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President's Desk..... : Sustainable Open Cast Mining in Small Mines

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March 1, 2018

Future Material Handling Prospects – Innovation, Trends and Strategies Proceedings of IEI Diary
Opportunities and Challenges of Indian Aerospace Sector – Ninety-eighth Annual General Meeting
Present and Future of The Institution of Engineers (India)

2 3 6 9
Volume 67 Number 12

Twenty-ninth National Convention of Mining Engineers, Salem

From the
Sustainable Open Cast Mining in President’s Desk.....
Small Mines
Salem Local Centre of the Institution in association with the Department of Geology, Periyar We are now in the middle
University, Salem and Geo Exploration and Mining Solutions (GEMS), Salem organized the of a globalised economy
Twenty-ninth National Convention of Mining Engineers and National Seminar on the theme where pace of development
‘Sustainable Open Cast Mining in Small Mines’ during February 22-23, 2018 at Salem. The and technological inputs are
Chief Guest, Prof P Kolandaivel, Vice Chancellor, Periyar University, Salem, in his inaugural constantly changing resulting in
address, spoke about the evolution of science from philosophy. He also spoke about the rapid obsolescence of knowledge
geological science and its significance in mining. He expressed hope that the Seminar and skill due to newer state-
will address issues related to mine safety and environment. The Guest-of-Honour, Mr B P of-the-art technologies. In the
era of competitiveness and consumerism, trained
technical manpower is needed to cater to industries, R&D
organisations and academic institutions. In order to bridge
the gap between the requirement and availability of highly
specialised and trained manpower in emerging areas of
technology, engineers require to update their knowledge
and competence at regular intervals. Thus, continuous
skill development is not optional any more but a dire

The Institution of Engineers (India) has State and Local

Centres spread all over the country, who are regularly
organizing technical activities to facilitate skill development
and knowledge updations on various emerging areas
Singh, Director of Mines Safety, DGMS, Chennai Region, explained the plight of the small of cutting edge technologies. In addition to Seminars,
mines, majority of which were closed, as they were unable to comply with the environmental Workshops and Conventions, the Centres also observe
norms set by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). He further statutory days like Engineers’ Day, World Water Day, World
mentioned that in most of these small mines, mining was carried out under extremely Telecommunication and Information Society Day, World
hazardous conditions and mine owners were unaware of the safety regulations in place. Environment Day, World Habitat Day, World Standards Day
Mr Singh concluded with the view that we must not forget that a safe mine is a productive and Energy Conservation Day on contemporary global
mine. Mr D V Pichamuthu, Chairman, Mining Engineering Division Board (MNDB), IEI, while themes. Participation in these technical activities not only
presiding over the inaugural session, appreciated the effort of the Host Centre for organizing enhances knowledge levels but also provides a platform to
this Convention in the right spirit. Mr Pichamuthu explained that on one hand, the small
interact with fellow engineers and other stakeholders and
mines don’t have enough resources but they need to obey the environmental norms and
safety practices in order to avoid closure. He further exhorted the mining to come up with share their experience for mutual benefit.
innovative and sustainable mining practices for small mines to thrive and flourish. Dignitaries,
namely, Dr G Ranganath, Chairman, Tamilnadu State Centre, IEI; Mr P Selvakumar, Member, We are going to organize seminars / workshops on some
MNDB, IEI & Director, Planning and Projects, NLC India Limited; Mr E Thirunavukkarasu, very important issues like ‘Earthquake Resistant Analysis
Joint Director, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Dr Ifthikar Ahmed, and Design of Structures’ at Bhubaneswar during May
Managing Partner, GEMS, Salem, also expressed their views. The prestigious ‘Prof S K Bose 19-20, 2018, ‘Opportunity and Challenges in Opinion
Memorial Lecture’ was delivered by Dr A Perumal, Principal Adviser, (on World Bank Project), Mining’ at Kanchepuram on April 02, 2018, ‘Challenges
Centre for Environment and Development (CED), Hyderabad on the topic ‘Geo-spatial
Contd. on page 3 Contd. on page 11

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg March 1, 2018

International Conference held at Ranchi
He also spoke about various aspects of material handling equipment in
Future Material Handling manufacturing sector with focus on state-of-the-art material handling
system. Mr P K Sarangi, Director (Technical), MECON Limited, Ranchi,
Prospects – graced the occasion as the Guest-of-Honour. In his address, Mr Sarangi
highlighted the significance of bulk material handling in different industries
Opportunities and Challenges and further emphasized to meet the challenges in material handling
maintaining environmental norms. He enumerated that rapid expansion of
Jharkhand State Centre of the Institution in association with RICE LAKE, industries result more efficient handling, storage, reclamation of materials,
USA and NHI, China and supported by MECON Limited, Ranchi organized starting from raw materials to finished goods. He further emphasized
an International Conference on ‘Future Material Handling Prospects – on automation in different material handling function with the objective
Opportunities and Challenges’ under the aegis of Mechanical Engineering to achieve more accuracy and operational efficiency. Mr Sarangi also
Division, IEI during January 27-28, 2018 at Ranchi. Mr Atul Bhatt, Chairman highlighted the significance of logistic chains and optimum logistic support
& Managing Director, MECON Limited, Ranchi, graced the occasion as the for port operations. The Keynote Speaker, Mr G Guru Ganesh, Director, India
Chief Guest. Mr Bhatt, during his address, mentioned that material handling Operations, Rice Lake Weighing Systems, USA, in his address, explained
is associated with time, space and manpower factors, which leads to different aspects of industrial growth and productivity and their impact
improvement of productive efficiency and overall development. He stated on standard of living. He mentioned that productivity growth depends on
that major productivity parameters are associated with cost-effective development of human capital, infrastructure, R&D and innovation with
material handling. Mr Bhatt emphasized on handling of particular categories the objective to reduce time, space, manpower and money, which can be
of materials where cost of delivery is more than cost of manufacturing. achieved through efficient material handling technologies with improved
engineering solutions. Earlier, Mr Sanjay Sen, Chairman of the Centre, while
welcoming the august gathering, emphasized on decreasing pollution level
by reducing junction boxes and moisture control of conveying material as
increased moisture content consumes more energy. He also mentioned the
significance of vertical piling instead of horizontal piling to reduce the base
area. The inaugural session concluded with the vote of thanks proposed
by Mr M R Kumar, Honorary Secretary of the Centre. On this occasion, a
Souvenir containing the abstract of papers was brought out and released by
the dignitaries. A Technical Exhibition was also organized where a number
of reputed companies exhibited their products in material handling and
associated areas which evoked keen interest amongst the participants.
Significant numbers of papers embracing the theme of the Conference were
Contd. on page 3

