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The Spirit of Jesus and His Enemies 2
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Chapter One
I’m not writing to critique those who are trying to walk in the Spirit
or those who say they can sense within their spirits the truths of
God. I am writing to help them to be faithful to God. This book is
written for a purpose: To focus minds on what is spiritual and to get
believers out of the nest to fly as eagles in Spirit and in Truth.
After reading you may want to live this life in spirit and truth. It is
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easier than you may think. You have been hindered by the evil one
– expressing himself through false teaching and the confusion it
spreads. Remove that stumbling block and the way becomes plain.
A person may read the most spiritual books in the world and learn
their concepts. They may speak of these things and discuss them
with others who have studied them but do they understand these
concepts because the Holy Spirit has taught them or simply as they
read the books of men? Since it is a fact that if a person is not
taught of the Spirit of God they cannot truly understand the
spiritual books. The Christian world is full of people who use
spiritual language about spiritual things and often say, “I sensed in
my spirit...” or “The Holy Spirit spoke to my mind...” or “I had a
word of prophecy...” How much of this is real? The various
teachings that come out of Christianity that contradict one another
present a problem to the believer: How to get straight to the truth.
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mean non spiritual, with her heart fixed on many things besides the
Lord: Often things with which the Lord would not be happy. This
demonstrates a common truth: That those who appear to be
spiritual often also do and say things that make it clear they are
not. One day they will recommend the most spiritual books and the
next they will recommend something by a cult! One day they will
speak passionately about prayer and fasting and the next about
their favourite soap opera... Often they get confused and irritable
when they are spoken to about Spiritual things.
In the times of Jesus there was a lot of confusion about who and
what He was. Oftentimes He was called a false prophet or a servant
of the devil. By making the right judgement about Jesus many
people came to believe in Him and gained eternal life. Others who
believed the lies told by pious seeming priests continued in their
places of worship unaware that the Messiah they had been waiting
for had arrived. This is how it is today with spiritual believers and
their opponents.
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[1 Corinthians 14:37]
Here we see the Apostle Paul realised there were some who
thought they were spiritual but he had to demand of them that they
recognise him for being a truly inspired apostolic writer! Generally,
spiritual people are not seen as spiritual. This is because there is in
Christian culture a consensus among those who refer to one
another as prophets, or spiritual, but who are in reality very much
deceived. Their opinions of what is spiritual are wrong. They keep
out those who are spiritual and see them as worthless. I will add
that one of the hallmarks of those who are spiritual is to accept the
entire Scripture and see it as a balanced whole. Many say they
accept all Scripture. Few have a balanced and harmonious view of
You will notice this is a literal translation and this is one of several
verses dealing specifically with spiritual awareness in spirit. It is
where the term comes from but it is misunderstood by people
reading Watchman Nee, Jessie Penn-Lewis and others who taught
about the differences between soul and spirit and spiritual sensing.
Often these books are understood intellectually and many assume
this understanding makes them spiritual.
In the verse above we see Jesus was moved within Himself, not
primarily in His emotions although these too were deeply affected,
but in Spirit. There are natural feelings and there are spiritual
feelings. As a rule the spirit does not feel as the natural person
The manner Jesus felt in His Spirit is the template for believers
feeling things in their spirits. As we become more spiritual we have
more spiritual feelings. At first these are often confusing and
sometimes contradict our natural instincts. If we think of them
intelligently they make more sense, and especially as we study the
topic in the Bible...
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Here we see Paul the Apostle clarifies the issue. The spirit is so
distinct from the soul and body as to be able to be at another place
on its own! This is not merely an expression, being present in spirit,
(as the Prophet was known for telling the secrets of the Samarian
King…) Of course Paul was an Apostle and very advanced in
spiritual things. Yet we see the folly of assuming that deep
emotional feelings are somehow the spirit. The spirit has a life of its
own and that life is centred in Christ. Therefore those who sense
things in spirit sense this: The continual Presence of the Lord Jesus
Christ, Son of God.
Here we have a clue too: Those who can sense things in spirit can
sense the differentiation between soul and spirit. They can sense
their own spiritual nature. If they can do this they may sense the
spiritual nature of others. This is why spiritual believers do not
recommend carnal authors or become authors of carnal doctrines.
Spirit attracts spirit. Spiritual believers are attracted to other
spiritual believers.
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casting out demons... Another way in which such believers are used
is in prayer as not all are called to be ministers.
Every believer who has the Spirit of Christ and obeys Him is to
some extent spiritual and walking in the Spirit. In the ‘deeper
Christian life’ or spiritual life there are resources put there by God
so that we keep on growing in grace. For some this means power
and grace few can imagine. For a few this means power and grace
that no one can imagine. A necessary step along this path is to
learn to walk consciously in the Spirit being aware of inner things
hidden from the eyes of men but revealed by God.
Here the Apostle John travelled to Heaven in spirit and by his spirit
beheld a wonderful revelation from Christ. This is far more than
sensing in spirit. It is seeing and hearing fully and clearly. Yet it
demonstrates the nature of spirit as opposed to the natural power
of the soul. People may and do have all kinds of experiences that
they believe to be spiritual but how many would match up to John's
in essence?
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I spoke of the servants of Jesus being humble and kind. Often the
most spiritual people take the least offence at the greatest insults.
The converse is true: The least spiritual people take the greatest
offence at the least criticism. Please think about that for a while
and go over the people you have known. Even go over your own
behaviour. It may well be that the Lord reminds you of certain
things that will instruct you. I confess that I have called others
servants of Satan, but rarely, and after great provocation. I feel
sorrow when I have to distance myself or try to correct a brother or
sister. I’d rather cut my arm off than see them go astray.
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say you do he promises 'great things'. The devil will always promise
you today what God will take years to give you, after discipleship
and faithfulness to Him. God is interested in applying the Cross to
your life. Satan wants you to abandon it to a life of sensuality
disguised as spirituality – that is Christian Spiritism.
That was quite simple, but how many practise it? Here it gets more
Use logic.
When you are apparently told by 'God' that you are to be a great
healer ask Him to heal you of something significant as a guarantee!
If He doesn't, forget the revelation. The God of the Bible would heal
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As you gain more insight into the spiritual world and begin
to sense things in your spirit more clearly you are likely to
become the author of error to others.
Others will listen to you as you are seen as spiritual. You will teach
them many true and deep things and help them in many ways but
they will also drink in your errors. You have reached the stage in
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your spiritual life where you are of most use to Satan. He wants you
as you will be believed, just as Eve believed the serpent! Your pride
is such that it is hard for you to acknowledge your errors, already
having been cleansed of so much! For some of you, your supposed
spiritual instincts cry “Satan!” as you read my words - Be patient
and God will bless you.
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Chapter Two
Jesus Christ the Son of God is the most hated man in history: Jesus
Christ the Son of God is the most loved man in history. Is it any
wonder then that you are loved by those who love Christ? It is no
wonder that you love those who love Christ.
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who love Christ and His disciples who truly believe to salvation. In
other words that belief in Jesus as the Jewish Messiah or world
Christ is a belief grounded in love to God. This shows that, as I said,
it is spiritual belief. Not a belief in something spiritual or about
something spiritual but a belief which by its very nature is spiritual.
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Some are wary of talk of love as it has been so abused by cults and
by some so-called mystics. However, the teachings of God are clear
enough and of course we just studied two verses about loving the
Christ and His people. We should remember what Paul the Apostle
said, “Without love I am nothing.” This is not the love of Easy
Religion but of obedience to Jesus and God.
