I V Savelyev Fundametals of Theoretical Physics Vol 1 PDF
I V Savelyev Fundametals of Theoretical Physics Vol 1 PDF
I V Savelyev Fundametals of Theoretical Physics Vol 1 PDF
Volume 1
ToM 1
Translated from the Russian
G. Leib
Igor Sauelyev
Preface 5
Appendices 297
I. Lagrange's Equations for a Holonomic System with Ideal Non-
Stationary Constraints 297
II. Euler's Theorem for Homogeneous Functions 299
III. Some Information from the Calculus of Variations 300
IV. Conics 309
V. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 313
VI. Vectors 316
VII. Matrices 330
VI II. Determinants 338
IX. Quadratic Forms 347
X. Tensors 355
XI. Basic Concepts of Vector Analysis 370
XII. Four-Dimensional Vectors and Tensors in Pseudo-Euclidean
Space 393
XIII. The Dirac Delta Function 412
XIV. The Fourier Series and Integral 413
Index 419
Part One
Chapter I
1. Introduction
It is Lagrange's equation for the given case1 • It does not contain the
reaction R. Solution of the equation yields <pas a function of t. We
shall meanwhile not deal with the form of the function L for the
-system being considered (see Example 1
in Sec. 6). 0
Hence, the motion of a mechanical gystem x·
·can be described with tho aid of either
Newton's or Lagrange's equations. Natu-
rally, the latter can be arrived at proceed-
ing from Newton's equations (this will be
.done in Sec. 4). A very significant circum- y
.stance, however, is that Lagrange's equa-
tions can be obtained with the aid of a
quite general variational principle-the
principle of least action. It can be used as m
the foundation of classical mechanics instead
of Newton's laws. A merit of the principle y
Df least action is that it can· readily be mg
extended to systems that are not mechanical
·Or purely mechanical, for example, elastic
~. electromagnetic fields, an<j. fields of .. I.· Fig. 1.1.
elementary particles. LYhl .k~1 Yl'\1)»"'-:
Summarizing, the approach to the studying of mechanical systems
-set out in the present chapter can be said to be much more general
than the method based on Newton's laws.
2. Constraints
For a system of particleg with the masses m< 1>, m< 2 >, ••• , the equa-,
tions of Newton's second law can be written as follows:
, m;xi = Fi (i = 1, 2, ... , n) (2.1)
where m 1 = m 2 = m 3 = m< 1 > is the mass of the 1st particle, m4 =
= m& = m 6 =m< 2 > is that of the 2nd particle, ... , x 1 is the coordinate
:c of the 1st particle, x 2 is the coordinate y of the 1st particle, Xa
is the coordinate z of the 1st particle, x~, x 5 , x 6 are the Cartesian coor-
dinates x, y, z of the 2nd particle, ... , F 1 is the projection onto the
x-axis of the resultant force F< 1 > acting on tho 1st particle. F 2 is the
projection of the}orce F< 1 >onto the y-axis, F 3 is the projection of the •
same force onto the z-axis, F 4 , F 5 , F 6 are the x-, y-, z-components of
1 The generalized velocity enters this equation in the form E._~. We remind~
QUr reader that dots over a symbol stand for the time derivative: ; = dx/dt,:
and ;· = tf.2x/dt 2 •
the· force F< 2> acting on the second particle. etc. The number n of
equations contained in (2.1) equals the triple number of particles
in the system. ·
· Restrictions of a geometric or kinematic nature may be imposed on
the positions and ':elocities o) a_ sys~em' s pa:t;ticlesh~jles,e restricmt · ons
are called constramts. ~~ , "'1-lAL.:J•~ tk ~~" , ~~ t.;,'J
· Examples of systems with geometric constraints are: 'it~t.··· -~
(1) a particle which in its motion cannot leave a given surface or
a given curve. The surface or curve may be stationary (a stationary
constraint) or move in a preset way (a 'non-stationary constraint);
· (2) two particles A and B joined by a rigid weightless rod of
length l. In this case, the restriction imposed by the constraint can
be written in the form of the equation · · ·
I. L ' .
(.xA-xB )2 + (YA-YB
,' . )2 + (zA-zB
,.. . )2 = l2 (2.2)
'' .....~":". t~--. ·.
j l,. 1_,
... ,
xB) 2 + (YA- :
Ys) 2 +(zA- is) 2 ~ l 2
; . ' ~ I' i ~ ,' ' I
.:~; '•ill" ,., q> (xl, X2•' ~ •• , Xn, X1, X2, • ,.• , Xn, t) = 0 (2.5)
If Eq. (2.5) can be integrated over time, it is evidently equivalent
to.an.equation in the form of (2.4). ·
· Constraints of the kind given by (2.4) and integrable constraints
given by (2.5)that can be reduced to them are known as holonomic
(t>r!'integrable) constraints. Systems with such constraints are also
called holonomic. The systems in Examples 1, 2, and 4 treated above
belong to the holonomic type.
Hence, with holonomic constraints, the restrictions they impose
are expressed in the form of equations relating the coordinates of
the particles and time [see Eq. (2.4)1.
Non-integrable constraints in the form of (2.5), and also constraints
expressed as inequalities (see Example 3), are called non-holonomic.
Constraints that do not change with time are known as stationary
(or scleronomous). Constraints that change with time are known as
non-stationary (or rheonomous).
The equation of a holonomic stationary constraint is
ivhere dx 1 are the projections onto the coordinate axes of the dis-
placements of the particles allowed by the constraints imposed on
F a; =; - au
Time differentiation of the partial derivative of L with respect to
x 1 yields the left-hand side of Eq. (3.5):
d aL d • ••
dt -.- = dt (mtxt) = mtXt
The partial derivative of L with respect to Xt gives the i-th compo-
nent of the potential force:
aL au
OXj =- OXj
"I, 1 -This function is customarily designated by the letter F orR. To avoid con-
f~sion, however. we have preferred the symbol D.
We shall prove that Eqs. (3. 7) remain true in a transition from the
Cartesian coordinates xi to the generalized coordinates q1" and also
that Lagrange's equations written in independent generalized coor-
dinates contain no constraint reactions.
· Consider a holonomic system with ideal stationary constraints.
We shall divide the non-potential forces acting on the system's parti-
cles into two categories: the constraint reactions R i and the other
non~ potential forces Ff. Equations (3. 7) will therefore become
Siimma"'tion is performed over all the qk's, i.e. the subscript k takes
oti; all the values from 1 to s. Expression (4.4) can be written for
anY' i from 1 to n. In the following, when this will not lead to mis-
understandings, we shall not indicate the values taken on by the sub-
script for which summation is being performed. This subscript is
called a dummy index. We must note that in summation formulas
a dummy index may be designated by any letter-the use of one
subscript instead of another does not change the sum. Particularly,
expression (4.4) can be written just as successfully, for instance, in
the form· ·," 't ,;1 ··.. ;:
• iJXi •
.'.)'1.!;;;.-. ! l ,,;
x,= ~ -"'-qz
Oxi Ox;
dq'h. = Oqlt
We must also note that since functions (4.3) do not contain tho quan-
tities q~~., the partial derivatives of x 1 with respect to these quanti-
ties are zero:
0~ 1 = 0 (4. 7)
Finally we shall obtain another relation that we shall need later
on. The quantities 8x 1 /aq~~. are functions only of the coordinates q~~.
(we have already noted that these quantities do not contain the
velocitiesqlt)· Renee,
..!!.__ OXi = ~ -~ ( Ox; ) • = " iJ 2x1 • (4.8)
dt aq~~. ..t....~ oq 1 aq~~. J q, ~ aq, aq~~. q1
l l
Now, we shall differentiate expression (4.5) with respect to qlt. Since
the derivatives a;l! /aq~~. equal zero, we obtain
The first of the sums on the right-hand side of this expression equals
zero. To prove this, we multiply it by dqk:
fo'r any dx/s allowed by their constraints is zero (we remind our
reader that we assume the constraints to be stationary and ideal).
( ~ R1 ::: ) dq,_ = 0
The quantity
•~rl t 1' ' .••.
. j. : . .
[see the second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (4.10)1 is referred
to as the generalized force. This name is based on the grounds that
. .~'he expressiOn
. ·,•.c •
.2_ ~ aL iJx;
dt L.J • •
i ox 1 8qr..
w1uc . exac tl y dt
. h 1s 8L . Indeed, according to the rules for the
d -.-
differentiation of a composite function
aL ax 1
ax •
aq" i t aq" i ax, iJq"
but according to (4.7), all the axi/oq 11 's equal zero so that the
first of the sums vanishes. We have thus shown that expression
d fJL
(4.13) equals Tt -.-.
Therefore, the difference between expressions (4.13) and (4.14)
is simply : .!..~ -
t aqR.
:L .
Introducing this value into (4.10), we
arrive at the equations
a 8L
Cit-.-- Bq11. = Q"
8L •
(k= 1, 2, ..• , s) (4.15)
[see formulas (4.19) and (4.20)], but also the energy of a system can
be expressed in terms of this function.
The expression for the total energy of a system in terms of the
Lagrangian is
8L • •
E;= lj-.-q~~.-L(q~~., qh., t) (5.1)
h. 8qll.
The grounds for determining E in exactly this way will be revealed
below. Expression (5.1) is more general than the one known from
the general course of physics, i.e.
(Here T is the kinetic energy, and U, the potential energy.) Defmi-
tion (5.1) also holds when the total energy cannot be represented as
the sum of the kinetic and potential energies.
Let us calculate the total time derivative of the quantity (5.1)
iE 8L • • • d 8L 8L •
dt = ~ -.- qh. + ~ ql>. dt -.-- ~ 8qlt ql>.
It 8qP. It iJqh, It
8L '· 8L ( d 8L 8L) • 8L
- ~ -.- qlt- at= ~ dt -.- - 8q7>. qlt- at
It 8qlt It 8qlt
In accordance with Lagrange's equation (4.15), the expression in
parentheses equals the non-potential generalized force Q7:. Hence,
dE= 'Q Qkq.lt- 8L
dt ~ at
= W*-~
.we introduce these expressions into the formula for the kinetic
T 1 "" •2 1 "" '( OXf
:.:= 2 LJ m,xi = 2 LJ m, Tt + LJ" OXi •
aqk qA
) 2
i i k
If' the expression obtained for L contains terms that do not depend
on qk and qk, they may be discarded because they do not contribute
to the .quantities aL!aqk and aL!aqk and, consequently, do not affect
tlie form of Lagrange's equations. ·
' 1 We sometimes succeed in greatly simplifying the operation of
l. •
finding the function T (qk, fJk, t). This is possible when, it is easy to
Fig. 6.1. Fig. 6.2.
1 • .
T = 2 m [l2cp 2+ (2vl cos cp) cp + v2]
The potential energy U = - mgy = - mgl cos cp.
In compiling the Lagrangian, the constant term. ; mv2 may be-
discarded. Consequently
1 • •
L = 2 m [l2cp 2 + (2vl cos cp) cp] + mgl cos <p
Notwithstanding the non-stationary nature of the constraint, the
time does not enter the function L explicitly.
0 ,.--A---.., v
. I
Y _ _.:. _ _ _ _L_ m
m X I
Fig. 6.3. Fig. 6.4.
Pr=-. =mr=mv
where v is the particle's velocity along the straight line.
The generalized force
aL = mrro 2 - mg sm
Qr = ar •
eonsists of two terms. The first of them, mrro 2, is the centrifugal force
of inertia, and the second, -mg sin rot, is the projection of the force
mg onto the direction r.
5. A Particle Moving along a Straight Line Rotating with Accelera-
tion. Assume that the straight line giving rise to a constraint (see
Fig. 6.5) rotates not uniformly, but with acceleration (q> = at2 ).
x = r cos at2, y = r sin at2
. .
x = r cos at2- r 2at sin at 2
. .
y = r sin at + r 2at cos at 2
2 • ' 1 ~
1 •
T ='2m (r 2+r24a 2 t 2)
U = mgy = mgr sin atz
1 •
L = -2 m (r2 + r2 4a2t2)- mgr sin at2
In this example, the time entered L explicitly in terms of both T
and U.
aL - ..!:.._ aL =0 (k 1 2 ) (7.3)
. aqk
91ftb··.•·,:· · r: ;:·· . .
dt •
= • • · · ·' 8
i.e; coincide with Lagrange's equations.
-11il' Coi:npare with (111:20). In the given ease, the role of f(x, Yk• y:) is played
.hy.L (t, q
qk, 11). The role of the independent variable x is played by t, that of
;,, (x) is played by q11 (t), and that of y/. (x), by the function 11 (t). q
Jn1!: l ! .. i
"rn; : ., ··
"t; .''
-~· ~ ~--: ~ . . i! .
8~ Energy Conservation
1 . Homogeneity signifies identical properties at all points. Isotropy signifies
identical properties at each point in all directions. Homogeneity and isotropy
are independent of each other. A medium may have different properties at
different points, the properties at one point differing from those at others, but
being the same in all directions. Such a medium will be non-homogeneous, but
isotropic. A medium is possible whose properties are the same at all points, but
differ (in the same way at all points) in different directions. Such a medium will
be homogeneous, but anisotropic. It is quite obvious that there may be homoge-
neous and isotropic media, and also non-homogeneous and anisotropic ones
~; = ~
! (a~ ) q" + ~
{}qlt k
a_L ~
q" = :t .~
It {}qk
a.L qlt
The latter expression can ·be given the form
d "' oL • dL d ("' rJL •
Tt ~ -.- q11- dt" = lit ~ -.- q"- L ) = 0
11 {}qlt 11 {}qk
9. Momentum Conservation
Consider a closed system of particles. Closure signifies that the
action of external bodies on the system's particles is negligibly
small. Owing to the homogeneity of space, the displacement of all
the particles of the system through an identical length l\r must not
change the mechanical properties of the system-the Lagrangian
must retain its previous value. For an unclosed system, such a trans-
lation would cause a change in the arrangement of the particles
relative to the bodies interacting with them, which would affect the
system's mechanical properties. Therefore, we may state only for
a closed system of particles that the parallel translation of the system
as n whole is not nttended by a change in the function L (i.e. l\L = 0).
Assuming the displacement l\r to be very small, we can write
1 See the footnote on p. 17. In accordance with what is said in this footnote,
o<p dr = o<p dx+ O<p dy I O<p dz.
or ox Oy T {Jz
6L = ~
6q> r a., :r~ ]+ 2j a, :v~ ]
oq> [ v
~L = 6cp { 2j [ r a., ~
::: J+ ~a. [ v a., ::: J} = 8q> :t ~ [
r a. • :v~ ]
2j [ r~,· aL
ava. J=canst
r==F P (11.8)
1-e cos (cp-cpo)
(the upper sign corresponds to repulsion, and the lower to attraction
<>f the particle to the centre of force).
The equation we have obtained is one of a conic section (or conic-
see Appendix IV) with the focal parameter p and the eccentricity e.
Let us first consider repulsion (a > 0). In this case, U> 0 so that
the total energy E cannot be negative. Hence, by (11.7), we have
e > 1. Consequently, in repulsion, the particle's trajectory can only
be n hyperbola. Taking the upper (minus) sign in (11.8), we get the
.eqHation of the trajectory
r= -p
1-e cos (<p-<po)
The value of cp 0 is determined by the choice of the reference axis
for cp. If the angle cp is measured from the axis of symmetry of the
eurve (from the straight line passing through its foci), r should not
change when the sign of cp changes. This occurs only when qJ 0 = 0 or
<p 0 = n. Assuming that cp 0 = 0, we get the equation
r= -p
coinciding with Eq. (IV .14) that describes the right-hand branch of
a hyperbola [provided that the origin of coordinates, i.e. the centre
of force, is placed at the outer (left-hand) focus of the hyperbola].
Assuming that CJlo = nand taking into account that cos (cp- n)=
= -cos qJ, we get tho equation
r- -p
- 1+e cos cp
coinciding with Eq. (IV.13) that describes the left-hand branch of
a hyperbola [provided that the origin of coordinates is placed at the
outer (right-hand) focw; of the
hyperbola; Fig. 11.1].
Ia I I
Now let us consider attrac-
r I
I tion (a< 0). The lower (plus)
(repulsion) I
I sign in formula (11.8) corre-
I sponds to it. l-Ienee, the equa-
I tion of the trajectory is
I r= P (11.9)
I 1-e cos cp
for cro = 0, and
\ Force
\ centre r = 1+epcos cp ( 11. 10)
\ for cro = n.
As shown in Appendix IV,
\ both equations describe either
\ an ellipse, or one of the
branches of a hyperbola,or a pa-
rabola [see Eqs. (IV.11)
and (IV.12)l. The valile of e
Fig. 11.1. determines which of these
curves we have to do with.
In attraction, U < 0, consequently the total energy E may be
either positive or negative, particularly, it may be zero. It follows
from fnrmula (11. 7) that when E > 0, the eccentricity is greater
than one, and the trajectory will be a hyperbola. Equation (11.9)
gives the right-hand branch of a hyperbola, and Eq. (11.10), the
left-hand one. Unlike repulsion, the origin of coordinates, i.e. the
centre of force, is at the inner focus for the given branch (Fig. 11.2) 1 •
AtE = 0, the eccentricity e=1, and the trajectory will be a parab-
ola. This case occurs if a particle begins its motion from a state of
rest at infinity.
1 The solid curves in Fig. 11.2 are depicted for the same valuP of the angular
momentum M and, consequently, for the same value of the focal parameter p.
The dashed ellipse corresponds to a smaller value of M. For a smaller M, the
vertex of a parabola may be to the right of that of a hyperbola corresponding to
a greater M.
Finally, at E < 0, the eccentricity is less than one, and the tra-
jectory will be an ellipse. In this case, the curves described by Eqs.
(11.9) and (11.10) differ in the position of the centre of force. Curve
(11.9) is obtained if the centre of force (the origin of coordinates)
\ U= -"F
\ (attraction)
\ E > 0, hyperbola
\ E = 0. parabola
\ E < 0, cllip~e
\ ---... ......
I --
Fig. 11.2.
is at the left-hand focus of the ellipse. Curve (11.10) corresponds ts
the centre of force being at the right-hand focus.
If 1+ (2EM 2 /ma 2 ) = 0, i.e. E = -ma2 /2!Vl 2 , a glance at for-
mula (11.7) shows that the eccentricity vanishes-the trajectory is
a circle. At a given M, such an energy value in the given force
field is the minimum possible one (an imaginary value of e corre-
sponds to smaller E's).
When a particle moves in a restricted region of space (the particle
does not travel to infinity), the motion is called fmite. In infinite
motion, a particle travels to infinity. Motion in an ellipse is finite
(recall that in this case E < 0), and motion in a hyperbola or pa-
rabola is infinite (E 0). >
12. Two-Body Problem
Consider a closed system formed of two interacting particles of
masses m1 and m 2 • The potential energy of the system depends on
Fig. 12.1.
is equivalent to) and the three projections of the vector r onto the
coordinate axes (the vector r is equivalent to them). The vector r
can be represented as
r (12.1)
where r 1 and r 2 are the position vectors of the particles relative to the
centre of mass. According to the definition of the centre of mass
........... ........ -- ............. .._. ______ ,../
Fig. 12.2.
!-'- \
(a) (b)
Fig. 12.3.
We invite our reader to see for himself that in motion along hyper-
bolas the trajectories of particles will appear as shown in Fig. 12.3a
(for mutual attraction of the particles) and in Fig. 12.3b (for repul-
1 Fij:t'ures 12.2 and 12.3 are for mtlmi = 2/3; in Fig. 12.2, e = 0.8, ani in
Fig. 12 ..'1, e = 1.5.
the fact that owing to their interaction, the particles change the
direction or nature of their motion.
Consider the elastic collision of two particles repelling each other.
A collision is defined as elastic if it is not attended by a change in the
internal energy of the particles. Consequently, in elastic collisions,
the mechanical energy of the system of colliding particles remains
It is the simplest to consider a collision process in a reference frame
associated with the centre of mass of the particles (it is known as
a c-frame). In practice, however, collisions are observed in a refer-
ence frame relative to which the centre of mass of the particles
moves with the velocity vc. This reference frame is called a labora-
tory one or, more briefly, an Z-frame. In a laboratory frame, one of
the particles is usually at rest before a collision.
The following relation obviously holds between the velocity of
the i-th particle in an Z-frame (we shall designate it by the symbol vi)
and the velocity of the same particle in a c-frame [we shall dt>signate
this velocity by v~c>]:
Vt = Vc + Vt (C)
It follows from the definition of the centre of mass that
m 1 v 1 +m 2v 2
vc = --''--"--'--=--=-
In the following, we shall treat only the case when in an Z-frame the
second particle is at rest before a collision. Therefore, designating
the velocity of the first partide before the collision by the sym-
bol v 10 , we have
P~~) = -1-tVlo
[we have omitted the superscript "(C)" on the symbols of tho momon-
tal. In combination with the condition that I p<,~l I = I p~~l I and
1p\C>I = I p~C>I, the relation we have written indicates that the
momenta (and, consequently, the velocities) of the particles as a re-
sult of colliding only turn in the c-frame through a certain angle "f.,
remaining constant in magnitude. Let e 1 stand for the unit vector of
the first particle's velocity in the c-frame after the collision. In
accordance with formulas (13.3), we can therefore write the following ·
expressions for the velocities of the particles after the co1lision: ·
Vz = mt
m 1 +m 2
~ m2 v!Oet
Pt= m ~m 2
1 '
Pzo+ m
n+~2 m 2 Ptoel}
m. m2
P2 = mt +m2 Pto- mt +mz Pwel
The toliuwmg geometrical construction will be an excellent illus-
tration of the obtained relations. Let us depict the vector p1 o by
the segment AD (Fig. 13.1) and let the point 0 on it divide the length
of the vector in the ratio m 1 : m 2 • We draw a circle passing through
the tip of the vector p10 with the point 0 as its centre. The radius of
(c) or
m 2 sin X
Fig. 13.1. tan 81 = m + m 2 cos X (13.5)
82 = n-;-x (13.6)
Inspection of Fig. 13.1a shows that the.ligh~er particl~ can di-
verge on the heavier one (m 1<m 2) in any duect10n (the pomt B can
''" "\.
c ----
Fig. 14.1.
A glance at Fig. 14.1 shows that when r = oo there are two values
of <p-zero and 2!p 0 • In the first case, the left-hand side of formu-
la (14. 7) becomes -<p 0 , and in the second, +~Po· Therefore, assuming
in (14.7) that r = oo, we can write
<Jlo = cos-1
V 1+(m1 1 vijb/a) 2 I
Further, it follows from Fig. 14.1 that X = :rt - 2cp 0 , i.e. {Po =
= :rt/2 - x/2 = :rt/2 - 81 /2 (in the case being considered it is possi-
ble to assume that 81 = X)· Introducing this value of cp 0 into formu-
la (14.8), we obtain
sin 2 ~= '1
2 1+(m 1 vfibia) 2
Solving this relation forb, we arrive after i'imple transformaliuns at
the expression
da = (_a_)
2m !J5
2 ---;--;d--,Q~
sin 4 (8 1 /2)
tial reference frame K and the frame K' whose origin (the point 0')
moves in the frame K at the velocity v 0 (t). The frame K', in addition,
rotates relative to the frame K at the angular velocity ro (t). Let
IUS express the function (15.1) in terms of the vector r' determining
the position of a particle in the
y' K' frame K', and in terms of the
t..l(t) velocity v' of the particle obser-
ved in the same frame.
We assume first that v 0 (t) =
y K, ==
0 and that the origins of both
reference frames coincide. Hence,
the following relation would hold
between the velocities of the par-
ticle in both frames:
0 X
v = v' + [ror'l (15.2)
Fig. 15.1. (a particle that is stationary in
the frame K' would have a veloc-
ity equal to [ror'] 1 in the frame K). If v 0 (t) is non-zero, on the other
band, relation (15.2) becomes
v = v 0 (t) + v' +- [ror') (15.3)
Let us introduce the expression we have obtained for v into
formula (15.1). This yields
m mv'2 m
L =2 (v 0 (t)J2+-
2- +z [ror']2
+ mv 0 (t) v' + mv 0 (t) [ror'] + mv' [ror'] (15.4)
The first term in this formula is the preset function of time,' which
can be represented as the total derivative with respect to t of another
function. We established in Sec. 7 that the Lagrangian must be
-determined to within the additive terms that are the total time
derivative of an arbitrnry function of the generalized coordinates
and time. For this reason, the term (m/2) [v 0 (t)P should be omitted.
Consider the fourth and fifth terms in formula (15.4). Factoring
<>fit mv 0 (t), these terms can be written in the form
mv 0 (t) {v' + [ror'J} = mv 0 (t) ---cit+ [dai
{ d'r' ,r' ]}
_ (t) {d'r' + [dcp, r')}
- mvo dt (15.5)
Here d'r' is the increment of r' observed during the time dt in the
frame K' (we remind our reader that v' is the velocity of the particle
1 This expression is obtained from formula (VI .46) if we assume that a = r'
in it and divide the relation obtained by dt.
observed in the frame K'), and dcp is the angle through which the
frame K' turns during the time dt.
If a reference frame rotates relative to another one, the increment
of a Vl'dot· n obsorYed in both frames will he different. This is easy
to understand by assuming that the vec.tor docs not change with
respeet to the rotating frame, i.e. the increment of the vector in
this frame (we designate it by K') is zero: d'a = 0. Consequently,
the increment of the vector in the stationary frame (the frame K)
can be written as
da = [dcp, a)
[see formula (VI.46)1. If the increment of the vector d'a observed in
the rotating frame is non-zero, the increment observed in the sta-
tionary frame will be
da = d'a + [dcp, a] (15.6)
[assuming that a =r' and dividing by dt, we arrive at formula (15.2)].
By comparing (15.0) with the exprPssion in braces on the right-
hand ~ide of formula (15.5), we arriYe at the conclusion that this
expression is thP increment of the vector r' observed in the frame K,
i.e. dr'. l-Ienee, the sum of the fourth and fifth terms of formula (15.4)
can be written as
mv0 (t) lit
We may discard the first term as the total time derivative of the
function of the coordinates and time. In the second term, dv 0 /dt is
w0 (t)-the acceleration of the origin of coordinates of the frame K'
observed in the frame K.