Transit Oriented Development

in Urban Areas
Telangana State Centre of the Institution organized a two-day All India
Seminar on the theme ‘Transit Oriented Development in Urban Areas’ under
the aegis of Civil Engineering Division, IEI during January 19-20, 2018
at Hyderabad. The Chief Guest, Mr Somarapu Satyanarayana, Chairman,
Telangana State Road Corporation and Member of Legislative Assembly,
inaugurated the Seminar. Mr Satyanarayana, in his inaugural address,
suggested that a separate bus lane should be allocated exclusively for gave introduction on the concept of Urban Transport Planning and ideas
public transport and for smooth traffic flow. He urged that the usage of on concept of TOD and technologies of transportation engineering. Dr S
town vehicles should be reduced and suggested to use public transport Satyanarayana, Chairman of the Centre, presided over the function. Earlier,
and to control traffic congestions. He felt that attitude of the people and Mr G Rameshwara Rao, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, welcomed the
Government should also be changed in this respect. The Chief Guest august gathering. Dr G Shravan Kumar, Joint Honorary Secretary of the
also highlighted the current transportation facilities and future project Centre proposed the vote of thanks. A Panel Discussion, chaired by Dr
implementations for Hyderabad City. Dr B Janardhan Reddy, Commissioner, S Nagabhushana Rao, was also conducted where eminent experts from
Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad graced the function academia and industry discussed various technical issues embracing the
as the Guest-of-Honour. Dr Reddy, in his address, stressed the need to keep theme of the Seminar. A large number of papers on various sub-themes were
the city clean and maintain good hygiene. He mentioned that the action presented and discussed during the technical sessions. Dr S Nagabhushana
plans adopted by Greater Hyderabad Municipal will bring such awareness Rao in his lecture on ‘The Future Trend in Urban Development’, explained
among the common people. Dr Reddy called for change in citizen’s attitude about alternative modes of transportation that are indirectly affecting the
and suggested that people should make it a habit to travel either by buses, land use pattern and urban development of the city. Dr T S Reddy, Senior
MMTS or Metro Rail. He also advised to reduce the usage of own vehicles. Consultant, LEA Associates South Asia Pvt Ltd, highlighted the concept of
Mr P Ravi Shankar, General Manager, L&T Metro Rail (Hyderabad) Limited, TOD. Dr Sundarsanam Padam, Advisor & Former Dean of Studies, ASCI,
Hyderabad, threw lights on salient features of Metro Rail Project Hyderabad presented paper on ‘Urban Transit’s First Mile Reflections on TOD of Urban
and Transit Oriented Development (TOD) projects undertaken by L&T Areas’. Others speakers discussed various aspects embracing the theme
Hyderabad. Dr S Nagabhushana Rao, Co-Chairman, Organizing Committee, of the Seminar, such as, TOD, traffic congestion, traffic impact study, etc.

02 Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Thirty-first National Convention of Aerospace Engineers, Chennai
Innovation, Trends and engineering. The prestigious ‘Dr
Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture’
Strategies of Indian Aerospace was delivered by Mr P Kunhikrishnan,
Director, Satish Dhawan Space Centre
Sector – Present and Future SHAR, Sriharikota Range, Nellore,
Andhra Pradesh, on the topic ‘Indian
Tamilnadu State Centre of the Institution in association with Sathyabama Space Programme: Past, Present
Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai organized the Thirty-first and Future’. During his address,
National Convention of Aerospace Engineers and National Seminar on Mr Kunhikrishnan explained the
the theme ‘Innovation, Trends and Strategies of Indian Aerospace Sector phenomenal growth of Indian Space
– Present and Future’ during February 09-10, 2018 at Chennai. The Programme, objectives of Indian
Chief Guest Dr A Shunmugam, Deputy Director General, DGCA (SR), in Space Mission, application of launch
his inaugural address, highlighted the challenges being faced by Indian vehicles, evolution of launching pads and so on. He also spoke about the
Aerospace Industry in terms of manpower, aircraft R&D, demand supply significance of remote sensing technology and its application in climatology,
management and so on. He further emphasized on the applications disaster management etc. Earlier, Dr G Ranganath, Chairman, Tamilnadu
of universal compliance of standards and recommended practices for State Centre, welcomed the august gathering. Mr R Ramdoss, Honorary
aircraft manufacturing, operations and maintenance. Dr Shunmugam felt Secretary of the Centre, proposed the vote of thanks. The State-of-the-Art
that national laboratories should undertake more research work in the Lecture was delivered by Dr M K Padmanabhan on the topic ‘Unmanned Ariel
field of civil aviation. Dr M K Padmanabhan, Director, Virginia Tech India Vehicle: Trends, Technologies and Applications’. The first Keynote Address
Centre for Research and Education, Chennai, graced the occasion as was delivered by Mr M S Jayachandran on the theme ‘Recent Advances in
the Guest-of-Honour. In his address, Dr Padmanabhan, highlighted the the Aerospace Fields’. Mr Jayachandran highlighted the objectives, mission
future challenges of Indian Space Research and stressed on quality and of Indian Space Programme, gradual development of Indian Space Research
reliability of Indian Aerospace Industry. He further explained the prospect of starting from ancient sounding rockets to the recent SLV, ASLV, PSLV and
aerospace industry as one of the most important areas for investment and GSLV. Mr Anil B Gharad delivered the second Keynote Address on the topic
entrepreneurship. On this occasion, four eminent engineering personalities, ‘Recent Trends in Aerospace Field’. He discussed various aspects of foreign
technology transfer in Indian aerospace industry. The ‘IEI Young Engineers
Award’ for the year 2017-18 in the field of Aerospace Engineering was
presented to Mr Aldin Justin Sundararaj, Assistant Professor, Department
of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore; Dr P Mahendera
Prabhu, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Kurinji College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy and Mr Mahesh
Datta Dhone, Research and Development Engineer, Chair of Modeling
and Simulation, University of Rostock, Germany. During the Valedictory
Session, Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee, President, IEI, graced the occasion
as the Chief Guest. In his address, Mr Banerjee mentioned that over the
past few years, Indian Aerospace Industry has witnessed an impressive
growth with major contribution from civil aviation segment, which is further
namely, Dr M K Padmanabhan, Director, Virginia Tech India Centre for strengthened through government and private sector participation. ‘The
Advanced Research & Education, Chennai; Dr P Theerthamalai, Scientist clarion call of our Prime Minister on “Swachh Bharat”, “Make-in-India”,
G, Defence Research and Development Laboratory, Government of India, “Smart Cities”, “Digital India”, “Bharatmala Project”, “Sagarmala Project”
Hyderabad (in absentia); Mr M S Jayachandran. Scientist G and Group and other programmes, provide us the much needed opportunity to develop
Director, DTGG/IISU, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Indian Space Research indigenous environment-friendly technology and engineering practices’,
Organisation, Thiruvananthapuram; and Mr Anil B Gharad, General Manager, added Mr Banerjee. During this two-day activity, papers on various sub-
Aircraft Manufacturing Division, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Nashik, themes of the National Seminar were presented and discussed during
were felicitated for their valuable contributions in the field of aerospace technical sessions.