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Chapter Three
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true, no one can therefore calculate how many people have seen
Jesus. On the other hand, European artists tended to create Jesus
after their own image, as a European with, usually, light brown hair
and sometimes blue eyes. Early Christians did not do this as they
were unaware of blonde Europeans, the Romans not having
enslaved them at that time. There are also some icons of a black
Jesus. Today pictures of Jesus make Him look rather like a kindly
As He really is
The Biblical Jesus appears Jewish in His features with brown hair
and eyes. He has soft, almond shaped eyes and stands about 5'7''-
8'' tall. That is short by today's standards but tall for His era. He
does have a beard in accordance with Jewish tradition. Even though
Jesus' hair is not as long as it is in the paintings He does not have
the short hair that came into our culture with the First World War
when men began to adopt the short-back-and-sides haircut, after
having longish hair in the nineteenth century! When I first saw the
Lord I did not realise how rare an experience it is. I have read of
others' visions I accept as true, such as that of George Verwer of
Operation Mobilisation. Another one to consider would be the bodily
manifest Jesus described by Fred Lemon, the cockney ex gangster.
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gesture, word and the way about Him He has. Jesus, if He were
seen in a crowd, would hardly be recognised as the Son of God. He
is human after all. Some may think He was strong and noble; others
that He was deep and 'otherworldly'. Everyone, without exception
who spent more than a few minutes in His presence would feel and
recognise that there is no other like Him.
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Power in Spirit
There are many blessings in life not asked for that occur to
believers. Many we take for granted and don't give thanks, but
Jesus thanks God for us! My greatest answers to prayer are not
answers to prayer but the unwarranted kindnesses of Jesus. They
are simply blessings the Father gave me for Jesus' sake; blessings
that I could not even have imagined. I have seen, felt, understood
and been shown what no mortal could possibly conceive – will you
likewise fulfil the very Scripture this refers to?
In the Mind of God there is no shadow of evil and there never has
been a bad thought. The trials of life are designed to turn people to
Him and the blessings of life are designed to get people to
appreciate Him. Most people will do neither but He never harbours
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already shown you; things you have not understood or things you
resisted. It is being won over by Christ. It is similar to a lover finding
their true love. As you come to know Christ His Mind and Character
is imprinted upon you like the image on a seal, those old ones used
to seal letters.
A Simple Prayer:
This can be prayed by those wanting to become Christians and
those who are already Christians.
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Chapter Four
“I say to you, you walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfil
the craving of the flesh” [Galatians 5:16]
After salvation comes through Christ and His Spirit indwells us the
human spirit is made alive. The human mind and soul begins to
take upon itself the attributes of the spirit which is remade in the
image of Christ. The body conforms to the desire of the Spirit...
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If you meditate on the above paragraphs you may see how it saves
you from the error of mistakenly thinking the soul is the same as
the flesh or the body is the flesh. In the Bible ordinary words take
on a spiritual sense. Ultimately, God's plan is to conform the entire
nature to the Spirit of Christ so that body, soul and spirit are
entirely holy. In Resurrection too the spiritual body is in no negative
sense 'flesh' even though it is flesh and blood as well as soul and
spirit. It is entirely in the Spirit.
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Some people try to say the ceremonial Law of the Jews is done
away with for Christians but there remains a moral Law. It is far
more correct to say there remains an eternal, spiritual Law that is
never done away. This is what is fulfilled in those who walk in the
Spirit of Christ. Jesus gave a more simple explanation. All the Law is
summed up by loving God and loving your neighbour as yourself.
That is both spiritual and eternal. Yes, certain ceremonies and
rituals have passed their use by date but the love of God in Christ
remains forever. It is this love that is the righteousness that is
fulfilled in those who walk in the Spirit. Even if these things I write
are hard to understand they may yet help you understand difficult
passages of the Scripture.
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Not all Christians have the same understanding or the same degree
of faith and neither can this be so. As a result there are often
disagreements, controversies, inroads by cults, petty hatreds.
Conversely there is pleading for truth, sound teaching, repentance
and strong faith expressed in love. In the following verse Paul the
Apostle expresses his exasperation but points out his and Titus's
practical righteousness. Those who walk in the Spirit will come up
against others who chide them, decry them, who are fickle etc. Yet,
when two or more walk in the Spirit they will walk the same steps.
They will have peace and unity.
I should not need to teach these things but sadly the time has
come when believers are in danger in their churches from
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persecution and would be better off out of them! Yet, as Titus and
Paul walked in step together with the Spirit so you will find others
that also are in step with Christ. You will not find many. You will not
agree 100% or close to it but a time is coming when such believers
will have a home and such churches as Jesus would enjoy attending
will come into being. I know this because I know the Spirit.
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Chapter Five
“...Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul and with all your strength, and your neigbour as
yourself.” [Luke 10:27]
This is a simple guide of how to love God and by loving God to love
your neighbor as yourself.
The Love that Jesus spoke of was spiritual in the sense that it was
pure in motive, selfless and created in the heart by the Holy Spirit.
That is we are to love God with His own love as our love is often not
love at all. When we love of ourselves we are full of impurities and
“Lord Jesus, I pray you will give me your love for all and
especially for God. My own love or effort to love is not
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This prayer will help focus your mind and prayed purely, will show
God your intent and dependence upon Him.
This new creation, made of the fabric of Christ, is the centre of our
being and has a nature like His. It consists of our spirit being given
new life, the Life of Christ, as its mainspring. In that sense we
become united to God by Christ. Deep within ourselves we feel this
life. We are to trust this life will be manifested in our outer selves,
our conscious selves, by the power of the Holy Spirit. That is we
experience Christ by faith.
All the spiritual life that peoples all over the world have sought; all
the graces and qualities of Jesus; all the sum of what is perfect,
wonderful, holy and godly can be found in Jesus and Jesus can be
found in you, if you believe.
All the failure, shallowness, loss and dead ends you find in church
or in striving to be spiritual can be vanquished by Jesus Christ from
within you. It is easier than you think as most people that seek
these things or seem to, seek them outside of Jesus and by Self
Effort, not by the simple and pure way of faith.
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“By grace you are saved through faith: That's not of yourself;
it is the gift of God.” [Ephesians 2:8]
Jesus is completely willing to give His Life for everyone and anyone
who will receive it on His conditions.
These conditions are simple. One is to ask God to have these
things: To be active and willing to follow and obey Him. Another
condition is to repent. Repent is a word translated from the Greek
word ‘metanoia’. This means a change of mind in the deepest
sense. In other words we are to transform our minds by turning
from what is evil or corrupt to what is God's will, which is always
pure. Along with repentance comes believing; believing in Jesus.
Read this prayer; as you pray it in the faith which is God’s free gift,
it will bring you into fulfillment of God's will and on the path to truly
loving God.
Here is another prayer for those who already have Jesus in their
Think about it and if you have grace pray it.
Such prayers as these or any that God will lead you to pray are not
about us willing what is to be but about trusting in God’s grace
freely offered to us in Christ. To repent and believe and then to be
consecrated to Christ is the path that leads to loving God fully.
Remember, God's love, as it comes from Him returns to Him and it
returns as it came, freely, purely and in power. You will see the
following verse also balances the activity of the believer with that
of God. God sovereignly rules over our hearts and in this
sovereignty He wills us to obey, to respond and act but it is all of
grace, Amen.
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Chapter Six
First I will explain what this gift of discerning spirits is not and then
what it is.
You will notice in the above verse that testing of spirits was
connected with identifying false prophets. That is what I am doing
in this book. All God's gifts are good to have and are not
burdensome or oppressive. They do not disconnect people from
reality but have the opposite effect. The gift of discerning spirits is
a work of the Holy Spirit and it is an amazing and wonderful gift to
have. Here is an example of a deluded person's behaviour, one who
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I sat down to lunch with a Christian friend and their guest. The
guest who I will call Nelson was supposed to have been baptised in
the Spirit and could see demons. He informed us that there were
demons in the room. Nelson then opened a window so they could
leave and commanded them to go in Jesus' Name. However, he
noticed one was still hiding under the salad bowl so he picked up
the bowl and shouted at the demon to leave....
