Fundamentals of Public Health
Fundamentals of Public Health
Fundamentals of Public Health
Module 1
What is Public Health?
Upon completion of Module 1, participants will understand:
îî What public health is and why it is important, including the goals and values within a Canadian and BC context.
îî The key accomplishments in the history of public health in Canada.
îî Where public health fits within the health system.
Table of Contents
Objective 1
Definitions 3
Health and Well-being 3
Public Health 3
Goals/Values 4
Roles 4
Why is Public Health Important? 5
The History of Public Health in Canada 7
The Beginnings 7
Early to Mid-20th Century – Clinical Care 8
1970s and 1980s – Health Promotion 8
1990s 9
Public Health Renewal 9
What is the Public Health System? 10
The Components of the Health System 10
Public Health and the Rest of the Health System: A Comparison 11
Reflective Questions 14
Module Highlights 14
Additional Resources 15
Glossary of Terms 17
Endnotes 21
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Prepared by:
Population and Public Health Division, BC Ministry of Health, Victoria, BC
April 2014. Copyright © 2014 Province of British Columbia.
These materials have been developed by the Ministry of Health to provide information in respect of
the public health system in British Columbia. It does not purport to be an exhaustive description
of all aspects of public health, and persons who are interested in learning more about the matters
in these materials are invited to follow the bibliography and links at the end of the module, and to
make further inquiries from other sources as well.
This work is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
ISBN 978-0-7726-6816-5
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Health and Well-being
There is near universal agreement that “health” and “well-being” are important components of the
human condition and that “good health” is a condition humans collectively value. But what defines
health and well-being and what is the role of the public health system in achieving these are not
always clear.
In 1948 the World Health Organization defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”1 This definition was the
first to include the sense of well-being, the prevalence of positive attributes as a condition of health.
Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are
undertaken by organized health systems. Health systems, also referred to as health care systems, are
the organization of people, institutions and resources to deliver health services to meet the health
needs of target populations. The primary purposes of health systems are to promote, restore or
maintain health.
Public Health
Public health has been described as:
An organized activity of society to promote, protect, improve, and when necessary, restore the
health of individuals, specified groups, or the entire population. It is a combination of sciences, skills,
and values that function through collective societal activities and involve programs, services, and
institutions aimed at protecting and improving the health of all people. The term “public health” can
describe a concept, a social institution, a set of scientific and professional disciplines and technologies,
and a form of practice. It is a way of thinking, a set of disciplines, an institution of society, and a
manner of practice. It has an increasing number and variety of specialized domains and demands of
its practitioners an increasing array of skills and expertise.2
Simply put, public health is a system that aims to promote, protect and improve health and well-
being. Public health interventions (i.e., legislation, policies, programs, services) focus on creating
environments that support health; promote and protect health; prevent health problems from
happening; address differences in health; and monitor the health of populations.
Module 1 3
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Examples of Public
Goals/Values Health Roles 3
Public health shares the same overall goals as the other areas of the
îî Develop and deliver province-
health system: reducing premature death and minimizing the effects wide vaccination programs.
of disease, disability and injury. However, public health achieves these
îî Assess, analyze and report on
goals by focusing “upstream” through preventing illness, protecting and the health status of citizens.
promoting health and well-being. îî Manage communicable
The important values that guide public health include the following: disease outbreaks.
¡¡ Commitment to equality, social justice and îî Encourage and/or support
sustainable development. healthy behaviours to prevent
¡¡ Recognition of the importance of the health of the community as chronic diseases and injuries.
well as the individual. îî Increase public awareness regarding the
¡¡ Respect for diversity, self-determination, empowerment and importance of wearing bicycle helmets.
community participation. îî Explore the health effects on
people of exposure to a known
Roles environmental hazard.
Public health works to improve the health of the population by: îî Monitor information to identify
¡¡ Determining the factors that influence health. outbreaks and trends in certain illnesses
and diseases, and intervene to prevent
¡¡ Identifying why some populations are healthier than others. the spread of illness and disease.
¡¡ Using that information to develop and implement public health
îî Create policies in schools and child
interventions to improve the health and well-being of those care centres to ensure healthy eating
populations experiencing poor health. practices are established early in life.
