and temperature movements, a calculation check could be
done on the elastomeric bearing. The average bearing pressure on the bearing plinth can also be
derived. This helps to give indicative check whether crushing of the bearing plinth was due to
excessive service loads.

The modelling works involve the input of the existing beam layout as a grillage model into a
general structural analysis program. Particular attention is drawn to the support conditions and
degrees of freedom that correspond with the bearings. The existing circular elastomeric bearings
have identical lateral stiffness in all directions due to the geometry. The compressive stiffness
could be calculated from the bearing details given on the record drawings. The newer add-on
structures were supported by mechanical bearings. The actual bearing types and capacities were
not shown on the as-built drawings and they were required to be confirmed during bearing
inspection. The locations of the expansion joints and separation gaps, which affect the continuity
of the deck slabs and eventual distribution of the forces such as shears and bending moments
needs to be incorporated in the modelling work.

Assessment of the structure has been carried out mainly in accordance with the BS5400 Part 2
with the LTA design highway loads. The more conservative reaction loads movements from the
analyses would be used to design the new bearings and for the bearing replacement work.


4.1 Inspection Report

From the data collected for the bearing inspection between P1 to P12, the followings were noted:
1. Large translation movements on bearings sitting on the eastern side of Pier 7 and Pier
12 were recorded. P7 and P12 are the expansion joint locations;
2. No significant shear deformation could be measured on the bearings other than the
two slipped bearings at P12;
3. Plastic wrapper between the bearing and bridge girder was found on P12 (bearing 1);
4. Plastic wrapper between top face of bearing together with an epoxy topping in the
gap between the bearing and soffit of bridge girder were also found in many other
5. Thickness of bearing measured was inconsistent with the designed thickness at the
specified location shown on as-built drawings;
6. Bearings were generally in good conditions other than the two slipped bearings at
7. Permanent large opening gap at P7 expansion joint (80mm).

4.2 Analysis & Assessment Report

All data collected from the inspections and dimension surveys were fed into an approved grillage
model analysis computer programme to analyse the viaduct structural behaviour. The structure
was modelled as closely as possible to the actual arrangement of the new and add-on structural
members. The structural analysis would be able to predict the distribution of forces and
displacements on each structural member modelled.

If analysis results show normal range of values and are comparable to site measured values,
slippage problem is unlikely to be caused by normal use of viaduct.

However, if measurements at the failed bearing location are abnormal and as predicted by
structural analysis, problem is likely caused by the actual failure of the bearing, bearing material
and/or bearing plinth. Further load tests and material tests would be conducted on the replaced
bearings for further investigation.

To retrofit the structure, it was suggested to replace the slipped bearings by suitably designed
elastomeric bearings that is able to support the required forces and displacements.

4.3 The Most Possible Cause

The output from the study and the findings phases suggested three most possible causes for the
bearings to slip. They are listed as follows: -
a) The study of the original as-built drawings shows there are no separate details on fixed
bearings. Also, there is no trace of any kind of fixed restraint found from the inspection
thus far. It is most probable that the bridge deck of the original design relied on the
friction between the bearings and bridge girder to prevent it from translating.

Lack of shear deformation in bearing at locations where large translations had occurred
suggested that :
i) The contact pressure and friction between bearings and bridge deck were
not high enough to prevent slipping between the two surfaces; &
ii) The shear stiffness of the bearings was not high enough to accommodate
the translation movement.

b) The use of wrong type of bearing size and epoxy mortar to make-up the required level not
only suggest poor quality control of the bearing installation, but it has also changed the
compressive and shear stiffness at the specified locations. This will affect the design
assumption on the bearing stiffness in the original analysis. The change of bearing
stiffness would likely affect the distribution of bearing reactions. Since the friction and
contact pressure is a function of the reaction, any change in bearing reaction could result
in a change of contact pressure, which is used to hold the bearing in placed. The
unremoved bearing plastic wrapper further reduces the friction between the bearing and
the deck and making it more susceptible to move.

c) Lastly, the construction of the new and add-on structure helps to aggravate the already
slipped bearings.