Future Material Handling Prospects – Sustainable Open Cast

Opportunities and Challenges Mining in Small Mines
Contd. from page 2

presented and discussed during the technical sessions. The Conference Contd. from page 1
deliberated on number of future prospects of material handling industry
Technologies for Sustainable Mining’. Earlier, Mr K Pandian, Chairman of
and highlighted various challenges and opportunities for the industry.
the Centre, welcomed the august gathering and Prof S Venkateswaran,
The International Conference was concluded with panel discussion and a
valedictory session. During valedictory session, Mr Goutam Chakraborty, Co-Convener, Organizing Committee elaborated the theme of the National
Executive Director, MECON Limited, Ranchi was the Chief Guest. A large Seminar. Mr S R Saravanan, Honorary Secretary of the Centre, proposed the
number of delegates from various parts of the country including MNCs, vote of thanks. Significant numbers of papers/invited lectures, embracing
namely, F Harley and Co, USA; F L Smith, Denmark; Hein Lehman India the theme of the National Seminar, were presented and discussed during
Pvt Ltd, Germany; Kone Cranes Pvt Ltd, Norway; Schenck Process the technical sessions. These include presentation on monitoring of ground
Group, Germany; Tega Industries, USA; Thyssenkrupp Industries Pvt Ltd, water quality in and around the mining belt to assess its possible impact on
Germany; Volth Turbo Pvt Ltd, Germany; DOCON, Russia, etc, attended the the surrounding localities and determining its suitability for use in domestic
Conference. and irrigation purposes and geological aspects involved in the mining.

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Recent Development in Mechanical Engineering:
Computational Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and
Energy Systems
Kerala State Centre of the Institution in association with Sree Chitra Keynote Address, called upon the students to develop scientific talent and to
Thirunal College of Engineering (SCTCE), Thiruvananthapuram, organized a keep abreast with the modern developments. Dr Nair further stated that only
two-day All India Seminar on the topic ‘Recent Development in Mechanical software developments are profiteering in India and hardware development
Engineering: Computational Heat Transfer, Fluid Flow and Energy Systems’ is lagging due to lack of allotment of sufficient fund by the government.
under the aegis of Mechanical Engineering Division, IEI during January 19- According to him, large capacity plants can be developed and modernized
20, 2018 at Thiruvananthapuram. Dr M C Dathan, Former Director, VSSC using latest CFD techniques. He gave more thrust to R&D activities in India.
The inaugural session was presided over by Mr N Rajkumar, Chairman of
the Centre. In his address, Mr Rajkumar pointed out that taking membership
of IEI is essential for engineers’ professional growth. He also highlighted
various technical activities of IEI in detail. Earlier, Prof (Dr) S H Anilkumar,
Principal, SCTCE, welcomed the august gathering and Dr R Ajith, Head,
Mechanical Engineering Department, SCTCE, elaborated the theme of the
Seminar. The inaugural session was concluded with the vote of thanks
proposed by Mr Udaya Kumar K S, Honorary Secretary of the Centre.
A large number of papers embracing the theme of the Seminar were
presented and discussed during technical sessions. Prof M Jose Prakash,
Head, Mechanical Engineering Department, TKM College of Engineering,
Kollam, delivered invited talk on the topic ‘Potential of Nanotechnology on
Energy Savings in Refrigeration Systems’. He highlighted the importance
and Scientific Advisor to Chief Minister of Kerala graced the occasion of machines, robotics and sensors in the field of nanotechnology. He
as the Chief Guest. Dr Duthan, in his augural address, dwelt in depth on also mentioned that nanotechnology is widely used in fabrics, medicine,
the development in Mechanical Engineering and use of space science in electronics and energy systems. Dr Ashraf, Group Director, LPSC, ISRO,
particular. He highlighted the importance of skill development among the Thiruvananthapuram, in his invited lecture on ’Structural Technologies for
engineering students and stressed on three factors, viz. communication Launch Vehicles’, spoke about ISRO launch vehicles including development
and social intelligence, commitment to the society and societal attachment. of heavy lift vehicle, reusable launch vehicle, liquid propulsion system,
He also spoke about energy systems, like solar energy, wind energy, tidal cryogenic and semi cryogenic propulsion and electric propulsion. He
energy and non-conventional energy. Dr Dathan informed that Aditya also explained about indigenously developed cryogenic stage and its
Mission is doing complex mission study more about the sun and its solar structural analysis. A panel discussion was held by a team comprising of
flame. ‘ISRO have made soft computing in Mangalyaan Mission (Artificial Mr S Radhakrishnnan, Dr S B Tiwari scientist/Engineers VSSC, TVM, Dr
Intelligence) and total software has been developed by our own engineers’, Sarat Chandra Das, Dean (PG Students) SCTCE, Dr Ajith M, SCTCE and
he added. He finally advised the students to utilize the facilities offered by Dr Ramesh Kumar, SCTCE. The panelists clarified the points raised by the
IEI for improving technical knowledge and for carrying out the project work. audience including students, guest faculty, SCTCE faculties and Corporate
Dr M P Sukumaran Nair, Chairman, RIAB and Council Member, IEI, in his Members of IEI.

IEI - Springer Journal

SCOPUS Indexed

SCOPUS Indexed

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March 1, 2018
V Balasubramani, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Thiagarajar
Mechanics, Design and Testing College of Engineering, Madurai, delivered lecture on ‘Overviews Smart Grid
Stand Design of Composite Materials’. He said that composite materials
of Composite Materials are engineered materials made from two or more constituent materials with
significantly different physical or chemical properties which remain separate

Madurai Local Centre of the Institution organized a two-day All India Seminar
on the theme ‘Mechanics, Design and Testing of Composite Materials’
under the aegis of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Division, IEI,
during January 4-5, 2018 at Madurai. Prof (Dr) P Udhayakumar, Head,
Mechanical Engineering Department, KLN College of Engineering (KLNCE),
Madurai, delivered the welcome address and elaborated the theme of the
Seminar. Mr K Vijaya Kumar, Chairman of the Centre, delivered the inaugural
address and presided over the function. Dr A Ramprasadh, Principal,
KLNCE; Mrs A Hemalatha, Associate Professor, KLNCE; and Mr J Samuel,
Honorary Secretary of the Centre were also present on the occasion. Mrs
A Hemalatha, Associate Professor, KLNCE proposed the vote of thanks at
the end of the inaugural session. A large number of papers on various sub-
themes were presented and discussed during technical sessions. Prof (Dr)
P Udhayakumar, Head, Mechanical Engineering, KLNCE, delivering lecture and distinct at the macro-scope or microscope scale within the finished
on ‘Classification and Characteristics of Composite Materials’, stated that structure. He spoke about various types of composite materials, composite
composites are artificially produced multiphase materials and these are strength and use of composites. Dr Balasubramani also delivered lecture
the designed materials with properties better than those of conventional on ‘Testing of Composite Materials’ and mentioned that tests are done
materials (metals, ceramics, or polymers). He also explained the history of to determine material properties, such as, modulus and strength for use
composite materials, various phases and its characteristics with its benefits. in design and analysis. He stated that tests are helpful in determining the
Speaking on the topic ‘Mechanical Behaviour of Composite Materials’, Dr quality or acceptability of specific components during manufacturing. Ms A
B Stalin, Assistant Professor & Head I/C, Mechanical Engineering, Anna Hemalatha, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, KLNCE, delivered
University Regional Campus, Madurai, explained the nature of origin, lecture on ‘Application of Composite Materials’. She stated that composite
reinforcement, size of reinforcement and its matrix and also spoke about materials have durability, toughness, high strength, low weight, design
the terminologies/classifications and importance of composites. He said flexibility, impact resistance, corrosion resistance etc. She highlighted
that composites can be very strong and stiff but very light in weight, so various applications of composite materials in various fields, such as,
that, the ratio of strength to weight and stiffness to weight is several times marine, automobile industries, wind mill, green building and pollution
greater than steel or aluminium; in addition they have high creep resistance. control, biomedical industries, roads and structures, space and aerospace
Dr Stalin also delivered lecture on ‘Manufacture of Composite Materials’. Dr engineering, etc.