¡¡ Advocating for healthy public policies and services that promote îî Advocate for sustainable housing and
the health and well-being of individual and communities. healthy public policies to reduce tobacco
The public health system tends to operate in the background, overseeing use, promote seatbelt use, and enhance
the health of a population, little-known unless there is an unexpected opportunities for physical activity.
outbreak of disease. In fact, public health plays many valuable roles in îî Ensure that water and food supplies
protecting and promoting the health of the population (See sidebar). are safe for consumption.
îî Provide services during natural
and human-made disasters.
îî Reduce harm associated
with injection drug use.
Module 1 4
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
12 Great Achievements
Why is Public Health Important? in Public Health 5
The average lifespan of Canadians has increased by 30 years since the
îî Control of infectious diseases.
early 1900s, and 25 of those years are attributable to advances in public
îî Safer workplaces.
health, 4 such as the following (see also sidebar):
îî Motor vehicle safety.
Prevention and control of infectious diseases: One hundred years ago, îî Safer and healthier food.
infectious diseases were the leading cause of death in Canada; now they îî Decline in deaths from
cause less than 5 per cent of deaths. This improvement is due to factors cardiovascular disease.
such as immunizations against communicable diseases, improvements îî Recognition of tobacco use
to sewage and drinking water treatment, quarantine of infected people, as a health hazard.
legislation and policies to stop the spread of some infections, and îî Healthier mothers and babies.
antibiotics.5 îî Universal policies (benefits awarded
solely on the basis of age, residence,
Safer workplaces: Into the 1900s, many diseases or injuries were
or citizenship, without reference to
associated with unsafe workplaces or hazardous occupations. The rate the recipient’s income or assets).
of work-related injury has declined steadily since 1988, and public îî Family planning.
health has played a leadership role in enhancing workplace health.5
îî Healthier environments.
The rate of work-related injury has declined from 40 injuries among îî Vaccination.
every 1,000 workers in 1988 to 20 per 1,000 in 2006.5 îî Acting on the social
determinants of health.
Motor vehicle safety: The rate of motor vehicle-related deaths among
Canadians has declined since the 1970s, due to factors such as new
safety standards, legislation and enforcement (e.g., seatbelt use, drunk
driving, and speed limits), and changes in public attitudes toward
road safety. Public health has played a research and prevention role in
enhancing motor vehicle safety.5
Motor vehicle-related deaths have decreased from 6,000 per year in the
1970s to the current rate of 2,500 a year. 5
Safer food and water: One hundred years ago, contaminated food,
water and milk caused typhoid fever, tuberculosis, botulism, and other
foodborne illnesses. Disinfection of drinking water and pasteurization
of milk products were critical to improving health outcomes. Public
health efforts continue today to monitor all components of food
production and food imports and ensure safe drinking water.5
Decline in deaths from cardiovascular disease: The Canadian death
rate from cardiovascular disease has declined steadily since the mid-
1960s. This is due to a combination of factors, including prevention
(e.g., lower smoking rates, increased consumption of vegetables and
fruit), better diagnosis and treatment of high blood pressure and
cholesterol, and better management of those with cardiovascular
Module 1 5
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
disease. The decrease in cardiovascular disease is due in part to public health’s use of health
promotion strategies including legislation, social marketing and healthy public policy.5
Recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard: Canada has seen a dramatic decline in tobacco
consumption, along with a shift in attitudes. Public health has played a leadership role in
controlling tobacco use through legislation, policy, research and prevention—although notably
without criminalizing either tobacco users or producers.5
1998 – BC was the first province in Canada to launch a lawsuit for the recovery of tobacco-related
health care costs.
1999 – Victoria, BC was the first city in Canada to ban smoking in all workplaces and public spaces.5
Reduction of harms from other psychoactive substances: While reduction of tobacco use
has been a notable public health success story, other kinds of psychoactive substance use and
addiction continue to generate significant health harms. Public health responses—as alternatives or
complements to criminal justice and other policy approaches—have significantly reduced avoidable
health harms.
