Seleccion de Un Reactor
Seleccion de Un Reactor
Seleccion de Un Reactor
This paper presents a heuristic-numeric strategy for the selection and the design of technical
reactors for multiphase reaction systems in particular. On basis of fundamental data of the
reaction system and its structure essential decisions are made with regard to relevant reactor
selection criteria and the reactor selection itself.
Selection and design of a reactor is a decisive step within the framework of process syn-
thesis. Chemical processes consist of the reaction section and the separation section. The
reaction section and its outlet streams have strong influence on the structure of the separation
section whereas recycle streams which origin from the separation section affect the conditions
of the reaction section. Apart from this, the selection and design of a reactor strongly in-
fluence the conversion of reactants to desired products and the selectivity respectively.
This short description shows that the reactor type, its characteristics and the reaction con-
ditions within this reactor are important questions which should be answered at an early stage
of process synthesis. The fact that many parameters to be considered during the selection pro-
cedure depend on one another makes the reactor choice a difficult task.
In addition only fundamental data from initial experiments will be present at an early stage
of process synthesis. This means that selection methods which are based on mathematical
models and algorithms [1] are not suitable for the selection process since the necessary data
for the utilization of such tools are usually not available.
This paper presents a strategy for the selection of suitable reactors for multiphase reaction
systems which uses a heuristic-numeric approach for the selection procedure. On the basis of
fundamental data of the reaction system (e.g. kind of side reactions, qualitative data of
kinetics) the strategy applies selection levels which are based on one another (see Fig. 1). Each
selection level determines relevant reactor selection criteria to be used in the subsequent
selection level and for the final selection of suitable technical reactors respectively. The stra-
tegy especially takes into consideration that many of the criteria investigated are based on one
another or depend on each other. Therefore in contrast to publications of other authors (e.g.
[2-3]) the strategy presented is not a simple straight forward procedure to determine selection
criteria. The strategy has been implemented in the heuristic-numeric consulting system
READPERT (_Reactor E_valuation and Design Expert System). The following chapters
describe the major steps of the decision making process.
The investigation of the backmixing characteristic of the phases utilizes the results of the
preceding selection level with regard to concentration levels and residence time distribution.
In case two fluid phases exist (e.g. gas-liquid), the backmixing characteristic of the non-reac-
tion phase (gaseous) only depends on the proposed concentration levels of the reactants trans-
ferred from the gas to the liquid phase whereas the backmixing characteristic of the reaction-
phase also depends on the residence time distribution. An example for the determination of
the reaction phase backmixing characteristic is given for the following reaction system:
(1) Ag + B!--~ CI (CI: desired product) r1 - k 1.c A .c a
(2) Ag + Bl-~ D! rE = k2 "CA "Ca
(3) Cl --~ El r3 = k3 "Cc
On account of the reaction orders, the presence of a consecutive reaction and the ratio of the
reaction rates of the side reactions the following heuristic is applied for the reaction phase
(liquid phase):
Rule: The backmixing characteristic of the reaction phase is, total backmixing ', if
1) the concentration level of the reactant supplied by the reaction phase(Bt) has to be
kept ,as low as possible'
2) a narrow residence time distribution is necessary,
3) the reaction rate o f the parallel reaction is faster than the reaction rate o f the
consecutive reaction.
Due to the ratio of the reaction rates of the side reactions the residence time distribution is
not as important as the desired concentration level. As a result, total backmixing' of the reac-
tion phase is proposed.
The investigation of criteria such as e.g. interracial area requires knowledge about mass
transfer limitations between the phases existing. It is sufficient to have knowledge about the
ratio of the intrinsic reaction rate and the mass transport, called ,,kinetic regime":
9 mainly controlled by intrinsic kinetics
9 controlled by kinetics and mass transfer
9 mainly controlled by mass transfer
In order to decide which kinetic regime is present READPERT needs information about
possible conversion changes checked by simple laboratory experiments such as conversion
change by variing the agitator speed of a laboratory reactor for gas-liquid or liquid-liquid
reactions. Concerning gas-catalyst reaction systems the gas velocity and catalyst size are pos-
sible features for the determination of the kinetic regimes.