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All Spiritual gifts are distinct but not completely separate. They are
like faces of a diamond. They bleed into one another by the Blood
of Christ. If for example the Lord had set the average life span at
10,000 years it would inevitably occur that a person who had one
gift would end up with all. Spiritual discernment or wisdom
regarding spiritual matters is not the same as discerning actual and
literal spirits. Yet, those who can discern actual spirits have greater
spiritual discernment or wisdom. Spiritual discernment is sound
judgment but discerning spirits is ability to detect actual spirits,
their character and effects. These are some of the attributes of the
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more spiritually aware than others. This is for the benefit of others
not for themselves. It is very important to understand that a person
with this gift will inevitably see into the spiritual realm. That is the
nature of the gift. That is where spirits are, and not all spirits are
demons. It is not just the Holy Spirit and His enemies but also
Angels and saints that people with this gift discern. You may
understand this better as I describe how the gift operates.
Discerning of hearts
Had it occurred to you that each human has their human spirit -
their inner self? It is obvious to those with the gift that human
hearts can be discerned. This happens in two ways. The gifted may
discern the leanings, inclinations and basic character of a person or
they may literally sense and discern their spirit. The latter only
happens with those advanced in the gift...
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When I meet people, and if I take the trouble to think of them, I feel
and know what they are really about. Wherever I have had the
opportunity to confirm what I have sensed I have had 100%
accuracy. Sometimes this gift is very revealing but the Holy Spirit
assures the privacy of those we see. Today I literally used this gift. I
met a new teacher at my child's school. On the surface she was
friendly and warm but I remember some horrible teachers I had
that were friendly and warm to my parents. After sensing her heart
however, I knew that God had given her a gentle heart and she
would present no problem to my child in the future. Also there was
an element of sensing the future...
You will see how such a life gives insight into Scripture: Jesus often
being exasperated with the hard heartedness of those around him
and yet being comforted by Angels in His trials. I should say I do
not compare myself with Him but it seems I just did, so I'll say we
should all experience something of the Life of Christ. That is God's
intent after all.
Discerning demons
Finally we get to it! Yes of course this gift is designed by God as a
great weapon against demons. By the exercise of this gift you
become strong. It must be so or how will you grow? It is about
standing firm on Scriptural principals. Discerning demons
sometimes means seeing demons. It can be scary. We learn to fear
God and not to be intimidated by Satan. It is metaphorically, like a
bloody battlefield strewn with corpses of good men. In the midst
you stand, scarred, sometimes weary, but ever vigilant and ever
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Demons in Christians
Christian counsellors sometimes need to counsel Christians
regarding demons that are oppressing them or to some extent
controlling (possessing) them. You will see a lot of this fight to free
captives from demons, often 'religious demons' such as false
tongue speaking demons- in missionaries, counsellors and others
who see the reality of the spiritual warfare around us. However,
Christians need to pick their counsellors wisely.
If you have felt oppressed or frightened in what you have read so
far do not read any further in this chapter. Also pray before reading
and leave off reading if it is too much for you. Not everyone is given
grace to deal with such things as I am about to reveal.
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On the outside the spiritual realm seems mystifying and weird but
in truth it is well designed and planned; full of stratagems and
orders of powers and legions of demons under the control of higher
spirits; that are themselves under the power of fallen angels whose
chief is Lucifer that once was; Satan.
Spies are one of the most common forms of demons and therefore
one of the most common appearances of demons is in the shape of
animals and insects.
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In regards to the above two types of demons you will notice that in
the story of the demon possessed man and the Gergesene swine
the demons left the man to go into the swine... [Matthew 8:28-34]
Sometimes ghosts are really such demons but not always. Ghost
phenomena can relate to other things I will not go into here.
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The worst kind of demons: Demons are lesser spirits but they
vary in degrees of power and intelligence. The worst are those that
influence you without you knowing it. It is the awful fate of the
human race. If you have ever sinned you have been deceived.
What I am going to tell you is one of the secrets of the spiritual
realm and this will be particularly hard to accept by persons who
see themselves as spiritual warriors: Satan often uses seasons of
demonic oppression to hide his real workings. They are merely a
distraction. The believer goes through a tremendous battle and
gets the victory. They are pleased and grow stronger. All the while
Satan had been secretly planting something elsewhere in your life
without any sign of his working.
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If you are discerning this tactic would have been used against you.
You have been deceived by this distraction, of spiritual warfare and
victory, which you could hardly ignore. It is always best in dealing
with demons to assume you don't know what is going on, even if
you are enlightened, and to pray in principal this: “Father in Jesus
Name, deliver me from the unseen realm, the unknown stratagems
of evil and from the seeds of evil that will bear fruit in years to
come if You do not root them out today!...” - Something along
those lines. You need this information and this idea.
These attacks usually appear to the world as ‘bad luck’. The most
common forms of this intensified bad luck are illnesses, accidents
and misfortunes. This results in such things as mysterious illnesses
that doctors misdiagnose and mistreat; severe injuries or death;
marital break up, loss of work, bullying at school etc.
I said that demons will make the spiritual warrior appear foolish,
insane or proud to observers. I have often used extremes in my
writing. I speak of being filled with love ten thousand times
stronger than earthly love, seeing giant spider demons, having
visions of God and glory… Is it exaggeration and am I like the first
Christian, Nelson whom I mentioned? You will need to discern.
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Christians of strong faith are like the Ark of the Covenant: They are
a great blessing to people of faith and can be a great terror to
those who are opposed to God. The world’s Dagons will fall but
blessings abide upon the dwellings of the righteous.
I said I would not go into talk of fallen angels but I can hardly teach
upon this subject without speaking of their chief. Satan rarely
bothers Christians directly - and this will be the opposite of
everything you have ever heard. He uses lesser demons. He will
take a look at the stronger Christians and appoint far more demons
to attack them. Like Napoleon Satan is a skilled general and
strategist and not easily defeated. He is usually busy with the great
ones on earth and only if you defeat some powerful evil spirits will
Satan personally take an interest in you. If he does most of the
books you have read will be of little use to you but the Bible will
come alive in ways you never imagined.
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Satan’s army
This is just an introductory chapter to the subject so it is neither
comprehensive nor thorough. One more thing I should mention is
that Satan organizes his servants as a great army. Just as in any
army you will have sappers, sharpshooters, pilots, gunnies,
technicians in communications etc and of course the all important
propagandists, so it is similar with the powers of darkness.
There is no rule book. In relation to sin there are certain sins that
humans could commit without demonic influence and certain ones
that would only be committed under demonic influence. One of
Satan’s chief works in humans then is to counterfeit human
personalities – to humans - to make a person feel they are really
one thing until they become that thing. With the various satanically
inspired philosophies popular among people this is made easier.
In any army you have long term strategies for conquering territory
so it is with Satan’s army. Among strategies in recent history are
these: To keep the Middle East in a constant state of instability.
This is a first move at aiming at a Third World War. (I am certainly
not saying he will be successful.) Another stratagem is to prepare
the world for a pseudo scientific belief in God since evolutionary
theory has been falling from within. A ‘scientific’, impersonal god is
useful to Satan. A third stratagem is the keep the Church divided.
There are literally thousands of denominations and as long as
Christians are proud of this instead of being ashamed of it- it is a
great travesty – the enemy will continue to conquer. Only a united
Church of biblical truth can defeat Satan.
None of these views came from reading others’ opinions. All are my
own personal views formed by my relationship with God in the
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Chapter Seven
“God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be
opened and you will be as God, knowing good and evil.”
[Genesis 3:5]
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Innocent destruction
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Satan hides himself so well that it is often hard to detect his works
but the Lord allowed this episode simply to clarify years of
observations and reservations about those disneyesque style
Christians with their saccharine love and fantasies of power:
Pentecostals and Charismatics…
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To tell the world in effect that Christianity is a false religion that
produces failed prophecies and ministers who are always being
caught out in matters of sexual conduct or tax evasion – as many
well known Charismatics have- is downright evil. Christians would
not so defame the name of Christ. What right do they have to tell
the world at large that Christianity is a bad joke? The simple answer
is that Christians do not do this. They would not. A Christian would
rather die than let the Lord suffer shame at their failed prophecies.