The Institution of Engineers (India) l Digital Control Systems: Design, Identification and Implementation;
Ioan D. Landau, Gianluca Zito

l CAD/CAM/CIM; P. Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanyam, V. Raju New Age

Sir R N Mookerjee Engineering Information Service Centre International (P) Ltd.
IEI Headquarters, Kolkata l Engineering Drawing (Geometrical Drawing); P. S. Gill S. K. Kataria & Sons
l Environmental Science (8th Ed.); Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

New Arrival of Books l Fine Tuning of Road and Building Projects: An Outcome of Practice;
Nandanandan Das
I. K. International
Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd.
Title and Author Publisher l Water Supply Engineering (29th Rev. Ed.); Santosh Kumar Garg Khanna Publishers
l Earthquake Resistant Design of Building Structures; Vinod Hosur Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. l Electrical Engineering Drawing (2nd Ed.); S. K. Bhattacharya New Age
l Guide to Wireless Network Security; John R. Vacca Springer International (P) Ltd.
l Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures; N. Subramanian Oxford University Press l Electronic Devices and Circuits (5th Rev. Ed.); J. B. Gupta S. K. Kataria & Sons
l Mechanical Design: A Practical Insight; M. A. Parameswaran New Age l Computer Aided Simulations; Lanka Udawatta,Buddhika Jayasekara Narosa Publishing
International (P) Ltd. House
l Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. l Solid State Physics (7th Ed.); S. O. Pillai New Age
and Controlling; Harold Kerzner International (P) Ltd.
l Solid State Physics: Introduction to the Theory; Springer l Earthquake Resistant Design and Risk Reduction (2nd Ed.); Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
James D. Patterson, Bernard C. Bailey David Dowrick
l Fundamentals of Reinforced Cement Concrete Designs; CBS Publishers & l Mechanisms in Advanced Organic Chemistry; R. P. Narain New Age International (P) Ltd.
P. S. Gahlot, Deep Gehlot Distributors Pvt. Ltd.
l Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (4th Ed.); Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
l Manufacturing Processes and Systems; Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
Michael N. Demers
Phillip F. Ostwald, Jairo Munoz
l Construction Technology (2nd Ed.); Tony Bryan Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
l PRO/ENGINEER PTC Creo Parametric 3.0 for Engineers and Dreamtech Press
l Research Methodologies: Methods and Techniques (3rd Ed.); New Age
Designers (3rd Ed.); Sham Tickoo
C. R. Kothari, Gaurav Garg International (P) Ltd.
l NX 10.0 for Engineers and Designers (9th Ed.); Sham Tickoo Dreamtech Press
l Building Materials (4th Ed.); S. K. Duggal New Age
l SOLIDWORKS 2016 for Engineers and Designers (14th Ed.); Dreamtech Press
Sham Tickoo International (P) Ltd.
l CATIA V5-6R2015 for Engineers and Designers (13th Ed.); Sham Tickoo Dreamtech Press l Electrical Properties of Materials (9th Ed.); L. Solymar, Oxford University
l Linear Systems; Panos J. Antsaklis, Anthony N. Michel Birkhauser
D. Walsh, R. R. A. Syms Press

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Ninety-eighth Annual General
Meeting of The Institution of
Engineers (India)
Proceedings It was Resolved that the Annual Report of the Council for the year 2016-
2017 be received.
The 98th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of The Institution of Engineers
(India) was held at 1430 hrs on 23 Dec 2017 at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, 1 (b) Audited Accounts
GST Road, St Thomas Mount, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600016. President then invited comments on the Audited Accounts of The Institution
Attended by 156 Corporate Members, the meeting was chaired by Mr of Engineers (India) for the year ended 31 Mar 2017.
Navinchandra B Vasoya, FIE, President of IEI. The President welcomed the Dr S Bhaumik, FIE then proposed that the Audited Accounts of The Institution
Past Presidents, President-elect and Corporate members of IEI present at of Engineers (India) for the year ended 31 Mar 2017 be received. Mr A
the meeting. Mukherjee, FIE seconded the proposal.
The President announced that Jharkhand State Centre and Hosur Local It was thereafter Resolved that the Audited Accounts of The Institution of
Centre of The Institution of Engineers (India) had been adjudged the Engineers (India) for the year ended 31 Mar 2017 be received.
best State Centre and best Local Centre respectively for their all-round
performance during the year 2016-2017. President presented the trophies ITEM 3 To Receive the Report of the Council on Election of the
of the best State and Local Centre Awards, Certificates and cheques of President and Composition of the Council for the Session 2017-2018
Rs.50,000/- each to the Chairmen of the Centres.
The President announced that the Council had duly elected Mr Sisir
The President, before taking up the Agenda items, informed that during Kumar Banerjee, FIE as President of The Institution of Engineers (India)
his tenure of office of the President, IEI, the Council took many important for the Session 2017-2018. The members welcomed the announcement.
decisions for the best interest of the Institution. He thanked the Past Thereupon, Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee took over charge from Mr Navinchandra
Presidents, Council Members and Corporate Members of the IEI for B Vasoya and presided over the meeting.
extending their wholehearted support on all his activities during his
Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee, President presented the Scroll of Honour to Mr
tenure. He requested the Council Members and the Corporate Members
Navinchandra B Vasoya, Immediate Past President.
for extending their wholehearted support to Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee, the
incoming President, in all his endeavours. Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee thanked the Council and the members present for
electing him as the President of The Institution of Engineers (India) and
Thereafter, on being invited by the President, the Secretary and Director
sought their help and guidance for further development of the Institution. He
General read out the Notice of the meeting published in November 2017
then delivered his Presidential Address.
issue of IEI News.
In his address, the President expressed that he was grateful to the Council
ITEM 1 Confirmation of Minutes of the 97th Annual General Meeting
for having bestowed upon him the opportunity for serving the Institution
held on 18 Dec 2016 at Kolkata
in this prestigious position. It would be his endeavour to keep up the high
The Minutes of the 97th Annual General Meeting held on 18 Dec 2016 at standards set by his eminent and illustrious predecessors.
Kolkata were circulated to all Corporate Members through Mar 2017 issue
He underscored the necessity of all round agricultural development with
[Vol. 66, No.12, Page 5-7] of IEI News. The same was recirculated in the
the application of innovations in the domain of Science & Technology and
Nov 2017 issue [Vol.67, No.8, Pages 11-13] of IEI News along with the
stressed that the development of ground water and surface water resources
Notice of the 98th Annual General Meeting. President invited comments
be looked upon as complementary activities to establish planned irrigation
on the Minutes from the members present. Dr G Ranganath, FIE proposed
facilities ensuring intensive cultivation programme for meeting effectively
that the Minutes of the 97th Annual General Meeting of The Institution of
the goal of making India self sufficient in the production of food grain for the
Engineers (India) held on 18 Dec 2016 at Kolkata be confirmed. Mr Suneel
entire population of the country. He considered it to be the biggest challenge
Grover, FIE seconded the proposal.
before the engineers to ensure best development with least carbon footprint
It was Resolved that the Minutes of the 97th Annual General Meeting of The on the environment, creating environment-friendly, ecologically appropriate,
Institution of Engineers (India) held on 18 Dec 2016 at Kolkata be confirmed. energy saving developmental options - sustainable for the present as well
as the emerging generations down the line.
ITEM 2 To receive the Annual Report of the Council and the Audited
Accounts of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year ended 31 He highlighted the necessity of Skill Development enterprise in both
March 2017 public and private sectors, and mentioned of the recent planning and
implementation by Government of India of large scale infrastructure to help
(a) Annual Report people to be trained in different spheres of technical jobs and applications,
President invited comments from the members present on the Annual so as to fulfil the requirement of technically skilled manpower and to reduce
Report of the Council for the year 2016-2017 as circulated. the colossal scale of unemployment in the country. He marked it as an
opportunity for IEI to consolidate on its historical legacy and build further to
Mr Kashmir Lal Mallik, FIE then proposed that the Annual Report of the contribute significantly to the cause of rapid economic development of the
Council for the year 2016-2017 be received. Dr G S Mundada, FIE seconded Country through use of latest technologies and skilled manpower.
the proposal.