The interracial area between the phases is an important aspect as it is possible to influence
the conversion and selectivity. For reaction systems with two fluids (gas-liquid, liquid-liquid)
one can affect the concentration level of the transferred components by changing the inter-
facial area [5-8]. The following rule is a simple example for the approach:
Rule: The interracial area for a liquid-liquid system has to be as low as possible with regard to
1) the reaction is controlled by kinetics and mass transfer,
2) the concentration level of the transferred components has to be as low as possible.
In case a heterogeneous catalyst is present (i.e. gas-catalyst, gas-liquid-catalyst) the deter-
mination of the interracial area refers to favorable catalyst sizes and pore structures [2]. Not
only the concentration level is influenced by the catalyst size and pore structure but also the
residence time in the catalyst pores as the heuristic given below shows:
Rule: The catalyst size should be ,as small as possible' and the mean pore size should be a 'wide pore
structure' with regard to the goal selectivity, if
1) the reaction is controlled by kinetics and mass transfer (pore diffusion resistance),
2) parallel reactions and consecutive reactions occur as side reactions,
3) the reaction rate of the consecutive reaction is faster than the rate of the parallel reaction.
The consecutive reaction has more influence than the parallel reaction and therefore the
reduction of the residence time is more important than the consideration of the concentration
levels of the reactants. In addition to the catalyst investigation concerning concentration
levels, the strategy also offers the option to determine the catalyst with respect to heat transfer
from and to the catalyst as this also may have strong effects on conversion and selectivity.
Another criterion dependent on the kinetic regime is the holdup o f the reaction phase. First
it is checked whether explosive or poisonous phases are present and for which the holdup has
to be kept low. For two fluid systems the holdup of the reaction phase should be as high as
possible if the reaction is ,kinetically' or ,kinetically and mass transfer' controlled. In this
case the reaction takes place in the bulk of the phase. If only mass transfer limitation occurs
the holdup is not a decisive aspect, the interfacial area is much more important. Proposals for
the catalyst holdup are made on the consideration of the proposed catalyst size and the kinetic
regime as both give hints how much reaction zone is available.
Within this selection level also hints are given for counter- or co-current phase contacting
of two fluid phase systems. First of all it is revised whether a runaway of the reactor is pos-
sible (---~ no co-current operation) or if some reactants have to be supplied in excess (---~ phase
contacting is without influence). In a second step the structure of the reaction system is
regarded. If conversion is the goal for reactor selection a counter-current phase contacting is
obviously preferable, especially for equilibrium and inhibited reactions. For the goal selec-
tivity sensitivity studies have been carried out. The results show that the phase contacting
does not have significant effect on the selectivity for parallel reactions whereas in the
presence of consecutive reactions a counter-current operation improves selectivity.
This third step of the strategy provides recommendations for significant operating
conditions of the reactor which are listed in figure 2. The figure shows that many of these
operating conditions are coupled and cannot be analyzed separately. Dependent on the
complexity of the reaction system it is possible that some of these criteria may have already
been derived in the two preceding selection levels before which indicates that the strategy has
to consider the dependencies between the criteria. This clarifies that the strategy is not a
simple straight forward procedure of determining selection criteria. The proposals for the
different operating conditions such as e.g. component removal or ratio of reactants are based
on the investigation of the structure of the given reaction system. A product removal for
example is recommended if consecutive reactions occur. A removal of side products may be
advantageous in case the side products react with one reactant or product. The heuristics
applied in this strategy level are meant to give hints and to generate ideas. The question if it is
possible to transfer the recommendations to technical practice is not the aim here.
Technical reactor
9 checked criteria: deposit forming, stable emulsion, backmixing characteristic,
interracial area, kinetic regime, contacting, volume flow ratio
9 favorable: Rotating Disc Contactor, Kuehni or Scheibel extraction column
9 heat transfer: adiabatic operation not possible, employment of external heat exchangers
The presented selection procedure has been implemented in the heuristic-numeric con-
sulting system READPERT which is part of PROSYN | a tool for computer-aided process
synthesis. The application of READPERT in numerous industrial process synthesis projects
proofed that READPERT is a useful tool for improving the process structure and the reactor
performance in special.
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