Wn haYe l.hns nJTived at the following expression for the Lagran-
gian in the variables r' and v':
L' = ! mv'2+! m [ror']2-mr'w0 (t) +mv' [ror'] -U (r') (15.7)
W c have obtained the general form for the Lagrangian of a parti-
cle in an arbitrary non-inertial reference frame. We must now consid-
er that the function U is set in the variables r' [in formula (15.1) it
was set in the variables rl. The transition from one set of variables
to another is accomplished by the formula
r = r 0 (t) + r' (15.8)
where r 0 (t) is the position vector of the origin of coOl'dinates of the
frame K' (see Fig. 15.1).
We must note that even if the time were not contained explicitly
in the function (15.1) (it could have been contained in the force
function U), the function (15.7) contains the time because w 0 and ro
are, generally speaking, functions oft. The time also enters explicitly
the term U (r') as a result of the transition from r to r' accomplished
by formula (15.8).
Before beginning to compile Lagrange's equation, let us replace
the second term of expression (15. 7) in accordance with formula (VI.6).
The result is
L l = 21 mv 12 , 21 mw 2r /2 - 21 m ( ror ')2
- mr'w 0 (t) mv' [ror']- U (r') (15.9)
Taldng advantage of a cyclic transposition of the multipliers [see
formula (VI.3)], the nc:xt.,.to-last term equal to mv' [ror'l could he
written in the form
m lv'w]r' (15.10)
Lagrange's equation in the frame K' is as follows:
d 8L' 8L
dt 8v' = 8r'
[see formula (9.3) and the footnote on page 171. A glance at expres-
sion (15.9) shows that
av' = mv' + m [ror']
d 8L'
dt av'
= mv' •
+ m [wr'J + m [ror']•
We remind our reader that from the very instant when we expressed
L in the variables r' and v', we have been "living" in the reference
frame K'. Consequently, by ~' we must understand the accelera-
tion 'W.' of a particle observed in the frame K', and by r', the veloci-
ty v' of the particle in the same frame. Hence,
d aL'
dt av' = mw '+ m r·ror 'J+ m rrov ,1 ('15.12)
U' W
8T = mro 2 r'- m (ror') ro- mw0 (t) + m [v' ro]- Br' (15.13)
The first two terms in this expression are the triple vector product
m [w, [r'(J)ll written according to formula (VI.5). Expression (15.13)
can therefore be written as
not depending on the particle's velocity u' in the expressiori for the
energy. This additional "potential" energy is called centrifugal.
Let us substitute v -[ror'] for v' in formula (15.22) [see (15.3);
we assume that v 0 ( t) = 0]. The result is
The first two terms give the energy E of a particle in the frnme [(.
If the origins of the frames K and K' coincide, r' may be replaced
by r. The last term in (15.24) by means of cyclic transposition can
now be givev. the form
mv [ror] = ro [r, mv) = rol\:1
Therefore, the following relation holds between the energies E and
E' of the particle in the frame~ K and K' respectively:
E' = E - roM (15.25)
We remind our reader that this formula has been obtained assuming·
that the origins of both reference frames coincide. Consequently,
instead of M in formula (15.25), we can write M' [see (15.20)1.
Summarizing, if the reference frame K' rotates uniformly relative
to the reference frame K, and the origins of both frames coincide,
the momentum and the angular momentum of a particle in both
frames coincide, while the energy of the partiele in the frame K' is
less than that in the frame K by the magnitude of the scalar product
of the vectors w and M.
Chapter IV
Lagrange's equation
11q + xq = 0 or q + w~q = 0 (16.4)
[here w! = (x/11) >0] is a linear homogeneous second-order differen-
tia I eq 11<1 lion with conslnnl codliden ts (seo Appendix V). Using
the substitution q = eA-t, we arrive at the characteristic equation 1
')._2 +
(J)~ = 0
The roots of this equation are 'A1 = +iw 0 and A. 2 = -iw 0 • Con-
sequently, the general solution has the form
q = C lelooot + C 2e-iooot (16.5)
where C1 and C 2 are complex constants.
The values of q must be real; this signifies that the condition q* =
= q (q* is the complex conjugate of q) must be observed. Introducing
expression (16.5) for q into this condition, we obtain
Cfe-iooot + C2eiooot = C1eioo0t +
C 2 e-ioo 0 t
The above relation is observed if C1 = C2 (correspondingly Ct = C2 ).
Having this in view, we shall write the coefficients C1 and C2 as
C1 = Teta,
a . a .
C 2=-e-ta (16.6)
(a and a are arbitrary real constants). The use of these values is
formula (16.5) yields
(16. 7)
where c1 and c2 are real constants whose values are determined from
the initial conditions [from q0 and (q) 0 l.
Finally, we shall give another form of writing a harmonic oscil-
lation1: ·
A= aeia (16.10)
is a complex amplitude; its magnitude equals the ordinary amplitude,
and its argument equals the initial phase of the oscillation. Introduc-
ing the value of A from (16.10) into (16.9) and taking the real part
of the expression obtained, we arrive at formula (16. 7).
Consequently, a harmonic oscillation can be represented in the
form of any of the three formulas (16.7), (16.8), or (16.9).
Provided that ~2 < ro3, the roots of the characteristic equation are
At= -~+ill ro~-~~. /..2= -~-q/ro~-~ 2
The general sol uti on of Eq. (17.1) is
q = Cle'-lt +
Cze).2t = e-f:lt (Clefrot + Cze-frof)
where <I) = V
ro~ - ~ 2 • The solution we have found differs from the
function (16.5) in the factor e-Bt and in the substitution of ro for ro 0 •
Fig. 17.1.
latter case, the system first passes through the equilibrium position,
deviates to the other side of it, and only then approaches the equilib-
rium position asymptotically. Such motion of a system is called
aperiodic damping (or an aperiodic process).
How a system will return to its equilibrium position (following
CUrve 1 Or CQrVe 2) depends on the ratio of the coefficients C1 and C2
which, in turn, is determined by the initial conditions [i.e. by the
values of the generalized coordinate q 0 and the generalized velocity
v0 = (q) 0 at the initial instant).
Let us establish the conditions in which aperiodic motion has a
specific nature. We express the coefficients C1 and C 2 in terms of
q0 and v0 • Assuming in (17.4) that t = 0, we get
Differentiating (17 .4) with respect to time and assuming that t = 0
in the expression obtained, we find that
• (17.6)
Vo = (q)o = -a1C1- a2C2
It follows from Eqs. (17.5) and (17.6) that
(17. 7)
(q 0 > 0), the velocity is directed to the left (v 0 < 0), and vice versa].
Figure 17.2 shows graphs of the functions y = a 1q0 + v 0 and y =
= a 2 q0 + v 0 • The graphs have been plotted for q0 > 0, therefore
v0 < 0. The values taken on by q 0 are divided into three regions.
It is easy to see that both condi-
tions (17.9) are satisfied only in y
region I, i.e. at q0 's not exceeding
-v 01a 2 • In region I I, the first of
the conditions is not observed, and
in region III, the second one.
Hence, aperiodic damping occurs
in accordance with curve 2 (see
Fig. 17.1) when v0 and q0 have I
different signs and, in addition, I
Jq0 J< ~
or Jv 0 J> a 2 Jq 0 J (17 .10) I
(we remind our reader that a 2 = Vo Region I I Region /II Region l!J
=~ + V~ 2 - w8).
Special attention must be given Fig. 17.2.
to the case when characteristic equa-
tion (17.2) has multiple roots. This occurs provided that ~ 2 .
w6. Consequently, /.1 = 1.. 2 = -~. According to formula (V.11),,
in this case the general solution of Eq. (17.1) is
q = C1e-llt + C te-llt
2 = (C 1 + C t) e-llt
p= V (wo2 - w2 ) 2 + 4B 2 w2 ' 2 ~w
tan cp = w5-w2 (18.9)
Using the values of p and ] 0 [see (18.3)1 in (18.8), we get the fol-
lowing expression for the complex amplitude:
Its real part coincides with the expression for steady-state forced
oscillations known from the general course of physics:
q= fo cos ((i)t +a-:- m) (18.10)
V(w~-w2)2+4~2w2 . '~'
(in textbooks of general physics, it is usually assumed that a = 0).
We obtain tho general solution of Eq. (18.2) by summation of tho
functions (17.3) and (18.10). We shall not stop off to analyse this
solution and consider the phenomenon of resonance because this is
done in sufficient detail in general courses of physics.
are the zero terms of the expansion of the coefficients 'Vik (q). By
formula (5.8), 'Vik = '\'ki• therefore f.tik = f.tki·
Subtraction of expression (19.1) from (19.2) yields the Lagrangian:
1 . . 1
L=2 ~f.ttkqtq"-2 ~"'tllqtqll (19.3)
i. h i. h
To lind the derivatives of L with respect to q; and we write the q;,
expression of the total differential of the function (19.3):
1, ••
dL =2 2::flt~r.qt aq~~. + 21.2:flt~r.q~r.
, .• 1, 1
dqt- 2 1xtkqt aq~~.- 2 .2:x;~~.q~~. dq,
i,ll i.k i.k i.h
The subscripts i and k are dummy ones, therefore any letter may be·
used for either of them. Taking advantage of this, let us exchange the
places of the subscripts i and k in the first and third sums:
1 • • 1 • •
aL = 2 .2:fl"'q"dqt+ 2 .2:fltkqk dq1
i. k i. k
1 1 . •
·-2 .2: X~r,;qk dqi -2 ~ X;kqk dql = .2: f.ttkqk dqi- ~ Xtkqk dql
i.ll i,k i,k i,k
(recall that f.tlli = f.ttk• and "'"; = x;k)· The expression we have
obtained can be written as
d aL
Since the quantities f.ttk are constants, the derivative - -
dt ()ql
~ Xihcrck
·,·. (1)2 = -=i.:.,:k.::....__ __ (19.9)
~ flikqck
i, k
equals the sum of the quadratic forms, 2Ji,k xil,a 1a 11 + 2Ji,k x 1 ~~.b 1 b 11 ,
and correspondingly ~ r.taa 1ak
+ 2Ji,k
f.ttkbtbk (a 1 is the real part,
and b 1 is the imaginary part of C 1). The
latter forms, in turn, are,
first, evidently real and, second, positive defmite [see (19.1) and
(19.2)]. We have thus proved that the numerator and denominator of
Eq. (19.9) and, consequently, w~ are real and positive.
Thus, having solved the characteristic equation (19.8), we find s
natural frequencies of the system: <u 1 , w 2 , • • • , W 8 • Introducing in
turn the values w& into the system of equations (19.7) and sohing
the system, we find C ~~.'s corresponding to different wa. 's. If the
matrix of the system (19.7) has the rank s - 1 (which is usually the
case), by (VIII.28) the solutions of the system are
C k(~) -- ca A(a)
L= ; 2:~it- ; 2:'-~t~k
k k
and Lagrange's equations will be
(mgl + kb 2 - mZ 2ro 2)
(- kb2)
(- kb 2)
(mgl + kb 2 - ml2ro2)
0 I=
i.e. the following condition must be satisfied:
(mgl + kb 2 - mZZro 2 ) 2 - ( -kb2 ) 2 = 0.
The latter equation can be written as follows after simple transfor-
(ro2)2-2( f +! ~: )ro2+[~: +2 ( f ! ~: )]=0
We have arrived at a quadratic equation relative to ro 2 • The roots
of this equation are
2 g . 2 . g . . k b2 •
rot = T and ro2 = T + 2 In 12
Consequently, the natural frequencies of the system will be
, /g / g 2 k b2
ffit = v T and Wz = 1 T + 12 m.
(20. 7)
· Let us introduce the square of the first natural frequency, i.e.
ro~ into Eq. (20.6) instead. of ro 2 • After simplification, system (20.6)
kb 2 C1 - kb 2 C ~ = 0
-kb2C1 + kb 2C 2 = 0
= ==
'The solutions of this system are obvious:
cl Cz cl alefOt
where c1 is an arbitrary complex constant, a 1 is its modulus, and
.. (20.8)
IS 1 is its argument. ·
The introduction of (20.8) into (20:5) yields complex solutions of
differential equations (20.4) corresponding to the frequency w1 :
q:>jtl · · . c1eiw,t =·. a1ei(w,t+Otl.
\C ,.
<p~~~ = c1eiw 1 t =:' ~ 1-ei(w,t+_o,~·
i.e. both pendulums oscillate like a single whole with the frequency
ro 1 , being at each instant deflected to the same side through the
same angle (Fig. 20.2a). The spring is not deformed so that each
pendulum oscillates as if the other one were absent (w 1 = V gil).
Now assume that only the second
normal oscillation is being per-
. formed in the system. A glance at
(20.13) shows that in this case
(jl1 = -ep2 = £2 = a 2 cos(w 2t+6 2)
At each instant, the pendulums are
deflected through an identical angle,
(a) (b) but in opposite directions (Fig.
Fig. 20.2. The connection between the pen-
dulums can be characterized with
the aid of the spring constant k. Let us call the latter the coupling
coefficient. Consider the case of a weak connection, i.e. a small k.
If (kim) ~ (gil), the difference between the natural frequencies will
be much smaller than the frequencies themselves:
[<Xt~t =
cos (xt, Xk)]•
Let us agree on notation. In this chapter, we shall use indices of two kinds:
(1) without parentheses, and (2) in parentheses. Indices without parentheses
will indicate a particle or point which the given quantity relates to. For in-
stance, mu. is the mass of a particle whose number is a, r91 is the position vector
of the same particle, and RA is the position vector of the point A.
Indices in parentheses will indicate the point from which a position vector
emerges, or the point relative to which a moment or angular momentum is cal-
the form
where VA is the translational velocity of the body (the veloeity of
the point A observed in the frame K), and W(A) = d<l>ldt is the
angular velocity of rotation of the body about an axis passing through
the point A. The first term in this formula is the same for all the
points of a body, the second is a position function.
If we had placed the origin of the frame K' at another point of
the body, say at a point B, formula (21.1) would be as follows:
V = VB + [w<B>, r<B>l (21.2)
where VB is the velocity of the point B observed in the frame K,
and WeB> is the angular velocity of rotation of the body about an
axis passing through the point B.
The position of an arbitrary point of the body in the frame K
is determined by the same position vector in both cases:
R = RA + f(A) = RB + f(B)
It thus follows that the position vector reB) can be represented as
reB> = a + rcA> (21.3)
where a = RA - RB is a position vector from the point B to the
point A, i.e. a quantity not depending on which point of the body
we write formula (21.3) for.
Using the value given by (21.3) in formula (21.2), we obtain
V = VB +
[w<Bl• a] +
[ro<Bl• r<All (21.4)
The first two terms on the right-hand side of (21.4) are identical
for all the points of the body, while the third term is a position
Formulas (21.1) and (21.4) determine the same quantity-the
velocity of the point of the body being considered in the frame K.
culated, etc. Depending on the circumstances, we shall use these indices either
as subscripts or superscripts on the relevant symbol. For example, rcA) or r<A)
will stand for a position vector emerging from the point A; M(A) or M(A), for
the angular momentum relative to the foint A. The absence of an index in
parentheses at the symbol r or M wil signify that the relevant quantity is
taken relative to the centre of mass C of the body. Hence, we shall designate a
position vector emerging from the point C either by the symbol r<c> or simply
by r, the angular momentum relative to the point C, by the symbols M<c> and
M, and so on.
We shall use the symbol R only in one quite definite case-to denote a posi-
tion vector emerging from the origin of the stationary reference frame K (with
the axe! X, Y, Z). Therefore, there is no need to use an index in parentheses in
the given case, and we shall not write it.
We shall use lower case letters (r, x, y, z, etc.) to denote position vectors
drawn from the origin of the reference frame K' rigidly connected to a body,
the coordinates in the frame K', etc.
i.e. that the angular velocity of rotation about any axis is the same,
and we can speak simply of the angular velocity ro of the body regard-
less of our choice of the reference frame K'. The translational veloc-
ity, as can be seen from relation (21.5), does not have an absolute
nature, however; it depends on the position of the origin of the
frame K' (that is, VA =I= VB)·
Suppressing the superfluous subscript on ro, let us write relation
(21.5) as follows:
Two cases are possible: (1) the vectors VA and w are mutually per-
pendicular, and (2) the vectors VA and w make an angle differing
from n/2. It is easy to see that in the first case the vectors VA and
[roa] are coplanar. Consequently, the vectors VB and VA are also
coplanar. Hence, the vector VB, like the vector VA• will be per-
pendicular to the vector w. This allows us to make the following
conclusion: if the vectors VA and w are mutually perpendicular with
our choice of the origin of the frame K', these vectors will also be
mutually perpendicular at any other choice of the origin of the frame
K' (with any other choice of the point A).
Let us now turn to formula (21.1) and write it as
V = VA -t- [ro, r(A)] (21.8)
This formula shows that when the vectors VA and ro are mutually
perpendicular (which, if this occurs, is observed with any choice of
the point A), the vectors V and VA will be coplanar, and the veloci-
t~es V of all the points of a body are in planes perpendicular to the
vector ro. By varying our choice of the point A, we can fmd a position
of it for which
VA = V - [ro, r(A)) (21.9)
vanishes 1 (here the point A may be outside the body). As a result,
1 Both terms on the right-hand side of (21.9) are position functions of points
of the body (V is the velocity of a point of the body in the frame K, and
f(A) is the position vector of this point in the frame K'). The difference of these
terms for all the points of the body is the same and equals VA.
Fig. 22.1.
by the X-axis and the nodal line, the angle 1.p by the nodal line and
the x-axis,· and, fmally, the angle {} is the angle between the axes Z
and z. The angles {} and cp are
z· the polar coordinates of the point
of intersection of the z-axis and
a sphere of unit radius. This
point is known as the apex.
For the set of angles cp, {}, and
1.p determining each real rotation
Y to be unique, it is assumed that
-+-+----J~:&~77:'>1--+-- the angles <p and 1.p can have
values from zero to 2:rt, while the
values of the angle {t are limited
to the interval from zero to :rt.
If the angle {t were also allowed
to have values from 0 to 2:rt, the
rotation depicted in Fig. 22.3,
for instance, could be charac-
terized either by the set of an-
Fig. 22.2. gles cp = n/2, 'l't = n/2, 1.p = 0 (the
upper sequence of rotations; the
axes X, Y, Z are not shown in the figure, their orientation
coincides with the initial orientation of the axes x, y, z) or by the
set cp=3n/2, {} = 3n/2, 1.p = :rt (the lower sequence of rotations).
Fig. 22.3.
Assume that the Z-axis is directed vertically and the frame K'
is rigidly associated with a top (gyroscope), the z-axis coinciding
with the top's axis of proper rotation. It is now a simple matter to
see that a change in the angle 1.p corresponds to rotation of the top
. . cos"'
(w~) 1 = 1J
1 (22.2)
(w"h = .fr. cos("'+ n/2) = - .fr sin tjJ
(w,)a = 0
Finally, the rate of the change in the angle 'I' is characterized
by tho vector ro"' directed along tho z-axis (its magnitude is~). The
projections of this vector onto the axes of the frame K' are
(w'l>h = 0, (w¢) 2 = 0, (w¢) 3 = tjJ (22.3)
1 General courses of physics usually deal only with regular precession char-
acterized by the angle between the top's axis and a vertical line remaining un-
changed. Actually, as a rule, the top's axis oscillates in the plane Zz about a
certain middle position. This oscillation is what we call nutation.
2 The letter '1\J is sometimes used to denote the angle of precession, and the
letter <p-the angle of proper rotation.
The vector of the angular velocity (J) at which the body rotates
relative to the frame K (the body is always stationary relative to the
frame K') can be represented as the sum of the angular velocities of
each of the three rotations corresponding to the changes in the Euler
(J) = (J) ;p + (J)~ + (J)Ij)
Therefore, the following values are obtained for the projections of
the angular velocity (J) onto the axes of the frame K' with account
taken of formulas (22.1), (22.2), and (22.3):
(we remind our render that a dummy index can be designated by any
In the expression we have obtained, the quantities CO; and coh
do not depend on the subscript a. and they could be put outside the-
sign of the sum over a.. This is prevented by the circumstance. how-
ever, that the first term of the expression includes the sum of the-
squares coi and the second term, the sum of the products co;coh. This
obstacle can be eliminated by replacing the sum of the quantities
coi with the expression ? 1, co 1coh6ih which is obviously equivalent
(we must note that ~ Xfa is simply a scalar 1 depending on the sub-
script a; each of the addends ro;roh6 11, is multiplied by this scalar).
In expression (23.5), summation is first performed over the sub-
scripts i and k, and then over the subscript ct. Let us change the
sequence of summation so that summation over the subscripts i
and k will be performed the last, i.e. rewrite (23.5) as follows:
Trot= ~ ~(J)i(J)lt2:ma:
i, k a
61/t ( ~xra)- Xta.X~ta J
lilt= ~ma:
[ 611t ( ~x1a) -x 1 a.X~ta.
J (23.6)
2j .x~a=r~=inv.
When calculating the quantities lth for a continuous body, p dV must be
taken instead of ma and summation replaced by integration. Hence
' 8 This conclusion can also be arrived at by the following reasoning. Let us
write expression (23.8) in the form
hl xfa. and the unit tensor 6ik is a tensor [see formulas (X.17) and
(X.19)l, and the products x 1a.xka are products of the components
of the vector ra., i.e. also a tensor [see (X.16)l. Finally, the difference
of the relevant components of two tensors also gives the components
of a tensor [see (X.18)l.
l-Ienee, quantities (23.G) are the components of a tensor. Tho latter
is called an inertia tensor. Quantities (23.6) do not change when
the subscripts i and k are transposed. Consequently, the inertia
tensor is symmetrical (1 111 = I 11 i)·
Let us write the components of the inertia tensor using the con-
ventional notation of Cartesian coordinates:
-~ m (y2+ z2) -~mxy - ')1, mxz
(Itl!) = - Lj myx ~ m (x 2+z2) - h myz (23.9)
-,Lmzx -~. mzy 2J m (x2 + yz)_
(to avoid making the formulas more c.omplicated, we have suppressed
the subscript a on m and on the coordinates x, y, z; all the sums are
taken over this subscript).
The diagonal components of the tensor are known as axial mo-
ments of inertia. They coincide with the moments of inertia of
a body relative to the corresponding coordinate axes known from
the general course of physics. The non-diagonal components are
called centrifugal moments of inertia.
The geometric shape of a symmetric tensor is an ellipsoid. In the
case being considered, it is an ellipsoid of inertia. The directions
in a body coinciding with the semiaxes of an ellipsoid of inertia
are called its principal axes of inertia. They intersect at the centre
of mass of the body. If we direct the axes of the frame K' (i.e. the
axes x, y, z; we remind our reader that these axes are rigidly con-
nected to the body) along the principal axes of inertia of a body, the
inertia tensor will be reduced to a diagonal form
/1 0 0)
(I,k) = ( 0 /2 0 (23.10)
0 0 13
The values of / 1 , / 2 , ! 3 of tho diagonal components of a tensor
(in the case when itj has been reduced to a diagonal form) are
called the1 principal moments of inertia of a body (they could be
designated by the symbols I:x, IY, I,).
If the principal axes of inertia have been chosen as the axes x, y, z
associated with a body, expression (23.8) for the kinetic energy of
rotation is simplified as follows:
Trot=; (! 1 w~+l 2 w:+I 3 wD (23.11)
(do not forget that (J) 1 , (J) 2 , (J) 3 are the projections onto the axes
x. y, z of the vector (J)-the angular velocity of rotation of the body
observed in the frame with the axes X, Y, Z).
When the vector (J) coincides with one of the principal axes of
inertia along which we direct, say, the z-axis, the expression for the
energy becomes even more simple:
An expression similar to (23.13) is also obtained when a body
rotates about an axis fixed relative to the body and passing through
its centre of mass 1 • By directing, say, the z-axis along this axis, we
find that rox = roy = 0, and roz = ro. Consequently, of the nine
addends of formula (23.8), only the one in which i = k = z will be
non-zero, so that
T rot= 21Izzffiz2 = 21Izzffi 2 (23.14)
1 If this axis does not coincide with any of the principal axes of inertia, it
must be retained in place with the aid o[ bearings.
2 For a spherical top, the energy is always expressed by formula (23.13),
where by I, we must understand the scalar factor I in expression (23.15) for
the inertia tensor.
A body for which two principal moments of inertia are equal (for
instance, I 1 = I 2 =I= I 3 ) is called a symmetrical top. Finally, a body
for which all three principal moments of inertia are different is called
an asymmetrical top.
Up to now, in considering the inertia tensor, we a~sumed that the
·origin of the frame K' associated \vith a body is at tho centre of
mass C of the bod v. Tho iHPrtia
tensor can also lJe ~letermined by
formula (23.6), however, with re-
spect to the frame K(Al associated
with a body and having its origin K(cJ
at an arbitrary point A. The tensor
components in this case will be
I (ikA)
= )-,, ma {6tk [~ (x~~>) 2 ] -x~~lxft~l}
a l
The values of I~~> are related by
simple expressions to the values
I ih of the tensor components deter-
mined with respect to the frame K(c> Fig. 23.1.
with its origin at the point C and
with axes parallel to those of the
frame K(Al (Fig. 23.1). To find these relations, let us use the symbol a
to designate the position vector of the point A in the frame K(c>·
Hence, for any point of the body, r(A) = r - a and, consequently,
x~A> = x 1- a 1 (23.17)
where a1 is the i-th coordinate of the point A in the frame K(c>•
Let us introdu'ce the values (23.17) into formula (23.16):
I~t> = ~ ma {6;k [~~ (Xza- az)2]- (Xta- a;) (xka- an)}
a l
= 2Ja. ma {6tk (~l Xfa.) -Xta.Xka} + 2Ja ma. (6tk (2J1 aF)- a;ak}
- ~ ma.Oik 2J 2xzaa 1 + ~ ma.X 1aak + Y ma.Xkaa 1
a. l a. a.
The first of the five sums on the right-hand side is I 111 • In the second
sum, none of the quantities in the braces has the subscript a. In
addition, '', a[ is the square of the vector a, i.e. a 2 • Therefore, the
second sum can be written as m(a 2o111 - a 1a 11 ). The third sum can be
written as ~ 2o 111 a 1 )1, ma.Xla.· But ~ maxla = mx1c = 0, so that
I a a.
the third sum vanishes. Similarly, factoring out the multiplier in
the fourth and fifth sums that does not depend on a and taking into
account that xiC = x 11 c = 0, we find that both these sums also vanish.
We thus arrive at the relation
which is the tensor form of writing the parallel axis (Steiner) theorem.
To verify this, let us fmd the component I~~> = IW. According to
I~~>= lzz + m(a 2 - a~)= Izz + m(a~ +a~)= Izz + ma}_
where a.L is the distance between the axes z and z<A>.