Charismatics and Pentecostals have the opposite attitude:
Multitudes of people can testify to failed prophecy given to them in
Charismatic circles.
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Sexual immorality
Statistics are actually kept by denominations on such things as
church attendance and church expulsion. It has long been on
record that those in the Charismatic circles, who claim to be filled
with the Holy Spirit, have the highest rates of sexual and other
types of scandal.
Failed deliverance
What I have written here will be seen by those who see themselves
as discerning as extreme and they would rebuke me where they
would not rebuke the Spiritists. This is because those in
ministries of discernment have totally failed to do what was
needed. There are experts everywhere that will tell how Christians
should be wary of this and that obvious cult or this or that obvious
false practice, whether it is astral travel or mantric mediation. Yet,
very few Christians go into cults or are likely to practise New Age or
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Unconvinced Spiritists
Many Christian Spiritists will regard what I have said as manifestly
false and quite self evidently so. They will say that they know the
Holy Spirit is with them; that they have not seen these abuses; that
they have seen wonders; that they have the joy of the Lord
etcetera. Yes, it is true that in terms of a purely subjective
experience Spiritism is designed to appeal to the flesh. It will
aggravate against the spirit however. Holy people will ever find a
conflict with Pentecostalism. The gooey, emotional, hypnotic,
passive minded, cauldron of sensory experience that is Spiritism is
meant to be seductive. It is not so with Christ. His disciples are
clear headed, contrite, sincere, holy, wise, loving without faking it,
and always in some degree powerful.
Anti-Charismatic Charismatics
Many Charismatics after living for years in disquiet, disturbed by
what they have seen behind closed doors, eventually leave their
churches. Then they try to expose the lies and deceptions that they
had formally practised. Good for them, but sadly it takes many
years for them to come out of all these deceptions – if ever. This
gives us the phenomenon of the anti-Charismatic Charismatic:
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Those who see themselves as delivered while yet still having false
guidance and gifts. The enemy has refined his craft and for them
makes everything seem holy whereas for others he does pretty
much as he chooses and they accept it!
True saints have very quiet minds – clear like crystals, without
Charismatic confusion. In the Bible when God does speak it is often
audible and sounds like thunder! Miracles normally follow. Exit all
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Do not follow voices in your head. Apart from deceiving you they
can lead to serious mental health problems. Charismatics and
Pentecostals live in a constant state of unreality and confusion. You
have seen some who are bizarre and possibly deranged. They often
started out as normal. You need to forsake these principles of
Spiritism and adopt the principles of Christ: That is you need to
reverse Satan’s work.
Principles of Christ
God seeks honesty.
God seeks those willing to obey Him.
God wants obedience from the heart.
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For a Christian Spiritist this means beginning again and laying the
foundation of Christ away from the dead works of Spiritism. How
often have you claimed the Lord told you something and it didn’t
come to pass? Don’t call God a liar. Repent of putting words into
God’s mouth. That is a good start.
A big thing to do
Get out!!! Run for the hills. (-Unless called like myself to sometimes
work among them as a missionary.) It is killing you and you don’t
know it as your flesh and the devil are telling you how wonderful it
is. Use logic and see Christ is holy! If you need books read the great
evangelical preachers of the 1700s-1800s or devotional writers.
Stop speaking in tongues. Seek to follow Christ by simple faith with
reason rather than by supernatural lights or signs. It will purify you.
Resist Satan as he tries to lure you back.
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Christian Spiritism commonly known as Pentecostalism and the
Charismatic Movement is based upon deception. It is by its very
nature intrinsically opposed to the Spirit of Truth – Jesus Christ. It is
not merely another gospel but another religion. Almost all the
heresies, misdemeanours and cultic practises coming into
Christianity begin with the Spiritists. Their religion has as its very
foundation the experience of their deceptive and false gifts rather
than the Person of Christ – Who is belittled in favour of a false Holy
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Chapter Eight
Not all New Age teaching is consistent and also taking into account
that these characters are continually being reincarnated it is hard
to work out a logical account. There are elements in Ascended
Master teaching that are similar to Freemasonry and its guilds.
There are all kinds of committees of light and angels that oversee
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but there is an underlying unity among New Agers based upon their
philosophy. New Agers look for a New Age of world peace and
spiritual enlightenment. This fits within their worldview of...
Already that World Teacher Jesus/Sananda gives messages through
various mediumistic New Age teachers and these can be found
over the Internet. Also they like to post images of Jesus/Sananda
based on paintings of Jesus from European art in past centuries. A
popular one has Jesus with long, light brown hair and blue eyes. An
important point I want to make here is that some Christians believe
in these teachings of ascended masters in the sense of their being
revelations of what Satan is up to. They literally believe that the
False Prophet of the Antichrist, the second Beast of Revelation, will
look like Jesus/Sananda: Long hair and blue eyes and definitely
European. They even go on to state that Christians are unknowingly
worshiping Satan by worshiping such a Jesus or his image… This is
the topic of this chapter as it concerns two sets of confused
teachers, both New Age and Christian.
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Sananda is the higher spiritual name. Jesus is the name used in one
of his earthly appearances. Sananda/Jesus may well have another
name in the next appearance. This means he may well be here
already known by another name. The result is a lot of wild
speculation dignified by some Christians who know no better. Yet,
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Some Christians, who for some reason believe many of these New
Age prophecies, see in them a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and
in particular regard Jesus/Sananda as the coming second Beast and
False Prophet depicted in the Book of Revelation (See Revelation
13. Both the Antichrist and his false prophet are called beasts.) For
what reason they would believe this is not apparent other than it is
very typical of the Apocalyptic Hysteria that has taken hold upon
large sections of evangelical and Charismatic Christianity,
especially in the USA. There is however, no reason to believe in the
prophecies of Benjamin Creme or Ascended Master Teachers and
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Kaiser (of World War I) was the Antichrist and later the same kind of
people said it was Adolf Hitler. Before that time they said the
Antichrist was Napoleon, etcetera. In more recent times we have
been told that Saddam Hussein was the Antichrist... I rather
suspect that when the Lord does raise up a Prophet that performs
great signs and wonders these very types of 'believers' will
prophesy he or she is the Beast! In fact it is true to say that thought
was given to me by the Lord. It is not unusual for such would-be
prophets to recommend other teachers that are spiritual and others
that are unspiritual, while at the same time attacking ferociously
some of the most spiritual figures in Christian history. Their
knowledge then is as confused as their prophecies- and all
underpinned by their pride.
False lights
Many of the so-called experts on prophecy and spiritual warfare
take their knowledge from their own past experiences in the occult,
believing falsely that they were given insight into the spiritual
world. Yet, the Enemy will only tell lies to those involved in the
occult. When, thankfully, they become Christians they should not
assume their 'knowledge' is in any way reliable or a means with
which to interpret Bible prophecy! To give credence to the
teachings of various Spiritists is to unnecessarily advance the
interests of those opposed to the Bible Faith.
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Some things that those who have experienced the division between
spirit and soul can do.
Spiritual Christians can teach by experience rather than by theory.
However, what they teach will be gibberish to the theoretical
Christians. Spiritual Christians can and do continually sense the
near presence of Christ. They can discern errors in teaching and
practice and errors of emphasis. They experience the power of the
Holy Spirit as the Abundant Life of Christ flowing within them. That
is they abide in Christ as depicted in John chapter 15. They can
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Proof is not saying, “I sense it”, or “When the Lord returns they will
see!” Where are your prophecies about the last ten years that have
been recorded as coming true? Where are you prophecies, not
generalizations, about world events that are about to come true?
I say, and I could add 'know', that those who say they are prophets
and are prophesying the Lord's return anytime within the next
twenty years are false prophets, bad Bible students and
vainglorious, pseudo-spiritual dupes of the Enemy.