5.1 Proposed Type of Replacement Method

This task requires the load on the existing bearing to be completely relieved. Hydraulic jacking
utilizing short ram jack or flat jack is the usual method used. Before jacking is carried out, the
specialist contractor has to design the jacking positions (i.e supporting members such as top of the
pier/crosshead and reacting members such as transverse diaphragms and beams). If existing
structural members do not have adequate strength, an independent reaction truss will be required.
Working space for placement of jacking system is an important factor to consider during the
planning and design phase.

The proposed method of statement on replacing of the elastomeric bearings in the safest and most
efficient way has been outlined as follows:

Planning and Design Phase

a. Determine the existing 8 bearings to be replaced;
b. Design and supply new bearings to be used to comply with BS5400 Part 9;
c. Plan the positions of the hydraulic jacks allowing for two jacks per bearing and the
access for bearing removal and re-installation;
d. Check and confirm capacity of transverse diaphragm is sufficient to carry jack loads
at specified locations;
e. Design the hydraulic circuit for jacks.

Site Execution Phase

a. Take a new set of bearing measurements to confirm the existing rotation and
movement, levels of top and bottom of bearing with respect to top of crosshead;
b. Mark out the original positions of bearings;
c. Set-up hydraulic jacks, steel wedges and dial gauges as shown on sketch;
d. Check all pressure gauges, fitting, connections and bleed hydraulic system;
e. Inflate jacks with a nominal pressure and zero all dial gauges;
f. Re-check hydraulic system for any leakage;
g. Inflate the jacks gradually in small increment; say 3mm, in a pre-determined
sequence to minimize the existing difference in levels;
h. Continue jacking gradually until the beams lift up by maximum of 15mm. Record the
dial gauge readings;
i. Adjust the steel wedges and shim the gap, if any;
j. Remove existing bearing one at a time by applying a horizontal force using manual
k. Inspect bearing plinth for damages. If no damage on the existing plinth, place a new
bearing in position with a layer of epoxy glue at the top and bottom;
l. Lower the beam to original or pre-determined new level and adjust the steel wedges

5.2 Proposed Type of Monitoring Systems and Locations

The proposed monitoring system will be able to perform the following functions:
a) Measure horizontal and vertical displacement on both axes of the replaced
bearings and some selected bearing (gauges, sensors and measuring devices);
b) Measure any movement on the superstructure under and on top of the
c) Log, collect and record data from all sensors, gauges and meters at
predefined interval (data logger); &
d) Transmit the data logged/collect to the office computer using wireless

The in-place automatic remote monitoring system consists of a mixture of sensors housed in
protective housing linked to a cable network that included solar-powered data acquisition and
communication system. The system would wake up at require intervals, switch on power to the
network, read the sensors, store and analyses the data. If the pre-set threshold limits have been
determined by the monitoring system, it will have the potential to send out fax/email/alarm on
any event exceeding that pre-set threshold limits.

The system is also be able to collect and record the readings for a period to allow for on-site
logging in and up loading of data collected. The collected data from the system at site will be
interpreted, and structurally analysed and reports generated to reflect the behaviour of the
bearings/viaducts monthly.

An independent counter checking system will be available on site to check, confirm and ensure
that the measurements recorded by the instruments are accurate.

Nevertheless, the system is able to maintain the specified accuracy without adjustment throughout
their serviceable life span. Unless otherwise specified, the accuracy shall be within +/-2%
throughout the full range of measurement.