We calculate the kinetic energy of a body rotating with the angular
velocity ro about a stationary (in the frame K) axis fixed relative
to the body and not passing through its centre of mass. If the centre
of mass is at a distance ·a .L from the axis of rotation, its velocity is
V c = roa .L· Consequently,
T trans= 21 mro 2aJ.
'The second term in (24.2) is the value M(AJ which the angular momen-
tum would have provided that the point A were stationary. Con-
i'!equently, M(AJ is the angular momentum due only to rotation of
a body.
Let us transform the first term in (24.2) using the distributivity of
.a vector product:
2J·a [r~l, ma VA]= ]2a [mar~A), VA]=[(~a mar~l), VA]
= [mr<AJ,
c VA]= [r<AJ,
c mVAJ
'Here m is the mass of the body, and rtAJ is the position vector of the
·centre of mass in the frame K' (the position vector from A to C).
Expression (24.2) can thus be given the form
We have already noted that the term M(A) is due to rotation of the
body. It can be called the proper angular momentum of the body.
The second term is due to the translational motion of the body.
If we place the origin of the frame K' (i.e. the point A) at the
·centre of mass of the body, rtA) vanishes, and as a result (24.3) be-
·comes M(c) = M(CJ· It thus follows that the angular momentum of
.a body relative to its centre of mass observed in the stationary frame
K coincides with its proper angular momentum, i.e. it is determined
·only by rotation and does not depend on whether the centre of
mass of the body is moving or is at rest. .
Let us find an expression for the angular momentum 1 of a body
Telative to its centre of mass. If the point A coincides with C, the
;first term in (24.2) vanishes. Consequently,
M(cl = ~ ma Ira., [ro, ra.JJ (24.4)
·(recall that ra. is the position vector of a particle emerging from
point C). Let us transform this expression according to formula
M<c> = ~ ~
L ma {ror~- r a. (ror a)}=..:...:. ~ ~
mo: {ro ( /-1 xra.)- r a (.2.; rokxka)}
a a l k
Let us calculate the components of the vector 1\I(c) along the axes
>f the frame K' (in the following formulas we shall omit the sub-
;cript "C" in parentheses). For the component along the i-th axis,
we obtain
Since ~ mara = mrc = 0, the second and third terms in the expres-
sion we have obtained vanish. Using formula (VI.5) and substituting
the mass m of the body for ~ ma, we transform the first term into
m lwa 2 - a (roa)l = m l(afl -1- al) (') - a 11 (t)a],
where an is the component of the vector a parallel to ro, and a.L
is the component of a perpendicular to ro (a J. is the distance between
the axis of rotation and the z-axis parallel to it and passing through
the point C).
Finally, a comparison with formula (24.4) shows that the last
term in (24.11) is M<c>-the angular momentum of the body relative
to the point C. Hence, in the case shown in Fig. 24.·1
l\'I<A> = m (an+ al) ro - ma 11 wa + .M<c> (24.12)
Let us find the component of the angular momentum (24.12) along
the axis of rotation. We shall designate it M\f>. The component of
the first term equals this term itself. Since wa 11 = a 11 w, the com-
ponent of the second term can be written as maf1w. By formula (24.8),
the component of the third term is I zzW, where I zz is the moment
of inertia of the body relative to the z-axis (passing through the
point C). Consequently,
+ +
Mff> = ma}. ro I zzW = (ma}. I zz) ro = I~~>w (24.13)
Here I~1> is the moment of inertia of the body relative to a fixed
axis of rotation passing through the point A determined by the
parallel axis theorem (see formula (23.19)].
We must note that the vector M<A> itself, in
general, does not coincide in direction with
the vector ro. T
25. Free Axes of Rotation ..... .... __
Free axes of rotation of a body are defined
to be axes that retain their position in space
without the action of external forces on them.
We shall prove in the present section that only o
the principal axes of inertia can be free axes
of rotation.
Assume that a body rotates at the angular Fig. 25.1.
velocity w about a fixed axis associated
with it (Fig. 25.1). The following acceleration must be imparted
to each particle of the body:
Wa. = -w2pa
where Pa. is the component of the position vector ra.
of the given particle perpendicular to the axis of rotation
The resultant moment of the external forces must equal the sum
of the moments (25.2):
N 11 =- ro 2 ~ mo: (xo:zo:) = ro 2I xz
Nz= - ro2 ~ m o: · 0 = 0
where 1 11 z aud l.~z are the centrifugal moments of inertia of the body
[see formula (23.9)]. If the z-axis about which rotation occurs is one
of the principal axes of inertia, the centrifugal moments J.,z and I yz
are zero [see (23.21)] so that all the components of the resultant
moment of the forces and, consequently, the moment N itself vanish.
We have thus proved that when a body rotates about one of its
principal axes of inertia, the resultant of the external forces and the
resultant moment of these forces equal zero. Hence, for such an
axis of rotation to retain its position in space, no external forces
are needed.
where N is the sum of the moments of all the external forces acting
on tlre body relative to the point C (the sum of the moments of the
internal forces is zero).
Let us write Eq. (26.4) in projections onto the axes of the frame K'
(onto the principal axes of inertia of a body):
The projection N 1 can be written as
w au oL
N, = - 6<D, = - ami = ami (26 · 6)
where 8<Di is the angle of rotation of the body about its i-th principal
axis ((J.); = d<Dddt). Indeed, when the body rotates through the angle
M$ = M 3 =
.= l
l:~'l)J 3 ro'1/>
. = Nz
where dM!dt is the rate of the change in the vector M observed in the-
frame K, d'M/dt is the rate of change in the same vector observed in
the frame K', and ro is the angular velocity of rotation of the frame
K' (i.e. the angular velocity of rotation of the body).
Formula (27.2) holds for any vector, particularly, it also holds
for the vector ro. In the latter cnse, we have
dro d'ro
dt =at+ [roroj
Since [<oro] = 0, we arrive at the relation
dro d' ro
lft=d't (27 .3)
from which it follows that the rates of the change in the vector ro
·observed in the frames K and K' are identical.
Let us substitute expression (27 .2) for the left-hand side of for-
mula (27.1). The result is the equation
at+ [roM]= N
Let us project all the vectors onto the i-th axis of the frame K',
taking into account that the projection of the vector M onto this
.axis is M 1 = / 1rol 1 [see (24.6)1:
d' (/jWf)
dt + [ro ]pr.:.:l = i
Knowing that I 1 = const and d' roldt = dro/dt [(see (27 .3)], we can
write the equation obtained as follows:
where (J) .L and a are constants, (J) .L = Y (J)i + (J): being the magnitude
of the projection of the vector (J) onto the plane xy perpendicular to
the axis of proper rotation of the body-the z-axis. Inspection of
(28.3) shows that the component (J).L perpendicular to the z-axis,
remaining constant in magnitude, rotates uniformly in the plane xy
at the angular velocity Q determined by formula (28.2). We have
seen that the component rou parallel to the z-axis also remains con-
stant in magnitude. We thus conclude that the vector ro rotates
relative to the body at the angular velocity Q, describing a cone
about the z-axis, the magnitude of the
z vector ro remaining unchanged (Fig.28.1 1 ).
M According to (24.6), the projections of
the vector M onto the axes x, y, z are
lVfx = /l(J)lt My= /1(1)2, 111z = /3(1)3
M = /l(J)lex + /l(J)2ey + Ia(J)aez
=l1 ((J)Iex + W2ey) + la(J)~ez
where ex, ey, ez are the unit vectors of
the relevant axes (these axes rotate to-
Fig. 28.1. gether with the body). The sum (J) 1e._, +
+ (J) 2ey gives the component (J) .L perpen-
dicular to the z-axis; (J) 3e 2 is the component ron parallel to the z-axis.
M = I 1 roJ. + I 3 ro 11 (28.4)
The directions of the vectors M and ro 11 pass through a common
origin for the frames K and K', i.e. the point C. Consequehtly,
these vectors determine a certain plane (the plane Zz). For equality
(28.4) to be observed, the vector ro .L must be in the same plane.
Hence, the vector ro = ro.l -+ ro 11 is in the plane Zz. We thus conclude
that the vectors M, (J), and the axis z of proper rotation of the body
are in the same plane at each instant (this plane is hatched in
Fig. 28.1). The plane rotates about the direction of M. The z-axis
rotates together with it and describes about the Z-axis a circular
cone. Such rotation of the body's z-axis is called regular precession.
The latter is characterized by a constant nutation angle it.
We have established that the vector ro rotates relative to the
body about the z-axis at the angular velocity Q. At the same time,
this vector remains in the plane Zz. It thus follows that relative to
1 In practice, a body of revolution is taken as a symmetric top. We have de-
picted a body of an irregular shape in the figure, however, to underline the fact
that the only condition for a body to be a symmetric top is the equality of two
of its principal moments of inertia.
the plane Zz, the body rotates about the z-axis in the opposite direc-
tion at the same velocity Q.
Figure 28.2 shows the components I 1 ro J. and I 3 ro 11 whose sum
gives the angular momentum M [see (28.4)]. A glance at the figure
shows that
(28. 7)
Assume that the body is flattened along the z-axis. Hence, I 3 > I 1 ,
and the denominator in the radicand of the expression for ron will
be positive and for WJ., negative. Consequently, for ro, 1 and wJ. to be
real, it is necessary that the conditions 1lf2- 2TI 1 ~ 0 and
M 2 - 2TI 3 ~ 0 be satisfied; they can be combined into a single
M2 M~
u~r~ 2!·1 (28.8)
The energy of a free symmetric top cannot have values beyond the
indicated limits (at a given M). If the energy has its lowest possible
value, i.e. at llf2=2TI 3 , the quantity wJ. vanishes [see (28.7)1.
Examination of formula (28.5) shows that in this case {} = 0-the
axes Z and z coincide, the directions of the vectors M and w also
coincide, and the vector w does not move relative to the body or
relative to the frame K. We must note that in this case the following
relation holds:
Assume that the energy has its highest possible value, i.e. 11!f2 =
= 2T/ 1 • Now w11 vanishes [see (28.7)1. By formula (28.5), we have
{} = n/2 in this case- the axes Z and z are mutually perpendicular,
there is no rotation about the z-axis, the vector ro = ro _1_ coincides
in direction with the vector M, and the energy is related to the angular
momentum by the expression
T = 211 ( 28.1 0)
Fig. 28.3.
axis of inertia of the body. Hence, the axes wi coincide with the
axes x, y. z. Rotation relative to the axes lu; thus signifies rotation
rclativ£> to the body itself.
We can increase !t1 with T remaining constant until the energy and
angular momentum ellipsoids have only two common points. This-
occurs provided that Y2T// 3 = M/1 3 [compare with (28.9)!. In
this case, the vector w coincides in dit·cctioll with the z-axis. If
we continue to increase 111, i.e. assume that Jll~/2/ 3 > T. the ellip-
soids stop touching each other, and the system of equations (28.11)
and (28.12) has no common solutions. Such a case cannot be realized.
Consequently, we have obtained the lower boundary for T [see·
By diminishing M with T remaining constant, we arrive at a
situation when both lines of intersection of the ellipsoids merge
into a single line of contact in the equatorial plane. This occurs
provided that Y2T// 1 = M/1 1 [compare with (28.10)]. In this case,
the vector ro rotates about the z-axis, constantly remaining per-
pendicular to it. If we continue to decrease 111, i.e. assume that
T > Jvl2/2/ 11 the ellipsoids stop touching each other, and the system
of equations (28.11) and (28.12) has no common solutions. We have
thus arrived at the upper boundary for T [see (28.8)].
Z-axis of the stationary frame K along a vertical line, and the z-axis
-of the frame K' associated with the top along its third principal
axis of inertia (/ 1 = I 2 =f= I 3 ). With such a choice of the coordinate
.axes, the top's potential energy has the form U = mgl cos 'l't, where
J, is the distance from the supporting point to the centre of mass C
(we assume that the coordinate z of the centre of mass, i.e. zc, is
-greater than zero).
Let us find the expression for the kinetic energy in the given case.
With a view to the point A being fixed, we can write
The coordinates rp and 'i' are cyclic [see the text in Sec. 11 related
to formula (11.2)]. Therefore, the generalized momenta prp and Po;
1 The force applied to a top at its point of support is a reaction of the con-
straint, which, as we know, is not included in Lagrange's equations.
2 Compare with (26. 9).
The nature of the behaviour of ~' like the values of '1'1 1 and '1'1 2 ,
depends on the initial conditions. Motion of the top's axis such as
that in case (b) corresponds to natural initial conditions when the
top is first brought into rotation about its axis, after which the axis
. .
is released and begins its motion. At the moment of axis release,
both cp and '1'1 equal zero. In these initial conditions, the top fust
inclines, and then upon reaching the boundary angle '1'1 2 it begins to
rise (see Fig. 29.1b).
In absolutely specific initial conditions, both boundary values of
'1'11 and '1'12 coincide so that the top's axis precesses without nutation.
As we have already noted, such precession is called regular. To ob-
tain regular precession, a top must be given an initial impetus of
a quite definite magnitude and direction.
For a "rapid" top (i.e. a top whose kinetic energy of proper rotation
is high compared \vith its energy in a gravitational field), the action
of gravitational forces may be disregarded in a f1rst approximation.
Consequently, the motion of the top can be represented as the free
precession of the top's axis about the direction of the angular momen-
tum M, considered in Sec. 28 (this precession corresponds to nutation
of a heavy top), onto which small disturbances due to the action of
the gravitational force are superposed. These disturbances cause
slow precession of the angular momentum M about a vertical line.
Calculations show that the more rapidly a top rotates, the smaller
is the amplitude of nutation. In addition, in a real rapid top, nutation
is damped by friction at the support. Therefore, in practice the
nutation of a sufficiently rapid top is sometimes unnoticeable, and
the top seems to uniformly precess about a vertical axis. Since such
precession is regular only approximately, it is known as pseudo-
regular precession.
Chapter VI
For a particle moving in a stationary field, H has the same form, but
U does not depend explicitly on t.
Let us derive Hamilton's equations proceeding from those of
Lagrange. For this purpose, we shall find the total differentials of
the left-hand and right-hand sides of formula (30.2) and equate
them to each other. The total differential of the left-hand side is
.Let us substitute 11 for fJLifJq 11 in the third sum of formula (30.5).
As a result, expression (30.5) becomes
~ • ~ • lJL
dH = £.J qk dpk- L.J P11. dqh. ---atdt (30.7)
k k
For expressions (30.4) and (30. 7) to be equal at arbitrary values
<lf dq 11 , dpk, and dt, the following conditions must be ob-
1 We assume that all the forces acting in the system are potential ones;
this is why we use Eq. (4.16) instead of (4.15).
P~t= -- - (k= 1, 2, ... , s) (30.8)
ran aL
Tt=-Tt (30.9}
au ;_.!!£ t
P:&= --a;-· m ' e c.
... -
Owing to the arbitrary nature of the variations 6qk and 6pk, this
eondition can be satisfied only if the expressions in parentheses will
be zeros. Hence we directly obtain Eqs. (30.8).
Let us investigate the Hamiltonian H. We find the total derivative
of this function with respect to time:
Taking into account values (30.8) for qk and Pl<t we find that
dH an (30.11)
Thus, if the function H does not depend explicitly on the time, it
retains its value. This was to be expected because H is the total
energy of a system that is retained provided that
oL!ot = 0 [see (30.9)1.
Let us take a function of the canonical variables q,. and Ph· and
also of the time t, that is, f (qh, Ph• t) and establish in what condi-
tions this function will be an integral of motion 1 . To do this, we
calculate the total derivative of this function with respect to time:
. .
We substitute the values for the derivatives qk and Ph from (30.8):
If we have two functions <p (qk, p 1.., t) and tj.1 (qh, Ph• t), the
is called the Poisson bracket for the functions <p and 'lj.l 2 • When nec-
essary, the independent variables with respect to which the partial
derivatives are taken are indicated as subscripts of the symbol of
the Poisson bracket, i.e., for instance, bracket (31.2) is written as
{cp, tj.1} •. It is easy to see that
Do not forget that the functions of dynamic variables (qh and ~h or qh and
Pk) that remain constant in the motion of a system are known as integrals of
2 Sometimes square brackets and even round ones (parentheses) are used to
designate the Poisson bracket instead of curly brackets (braces).
is an integral of motion is
at+{/, H}=O (31.6)
We thus conclude that when the integral of motion f does not depend
explicitly on the time, its Poisson bracket with the Hamiltonian
equals zero.
Below are given some obvious properties of the Poisson bracket:
where Q and P are variables obtained from q and p with the aid
of canonical transformations.
In quantum mechanics, we shall acquaint ourselves with the quan-
tum Poisson bracket that is the' quantum mechanical analogue of
the classical Poisson bracket treated in this section.
s= r
Ldt (32.1}
identical values of q,(t 1) = q},11 and qk(t 2) = q'l..2 ,. This can be-
illustrated with the aid of Fig. 32.1. Only the trajectory for which S'
is minimum corresponds to actual motion (it is depicted by a solid
line in the figure).
In the present section, we shall consider the action S as a quantity
characterizing motion along true trajectories, and study the behav-
iour of this quantity upon changes in the point q< 2 > (with t 2 =
= canst), and also upon changes in t 2 [the symbol q< 2 > signifies the·
set of all the ql,2 ,s]. We shall thus treat the action as the function
S = S(q,, t) (32.2}
where q, are the coordinates of the final position of the system, and t
is the instant when this position is reached.
Let us take near the point q< 2 > a point with the coordinate q< 2 > +
+ Oq which the system reaches at the same instant t 2 in which it.
.arrives at the point q< 2 > (Fig. 32.2). The action for the trajectory bring-
ing the system to the point q< 2 ) -~ oq differs from the action for the
trajectory bringing the system to the point q< 2 > by the quantity
Here {)qk is the difference between the values of qh taken for both
trajectories at the same instant t; similarly, oq~ is the difference be-
tween the values of qh at the instant t.
Let us integrate the second term in (32.3) by parts:
t2 !2 !2
6S = ~ Ph6qk + ~ :~- ~
t1 k
a.L ) 6q,. dt
S= ~ Ldt (32. 7)
[we have taken relation (32.6) into account]. Equating the right-
hand sides of expressions (32.8) and (32. 9). we get the following
value for the partial derivative of S with respect to t:
Tt =- ( ~ Pkqk-
• L)
The expression in parentheses is the Hamiltonian H. Hence,
Tt = -H (qk, P~<• t) (32.10)
In accordance with formulas (32.6) and (32.10), the differential
of function (32.2) can be written as
dS = .2J· Pk dqk- H dt (32.11)
Let us substitute for the Prt'S in Eq. (32.10) their values from
(32.6) and write this equation as follo,vs:
as ( as as as )
-at+H qt, q2 , ••• , q.; aq 1 , aq 2 , ••• , aq. ; t =0 (32.12)
We have obtained a differential equation that must be satisfied
by the function S (q 1 , q2 , • • • , q.; t). It is called the Hamilton-
Jacobi equation. It is an equation in partial derivatives of the first
Equation (32.12) is tho cornerstone of a general method of integrat-
ing equations of motion. But a treatment of this method is beyond
the scope of our course.
For a conservative system with stationary constraints, the time
is not contained explicitly in the function 1!, and H = E = const
[see (30.9)1. Consequently, according to (32.10), the dependence of S
on t is expressed by the term -Et. Therefore, the action breaks
up into two terms, one of which depends only on the generalized
coordinates, and the other only on the time:
The function S 0 (q 11 ) is called the contracted action. Introducing S
in the form of (32.13) into Eq. (32.12), we arrive at the Hamilton-
(vo is the velocity of the frame K' relative to the frame K). These
transformations lead to the classical law of velocity summation:
v = v' + v 0 (33.2)
The latter equation and, consequently, Eqs. (33.1) from which
it follows, does not ngree with Einstein's second postulate accord-
ing to which c = c' for a light signal.
Consider two inertial reference frames K and K'. We shall select
the coordinate axes of these frames so that the axes x and x' are
directed along the velocity v 0 of the frame K', and the axes y and z
y K y'
X x.'
Fig. 33.1.
are parallel to the axes y' and z' (Fig. 33.1 ). We shall begin to
measure the time in both frames from the instant when the origins
of the systems coincide. Assume that a light signal propagating
in all directions was sent at the instant t = t' = 0 from the coincid-
ing origins of coordinates. By the instant t, the signal in the frame K
will reach points at the distance l = ct from 0. The coordinates of
these points satisfy the equation
c2 t2 - x2 - y 2 - z2 = 0 (33.3)
Similarly, by the instant t', the signal in the frame K' will reach
points of a sphere of the radius ct'. The coordinates of these points
satisfy the equation
c2t'2 - x'2 - y'2 - z'2 = 0 (33.4)
Equations (33.3) and (33.4) have the same form, which manifests
the invariance of the law of propagation of light with respect to
a transformation of coordinates and time from one frame to another.
If we introduce into (33.3) the values of the unprimed coordinates
and time determined by formulas (33.1), we get the relation
c2t•2 - x'2 - y'2 - z'2 - 2vox't' - v!t'2 = 0
not coinciding with (33.4). Hence, we have again arrived at the
conclusion that the Galilean transformations are not compatible
with the principle of the constancy of the speed of light.
34. Interval
An event occurring with a particle is characterized by the place-
where it occurred (i.e. a set of values of x, y, z) and the time t
when it occurred. If we introduce an imaginary four-dimensional
space along whose axes we lay off the space coordinates x, y, z
and the time t (or a quantity proportional to t), an event will be
characterized in this space by a point. A point depicting an event
in a four-dimensional space is called a world point. YVith time.
a world point corresponding to a given particle moves in four-di-
men:<>ional space, describing a line known as a world line.
Let us consider two events, the first of which consists in the emis-
sion of a light signa"! from a point with the coordinates x 1 , y 1 , z1
at the instant t 1 , and the second in the arrival of this signal at a point
with the coordinates x 2 , y 2 , z2 at the instant t 2 • The following
relation holds between the coordinates and time of these two events:
c 2 (t 2 - t 1 )2 - (x 2 - x 1 ) 2 - (y 2 - !h? - (z 2 - z1 ) 2 = 0 (34.1)
The quantity
is the square of the distance (or of the interval) between two points
in conventional space. vVe can speak in a similar way about the
distance (interval) between two points in a four-dimensional space.
The interval between two events is defined to be the quantity s12
whose square is determined by the formula
s~2 = C2 (t2 - tt) 2 - (x2 - Xt) 2 - CY2 - Yt) 2 - (z2 - Zt) 2
=c 2 (t 2 - t 1) 2 - l~ 2 (34.3)
frame K:
d-e = !!!_ = V c2 dt2- dl2
c c
£1-r= 1- :: dt (34.14)
where v = v (t) is the velocity of the body for which the proper time
is being calculated.
[a") = [ at
a 0 at 00]
ao 0 0 (35.4)
v 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
a: - a; = 1 (35.5)
[see formula (XII.22)).
The coefficients a 0 and a 1 can depend only on the relative velocity
v 0 of the frames. To find the form of this relation, let us write formu-
la (35.3) for x' 1 • With a view to (35.4), we obtain
x' 1 = a 1x0 + a 0xl
We replace x'1 with x', x0 with ct, and x1 with x [see (35.1)):
x' = a 1ct + aoX (35.6)
Let us write the expression_ obtained for point 0'- the origin of
coordinates of the frame K' ,(see Fig. 33.1). For this point, x' = 0,
(/.,~ (1 - =~ ) = 1
We obtain from (35.7) that
-v le
(1.1 = ---:7'"7===:::r=;;
Hence, the matrix (35.4) in the case we are interested in will be
1 -~ 0 0
vt-~' vt-~ 2
-~ 1 0 0 (35.10)
[a.~J = vt-~ 2 vt-~'
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1_
We have introduced the symbol
~ = ~
The matrix [a~] of the reverse transformation differs from (35.10)
only in that ~ in the numerator is preceded by a plus sign [see the
matrix (XII.23)l. ·
Substitution of the values of a.~ we have found into (35.3) leads
to formulas for the transformation of the components of a four-
position vector:
zD-~zl -~xD+xl
x'2=x2 x'3=x3
v1- ~~ x't=
, -v 1- ~2
' ,
Here l 0 is the proper length of the body, for instance a rod (i.e. the
length of the body in the reference frame in which it is at rest), and l
is the length of the body in the reference frame relative to which
it is moving at the velocity v.
Since the lateral. dimensions of a body do not change during its
motion, the volume of the body contracts in accordance with the
where V 0 is the proper volume of the body, and Vis its volume in
the frame relative to which it is moving at the velocity v.
Let us find formulas for the transformation of the components of
a particle's velocity. From formulas (35.14), we have
dt'= dt-(u 0 /c2)dx, dx'= dx-u 0 dt d '-d dz'=dz
l"t-~2 Vi-~2 , y - y,
, dx' dx-u 0 dt dx!dt-uo Ux-Vo
V:c =Cit'= dt- (u0 /c2) dx = 1- (u 0/c 2) (dx/dt) = 1- uouxlc 3
V~=1~v~:ic2 (35.18)
Similar calculations lead to formulas for transforming the two other
·.velocity components:
, VII Vf-~l , Vz Vi-~'
VII= 1-vov:rfc2 ' Vz = 1-vov:rfc2 (35.19)
The formulas for the inverse transformation are
v' Vi-~ 2
v - v~+vo
: - 1 + v v~/c 2
V = II
1+v 0 v~/c2
0 II
v; Vi-~2
Vz= 1+v 0 v~jc 2
Taking into account the values of dxJ.L, and also the circumstance
d-r:=dt V 1-- 11 2
c2 (36.5)
(if we determine uJ.L in the same way as Einstein did, 2J uJ.Lu'l = 1).
Differentiating formula (36.8) with respect to 't', we obtain
Newtonian equations:
;t (mv 1) = F1 (i = 1, 2, 3) (37.1)
The following relations are a natural four-dimensional generaliza-
tion of these equations:
:r: (mull)= K 11 (~ = 0, 1, 2, 3) (37 .2)
where 't' is the proper time, m is an invariant quantity characterizing
the inert properties of a particle (the mass of the particle), u1-1 is
a component of the particle's four-velocity. and, finally, Kl• is
a four-vector known as the Minkowski force. The values of KI-L must
be determined so that when v « c, the spatial components of
Eqs. (37.2) transform into Eqs. (37.1) like the spatial components
of the four-velocity in this case transform into the conventional
velocity v.