06 Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
He assured of his constant focus on the members from all disciplines of Agricultural (1) :: Mr D V Nagabhushan
engineering science and the technical student community in particular who
are the strength and source of inspiration. Regular communication with Architectural (1) :: Mr H K Mittal
them, organizing more technical activities to ensure their participation and Chemical (2) :: Mr Navinchandra B Vasoya
providing them additional benefits aimed at enhancing their professional
knowledge would always be his constant effort. Dr M P Sukumaran Nair

On being requested by Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee, President, the Secretary Civil (5) :: Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee
and Director General reported the following composition of the Council for
the Session 2017-2018: Mr Parminder Singh Bhogal

Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee, President Mr H O Thakare

(1) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(ii) Mr O P Saxena

The following, by virtue of their being the two Immediate Past Presidents, Mr Narendra Singh
shall become Members of the Council for the Session 2017-2018 : Computer (2) :: Mr B S Patel
Mr Navinchandra B Vasoya and
Mr K Rajanikanth
Mr H C S Berry
Electrical (4) :: Prof Himansu Bikas Goswami
(2) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(iii)
Mr Mahendra Ratanlal Kothari
The following Corporate Member has been declared elected to the Council
Mr P Rajamani
from the respective State Centre seat for the Sessions 2017-2018 to 2020-
2021 and shall be Member of the Council for the Session 2017-2018: Mr R R Tanwar
Kerala :: Mr V Vijayachandran Nair Electronics & :: Dr T S Kamal
The Corporate Members elected to the Council from the following State Telecommunication (4) Dr (Ms) Gunnu Padmavathi
Centres shall continue as Members of the Council for the Session 2017-
2018 : Mr B Brahma Reddy
Elected for the Sessions 2016-2017 to 2019-2020: Mr S C Rudra
Andhra Pradesh :: Dr K Brahma Raju Environmental (1) :: Dr M Velan
Delhi :: Mr Pradeep Chaturvedi Marine (1) :: Dr K Gopalakrishnan
Gujarat :: Mr Sandeep B Vasava Mechanical (5) :: Dr Swapan Bhaumik
Karnataka :: Dr M Chowde Gowda Dr Wooday P Krishna
Maharashtra :: Mr M B Dagaonkar Mr Enti Ranga Reddy
Odisha :: Dr Nutan Kumar Dash
Mr Jagroop Singh
Tamilnadu :: Mr T M Gunaraja
Dr K Venkatasubbaiah
Telangana :: Mr G Sudhakar
Metallurgical & :: Mr Kishore Kumar Mehrotra
Uttar Pradesh :: Mr V B Singh Materials (1)
Elected for the Sessions 2014-2015 to 2017-2018: Mining (1) :: Mr D V Pichamuthu
Bihar :: Dr Arun Kumar Shrivastava
Production (1) :: Dr Deb Kumar Tripathi
Jharkhand :: Mr A K Saxena
Textile (1) :: Dr (Ms) G Thilagavathi
Madhya Pradesh :: Mr P P Agarwal
(4) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(b)(i)
Rajasthan :: Dr S K Calla
By virtue of being elected as Chairmen of the following State Centres for the
Elected for the Sessions 2015-2016 to 2018-2019
Sessions 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 and installed at the Annual General
Haryana :: Mr K C Sethi Meeting of the respective State Centres, the following persons shall become
members of the Council for its Session 2017-2018:
Punjab and Chandigarh :: Mr A S Bakshi
Haryana :: Mr Ajay Mahajan
(3) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(a)(iv)
The following elected members from 15 Divisional seats for the Sessions Himachal Pradesh :: Mr R K Sharma
2016-2017 to 2019-2020 shall become members of the Council for the
Tripura :: Mr Tapan Lodh
Session 2017-2018 :
Aerospace (1) :: Prof R M Vasagam Punjab & Chandigarh :: Mr Janak Raj Garg