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I want to point out that there is a very close correlation between
the prophets of the ascended masters and the would-be prophets
of the Holy Spirit. Their prophecies fail. They recoup their ground by
offering new ones without repenting of imposing former false
prophecies on believers. They depend on End Times hysteria to be
taken seriously and are always running about thinking their
prophesied ones are about to appear. On the other hand they often
leave out definite dates and predictions. They usually like to imply
immanence without actually promising it. Yet, if they are prophets
why can’t they be clear? If they are prophets why is there always
lack of clarity and abundance of confusion? Did you find it hard
following the identity of Lord Maitreya? I put it down as logically as I
could. It is a total mess of insinuations, implications, false
deductions and inferences out there, put out as prophecy by both
New Agers and some Christians.
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Chapter Nine
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All of the above Jesuses have a spirit to go with them. Only the last
Jesus, the Bible Jesus has the Spirit of God.
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As there are Jesuses so there are versions of the Holy Spirit and the
Father, such as the Stern and Vindictive God... Also, versions of the
Gospel, such as the Gospel of Lifestyle, rather than discipleship.
There are also artistic images of Jesus. Some of these reflect the
views of past centuries. Usually Jesus is handsome but serene,
often blonde and usually white. European culture and the British
Empire gave the world a European Jesus. In some Christian Books
and Bibles for Children this Jesus is still clearly seen. Most
characters in many of these Bibles are white, including Adam and
Eve from whom all races descended. Fortunately, today we also
have an ordinary looking Hebrew Jesus depicted for children. This is
a small but significant clue to a cultural shift. Some people want to
know Jesus as He is - not as others would like Him to be.
This weapon will destroy the false philosophies and any ugly head
that rears its evil self up against us!
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again modern theologians will tell you that John is not the same
John... As the Bible is trustworthy it reveals the true Jesus. The best
way to defeat the False Jesus is not primarily by spiritual
discernment, as few believers have enough, but by discipline; by
knowing and studying the Scripture. For example the person who
believes Jesus when He says,
[Luke 16:13] “You cannot serve God and Mammon”
(The god of wealth), is hardly going to accept the Money Mad Jesus
or its gospel of Get Rich Now I'll Show You How.
“So says the Eternal, 'Cursed is the man that trusts in man,
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A warning
All Christian cults and mainline churches teach some form of
spiritual discernment. Many teach on combating evil spirits. All
Christian cults in particular claim to have spiritual gifts and
revelations exposing the works of the devil. They do have some
truths too, but not about the delusions they are bound with or that
they will bind you with. Make the Bible your sole authority in
matters of doctrine. Experientially, cling to the Lord alone: That
is study the Bible Jesus with the Spirit of the Bible Jesus.
Beware of extremes
This is a difficult time for Christians to live in as there are so many
denominations and sects and even more teachings. Everything I
teach has versions by other spiritual writers and by cults- and all
originate in the Word of God. When you read of the false Jesus or
any spiritual thing, there will be true and false versions. Among
true versions there will be errors of emphasis. Among many false
versions there is often a lot of truth that acts as the sugar
to cover the arsenic of deception. In dealing with the various
forms of Jesus you meet in the world or in churches it is good to be
gracious, humble and accommodating to a point. Many people are
sincerely trying to follow God. I am not of the ones that want to cry
against them over their errors but to encourage them to greater
enlightenment. Let us consider then the greatest false Jesus there
is in the world.
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Out of all the false Jesuses the Iconic Jesus is the one closest to the
truth and the one the world loves. The Iconic Jesus lives in the
hearts and minds of multitudes and is the present dominant
religious Jesus in the world. The great distinction with the Real
Jesus is this: The world did and does today hate the real Christ.
That's why He was crucified by the religious and pagans together.
Jesus is holiness itself and to come into his Presence is to come into
the Light and that Light blinds the eyes – until they see. Jesus is
Love and mitigates against everything that is selfish - and humans
by nature are Self-ish: That is, what the Bible calls 'fallen nature',
as there remains an ability to repent and come into the Light.
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Chapter Ten
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Altar Call
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The whole idea was to get sinners to act upon the manifest and felt
calling of God, combining both divine and human action together.
In this way God would call and the people would respond openly by
coming to the altar for prayer. Thereby acting clearly and
decisively as the early disciples did who responded to the call to
baptism while the Gospel was being preached by John the Baptist.
The actual use of the Altar Call was based primarily upon the
obvious convicting work of the Holy Spirit among listeners to the
Gospel in great revivals. This was later used everywhere in great
revivals. He could have simply called for sinners to repent and be
baptised as in the gospels but most had already been baptised in
churches and the issue was divisive.
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Until the Altar Call was introduced sinners under conviction from
God were often left without any direction of how to be saved, as
these extreme Calvinists believed they should not lead people to
choose to believe God. As a result, often the convictions would
wear off and sinners would go away unsaved, with Calvinists
assuming they were therefore not Elect.
Yet, what did Finney do? He was the centre of revivals non stop for
fifty years in which multitudes were saved. He warned against false
revivals and delusions. He was known to have been a man or
extraordinary holiness. What then is to be achieved by his
character assassination and obliterating his legacy? His example of
how to convert masses, deeply and truly, his warnings against false
revivals and abuses, his call to holiness all abandoned. - In favour
of what? This: Lack of true and deep repentance, entrance of ‘in the
flesh’ revivals, and lukewarmness. Often you can tell what someone
really stands for by who they reject, far more so than by whom they
honour. I see no reason to slander Finney to surruptiously defend
extreme Calvinism. This is all harsh and unfair criticism used by the
evil one to undermine the works of God.
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Secondly Finney is attacked for being the one person who is most
like Paul the Apostle in the stature of his intellectual understanding
of the Gospel, his accuracy, and his profound holiness and faith;
proven by his works and their spiritual success. In other words
Finney is attacked for his Christlikeness. No Christian who had read
Finney’s works and understood them would attack him but they
might have some questions about certain emphases on certain
points. Finney is attacked by those who want Christianity to be
mystified, unthinking, emotional, and above all lukewarm. I have
not yet met a critic of Finney who really understood what he taught
as they are all unthinking critics representing one form of heresy or
another- whether super-spiritual or anti-spiritual.
Many of Charles Finney’s critics exude the very tone and spirit of
antinomianism and Phariseeism. It is a great credit to Charles
Finney that this present Laodicean age regards him as a Pharisee.
Yet, it is the destiny of every Christlike person to be treated as
Christ was by the kind of religious people that opposed him. In fact
there is something deeply spiritual going on: That people
see the Spirit of Jesus as Satan and Satan as Jesus. This is
the underlying basis for their interpretations of doctrine, of people
and of spiritual phenomena.
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As a matter of principle:
When people are under conviction by God they need
1. Direction.
2. Encouragement to obey God in repenting and confessing Christ.
These principles will always hold true but it is a matter of form how
they are expressed and in certain circumstances one form is better
than another. Usually where revival power is absent a long drawn
out process of invitation, encouragement and teaching must
precede any crying out of, “Repent and believe the Gospel”. It is a
credit to Finney’s faith that he could call people to repent and they
did do so! It is this extraordinary faith that is under attack.
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I cannot help but think, and know, that if Jesus came in the body,
but in disguise, and preached for a while, many of the supposedly
spiritual people and guardians of the truth etcetera and those who
pride themselves on spiritual discernment would misrepresent Him
and teach He was the Antichrist!!!
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In the Providence and grace of God then, War on the Saints was the
heir to Finney's legacy in Lectures on Revival and particularly his
letters of reflections on revivals (Revival Fire).
I have noticed that their critics tend not to read them but read
other critics exaggerations then add to that! As a result they see
and portray these spiritual teachers as the opposite to what they
really were. I would advise reading Finney's revival letters if you
are going to read War on the Saints and you will see how the first
foreshadows the second, deeper analysis.
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There are other aspects of the above verse by the Apostle that are
not being believed and therefore not preached. Seeking immortality
by good works? Eventually rewarded with eternal life? Most
Protestant believers would argue that Paul is not talking about
Justification, but simply the effect of it: Good works being the proof
of Justification. Taking that position they never will preach on or
satisfactorily explain what Paul added just after these verses:
“It’s not the hearers of the Law that are just before God
but the doers of the Law shall be Justified.”