Taking into consideration expressions (36.5) and (36.6) for 't'
and u11, we shall write Eqs. (37.2) as
1 d ( me ) _ KO
Y1-v2fc2 dt Y1-v2jc2 - '
1 .!!__( mvi )=K 1 (i=1, 2, 3)
Y 1-v2fc2 dt Y 1-v2fc2
- d (
; dt
Y 1-v2fc2
) ' =K 1 vr 1-v2 /c 2
(i = 1, 2, 3) (37.4)
K 11 - ( Fv F ) (37.9)
- c V 1-v2Jc2 ' V 1-,-v2jc2
The scalar product of the three-vectors F and v gives the work done
by the force F on a particle in unit time. This work equals the rate
of change in the particle's energy, i.e. dE/dt. Consequently, expres-
sion (37. 7) for K 0 can be given the form .
1 Since ul1 and KIL are four-vectors, the form of Eq. (37 .2) in Lorentz trans-
formations remains unchanged (m is an invariant by definition).
v /c2
+ const
(37 .12)
JJ. 'me
(··. mv ·) ( 38 4)
p. = V1-v2jc2 '· V 1-v2fc2 . •
It is easy to see that when.v « c, the formula for the spatial com-
ponents of the relativistic ID:omentum transforms into the Newtonian
formula (38.1). This gives us the grounds to adopt the following
formula as the relativistic expression for the conventional three-
dimensional momentum:
1 If the four-velocity was defined as u!J. = d:xll/ds (see the footnote on p. 135),
the four-momentum is defined as piJ. = mcuiJ..
E= mc2 (38.11)
y 1-v /c 2 2
where m is the mass of the body, and ma are the rest masses of the
particles forming the body. Hence, the mass of a body does not equal
the sum of the masses of its parts.
Einstein at one time spent a lot of effort to substantiate the cor-
rectness of the assumption that the constant in (37.12) equals zero or,
in other words, to substantiate the statement that the energy mc 2
is stored in the mass m [see (38.12)]. For this purpose, he considered
several specific phenomena and showed that in each of them the
change in a body's energy by 1'1E leads to a change in its mass by
!::.m = 1'1E/c2 • Matters are much simpler at present. To substantiate
the relation 1'1E = c2 !::.m, it is sufficient, for example, to consider
the process of the transformation of an electron and a positron at
rest into two gamma-quanta. The corresponding measurements
show that the total energy of these gamma-quanta exactly equals
the sum of the rest energies of the electron and the positron.
The difference between the total energy (38.11) and the rest energy
(38.12) gives the kinetic energy of a particle
Assume that the velocity v and the force F acting on a particle are
collinear. Now the velocity changes only in magnit,ude, and
v (dv/dt) = v (dv/dt). After making this substitution in the second
term of formula (38.17), putting dv/dt outside the parentheses, and
performing simple transformations, we get
m dv = F (38.18)
(1-v2fc2)3/2 dt
[we have used formula (34.4) for ds 2 and taken into account that
d[/dt equals the velocity v of the particle].
Comparing (39.1) with expression (7.1), we arrive at the conclu-
sion that the Lagrangian for a free relativistic particle must be
/ --v-2
L=acJ 1-C2 (39.2)
L=a.c V 1--~
c2 a:c--
av 2
Consequent! y,
2 2 '\l dx 6 dxl1
6S = -me _f
61/ ~ dx'-' dx
1, = -me J1/
1 '\; dx
1' dx 11
2 ~ dx 11 6dx'-'
= - me l -'I-'-'---:,..---- (39.9)
.1 ds
[we have represented du 11 in the form (du/dT) dT, where 't" is the
proper time of a particle). At the ends of the trajectory, 6x'-' = 0.
Therefore, condition (39.8) becomes
6S=m j
r ~ 6xJJ.Citd-c=0
_ (E-.)2
_ (E--)2
_ (E-.)2
= mzcz (39.15)
_!£_ _ _
at ' . IJt
1 [(!£)2- (~)2
2m ax
(!.£.)21= 0
t- ay + az J .
which at the limit when c .- oo transforms into the classical Hamil-
ton-Jacobi equation for a free particJ.e [see formula (32.15) in which
we must a~~ume that U = 0].
1 r .
= c J !-* (qa, qav• x 0 , x 1 , x 2 , x 3) dx 0 dx 1 dx 2 dx3 (40.2)
where by qa we understand the set of the quantities q1 , q2 , • • •
determining the state of a system (the parameters of the system) ..
There may be any number of these parameters, particularly, au
infinitely large one. By qav
is understood the set of the partial deriv-
atives of the parameters q" with respect to the coordinates xv:
• 8qa
qav = axv (a==i, 2, ... ; v=O, 1, 2, 3) (40.3)
8= c1 Jr L* (qa, ·
qav) dV* (40.8)
Let us find the equations of motion for a closed system. For this
purpose, we shall calculate the variation of the action (40.8) and
equate it to zero.
The variation of expression (40.8) is
Jf ( ~ oL* oL* " )
oqa 6qa+ ~ -,-Bqav dV*
a a, v oqav
The first sum on the right-hand side is identical to the second term
of the integrand in formula (40.9). We can therefore write
[see formula (7.3)1. The right-hand side of (40.12) is the sum of four
derivatives because the role played by the single variable t is now
played by four variables xv. It is not difficult to see that if qa 's depend
only on x 0 , i.e. on t, Eq. (40.12) transforms into Eq. (40.13).
Let us multiply Eq. (40.12) by gal! and summate over a:
aP • • a aL*
2j aqa qall = ~ qall a:xv - . -
a a,V aqay
The right-hand side can be transformed by the formula
av a (uv) au
azv axv axv
The result is
LJ a v (&v11L*)
"" _a = LJ
"" _a "1 ·
a v ( LJ qall aL•
• )
V X V X a oqav
The latter can be transformed as follows:
~ a:v [~a qaJJ. aqav
a.L* - &~L* J= 0 (40.15)
·: The transition of the index 1-L upward in (40.19) will either leave
all the T ll"'' s unchanged (if !l = 0), or will reverse the sign of all the
TJL"''s (if f.t = 1, 2, 3). Consequently, it follows from (40.19) that
0 (!J.=O, 1, 2, 3) (40.22)
The tensor TJLv is known as the energy-momentum tensor of a
system. The grounds for this name will come to light below.
It is shown in Appendix XII that when the tensor TJLv satisfies
the condition (40.22) and all the TJL"~'s vanish at infinity, the vector
having the components
pJJ. =a J~ Tp.v d/v (40.23)
[see formula (XII.86)l, remains constant in time (is conserved). In
Eq. (40.23), a is an arbitrary constant, and dfv is a component of
the four-vector of an element of the hypersurface. The integral
in Eq. (40.23) is taken over an arbitrary hypersurface including
the entire three-dimensional space. If we take the hyperplane x 0 =
= canst as the hypersurface over which integration is being per-
formed, all the dfv's except df 0 = dV vanish, and expression (40.23)
will be simplified as follows:
pll=a JTJJ. 0 df 0 =a JTJL 0 dV (40.24)
We know that for a closed system the total (i.e. taken over the
entire volume) energy and the total (i.e. taken over the entire vol-
ume) momentum are conserved. The energy and the momentum are
the components of the four-momentum. Consequently, the four-
momentum of a closed system must also be conserved. This gives us
the grounds to identify the vector determined by formulas (40.23)
and (40.24) with the four-momentum of a system. The constant a
must be chosen so that formulas (40.23) and (40.24) agree with the
previons definition of the four-momentum [see (38.7)], according
to which, for example, p 0 = Elc. Assuming in formula (40.24) that
1-L· = 0, we get
a flqa
1 fJT0° _ "" fJTOk
- cat - L.J ---;;x;;:-
Multiplication of the relation obtained by c and integration over
a certain volume V yield
- .!_ \ roo dV = \ "" c fJTOk dV (40.30)
ot J J L.J .{)zk
v v k=l .
The integral on the left-hand side equals the energy confined in the
volume V. The integrand on the right-hand side is the conventional
(three-dimensional) divergence of a certain vectorS having the com-
Applying the Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem to the right-hand side,
we obtain
_.M_= f.. Sdf
8t ';(
where the integral is taken over the closed surface confining the
volume V.
The decrement of the energy in the volume V per unit time must
~qual the energy flux through the surface. Consequently, S is the
vector of the energy flux density. By (40.31),
- c
s %'
ro3 = _!_s
c z (40.32)
Owing to symmetry of the tensor TJJ.v, the relation TM = T 0"'
is observed, so that
T 10 = .!_
c S :1:> r 20 = -c1 Sy, T 30 = _!_
c Sz (40.33)
Hence, the components roll. and TM to within the factor 1/c equal
the relevant components of the vector of the energy flux density.
The spatial components of the vector (40.28) are
pi!.=~) r~~.odV
We thus conclude that the vector g with the components ri!.Ofc
.determines the density of the momentum of a system:
1 1 1
g:~:=-T•o, gy=-T2o, gz=-T3o (40.34)
c c c
--p1= 1. ')13 aTilt
at . ~ axk
l' lt=1
we obtain
Chapter VIII
~ E dl = J. [V'E] df =0 (41.3)
r t
where f is an arbitrary surface confined by the contour r, and df
is the vector of an elementary area taken on this surface.
Condition (41.3) must be satisfied for any arbitrarily chosen sur-
face f. This is possible only if the integrand function at each point is
zero. We thus arrive at the conclusion that the curl of an electro-
static field strength vector equals zero at every point of the field:
[VEl = 0 (41.4)
) VE dV = 4n ) ~dV
v v
11 +
= V (V f) = - V ( ;3 ) = - /a (Vr) - rv ( ;a )
Ll_.!_= _.!__r (
r r3
r' r
= _2_+2..=0
r3 r3
We can find tlte values of ~ (1/r) for all points including r = 0.
To do this, we shall take advantage of the fact that for a point charge
e at the origin of coordinates p = e8 (r), and the potential cp =
= e/r. Introducing these values into Eq. (42.4) and cancelling e,
we arrive at the following mathematical relation:
-4n8(r) (42.8)
cp (r) = ~ I ea I (43.1)
· L.. r-ra
where according to our assumption r » ra [see (41.8); we have omit-
ted the prime on ra ].
\Ve expand expression (43.1) into a power series in r air. For this
purpose, we express cp (r) in terms of the components of the vectors r
and r 0 :
+ _21 ~ ~ 8 o; ( V ea
:X )I Xm "V :x~
) (-X all) (-X am)+ • • •
a k, m ~ t
(we have substituted r for v~ x1) has tho form of the potenlinl of
a point charge. The total charge~ ea is a zero-order multipole (it is
also called a monopole). When this multipole is non-zero, the term
'Po makes the main contribution to potential (43.2).
To establish the form of a first-order multipole, let us transform
the second term of the expansion (43.3) as follows:
<i't = ~~
a k
a:k ( era ) (-X all) = - ~
a!k ( f ) ~ eaXak
The sum ~ eaxa 11 is the projection onto the k-th coordinate axis
of the vector
a!k ( +)
gives the k-th component of the gradient of 1/r. Hence,
k r pr. xk
(43. 7)
It must be remembered that for a system whose total charge ~ea equals zero,
the dipole moment does not depend on the choice of the origin of coordinates.
Indeed, transferring the origin of coordinates to a point for which r = b, we
get the values r~ = ra - b for the position vectors from the new origin of coor-
dinates. The dipole moment in the new system is p' = ~ear~ = ~>ara -
- ~eab = p- b 2Jea. Since 2Jea = 0, we obtain p' = p.
The f1r-st ter-m roineidc~ with (43.4). and the ~ceond with (43.7).
We must note that V (1/r) is proportional to 1/r~. Consequently,
the addends of the second sum in (43.8) are quantities of the order
of ralr relative to the addends of the first sum.
+t a -e
al 1a
-e a +t
Fig. 43.1.
the field is determined by the next term of the expansion of the func-
tion (43.1), quadratic relative to the quantities r 0 /r.
Let us write qJ 2 as follows [see (43.3)1:
a k. m
It, m
axka;xm; ( +) {~ o
eaXakXam} (43.11)
Multiplying the expression we have obtained by ear~/6 and then
summating over a, we obtain
_61 "0 ear~ "0 6km 1
iJXJtOXm -=0
a k,m
which can be written as follows:
+~ k,m
OXJt~:m +{~ ! ear~6km} =
T r (Q 11m) = ,-,
Qk k-- ~ ~
.:..J ..:....; ea (3 Xak-
2 r2) ~ ~ (3 2
a ="""'" ea-
Xak- r a
k k a a k
,...., ea [3'1
= .:..J - 32} 0
Xak- r a =
a k
~ ea i
{j).(r) = CJlo+ CJl1 + CJl2+ · ·· = - r - - PV'-,:-
+ ! Lj Qkm -:a:-x-k8...,.~x-m- + '''
vVe shall not deal with multipoles of higher orders. We shall only
note that a multipole of the third order is called an octupole. We
canindicate as an example of an octupole a system of eight unlike
chargesidentical in magnitude and arranged at the corners of a cube
so that the closest neighbours are charges of opposite signs .
Assume that when a field is switched on, the bound charges become
displaced by the segments Llra. (we must note that these segments
are much smaller than the linear dimensions of the volume Ll V).
The result is the appearance of a polarization characterized by the
.:lqbound = - 5Pdf
(the acquired charge equals the emerged one taken with the opposite·
sign). Using the Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem, we obtain
Formula (44.8) will also help us to find the surface density of the·
bound charges abound· For this purpose, let us consider a cylindrical
volume confined between two infinitely close sur-
faces of the magnitude .1/ at different sides of the
dielectric's surface. (Fig. 44.2). The bound charge
qbound confined in this volume can be represented
Let us try to choose the values of q' and q" so as to satisfy th&
boundary conditions (45.14) for D. According to our assumptions, D·
has the following values in the first and second dielectrics:
qr q'r' q"r
Dt = 7 +--;:;a , D2=
r3- (45.17}
It follows from the equality D 1 n = D 211 that
q - q' = q" (45.20~
After introducing the values from (45.19) into the relation Dn/e 1 =
= D2-r/e 2 [see (45.14)1, we obtain
q + q' = ~
q" (45.21}
The" simultaneous solution of Eqs. (4.5.20) and (45.21) yields th&
values of q' and q" satisfying the boundary conditions:
81- 8 2
e1 +e 2 ' q
28 2
e1 +e 2
(45 ' 22}
We have succeeded in "constructing" the functions D1 and D 2 [see·
(45.17)1, each of which satisfies the equation VD = 4np in its region.
In addition, these functions satisfy the boundary conditions. There-
fore, the functions (45.17) and, accordingly, (45.15) and (45.16)·
are the solutions of the problem [after introducing the values (45.22)
for q' and q" into theml. According to the uniqueness theorem (see·
Sec. 42), there are no other solutions.
(i=1,2,3) (46.1)·
Di = Ei + 4nPi
Introducing Pi from (46.1 ), we get
D·1 = £.l + 4n ~. x·~~.E~
- z .... K.
If we represent E 1 in the form "i'.l5ii,Ek, we can write
We must note that since the principal values of the tensor Xil! are·
positive, those of the tensor eik are always greater than unity.
In crystals of the triclinic. monoclinic, and rhombic systems.
all three principal values of the tensor eik and. consequently. the-
semiaxes of the tensor ellipsoid are different. Such crystals are-
known as biaxial ones.
~Bndf=O (47.2)
y y y
I f
Fig. 47.1.
~ Bl dl =
4; Jj df
Lel us transform the left-hand side of the relation we have obtained
according to Stokes' theorem. The result is
J[V'B] df
= 4; J df
j (48.2)
(we remind our reader that we are considering the field of steady
Equation (48.3) plays the same basic role in magnetostatics as
Eq. (42.3) does in electrostatics. Together with Eq. (47.4), it allows
us to calculate the field of preset stationary currents.
Let us introduce the curl of A [see (47.5)1 instead of B into for-
mula (48.3):
[Y', [V'AJ]=~j
According to (XI.45), we have [Y', [V'All = Y' ('VA)- ~A. As-
suming, as we agreed upon [see (47. 7)1, that Y' A= 0, we get the fol-
lowing differential equation for A:
L1A = - 4rt j (48.4)
This vector equation is equivalent to three scalar equations:
L1Ak = - 4 n h (k = x, y, z) (48.5)
'each of which is similar to Poisson's equation for <p [see (42.4)].
Equations (42.4) and (48.5) are equivalent from the mathematical
vfewJ?oint. Consequently, substituting A k. for rp and hie for p i~ the
~olutwn of Eq. (42.4), we get the solutwn of Eq. (48.5). W1th a
view to formula (42. 7), we obtain
Ak = _ci Jf ik (r')
dV' (k
) (48.6)
where the integral is evaluated over the entire region in which the
currents producing the field flow.
The three expressions (48.6) can be combined into a single yector
A=_!. [ j (r') dV' (48. 7)
c .l lr-r' I
FMm11la (It~. 7) allows 11s to calcillnlt' the \'Prior polC'nl ial of the
field set up by currents according to their known distribution in
space. Let us consider the field of a line (straight) current as an
example. It is general knowledge that the potential of thr electric
field produced by n thin infinitely long uniformly chargL'd l'lianH'nl.
can be written ns 1 (we arc considering the field outside the lilnment)
cp(R)= -2Aln-= -2puln- (48.8)
Ro R0
where R is the distance from the filament, R 0 is the distance to
points whose potential is taken as zero (in the given case we cannot
assume that cp = 0 at infmity because with such normalization the
potential is infinitely great at finite vnlnes of R), and f... is the linear
density of the charge which, assuming the latter to be uniformly dis-
tributed over the entire cross section of the filament, can be written
as pu (here u is the cross-sectional area of the filament).
Now assume that we have a thin infinitely long straight wire
through which a current of density j flows that is uniformly distri-
buted over the cross section u. Directing the z-axis along the \\'ire,
we have jx = j!l = 0, jz = j. On the grounds that Eqs. (42.4) and
(48.5) are identical, we can obtain an expression for Az b~· :"ubsti-
tuting Uc = j/c for p in (48.8):
2ja R 21 R
A z (R)= - -
c J nR- = - -c l nRo
- (48.9)
= --f2' Lr ( 'V ln R )
Ro ,
J 2i
ez ---;- R
ln Ro ['Vez]
1 It is a simple matter to find that r: (R} = 2i ..'R \\'ilh the aid of Gauss's
tl:eorem. Consequently, dcp/dR = -2)./ R. Integration lead~ to formula (48.8).
[we have used formula (XI.27)l. Since ez = const, the second term
vanishes. The gradient of the function ln (R/ R 0 ) equals R/R 2 • There-
21 [ R
B= --c- 2i J
R2 'Cz =CJ[2(Cz, R] (48.11)
Jx=-J. srn
. .y
ex =-Ja
• • X
cos ex =Ja
y y
. y X
Px=-Posmcx=-Poa Py= Po cos a= Po a-
(a) (b)
Fig. 49.2.
= -\?<po· b = - ( 7iX
8<po b
x+ 8<po b
ay 8<po
bz )
It was shown in Sec. 47 [see (47.11)1 that the potential (49.7) de-
termines a homogeneous magnetic field with the magnetic induction
B = 4c:1 ni (49.8)
parallel to the z-axis, i.e. to the axis of the solenoid.
Field Outside a Solenoid. The potential outside a cylinder charged
with the density Po is
'Po= - 2p 0na 2 In....!!.._
where R is the distance from the cylinder axis (R >a), and R 0 is.
a constant [compare with (48.8)1. The derivatives of 'Po can be writ-
ten as
8cpo = - 2p na2 _Y_
8cpo -
----az- -. - 2Pona 2 7f2
' ay o R2
[ V, j'(r')
J= [ (V, lr-r'l
1 J ) • ( ')
'J r
J+ lr-r'l
1 (
V, J r
• ( ')]
B(r) = c1 Jr [- - r-r'
lr-r'l" , j (r') JdV'
=+) (j (r'), (r-r')] dV'
lr-r' 13
(we have put the scalar factor outside the sign of the vector product
and, in addition, have changed the places of the factors, which re-
sulted in vanishing of the minus sign).
The formula obtained is a solution of the problem we posed-it
allows us to calculate B from the preset currents. Formula (50.2) is
simplified if the currents flow only through thin wires. Figure 50.1
~ jn df = J'Vj dV
f v
The above expression equals the rate of diminishing of the charge-
confined in the volume V, which is determined by the expression
-- ~ I p dV =
dt J
JI ~
v v
(we have written the partial derivative with respect to t because P·
is a function not only of time, hut also of the coordinates).
Equating the two expressions, we obtain
Jv 'Vj dV = - vJ ~~ dV
The above equation must be observed for any arbitrarily chosen
volume. This is possible only upon equality of the integrands at
every point of space. We thus arrive at the relation
• ap
'VJ= · - - (51.1}
known as the continuity equation in the differential form. In the-
integral form, the continuity equation is
~ jn df = -
:t J P dV (51.2}
J jdV=O
where the integral is evaluated over the entire volume of the system.
Owing to the stationary and restricted nature of the system, all the
-current tubes 1 that can be separated inside the system are closed.
Consequently, the entire volume of the system can be divided into
dosed current tubes. For each of the tubes, the integral over its
volume can be transformed as follows:
ovPr t uhc
j dV = J jcr dl = ~i dl = i~ dl = 0 ((51.6)
A (r) = _!_ f j (r') dV' _ _!_ .r jJ(r') {v _!_r r'} dV' (51.8)
c J
r c
1 By a tube of an electric current is meant the same as by a tube of a flow
in a fluid, i.e. the volume confmed by lines tangents to which at each point
coincide with the direction of the vector j.
2 Considering -r' as a small increment of the position vector r, we write the
function f (r) = 1/r for lite value of the argument r - r' as
f (r - r') =I (r) + Vf (r) ( -r')
(we have expressed the scalar product rr' through the components of
the position vectors). The products hxi are the components of a ten-
sor of rank two 1 • Let us write this tensor as the sum of a symmetric
and antisymmetric tensors:
. , jkxi+hxk ikxi-hxk
lkXi= 2 2+ Skt+Akt (51.10)
[see (X.27)).
Let us prove that the integral of the symmetric component of the
tensor (51.10) is zero. For this purpose, we shall use the identity
V' (xix/.j) =- jV' (x(xi)+xixiV'j (51.11)
(see (XI.26)). In view of (51.3), the second term on the right-hand
side vanishes. Let us write the expression V'(xixi,) using the for-
mula for the gradient of the product of scalar functions [see (XI.25)1:
V' (xixk) = xiV' xk + x/,.v' xi
, "'0 8xk , "'0 8xj "'0 , ,
=Xi k.J em-;;-;-+
Xk k.J em -8Xm' = LJ em (xi<'>km +r Xk<'>tm)
m m m ·
(we have taken into account that ox//ox'm = Okm)· The expression
in parentheses is the m-th component of the gradient of the function
Now let us calculate the second term of expression(51.11):
jV' (xi xi)=~ im {V' (xixk) }m = ~ im (xi<'>km
m m
+ XkOtm)
In the first sum on the right-hand side. only the addend with m =
= k is non-zero, and in the second-the addend with m = i. Hence
jV' (xi xi) = j kxi + j ,xi
the vector A to within the factor 1/cr' is the product of the tensor Ikt and the
vector x 1 [see (X.22)].
Therefore, by (51.11)
S -
j,x£ +2 j;x/. 1 ' ( . , ')
=7 \l X;XkJ
Let us take an integral of this expression:
.\ S,<i dV' = ~ .\ 'V' (xix/.j) dV' = ~ ~ xix/Jn df
}' y ;
(we have employed the Ostrogradsky-Gauss theorem). In vie\v of
(51.4), the last integral vanishes. We have thus proved that the
integral of the symmetric component of the integrand on the right-
hand side in (51. 9) vanishes. This allows us to write expression
(51.9) as
1 'V
A k = Cr3 f ihxi-iixkdV'
L.J Xi J 2 = 2cr 3
Jf {"'-" (' ' . ')}
L.J Xt ]kXi- JiXk
i v v ;
We shall show that the integrand equals the k-th component of
the triple vector product [r [jr']]. Introducing the auxiliary notation
b = [jr'] and using formula (VI.33), we can write
[r,[jr'llk=[rb]k=~ehi!xibt=L:ehi!Xt ~ elmnjmx~
i.! i, l m, n
The quantity
m= ;c ) [r' j] dV (51.14)
is known as the magnetic moment of a system 1 •
For a system of discrete charges, the expression of the magnetic
moment is
1 )1
m= 2c-;/ l , I
ea faVa
:[see (41.12)1 andj have in mind that eav (r') 6 (r' -r~) dV' taken
in the close proximity of the point r;, transforms into eava.
The magnetic moment depends only on the properties of a system
and, as can readily be seen, does not depend on the choice of the
·coordinate system. Indeed, let us displace the origin of the coordi-
nate system over the distance b. The position vectors in the new sy-
stem will now be r" = r' - b. The magnetic moment in the new
;system is
m' = ;c -~
[r"j] dV = 2~ r
[(r'- b), j) dV = 2~ J[r'j] dV- ;c .\
y v
[bj] dV
'The first term equals m, and the second one can be written as
- 2~ [ b, J dV J
--;:a ("Vm)
1 We have omitted the prime on dV because the integrand contains no un·
primed coordinates. In the expressions containing both r' and r, the prime
on dV indicated that integration is performed over the primed coordinates.
In the following we shall also omit the prime on r in this expression.
The vector m does not depend on r, therefore the first and last terms
on the right-hand side vanish. According to (XI.26)
"V -.r 1
,r8 =r"V3
+ 31 T
"Vr= r ( --,--
r) +-1 3= 0
---;w- (52.3)
where dV is an infinitely small volume, and mt is the magnetic mo-
ment of an individual molecule; summation is performed over all
the molecules contained in the volume dV.
The contribution made by a magnetic to a macroscopic magnetic
field can be calculated by formula (51.16). According to (52.3), the
volume element dV' of a magnetic has the magnetic moment dm =
= M dV'. Consequently, at the point determined by the position
vector r, this volume element produces the magnetic potential
dA (r) = !M (r'), (r- r')J dV' (52.4)
I r-r' 18
[r' is the position vector of the point where the volume element dV'
is, and M (r') is the magnetization at this point].
The integral of expression (52.4) evaluated over the entire volume
of a magnetic gives the contribution made by the magnetic to the
macroscopic magnetic potential. It must be added to the magnetic
potential produced by the conduction currents [see formula (48. 7)].