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Further, Chairmen of Andhra Pradesh State Centre and Rajasthan State Madurai :: Mr K Vijaya Kumar
Centre for their Sessions 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, Madhya Pradesh
State Centre and Sikkim State Centre for Sessions 2017-2018 and 2018- Mysore :: Mr M Chinnaswamy
2019 shall become members of the Council for the Session 2017-2018 on Nagpur :: Dr Dilip Prabhakar Mase
their taking office at the AG Meeting of the said State Centres.
Neyveli :: Mr P Selvakumar
By virtue of being elected as Chairmen of the following State Centres for the
Sessions 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, following persons shall continue as Pune :: Dr G S Mundada
members of the Council for its Session 2017-2018:
South Gujarat :: Dr P H Tandel
Andaman & Nicobar :: Mr D Sathyamoorthy
Vadodara :: Mr Ashitkumar J Shah
Assam :: Dr Aswini Kumar Baruwa
(6) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(c)
Bihar :: Mr Ashok Kumar Sinha
Following outstanding engineering personalities shall become members of
Chhattisgarh :: Mr Jagdish Prasad Saboo
the Council for its Session 2017-2018 as recommended by the Committee
Delhi :: Mr Devendra Gill of Five Members and approved by the Council:
Goa :: Mr G M N Parrikar a. Mr Suneel Grover, FIE
Gujarat :: Mr Sandeep B Vasava Chief Engineer, H P S E B Ltd
Jammu & Kashmir :: Mohammad Ashraf Fazili Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Jharkhand :: Mr Sanjay Sen
b. Mr M K Jadav, FIE
Karnataka :: Prof (Dr) N Chikkanna
Secretary (Water Resources), Narmada Water Resources
Kerala :: Mr N Rajkumar
Water Supply and Kalpsar Department, Government of Gujarat
Maharashtra :: Mr V S Ghogare
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Manipur :: Mr K Temba Singh
c. Mr A K Mitra, FIE
Meghalaya :: Mr Timothy Dkhar
Chairman, Technical Advisory Committee
Odisha :: Dr P K Parhi
Puducherry :: Prof (Dr) Pajaniradja Alias Kichena K Water Resources Department, Assam Secretariat

Tamilnadu :: Dr G Ranganath Dispur, Guwahati, Assam

Telangana :: Dr Seeram Satyanarayana d. Mr Abhai Sinha, FIE

Uttarakhand :: Mr Ranveer Singh Chauhan Director General, Central PWD
Uttar Pradesh :: Prof (Dr) Bharat Raj Singh Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
West Bengal :: Mr Kashmir Lal Mallik (7) Under provisions of Bye-Laws 12(a) and 12(b)
(5) Under provisions of Bye-Law 4(b)(ii) The Council shall co-opt appropriate corporate members as Council
By virtue of being elected as Chairmen of the following Local Centres for the Members for the Session 2017-18.
Sessions 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, the following persons shall become
(8) Under provisions of Bye-Law 13
members of the Council for its Session 2017-2018 :
Nashik :: Mr Santosh S Mutha By virtue of being co-opted in the Council for the Sessions 2016-2017 and
2017-2018, the following person shall become member of the Council for
Visakhapatnam :: Mr O Ram Mohan Rao its Session 2017-2018:
By virtue of being elected as Chairmen of the following Local Centres for the Mr S J Desai vice Mr Sandeep B Vasava, Chairman, Gujarat State Centre
Sessions 2016-2017 and 2017-2018, the following persons shall continue
as member of the Council for its Session 2017-2018 : ITEM 4 To Appoint Auditors for the year 2017-2018 and to Fix their
Belapur :: Mr Jaswant Navnitlal Mistry
Mr L Venkatesan, FIE proposed that M/s Ray & Ray, Chartered Accountants
Coimbatore :: Dr S Thangavelu
be appointed as Auditors of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year
Durgapur :: Mr Raj Kumar Roy 2017-2018 on a remuneration of Rs.5,00,000 + Taxes as applicable. Mr
Tarun Tapan Lahiri, FIE seconded the proposal.
Ghaziabad :: Dr (Prof) Hari Shankar Sharma
It was Resolved that M/s Ray & Ray, Chartered Accountants, be appointed
Kanchepuram :: Dr R Venkatesan
as Auditors of The Institution of Engineers (India) for the year 2017-2018 at
Kochi :: Mr N Paul George a remuneration of Rs.5,00,000+ Taxes as applicable.

Ludhiana :: Brig Mastinder Singh The meeting then concluded followed by the National Anthem at 1515 hrs.

08 Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Hyderabad, October 03-05, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
Centre, Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Khairatabad,
Hyderabad 500004, Telangana [( : 040-
Aerospace Engineering Division The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Pune Local 233114969; e-mail: telanganasc@ieindia.org;
Centre, Abhiyanta Bhavan, 1332, J M Road, website: www.ieitsc.org]
Thirty-second National Convention of Shivajinagar, Pune 411005, Maharashtra [(:
Aerospace Engineers on “Advances in 020-25533376 / 25520239 / 25530150;
Aerospace Sciences and Technologies” Electronics and Telecom. Engg. Division
e-mail: punelc@ieindia.org]
Ranchi, October 27-28, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State One Day Seminar on “Revolution in
Computer Engineering Division
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, Communication”
Ranchi 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web: Kolkata, April 05, 2018
ieijsc.org; e-mail: jharkhandsc@ieindia.org] One Day Workshop on “Opportunity and
Challenges in Opinion Mining” The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal
Kanchepuram, April 02, 2018 State Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
Civil Engineering Division [(: (033)22238914; Fax: (033) 22233140;
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram
Local Centre, Agni College of Technology – ACT, e-mail: wbsc@ieindia.org]
One Day Seminar on “Smart Vehicle Parking” Old Mahabalipuram Road, Thalambur, Chennai
Udaipur, April 07, 2018 600130 [e-mail: kanchepuramlc@ieindia.org] All India Seminar on “Recent Advances in
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Udaipur Local
Electronics Design”
Centre, 128 Hiran Magri, Sector 11 Near Seva Thirty-third National Convention of Computer Bareilly, April 20-21, 2018
Charitable Hospital Udaipur 313 002 [Telefax: Engineers on “Computer Cognitions and The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local
0294-2583702; e-mail: udaipurlc@ieindia.org; Intelligent Systems”
website: www.ieiudr.org] Centre, 638, Beharipur Civil Lines, Opp City
Ghaziabad, February 15-16, 2019 Railway Station (Old Nav Satyam Press),
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Ghaziabad Bareilly 243001 [email:bareillylc@ieindia.org]
All India Seminar on “Earthquake Resistant Local Centre, 15 Shopping Complex,
Analysis and Design of Structures” ALTT Centre, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad
Bhubaneswar, May 19-20, 2018 201002 [(: 0120-2728699/2702673; e-mail: Environmental Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Odisha ghaziabadlc@ieindia.org]
State Centre, Sachivalaya Marg, Unit IV,
Thirty-fourth National Convention of
Bhubaneswar 751001 [TeleFax: (0674)
Electrical Engineering Division Environmental Engineers on “Environmental
2390630; e-mail: odishasc@ieindia.org]
Pollution and Climate Change”
Workshop on “Disaster Roof Construction and All India Seminar on “Recent Trends in New Delhi, August 10-11, 2018
Other Risk Management Systems” Applied Sciences and Humanities: Its Social The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Delhi State
Ghaziabad, July 15, 2018 Connection and Impact on Environment” Centre, Engineers Bhawan, Bahadur Shah
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Ghaziabad Durgapur, April 05-06, 2018 Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 [(: (011)
Local Centre, 15 Shopping Complex, The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local 23379052/23379948; Fax: (011) 23370489;
ALTT Centre, Rajnagar, Ghaziabad Centre, Nehru Avenue, ‘B’ Zone, Durgapur e-mail: delhisc@ieindia.org]
201002 [(: 0120-2728699/2702673; 713205, [Fax: (0343) 256 4770; e-mail:
e-mail: ghaziabadlc@ieindia.org] durgapurlc@ieindia.org] Mechanical Engineering Division