[Romans 2:13]
He adds:
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We read how the doers of the Law are Justified before God but here
we are told, as the logical argument unfolds, that none will be
Justified on the basis of “deeds of the Law”!
The trouble is that this contradiction is man made. One reason for it
is that historically the Reformers overlooked an important
discrimination of Paul's. In the verses just quoted he talks of deeds
of the Law. The deeds of the Law are those deeds done under Law
not under Grace; deeds which by their nature are done in the flesh
to fulfil outward requirements. They cannot Justify anyone.
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the verses we have just quoted. They use Paul to overthrow Paul!
In reality they can’t say, “Paul preached Law and we reject it”, as
they take their verses on faith mainly from Paul. They cannot say,
“Paul got some things right and some things wrong”, as they like to
maintain the Bible is the Word of God. What they do is to find
someone who takes Paul’s side by having a balanced view and
attack that balance as heresy. The rejection of Paul’s Gospel (which
is the Gospel of Jesus Christ explained in doctrinal terms) is the
rejection of Jesus Christ. In His stead you have a Church that is
lifeless, nominal, weak--- and will savage the greatest revivalists
and spiritual teachers!
Calvinists reading this will have their alarm bells ringing and
tingling down their spine. Yet, how does Paul conclude the first part
of his great argument? In the strongest terms possible he states:
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Chapter Eleven
To live a holy life is the most wonderful life; a life that goes far
beyond what many can even imagine. Why do they mock it then as
Phariseeism? Is it not to undo the work of Christ in the Gospel? The
above verse in Hebrews is one of the most misquoted of the Bible
as it is often interpreted according to the gospel of Calvinism in
which holiness is legalistic. I.e. God sees us as holy even when we
are not! Actually God sees us as we are. Are we holy?
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To be set apart from the crowd by God, whether the Christian
crowd or the world, for a life of holiness is to be 'sanctified'; that is
set apart for holiness.
“Yes! - all those who long to live godly in Christ Jesus shall
be persecuted” [2Timothy 3:12]
The effects of holiness are many. One common to all the holy is to
be persecuted by other Christians. According to this verse all those
believers who are holy will be persecuted. It proves so in
experience. All saints have been persecuted including Jesus the
“Man of sorrows acquainted with bitterest grief” [Isaiah 53:3] ...
Who was persecuted by the 'spiritual' people of his day.
Baptised in lukewarmness
Many who say they are baptised in the Holy Spirit are lukewarm
and others are practising many of the sins condemned in the Bible.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit is primarily a baptism in the Life and
Holiness of Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit who glorifies
Christ. Have you noticed how multitudes who say they are filled
with the Spirit have little to nothing to say of Jesus? Their
supernatural baptism has led them to make a division between
Christ and what they believe is the Holy Spirit. They are drawn
away from Christ. They talk always of the Spirit and rarely of Jesus.
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Abundant Life
“I came that they should have life and have it more
abundantly.” [John 10:10]
Those filled with holiness, because they are filled with the real Holy
Spirit also have the abundant life Jesus promised in the above
verse. They know peace, love, humility, joy and discernment as
experience from within not theory from the pulpit.
Without this holiness you will never 'see' the Lord. The New
Testament is full of holiness. Christ's disciples are full of holiness.
Don't be fooled. Most modern believers give up being 'Christians'
sooner or later. It is a fact (they will not tell you in church) that
around 80% fall away! Yes, most of those who have said, “I know I
am saved. I know I am going to Heaven”, have fallen away! They
built upon the sand of modern Christianity and not the Rock of
Christ’s holiness. You can do this test. Ask those around you how
long they have been Christians. You will see that most of them
have been Christians one, two, five maybe even ten years. Where
are all those multitudes that were Christians in past decades?
Those who live holy have a tendency to remain however. Please
read the New Testament with fresh eyes and you will see that in
God’s eyes Christianity and holiness or spiritual reality are one.
Only this Gospel, Christ's Gospel, causes His disciples to persevere
to the end. It is these who will 'see' the Lord.
Have you been cheated of the life you were promised in the Bible?
Do they preach a wonderful view of the Christian life and do you
have to pretend to keep up with it? Is there a great gulf between
what you aspire to or think you should have and what you really
experience? It is because your gospel is all wrong. The Gospel of
Jesus Christ does bring fulfilment. It is an abundant life and the
promises of God are not ideals but real promises. If you have
holiness you will love it. It is hard to come by; rarer than gold
encrusted with diamonds and overlaid with platinum beads…. Yet,
it is free and easy to get if you follow the Maker’s instructions. The
Bible as I have said is full of holiness and holiness is Life.
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Self Denial
Let me tell you why you do not have this abundant life of closeness
to Jesus. You have foolishly believed what you heard preached or
read in contemporary Christian books when you knew full well it
never quite matched up to the Bible. The very thing they are
fleeing from is the very thing you need to embrace. It is Self Denial.
As the Self life is crucified with Christ the life of the Spirit begins to
flow out. Modern Christianity is intrinsically selfish. Multitudes want
power, wealth, healing, success and few want holiness. In God’s
eyes this means few want Him – they just want what He can do for
them. To escape this deadly snare you must read the Bible afresh
and you will see holiness everywhere.
All those things that were either neglected or explained away but
never explained are the very things you must take into your heart
and mind. We live in a generation of ‘believers’ who have been
taught that holiness is Phariseeism but that real Phariseeism is the
freedom of grace. Why on earth is it then, that holy people like me
get to see God and have great answers to prayer? – Are full of
peace and strength? All of the strongest and most effective
believers I have ever known have been holy. If you say, “I don’t
need to be holy as I am seen as holy because Jesus is holy for me”,
or something equally foolish you might as well go on to say, “I don’t
need to go to Heaven as God sees me in Heaven since Jesus has
gone to Heaven for me.” After all without holiness no one will ever
see the Lord.
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Chapter Twelve
Peace is that deep yet creative stillness that comes upon the soul
by the power of God. I will tell you a secret however, that peace is a
person and that person is Jesus. Jesus does not simply give peace
but He gives Himself and it is His peace we know, as we know Him
and to the measure we know Him.
Imagine that you were a great supernatural being and you could
give peace to humans. Yet, would you give yourself? To be able to
inhabit the 'heart' of another person is a great miracle indeed.
Jesus comes to us not as an invasive personality with a constant
yaketty yak but as a divine Presence within giving peace and power
over evil.
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We see that whatever the world gives and however the world gives
what Jesus gives He gives better. He does not give what evaporates
under duress. Jesus does not give what costs money. Jesus does not
take it back or only give it to the in crowd. You need not climb a
mountain top, wear a long saffron robe and chant until that peace
comes to you...
Other hindrances you will find within yourself but if you submit
them to Christ you will find they are just fuel for the fire and
eventually your inner light will glow brighter...
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“Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, I pray you will give
me the eternal peace of Jesus within my inmost being. I
turn from all things that displease You. Please forgive my
wrongdoings. I am Yours to command. I trust You will
honour this prayer prayed in Jesus' Name, Amen.”
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Chapter Thirteen
His holiness the Dalai Lama and the American psychiatrist Howard
C. Cutler are a unique team known for their books on happiness.
This is my response to their book about happiness in a troubled
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Some Observations
To me this philosophy is sound on the whole and has a strong note
of communality as opposed to typical western individualism. We
are not to be hyper individuals carving out our existence in a rat
race but caring members of a wider community concerned with the
welfare of all... This is actually far healthier, and as to the subject of
their books, a far happier alternative life style.
Some criticisms
These are not really serious criticisms in the sense of trying to tear
them down but some more cynical warnings or concerns. Hitler
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I have met various revolutionaries and I was just as ready to
dismiss them as non revolutionary. This is because what they think
of as revolution would leave people themselves basically the same.