Consequently, in the presence of a magnetic, the field is [character·
ized by the potential
A(r)=_!_ i j(r')dV' +i [M(r'),(r-r')) dV'=l +l (52.5)
c J lr-r'l J lr-r'l 3 1 2
[VH] = :n j (52.10)
[VR 0 ] =~
i (52.14)
D. Ao = - -
Substituting [VAl forB in this equation [see (47.5)1 and taking into
account that fl = const, we can write
~ [V, [VA]] = ~ j
c j• -aB
atd f (53.'1)
(we have written the partial derivative with respect to t because B,
generally speaking, is a function of both time and the coordinates).
The e. m.f. by definition is the circulation around a given contour
of the field strength vector Eext of extraneous forces. In the present
case, the strength E of a vortical electric field produced by the vary-
ing magnetic field B is the strength Eext· Consequently,
~i = ~
E I dl = J[VE] df
Assume that both integrals are taken over the same surface [Eq.
(~3.3) is also observed for different surfaces if only they rest on the
same contour rJ. Relation (53.3) must be satisfied for any surface f.
This is possible only if the integrand functions have the same value
at every point of space. We thus arrive at the equation
'[VE] = -~1. oB (53.4)
c i}t
[see (51.1)1. To convince ourselves that this is true, let us take the
divergence of both sides of Eq. (54.1). Since the divergence of a curl
is always zero [see (XI.44)l, we arrive at the conclusion that the
divergence of j and, consequently, ap/at too, cannot be non-zero. But
the conclusion that ap/at always equals zero does not agree with ex-
periments: in non-stationary processes, the density of the charges
quite often varies with time.
Equations (54.1) and (54.2) can be brought into agreement by
adding in (54.1) to j a quantity (we shall denote it jd) having the di-
mension of current density. This quantity must be determined so
that tiro condition
v (j + jd) = 0
will always be satisfied. It follows from this condition with a view to
(54.2) that the addend j d must satisfy the relation
• . ap
V'Jd= -'V]=-
! (VD) =4n :~
jd = 4~ ~~ (54.4)
must be taken as jd [in the general case the arbitrary function of
time f (t) must be added to the right-hand side, but we have as-
sumed that it equals zero].
Maxwell thus arrived at the conclusion that for a time-varying-
field Eq. (54.1) must be written as
[VH] = ~ ( .
c J
+ _1
aD )
1 an (55.1)·
c at
VB= 0 (55.2)
are known as the first pair of Maxwell's equations, and the equations.
[VH[ = ~ j
+ _!__c aD
at (55.3).
VD = 4np (55.4)
as the second pair of equations. We must note that the f1rst pair of
equations includes only the basic characteristics of a field, namely,
E and B. The second pair contains the auxiliary quantities D and H.
Maxwell's equations are the foundation of all electrodynamics.
They play the same role in classical electrodynamic.A that Newton's
equations do in classical mechanics.
The system of Maxwell's equations includes eight scalar equations
(each of the vector equations (55.1) and (55.3) is equivalent to three
scalar ones] containing twelve unknown scalar functions (the com-
ponents of the vectors E, B, D and H). Therefore, Eqs. (55.1)-(55.4)
by themselves are insufficient for determining the electromagnetic
fields in a substance. In this sense, the system of Maxwell's equations
is incomplete. To be able to analyse fields, Maxwell's equations must
be supplemented with equations relating the quantities D, j and E,
and also H and B, with one another. These equations (sometimes
called equations of state) have the form [see (45.5) and (52.12)]
D = eE. (55.5)
B = J.LH (55.6)
j = aE (55.7)
(here a is the electrical conductivity of the medium). To solve prob-
lems, we must know the characteristics of the medium, e, f.!, and cr,
which are constants in the simplest case.
We must note that Maxwell's equations can be written so as not
to contain the auxiliary quantities D and H. For this purpose, we
must replace these quantities with their values from (45.2) and (52.9)
in the second pair of equations. We invite our reader to convince
himself that after such a replacement Maxwell's equations become
[VE] = -+ , ~~ VB= 0 (55.8)
[VB}= 4nf.l.
J' +!t- ~
;::c iJt '
VE ~' 4n p
[ VB]=~.+_!__~
,; J c at ' VE=4np (55.13)
[ \7, ( E + +~~)] = 0
Since the curl of the vector E +
(1/c) aA!at vanishes, this vector
can be written as the gradient of a function cp:
E+_!_ iJA = - \lcp (56.2)
t: iJt
The function cp is called the scalar potential of an electromagnetic
field. In the non-stationary case, it depends on r and on t. It can be
seen from ~(56.2) that the potentials cp and A have the same dimen-
By (56.2), we have
1 aA
E= -Vcp--- c at (5fL3)
the transition
(56. 7)
where f is the same function as in (56.6). Indeed, the field E' deter-
mined by the potentials A' and cp' will in this case be
E' = - Vcp' _ _!_ iJA' = - Vcp+ _!_ \1 !1_
c iJt c iJt
1 iJA 1 iJ 1 iJA
-7Tt--c-a('Vt= -vcp-781=-E
(recall that V (8f/8t) = a (\lf)/8t]. Hence, the transformation of the
potentials by formulas (56.6) and (56. 7) does not change the value
()f B and E.
The transformations (56.6) and (56. 7) are gauge transformations
()f the most general kind. Since the fields B and E remain unchanged
in these transformations, all the equations describing these fields
must be invariant with respect to the gauge transformations. This
inv ariance is called a gauge in variance.
In practice, as we have already mentioned, the gauge that is the
most expedient in each specific case is used. Particularly, we can
choose the potentials so that the following condition will be observed:
(both sets of potentials-A, <p and A', <p' -·are assumed to satisfy
the Lorentz condition), where the function 'ljl is the solution of the
Indeed, introducing into the left-hand side of (56.8} the primed po-
tentials from (56.11) instead of A and <p, we obtain the expression
VA + .1,,,
+ .!!::.
- .!!::.
82 '~'
= (VA+~
)+ ( .1•••-
82 ~) )
8t 2 .
which owing to (56.8) and (56.12) equals zero. Therefore, if the po-
tentials A and <p belong to the Lorentz gauge, the potentials A' and <p'
determined by transformations (56.11) [with 'ljl obeying (56.12)1 belong
to the same gauge. This allows us to impose on the potentials an addi-
tional condition besides condition (56.8). For instance, we can re-
quire that the potential <p vanish. For this purpose, according, to the
second of Eqs. (56.11), it is sufficient to choose the function 'ljl so that
its time derivative will be c<p.
We can also adopt the requirement that
VA= 0 (56.13)
aR an additional condition. It follows from (56.11) that VA' ~
-:- VA + .1'\jl. Therefore, for the requirement that VA' = 0 to be
satisfied, the equality
.1'\jl =-VA
must be observed. At the same time, from (56.12), we have
.1 '"
= .!!::...
c2 8t 2
The sum ~eava taken over unit volume is the density j ofthe elec-
tric current (if all the particles are identical, travel at the same ve-
locity, and their number in unit volume is n, the sum ~eava trans-
forms into the expression j = env known from the general course
of physics). Hence,
N = Ej (58.3)
The energy W contained in the volume V may diminish because
of energy flowing outward through the surface f and because of work
being done on the particles of the substance. Consequently, the fol-
lowing relation must be observed:
dW= -<1>-
(remember that N is the power density, i.e. power developed per unit
volume). Substitution into the above equation of expressions (58.1)-
(58.3) for W, <l>, and N yields
~ I w dV = -
) vs dV- )
v v
Ej dV
) ( ~~ +VS+Ej)~dV=O (58.4)
(we have used the symbol of the partial derivative because w in the
general case is a function not only of time, but also of the coordi-
nates). ·
Condition (58.4) must be observed for any arbitrarily chosen vol-
ume V. We thus conclude that the integrand function must vanish
at every point. Consequently, we arrive at a differential equation
that can be written as
Ei= -~-vs
The energy density w and the energy flux density S are functions
of quantities characterizing a field. To find the form of these func-
tions, let us; attempt to transform the expression for Ej so that it
would become the sum of two addends, one of which would be the
time derivative of a scalar quantity, which we would be able to
identify with w, and the second-the divergence of a vector quantity,
which we would be able to identify with S. · ·
{... }= - 41n: { H ~~ + E ~~ }
Finally, let us use relations (55.5) and (55.6):
{• • •}= _ __!_{H
B(eE) }=-~( eE2
at at Bn
+ 11snn2)
(we have assumed that e and f..t are time-independent).
Formula (58. 7) can thus be written as follows:
S= :n [EH] (58.9)
~ (P + Jg dV ) = ~ e 1 ~ ~ U1 k df k
V i I k
The left-hand side gives the rate of growth of the total momentum
contained in the volume V, and the right-hand side-the flux of the
momentum of the field flowing into the volume V throughhhe sur-
face f confining it. We assume that no particles intersect this sur-
face so that no momentum is carried across it by the particles.
Let us write the above relation as follows:
dt .Ii ~dV
+~e. A!.~ a,k dfk
~ ' 'j' ~
v i f k
We shall transform Eq. (59.3) using the relation
! .. J
aE , B J + [ E, Tt
a [EB] = [ Tt
Tt aB J
at ' B] = _!__
ot [EB]- [E ' ~]
We substitute -c [VE] for a Blat here according to the first of the
equations (55.10). The result is
aE B
[ Tt, l =ata [EB] + c [E, [VE]J
Using the value obtained in (59.3), we arrive at the expression
Let us make the substitution B = f.l.H in the second and third inte-
grals and, in addition, exchange the places of the multipliers in the
Let us write dfi in the last term as ~<Silt dfk and factor_out df-A. Let
us also substitute D 1 for expressions of the kind eE 1 , and Bt for
~H 1 • As a result, we arrive at the expression
that coincides with the last term of formula (59.1) if we assume that
O'ih. 1 { EPh. +
=-:rrt HiBh. IW (ED+HB) 8ik }
-~2. (59.12)
~ ei~ ~aih.dfk
i I h.
Chapter XI
60. Four-Potential•
B =~[\7 A) (61.1)
1 aA r
E= -vm---.
T C fJt!
E% = BA 3
BxO -
BA 0
Bx8 = v*A *A
0 3 - v3 0 J
=BAy_ BAx
ax {}y
= BA 1
_ BA2
=V*A -V*A
2 1 1 2
It is known from tensor algebra that expressions of the kind al!-b" -
- a"b~'- are covariant components of an antisymmetric second-rank
tensor (a~' and bv are covariant components of arbitrary vectors).
It follow&, from formulas (61.3) and (61.4) that the components of
the vectors E and B can be interpreted as covariant components of
the antisymmetric four-tensor
. F JJ.v=VIl*A v-Vv*A IJ.= OAv OA11
Bxll- Bx"
(61 . 5)
If one of the indices (for instance fl) is zero, we get the relation
81\J (x 1, x2, x3) )
_ 8A 0 _ _!!!__ _ 8Av _ 8Ao F
ax'~~ axv - axo axv 0'11
(here ~ = v0 /c).
Writing formulas (62.1) for the tensor (61. 9), we obtain
p•ot =pot, i.e.
F'OZ = po2_ ~pt2
V 1-~2 ' i.e.
etc. Writing out relations (62.1) for all the components of the tensor
p11v and replacing p11v with the relevant values of Ek' and Bk, w&
arrive at formulas for transforming the components of the vectors
E and B in a transition from one inertial reference frame to another:
Eu-~Bz Ez+~By
E~=E:#, E~= E;=
V1-~2 ' v1-~ 2
B~ = B,;a B~=
B 11 +~Ez
v 1-~2 ,
B'- Bz-~Ey
~- 'Vt-~2
) (62.2)
The formulas for the inverse transformation differ from • these for-
mulas only in the sign of the terms containing the factor ~ (i.e. in
the sign of v0).
Resolving the vectors E and B into components parallel to th&
x-axis (And, consequently, to the vector v 0 ) and components perpen-
dicular to this axis (i.e. writing, for example, E as E 11 + E.L), we
can write formulas (62.2) in the vector form 1 :
, E .L +(1/c) [v 0 B .L]
Ell = E n, E .L = --=-:-,r1r.;====:=:::::=-
, B.L -(1/c)[v0E.L]
1 ===;~=
= B n, B.L = ---==-:,r=:=
r 1-vij/c2
) (62.3)
We must note that since B 1 and v0 are collinear, f[v 0 B] = [v0 B11 ]
1 +
+ [v0 B.L]=[v0 B.L].Similarly, [v 0E] = [v0 E.d. For this reason in the vector
products of formulas (62.3), the subscript ".i" at B.L and E.L may be discarded~
the fields satisfy the conditions indicated below), frames K' exist
in which the field is purely electric, and also frames in which the
field is purely magnetic. Let us find the velocities of the relevant
systems beginning with a treatment of the case when v0 «c.
Assume that the vectors B and E are mutually perpendicular.
It follows from formulas (62.5) that for the field in the frame K'
to be purely electric (i.e. forB' to vanish), the vector v 0 must satisfy
the condition
[v 0E]
and substitute for ihe quantities Bit and Elt in it their expressions
in terms of the unprimed components [see (62.2)1:
B' 2 -E' 2 = ~ (Bit2 -K,n=Bi-E'i
(By+ ~Ez) 2 -(Ey-BBz) 2 + (Bz-~Ey) 2 -(Ez + BBy) 2
+ 1-B2 -
J.L, v
Introduction of the values of F J.LV and FJ.Lv [see (61.8) and (61.9)1
3 3 3
2j FJ.LvpJ.Lv=-2 )', E~+2 ~ B~=2(B 2 -E 2 )=inv (63.3)
J.L, v=O k=1 k=1
which agrees with formula (63.1).
Now let us form a four-tensor of the eighth rank
eJ.LVpcr F r:r.flF .., 0 (63.4)
where cJ.Lvpcr is an absolutely antisymmetric unit four-pseudotensor
of the fourth rank [see Appendix XII, the text following formu-
la (XII.68)l. The non-zero components of this tensor equal +1
or -1 depending on whether an even or odd number of permutations
is needed to obtain the given sequence of indices f-l· v, p. a from
the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3. Table 63.1 gives all the permutations of
the indices with an 'indication of the sign at 1 corresponding to them.
TABLE 63.1
0231 + 1203 + 2130 + 3102 +
0213 - 1230 - 2103 - 3120
We must note that the indices in each of the addends form a cyclic
,transposition of the sequence IJ., v, p.
·· Expression (64.1) is a set of four equations, the first of which is
obtained at ,._.., v, p equal to 0, 1, 2, respectively, the second at
!J., v, p equal to 1, 2, 3, the third at !J., v, p equal to 2, 3, 0,
and, finally, the fourth at ~l, v, p equal to 3, 0, 1. Owing to anti-
symmetry of the tensor F 11 v, the equation obtained at any other
'combination of the three non-coinciding indices reduces to one of
the four indicated equations.
Let us-write Eq. (64.1) assuming that 1--l = 0, v = 1, and p = 2:
ax2 I
, aF 12
+ aF2o
= 0
= 0). Substituting their values for FJ.tv and xll, and also group-
(F 11
ing the terms as required, we get the equation
fJBz _ aBy = 4n 'x+J... iJEx
au az c 1. c at
which is the x-th component of the vector equation (55.'13). Similarly,
the equations for ll = 2 and ~t = 3 give tho y-th and z-th component~
of the same equation.
When ll = 0, Eq. (64.2) becomes
opot aFo2 apoa
--;)Xl + ax2 + --;};il = - 4np
Introduction of the values of Fllv and xll yields
- aEx - aErl - aEz · = - 4np
ax iJy i)z
m--=- Lj
dull e
F ll'IJ u" (!-1=0, 1, 2, 3) (65. 7)
dT C
Equation (65. 7) can be obtained directly from Eqs. (65.1) and
(65.4) if we replace the left-hand side in them with the covariant
components of the four-velocity, and write the quantities E::. and B"'
as the components of the tensor (61.8).
Chapter XII
Integration of these terms yields a constant quantity:
,~ " 6xll--
m L.J duJJ. d-r
(it wi.ll come to light in t]IC followiug LcxL LhaL it is expedient to-
denote the dummy index in the third term by the symbol '\').
Now let us perform the substitutions
"The result is
fJS = Jr ( m ~ fJx~-t dull dT + !_c ~ fJx~-t ~ BAll uv dT
~ dT ~ ~ 8zv
1 It ll v
of the particles, i.e. the action for the free charges. And, finally.
Smr is the part of the action that is due to the interaction between
the particles and the field.
As regards the last two terms, their values can be obtained by
summating expressions (66.1) for all the particles. Hence,
Sm=- ~mac
Jdsa. (67 .2)
N 3
Smr=- ~ :a ~ ~ A,1 adx~ (67.3)
a=1 v 1,1=0
Here a is the number of the particle, N is the number of p&rticles
considered, and A'-'a is the potential of the field at the point of four-
space where the a-th particle is. The subscript a must be distinguished
from the indices ~t, v, p, ... used to designate the components
of four-vectors and four-tensors. For the latter indiees, we must
distinguish between upper and lower positions. This distinction
II as no meaning for the index a.
Expression (67.3) can be written in a different way. For this
purpose, let us substitute (dx~!dt) dt for dx~ in it, i.e. write
Smr= __, ~
· \
J ~ A~-ta
dx 11
Jp (x, y, z) f (x, y, z) dV
As n l'esult, we obtain
S mr = - +J p dV J ~ A'-' d;;•
Now let us take into account that p (dxJJ./dt) = jll. where jll is
a component of the four-current [see formula (60.8)]. Hence. we
-+ j
can write
Smr= ~ A 11 jlldV dt=- c~ j ~ A11 j!LdV* (67.4)
where dV* = dx 0 dx 1 dx 2 dx 3 = c dV dt.
Sr = - 16~c J ~ FJJ.vF v
11 dV* (67.5)
S= :.__ ~ mac ~
dsa- c12 J~ AJ.Ijll dV*- iB~c )
Jl, v
F '"'''F 11 v dV*
By formula (63.3), we have lJFr1 vF~'" = 2 (B 2 - E 2 ). Introclnc-
ing this value into (67.5), and also substituting c dV dt for dV*,
we can transform the expression for S 1 as follows:
s t = I dt j 8~ (E 2 - B2) dV (67. 7)
A glance at this formula shows that the Lagrangian for the field
is determined by the expression
(~=0, 1, 2, 3) (68.5)
that are the second pair of Maxwell's equations [see Eq. (64.2)1.
We must note that the relation between the frelds B and E, on
the one hand, and the charges and currents, on the other, is deter-
mined exactly by the second pair of Maxwell's equations [see
Eqs. (55.13)]. The first pair of Maxwell's equations expresses the
properties of the fields B and E and their relation to each other
[see Eqs. (55.12)].
Substituting -F'VIl for Fll" in the second expression and then exchang-
ing the places_ of the indices f.t and v, we find that
aL* = __1_ pll" (69. 7)
oavJl 4:rt
Introduction of tho values (69.6) into formula (69.4) leads to the
following "equations of motion" for an electromagnetic fwld:
~ aFJJ."
L.J -v-=0 (f.t=O, 1, 2, 3) (69.8)
~ T~ = ~ ( ·- 4~ ~ F~.~pF~P) + ~ ( 1
u ~ p ~
in 8it ~ Ft3vF
In the second term, all 1he factors P.xcept c5~ can be put outside the
sign of summation over f.t· The sum ~c5tt equals four. Hence
Let us find the expressions for the components of the tensor fW'J
in terms of the components of the vectors E and B. For this purpose,
we shall introduce the values of the components FJtv into (69:13).
We shall take these values from (61.9), having in mind that lower-
ing of the time index does not change the components of the tensor,
while lowering of the space index reverses the sign of a component.
We shall also take into account that the sum ~F JJ.vFilv is an in-
variant that we calculated in Sec. 63. It eq<1als
.22 FIJ.VFIJ.V=2(B2 -E 2) (69.15)
4n L
, P 16n
= - 4n (-£2) + 16rt1 2 (B2-E2)
=an (E2+B2) = w
(T"') ~ u-~ ~ ~)
0 0 w
0 w 0
It directly follows from (69.21) that the trace of the tensor Til"
is zero. We obtained this result earlier in the general case [see
=( mv
+.!..c A) v- ( - mc2 V 1- v2/c 2 + ..:_ Av- e<p)
- Y 1-v /c + e<p
mc 2
2 2
The first term in (70.5) is the energy of a free particle [see formu-
la (38.11)], the second term is the additional energy that a particle
in the field has.
If. we square these equations and subtract the lower one from the
upper one, on the right we obtain m2c2 • Consequently, substituting
Q/8 for W, we have
(70. 7)
From (70.10), we have
1 {vs--ce A )2 +e(fl=O
- (70. '13)
Chapter XIII
axi-l axv = axi-l Lv axv
(~ = 0, 1' 2, 3) (71.17)
By (72.5), we have
Consequently, in going over to the variables and s T), the first factor
in (72.3) must be replaced with -(2n/c) alfJs.
a a ax a at c a 1 a c ( a n a)
ail = ax ail + Tt ail = zn ax + :r at = 2ri""" ax + -c a~
so that the second factor in (72.3) must be replaced with (2n/c) fJ/oT).
The result is
D --
4n 2 a
- - - - - -c2- a~
f) 4n2 a2
- c2 a~ all -
Let us introduce the found value of D into Eq. (72.2), discarding
the factor -4n2 /c 2 • The result is the differential equation
a2j .
a~ all =0 (72.6)
B= [ex a~ , A J= [ex, ~~ J
or, according to the second of formulas (72.13),
B =[ex, (- ~ ~~) J
Finally, taking into account (72.14), we obtain
B = n [ex, E] = V e~-t [ex, E] (72 .15)
whence it follows that the vector B is perpendicular both to the
vector E and to the x-axis. We showed above that for a wave Ex = 0
and, consequently, the vector E is perpendicular to the x-axis.
We thus arrive at the conclusion that in a plane wave the vectors E
and B are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.
Consequently, electromagnetic waves are transverse.
In formula (72.15),ex is the unit vector of the direction in which
the wave propagates. Designating this unit vector by the symbol
k 0 , we arrive at the formula
B = V e~-t [k 0, E) (72 .16)
that does not depend on our choice of the directions of the coordi-
nate axes.
Substitution of ~-tH for B yields
V~H = [ko, VeEJ (72. 17)
It can be seen from (72.17) that the vectors H and E are mutually
perpendicular, and their magnitudes are related by the expression
v~H =VeE ts) <n.
In addition, it is easy to conclude from (72.17) that the vectors E,
H, and k 0 form a right-handed sequence.
An electromagnetic wave carries an energy whose flux is deter-
mined by the Poynting vector
S= _c_ [EH]
Let us express H in terms of E in accordance with (72.17) and use
formula (VI.5). Hence
S= :n V ; [E, [koEJJ = 4crt V~ E 2ko- ln V ~ (Eko) E
Since the vectors E and k 0 are mutually perpendicular, Ek 0 = 0
so that
Finally, with a view to (eE 2 + f.LH 2 )/8n being the wave energy
density w, we obtain
S= ,; wk 0 =vwk0 (72.19)
J' Efl
In a vacuum
S = cwk 0 (72.20)
Expression (72.19) agrees with the relation known from the gen-
eral course of physics, according to which the density of the energy
flux carried by a wave equals the density of the energy multiplied
by the velocity of propagation of the wave. The direction of the
energy flux density vector coincides with that of wave propagation.
The momentum flux is determined by Maxwell's stress tensor whose
components are calculated by the formula
atk = 4~ { E 1Dk +H 1B,- +(ED+ HB) 61k}
[see (59.12)1. Let us direct the x-axis along k 0 , the y-axis along E,
and the z-axis along H (the vectors E, H, and k 0 will form a right-
handed sequence). Consequently, Ey = +E, Ex = Ez = 0, Dy =
= ±D, Dx = Dz = 0, Hz= +H, Hx = Hy = 0, Bz = +B, Bx =
=By = 0. It can be seen that with such a choice of the axes all
the non-diagonal components of the tensor crik vanish. Since E xD x
and HxBx equal zero, we obtain that
O"xx=- Sn: = -w
Since EyDy =ED, and H yBy == 0, we have
cryy= 4~ { ED-+(ED+HB)}=O
[by (72.18), ED = HBJ. Similarly
(73 .12)
and 1 is the complex vector in the braces [compare with (16. 9) and
A change in the sign of the exponent in an expression such as eN
does not change the real part of this expression. Formula (73.13)
can therefore be written as follows:
A= Re {A 0ei (kr-ooiJ} = Re {A} (73 .15)
In this case by the phase of the wave we must understand the expres-
sion differing from (73.10) in its sign. In addition, the sign ought
to be changed in the exponent of the quantity (73.14). But owing
to the arbitrary nature of a, this may not be done.
Expression (73.15) is in some respects more convenient than
expression (73.13) and, in addition, is more similar to the wave
function describing the motion of a free particle in quantum me-
chanics than (73.13).
It is a simple matter to see that in performing linear operations
on the quantity A determined by formula (73.15), for instance
differentiation, we can perform these operations on the complex
vector A and then take the real part of the obtained quantity. For
I 7-018
ar=Re { a.A} ~
at =Re{ -HuA} . (73.16)
stantly directed along the same straight line. The wave in this
ease is called linearly polarized or plane polarized.
A monochromatic wave is thus polarized (elliptically, circularly,
or linearly) in all cases. This signifies that the oscillations in the
wave are ordered in some way or other.
(74. 2)
(we have substituted aE for j).
Let us take a curl of the first of Eqs. (7 4.1):
1 a
[V, ['VE]] =-; Tt [VB] (74.3)
iJ2E (74.6)
ai2 = Re { - (!) 2E (r) e-icut} = Re { - ffi 2E}
Substitution into Eq. (74.4) of the values (74.5) and (74.6), after
cancelling the common factor e-icut, results in the following dif-
ferential equation for E (r):
LlE (r) + B~~ 2 E(r) + i 4 rr~crro E (r) = 0 (74. 7)
1 2 f.(J)
k 1 = k } / 1+ V 1+2(4ncr/ero)2
k2 = k V -1+ V 1i(4ncr/ero) 2
LlE- Bfl
t =o (74.19)
differing from Eq. (71.9) only in that the electric field strength and
the permittivity are not real, but complex. The field E is the real
part of the solution of Eq. (74.19).
We found the solution of Eq. (71.9) in Sec. 73. It is
E = Re {E 0e-i(rot-kx+a>} = Re {E}
where k = V~w/c (the wave is assumed to run in the direction of
the x-axis). Consequently, when e is real, the function
is the solution of Eq. (74.19).