Healthier mothers and babies: In the early 1900s, many mothers and infants died in childbirth
or shortly after. Since that time, maternal and infant death rates have declined thanks to improved
sanitation, family planning, nutrition, standard of living and level of education. Public health
has been instrumental in providing maternal and newborn services and in advocating for healthy
public policies that improve maternal and infant health.5
1n 2012, BC introduced universal full-day kindergarten for all five-year-olds. Full-day kindergarten has
been shown to increase reading ability, increase social skills, increase positive self concept and increase
the ability to identify and treat learning disabilities early. Public health, along with others, advocated
for full-day kindergarten to move from a targeted approach to a universal program, as the benefits
were seen for all children.
Universal policies: Public health advocates have been instrumental in advocating for healthy
public policies – those that contribute to the health and well-being of individuals, families
and populations.
The above examples show some of the important contributions public health has made to
improve the health of Canadians. Through continued public health efforts the population can be
healthier, which may reduce the demands on the health system and assist in creating a long-term
sustainable health system.
Working in public health means taking the long view, as prevention efforts often take many years to
be realized. It also means gaining job satisfaction by seeing things not happen, rather than happen.
For example, the lack of smokers, or the lack of meningitis due to haemophilus influenza type B, are
not visible but are important indicators of many lives saved and disabilities prevented. Working in
public health can mean taking on daunting challenges such as the contributors to healthy early
childhood development, alcohol misuse, or the influences of poverty on health.
Module 1 6
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Module 1 7
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
public health laboratories and the systematic examination of water and The Lalonde Report
The 1974 report A New Perspective on
milk supplies as well as meat, to ensure public safety. Later efforts focused
the Health of Canadians (known as the
on prevention of tuberculosis and venereal diseases. Lalonde report), was a foundational
document for public health, and
Early to Mid-20th Century – Clinical Care put Canada on the world stage with
In the early 20th century, public health continued to focus on respect to prevention. It was one of the
communicable diseases and sanitation, through measures such as first acknowledgements that medical
interventions (e.g., physician services,
vaccination, as well as pasteurization of milk and chlorination of
hospital services, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
drinking water. were not primarily responsible for the
The 1920s to 1950s saw two world wars, the depression, as well health and well-being of individuals
as great improvements in the standard of living and an increase in and populations. The paper identified
overall life expectancy in Canada. Public health began to shift focus to two main aspects of health—the health
improving the health of mothers and children. care system; and prevention of health
problems and promotion of good
Following World War II and into the 1950s, there were many
health—and proposed integrating
scientific discoveries (e.g., insulin and antibiotics), and new techniques these two aspects in health policy
were introduced to treat injuries and diseases; as a result, the focus of development.7
health care shifted from prevention to treatment.
Alma-Ata Conference
Until the 1970s, the prevailing belief was that access to health care In September 1978, the World Health
was the main influence on health. As a result, most health services were Organization (WHO) and UNICEF
directed towards treating diseases, rather than preventing disease and convened the Alma-Ata Conference,
promoting health. which adopted the goal of “health for all
by 2000” and initiated an approach that
1970s and 1980s – Health Promotion defined “the need for a comprehensive
strategy that not only provides health
In the 1970s and 80s, there was a growing awareness that social, services, but also addresses the underlying
economic and personal factors (e.g., eating and exercise habits, tobacco social, economic and political causes of
and other substance use) had an influence on health. The 1974 report poor health.” 8
A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians7 (known as the Lalonde
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion
report) in Canada and the international Alma-Ata Conference8 in 1978 The Ottawa Charter noted that
echoed this view, and the concept of “health promotion” was born. improvement in health requires a secure
In 1986, the First International Conference on Health Promotion foundation in nine basic prerequisites or
was held in Ottawa. This conference resulted in the Ottawa Charter fundamental conditions: peace, shelter,
for Health Promotion.9 The Charter defined health promotion, education, food, income, a stable eco-
system, sustainable resources, social
emphasized the importance of the determinants of health, and
justice and equity.9
broadened the concept of health promotion strategies beyond a focus
on individual behaviour choices. This set in motion a debate about
the focus for health promotion interventions (education versus system
change), which aid individuals to make healthy decisions. Also released
at the 1986 conference was Achieving Health for All: A Framework
for Health Promotion.10 This report noted that to achieve health for
all Canadians, it was necessary to provide a combination of health
promotion, disease prevention and health care services.