A selfish society based upon sin will always be corrupt no matter its
religion, politics or utopianism. On the other hand the very worst
kind of social system that experienced Christian revolution would
inevitably become the very best.
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In the light of this, and it is light, the world offers alternatives that
include condemnation and misrepresentation of what is truly
Christian. The truth is portrayed as bigotry, sin, stupid evil, anti-
scientific and irrational etc. The world steals the truths of
Christianity and perverts them. It denies its proofs of which there
are far more than any one would guess. This is because we live
in a world that has carefully rewritten history and
suppresses the hard core facts of spiritual truth and reality
on a daily basis to an unbelievable level.
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Chapter Fourteen
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still told them to wait for power from Heaven. This was because the
outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost was yet to come
-after the ascension. In a very real sense the Holy Spirit was sent as
the replacement for the physically present Christ who was now in
Heaven. It is also true that the power spoken of in the verse from
Acts primarily concerned power to witness effectively to the
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from efforts to get up revivals. They were a sovereign work –Yet a
work or call that required a response. This element was not taught
from the pulpits. It was all grace but grace offered and acted upon
means more grace is offered! This principal was missed. It is like
feeding hungry children or teaching students who want to learn… It
implies there could have been more and more growth.
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real social and spiritual movement was simply the arrow hitting its
target. Even very specifically I'd say and sense things that were to
be, as I had been led, as I had prayed etcetera. I said once to a
pastor, “The meeting will be slow but toward the end you will see
God's power at work.” This is just what happened: Or I'd tell a
brother, “You will see an outpouring of the Spirit upon the
There are very many effects of the power of the Spirit and very
many gifts in the Bible related to God's Power. In relation to the
verses quoted I am confining this small chapter to revival power.
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believer is like a battery and the power of God like the charge. A 12
volt battery will only carry 12 volts. A million volt battery will carry
a million volts. In other words the believer needs the capacity to
receive power, which is freely given by God. It is primarily the holy
heart that can be filled with holy power from the Holy Spirit.
Once again we are driven back to the evangelical truth of the Bible
that there is indeed a connection between personal holiness and
blessing from God.
Before the carnal screamers cry out, “That is performance based
religion!” let me say it is effective performance religion. That's
what we are talking about; being effective witnesses, effective
revivalists by God's power.
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their own lack of Christ likeness they say, “God knows we are but
human and accepts us just as we are.” If you understand them you
know that they stand for the overthrow of the Gospel and a state of
perpetual, church going sin as a state of grace: Since they neither
believe, practise nor understand a life of holiness. It is the gospel of
lukewarmness that they ferociously propagate, time and again
denouncing true and powerful saints as heretics, based simply
upon misbegotten dogma and their own defective spirit.
Of these hypocrites were the very people who crucified Christ and
are doing so still in a spiritual sense. They know in their experience
that God sends them no revival, they are not filled with His Spirit,
they lack power over sin and in prayer, and yet they see this as a
divine mystery for which they cannot question God. However God
will exact answers from them upon the Judgment Day as this
religion has been the basis for turning multitudes away from the
true Way and into the darkness of Hell. It is the underpinning
theological philosophy of the present Laodicean age that leaves
multitudes unsaved who could easily be with a proper preaching of
the true Gospel.
Consecration to faith in Jesus to send the power of the Spirit implies
rejection of the life of lukewarmness. That is a rejection of the
common gospel preached to multitudes in favour of the Gospel of
Discipleship. Consecrating yourself to Christ to serve Him in the
Holy Spirit cuts you off, dramatically, from the carnal believers that
fill churches in their multitudes. You will suddenly find you are
walking a different path, another Way. On this way the Holy Spirit
will show you many sins, wrong attitudes and beliefs that He hates.
You will in turn reject them, and adopt His Mind. It is then you are
ready to believe and receive power.
Receiving power
No Christian is a carbon copy of another. Whatever God does it will
be different in you than in your neigbour. Having said that, just as
all faces are the same yet different, so the basic principles of God's
work are the same. God will empower you in spirit to operate your
gifts successfully and to have an impact in prayer and in person on
those whom you meet.
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A warning
There is so much taught on this subject today that you are bound
to have, and to get wrong ideas. This is one reason why I kept this
chapter narrow in scope, to focus on what's important. You need
not have ecstatic or dramatic experiences to receive power. Often
it is unfelt but seen in its effects. It is very much the modus
operandi of the real Christian: Both in terms of their usefulness to
God but also in terms of their deep connection to reality itself.
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Chapter Fifteen
Jesus said to him, “If you are able to believe - All things are
possible to those believing.” [Mark 9:32]
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discuss the supposed lack of realism in the above statements.
The second young man a few years down the line felt the presence
of Christ in prayer and it was as if the Lord almost spoke to him. He
felt that Jesus would give him a great answer to prayer, even with
his limited faith. He blurted out, “I want to stand upon the moon!”
He sensed in spirit the Lord laugh. The Lord had, had something
else in mind when He inspired him with a unique faith. However he
felt his spirit lift up and stand upon the surface of the moon. He
understood that the Lord himself was giving a commentary on his
former teaching about the limit of faith. God's reply was in effect,
as Scripture says, “Nothing shall be impossible to God.”
This taught the young man that he should not say it is not God's
will for this or that great thing to happen as it is unrealistic. Rather
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He should say, “God does as He wills and whatever you can believe
He can do far more.”
This is what the young man felt and saw as for a minute or two,
with his fleshly eyes closed, his spirit stood upon the moon.
He saw the brightness of the stars above without clouds hindering
the view; they were sharper, brighter... He felt the ancient nature of
the moon rock. He saw the earth in the distance and it seemed
smaller than he would expect. He sensed that in the future many
would leave their footsteps upon the moon. He could not see
clearly. It was like looking at a reflection in a glass. It passed. He
then prayed according to the will of God for the thing the Lord had
originally wanted him to pray.
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Are we now expected to ask to travel to Mars and Jupiter in spirit?
-And what for? The relevance is that it is like a parable for teaching
we should not prescribe God's activity. Also it tells us about the
nature of life in the spirit – how spiritual believers sense, feel and
know things by God’s inspiration and Presence. Finally of course it
is an example used to open minds and hearts to God's limitless
power; and the poor human response of tending to limit God.
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without an invitation the Christian asked the Lord to come in. For
some time the Christian then prayed before the Lord.
This was also a strong/weak experience as Jesus did not speak but
listened. What would it take for a believer to have a conversation
with Christ? Yet the answer to his prayer was very strong. The
Christian knew by first hand experience the manner and features of
Jesus. Also the Lord stayed for several minutes, close to half an
hour. As a matter of degree this answer to prayer, in experience
and in fact was stronger, purer and greater than that of being upon
the moon in spirit.
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Chapter Sixteen
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all forces of evil. Christian ministers use the name of Jesus to cast
out evil spirits.
Legal ground
The concept that God's Spiritual Law by which He governs the
universe is binding upon all creatures. Demons gain control over
believers and others by legal ground. That is by use of deception or
intimidation or temptation, causing a person to 'open a door' to the
evil spirits, either knowingly or more likely unknowingly. In this
sense evil spirits have used God's Spiritual Law to gain access, as
God regards those who give legal ground as giving permission to
evil spirits to work.
The Power of the Cross and the Blood of Jesus
It was through the Cross that Jesus personally defeated Satan and
by shedding His blood that He provided the means of deliverance.
This is all related to God's Law but it means in practise that
deliverance can come specifically by faith in the Cross or the Blood
of Jesus. The Blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin (legal ground) and
the Power of the Cross is applied by the Holy Spirit against the
Powers of Darkness.
The Powers of Darkness
Primarily Satan and his fallen angels, as well as demons but it can
also include those who use dark arts or evil spirits; such as
Satanists, occultists and so on. I will explain any other terms I use.
This is only a brief introduction to the subject.