Substitution of the complex value of the permittivity for the
real one, e, does not change the form of the solution. But the real
wave number k must be replaced in it with the complex number
determined by the formula
k = k 1 + ik2 = v-=- 7 ell
n= n+ i)(=
A v-;:- 1/ (e+
e~t= i (4:rto
; ) ) fJ. (74.22)
Let us square this relation:
(n+ ix) 2 = n2 - )( 2 + 2inx= (e + i 4:rto ) ~ = (I)
e~ + i 4l'tcreJ.L
n= V-e~V
.. I" 1+ V 1+(4l'to/soo)
V -8'/AV
.. I" -1+V1+(4:rtot8oo)2
l (74.23)
B= v.-el-l- [ko, Eoe-1t2xe-i(oot-lllx+o:>]
,,r- / 4ncr )z
B0 = E0 v e~-t 1 1 + ( ec;;- (74.26}
A comparison with (75. 7) shows that the integral inside the braces
is C_u, i.e. C~. Consequently,
+oo +oo oo
At all points except the one for which R = 0, the density p' = o.
and Eq. (76.4) has the form
It is obvious that in this case the field has central symmetry relative
to the point R = 0 and, consequently, is a function only of R.
Let us therefore write Eq. (76.5) in spherical coordinates. Using
expression (XI.88) for the Laplacian, we obtain
~2 0~ ( R2 :~ ) - 1
c2 ~:~ = 0 (76.6)
We shall seek the solution in the form
\jJ (R, t)
(jl = R (76. 7)
a ( R2 arp ) -
7ilf aR
a (
-7iif -
+R iil/1 ) -
oR - -ali
iil/1 + oR
o¢ -l- R oz¢ -
' DR 2 -
R oZ¢
aR 2
ii 2 q> 82 ( \jJ ) 1 8 2¢
at 2 = 7ii2 If = 7f ---a£2·
The introduction of these values into Eq. (76.6) and the cancelling
of 1/R yield the equation 1
fJ2\jJ 1 fJ2\jJ
fJR2 - C2 --at2 = 0
As we established in Sec. 72, the general solution of such an equa-
tion has the form
'i'=!t(t-~)+t2(t+:) (76.8)
[see form.ula (72.8); in the case we are now considering, n = 1].
The fust term in (76.8) describes an expanding spherical wave,
and the second term describes a spherical wave converging at the
poin't R = 0. We are interested in a particular solution. Let us
take the first term of formula (76.8) as such a solution. Introducing
it into (76. 7), we find an expression for qJ:
qJ(r, t)=f(t;_Ric) (76.9)
In the stationary case (i.e. when p and j do not change with time),
formulas (76.11) and (76.12) transform into expressions (41.10) and
(48. 7), respectively.
We must note that if we had chosen the function / 2 as the partic-
ular solution [see (76.8)1, we would have obtained advanced poten-
tials instead of retarded ones. We shall not stop to consider this
in greater detail.
Since only the component Ax differs from zero, while the vector v
is directed along the x-axis, the expression for the vector potential
can be written as
A (r t) = ev (77 .3)
' cr' V1-~S
Now in formulas (77.2) and (77.3), we must pass over from the
primed coordinates (i.e. from r') to unprimed ones. According to
the Lorentz transformations (35.14)
'= x-vt ,
' y = y, z , = z
Con seq uen tl y,
A (r, t) =c y (x-ut)2+(1-~2)
E= -Vcp-! ~~ (77.10)
B = [VA] (77.11)
z- iJz (77 .13)
Es= -~-.!!....~=
iJx c2 iJt
c2 iJ:r:
(1-A 2)
where R is a position vector drawn from the point where the charge
is to the point of observation (see Fig. 77 .1).
For the magnitude of E, we have
E- e(i-~2) (7718)
- R2 (1- ~2 sin2 'fr) 3/2 •
A glance at this formula shows that on the axis along which the
charge is moving (i.e. at -6- = 0 and :rt),
and in directions perpendicular to the velocity of the charge (i.e. at
-6- = :rt/2),
E- e (77.20)
- R 2 Vi-~~
The field flattens, as it were, in the direction of motion of the charge,
and to a greater extent with increasing v.
Let us find the magnetic field. By (77.11) and (77.7)
[we have taken into account relation (77. 7), and also the circum-
stance that the velocity is independent of tJ.
We introduce expression (77.22) for -Vcp into (77.21):
The second term is the vector product of collinear vectors and there-
fore vanishes. Hence,
B = - [vE]
(77 .23)
We see that the vector B at each point is perpendicular both to the
vector v and to the vector E. The vectors v and E are collinear
on the x-axis. Consequently, on this axis, B = 0.
If we introduce expression (77 .17) for E into formula (77 .23),
we obtain
B- (1 R2) e [vR] (77.24)
- - t-' c R3 (1-~2 sin2 {})3/2
are two four-position vectors. The vector (78.2) equals the difference
between these two four-vectors and, consequently, is a four-vector
It can be seen from (78.1) that the square of the four-vector (78.2)
is zero:
(this expression is in essence the square of the interval between the
events of the appearance of a signal at one point and its arrival at
another point).
Let us associate the reference frame K' with the charge. In this
frame, the charge is at rest and, consequently, the potentials are
determined by the expressions
where r' and t' are the position vector of the point and the time of
observation determined in the frame K', and R' is the distance be-
tween the point where the charge is and the point of observation.
Hence, the four-potential of the field in the frame K' is
\ C't' '
o) (78.5)
Now let us ftnd ot 0 /ot. According to the relevanfrule for the differ-
entiation of an implicit function, we have
~at 9 aF/ot
-at=- oF/ot0
8q> _ e ( -c+v~J-Rj})
Tt;-- (R-RW (R-Rp) 2
By (78.9), we have
Substitution of expression (78.21) for Ofp/ot 0 and (78.8) for <p yields
bA _ ecp (1-P 2 +R~!c) + e~ _ p (1-P 2 +R~!c)+$/c) (R-Rjl)
ut,- (R-Rjl)' R-Rp -ce (R-RIJ)'
Finally, we can write an expression for E:
E= -V _,!_ aA = -~Vt _..!_ aA ~
fP c at oto 0 c oto at
Here the subscript "0" on R stresses the circumstance that the value
of R is taken for the instant t 0 • We have not used the subscript "0'•
on fi because in uniform motion ~ does not depend on t.
In Sec. 77 we obtained formula (77.17) for the field of a uniformly
moving charge. It can be written as
E- e R(i-~2) i {(826
7 . )
::r;:-~..-. R3 (1-~2 sin 2 {l-)3f2
Formulas (78.25) and (78.26) greatly differ from each other in their
appearance. It is a simple matter to show, however, that they are-
Fig. 78.2.
B=n~. ~]
I •~c:.
Let us write expressions (76.11) and (76.12) for the retarded poten-
tials of the field produced by the system:
cp(r, t)= J p(r', t~R/c)dV' ( 79 . 1)
1 J. ( r,
, r
t -- + -or' ) dV'
A (r t) = - f c c (79.5)
' c J r-nr'
We see that the retarded timeT consists of two parts. One of them,
equal to T0 = ric, does not depend on r' and is called the retarded
time of the system. It determines the time needed for an electro-
magnetic perturbation to travel the path from the origin of coordi-
nates to the point of observation. The second part, equal to_:t = -nr' /c,
is called the proper retardation. It characterizes the time nee'cled
for propagation of the perturbation within the limits of the system.
Let us expand the integrand in (79.4) into a series in the ratio
r' /r. Considering the quantity -nr' as the small increment Br
"f the argument r, we obtain
r: ....
p(r', t - r~nr') p(r', t-7)
r-nr' - r
8 [ P ( r' • t- ; ) ] ,
+a,; r (-nr )+ ... (79.6)
can write
ap ap
7it a;
ap 1 ap
a;=--; 7it (79.7)
a2p = ( _..!_)2 02p amp= ( _ _!_)no amp
or' c ot 2 , ••• , arm c atm
The consecutive differentiation of the function p/r with respect
to r with the following replacement of the derivatives with respect
to r with those with respect to t yields
= - ..£_+.!. ( _ _!_) ~
r r .
2 c at
What has been said above shows that the subsequent terms in the
expansion (79.6) may be disregarded if the condition
clT ~1 (79.9)
is satisfted. The ratio lie determines the proper retardation time 't'.
Consequently, condition (79.9) can be written as
't ' « T (79.10)
It can be seen from (79.10) that we may limit ourselves to the ftrst
terms of expansion (79.6) when the time needed for the propagation of
an electromagnetic perturbation within the limits of the system is
much smaller than the time during which the distribution of the
charges in the system changes appreciably.
Condition (79.9) can be written in two other ways. The product cT
gives the wavelength ')..of the radiation produced by the system. There-
fore, inequality (79.9) can be written as 1 ~- • ~
f~ fh-- V\ V..IYJ
lthe dimensions of the system must be much smaller than the wave-
Finally, having in view that liT in the order of magnitude equals
the velocity v of the charges in the system, instead of inequality
(79.9) we can write
v«c (79.12)
A glance at the last relation shows that by interrupting expansion
(79.6) at the second term, we have limited ourselves to considering
the radiation of a non-relativistic system of charges.
Let us again turn to the calculation of the potentials, assuming
conditions (79.10)-(79.12) to be satisfied. The substitution of (79.6)
into (79.4) yields
The first term in this formula coincides with the potential (43. 9)
of a static dipole (n = rlr). We must note that the field corresponding
to this term at the distance r and the instant t is determined by the
value of the dipole moment at the instant t- ric. The first term dimin-
ishes with an increasing distance r much more rapidly than the
second term. Therefore, considering the field at great distances, we
can assume that
t) _ np (t-r/c)
cp (r 1 - cr (79.15)
Let us go over to ·determination of the vector potential. Formu-
la (79.2) differs from (79.1) only in that j (r', t - Ric) is inside the
integral instead of p (r' t - Ric). Consequently by expanding the
1 1
We shall prove that j (r', t - r/c) dV' equals the time deriva-
tive of the dipole moment of the system taken for the instant t - ric.
It will be the simplest to prove this by passing from the continuous
distribution of the charges to a discrete one. Let us perform the sub-
Jr j dV' = jr pvdV'-+ ~ e.. v ..
(the velocities of the charges, like the function pv, must be taken
for the instant t - r/c). However,
• d •
'lj e4 v 4 = ~ e.. r~ = Tt ~ e.. r~ = p (t- r/c)
A(r, t)= p(t-r/c) (79.17)
A comparison with (79.15) allows us to write
cp =An (79.18)
The potentials (79.15) and (79.17) are determined by the value
of the time derivative of the dipole moment of the system. This is
why they are called potentials calculated in a dipole approximation.
The dipole approximation is allowable when the conditions (79.10)-
(79.12) are observed.
(remember that the values of.p must be taken for the instant t - ric).
A comparison of these expressions leads to the conclusion that
E = [Bnl (80.5)
whence it follows that the vector E is perpendicular to the vector B.
Examination of expressions (80.4) sho\YS that the vectors E and B
are perpendicular to the vector n [the perpendicularity of E to n
can also be seen from (80.5)]. Hence, as in a plane wave, the vectors B,
E, and n are mutually perpendicular [see formula (72.16)1]. In addi-
tion, the vectors B and E, as in a plane wave, are identical in magni-
tude, and
where {} is the angle between the directions of the vectors p and n.
That the relations observed for a plane wave were found to hold
for the field we are studying is not surprising. At distances that are
great in comparison with the
dimensions of the radiating sys-
tem, a wave must be spherical.
At the same time, provided that
r » 'A., small portions of the
spherical wave virtually coincide
with a plane wave.
It can be seen from (80.4) that
the fields E and B are determined
by the second derivative of the
dipole moment of the system.
This is the reason whv the radia-
tion being considered is called
dipole radiation.
Fig. 80.1. The dipole moment is deter-
mined by the expression p= ~er'.
Consequently, ·.p = lje~i = lje~. It thus follows that charges- emit
electromagnetic waves only when they move with acceleration.
To comprehend the pattern of the field at great distances, let us
introduce a spherical system of coordinates, measuring the polar
angle~ from the direction of the vector (t- r/c) (Fig. 80.1). By
(80.4), tile vector B is perpendicular to the plane determined by the
vectors p and n. Consequently, B is directed along a tangent to a
"parallel", the vectors p, n, and B forming a right-handed system.
Examination of (80.5) shows that the vectors B, n, and E form a
right-handed system. Hence, it follows that E is directed along a
tangent to a "meridian", the directions of ·p
and E on the equator
being opposite. We stress once more that the vectors depicted in
Fig. 80.1 relate to different instants: to the instant t - ric, and B
1 We multiply relation (80.5) by n and use formula (VI.5):
[nE]=[n, (Bn]]=B(nn)-n(nB)=B
We have arrived at formula (72.16) (in a vacuum VEf.l = 1, H = B).
P =
i r
J S df = J
p2 sin2 {} . .
4ncar2 2nr2 sm -fr dfr =
3c3 (80.8)
Assume that of all the charges of the system only one has accele-
ration. Hence,·.;= ~ea;a = e~ and the radiated power is
This formula also holds when there is only one charge moving with
the acceleration v.
Let us divide v a (nr~) into two equal parts and replace one of them
with half of expression (81.2):
The first factor is the magnetic moment m of the system [see for-
mula (51.15)1. We can therefore write that
1 •
[mn) (81.4)
A comparison of the results obtained with formulas (80.4) for dipole
radiation shows that Bm is expressed in terms of m by a formula simi-
lar to the one expressing E in terms of p. The formulas for E, and B
differ, apart from the substitution of ·~1 for·,;, in the sign. lt thus fol-
lows that a pattern of the field in magnetic-dipole radiation in the
wave zone can be obtained by substituting ;l~ for.p, Bm forE, and -Em
for B in Fig. 80.1.
Let us turn to the second term of formula (81.3), i.e. to the expres-
Let us write an expression for the i-th component of the vector AQ:
= fic2r
1 {)2 ""'
{Jt2 LJ LJ ea {3 XaiXak-
nk ""' ' ' r,'2 Utk
$1 }
k a
But the sum over a is Q1k - a component of the tensor of the quad-
rupole moment of the system [see formula (43.13)]. Consequently
1 i)2 "\' 1 {)2
AQI = 6c2r {)t2 LJ Qihnk = 6c2r 8t2 Qt
(we have transposed the factors to avoid writing the minus sign in-
troduced by the factor -1/c).
Taking advantage of relation (80.5), we find that
1 .••
Eq = Bc 3 r [lQ n], n] (81.9)
In comparison with formulas (80.4), expressions (81.8) and (81. 9)
have the additional factor 1/6c. In addition, they contain ·o_· instead
of p. Otherwise, the formulas for the fields in quadrupole radiation
are identical to the relevant formulas for dipole radiation.
Calculations show that the total power of all three kinds of radia-
tion (including dipole radiation) is determined by the expression
2 •• 2 •• 1 ...
P= 3ca P2 + 3ca mz+ 180c 0 ~ Q ik (81.10)
i, k
Hence we find that with respect to tho order of magnitude, the power
of dipole radiation is determined by the expression
[see (81.11)].
It follows from definition (51.15) that the magnetic moment has
a magnitude of the order of er'v!c, i.e.
m "' .1..
el2ro cos rot sin rot~ .1..
el2ro sin 2rot
• 1 •• 1
m ,...... - el 2 ro 2 cos 2rot m ~ - el2ro3 sin 2rot
c ' c
A comparison of expressions (81.12) and (81.13) :>hows Lhat
Recall that we have calculated the fields of radiated waves for the
non-relativistic case (i.e. for v ~c). Consequently, in the case we
have studied, the intensity of magnetic-dipole radiation is much
lower than that of electric-dipole radiation.
According to definition (43.13), the quadrupole moment (and,
therefore, the vector Q) is a quantity of the order of er' 2 , i.e.
Q ,..., el 2 cos 2 ffit,
Q,. . . , eP(J) cos ffit sin ffit ,...., eZ2ffi sin 2ffit
'(! ,.., eZ2ffi 2 cos 2ffit, '(!',......, e2 l 2 ffi 3 sin 2ffit
Since the quantities ox 1 /Dq~~. contain not only q~~., l>ut also t, ex-
pression (4.8) becomes somewhat more involved:
ox; a ( ox; )
oqn =7ft oq11 + "'V a ( ox; ) •
L..J ---aq;- aqk q,
i)2x; "'V iJ2xt •
= atoq 11 + L..J l
oq 1 aq 11 fJL (Ui)
(I. 7)
Since relations (4.9), (4.6), and (4.7), used in Sec. 4 in the transfor-
mation of the left-hand side of this equation, remained unchanged
fsee (1. 7), (1.4) and (1.5)], the result will also remain unchanged.
Consequently, the left-hand side of (I.8) can be written as
d aL aL
Tt-a· - aqk
Jsee the paragraph preceding formula (4.15)].
Before starting to consider the right-hand side of formula (1.8),
let us discuss the following matter. With stationary constraints,
x 1 = x 1 (q 11 ), and the increment of the coordinate x 1 during the time
dt will be
2j -ax·
dX·= ' dqk (1.9)
' aq~<
where dq 11 are again the increments of the coordinates qlt during the
time dt. -
If the constraints were to suddenly stop changing, fJx 1/ot would
vanish, and formula (1.10) would coincide with (I.9). Consequently,
the second term in (1.10) is the imaginary displacement of the system
that would be obtained with "frozen" constraints. It is called the
virtual (or possible) displacement and is designated by 1• Hence, ox
the true displacement dx 1 can be written as the sum of the virtual
displacement 8x 1 and an addend equal to (fJx 1/ot) dt:
Now let us consider the first term on the right-hand side of for-
mula (I.S). Multiplying it by dqk, we obtain
<D (y (x)] = JV 1 +
[y' (x)] 2 dx (III.1)
In the same way as there are functions not of one, but of several
variables, there are functionals depending on several functions:
Y1 (x), Y2 (x), · .. , Ys (x) 1 •
If a functional satisfies the conditions
(!J [cy (x)] = c<IJ [y (x)l (c = constant) (III.2)
(D [y 1 (x) +y 2 (x)l = cD [y 1 (x)l + <I) [y 2 (x)l
it is called linear. We shall denote a linear functional by the sym-
bol <D 11 n, or Fun, etc.
Functionals depending on several functions may be linear with
respect to some of them and non-linear with respect to the others.
In this case, for example, the symbol
<Dun v2 [yl (x), Y2 (x), •.. ]
will stand for a functional that is linear relative to the function y 2 (x).
It is the task of the calculus of variations to work out methods for
finding the extremal (i.e. maximum, minimum, or stationary) val-
ues of functionals. This task is in many aspects similar to the task
of fmding the extrema of conventional functions.
2. Variation of a Functional. Let us select an arbitrary function
y (x) from a class of functions being considered (we have used the
tilde sign to distinguish the s.elected function from the remaining
functions of the given class). Now let us select another function y (x)
from the same class. The difference of these two functions is called
the variation of the function y
(x). The variation is designated by
the symbol 8y (x) or simply 8y. The variation of a function is thus
determined by the following expression:
8y = y (x) - y (x) (III.3)
The variation of a function is similar to the increment ~x (or dx)
of the argument of an ordinary function: ~x = x - x.
The variation 8y of the function y(x) is evidently a function of x.
Differentiating this function with respect to x, we find in accordance
with (III.3) that
(f>y)' = y' (x) - (x) !/
The right-hand side of this expression is the variation of the function
y' (x). Consequently, we arrive at the relation
(8y)' = 8y' (III.4)
(the derivative of a variation is the Yariation of the derivative).
1 More strictly, the function ought to be not only continuous, but also differ-
entiable. As a rule, however, the functions considered in physics are also differ-
entiable if they are continuous. Although, generally speaking, continuous func-
tions are known in mathematics that are not differentiable.
1 The given functional is also linear with respect to y (x), but this is of no·
significance-only the linearity with respect to oy is important.
+ e (<'>y, <')y')} dx- j f(x, y, y') dx
1 The conditione- 0 for I 6y lmax -+- 0 in the given case acquires the form
lim e = 0.
a ..... o
where e (fJy, 6y') combines the terms of an order higher than the
first one relative to the quantities {)y and fJy'. This expression is
simplified as follows:
x. ,:.:,
.l<D=) { :~ 6y+ :~, 6y'}dx+) e(l3y, {)y')dx (111.17)
Let us integrate the second term in the first integral by parts. For
this purpose, we write it as
!ICJ !lCs
Since the boundary points of the allowed curves are fixed, the varia-
tion 6y at these points must vanish: 6y {x1 ) = 0, and 6y {x 2 ) = 0.
Therefore, the first term on the right-hand side vanishes, and
Jr _j_(_!L)&ydx
dx fJy'
Jr ""
auk _ _E_ _!4.-) 8yk dx = 0
dx ayk
Xt 1!.=1
_fl_ _ _
dd 81 =0 (k==1, 2, ••. , s) (111.25)
ay,.. x 8u~~.,
The set of functions y,.. == Yn (x) satisfying these equations and the
boundary conditions (III.21) when substituted into the functional
(III.20) will give its extremum. ·
IV. Conics
Conics (conic sections) are defined to be the lines of intersection
of a circular cone with a plane. Depending on the orientation of the
plane relative to the axis of the cone, these lines are either an ellipse
(circle), a hyperbola, or a parabola.
Fig. IV.1. Fig. IV.2.
where a and b are the real and imaginary semiaxes of the hyperbola.
The quantities a and b are related to c (half the distance between the
foci) by the expression
(IV. 7)
The eccentricity of a hyperbola is determined by the same for·
mula (IV.3) as that of an ellipse. It can be seen that for an ellipse
e < 1, and for a hyperbola e > L
Table IV.f
Value of e
I Kind of curve
<1 Ellipse
1 Parabola
>1 Hyperbola
An ellipse and a hyperbola each has two foci and two directrices.
The condition (IV. 9) is observed for each of the foci and the directrix
corresponding to it. Figure IV.S shows the foci and directrices of an
ellipse (a) and a hyperbola (b) (compare with Fig. IV.3 for a parabola).
Fig. IV.5.
r= P {IV .11)
1-e cos q>
[p = p'e; see (IV.10)].
Equation (IV.11) describes an ellipse (with the origin of coordi-
nates at the point F 1 ; Fig. IV.Sa), the right-hand branch of a hyper-
bola (with the origin of coordinates at the point F 2 ; Fig. IV.Sb),
and a parabola. We must note that the focus F 2 is the inner one for
the right-hand branch of the hyperbola.
The function (x) is a particular solution of the equation. Conse-
'<luently' the expression in brackets equals the right-hand side of
the equation. It follows that the function u (x, C1 , C 2 , • • • , Cn)
.satisfies the condition
u<n> +
a(n-llu<n-l) + ... +
a 1u' a 0u = 0 +
Hence; u is the general solution of the homogeneous equation (V.2)
-corresponding to the non-homogeneous equation (V.1), i.e. having
the same coefficients ak as Eq. (V.i).
The result we have obtained can be formulated as follows: the
general solution of a linear non-homogeneous equation equals the sum
of the general solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation and
a particular solution of the non-homogeneous equation:
y (gen., non-hom.) = y (gen., hom.) + y (part., non-hom.) (V.6)
1 The set of functions fit f 2 , • • • ,fn is called linearly independent if an expres-
sion of the kind
a;l ft +a2 fz+ • · ·+a;n fn== 0
.is observed only provided that all the ai's vanish.
Introducing the values of the function (V.7) and its derivatives
(V.8) into Eq. (V.2) and cancelling the non-zero factot· e""', we arrive
at what is called a characteristic equation:
A.n + an_1A.n-l + ... + a 1A. + a 0 = 0 (V.9)
The roots of this equation are the values of A. at which the function
(V.7) satisfies Eq. (V.2).
If all n roots of the characteristic equation are different (multiple,
i.e. coinciding roots are absent), n particular solutions of the kind
e'J..t"' will be linearly independent. Consequently, in the absence of
multiple roots, the general solution of Eq. (V.2) is as follows:
Let the coefficients ak in Eq. (V.1) be real, and the function f (x)
be complex. Writing it in the form
f (x) = /1 (x) + if2 (x)
y--+xz (VI.8)
1 We are treating free vectors, for which the point of application of the
vector and the straight line along which it is directed are not fixed.
2 These unit vectors are also designated by the symbols i, j, k. The notation
we have adopted, however, as will be seen from the following treatment, has an
undoubted advantage.
Hence, of the 27 values of e1kz, 21 are zero, 3 are +1, and 3 are
We must note that any cyclic transposition of the numbers 1, 2, 3
~an be obtained from 1, 2, 3 by an even number of transpositions
of two subscripts, and any cyclic transposition of the numbers 3, 2, 1
can he obtained from 1, 2, 3 by an odd nnmber of transpositions of
two subscripts. Indeed, by changing, for instance, the places of 1
and 2 in the sequence 1, 2, 3 (which yields 2, 1, 3), i.e. a cyclic
transposition of the numbers 3, 2, 1), and then changing the places
-of 1 and 3, we obtain the transposition 2, 3, 1.
Consequently, the values of the symbol Etkl can be determined as
follows: (1) they are zero if the values of at least two subscripts coin-
cide, (2) they are +1 or -1 depending on whether the sequence i, k,
l can be obtained from the sequence 1, 2, 3 by an even or an odd
number of transpositions.
We can also use the following rule to determine the sign of eikl·
\Vhen a larger number is ahead of a smaller one in a transposition,
we shall call this a disorder. For example, in the transposition 2, 1, 3
there is one disorder-2 is ahead of 1, and in the transposition 3, 2,
1 there are three disorders-3 is ahead of 1, 3 is ahead of 2, and 2 is
ahead of 1. Let us assign the value of +1 to e1kz if the number of
disorders in the transposition i, k, l is even, and -1 if it is odd. It
is easy to see that all three rules for determining the sign of e 111.1
which we have considered give the same result.
Let us prove the following very useful relation between the sym-
bols e and &:
~ Eik!Emnl = 8im811n- 8tn811m (VI.16)
Let us combine the conditions (VI.18) and (VI.19) into one ex-
pressed by the formulas
i = m =1= k = n (VI.20)
i = n =1= k = m (VI.21)
lu the case corresponding to rela lions (Vl.20), the sum (VI.17)
emn1enm1 + emn2Emn2 + emnaEmna
It is obvious that only one term (for which m, n, and l are different)
will he non-zero, and it equals +L
In the case corresponding to relations (VI.21), the sum (VI.t7)
In this sum too, only one term is non-zero, and it equals the product
of +1 and -1, i.e. -1 (upon the transposition of two subscripts
enml changes its sign).