Module 1 8
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Starting in the 1990s, there was increasing interest in the factors that influence health status: the
determinants of health. These determinants are a mix of social, economic and personal factors
that influence the ability of people to make lifestyle choices, sometimes positively and sometimes
negatively. (See Module 2 for more information on the determinants of health).
Module 1 9
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Module 1 10
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Module 1 11
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Prevention of Injuries • Develop policy and regulations • Assess clients for risk factors
(e.g., bike helmets) • Identify, diagnose
• Undertake population health assessment and treat injuries
• Undertake injury surveillance • Report cases of
• Develop comprehensive prevention suspected abuse
strategies to reduce disease using
population health approaches
• Build inter-sectoral partnerships (all
levels of government, non-government,
civil society, business, recreation)
• Undertake applied research
(e.g., seniors falls)
• Undertake social marketing
Module 1 12
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Module 1 13
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Reflective Questions
¡¡ How would you describe the work of public health to your friends and family?
¡¡ Does the definition of public health resonate with your interest in public health?
¡¡ What other contributions has public health made over the past century?
¡¡ How does public health affect the life of your family?
Module Highlights
¡¡ Public health’s role is to protect and promote the health and well-being of citizens by
determining the factors that influence health, identifying the reasons why some populations
are healthier than others, and using that information to develop and implement interventions
aimed at improving the health and well-being of those populations experiencing
health challenges.
¡¡ Public health shares the same overall goals as the other areas of the health system: reducing
premature death and minimizing the effects of disease, disability and injury.
¡¡ Public health is largely responsible for a 25-year increase in life expectancy across
industrialized nations in the 20th century.
¡¡ Two underlying characteristics that distinguish public health from the other components of
the health system:
§§ public health focuses on promotion, protection and prevention rather than treatment; and
§§ public health addresses the health needs of populations as a whole.
¡¡ From its inception until the early 20th century, public health focused on the prevention and
control of communicable diseases through measures such as quarantine, sanitation, food
security, drinking water safety and vaccination.
¡¡ In the 1940s to 1970s, due to success in preventing many communicable diseases, the focus
of public health expanded to include the prevention of chronic diseases and improving the
health of mothers and children.
¡¡ Between the 1970s and the 1990s public health began to encompass identifying and
addressing the factors that determine health status (the determinants of health), including
education, housing, income, social and physical environments, and addressing inequities in
health status in populations.
¡¡ The 2003 SARS outbreak in Canada underscored the necessity of public health. The Naylor
report, which arose out of the SARS outbreak, reinforced the idea that an effective public
health system is an essential component of health care.
Module 1 14
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Additional Resources
History of Public Health in Canada – The Canadian Public Health Association has a webpage that
contains links to many documents outlining the history and milestones of public health in Canada
over the past 100 years. Available at:
A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians: a Working Document – Known as the Lalonde
report. This 1974 paper identifies two main aspects of health care: the health care system and
prevention of health problems and promotion of good health. It proposes integrating these two
aspects in health care policy development. Available at:
Alma-Ata Conference – The Alma-Ata Conference, convened by the World Health Organization
and UNICEF in 1978, formally adopted the goal of “health for all by 2000” and initiated an
approach that defined “the need for a comprehensive strategy that not only provides health services,
but also addresses the underlying social, economic and political causes of poor health.” Available at:
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion – This international agreement was signed at the
First International Conference on Health Promotion in 1986. It launched a series of actions among
international organizations, national governments and local communities to achieve the goal
of “Health For All” by the year 2000 and beyond through better health promotion. Available at:
Achieving Health for All: A Framework for Health Promotion – This paper focuses on reducing
the inequities in the health of low-income groups and offers implementation strategies such as
encouraging public participation, strengthening community services, and coordinating healthy
public policy. Available at:
Strategies for Population Health: Investing in the Health of Canadians
Report on the Health of Canadians – The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Advisory Committee
on Population Health outlined a population health framework and strategic directions in 1994 at
a meeting of the Ministers of Health. Available at:
eng.pdf. Subsequently, the Report on the Health of Canadians was released in 1996, presenting the
results from the first collaborative effort among federal, provincial and territorial governments
to measure the health of Canada’s population. Available at:
Module 1 15
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Canada Health Action: Building on the Legacy – This report, released in 1997, came from the
work of the National Forum on Health. From 1994 to 1997, the Forum looked at innovative
ways to improve the health of Canadians and the Canadian health care system. The Forum’s
recommendations were organized under the headings of values, striking a balance, determinants
of health and evidence-based decision-making. Available at:
Celebrating our Past – This document outlines a speech given by Dr. John E.F. Hastings to
the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Public Health Association in November 1999. It provides a
comprehensive overview of the history of public health in Canada. Available at: http://www.opha.