Catholic Exorcists
The Catholic Church does have some ministers trained in
performing exorcisms. In the Catholic Church there are set prayers
and rituals that are gone through in cases of demon possession or
other types of demonic activity where exorcism is required. Today
there is also training in the areas of counselling and psychiatry and
priests are trained to forward people with mental problems, who
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believe they are possessed, to qualified professionals. In practice it
is very difficult to cast out evil spirits. Success is measured by the
change that comes over the person being delivered or exorcised.
The Catholic Church is failing to identify and free captives. Where
there are earnest exorcisms the success rate varies according to
God's free grace offered to all who pray and believe. In fact before
going on I should say, contrary to conventional wisdom, that God
often frees captives from pure kindness. As God indeed gives many
blessings to people in the hope they will repent. Because of this
principal of God's undeserved help and kindness, exorcists in other
religions are sometimes successful and generally exorcists who
invoke the Name of Christ have some measure of blessing from
Anglican exorcists
The Church of England also has minsters that are trained in
deliverance. These few priests within Anglicanism that practice
deliverance ministry are usually evangelicals. They too read
prayers and sing hymns as well as using set rituals and language.
Some of these ministers have been very successful. This is due to a
lot of sound teaching in the area of shepherding congregations and
following the basics of faith in Christ and His power over evil. They
tend to reject as bizarre and purely frictional the kind of
phenomena often depicted in Charismatic 'personal testimony'
books. This caution is legitimate but they are also unaware, as
almost all deliverance ministers are, of many of Satan's works.
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The tragedy of all this is that the whole spectacle is itself a delusion
from beginning to end. Much of it is psychological. Much is
psychogenic in terms of manifesting symptoms of possession and
deliverance by the power of the mind. The apparent remedy is
normally psychogenic as they believe they feel, and they feel as
they believe.
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oppression of my Christian friends ceased.
“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out
demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”
[Matthew 10:8]
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Chapter Seventeen
Biblical basis
The expression 'Slain in the Spirit' is not in the Bible. The
description of the experience is not in the Bible. The Biblical basis
for the gift, according to Charismatic teachers, is when various
saints and Prophets have lain prostrate before God or His Angels,
often overcome with fear or awe. They are always lucid and their
response to the revelation of God is always intelligent and
meaningful. The description of the experience of Daniel the Prophet
comes closest to the Charismatic understanding of being slain in
the Spirit.
“I, Daniel, alone saw the vision as the men who were with
me didn't see the vision. Yet, great trembling fell upon
them so that they fled and hid themselves.
Then I was left alone and saw this great vision but there
remained no strength in me. For my greatness was turned
within me into nothing, and I lost my strength.
Yet I heard the sound of his words and when I heard the
sound of his words I was upon my face, stunned, with my
face toward the ground.
Look! - A hand touched me and set me, shaking, upon my
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knees and the palms of my hands.
He said to me, ‘Oh Daniel, a man greatly loved,
comprehend the words that I speak to you and stand up.
For I have been sent to you.’ When he had spoken this
word to me I stood, trembling.” [Daniel 10:7-11]
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to fall down in anguish. He further added that often, as they gave
their hearts to Christ they would rise up praising God with great
Here is another interpretation for this timing aspect of the gift in
experience. It is true that as believers feel more adoration to God
this gift strikes. This can be observed time and again. The real
reason is to fool them into thinking it is of God and secondly the
timing is to stop them from getting too close to God and praying
intelligently to Him. They are turned into zombies! Often just at the
point a believer feels they are opening up to God and ready to
exercise greater faith they are suddenly zombified!
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Aðalsteinn Eagle-Hawk
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Lack of love
The concerns raised over Pentecostalism and the Charismatic
Movement have been many and genuine but have been dismissed
on the grounds that they are too spiritually superior to accept
correction from those they see as opposed to the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual pride and vindictiveness often come from this lack of love
A new religion
Those who base their religion, even if they say, “I'm not religious
I'm a Christian”, upon false gifts and experiences rather than upon
Jesus Christ and His Word are practising a new religion. It is an
experience based religion which puts faith in what they believe is
the Holy Spirit but as we have seen is spiritual deception involving
false teachers and demons. Some of them to be sure have some
measure of faith and some measure of truth. No Charismatic or
Pentecostal knows just how many of their fellows have never really
been born again!
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was the Spirit and baptise you into the Spirit of Truth. You may
adopt the old religion of Biblical Christianity. It is far better and you
will inevitability feel it to be so. You can read about it in the Bible.
All those things there that have been explained away or neglected
are really true! Will you leave the Church of Babylon and join the
Church of Christ?
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Chapter Eighteen
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knowledgeably of the world and its history in fluent Latin; she was
labeled as suffering from Multiple Personality Syndrome.
Satan's new religion with which he will entrance the world is not the
One World Religion or the New Age Movement that many preach
but it will be centred in concern for the environment and planet
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Aðalsteinn Eagle-Hawk
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coming as Satan's servants will try to distract the world from that
immanent event. When they think they are in peace and safety that
Day will close upon them like a trap... Conversely the many that are
today prophesying the immanent return of Christ is itself a sign He
is not about to return.
Simple, childlike love and devotion to Jesus as Lord is an antidote to
all kinds of strange teachings and practices common to society
today. His true people are known by their humility, holiness but
especially their love. This is in sharp contradistinction to those who
are proud, overly spiritual and cold – behind a false smile.
The Father’s love is in His children and the faith of Christ is within
them. As this is true there is evidence supplied by God to the world
beyond that of their holy characters. They sometimes heal or cast
out demons. Their effect upon society is positive bringing life and
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Christ. But where are the Disciples of Christ?
To speak the truth in love is still to speak the truth. It does not
mean to speak comforting delusions. That is neither truth nor love.
The righteous judgment is the Lord’s. What am I? Here ends the
book of introductions to spiritual themes. Should the grace of God
allow I may write a whole book on each theme I have covered and
move beyond skimming the surface, which is all I have done.
In the depths of silence and peace who knows what dwells? God is
so good. I am too blessed. There is such ineffable peace, such
goodness… If I could take you on a journey with me I would take
you into my heart. It has been caressed by both Heaven and Hell. It
is now the dwelling place of God, as you know the scriptures plainly
declare. What will He do next I wonder? I am less and less
concerned as those who dwell in God’s presence have a tendency
to simply be happy being there. Isn’t it ironical that in a world full of
Hell’s devices Heaven can dwell in a single human heart? Christ is
so real.
Aðalsteinn Eagle-Hawk
In reading this you tried applying its teachings. Some of you have
tried to abandon your mysticism or Pentecostalism or you have
asked for signs to confirm what you thought God had told you- they
didn't come and so you need to run back to your delusions. Run to
Christ. He is no delusion.
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taught you.
So, I as a visionary who has seen Christ and done some mighty
things tell you to be wary of trying to be more spiritual than you
really are. This actually hinders you from growing. I am the genuine
article but I am not powerful enough to be a prophet or a great one.
If I have seen and done things greater than these prophets who do
not know what it is to fight demons or see God how can they be
prophets? They would need to be stronger than me. They are
children lost in the woods and eating at the ginger bread house,
thinking it’s all so good.
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blinded by the false light like rabbits about to be shot. Haven't you
seen that – how these great ones are surrounded by those who
fawn over them? Their favourite bible quote is, 'Touch not the
LORD's anointed, do His prophets no harm.' They are anointed by
another lord and prophets of delusion. Hell awaits them so do not
follow them there.
Get back to Christ, get back to His bible and love God.
There is a river of life that flows from Christ – all that is true. It is all
true you know, all those wonderful things the bible says. Do you
really think that so called Christian leaders would be harping on
about money all the time if they had this river of life? Their pursuit
of wealth and power testifies to their spiritual emptiness. Men of
the world often flee the vanity of riches and power to come to the
peace of Christ. They value this peace more than their riches. What
motivates those who preach covetousness and call it faith? Spiritual
delusions suit them as they can use them to deceive the flock while
they pillage and plunder with a syrupy smile.
See Also:
Aðalsteinn Eagle-Hawk