Now let us turn to the right-hand side of formula (VI.16), i.e. to
the expression
If i = k (or m = n), this expression becomes 011711 fl1<n - 81w8hm (or
Oin{)l<n- O;nflR. 11 ). Both these expressions are zero. ]t thus follo,vs
that for expression (VI.22) to be other than zero. the following con-
ditions must be observed simultaneously:
i =I= k and m =I= n (VI.23)
[compare with (VI.18)l. In addition, one of the following two condi-
tions must be observed:
i = m, k = n (VI.24)
i = n, k = m (VI.25)
'Vhen the condition (Vl.24) is sntisi'Jl'd, the lhst lern1 ot' expn•s-
sion (VI.22) is +L Since i = m and m =I= n [see (VI.23)}, we have
i =1= n, and Lhe second term of expression (VI.22) vanishes. Conse-
quently, when the condition (VI.24) is observed, expression (VI.22)
is +1. The combination of the conditions (VI.23) and (VI.24) is
equivalent to the condition (VI.20) in which, as we have established,
the left-hand side of formula (VI.16) also becomes equal to +1.
When the condition (VI.25) is observed, which in combination
with (VI.23) is equivalent to the condition (VI.21), expression
(VI.22) becomes equal to -1.
· We have thus proved relation (VI.16).
On the basis of what has been said above, we can assert that u, v,
and w are the components1 of a vector.
Let us form the vector product of the vectors a = ~ e 1a1 and b =
= ~e11b11:
[ab] = [(lj e 1a 1), (~ ekbk)l
i h.
Of the 27 addends of this sum, only six are non-zero. Writing them
out, we obtain
[ab] = a 1b 2e 3 4- a 2b3e 1 4- a 3b1e 2 -- a 3b 2e 1 -- a 2b1e 3 -- a 1b3e 2
Finally, combining terms with identical unit vectors, we arrive at
the expression
[ab] = e 1 (a 2 b3 - - a 3 b2 ) + e 2 (a 3 b1 --a 1 b3 ) +"a (a 1 b2 --a 2 b1 ) (VI.30)
that can be written in the form of a determinant (.::ee Appendix VIII)
Ct e2 e3
[ab] = at a2 aa (VI.31)
bt b2 ba
or in conventional notation
ex ey Cz
[ab] = ax ay az (VI.32)
bx by bz
We must note that according to (Vl.29), the l-th component of a
vector product is determined by the formula
[abj, = ~ e 1kza 1b11. = ~ Bz 1 ~tatbk
i. It i. h
(we have performed a cyclic transposition of the subscripts on e,
which, as is known, does not change the numerical value of this
1 For brevity's sake, we shall use this term for the projections of a vector
onto the coordinate axes.
"Let u~ prove formula (VI.5) using relation (VI.16). For this pur-
}Jose, we shall write the vector product in accordance with formu-
:la (VI.29):
d =[a, [be]]= 2J
It, l, i
ewak [bcjpr, 1e 1
3. True Vectors and Pseudovectors. Two kinds of vectors are dis-
tinguished: polar (or true) and axial vectors, also known as pseudo-
'Vectors1;·Upon inversion of the coordinate axes, i.e. when the
:directions of the coordinate axes arc reversed (Fig. VI.3), the com-
~ponents of a true vector change their sign. This signifies that such a
vector upon inversion remains unchanged. The components of a pseu-
dovector upon inversion do not change their sign. This signifies that
:.a pseudovector upon inversion reverses its diiection (i.e. changes
its sign).
Inspection of Fig. VI.3 shows that upon inversion of the coordi-
: nate axes, a right-hand system of coordinates transforms into a left-
i hand one. The distinction between a true vector and a pseudovector
.ean therefore be defined as follows: a true (polar) vector does not
1 "Pseudo" i~ a prefix meaning false or sham.
The scalar product eie 11 equals the cosine of the angle between the
axis xi of the system K' and the axis x 11 of the system K. Designat-
ing this cosine by the symbol CtiJu we can write
a, 11 = eieh = cos (xi, xh) (i, k = 1, 2, 3) (VI.36)
Using this notation, we can write relation (VI.35) as
ai = 2JII. et 111 a11 (i = 1, 2, 3) (VI.37)
Formulas (VI.37) and (VI.38) differ only in that in one case summa-
1lion is performed over the second subscript of a 1 ~~., and in the other
case over the first one.
The nine quantities ail!. are not independent. Let us form the sum
~ et 1mall.m• Taking (VI.36) into account, we obtain
~ CttmCtkm = ~ (eiem) (e.ltem)
m m
The quantity e!em can be considered as the projection of the vector
ei onto the axis Xm of the system K; similarly, eltem is the projection
of the vector cit onto the axis Xm· Hence, the sum on the right can be
written as
Let us see how this quantity behaves in inversion. In the system K',
we have
(a [be])' = lj e 111 zaibitcl
i, k, l
or the . expression
where ax, ay, az are the projections of the e'y y'
vector a onto the axes of the system K, and
a~, a~, a~ are the projections of a onto the
axes of the system K'.
When the vector turns together with the y
system K' through the angle dq;, it receives
an increment relative to K, that can be
written as the increment of expression
Fig. VI.4.
da = Cx dax + e11 day + ez daz
or as an increment of expression (VI.48):
da = a~ de~ + a;, de~ + a; de; (VI.49)
where de~, de 1;, de~ are the increments of the uuit vectors of the sys-
tem f(' observed iu the system K (remember that the projections
a~, a;,, a; remain unchanged upon rotation).
With the din·ction of thl' z'-axis we have chosPn, the increment of
tile unit vector e; vm1isltos (de; = 0). Figure Vl.5 shows the incre-
ments de~ and de~ contained by the unit vectors e; and e~ when the
coordinate system IC turns through the angle dq;. Examination of
the figure shows that the direction of de~ coincides with the direc-
tion of the unit vector e~. The magnitude of de~, on the other hand,.
equals dq; (the magnitude, i.e. the length of any unit vector is uni-
ty). Consequently, the increment of the unit vector e~ obsen·ed in
the system K can be written as
de~ =c e; dq;
VII. Matrices
Definition. In Appendix VI, we obtained formulas for the trans-
formation of vector components in a transition from the coordinate
system K to the system K':
a 1kah (i = 1, 2, 3)
a•= LJ (VII.1)
a21 a22 ... a2n
ant an2 ... ann
The matrix (VII.14) is square-the number of rows in it equals
the number of columns. In addition to square matrices, rectangular
ones are ·also considered, in which the number of rows m does not
equal the number of columns n:
A= A(min) = (VII.15)
.a2k ...
~:: • .~i.2 .... .. ~~n ":::::::.::
.............. "•Clnk " '
II ~t ~2 •• • ~n II (VII.33)
1 In the matrix product BA, the matrix A at the right should be considered
as the first multiplier. It is multiplied by a vector fnst of all, and only then the
second matrix B acts on the result.
CXz - "\1
II tXt CX2 • • • CXn II -
This shows that the product of a direct and an inverse matrices must
equal a unit matrix: A-lA = Jl. The product of a direct and an in-
verse matrices is obviously commutative, hence
A - 1A = AA -l = I (VII.38)
Having written the elements of the prodnct of the matrices A and
A- 1 by formula (Vll.28), we can iiml the relation between the ele-
ments of the direct and the inverse matrices:
VIII. Determinants
The sum of all the expressions having the form of (VIII.2) is de:..
noted by the symbols
i, k,
.. , m=!
Bik ••. mauaall • • • Unm (VIII .4)
det lla 1AII = ~ A 111 a 1k (linear form of the elements of the i-th row)
det lla 1kll = ~ A 1katk (linear form of the elements of the k-th column)
the algebraic cofactors (VIII. 7) of the relevant elements being the
coefficients A 111 of the linear forms (VIII.10) and (Vlll.11).
5. If the elements of one row (or column) are multiplied by the
algebraic cofactors of the elements of another row (or column) and
the products obtained are summated, the sum will be zero (this sum
is a determinant with two identical rows or columns; see the pro-
perty 3).
Properties 4 and 5 can be combined in the form of the relations
~ A,AamA = det !larA II· Btm }
~ A,Aalm
. det llatk!l· BAm
au a12 ... atn
D= au a22 ... a2n
:FO (Vlii.18)
ant an2 ... ann
We multiply the lirst of Eqs. (Vlll.17) by 11 1 m-the co[netor of the
element a1 m, the second equation by A 2 m, . . . , the n-th equation
by Anm' and summate the expressions obtained. The result is
au a12 · · · atlt · · · atn
au a22 • • • azlt. • • • azn
xk = ~aittb 1 (VIII .22}
[see formulas (VII.11) and (VII.13)].
Comparing formulas (VII1.19) and (VIII.22), we arrive at the
conclusion that the elements of the inverse matrix are determined
by the expressions
aii = ~k (VIII.23}
We shall indicate another form of writing the relations we have
considered. Representing the vectors x and b as matriees with n
rows and only one column, we can write the system of equations
(VIII.17) as
au a12 ••• ain xi bi
a21 a22 ••• a2n x2 b2
- (VIII.24)
ani an2 • • • ann Xn bn
or, more briefly,
A(n,n) ·Xcn,t) = B(n,l) (VIII.25)
[compare with (VII.35)].
Systems of Linear Homogeneous Equations. The system of equa-
tions (VII 1.17) in which all the free terms b1 are zero is said to be
homogeneous. Hence, a homogeneous system has the form
+ a x + ... + a nXn = 0 )
a 11 x 1 12 2 1
. . . .. . +. • .. • +. a2nXn
a2lxl + a22x2 =0
. . . . (VII 1.26)
an 1X 1 + an 2x 2 + ... + annXn = 0
(we are considering only systems in which the number of equations
equals the number of unknowns).
If the determinant of this system is non-zero, according to Cramer's
rule the system has one definite solution, which in the given case is
tk=1, 2, ... , n)
[see (VIII.19)].
Consequently, for a homogeneous system of equations to have a
non-zero solution, its determinant must be zero. It can be proved
that this condition is not only necessary, but also sufficient.
To be able to discuss the nature of the solutions of the system
(VIII.26), we must acquaint ourselves with the concept of the rank
X2 = XAX (IX.5)
ant an2 • • • ann Xn
where X is a column matrix, and X is its transposed matrix. Indeed,
the product of a column matrix and a square matrix is a column
matrix [see (VII.32)1 whose elements in the case being considered are
2Ja 1kxk (i=1,2, .•. ,n)
The product of a column matrix and a row matrix is simply a function
[see (VII.33)]. In the given case, this function is
,..., x, L a,kxk
i k
The last expression can be seen to be identical to expression (IX.1).
A quadratic form such as
[we have replaced the elements of the matrix B with the correspond-
ing elements of the transposed matrix ii, see formula (VIl.7)].
According to (Vll.28), lJ a;kbkm is (AB);m-an element of the
matrix obtained by multiplying the matrices B and A. Similarly,
~b,, (AB) tm is (i3AB) 1m-an element of the matrix obtained by
multiplying the matrices (AB) and B. Consequently, the matrix C
whose elements are determined by formula (IX.10) can be written as
BAB c= (IX.11)
By (VIII.15), the determinant D (C) of the matrix C is
D (C) = D (B) D (A) D (B)
Since the matrices B and B differ in the columns being interchanged
with the rows, while the determinant does not change in this case
[see (VIII.8)1, we have D (B) = D (B), and we can write
D (C) =D (A) [D (B)] 2 (IX.12)
In tne sum on the left, only the addend with m = k will be non-zero,
and it equals bikl..k. We thus arrive at the equation
bikl..k=~aimbmk (i, k=1, 2, ... , n) (IX.16)
in the form
(au- AI!) b111
• •a:1b.lh.
+ a12b211
+ ... + a1nbn1t
(IX.i 7)
anlbtk + an2b211 + ••· +(ann- Ak) bnk = 0
For the system of equations (IX.17) to have non-zero solutions,
its determinant must be zero (see Appendix VIII):
a 11 - A a 12 a 1n
a21 azz- A . . . a2n =0 (IX.18)
{we have taken advantage of the fact that amh. = ah.m; see (IX.2)).
The relation / 2 = -/ 2 is possible only when / 2 = 0. We have thus
proved that the quadratic form (IX.21) has real values at any com-
plex z's. By (IX.22), let us write it as
f = ~ akmXh.Xm + ~ akmYh.Ym = fo (xh.) + fo (Yk) (IX.23)
h.,m h.,m
from the variables x 1 to the new variables Yi> the velocities experience
the same lransformation:
where bml has the same values (IX.36) as in the preceding case.
Hence, in any linear transformation from the variables x 1 to the
new variables y 1, the coefficients of the quadratic form of the velo-
cities x 1 are transformed in exactly the same way as the coefficients of
the similar quadratic form of x;. On these grounds, the diagram
(IX.27) can be modified as follows:
( xV ~~)
(transformation F)
- (transfotmation G)
---;.. y!
,,' y.
Xt ---;.. vi U;
'\1 • • ,.., •2 '\1 0 2
..._] a 1kXtXI!.- ~ ~;Vt ...::...; Ut ---;.. ~
- 1
i, k i i i
....._) bikXtXI!.- ._:
'\1 b'ikV;VI!.- )' '\1
b"ii!.U;Uk- ~ f. tYi2 (IX.37)
i, k i, R. r;-k i
X. Tensors
1. Definition of a Tensor. To arrive at the concept of a tensor,
let us consider the polarization of an anisotropic dielectric.
Here Xtk are the nine quantities characterizing the dielectric in the
new coordinate system.
By formulas (VI.37) and (VI.38), the components of the vector P
in the transition from the system K to the system K 1 are transformed
by the formula
Pi=~ a. 11 P1 (X. 7)
and the components of the vector E in the transition from the system
K' to the system K are transformed by the formula
(Recall that a.ih = eieh is the cosine of the angle between the i-th
primed and the k-th unprimed coordinate axes.)
Let us replace P 1 with Em in (X.7) according to relation (X.5).
The result is
Pi=~ a.uPz = ~ O.tz
lJm XlmEm = I,lJm a.i!XImEm
Now let us substitute into this equation Em from formula (X.8):
Pi= ~ a.uX1m ~ CX~tmE/t =
1. m k
lJk Ei I,~m O.tzCXkmXIm
The set of the nine quantilie'l T 111 that transform in the transition
from the coordinate system K to the system K' by the formula
Tu T12 Tta)
T=(T 0 ,)= ( T2t T22 T2a (X.12)
Tat Ta2 Taa
The quantities T 1, are called the components of a tensor. The com-
ponents T 11 , T 22 , and T 33 are said to be diagonal.
Hence, the properties of an anisotropic dielectric are described by
the dielectric susceptibility tensor
(6ilt) = (100)
0 '1 0 (X.17)
0 0 '1
is called a unit tensor. By transformation formula (VI.39), its com-
ponents in the new coordinate system are
6i11 = LJ
l, m
ailallmOzm = )' aila~tz
= 0,11
[we have taken advantage of the property of the coefficients a11t
expressed by formula (X.39)). The components of a unit tensor
1 We must note that this is possible only with specially chosen coordinate
Let us introduce into the last expression the values of Ti 11 and a~,
in terms of the unprimed components:
b( = ~ T(ltak =
2JIt l,2Jm auakmTlm 2J• aksas = 2Jl au m,2Js Tzmas 2JIt akmak,
According to the property (VI.40), ~ akmak, = llms• Consequently,.
. 11
the subscripts are interchanged, i.e. has the properties of the com-
ponents of an antisymmetric tensor.
We can therefore always consider that
Tu, = Su, .4 111 + (X.2G)
S T;k+T,,; A _ T;11-T1t1
ih = 2 ill- 2 (X .27)
The concepts of symmetry and antisymmetry can also be applied
to tensors of a higher rank. For instance, Till! is said to be symmetric
{antisymmetric) relative to the subscripts i and k (or i and l, or
k and l) if upon transposition of these subscripts the components of
the tensor do not change (reverse their sign). If the components of
a tensor do not change (or reverse their sign) upon the transposition
of any pair of subscripts, the tensor is said to be absolutely symmetric
(absolutely antisymmetric).
The set of 27 quantities e 1" 1 introduced in Appendix VI forms
an absolutely antisymmetric tensor of the third rank. Recall that
the quantities e 1111 (1) are zero if any two subscripts have identical
values; (2) equal +1 if all the subscripts are different and form a
cyclic transposition of the sequence 1, 2, 3; (3) equal -1 if all the
subscripts are different and form a cyclic transposition of the sequence
3, 2, 1. Of the 27 components of this tensor, 21 are zero, three are +1,
and three are -1. It can be shown by simple but cumbersome cal-
·cnlations that
eiltz = 2J
aimakpazsf:mps = eilil
m. p, s
i:e. that the tensor e 1" 1 is invariant.
4. True Tensors and Pseudotensors. Let us see how the components
-of a tensor transform upon the inversion of the coordinate axes. The
transformation coefficients in this case have the values
au, = -(~ill
(see (VI.42)). Therefore, the formula for the transformation of the
·components of a tensor of rank r, Tilt ... ! (altogether r subscripts), in
inversion is
1'ik... z= ~ (-<51m)(-61!p) ··· (-6z.)1'mp ... a
m, p .•• s
= ( -1Y ~ 6;m61tp ... 6z.T mp .. .• = ( -1Y Tik ... z
m, p ... s
Hence, the components of a tensor of rank r (we have in mind
tensors in three-dimensional space) are transformed in inversion
by the formula
Ti11 ... 1 = (-1}T Tik ... z
By (X.28). the quantities e.ihl in any transformation of the coor-
dinates (and, consequently, in inversion) remain invariant, i.e.
It is obvious that this surface does not depend on the choice of the
coordinate system in which the components of the tensor S and of
the position vector r are determined. The nature of the surface
depends only on the properties of the tensor S.
Let us choose an arbitrary coordinate system x1 , x 2 , x 3 and express
the left-hand side of Eq. (X.31) in terms of the components randS
in this system. By (X.22), we have
(Sr) 1 = ~ S lkxk
If the coordinate axes are directed along the principal axes of the·
tensor (i.e. along the semiaxes of the tensor ellipsoid), the tensor
acquires a diagonal form:
Let the vector a be directed along the first principal axis of the tensor.
Hence, a 1 = a, a 2 = a 3 = 0 [having taken the tensor in the form
of (X.:34), we assumed that the coordinate axes are directed along the
principal axes of the tensor). By formula (X.35), the components of
the vector b will be b1 = A1a 1 , b2 = b 3 = 0. This signifies that the
direction of the vector b coincides with that of the 'ector a, while
the magnitude of the vector b is A1 times that of the vector a. The
same also holds for the other two principal axes. Therefore, if the
vector a is directed along one of the principal axes of the tensor, the
following equation ·holds:
Sa = A.a (X.36)
where A. is the relevant principal value of the tensor.
We have arrived at the following result: when a vector having the
direction of one of the principal axes is multiplied by a tensor, the
direction of the vector does not change, but its magnitude grows by
a number of times equnl to the rolevnnt princ.ipnl value of tho tens,Jr.
Equation (X.3G) holds for uuy coordinate system if only the vector
a is directed along one of the principal axes of the tensor. This cir-
cumstance can be used to flnd the principal values and the principal
axes of a tensor. For this purpose, we must vary the direction of the
vector a until the vector Sa coincides in direction with a. The direc-
tion found gives a principal axis of the tensor, and the ratio of Sa
to a-the corresponding principal value. Analytically, this can be
expressed as follows. Let us write Eq. (X.36) in components (we have
not yet reduced the tensor to its principal axes so that, generally
the components
c1 = LJ A,~~.b~~. = 2j BtJt.lbkal
II. "· l
Comparing the expression obtained with formula (VI.33), we arrive
at the conclusion that c can be written as the vector product1 of the
vectors b and a:
c = Ab =[hal
The vector c is normal both to the initial vector b and to the pseudo·
vec.tor a corresponding to the tensor A. Hence, the action of the
tensor A causes the vector to turn through the angle n/2. In addition~
generally speaking, the length of the vector changes.
The last expression does not depend on the choice of the coordinates
x, i.e. is-an invariant. The set of quantities dx 1 forms the vector dr.
We can therefore state (seA the text following formula (VI.28)J
that, the quantities 8cp/8x 1 are the projections of a vector onto the
x 1-axis. This vector is called the gradient of the scalar <p and is
designated by the symbol grad <p. Hence,
grad<p= ~ :: e 1 (Xl.2}
j •
or., in conventional notation,
8~ 8~ 8~
grad <p= Tx e~+ay ey + a;:ez
1 Recall that a vector product is a true vector only if one of the multipliers
is a pseudovector. We could also conclude from this circumst..mce that a is not.
11. truo vector, but a pseudovector.
i h I 1
which coincides with (VI.37). \Ve have thus shown that the quantitie~
ar;p/ax 1 upon transformations of the coordinates behave like the
eomponents of a vector. .
Willin111 Hamilton introduced the vector differentinl operator \7:
(the del operator or the Hamiltonian operator) that is a vector with
the components a/ax, a/ay, and 8/oz:
<l>x= ~
axtdft- J
ax2df2= ~
(axt-ax2) df (XI. B)
Here Xp, yp, and Zp are the coordinates of the point P, a:.·P is the
value of ax at the point P, (DaxiBx)p, etc. are the values of the deriv-
atives at the point P, and ex is a quantity of a higher order of small-
ness than the differences (x- xp), (y- yp), and (z- zp), i.e.
a quantity diminishing more rapidly than the linear dimensions of
the parallelepiped.
Assuming in expression (XI.9) that x = x 1 , let us find the values
of ax at points on the face 1, i.e. ax 1 ; assuming that x = x 2 , we
obtain the values of ax 2 • Subtracting these values from one another,
we obtain the following expression for the opposite areas d/1 and d/ 1
p (y- yp) + ( az
aa!I ) aa y )
ay = ayp+ ( ay p (z-:-Zp) +ey
'/ z
Knowing the projections, it is simple to find the vector itself:
. I· ( aa. aav·) (' aax aaz ) ( aay aax )
cur a= ex --ay -a;- +.e 11 ---;;;---a? +ez a?---ay
With a· view to the fact that, for example, aazlay can be written as
V 11az, etc. (V 11 = a/ay is the projection of the vector V onto the
y-axis), formula (XI.19) becomes
ex ey ez
curl a= Tx ay a;
a a
ax ay az
Finally, a comparison with formula (VI.31) allows us to write that
curl a== [Val (XJ.21)
Taking advantage of formulas (VI.29) and (Vl.33) for a vector
.product, we can write the following expressions for a curl and its
k-th .component:
• [Va] = ~ Btkz-a-e"
i, k, l m.n
The quantity [Val exists at every point of the vector field of u.
Consequently, the curl forms a vector field determined in the same
part of space in which the field of the vector a is set.
Let us take an arbitrary surface j enclosed by the contour r (the
latter does not necessarily have to be plane and can have any shape)
in the field of the vector a. We divide this surface into small elements
Aj (Fig. X1.5). By (XI.16) for the circulation A.Ca around the bound-
ary of an element A.j, we can write the expression A.Ca ~ [Valn M,
where [Valn is the projection of [Val onto a normal to the given
element A.f related to the direction of circumvention by the right-
hand screw rule.
Let us summate these expressions for all the 6.f's. In the summation
(>f !:lCa, the integrals Ja dl taken along the boundaries between
adjacent areas cancel each other (for adjacent areas these integrals
differ in their sign because they are evaluated in opposite dirPetions)
Only the integrals) a dl for the sections coinciding with thn contour f
enclosing f remain uncompensated. The sum of these integrals gives
the circulation of a around the contour r.
The sum on the right in the limit (when
!:if - 0) transforms into an integral over the sur-
face. The approximate equality in the limit trans-
forms into a strict equality. The result is r
~a dl = J[\i'a) df (XI.23)
p f
The relation we have found is called Stokes's Fig. XI. 5.
theorem. It states that the circulation of the vec-
tor a around the closed contour r equals the flux of the vector [\i'a]
through the surface enclosed by the contour r.
The surface over which the integral on the right-hand side of
formula (XI.23) is evaluated may be any one, it is only important
that it bound on the contour r. The direction of the normal n must
be made to agree with the direction of circumventing the contour
r in integration.
Application of the Operator \7 to the Product of Functions. When
formulas including \7 are being compiled, it is necessary to adhere
to the rules of both vector algebra and differential calculus. Assume,
for instance, that cp and 'IJ> are scalar position functions. Therefore,
\7 (cp'IJ>} = \7"' (Cfl'IJ>) + \7 cp (cp\jl} (XI.24)
(the subscript on \7 indicates which of the functions it is acting on).
The factor on which \7 does not act in the given term can be put
outside the symbol \7 (the operator \7 acts only on quantities follow-
ing it). Formula (XI.24) now becomes \7 (cp,~) = <rY'w'ii + 'IJ>\i''Pcp.
lu this expression, the subscripts on \7 are superfluous, so that we
finally have
(the right-hand side is read "phi gradient of psi plus psi gradient
of phi"). .
Let us apply \7 to the product cpa. Here there are two possibilities-
a scalar or a vector product of the vectors \7 and cpa. The corre-
sponding results are:
\7 (cpa)= \i''P (cpa)+ Y'a (cpa)= a\i'cp +
cp\i'a (XI.26)
The action of the operator (aV) on the vector b yields the expression
(aV)·b = 2j a 1
:!, = 2j a
1 0 ~ 1 ( ~ e"b") = ~ eh ~ a1
h k i
::: (XI.32)
Let us apply the operator (XI .30) to the product of the scalar
function cp and the vector function b:
(aV) (cpb) = (aVq:) (cpb) + (aVb) (cpb) = b (aV) cp +
cp (aV) b
= b (a·Vcp) + cp (aV) b (XI.33)
It is useful to know the value of the expression (aV) r, where r
is a position vector, and a is an arbitrary vector. Substituting r
for b in (XI.32) and taking into account that ox11/{}x 1 = 6 11" we
Seeing that fJ 2a11 18:ck fJxm = 82 a,J8xm fJxk, the last expression equals~ ·
zero. Consequently,
div curl a = 0 ' .. (XI.44)
We could have arrived at this result direr,tly by taking into account
that the scalar triple product of vectors (which is what '\7 -['ya] is)
equals the volume of a parallelepiped constructed on the vectors
being multiplied. Therefore, when two of the three factors coincide.,
sueh a product is zero.
To calculate curl curl a, we shall proceed from formulas (XI.22):
1 We have .written oq>/fJr instead of d<p/dr because 'it· may happen. that 1p,
in addition to r, also depends, say, on t.