Generally, sensors will be pre-installed on two mounting plates. One will be fixed on the lower
face of the deck, the other on the pier. Sensors are watertight and an additional box will be
provided for shock protection. The sensors will be connected to a set-up consists of a sensors
conditioner, a transmitter repeater radio, a solar panel and a battery.
The proposed system will be powered by normal electricity made available at the bridge. This
type of power source will not require any maintenance and it is very economical to run in the long


a. Conduct pre-condition survey with photographs before carrying out any widening or
major repair works for record purposes.

b. Joint site inspection shall be conducted before and after any widening or major repair
works. All defects/damages should be identified on site during the inspection.

c. Practice proper safe-keeping of completed as-built drawings, notes, information and all
necessary document for future references.

d. To ensure that the rubber of the bearing is adequately restrained and to avoid any tensile
disruption of the concrete edge, the plan dimensions of the concrete should exceed those
of the bearings by at least 50mm, the actual dimensions depending upon the reinforcing
details [1].

e. The vertical force of the bearing should be at least five times the horizontal force exerted
by the bearing in resisting translational movement [1].

f. Apply epoxy mortars as bedding layer and adhesive material. Install dowel on the bearing
to hold the elastomeric bearing in position; to provide fixity to the structure.

g. Elastomeric bearings need no maintenance, but may have a limited useful life, depending
upon their environment. Most elastomers deteriorate steadily with time, and are subject to
attack by materials such as oil, oxygen and ozone, and most are unsuitable for use at
extremes of temperature [1]. Thus, the used of the elastomeric bearing should be properly
considered in design.

h. Update all inventory records and inspection records in the Bridge Management System
(BMS) for future repair, upgrading or rehabilitation work reference.

i. Bearings of different sizes must not be placed next to each other because of their different
stiffness. Also, rigid bearings and rubber pads should not be placed along the same line of
support unless the effect of the different stiffness is taken into account in the design of
substructure and superstructure.

j. During design phase, provision should be made for the installation of jacks necessary for
the removal of bearings or any part thereof.

k. Always ensure that the design and type of the bearing used is compatible with the
expansion joint used.

l. Provide angle plate or dowel bars at the side of the plinth to prevent the elastomeric
bearing for slipping out of the plinth.

The author would like to express his sincere gratitude to Mrs Margarita Loh, The Departmental
Manager, Mr Tan Boon Leong and Mr Kee Chee Hiong for their guidance and the opportunity for
the research, Mr Chee Kam Woh for his assistance in gathering of information. Without their
help, the paper would have been impossible.


[1] David J. Lee “Bridge Bearings and Expansion Joints”

[2] PSC Freyssinet (S) Pte Ltd – Contract No: BM0005 Progress Report
Figure 1 - Keppel Viaduct Longitudinal View
Appendix A
Appendix B



Typical Cross Section of Keppel Viaduct

Appendix C


Expansion joint Expansion joint

P14 P13 P12 P11 P10 P9 P8 P7

P6 P5 P4 Expansion joint
P2 P1


Bearing Layout Plan

Appendix D
Appendix E

Temporary steel plates

The bearing is moving

toward the fin

Concrete plinth
crushed at the edge


Photo 1 : Bearing 1 at P12 (westbound carriageway) had

shifted and its concrete plinth had crushed partially

The slipped bearing

Angle block installed


Photo 2 : Angle block installed to prevent Bearing 1 at

P12 from further slippage

The slipped bearing

Temporary steel plates
installed to support the beam
Concrete plinth

Photo 3 : Bearing 2 at P12 (eastbound carriageway) had

shifted and steel plates had been installed to take the load
WorkPlan Programme
Appendix F
Item Description of Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Mobilisation & Study of Existing Records

2 Pre-Construction Inspection

3 Detailed Dimensional Survey

4 Structural Assessment of Viaduct

5 Formulation of Design and Construction Methodology

6 Design, Implementation and Installation of Monitoring System

7 Approval by LTA

8 Replacement of Bearings

9 Monitoring of behaviour and condition of structure

10 Post Construction Inspection and Reinstatement

11 Training of LTA staff

12 Preparation and Submission of drawings and reports

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