All India Seminar on “Concrete and Steel All India Seminar on “Smart Grid Technology” Thirty-fourth National Convention of Mechanical
Structures – Care for their Health and Kota, May 05-06, 2018 Engineers on “Mechanical Engineering and
Longevity” The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kota Local Centre Engineering Challenges for Manufacturing”
Bokaro, August 25-26, 2018 Engineers Bhawan, Near BSNL Office, Jhalwar Delhi, September 07-08, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bokaro Steel City Road, Kota 324 005 [(: 0744-2428250; The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Delhi State
Local Centre, Abhiyanta Bhavan, Sector 5A, e-mail: kotalc@ieindia.org] Centre, Engineers Bhawan, Bahadur Shah
Bokaro Steel City 827006 [(: (06542) 267227 Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 [(: (011)
/ 288972; e-mail: bokarolc@ieindia.org] All India Workshop “Challenges of Integrating 23379052/23379948; Fax: (011) 23370489;
Wind & Solar into the Electric Grid using e-mail: delhisc@ieindia.org]
All India Seminar on “Reuse and Recycle of Information Communication”
Wastewater” Tiruvallur, June 08-09, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tiruvallur Local Thirty-fifth National Convention of Mechanical
Erode, August 30-31, 2018
Centre, Dr MGR Educational and Research Engineers, on “Exploring Trends and
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Erode Local Centre,
Institute University, Periyar EVR HIgh Road (NH Developments in Automobile Engineering”
Texvalley Campus, Gangapuram, Erode 638102
4 Highway), Maduravoyal, Chennai 600 095 Hosur, September 13-14, 2019
[e-mail: erodelc@ieindia.org]
[e-mail: tiruvallurlc@ieindia.org] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Hosur
Local Centre, No.69, Kamaraj Nagar,
Thirty-fourth National Convention of Civil
International Conference on “Recent Kumudepall, Near Adhiyamaan College of
Engineers, on “Innovative Trends in Civil
Developments in Clean and Safe Nuclear Engineering, Tamilnadu, Hosur 635109 [e-mail:
Engineering for Sustainable Development”
Power Generation” hosurlc@ieindia.org]
Pune, September 28-29, 2018

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division Dhanbad, May 04-05, 2018 Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641004 [(: (0422)
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Dhanbad Local 2580733; e-mail: coimbatorelc@ieindia.org]
Centre, Veena Engineers’ Building, Golf Ground,
One Day Seminar on “Green Polymer
Dhanbad 826001 [e-mail: dhanbadlc@ieindia.
Composite and Polymer Engineering” Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee
Kolkata, July 25, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal
One Day Seminar on “Quaity Concerns in All India Seminar on “Emerging Technologies in
State Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
[(: (033)22238914; Fax: (033) 22233140; Indian Mineral Industry” – the Changing Steel Processing and Metal Forming”
e-mail: wbsc@ieindia.org] Perspective” Ranchi, April 14-15, 2018
Kolkata, May 09, 2018
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal
International Conference of Metallurgical & Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus,
State Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
Materials Engineering Division on “Synthesis, Ranchi 834002 [(: (0651) 2491344; web:
[(: (033)22238914; Fax: (033) 22233140;
Characterization and Application of ieijsc.org; e-mail: jharkhandsc@ieindia.org]
e-mail: wbsc@ieindia.org]
Nanomaterials [SCAN]”
Kolkata, November 01-03, 2018
Production Engineering Division All India Seminar on “Strategic Innovation &
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal
State Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020 Problem Solving for Engineers & Entrepreneurs”
Thirty-third National Convention of Production
[(: (033)22238914; Fax: (033) 22233140; Thiruvananthapuram, April 21-22, 2018
Engineers on “Advances in Manufacturing and
e-mail: wbsc@ieindia.org] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kerala State Centre,
Systems Engineering”
Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Opposite Kanakaunnu
Bhubaneswar, May 19-20, 2018
Mining Engineering Division Palace, Thiruvananthapuram 695033 [(:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Odisha
(0471) 2322991, 2322993; TeleFax: (0471);
State Centre, Sachivalaya Marg, Unit IV,
One Day Seminar on “Mining Policies – 2322992; e-mail: keralasc@ieindia.org]
Bhubaneswar 751001 [TeleFax: (0674)
2390630; e-mail: odishasc@ieindia.org]
Hyderabad, April 22, 2018
International Conference on “Emerging
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State Textile Engineering Division
Centre, Visvesvaraya Bhavan, Khairatabad, Technologies for Sustainable and Intelligent
Hyderabad 500004, Telangana [Ph. 040- Technologies for HVAC & R Systems”
One Day Seminar on “Technology And Trends
23314969; e-mail : telanganasc@ieindia.org; Kolkata, July 20-21,2018
In Industrial Textiles”
web: www.ieitsc.org] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal
Coimbatore, April 13, 2018
State Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
All India Seminar on “Emerging Mining The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore Local
[(: (033)22238914; Fax: (033) 22233140;
Methods and Machinery” Centre, PSG College of Technology Campus,
e-mail: wbsc@ieindia.org]

(See Rule 8 of The Registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956)
Statement about ownership and other particulars about IEI News of The Institution of Engineers (India) to be published in the
first issue every year after the last day of February
1. Place of Publication 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
2. Periodicity of its Publication Monthly (April to March)
3. Printer’s Name M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd.
Nationality Indian
Address 6A S N Banerjee Road
Kolkata 700 013
4. Publisher’s Name Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Nationality Indian
Address 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
5. Editor’s Name Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Nationality Indian
Address 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020
6. Names and addresses of individuals who own The Institution of Engineers (India)
the newspaper and partners or shareholders 8 Gokhale Road
holding more than one percent of capital Kolkata 700 020
I, Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary and Director General of The Institution of Engineers (India), hereby declare that the particulars given above
are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Dated : March 01, 2018 Signature of Publisher

10 Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018

NEWS-IN-BRIEF l Workshop on ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ on February 17, 2018.