Review of Public Health Capacity in Canada – This review outlines concerns about public
health’s reduced capacity to function optimally throughout the country. This report was never
formally disseminated. Available at:
An Emergency Management Framework for Canada – This framework calls for partnerships and
collaboration between all sectors of Canadian society. Available at:
A New Perspective on the Health of Canadians – This framework gave impetus to national and
international initiatives in knowledge development, health promotion, health protection and
health care, which have contributed not only to the health of Canadians, but also to global health
initiatives. Available at:
Learning from SARS: Renewal of Public Health in Canada – This document, by the
National Advisory Committee on SARS and Public Health, which arose out of the SARS outbreak,
reinforced the idea that “ effective public health system is essential to preserve and enhance the
health status of Canadians, to reduce health disparities, and to reduce the costs of curative health
services.” Available at:
Module 1 16
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Empowerment a process through which people gain greater control over decisions and actions
affecting their health. Empowerment may be a social, cultural, psychological
or political process through which individuals and social groups are able to
express their needs, present their concerns, devise strategies for involvement
in decision-making, and achieve political, social and cultural action to meet
those needs.
Equality the state or quality of being equal.
Health a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.
Health promotion the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their
Health systems the organization of people, institutions, and resources to deliver health care
services to meet the health needs of target populations. It is all the activities
whose primary purpose is to promote, restore, or maintain health.
Immunization the artificial introduction of a specific antigen to create an antibody that
stimulates the immune system, the natural disease-fighting system of the body.
The healthy immune system is able to recognize invading bacteria and viruses
and produce substances (antibodies) to destroy or disable them.
Infectious disease also known as communicable disease. A disease caused by a specific disease-
causing agent or its toxic products, arising as a consequence of transmission to
a susceptible host by or from an infected person, animal, or other reservoir.
Infirmity a bodily ailment or weakness, especially one brought on by old age.
Nutrition the sum total of the processes involved in the taking in and the utilization
of food substances by which growth, repair and maintenance of the body are
accomplished. It involves ingestion, digestion, absorption and assimilation.
Pandemic an epidemic, usually caused by an infectious pathogen, which goes beyond
national boundaries and extends over much of or the entire world, attacking
people in all affected regions.
Pasteurization a process of heating a food, which is usually a liquid, to a specific temperature
for a predefined length of time and then immediately cooling it after it is
removed from the heat.
Population the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area.
Module 1 18
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Public health an organized activity of society to promote, protect, improve, and when
necessary, restore the health of individuals, specified groups, or the entire
population.2 Public health protects and promotes the health and well-being
of populations.
Publicly funded health provides access to universal, comprehensive coverage for medically necessary
system hospital and physician services without direct charges to the individual.
Frequently referred to as “medicare”. There are several components: primary
care; hospital (acute) care; home and continuing care; palliative and end-of-life
care; and public health.
Quarantine compulsory isolation, typically to contain the spread of something considered
dangerous, often but not always disease.
Sanitation the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact
with the hazards of wastes.
Social justice refers to the concept of a society that gives individuals and groups fair
treatment and an equitable share of the benefits of society. In this context,
social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equity. Under social
justice, all groups and individuals are entitled equally to important rights such
as health protection and minimal standards of income. The goal of public
health — to minimize preventable death and disability for all — is integral to
social justice.
Standard of living refers to the level of wealth, comfort, material goods and necessities available to
a certain socioeconomic class in a certain geographic area.
Surveillance systematic, ongoing collection, collation, and analysis of health-related
information that is communicated in a timely manner to all who need to know
which health problems require action in their community. Surveillance is a
central feature of epidemiological practice, where it is used to control disease.
Information that is used for surveillance comes from many sources, including
reported cases of communicable diseases, hospital admissions, laboratory
reports, cancer registries, population surveys, reports of absence from school or
work, and reported causes of death.