Now let us find the curl of the function qJ (r) en where qJ (r) is an
arbitrary function of r. We again apply formulas (XI.27) and (XI.51):
[V, qJ (r) erl = [V'qJ (r), erl + qJ (r) [V, erl
= [(oq:>/or) en erl + qJ (r) [V, erl = 0
[sec (Xl.53)]. Hence
[V, cp (r) erl = 0 (XI. 54)
Assume that we are given the vector function a (~) = ~ a 11 (s) e 11
of the scalar quantity £ that, in turn, is a function of the coordinates
x 1, that is, £ = £ (xi)· Let us find the curl and divergence of this
function. According to the rules for the differentiation of a composite
(XI. 55)
By (XI.22)
The quantity oa 1Jo£ is the k-th component of the vector oa/86, and
o£/oxiis the i-th component of the gradient of the function £. There-
[Val= ~
i, k, l
eil.z (V's)r ( :~ ) 11 ez = [ V's. :~ J
[we have used formula (VI.29)]. Hence, if a = a(£), where £ =
= £ (x1 , x 2 , x 3 ), we have
[V'a] = [_ \76, :~ J (X 1.56)
To fmd the divergence of the function a(£), we proceed from
formula (XI.11). With a view to (XI.55), \Ve obtain
va = "" oak = ""
LJ axh LJ as
a~" ~
= ")' ( a~ ) (\7£) = !!.. . \76 (XI.5 7)
k-J as . k II a~
h It It
Assuming in formulas (XI.5li) and (X1.57) that = r (where r s
is the magnitude of the position vector), we fmd that
Jv [V'a] dV = ~ {na] df = ~
f f
[df, a] (XI.60)
b Jv [Va] dV = h ~ [na) df
This relation must be observed with an arbitrary choice of the vec-
tor h. We can therefore cancel b. As a result, we arrive at formula
Integral Determination of the Operator V. Let us consider the
~ cp df (XI. 61)
over the closed surface f, where cp is an arbitrary scalar functi9n,
df = n df is an elementary vector of the area df. Let us take the
surface of an infinitely small rectangular parallelepiped with the
sides dx, dy, dz as the surface over which the integral is being eval-
uated. The integral (XI.61) can therefore he written as the sum of
six integrals each of which is evaluated over one of the faces of the
parallelepiped. Owing to the smallness of the faces, the value of (p
within the limits of each face may be considered as constant. Con-
~cp df=ex[cp(x+dx, y, z)-cp(x, y, z)]dydz
+ey[cp(x, y+dy, z)-cp(x, y, z)ldxdz
+ez[cp(x, y, z+dz)-cp(x, y, z)]dxdy
~:: = 8;: =sin{} cos <p, :;; = a;; = sin-& sin q>, :;1 = 8; : = cos-&
so that by (XI.68)
Hi = (sin-& cos <p) 2 + (sin\} sin <p} 2 + (cos -&) 2 = 1
ds 2 = I dr 12 = 2Ji Hf dql (XI.71)
aa"H"a-aa'H'a= a (a3H
,· s) LJ.qz
A + Ea, ,
TT" 'H's= a (a2H
" 2) LJ.q3
A + Ez
vqa vqa
Consequently, expression (XI.85) can be written as
C _a (asH
8 ) ,1 ,1
q'l. qa -
a(aaq2 H 2) ,1 qa ,1 q2 + s
1- 2 3
= _1_
H 2H 3
{a (asHs)-
It+ e
2 3
where / 1 is the area of the rectangle [see (XI. 74)1 and e is a quantity
of a higher order of smallness than / 1 •
Introducing the value of C1 we have found into (XI.84) and per-
forming a limiting process, we arrive at the formula
(V'a] 1 = _1_
{a (aaqaH _a (aaqsH
3 3) 2 2)}
Similar formulas are obtained for the two other projections of the
vector [V'al. All three formulas can be combined into a single one:
+-a (
aq 2
H 8H 1
~)+-a ( H H 2 ~)}
aq aq
2 H aq 3
3 3
In cylindrical coordinates
1 a ( a'~') 1 aa'l'
.1'\jl=-p-ap P Tp +p2 acpa + aa"¢
aza (XI.89)
1 0 0 0)
v 0 -1 0 0
(g~t ) ==(gil..,) = ( 0 0 -1 0 (XII.4}
0 0 0 -1
For reasons that will be revealed later on, we shall use the follow-
ing notation. We shall write the indices on the components of a four-
position vector not as subscripts, but as superscripts. \V e shall
write the Kronecker symbol as 6~, i.e. with one subscript and one·
superscript. We shall use superscripts or subscripts on the compo-
nents of the metric tensor depending on the circumstances.
We shall adhere to the following rules in writing formulas:
1. In each pair of dummy indices (i.e. indices over which sum-
mation is to be performed), one will be a superscript and the other·
a subscript.
2. Free indices (i.e. those over which summation is not performed).
will be placed in the same position-either as a superscript or a sub-
script-on both sides of an equation.
In the coefficients of the linear transformation of vector and tensor
components, we shall also make one index a superscript and the
In the theory of relativity, the product of the timet and the speed
-of light in a vacuum is taken as the coordinate x 0 , and the coordinates
in conventional three-dimensional space are taken as the remaining
-coordinates xi. Hence,
x 0 = ct, x1 = x, x 2 = y, x 3 = z (XII'.6)
Having this in view, we can write expression (XII.S) as
3 3
~ gllvxl1xV=(x0)2- ~ (xi)2=c2t2-r2 (XII. 7)
• j.t, \'=0 i=!
1 We shall see in the following that one index is a superscript and the other
one is a subscript on mixed components of tensors. It must be remembered,
llowever, that linear transformation coefficients do not have the properties of
tensor components.
Let us exchange on the right the places of the dummy indices 1.1.
and p, and also of v and a. The result is ~ gt.tvXIlX" =
ll. V=O
3 3
- ~ xllx" ~ g paa~a~.
1-1. v-o p, cr=O
This gives us the conditions which the coefficients of the linear
transformation (XII.8) must satisfy:
~ gpaO:~a~ =gil"
p, cr=O
Having in view that g per differ from zero only when p = a [see
(XII.4)], this relation can be simplified as follows:
[cx~Jp ... Q = [H H]
0 0 0 1
lim ex~ = lim ex~ = 1, lim ex~ = lim ex~ = 0 (XII.17)
p ... o p ... o p ... o p ... o
The four coefficients ex~ differing from zero and unity are not inde-
pendent. Having written relation (XII.10) for 1-1. = v = 0, we frnd
A similar relation also holds for the coefficients of the inverse
transformation: (a~) 2 - (~~) 2 = 1, whence with a view to (XII.14)
we obtain the equation
(cx~) 21 - (cx~) 2 = (XII.19)
Now let us write condition (XII.10) for 1-1. = 0 and v = 1:
cx~cx~ - cx~cx~ = 0 (X I I. 20)
A comparison of Eqs. (XII.18) and (XII.19) shows that (cx~) 2 =
= (cx~) 2 , i.e. ex~ = ±ex~. A comparison of this condition with
Eq. (XII.20) gives two possible alternatives of the relations bet,veen
the coefficients:
( 1) a 00 = at1 if cx 01 = at0' and (2) cx 00 = -at1 if aot = -ext0
The first alternative agrees with the property of the coefficients
expressed by formula (XII.17). Consequently, we must assume that
a~ = ex~, and a~ = ex~. Introducing the notation ex~ = a~ = cx 0
and a~ = ex~ = a 1 , we can write the matrix of the transformation
coefficients as follows:
(ctlL) = [ -
cx 0 -ct 1
cx1 CX00 0
00] (XII.23)
'V 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
Contravariant and Covariant Vectors. Substitution into (XII.8)
of the values of ex~ from (XII.21) leads to formulas for the trans-
formation of the components of a four-position vector:
x' 0 = a 0x 0 + a 1xl, x' 1 = a 1 x 0 + cx 0x\ x' 2 = x 2 , x' 3 = x 3 (XII.24)
The set of the four quantities a0 , a\ a 2 , and a 3 that transform in
a transition from one coordinate system to another according to
the same rules as the components of a four-position vector, i.e.
according to the formulas
a'IL = ~ a~av (XII.25)
is said to be a four-dimensional vector (a four-vector). The coef-
ficients ctlLv in (XII.25) have the same values as in (XII.8).
The component a 0 corresponds to the component x 0 of a four-
position vector that in the theory of relativity is taken equal to ct
[see (XII.6)]. In this connection, the component a 0 is called a time
one. The components a 1, a 2, a 3 correspond to the components x 1 = x,
x 2 = y, x 3 = z, and are therefore called spatial components.
Substitution into (XII.25) of the values of cxlLv from (XII.21) leads
to the foll~wing formulas:
a' 0 = a 0 a0 + a 1a 1, a' 1 = cx 1a 0 +
cx 0a 1, a' 2 = a2, a' 3 = a 3 (XII.26)
The square of a four-vector is determined by analogy with the
square of a four-position vector [see (XII.5)1:
~ gJ.LJ.LalLalL = (aD)Z- (a1) 2 - (a2) 2 - (a3)2 (XII.27)
We must note that the square of a four-vector can be either positive
or negative; particularly, it may be zero.
In writing vector formulas for a pseudo-Euclidean space, we become
confronted with a major inconvenience because the square of a four-
vector is determined by expression (XII.27) that cannot be written
"'* a
·•o=8ijf• (XII.42)
V~ = ( a:o , V) (XII.43)
where 'i1
is the operator of the gradient in three-dimensional Eucli-
dean space. Consequently, the contravariant components oJ the
operator 'il* will be
axo , 'il*•= -~
oxl , 'i1*2= __
i]x2 - _ _!.._
a_ , 'i1*3- axa (XII.44)
ax' 11 ax v
---;;;v = ax' 11
Hence, when a space has a Euclidean metric, the coefficients of the
transformations (XII.47) and (XII.48) coincide, and the difference
between the contravariant and covariant vectors (and also the
tensors) vanishes.
Transformation of Covariant Components. In a transition from the
system K to the system K', the covariant components of vectors
obviously transform like their contravariant counterparts according
to a linear law. Designating the coefficients of covariant component
transformation by the symbol a~, we can write
aV =aV = - -
ll ll ax' ll
This agrees with (XII.48).
Four-Dimensional Tensors. By a four-tensor of the second rank
is meant a set of the 16 quantities TllV which in a transition from
one coordinate system to another are transformed by the formula
The coefficients a~ and a~ are zeros [see (XII.21)], therefore the last
two sums will Yanish. Of the four coefficients a~, only two are non-
zero: a~ and a~. Consequently, in the first two sums, only the first
two addends are non-zero. Hence,
A' 01 = a~ (a~A 00 + a~ A 01) + a~ (a~A 10 + a~ A 11 )
(g!!V) = (gjJ.V) =
( 1 0 0 0)
0 -1
0 0 -1
0 0
0 (XII.67)
0 0 0 -1
A c9mparison with (XII.4) shows that the tensor gllv (like giJ.v)
is a metric tensor.
Let us form the expression
Taking into account (XII.67), we find that when 1-t = 0, this exp!es-
sion is a0 = a0 , while when f.t = i (i = 1, 2, 3), we obtain -at =
= ai. It thus follows that
Consequently, the scalar product of the vectors aiL and b" can
be written in any of the following three ways:
LJ g11 ..,a1Lb"
2JIL a1Lb11 = IJ.,V · Lj giL"a"'b"
The tensors 6~, g"'"' and giL" are invariant-their components are
identical in all coordinate systems. The absolutely antisymmetric
unit four-pseudo tensor of the fourth rank, £IL"P 0 , is also invariant.
The components of this tensor are determined similarly to those
of the pseudo tensor e;kl in Euclidean space [see (VI.15)]. If at least
two indices coincide, eJ.tvpa is zero. Therefore, of its 4 4 = 256 com-
ponents, only 4! = 24 components are non-zero. It is assumed that
eot2a = +1 (XII.69)
The remaining 23 components are assumed to equal +1 or -1 de-
pending on what number of permutations of two indices-even or
odd - gives us the sequence f!, v, p, a from the sequence
0, 1, 2, 3. It is obvious that 12 components have the value +1
and 12 the value -1.
According to the rule we have adopted above, lowering of all
the non-zero indices in e"'vpa must change the sign of the relevant
component. Therefore, £ 0123 = -1. Similarly, e 11 vpa = -£IL"P0
(of the four indices, one must be 0, and the other three-1, 2, 3).
It thus follows that
LJei'VP<JeiJ.Vp:J= -24
(XII. 70)
V i=t
::: dV=~ ~
I i=l
a 1 df 1 (XII. 71)
J 2j :;: dV*
= ~ 2j ~" df"'
(XII. 72)
x,(1) • (2)
xl x,
f, !2 f, t;.
(a) (b)
Fig. XII.L
::~ dV = ~ 2j a! df I = 0
I i
(XII. 73)
) a 1 d/ 1 -
(1) (2)
Jatd/ =0 1
J~a,dfi- ~ ~
a1 dft =0
j~a 1 df 1 = const (XII.74)
i.e. has the same value for any surface including all the two-dimen-
sional space x 2 x 3 (the space yz).
Now let us assume that there is a tensor Tit• satisfying the con-
~ 8Jx' 11 =0
11 (i=1, 2, 3)
This equation holds for any closed hypersurface; the integral on the
left-hand side is evaluated over the four-volume confined by this
hypersurface. Let us take as this volume the part of four-space con-
fined between two infinite hyperplanes x 0 = x~u = const and
x 0 = xf21 = const. The coordinates xl, x 2 , x 3 for points of such
hyperplanes-vary from -oo to +oo. Consequently, each of the hyper-
planes consists of the whole three-dimensional space taken at the
instant t 1 = x~ 1 ,/c for the first plane and at the instant t 2 = x~2 ,/c
for tho second one.
For the chosen four-volume, the right-hand side of relation
(XII.80) can be written as
Ja d/ Ja d/ =0
( 1)
0 0-
0 0
Ja 0 df 0 - const (XII.81)
This means that the value of the integral (XII.81) does not depend
on which of the hyperplanes x 0 = const integration is performed
Now let us take a four-volume enclosed by two hypersurfaces
of an arbitrary shape for all of whose points the coordinate x 0 is
finite, and the coordinates xl, x 2 , x 3 take on values from -oo to +oo.
Such hypersurfaces include the entire three-dimensional space.
Writing the right-hand side of relation (XII.80) for such a volume,
we have
j~avdfv- J~avdfv=O
(1) v (2) v
Hence, the integral
J~ avdfv=COnst
where a is an arbitrary constant, will also be conserved.
For brevity, we have used the notation
roo=-r (XIV.3)
where 1' is the period of the function.
The series (XIV.2) is called the Fourier series. The constants an
and bn are called Fourier coefficients. We shall not discuss the con-
ditions which a function must satisfy for its values to coincide with
those of the series (XIV.2), referring readers interested in this matter
to texts on calculus.
A non-periodic function can also be represented as a Fourier
series. But such a representation will be suitable for the non-periodic
function only on the segment from -T/2 to +T/2.
1 Having in mind the applications, we have designated the independent.
variable by t instead of by x.
see that
J ei<n-m)wot dt = l)nmT (XIV .13)
The orthogonality of the system of functions (XIV.12) allows us
to lind tho values of the coefficients C n· Let us multiply relation
(XIV.11) by etmw.t and then integrate over the segment -T/2,
+T/2. Owing to orthogonality, of all the integrals on the right-hand
side, only one will be non-zero, namely
J Cme-i(n-m)wot dt = CmT
We therefore arrive at the formula J f(t) eimw• 1 dt = CmT,
Four-vector, Lagrangian,
current, 217t in generalized coordinates, 27t
momentum-enerf(y, 140 for non-inertia I reference frames, 57ft
scalar product, 399, 400 pendulum, 30, 31, 32
spatial component, 398 in polar coordinates, 41
square, 398, 400 rigid body, 101t
time component, 398 for uniformly rotating coordinate system,
Four-velocity, 135f 61
Frame, reference, see Reference frame Law,
Frequencies, natural, 74 B!ot-Snvart, 187
Function, conservation,
Dirac delta, 412f angular momentum, 39f
Hamiltonian, 116 charge, 218
Lagrangian, 11, see also Lagrangian energy, 36!
non-periodic, 413!, 416 momentum, 37ft
periodic, 413, 416 electromagnetic induction, 199f
Rayleigh's dissipative, 18! Length, Lorentz contraction, 133
Functional, 300ft Llne(s)
continuous, 302 coordinate, 387
extremum, 304, 306ft nodal, Sa
linear, 301 world, 127
maximum, 305
minimum, 305
variation, 302! Magnetic field, 2891
arbitrarily moving charge, 283
dipole radiation, 293
Gauge, quadrupole radiation, 29ft
Coulomb, 207 uniformly moving charge, 275t
Lorentz, 206 Magnetization, 19ft
transverse, 207 diamagnet!cs, 196
Gauging, potentials, 20/o paramagnetics, 196
Gradient, 370ff Mass,
in curvilinear coordinates, 389f reduced, system, ft7
four-dimensional, 400ft relativistic, 142
In n-dimensional space, 371 rest, 142
Matrix(ces), 330ff
algebra, 334ff
Hamilton, w. R., 33, 115, 371 asymmetric, 333
Hamiltonian, 116, 118 characteristic equation, 3~ 1
relativistic expression, 143 column, 333
Homogeneity, 36 commutative, 335
Hyperbola, 309 degenerate, 331
canonical equation, 309! diagonal, 333f
eccentricity, 310 difference, 334
equation, 312f elements, 330
identity, 334
inverse, 331
Index( Ices), as linear Ol?erator, 332
dummy, 16, 20, 371, 393 multlplicatJOn, 334ff
free, 393 orthogonal, 331, 338
refractive, complex, 2641 quadratic form, 348, 350
Induction, rank, 346
electric, 170 row, 333
magnetic, 177, 194, 196! singular, 331
Integral(s), skew-symmetric, 333
Fourier, 417 squarr, 332, 346
motion, 25f, 37, 113, 119, 120 sum, 334
Interval, 127ft, 144 symmetric, 333
space-like, 129 trace, 33ft
time-like, 129 transformation, 330
Invarlance, gauge, 205 transposed, 331, 340
Invariants, fleld, 225ff unit, 334, 337
Isotropy, 36 Maxwell, J. c., 200, 201
Mechanics, relativlstic 1 12i
Minor, determinant, 3~t0
Kernel, Integral transform, 418 Moment(s),
Kovalevskaya, S. v., 111 dipole, 162
axial, 91
Lagrange, J. L., 111 centrifugal, 91
Lagrangian, 11f, 17, 18, 23f principal, 91
charged particle in field, 245 magnetic, 192f, 295
density, 148 plane loop with current, 193
for field, 239 system or discrete charges, 192
and energy, 24ff quadrupole, 296
tor fleld, 236 Momentum,
for free relativistic particle, 1431 angular, 62
Momentum, Particles,
four-dimensional, 139! scattering, 49, 53ff
generalized, 24 scattering angle, 52
pendulum, 30 total energy, 140
relativistic particle, 141t, 144 trajectory, 42ff
system, density, 154 equation In polar coordinates, 43ff
three-dimensional, relativistic formula, velocities after collision, 51
139 Pendulum(s),
for uniformly rotating coordinate system, with constantly accelerating suspensloa
61 point, 31f
Monopoles, coupled, 77ff
Dirac's, 177 kinetic energy, 77
tleld potential, 165 natural frequency, 78
Motion, normal coordinates, 79
aperiodic, 681 potential energy, 77
flhlte, 45 simple, 30
lntlnlte, 45 with uniformly moving suspension point,
Multlpole, 162 30!
field potential, 165f Permeability, 196
first-order, 16 2 Permittivity, 171
complex, 263
relative, 171
Number, Phase, wave, 256
complex wave, 261, 263 Poln t, world, 127
degrees of freedom, 15 Polarization, dielectric, 167!, 3561
Nutation, 87, 113f Postulates, Einstein's, 125
calculated In dipole approximation, 288
Octupole, 166 field,
Operator, dipole, 163, 165
d'Alembertlan, 207, 217 electrostatic, 158f
del, 371 monopole, 165
application, 379ff multipole, 165f
Integral determination, 3861 point charge, 158
Hamiltonian, 371 quadrupole, 165
Laplacian, 381t generalized, 18
In curvilinear coordinates, 392 L!enard-Wiechart, 278
Oscillations, magnetic, 194
damped, 66ff retarded, 271f
forced, 70ff field of charge system, 2M
tree, 64ff system, 16
harmonic, 65f vector, 194ff, 291ft
complex amplitude, 66 magnetic field, 178, 189
normal, 76 Power, dipole radiation, 291, 295
small-amplitude, 64ff Precession,
pseudoregular, 114
regular, 87, 108
Parabola, 310 Principle,
canonical equation, 310 constancy of light speed, 1251
eccentricity, 310 Einstein's, relativity, 125, 127
equation, 312 Gallleo's, mechanical, relativity, 1251
Parameter, Hamilton, 33ft
focal, 311 least action, 13, 33ff, 117, 233
Impact, 54, 56 variational, mechanics, 34
Partlcle(s), Problem, Lagrange's, 111!
capture, 49 Process, aperiodic, 68
charged, in electromagnetic l'leld, Pseudoscalars, 325, 328
action, 232ff PReudotcnsor, 364,
mot1o11, 230 contraction, an:,
defiectlon angle, 52, 54 Pseudovector, 3241, 328, 369
and Impact parameter, 54
divergence angle, 52f
elastic collisions, 49ff Quadratic form(s), 3471r
energy, 245 canonical, 348
In central field, 42 diagonal, 348
In fteld, Hamiltonian, 246f discriminant, 348
generalized momentum, 245 matrix, 348 350
head-on collision, 53 negative definite, 34 7, 348
motion in central force field, 41ff positive definite, 347, 348
moving along stralgbt line, 321 simultaneous reduction to diagonal form,
generalized force, 33 3521
generalized momentum, 33 Quadrupole, 163f
Lagrangian, 33 moment, 1641
In non-inertial reference frame, 57ff
recoil angle, 52
relativistic, 143ft Radiation,
rest energy, 141 dipole, 290f
Radiation, Tensors,
magnetic dipole, 293, 296 Maxw<>ll stn•ss, 215, 254
quadrupole, 294! m~tric, 393, 406
Reaction, constraint, 15 multiplication, 360
Reference frame, In n-dim~nslonal space, 359
c-, 50 permittivity, 175
centre-of-mass, 50 principal values, 359, 367f
1-, 50 rank, 359
I a bora tory, 50 scalar product, 361
Retardation, proper, 284, 286 second rank, 358, 365ft, 369ft
Rigid body, stress, 155
angular mom~ntum, 05ff sum, 360
proper, 96 symmetric, 362f
degrees of freedom, 82 as operator, 368
elementary displacement, 82 of second rank, 365ft
equations of motion, 102ff trace, 227, 360, 405, 406
kinematics, 82ll true, 3631
Rule, Cramer's, 343f unit, 359, 406
Euler's, for homogeneous functions, 301}•
Scalars, 359 Gauss's, 159, 177
true, 325 Gauss's divergence, stt Theorem, Ostro-
Scattering, differential effective cross sec- gradsky-Gauss
tion, 54!, 57 Ostrogradsky-Gauss, 375, 407ft
SchrMinger, E., 124 for pseudo-Euclid<'an four-space, 407t
Series, Fourier, 413ft parallel axis, 9~
In complex form, 414f St<•iner, 94
Space, Stokes's, 157, 379
configuration, 19, 34 Theory, r<>latlvity, special, 125
pseudo-Euclidean, 394 Time,
q-, 19 proper, body, 129
Strength, magnetic field, 196, 197 retarded, system, 284
Surface(s), Top,
constant cp, 370 asymmetrical, \13
coordinate, 387 rapid, 114
Susceptibility, spherical, 92
electric, 171 Euler's equations, 107
magnetic, 196 symmetrical, 93, 114
Symbol, Kronecker, 319 free, 107ff
skew-symmetric, 319 in homogeneous gravitational field, 111
System(s), unbalanced, 111ft
closed, Trace,
four-momentum, 152 matrices, 334
energy, 37 tensor, 227, 360, 405, 406
conservative, 16, 36 Traj~ctorv, motion, 121
coordinate, see Reference frame Transform, Fourier, 418
energy-momentum tensor, 152ft inverse, 418
holonomlc, 14, 20 Transformations, Lorentz, 132f
with Ideal constraints, tsf .
mechanical, 11
number of degrees of freedom, 15 Variation, function, 30l
potential, 16 Vector(s), 316ff, 359
potential energy, 16 ttccelrration, 135
reduced mass, 47 circulation, 375
retarded time, 284 components, 323
total energy, 25 transformations, 325f
two interacting particles, 45ll cross product, 317
dot product, 316
nux, :l72
T<•nsor(s), :l~f>ff four-. srt· Four-v(•ctor
antisynunetrlc, 362C four-liilll<'llSiOIIDl, ;1\)!(, •tt ttlso Jo'our-V<'CtOr
of second rank, 369f four-position, 130ff
cofftponents, 358 free, 318
diagonal, 358 Increment In rotation, 328ft
contraction, 360 n-, 327
dielectric susceptibility, 358 In n-dimensional space, 34'
electrical susceptibility, 175 Poynting's 210, 253f, 291
electromagnetic field, 220f scalar product, 316, 322, 327
elllpsold, 366, 368 tor n-dimensional space, 327
energy-momentum, 152ft scalar triple product, 317, 325, 32&-
for electromagnetic field, 240ft square of vector product, 318
four-dimensional, 403ft true, 324!
inertia, 91ff vector product, 317, 323
Inner product, 361 vector triple product, 317
invariant, 360 velocity, 135
as linear operator, 362 wave, 255
magnetic susceptibility, 198 four-dimensional, 256
-424 INDEX
Veloclty(les), Waves,
centre ot mass, SO . non-monochromaUc, 265ft
tour-dimensional, 13St plane, 250
generalized, 12, 19 In conducting medium, 260U
Volume, contraction. 133 oolarlzed,
circularly, 259
elliptically, 259
Wave(s), linearly, 260
attenuation tactor, 263 spectral decomposition. 265
average Intensity, 266t Work, dissipative torces, HJ
electromagnetic, 249
magnetic l'leld, 263
monocbromatfc, 255 Zone, wave, 288
:Y!l!i 530.1
Mexamn~a u aJieKTponnuaMHKa