l Workshop on ‘Arduino Uno’ on November 4-5, 2017.
The following is a brief account of Technical Activities l Workshop on ‘Android App Development’ on February 16 and February 20,
organised by various Centres of the Institution 2018.
STATE CENTRES l Abdul Matin Memorial Lecture on January 17, 2018.
Delhi l Lecture Meeting on ‘Green Bridges Replacing STPs’ on February 2, 2018.
l Celebrated ‘Energy Conservation Day’ on December 14, 2017. Nagpur
l Seminar on ‘5G Technologies and Future Scenario’ on December 16, 2017. l Workshop on ‘Understanding IS 13920 and IS 1893 Part I (Revised)’ on
December 9, 2017.
l Fifth R K Vir Memorial Lecture on ‘Creating Visionary Management along with
Professionalism’ delivered by Mr Piyush Goyal, Honorable Minister of Railway & l Workshop on ‘Energy Conservation & Poster Competition’ on the occasion of
Coal, Government of India on January 5, 2018. Energy Conservation Day on December 16, 2017.
Gujarat Rourkela
l Workshop on ‘Communication Skills and Personality Development’ on February l Lecture Meeting on ‘Smart Material: Shape Memory Alloys’ on January 31,
10, 2018. 2018.
Telangana l Lecture on ‘Psychology and Technology’ delivered by Prof. Ramakrishna Biswal,
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT, Rourkela on February 21,
l Seminar on ‘LEDs: Facts and Myths’ on February 27, 2018.
l Seminar on ‘Science and Technology for Sustainable Future’ on February 28,
South Gujarat
l Seminar on ‘Power System Basics for Academician and Practicing Engineers’
on February 27, 2018.
l Seminar on ‘Scientific Issues for the Development of the Nation’ on the occasion
of ‘National Science Day 2018’ on February 28, 2018.
l Lecture Meeting on ‘We Indian Invented Worlds First MPIF Tool’ on January 17,
l Lecture on ‘Effect of Flux Variation on Chemical Composition & Mechanical
l Workshop on ‘Autonomous Robotics’ on February 22, 2018. Properties of SA335P91 Weld’ delivered by Mr S Justin, Deputy Manager,
Pipeshop, BPN on January 30, 2018.
l Organized ‘Training Quiz 2018’ on February 27, 2018.
l Organized Training Programme on ‘Advanced Techniques in Steel Making’ on
l Lecture Meeting on ‘Flexible Electronics Future Systems’ on February 12, 2018. February 10, 2018.
Durgapur l Workshop on ‘Soft Skills – Bridging the Gap between Campus to Corporate’ on
l Seminar on ‘The System of Running and Rectification of Defects of a Turbo February 16, 2018.
Generator in Eastern India’ on January 15, 2018. l Workshop on ‘EOT Crane Operation & Maintenance Aspects’ on February 28,
l Seminar on ‘Integration between Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) 2018.
and Wireless Communications and Networking (WCN) Systems’ on February
17, 2018.
From the
l Celebrated Energy Conservation Day on the topic ‘Save Energy and Reduce the
Energy Consumption by Possible Ways’ on December 14, 2017.
President’s Desk.....
Contd. from page 1
l Lecture on ‘Smart City: International Prospects’ delivered by Maj Gen S C Jain
on January 21, 2018. of Integrating Wind & Solar into the Electric Grid using Information
l Lecture on ‘Material Handling Control System Upgradation : New PLC System Communication’ at Tiruvallur during June 08-09, 2018, ‘Emerging
in STCR in National Fertilizers Limited, Vijaipur’ delivered by Mr Vinay Kumar Technologies for Sustainable and Intelligent Technologies for HVAC &
Shukla , Honorary Secretary of Gwalior Local Centre, IEI on February 9, 2018.
R Systems’ at Kolkata during July 20-21, 2018.
l Lecture on ‘Brief Description of Turbines, Compressors, Motors and Pumps’
delivered by Mr D P S Chauhan on February 24, 2018. I therefore cordially invite fellow engineers to participate in various
l Celebrated ‘National Science Day 2018’ on February 28, 2018. technical activities organized by the Institution all over the country
Jamshedpur which would help in updating skills to remain up to date, to take
advantage of sharing global perspective of current engineering
l Workshop on ‘Data Analytics and Big Data’ on February 17, 2018.
scenario and also for Continuous Professional Development. I also
take this opportunity to request our members to encourage colleagues
l Seminar on ‘Integration and Challenges on Renewable Energy System’ on and friends to join IEI as members to enhance professional growth
February 16, 2018.
through sharing of knowledge and expertise.

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

March 1, 2018
Registration No. 64282/94 with The Registrar of Newspapers for India, New Delhi
Registration No. KOL RMS/177/2016-2018

Interaction with
President, IEI

At Karnataka State Centre of the Institution on February 12, 2018 At Durgapur Local Centre of the Institution on February 17, 2018

Notification for


The Institution of Engineers (India) is a multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers with 15 engineering disciplines and over 8,00,000 members in India and
abroad. The Institution was established in 1920 and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It has been in the forefront of engineering profession addressing the
socio engineering problems for progress of the country. IEI functions among professional engineers, academicians, research workers to update their professional
knowledge through continuous professional development. With its large international linkages and a network of 121 Centres in India and six Overseas Chapters,
the Institution has built up wide reach and large infrastructure to meet its objectives of promoting engineering in all aspects.
With a view to promote the pursuit of excellence in the field of engineering, IEI has instituted ‘IEI Young Engineers Award’. The Award consist of a Plaque and a
Certificate. The purpose of the Award is to recognize outstanding achievements/contributions made by young engineers in engineering research, excellence in
engineering technology development, technology transfer, etc. Any engineer citizen of India not older than 35 years of age as on March 31, 2018 is eligible for the
Award. The IEI Young Engineers Award is presented to awardees for all the 15 Engineering Divisions of the IEI during the respective National Conventions. The
awardees attending the National Convention will be provided with free accommodation & their traveling expenses (AC-3 Tier train fare by shortest route) will be
reimbursed on production of original documents.
The Application Proforma may be downloaded from IEI website (https://www. ieindia.org). Soft copy of the filled-in application proforma should be forwarded to
award@ieindia.org by March 31, 2018. Further, six copies of the duly filled application form, along with all supporting documents, endorsed by appropriate authority
should be sent to the below mentioned address so as to reach us latest by April 10, 2018:
Director (Technical)
The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed at the top as ‘IEI Young Engineers Award 2018-19’ and name of the engineering division under
which the applicant desires to be considered for the Award.

Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Mr Sisir Kumar Banerjee
Printer : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Associate Editor: Mr S Chaudhury
Printed from : M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd.
6A S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700013 Special Contributors: Mr N Sengupta, Mr K Sen,
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen S Bhattacharya, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Dr S Ghosh, Mr T Chakraborty, Ms A Dutta, Mr P
Mukhopadhyay, Mr A Basu, Ms H Roy, Mr S Bagchi
The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the
publication may be made provided reference thereto is quoted.
Telephones: 91-33-2223 8311/14/15/16; Facsimile: 91-33-2223 8345 Web: http://www.ieindia.org; E-mail: iei.technical@gmail.com

March 1, 2018

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