Sustainable the use of resources, investments, technology and institutional development in
development ways that do not compromise the health and well-being of future generations.
There is no single best way of organizing the complex development-
environment-health relationship that reveals all the important interactions and
possible entry points for public health interventions.
Module 1 19
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Typhoid fever an acute, highly infectious disease caused by a bacillus (Salmonella typhus)
transmitted chiefly by contaminated food or water and characterized by high
fever, headache, coughing, intestinal hemorrhaging, and rose-colored spots on
the skin.
Tuberculosis a potentially fatal contagious disease that can affect almost any part of the
body but is mainly an infection of the lungs.
Typhus any of several forms of infectious disease caused by rickettsia, especially those
transmitted by fleas, lice, or mites, and characterized generally by severe
headache, sustained high fever, depression, delirium, and the eruption of red
rashes on the skin.
Universal programs the common factor for all universal health care programs is that they require
some form of government involvement, whether it is through legislation,
mandates, or regulation.
Vaccine biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease.
Vulnerable susceptible to physical or emotional injury.
Module 1 20
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
a. This section on the history of public 4. National Advisory Committee on 10. Health and Welfare Canada.
health in Canada is adapted from SARS and Public Health. Learning Achieving health for all: a
This is Public Health: A Canadian from SARS: renewal of public framework for health promotion.
History by C.Rutty and S.C. health in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa, ON: Health and Welfare
Sullivan (2010). Health Canada; 2003 [cited 2012 Canada; 1986 [cited 2012 Oct
b. Unless otherwise stated, definitions Oct 9]. Available from: http:// 9]. Available from: http://www.
come from A Dictionary of Public
Health, edited by JM Last (2007). sars-sras/pdf/sars-e.pdf. system-regime/1986-frame-plan-
5. Canadian Public Health promotion/index-eng.php.
Association. Twelve great 11. Federal/Provincial/Territorial
1. Preamble to the Constitution of achievements of public health. Advisory Committee on
the World Health Organization Ottawa, ON: Canadian Public Population Health. Review of
as adopted by the International Health Association; [cited 2012 public health capacity in Canada.
Health Conference, New York, Sep 5]. Available from: http://www. Unpublished report presented to
19-22 June, 1946; signed on 22 the Deputy Ministers of Health;
July 1946 by the representatives of achievements.aspx. 2001 Jun.
61 States (Official Records of the
World Health Organization, no. 2, 6. Rutty C, Sullivan SC. This is public 12. Last JM. A dictionary of public
p. 100) and entered into force on 7 health: a Canadian history. Ottawa, health. New York: Oxford
April 1948. ON: Canadian Public Health University Press; 2007.
Association; 2010. 13. Provincial Health Officer.
2. Public Health Agency of Canada.
Glossary of terms. Ottawa, ON: 7. Information Canada. A new Investing in prevention: improving
Public Health Agency of Canada; perspective on the health of health and creating sustainability.
[cited 2012 Sep 5]. Available from: Canadians: a working document. The Provincial Health Officer’s Ottawa, ON: Information Canada; special report. Victoria, BC:
php-psp/ccph-cesp/glos-eng. 1974 Apr. Ministry of Healthy Living and
php#equityEquitable. 8. Pan-American Health Sport; 2010 Aug.
3. Public Health Agency of Canada. Organization. Declaration of Alma 14. Public Health Agency of Canada.
Core competencies for public health Ata. International Conference on What makes Canadians healthy
in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Public Primary Health Care; 1978 Sep or unhealthy? Ottawa, ON:
Health Agency of Canada; [cited 6-12 [cited 2012 Oct 9]; Alma-Ata Public Health Agency of Canada
2012 Sep 4]. Available from: http:// USSR. Available from: http:// [modified 2003 Jun 16; cited 2012 Oct 9]. Available from: http://
ccph-cesp/stmts-enon-eng.php. alma-ata_declaration.htm.
9. World Health Organization. determinants/determinants-eng.
Ottawa Charter for Health php#unhealthy.
Promotion. 1986 Nov [cited 2012
Oct 9]. Available from: http://
Module 1 21
Public Health 101: The Fundamentals
Module 1 22